#• hey soul sister | polly
Clementina pt4
A/n: hey guys! This is officially the final part of this series. Please do leave your opinions in the comments, leave a like or re-blog. It’s all appreciated so much xx
Summery: The Shelby family are in for a shock when they find out they have a sister hiding in plain sight.
pt1. pt2. pt3
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Word count: 1,177
Clementina did not say a word to Tommy, his icy blue eyes pierced through the air, making her feel like he could see into her soul. The man did not smile at her, his face blank of emotion.One glance of those blue eyes told Clementina that he had a lifetime of struggles that hadn't been put into words, much like herself.
Eventually, when the doctors allowed Clementina to be discharged, with the help of Polly the young girl get herself dressed into a dress that Tommy had brought her a couple of days prior since the one she had at the orphanage was ruined by the blood and dirt from the years she had worn it and the previous girls that had it before her.
It had been arranged that Clementina would stay with Tommy since he now had enough money to get Clementina proper education, clothes, food and she would be with other young children, charlie and ruby. Polly did not want the young girl to be alone since she had been brought it up a dozen of other children.
On the way home to Tommys house, Clementina did not say a word. The air was brisk, over night it had snowed, not much but enough to leave a thin blanket of white on the ground. Clementina hadn't seen snow in her young life. She had heard of it in books that she had read but had not seen it with her own eyes.
The young girl adjusts herself in the seat beside Tommy, kneeling as she sticks her head out of the window, she wanted to see and smell the coldness on her face. The weather was a sort of cold that would freeze the blood of those who did not take adequate care to be warm at heart and core.
Tommy glances at the young girl, noticing that she was smiling to herself as she looks up to the sky, the clouds were a dark silver and black, they adorn the sky as if they long to kiss the land. Tommy wouldn't be surprised if it started to snow before the end of the day.
“ you'll catch a fever”  he warns, a hint of worry laced in his voice.
Clementina quickly sits back down in her seat, wrapping the blanket ,that Polly gave her for the ride home,around her shoulders it was the most beautiful blanket she had ever seen. It was woven with a wool as soft as what Clementina imagined the clouds would feel like. The blanket is the colour of lilacs. A stark contrast to the black interior of Tommy's car. The blanket brings together all the colours of springtime daydreams, bringing Clementina a welcoming heat hugging her delicate body.
“sorry” the young girl apologises, feeling a warm glow rise up to her cheeks, the young girl barely knows the old man, the only thing she knows is that he is her brother, but she knew she didn't want to make him angry like the nuns, she was scared that he would react the same way.
“why are you apologising, ey?” he smirks slightly, raising an eyebrow “ Shelby's don't apologise” Tommy shared, his tone light making sure Clementina knew he wasn't angry at her.
Clementina looks towards Tommy, not saying anything. For the rest of the car journey Clementina leans her head back on the seat, watching the trees pass.
As soon as Tommy turns the corner into his estate, Clementina sits up and her jaw drops ever so slightly, her eyes widening in disbelief as an involuntary gasp leaves her mouth quietly “woah”
Tommy chuckles ever so slightly, he drives around the fountain that sits in front of the house, Clementina quickly looks towards Tommy “ you live here” she asks amazed, she had never seen a house quite so big for only one family.
“ indeed i do, and you'll be living here as well” Tommy climbs out of his car, walking across the gravel to help Clementina out of the car. She gently grabs his hand, stepping out of the car. The curtain to Tommys office twitches making Clementina look towards the window as Tommy places his hand on her back guiding her into the house.
Clementina eyes sparkled as she looks at the different paintings on the walls, making the corner of Tommys lips to tug upwards as he guides her to his office. The young girl had been told before leaving the hospital that her other brothers, her sister and her son will be at the house waiting to meet her.
When they get to Tommys office, Clementina held Tommys hand as he opens the door, her heart beats faster in her chest, she could hear the blood pumping through her veins. She was anxious. Her hand in Tommy's begins to sweat as she glances between the group of people as she entered the office.
“hello” she whispers, her voice small compared to the others. She waves slightly, staying close to Tommy as he sits at his desk. Everyone begins to introduce themselves, Clementina immediately getting comfortable with Ada.
Tommy watched as Clementinas curious green eyes slide over her surroundings, observing everyone and everything. Could her really give her a better life? Would she be safe with him?. However, Tommy realised that it was a risk he'd have to take not just for himself but for Clementina. As she speaks to everyone one by one, she felt less anxious and more relaxed. Clementina was stood by Polly now, watching as the last man to introduce himself walks over to her.
“i'm Arthur, the funny brother” Clementina looks down at the hand that Arthur outstretched towards her. She crept closer to him, then shakes his hand gently.
“you have a funny looking thing on your face” she states innocently, pointing to his moustache, causing everyone in the room to laugh. Tommy smiles, chuckling as he shakes his head.
“i told you Arthur, you need to get rid of it” Ada joked, tutting.
Arthur scuffs “ alright.alright” he grumbles, walking back over to the seat he was sitting in.
Clementina walks back over to tommy's desk, going to sit on the seat that he had placed there for her when she sees the most beautiful horse in the field. she rushes over to the window and smiles “ you have a horse” she asks, her whole face glowing from happiness.
Tommy stands up and walks over to the window, standing beside Clementina “i have five” he corrects her, taking a puff of his cigarette “ do you like horses?” Tommy questions Clementina, looking down at her, watching as she jumps up and down on her feet slightly as she observes the horse walking around the field.
Clementina nods eagerly and looks up at Tommy “ they are my favourite animal, i had a toy horse but it broke” she explains.
From the corner of the office, Polly chuckles and shakes her head “unbelievable, we have another Thomas Shelby” she smiles.
“ god save us” Polly mumbles.
A/N: well that's the end of the story about Clementina. i hope you enjoyed it. I actually can't believe i have completed my very first fanfic series.
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captaincvans · 2 years
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Title: Not a Burden
Characters: Shelby Brothers x Shelby!Sister; Alfie Solomons
Summary: Y/N Shelby is starting to feel a burden to her family, and wanted to do her part in helping the family- except she decided to work with another gangster to help her with her cause.
Warnings: A rotten dude exposing himself to a minor. Please do not continue/read if that bothers you.
Word Count: 5.8k
Author’s Note: This was way longer than I expected, but I'm glad to be able to post it finally. I hope you enjoy a longer fluffy little sister Shelby fic! Also comments/reblogs feeds a writer's soul!
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Y/N wasn’t usually an eavesdropper, but her family was so loud it didn’t really matter if she was trying to or not. She heard only pieces of what they were talking about, but it was clear on what the problem was. The Shelby family was running short on money. With their reputation, there wasn’t much that they needed to pay for, but maintaining that power requires people to be bought.
“We still need to buy Y/N’s medicine and school supplies,” Polly reminded the boys.
“She’s all better- does she still need medicine?” John asked.
“Yes,” Tommy answered shortly. He wasn’t going to let his younger sister suffer just because they hadn’t managed their money well this month.
“If you boys hadn’t put business before her as usual, she wouldn’t have gotten sick.”
Y/N felt her heart sink as she heard her name being mentioned as one of the reason they were short on the money. A few weeks ago, she caught pneumonia after walking home from school. Usually, one of the brothers would drop her off, but they were called away and she insisted that she would be fine. Tommy left a few Peaky boys around the city to keep an eye on her while having her believe that she was walking home independently. When it started raining, she thought nothing of it as she enjoyed the rain and didn’t find it as an inconvenience. That night as the boys got home, she couldn’t greet them with her usual energy as she felt ill. She skipped dinner and went to bed early, and by the next morning her fever almost overtook her. It was an awful few days, and she had to be hospitalized immediately. Tommy paid to make sure she was getting the best treatment, and as she realized, it must have costed the family a fortune. Her lips started wobbling at the thought that she was the reason her family was struggling, but she soon wiped away the tears, knowing it wouldn’t do anything. She made a promise to do her best to help the family. She started with eating less, skipping a few meals here and there to make sure the food can at least be stretched out without her eating it. Next was her school supplies, she was usually a meticulous scholar, having all her notes organized but she now made it a point to make sure she didn’t need to replace her items as quickly. Her final idea was to use some of her old clothes, and turn them into handkerchiefs to sell on the streets. She was a great seamstress for her age, and knew that this was something she would be able to do easily. With a new found resolve, she took a deep breath and got to work.
Y/N has been selling her handkerchiefs for a couple of days now, not earning as much as she wanted to, but at least it was something. She mostly sold them after school under the guise of playing, and would end up staying up to do her homework. This worked out in her favour as she can skip breakfast the next day for more sleep. She was getting quite tired, but her love for her family overpowered her desire to rest and sleep. It was a cold foggy day in Small Heath and Y/N was standing at a different street to attract new customers. She was trying to get the attention of the people walking by, but to no avail. Finally, she saw a man approach.
“Hi mister! Would you like to buy a handkerchief for a lovely lady in your life?” she asked with a huge smile. As the man got closer, her smile drop as she saw his intoxicated state and leery grin.
“Hey there little girl. It’s not safe for you to be out here all alone.”
“I-I’m not alone,” she lied. “My brothers are just at that shop.” She pointed to somewhere behind her, hoping her lie was believable enough.
“Uh huh.” The man got closer, close enough that she could smell the alcohol off him. “That’s a nice hankerchief you have there. Mind if I grab one-“ He plucked it out of her hand without hearing her answer, and stuffed it down his pants.
“Wh-What are you doing, mister?” she asked, as she saw his hand move inside his pants. He was moaning as if in pain, eyes closed. “Mister?”
“Fuck,” he cursed, shoulders dropping in relief. He took out the handkerchief, a white sticky substance staining the once floral pattern. With an evil grin, he grabbed the back of Y/N’s head, trying to stuff the handkerchief in her mouth. She squirmed against his grip.
“No! What are you doing?!” She was pushing his arm away but he was much stronger. He was able to smear the cloth against her cheek before he was pulled off her by another stranger.
“Now that’s not a very nice thing to do,” the man started. “Taking advantage of little girls.” He nodded towards someone behind him, and placed a comforting hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Are you okay, dove?”
She shook her head, unsure of what just happened.
He took another one of her handkerchief peaking out of her bag, and poured what smells like alcohol from the flask in his pocket. He gently rubbed the white substance off her face, making sure there were no traces left behind. “Make sure you clean your little face real good when you get home, okay dove?”
She ignored his suggestion, staring up at his somewhat familiar face. “Who are you?”
“Name’s Alfie Solomons. We’ve met before but you were just a little babe- about yeah high.” He motioned to a little lower than his knee. “You’re Y/N Shelby. Your brothers and I are business partners.”
At the mention of her brothers she lit up, trusting the man immediately.
“Now what is the likes of yourself doing on the streets? Don’t tell me that stubborn brother of yours cut you off from their money.”
She shook her head vehemently. “Tommy would never do that!” She stared at her shuffling feet, ashamed. “I made my family spend too much money so I want to pay them back. They’re not financially in a good spot.”
Alfie raised an eyebrow, unsure that the little Shelby knows what she just did by telling him that. Any of the Shelby’s enemy would yell in glee by that information, knowing that the mob family was vulnerable to attacks because of their lack of funding. Luckily, Alfie was quite fond of the Shelby family, and his new favourite was the one standing in front of him. His cold heart warmed at the thought that she was so worried for her family that she would go all the way to selling her stuff on the street as if there wasn’t a mark on her back because of her last name. “Well then today is your lucky day. I was looking for a little assistant to help me with things as I settle into me temporary home here.”
“Really? What kinda things?” she asked, eyes wide with hope.
The man was surprised at her eagerness, realizing that her siblings must’ve done a great job at protecting her from their world as she was still able to put her faith in people like that. “Just small things- picking up my groceries from the market, and maybe a prescription here and there from the pharmacy for me eye. I can pay you,” he paused, playing with his beard for the extra suspense. “Ten shillings a week.”
“Wow! That’s so much!” She agreed happily to his terms.
“Every Monday I will give you a list of what I need for the week, and I will pay you every week when you make your deliveries.”
“Thank you thank you!”
“Though before I hire you, you need to be better at indiscretion.”
“What does that mean?”
“You can’t go around telling people that your brothers don’t have money- your brother’s got enemies that could take him down with that information.”
Her eyes widened as she realized the severity of what she had done. “I’m so stupid!” she cried, hitting her head with her balled up fists.
“Hey, hey, there's no need for that now.” Alfie has seen grown men with less guilt for putting their family in danger with the information they divulged. “Lucky for you- you just told lil' old me, and I’m harmless.”
Y/N looked up to the London gangster with tears still lining her eyes.
“Don’t cry, dove. I’m sure even if you spent all of your brother’s money, they wouldn’t have the heart to be mad at ya.”
“I would never do that!” she said, taking his jokes quite seriously. “My family means everything to me.”
Alfie nodded, confirming that he made the right decision in hiring and caring for her. He walked her back to the outskirt of Shelby territory, knowing that her brothers would have people around to look out for her.
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It’s been a few weeks since Y/N started her job as Alfie’s errand girl. Both her and the gangster was surprised that her brothers hadn’t caught wind of their relation. Though the two didn't spend more time than necessary together, they became quite close. Alfie was busy with running an organization, and Y/N was busy trying to get her homework finished. She also kept up with selling her handkerchief when she had time between running errands for Alfie, schoolwork, and pretending to be a normal kid in front of her family. She was upset that she couldn’t spend as much time with her siblings as before, but she knew she has to in order to make up for being a burden.
“Y/N,” Finn called, seeing his sister walking to their home after school. “Tommy’s called for a family meeting.”
Her eyes widened, and her heart started thundering with excitement. She raised a good amount of money, and felt like she could share with her family what she’s been up to. “Okay, Finn. I’ll be right there!” She ran to her room, grabbing her shoulder bag full of money and was basically vibrating with excitement while they waited for the entire family to trickle in. She sat in the middle of Arthur and John, ignoring their chuckles at her gleaming eyes. 
“Sounds like it’ll be a breezy meeting if you’re letting Y/N sit this one in,” John commented towards Tommy who was lighting a cigarette. 
“Let’s begin,” the older brother ignored the comment and started the meeting. “As you know-” 
The youngest Shelby’s hand shot out in the air as if she was at school. 
Tommy raised an eyebrow, trying not to show any indication of annoyance at his sister’s behaviour. The second oldest brother was too soft when it comes to matter to sister, and he would rather blind himself than purposely hurt her. “What is it?”
“I have something to share with you guys.” She pulled her out her messenger bag that she carries her handkerchief and the money she collected thus far with.
“What you got for us, girlie?” Arthur asked, peering into her bag to catch a glimpse of her gift to them. 
She took her bag off, and emptied the contents on the table. The Shelby clan’s jaw dropped in shock. They weren’t expecting their youngest sibling to be emptying almost 100 shillings in cash on their table. 
“How in the hell did you get that much money?” John asked. 
“Girl, you better not be stealing,” Polly chastised, eyes narrowing. 
“I’m not! I swear it.” She looked around for her family’s approving faces, but was just met with surprised and curious looks.
“Then you better explain yourself.” 
“I overheard you guys talking a few weeks ago about being short, and I know it was my fault. I stupidly got sick so you guys had to spend money on me, and I felt really bad so I decided to help. I cut my old clothes and sewed them into handkerchiefs- I’ve been selling them on the streets to make the money.”
“You made this much selling handkerchiefs?” Tommy asked, an eyebrow raised in  suspicion.
“Well… no… I wasn’t making much- just a few shillings here and there, but someone hired me!”
“Who?” Arthur asked.
“Mr. Solomons.”
“Y/N!” Polly berated. “Do you know who that is?”
“At first I didn’t, but he said he knew me since I was little. He was a really nice man, and he gave me 10 shillings every week to run some errands for him.”
“What kind of errands?”
“Just picking up groceries and prescription- that’s all!”
“I don’t want you seeing him again,” Tommy said sternly.
“But Tommy- he’s a real nice man.”
“Yea you said that already,” Arthur muttered, unamused by his sister’s connection.
“How did you even meet with the likes of him?” John asked, wondering how his sister got into contact with the mobster.
“Well… one day when I was selling my stuff, this man took my handkerchief and he stuffed it down his pants. I’m not sure what he was doing but he was rubbing it a lot in his pants, and making a lot of weird noises. When he was done there was this white icky stuff, and he wanted to put it in my mouth. I was so scared but Mr. Solomons came and saved me!”
“What the fuck?!” Arthur roared with fury. He jumped out of his seat, John following with him. “Who was this man? What did he look like?”
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise at her brother’s reaction. “I-I don’t know. Mr. Solomons pulled the man away, and next thing I know the man was gone.” She turned to Tommy who’s jaw was clenched, and his knuckles were white from gripping his the edge of the table. “Am I in trouble, Tommy?” she asked quietly, head bowing down in shame.
“No.” He pushed himself off the table and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You did nothing wrong, but we are going to pay a visit to Mr. Solomons.”
She nodded, following her brothers who were hastily putting on their jackets. She usually held on to Tommy’s hand when they were out for safety, but he had both fists clenched the entire time, making her her believe that she was in trouble. Arthur and John were no different. She thought if they were cartoon characters they would have steam coming out of their ears. It didn’t take them long to get to Alfie's temporary lodging.
“Well well well… if it isn’t the Shelby boys, and the little princess.”
“Hi, Mr. Solomons!” she greeted with a wave and a smile.
“Hello, little one.”
Tommy moved to cover Y/N from Alfie’s gaze which did not go unnoticed.
“Oh relax, would you? I would never hurt a hair on little Y/N’s head. Didn’t you hear? I saved her from an unsightly perv-”
“Did you skin him alive?” Arthur growled. “Did you tear him apart and burn him to ashes?”
“Actually, I’m sure you’d be happy to know, but I have kept the lad barely alive. I figured once the littlest Shelby told you guys what she’s been up to, you lot would pay me a visit.”
“Where is he?!” Arthur grabbed Alfie’s collar, pushing him against the wall.
“Arthur-“ John placed a hand on his oldest brother’s shoulder. “Take it easy.”
“He’s in the barn by the outskirt of town. My men have been keeping him barely alive, but I’m not sure how much longer he’ll have.”
“Tommy-“ Arthur turned to his brother, a short silent conversation happening.
“Go.” Arthur and John didn’t waste another minute and left for the man.
“What are you trying to do, Alfie?”
“Why are you helping us?”
“Correction. I’m helping Y/N. What she chooses to do with the money I give her is her choice. If she decides to spend all that money on the sweet ice cream shop across the street then that’s her choice, and if she decides to spend the money on helping her family, then I really can’t say anything, can I?”
Tommy’s eyes narrowed, and then flickered when Y/N wrapped her hand around his, seeing it was finally unclenched. “You hurt her in any way, and I will end you.”
“Despite your very hurtful assumptions of me, I would never hurt Y/N.”
She smiled at the older man, already considering him another kind uncle.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, little Shelby?”
“8am sharp!” she responded with a little salute.
“You can have your men escort her here or I can have my men pick her up and drop her off at your residence. She’s never been alone while running errands-“
“What?!” Y/N exclaimed, surprised at the revelation.
“You think I would let a little Shelby running around associating with me unattended, child? That’s as good as a death wish. I had my men following you to make sure no one would mess with ya.”
The girl pouted, thinking of the bodyguards as babysitters. “I’m not a baby.”
“No, you’re not,” Tommy started, ignoring Alfie’s raised eyebrow, “but you are still a child, and we are not going to take that risk of you running around by yourself.” Not with a target on your back, Tommy added in his thoughts.
As they were heading out, Alfie put a hand on Tommy’s shoulder, stopping the man in his tracks and leaned near his ear. “Girl’s too hard on herself. Now, I don’t what you Shelby boys have been filling her head with but she’s got more loyalty than the lot of you. Make sure you pay her the same respect. She don’t need to be skipping meals trying save y’alls money, but she does it anyways.”
Tommy’s jaw clenched, nodding sharply. “See you around.”
“See you later, brother.”
As they walked out, Y/N tugged on her older brother’s hand. “Tommy, where are we going?”
“We’re gonna make sure Arthur and John do their job,” Tommy simply replied.
“I-I have to see the man again?” she asked, her voice trembling.
“No,” he answered right away. “This man will never bother you again.”
Tommy said nothing as they continued their journey to the barn. In truth he wanted a piece of action in giving the man what he deserved, and he knew he shouldn’t take her with them because this was what he wanted to protect her from, but at the same time he needed her to be physically with him to make sure she was safe. He couldn’t believe in his stress he didn’t check up on her like he should- he didn’t make sure she was safe. The fact that this man was able to even approach her like that was something he thought should’ve never happened. He knew now that she needed more protection- more people to watch out for her. He was more than disgusted at what that piece of garbage did, and he wanted to make sure he paid for his crimes. His sister is pure in every way, and he wasn’t going to let anyone make her feel uncomfortable like that again. He made sure she wasn’t exposed to the dirty life they lead, and if it was up to him he would make sure she never would.
Tommy made sure Y/N stayed in the car, telling her that one of the brothers would be out in a bit to keep her company. He entered the barn, hand already on his gun. He wasn’t surprised that Arthur was still beating the bloodied man up while John leaned on the wall, his fists equally bloodied.
“John, go keep Y/N company outside. Arthur,” Tommy called for his brother’s attention. “Is the man dead?”
“Not yet. I want the fucker to suffer as much as I could,” the oldest Shelby said, spitting at the barely alive man.
Tommy stepped closer, hearing his raspy breathing from the beating he took. He took out his gun, pointing to the man’s crotch. “There’s a special place in hell for people like you.” The Shelby leader kept his voice low, making sure the man wait in anticipation at what he was going to do. He shot the first bullet, the man howling in pain. The two ruthless brothers watched him writhe around before he passed out, then Tommy shot the final bullet to his temple.
Arthur pulled out his lighter from his pocket, dropping it on the man before leaving the burning barn with his brother. Outside, John had Y/N in his arms, the little girl laughing at his animated stories. The two older brothers got in the car and drove away.
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When dinner came around, Tommy watched as Y/N serve the kitchen staff heaping of food on their plate, but only put barely any on her plate. He was reminded of Alfie’s words, and stepped behind Y/N. He grabbed the spoon she was serving herself with and the plate, putting more food on it.
“To-Tommy, I’m not that hungry!”
“There’s plenty of food, so eat.”
“I was planning to eat the leftovers tomorrow for lunch.”
“There’ll be food tomorrow for your breakfast and lunch.” He didn’t miss the fact that she purposely skipped breakfast.
“You haven’t been eating,” he said, and the little girl froze.
She lowered her head, and Tommy’s heart dropped to his stomach when he caught her glistening eyes, and the reflection of her tears on her cheeks. He immediately put the food down, going down on one knee to see her face. “Why are you crying, love?”
“Tommy, I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for, love? I told you nothing was your fault.”
“Everything is my fault though! I can’t do anything right!” she exclaimed, tears running down her face. He pulled her up, carrying her to his office for more privacy and sat down on his couch with her on his lap.
“What’s this all about- why aren’t you eating?” 
“I just feel awful,” she wailed finally, her eyes never meeting her brother’s in shame. “I got sick and you all had to pay so much for my medicine! I tried to eat less to make up the money you guys spent on me, but it didn’t feel like enough-“
“No,” he said sternly. “You are not missing meals or eating less because you feel guilty. You will eat the proper amount, got it?”
“Don’t make me tell Polly to monitor your meals.”
“I just wanted to do my part in helping with the family. You guys do so much for me, and I haven’t done anything.”
“Y/N, you are a child. You don’t need to worry yourself with these things. Your big brothers are gonna take care of everything for you.”
“But you’re already so stressed out, and I feel like I’m causing so much trouble. I’m not even worth it-“
“Y/N M/N Shelby,” Tommy hissed. Despite his tone, he gently grabbed her chin with his index finger, forcing her to look at him. With tears lining her eyes, she finally met his soft blue eyes, finding no trace of resentment but only love. “You will never say those words again.”
“You are worth everything and more than what we have. If I have to lose everything we own and burn down this whole city for you, I will. You are the most important thing in my life, and I will not hear you say those words again.”
“‘m sorry, Tommy.”
“Stop apologizing. You have done nothing wrong.” She leaned back down, her tears stopping to a few sniffles. “So here’s what we’re gonna do. You will eat to your fill, and tomorrow we will get ice cream after you’ve finished your errands.”
Her head snapped back up at the mention of her favourite treat. “Ice cream?”
“Yes, but you have to finish the food on your plate.”
With a wide grin she nodded, jumping out of his lap to get started on her food. He went over to the family room, finding his family getting read to head to the kitchen.
“Why has no one noticed Y/N hasn’t been eating?” he thundered, glaring at his family members for not noticing her lack of proper care.
“She’s not?” John asked, thinking back to his encounters with her.
“I thought she was just getting conscious about her body,” Polly shrugged. “You know how girls that age are, but I always made sure to put more food on her plate.”
“She has been skipping meals because she feels bad that we’re spending money on her, and I will not let that happen ever again. If anyone sees anything amiss- anything at all, you come straight to me.”
“Y’know,” Arthur started, scratching the ends of his moustache. “When I checked her homework the other day, I noticed that she was writing extra small. Me thinks she’s trying to extend her school supplies as well.” The brothers had long stopped making fun of Arthur for insisting on checking her homework. Everyone knew Y/N was the most educated on paper, but Arthur felt it was his obligation as her oldest brother to see that her homework was done and done well.
Tommy placed a hand on his forehead, wondering how much he’s missed in the last few months. “Fuck,” he cursed.
When the family went to the kitchen, they frowned when they saw Y/N staring at her food without eating a single bite. When she saw them come in, she burst into a huge smile. “I was waiting for you to eat together!”
“Oh silly girl. Your food’s all cold now,” Polly chided.
“It’s okay!” she shook her head. Arthur took the plate in front of her while Polly prepared another plate fresh from the stove, adding a bit more food than what initially had. “Arthur no! You can’t have my cold food.”
“D’n worry, love. It’ll get warm in my belly anyways!” He put both hands on his belly, patting it.
She giggled at the sight, and her eyes twinkled at the sight of her family around her. They all made jokes with her whilst still making sure she was eating so when she cleared her plate, Polly sneakily grabbed her plate while Arthur was distracting her and put a little more food in front of her. To everyone’s delight she ate it all, yawning after all the food was gone and the laughters died down.
“Tommy, can everyone come get ice cream with me tomorrow?”
“You were gonna get ice cream without us?” John asked, hand on his chest as if the thought offended him.
"Never!" she shook her head. "We're all going, right Tommy?" Her brother could only nod at her request with a small smile.
Arthur cleared his throat and got up. “Now before you go to bed, love, we need to check your homework. Perhaps we can clean your backpack as well.”
“Okay, Arthur.” She hopped off her chair, grabbing his hand and leading him to her room where she does all her homework. She took out her notebook, and Arthur immediately noticed the worn out pages from how little she had written in the notebook- it was barely legible.
“Love, I can barely read your writing!” he exclaimed. “You need to write bigger next time- for your dear old brother’s sake, eh?”
“Sorry, Arthur.” She looked down at her shoes. “I was trying to make my notebooks last longer so you wouldn’t have to buy me more.”
“None of that. You’re our little scholar- we need you to be studying hard with all the right supplies or else who’s gonna be keeping Tommy in line?”
She giggled at his jokes, and nodded, relieved that she didn’t have to lie to her brothers anymore.
“Now, read me your answers so your dear old brother doesn’t have to strain his eyes.” He sat on her chair, picking her up to put on his lap just like when she was smaller.
She read him the questions and her answers, pointing them out so there were no spelling errors either.
“Well, we got ourselves a little Shelby genius here!” he kissed her cheek, and she flinched away from his moustache, giggling all the way.
“It tickles!” she shrieked as he continued to rub his cheeks against her soft ones.
“Alright, love. Good job on your homework.”
“Can I go to bed not, Artie? I’m feeling kinda tired?” the littlest Shelby yawned to prove her point, already almost dozing off.
“Tired, eh? What have you been doing to be so tired?” Arthur asked it as a joke, but Y/N avoided his eyes as she thought he was being serious.
“I’ve been staying up late making the handkerchief, and waking up early to sell it so I can do errands for Alfie after school and still do my chores when I get home.”
Arthur’s heart broke hearing how much his youngest sister has been working, and he immediately gave her a hug. “You don’t need to do that anymore, love. Tommy’s got a plan- kid like you don’t need to be working so hard, eh?”
She nodded, almost already dozing off in her brother’s embrace.
“Go get ready for bed, and I’ll come back to tuck you in.”
“Okay!” She left for the bathroom, and Arthur went back to the kitchen where his family had stayed to grab her a glass of water for the night.
He gave a deep sigh, rubbing his forehead and closing his eyes tightly.
“Is Y/N okay?” John asked, his oldest brother’s state putting him on alert.
“Girl’s been working herself to the bone for the last month- staying up late, not eating, and still trying to run everyone’s errands. She’s fucking exhausted and it’s not even 8pm yet where before she would be begging us to play with her until midnight.” Arthur shook his head, filling up the water in the cup and leaving again.
“You tucking her in?” Tommy asked.
“Yea. She asked if she could sleep early- nearly fell asleep on me.”
Tommy nodded, following his older brother to her room. Y/N was brushing her hair, lighting up when she saw her brothers again. Arthur placed the glass of water beside her bed, and came up to her to take the brush from her hand. He finished brushing her hair for her, reminding the siblings of when she was younger and sat on his lap while he tried figuring out how to braid her hair.
“There you go, love. Prettiest girl in all of Small Heath.”
She giggled, but shook her head. “No, Artie- That’s Ada!”
“You both are the prettiest girls in Small Heath, and dare I say the whole world!”
Y/N giggled again, giving her brother a big hug before settling in bed where Tommy was standing by. He smiled as she got under the covers, and he sat down on the edge of her bed, pulling the covers right under her chin. He placed a hand on her small face, rubbing at her cheek with his thumb. He noted how soft and smooth it was, reminding him just how young she was. He leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you, Y/N- so much,” he whispered seeing her eyes droop.
“I love you too, Tommy,” she mumbled before succumbing to her tiredness.
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The next day, Y/N and her brothers made their way to the ice cream shop. Suddenly, she stopped and gasped. “We should invite Alfie!”
The brothers couldn’t stop their sister in time before she ran off to his house, and they were quick to follower her. She knocked on his door, rocking on her feet in excitement. When the door opened, she was surprised to find someone else at the door. She hadn’t noticed but her brothers surely did that his hand was underneath his coat, most likely holding on to a gun.
“Excuse me, is Mr. Solomons home?” she asked before being pulled back by Finn behind her other brothers who had stood in front of her.
“Ah if it isn’t the Shelby clan,” the man muttered.
“Who’s there?” Alfie asked, approaching the door.
“Alfie!” Y/N greeted, shaking off Finn’s hand around her. “D’you wanna come with us to the ice cream shop?”
“Well I can’t refuse a little lady as yourself.” He grabbed his hat, and gave instructions to the man who opened the door. “Be a dear and finish up here, why don’t you.”
The Camden mobster followed the family to the ice cream shop, everyone in the shop immediately ceasing their chatter. Y/N paid no attention to the fear in everyone’s eyes as she ran up to the selection of ice cream they had.
“Mister, I want ice cream for all of us, please!” she ordered. “I can pay for everyone!” She held up her little horse purse that Tommy got her so long ago.
“Oh, there’s no need for that,” Alfie said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“No, no! I want to treat you guys to ice cream.” As she went back to picking a flavour, the 4 mobster (and Finn) stared the poor owner down, not having to say a single word to get their point across.
“Don’t worry about paying Miss Shelby. Your ice creams are on the house!” he said trying to sound jovial, but tripping over his words.
Y/N didn’t notice his stutter, but beamed in happiness. “Really?”
“Yes- you never have to pay for ice cream here!” 
“Wow! That’s very nice of you, mister!”
Y/N made sure everyone got their ice cream first, having a habit of putting everyone first. When it was time for her ice cream, the man made the mistake of making eye contact with Alfie. His shaking hands didn’t wait for Y/N to grab the ice cream, and slipped form her tiny hands and on the floor.
“Oh no- oh God,” the man immediately muttered. You could hear a pin drop at how quiet it was in the shop. People tensed, waiting for a bloodbath to occur.
Y/n gasped in surprise. “Oh no! Spilled ice cream. I’m sorry mister- I can help clean up!” She narrated the event only like a child could.
“Oh- uh- well- Don’t worry about the mess,” the man sputtered. “It was my fault. I can give you another ice cream.”
“It’s okay mister. You already gave us all ice cream,” Y/N said, trying to hide her disappointment. Her bottom lip jutted out slightly, and her shoulders were slouched. “Thank you though.”
The man could feel the mobsters tearing him up with their eyes. Finally it was Tommy who spoke up. “Here, love. You can have my ice cream. I know it’s your favourite flavour.” Seeing as Y/N wanted to be just like Tommy in every way, it didn’t surprise anyone that they shared the same love for a certain flavoured ice cream.
“But it’s yours, Tommy.”
“I wasn’t hungry anyways.” He placed it in her hand, making sure she had wrapped her hand around it before letting go. “Let’s go home now.”
“Okay, Tommy! Thank you.”
No one dared breath until the gang was out of the shop. However it was made clear in those short moments of two things. One, little Y/N Shelby was one of the most polite and kind kid of her age group. And two, she was also one of the most protected kid in all of England. The hold she has on the two of the most feared gang in England made her a force to be reckoned with.
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multifandomwriter56 · 4 years
Devilment Mustn’t Win
A/N: I know, another Shelby!Reader; but I just love writing them. Hope you like it. Also, I got the title idea from S1E1 when Polly tells Tommy she sees his mother’s common sense and his father’s devilment fighting each other.
Summary: Y/n runs away to her sister’s to get away from Tommy. Her plan to get away from her brother doesn’t even last a full twenty four hours. 
Characters: Ada Shelby (Thorne), Tommy Shelby, Shelby!Reader, Karl Thorne
Warnings: language, angst, spoilers for the beginning of s3 even though this is set about a year or more after that
Word Count: 2,430
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Y/n slowly opens the front door of her sister's home. She tiptoes through the hallway, hoping Ada is asleep.
She freezes when she hears a gun cock in the study. "Ada, it's me."
"Y/n, get your arse in here!"
The teenager groans at her sister's stern voice. She is not in the mood to answer questions.
Just as she enters the room, she hears the voice of the last person she wants to hear from.
"Fuck Ada, you knew it was her." Tommy lightly teases, but his eyes narrow at his youngest sister.
"What the fuck, Ada? You promised!"
Ada sets the gun on the table. "I didn't call him."
Y/n huffs. Why can't her brother just leave her alone for one night? Her eyes narrow when he points at the couch. "No. I'm going to bed."
"No, you're not. You're going to fucking sit and tell me why I found you missing this morning." Tommy demands, still pointing at the couch.
Ada rolls her eyes at her two siblings who are not having a staring contest, neither one of them budging. "Y/n, sit. Just get it over with."
Y/n thought about making a run for it, but she figured her sister is right. She might as well let her brother lecture her tonight instead of barging in tomorrow.
So with one last defiant glance at Tommy, she sits on the couch. "I'm not going back."
"Bloody hell." Ada mutters as a shouting match breaks out.
"Oi! Don't bring me into this." If she knew it would actually make them mind, Ada would've pointed her pistol at them.
"She already did when she came crying to you this morning."
"I wasn't crying!"
"Stop! Just fucking stop!" Ada shouts as she storms over to her sister. She grabs Y/n by the ear, forcing her to stand.
Tommy's eyes narrow when the eldest of the Shelby sisters comes for him. "Don't you fucking dare." He growls.
Ada ignores him and grabs his arm, pulling both her siblings through her hallway and up the stairs. She stops at the door to the bedroom Tommy uses when he stops by for one of his rare visits.
"Breakfast will be at seven."
"For fuck's sake, Ada."
"Tommy, breakfast will be at seven."
Tommy pinches the bridge of his nose, his eyes close. After a few seconds he drops his hand, nodding his head. "See you at seven."
Y/n watches in amazement as her stubborn ass brother opens the bedroom door, letting himself be sent to bed like a child.
"You have to teach me how to do that. Ow!" Y/n whimpers when Ada yanks on her ear.
Ada rolls her eyes when her little sister gives her the kicked puppy look. "I'm sure Tommy's done worse."
"I'm not going to run, Ada. Please let go of my fucking ear before it fucking falls off."
Ada obliges the teenager. "Honestly, you're as bad as him."
Y/n rubs at her ear as they make their way to her room. "Well, he did raise me, Ada."
"Yeah, and I regret not being more involved with your upbringing every fucking day."
Y/n turns to her only sister, pulling her into an embrace. "You helped."
"No enough." Ada pulls back, her eyes wet with unshed tears.
"Maybe, maybe not. But you're here now. Just in time too." She looks over her shoulder to make sure Tommy isn't trying to listen.
Knowing what Y/n's doing, Ada grasps her hand into hers and pulls the teenager into her room before shutting the door behind her. "You were saying."
Y/n tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "I like a boy."
Ada exhales a short giggle before getting control of herself. "Oh please tell me he's not a Peaky Blinder."
"No, he's not." The smile disappears. "Would it be a bad thing if he was?"
Ada mentally scolds herself as she rubs a comforting hand on Y/n's arm. "No, it wouldn't." She sighs when her eyes catch the time. "We better get to bed. Don't forget, breakfast-"
"At seven. I know. I won't be late."
The sisters hug and then the eldest leaves to go to her own room.
Y/n groans at the banging on her door. "Fuck off!" She freezes when she hears a young kid's giggles. "Shit, shit, shit." She whispers as she scrambles out of bed and pulls on the trousers she was wearing last night.
She opens the door to find a very amused nephew. "Hey Karl, let's not use any words your Aunt Y/n just used, okay?"
"Fuck, you heard that."
"No, don't say that." Y/n's starting to panic. Her sister is going to kill her.
"You and Arthur had the exact same conversation when you were that age."
Y/n snaps her head to the side, her eyes wide and pleading for her brother's help. They may be at each other's throat at the moment, but Y/n will not hesitate to ask her brother to get her out of the sticky situations she seems to always get herself in.
And Tommy will never refuse to help his sister, no matter how angry he is with her.
He crouches down so he's eye leveled with his nephew and turns the child’s face towards him with his hand under Karl's chin. "Are you allowed to use those words, Karl?
"No, Unca' Tommy."
"Then don't use them against your aunt. Understand me? Don't say them anymore."
Karl nods before wrapping his arms around Y/n's neck. "Sorry, Aun' Y/n."
Y/n smiles, returning the embrace. "I forgive you, Karl."
The two siblings watch their nephew run towards the stairs and stops. He glances at them before slowly making his way down the stairs.
Tommy snorts. "Thought I was going to have to chase after him."
Her smile turns into a cheeky smirk. "Like you did with me when I would run down the stairs?"
He straightens, offering her a hand. "I still do."
Y/n takes the offered hand. Her amusement drains as she remembers why they're here in the first place. "How much trouble am I in?"
Tommy clenches his jaw, the anger from last night rising. "Let's go downstairs, Ada's waiting." He turns on his heel and starts for the stairs.
Y/n's shock by the change in her brother. She knew he wouldn't be happy when he found her missing yesterday morning; but why is he this angry? "This can't be as bad as the time I shot Moss in the leg."
"Y/n." He warns, pausing on a step when she continues.
"No, I don't understand. Why are you so angry with me? All I did was take the train to London and spend the day with my sister."
"Except you didn't." Tommy snaps, marching back up the stairs and towards his sister. "You didn't fucking spend time with Ada, did you?"
"During the day, yes." She tells him calmly. She's seen his anger explode enough times to be able to stay this calm. "I did leave the flat later that evening."
"And where did you go, eh?"
"I was with some friends at a pub." She knew he knew she had been drinking last night. Not enough to get drunk, just enough to feel it.
"Yes, I do have friends, Tommy." She tells him bluntly. "I met them when you sent me here to get away from Small Heath. You know, when you slapped me across the face and said you wished I was never born. Remember?"
Tommy sighs, closing his eyes. That may have been a year ago, but the guilt is still there; and clearly, his sister still hasn't forgiven him. "Y/n-"
"I know. You're sorry and you didn't mean it. You were grieving Grace's death and I didn't help the process." She regrets bringing it up when Tommy opens his eyes and she can see the guilt eating away at her brother's tiny soul.
"Tommy I-"
"Do you want to live here? Do you-" Tommy pauses, really wishing he hadn't lost his lighter last night while searching for Y/n. "If you would rather live here with Ada and away from me, I won't stop you."
Y/n's not sure how to process his words. On one hand, she's excited about the idea of getting away from her brother's overbearing protection; but on the other hand, his question stabs her in the gut. Does he not want her around anymore? Did she finally push Thomas Shelby too far?
Maybe he would be happier without her. He wouldn't have to constantly look for her, protect her from others and herself; and he could focus on actually taking care of his kid, not his rebellious sister.
"Y/n, I'm not tryi-"
"Yes." She interrupts; not wanting to hear him pretend to care. "I want to stay with Ada."
"Hey, I was wondering if I was going to have to come get you." Ada teases as Y/n walks fully into the room. "I thought Tommy was awake. Where is he?"
"He went back home."
Ada frowns at the monotone coming from her usually dramatic sister. "Why? I figured he spent half the night rehearsing his lecture on leaving without his permission." When she doesn't get a reaction from the other Shelby, she starts to worry.
"Y/n, what's going on?"
"Can I live with you?" She refuses to look at the other woman, knowing the tears in her eyes will fall.
"Yes, of course." She moves closer, rubbing her palms up and down the teenager's arms. "Please tell me what's going on."
Y/n finally looks at her. "I'm going back to bed. I'm sorry. If you'll save me some breakfast, I'll eat it later."
Ada watches as her sister's spirit breaks in front of her. What happened since she left Y/n's room last night?
She calls for Y/n to come back, but she acts like she didn't even hear her.
A few miles away, a heart is breaking. He’s losing his sister. He pushed her too far this time.
She was right, Thomas. She wasn't even gone for twenty four hours. His mother's side scolds.
But she could've been kidnapped or killed in that short amount of time. Rebuttals his father's side.
You taught her how to fight. She wasn't purposely putting herself in danger. Not like when she joined the fight against Billy Kimber and was shot in the arm. His mother's side argues.
Tommy pulls over, his mind racing too much for him to pay attention.
He regrets suggesting that she stays with Ada. What the hell was he thinking? It was never wise to leave the two Shelby women alone for long periods of time.
Ada may be more mature now, but he has no doubt Y/n can talk her into doing anything the little devil deems necessary.
And he doesn't want her to leave. He loves having Y/n around. She may be his sister by blood, but with the age gap and him basically raising her (with Pol's help), he sees her more as a daughter than a sister.
"Why is that so bloody hard to admit?" Tommy mutters aloud, his words only reaching his ears and the wind's.
Deciding he needs to swallow some pride, he turns the car around and heads back to the streets of London.
"Y/n, please let me in." Ada begs as she stands outside the teenager's room. "What is going on? Why are you so upset?"
"I think I know why."
Ada's eyes narrow at the man. "What the bloody hell did you do?"
"Can I try?" He motions towards the door with a nod.
Ada shrugs her shoulders. "Why not?" She steps back, letting her brother take over.
"Y/n." He calls, knocking twice. "Open the door. I need to talk to you."
No response.
"Y/n, come on. Open the fucking door."
Still no response.
"Are you really going to force me to apologize to a bloody door?"
He grins when he hears a muffled, disbelief snort.
"Oi! I'm serious! Wouldn't you rather see your overbearing, overprotective, bastard of a brother apologize in person; instead of hearing it?"
He takes a step back when he hears the click of a lock being released.
"If you're fucking lying, I'm slamming the door." Y/n growls.
Tommy nods, the seriousness of the situation weighing back down on him. "I am sorry, Y/n. I should have never suggested you come live with Ada."
"No offense, Ada."
"Why did you?" She needs to know why he even said it.
"I thought it would make you happy. I thought it would be better for the both of us. But-" He slowly lifts his hand and gently cups her cheek; internally relaxing when she doesn't flinch away. "I was wrong. So fucking wrong. I will be devastated if you don't come back to Birmingham with me."
"If?" She questions.
He huffs, his limit on being open is almost to it's point. "I'm not going to force you to come with me. It's... It's your decision."
He inhales one finally breath. "I'm mostly sorry for how I treated you a year ago. I was out of line."
Y/n literally watches as her brother's walls build themselves around his heart and the vulnerability drain from his eyes.
But she doesn't care.
He let the walls fall and the vulnerability rise for her. Her! Y/n Shelby, his baby sister.
So only hesitating for a second, she wraps her arms around his torso. "I forgive you." She smiles when she physically feels the tension leave his body. "And I'm sorry too. I know I've been a royal brat lately."
"Can't deny that."
The two siblings turn to their other sibling, the one smiling like an idiot with tears streaming down her face.
"Looks like I broke the two toughest Shelby's in one day." Y/n sasses.
And just like that, Ada sees her sister's spirit returning to it's full weight.
Tommy groans, pretending to be annoyed. "You couldn't give me a fucking minute without the sass, eh?"
Y/n smirks. "Have to keep you on your toes, brother."
The two older Shelby's easily read into the real meaning of that last word.
Forevers: @beautycinders​ @desiredpoison​ @ravenoussss​ @simonsbluee​
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peakywitch · 4 years
The Psychic 2 - Tommy Shelby
part one
warnings: swearing of course, mention of the dead.
word count: 1.3k
author’s note: this is just SHIT but i like it but then again i don’t ?? so i may be changing a few things over the next few days, nothing too big.
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The entire Shelby family was dead silent. They were very busy looking at the woman with the cards.
"No, that’s a lie." Tommy laughed sarcastically.
“This is no lie, Mr. Shelby. I don't lie about these things.”
"It’s a fuckin’ lie!" he yelled, standing up "Grace is bloody dead! And do you know how I know? Because she took a bullet, that was meant for me right in fuckin’ front of me!"
"Mr. Shelby…"
"Not! You don't get to say a damn thing!"
"Thomas..." Polly began.
“You are a liar, Y/N! You’re…!"
“Watch your words, Thomas. You don't know if she's gypsy.” Polly said.
"I don't give a shit, Pol." He replied, with fire running through his veins "I don't give a shit what this liar...!"
"Mr. Shelby!" the girl screamed, being a ball of nerves and fury. Who would’ve think she'd be yelling at a Shelby?
“Mr. Shelby nothing, Y/N! You’re…!" the Shelby was starting to get closer to the poor girl, covering her completely.
"Your heart lies by the Thames!" the girl screamed, over the screams of the fearsome man.
Thomas' eyes were wide open, his brow furrowed tightly and his hand in a fist.
"By the Thames…" the poor girl breathed, trembling with fear "lies your heart, Mr. Shelby."
The Shelby's face froze, remembering.
"The ashes…" Y/N whispered again "The woman bathes in them."
"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, sometimes I receive things in code." She sighed, as she watched Thomas walk away from her.
As Y/N poured tea into two cups, Thomas looked at her little house. The dense velvety violet fabric covering the window kept everyone from looking through it. Her walls were covered in drawings, pieces of paper with different symbols and figures. She had a lovely cupboard, filled with colorful mugs and matching kettles. Everything was too jazzy for him, but portrayed in a beautiful and funny way the soul of it’s owner.
"Your… er… house, it's very… "
The anxious lump in Thomas' throat was killing him, it was the first time he had a hard time speaking.
"Little, I know." Y/N smiled, after putting down the kettle and serving homemade lemon cookies on a plate.
Weird. Thomas was thinking about the word weird. But he resisted.
"Mr. Shelby…" began the girl "I won't tell you anything mystical today, you don't have to be nervous."
"And who told you that? My mother?" he asked, with a wryly tone but steady eyes.
Wearily, the girl replied, "The constant tapping you're doing with your foot it telling me, and it's driving me crazy."
The noise stopped.
Y/N sat across from the Shelby, then sipped her tea.
“Why are you here, Mr. Shelby?”
The man in the suit cleared his throat, settling in the chair he was.
“Right.” He took a lemon cookie, and talked with it in his hand. His accent was so thick, one could barely understand him.
“I came here, Y/N, to apologize.” He bit the lemony sweet treat he was served a few moments ago. In his lips, he had a few yellowy crumbles. The most scared gangster in the whole Birmingham, if not the country, had crumbles in his lips from a homemade lemon cookie.
A smirk was almost present in Y/N face. She was biting her inner cheeks, trying to hold it back. After trying to drown it in tea, she spoke:
“Don’t worry, Mr. Shelby.” She let the smile appear on her face. There was no way that smile wasn’t going to show up.
“Sometimes…” she spoke, softly caressing the golden edge from the tea cup, and then she looked up at him “things we don’t want to notice, or know, come to us. Sometimes in the strangest way, sometimes in the most mundane.”
“How’d you know?” he asked, his eyes were not going to abandon hers.
“If Grace is alive, somewhere, how did you know all the stuff you told me?” he wanted to know, but at the same time he wanted to forget everything. He wanted to forget everything Y/N told him, and go back to being a widowed man who had a kid and an illegal business to run.
“You have one shitty guardian angel, Mr Shelby. He was getting tired from all the bullshit you’ve put him through. So he wanted a vendetta.”
Y/N was messing with the Shelby. It was risky, yes. But, boy was his face something. He was speechless and a little embarrassed.
“Mr. Shelby, it was a joke.”
“Oh…” he whispered, and drank tea.
“I can see dead people, Mr Shelby. I don’t only hear them. So, whenever I’m walking, they come to me. They sometimes want to pass a message or say something in particular.”
“You told me private stuff. Things from Grace no one knew she told me.” He said again, tense.
Y/N scratched hey left eye, and sighted.
“Grace told everyone about his father getting killed by the IRA. But she never told to anyone about his sister and her mother, Mr. Shelby. Only the dead speak about their death. We suffer them, we try to forget. We never speak about them again. But the dead, they do. And they want you to find Grace. I don´t know why, I don’t know where, but…”
Thomas’ mind was working a thousand miles per hour. He interrupted her:
“Can you find her?” he asked, after finishing his drink and getting up to leave.
“Mr. Shelby…”
“I said” he put on his peaked hat, “can you find her?”
The look Thomas had in his eyes, touched something inside of her. She felt his inner desperation, his sorrow and saw all his sleepless nights.
“I can try. I can’t promise success but…”
“Speak to God, speak to Lucifer. Go to hell, go to heaven. I don’t care. But, by order of the peaky fucking blinders, you will help me find her and bring her home.”
Just like that he left, leaven the poor girl with a bittersweet taste and a heart full of pityness.
A cold body was running down Watery Lane. Four o’clock in the morning. The wind was the only sound present, but she couldn’t stop hearing a voice over and over again. When she arrived, she began to yell:
“Tommy! Open the door, Tommy!”
Y/N was waiting outside the Shelby residence, screaming Thomas’ name while knocking non-stop the black door.
“Y/N?” said the Shelby, appearing in his pajamas. “It’s fucking four in the morning. What it is?”
He looked so sleepy and housewifely. If it wasn’t for the Italian voice ringing her ear over and over again, she would’ve blushed.
Two hours after, the clock told Thomas it was quarter to six. Y/N was sitting in the couch, chewing a piece of bread. On the coffee table beside her, was a paper with her handwriting:
oltre La piazza, Oltre il poNte
olTre i mulini, oltRe le catAste
“Y/N, tell me what it means.”
“I said I don’t know, Tommy.”
“You wrote Italian! There’s no way in hell you don’t know!”
Y/N sighted, exasperated.
“I don’t speak Italian, Shelby. I just wrote what I heard. I don’t even know if I wrote it correctly.”
The argument was a cycle. I don’t, you do, I don’t, you do. Five minutes after the monotonous fight, Polly stepped into the living room-
“What are you idiots doing arguing this early?!” she asked, angrily.
“Thomas, I speak to the fuckin’ dead, i don’t speak Italian.”
“Italian?” asked Polly. She was as tired as she was lost.
Y/N handed her the sheet, without getting up the couch. Polly read the piece of paper, only to be as confused as the two who were fighting.
“Instead of arguing, why haven’t any of you thought about going to our own little Italy here in Small Heath for translation, eh?” she asked, with an annoyed expression.
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siriuslyshewrote · 5 years
Good Grief
A/N : So I kind of mixed both of these requests together, I hope that’s okay! I hope everyone’s keeping safe in these weird times. Much love x
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It was the first time you had been downstairs in a few days, and you were sat, hair unkempt, a rather miserable look on your face, stabbing vehemently at the carrot on your plate. The rest of your family chattered around you, but you couldn't find it in you to join in. You had always liked to think of yourself as a strong, independent woman - and raised by none other than Polly Gray and your older sister Ada, that was very much to be expected - and that was why you were so infuriated at yourself. You weren't the type of person to be so hung up over someone. And a boyfriend, at that.
Except, it was Bonnie Gold. The boy you were in love with, and who loved you too. At least, you thought. Until he didn't turn up to your date a week ago, and you had gone to the camp several miles out of town, concerned and confused, only to be told by Aberama that the boy didn't want to see you. And you hadn't heard from him since. You had been furious at first - because no one stood up a Shelby, but it quickly transpired into rather pitiful, wallowing misery, leading you to hibernate in your room for several days.
John nudged you in the ribs, jolting you out of your thoughts.
“How’re you doing?” You had been asked that question what felt like a million times during dinner - a dinner you were well aware Polly organised to try and cheer her youngest niece up, even though you knew she didn’t know the reason for your mood.
You shrugged, with a partially forced small smile. “Oh, ya know. Alright.”
"Cheer up, squirrel." He grinned, that infectious John Shelby grin, that almost made you smile too. "It's only a boy."
John's bluntness at other times would probably make you roll your eyes a little, but now, you froze slightly, still midway through prodding the pile of carrots on the side of your plate.
"I said it's just a lad, squirrel. Your hearing going?" He snickered, but your eyebrows pulled together in a frown.
"How did you know?" You spoke slowly, trying desperately not to jump to conclusions. Because the only person in your family that knew you and Bonnie were together was Finn, and he was very good at keeping secrets - at least, when he wanted to. So why would your brother know?
He paused for a second. "You know what you're like, Y/N, can't keep anything secret to save your life, can you? We figured it out a couple weeks back..." His half joking, half strained voice, the one you knew very well was his tell for lying, trailed off.
"We? We?" Your voice was raising steadily now. You locked eyes with Tommy at the end of the table, as the chatter began to die down. “It was fucking you lot, wasn't it? You're the reason why..."
You waited for them to deny it, to tell you you were being crazy. Instead, both Tommy and Arthur shot John a glare.
You pushed back from the table, the chair falling over behind you, not that you cared.
"He's not good for y-“ Tommy began, his face as expressionless as usual.
"How the fuck would you know!" You threw up your hands in exasperation. "Have you seen us every day for the past year? Have you seen how well he treats me? Or did you just see a gypsy boy, eh? However much you try and forget our heritage, Tommy, you're no better than Bonnie. You're worse, actually. Bonnie has a fucking soul. We can't say the same for you."
You focused a furious glare on your older brother, the one you knew that would have been the architect of this plan. Later, you'd regret these words. But for now, you were so angry you could barely refrain from throwing something at one of your brothers, aside from Finn, who looked utterly baffled at the situation, as per usual.
"Y/N." Polly's voice was sharp, always there to remind you you'd gone too far.
"No! Just because Grace is gone-" Just because Grace is gone doesn’t mean everyone else’s relationships are going to fall apart. Just because you lost someone doesn’t mean we all have to.
"Enough!" Polly barked, cutting you off, but your words - at least, the meaning, what you were about to say, hung in the air.
The silence that consumed the table told you very clearly that you had crossed the line, and for the first time in a long time, you saw what could only be described as a flicker of emotion - sadness - in Tommy's eyes. Guilt consumed you, and internally, you were screaming an apology. Externally, however, you set your jaw in fury.
“So what did you tell him?” You spoke quietly, glancing between your three older brothers in turn. “That he can’t see me? That he isn’t good enough? Threaten him?”
“Come on, squirrel-“ Finn pulled at your sleeve from beside you, his eyes imploring you to just sit down (he always hated conflict like this).
“Don’t worry, Finn. I’m done.” You turned on your heel, out of the room, pulling your coat from the rack near the door, slipping into your shoes, and slamming out the house, despite several protests you heard from inside the house. Just before you left, you grabbed the car keys off the sideboard.
You hadn’t slowed down to think, not since you left Polly’s house, after ‘borrowing’ John’s car, your fingers tapping impatiently at the steering wheel, urging the car to drive faster and faster, not caring that you were slightly drunk, and most definitely weren’t an expert in car driving. However, stood just outside the camp borders, with the cold stars behind you, and having just caught a glimpse of Bonnie sat beside the fire, whittling a piece of wood into some intricate shape, you did freeze. You weren’t supposed to feel like this, not after just a week, but somehow, it felt like you were simultaneously looking at a stranger and the boy you loved with all your heart.
You willed your feet forward, the mid-autumn night air cold on your arms, even though you were wearing a thick coat. The camp was silent, and you guessed Bonnie was guarding it while everyone else was asleep. He didn’t look up until you trod on a branch with a loud snap noise, and his hand immediately reached for his gun, though he relaxed as soon as he saw your face, then stiffened again, as if remembering what had happened. Even though you weren’t so sure about what happened yourself.
“Hey.” You said softly, sitting next to him, on a long log, the bark slightly uncomfortable, though you were used to it - you had been coming to this campsite for a year, after all.
He didn’t reply, didn’t know where to look, and so he returned his gaze to to small figurine he was creating, and now you were nearer, you saw it was a small deer - your favourite animal. It felt foreign to you, to not be curled into his side, to not see his large grin, his warm kisses.
“Why are you here?” He spoke gruffly, and you stared into the crackling fire, watching the sparks flare in the air for a few seconds, until they fizzled out.
“I wanted to talk-“
“Bit late for that, ain’t it? After you sent your brothers to break up with me?”
You gaped for a few moments, just now realising how this had all played out.
“Is that what they told you? That I didn’t want to see you? I thought... I don’t know what I thought. But listen, Bon. Whatever they said, yeah? None of that came from me. They’re overprotective fucking-“ You were rushing your speech, desperately hoping he would just listen.
He glanced up at you in surprise . “What?”
“None of that came from me, okay? I would’ve come sooner, but when you didn’t come to the date, and your Da sent me away... I just, I thought you wanted nothing more to do with me.”
“So ... you don’t want to break up?” A half confused smile was on his face.
“Of course I don’t! I want to fucking marry you, Bonnie Gold. Why the hell would I wanna break up?” You grinned, your thrumming heart slowing, as you saw realisation in his face.
Your hand tentatively reached for his, but he leaned closer to you, his lips brushing yours, as unsure as you were. You felt more nervous than you did with your first kiss.
“You want to get married?” He breathed, his eyes searching yours.
“Nothing I want more.”
“Good. Cause I feel the same.” He grinned, his hands caressing your face. “Marry me, Y/N Shelby?”
You laughed, several tears welling in your eyes. You weren’t exactly sure how you had gone from misery not five minutes ago to this, but you didn’t care.
“Yes, Bonnie Gold. Yes.”
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raw-lesbian-energy · 3 years
The Big Sister Law
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[Image description: Anonymous said
Caroline, Sprig and Polly’s wreck Anne for being angry (you can choose what she is upset about)]
Okay so this one was really vague but this idea felt fitting so I hope you enjoy it, Anon!
Summary: Anne finds herself having a bad day, and Caroline enacts what she calls ‘the big sister law’ to help her feel better. With the help of Sprig and Polly, of course.
Fandom: Amphibia (The Wild Soul AU)
Pairing: None
Features: Self-Insert
Word Count: 1,120
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! If that’s not your thing, just keep scrolling.
Normally, Anne Boonchuy was able to handle a bad day.
Today, however, seemed to be out to get her.
It started when she overslept, rushing to get ready and almost tripping down the stairs when she went to get breakfast. By the time she had made it to the kitchen, most of the food had already been eaten, leaving her stuck with scraps and leftovers.
Things only got worse when a small horde of frog bots showed up, which she, the Plantars, and Caroline had to fight off. Anne had almost gotten blasted thanks to a misstep, resulting in some debris landing right on the teen’s foot. It seemed like everything that could go wrong that day was, indeed, going wrong.
Extremely, horribly, oh so very wrong.
So, Anne chose to hide away in her room, lying face-down on her bed with her injured foot bandaged and her phone playing music next to her. She wanted to just sleep the rest of the awful day away, but it seemed that life had other plans.
“Anne?” Caroline’s voice sounded in the doorway, though Anne didn’t even glance up. She merely grumbled in response, hearing footsteps and feeling a weight settle on her bed as the young woman sat down.
“How’s your foot?” She asked, trying to break the silence. Anne shrugged, still not moving from her spot.
“It’s fine.” She mumbled, her voice almost inaudible through the pillow. Caroline wasn’t convinced, her brow furrowing before an idea crossed her mind. A small mischievous smirk made its’ way onto her face, and turning her gaze to the door, she saw Sprig and Polly were still waiting. She silently signalled for them to come in, putting a finger to her lips to tell them to keep quiet.
“Kiddo,” The young woman turned back to the teen, talking to cover up any other noise, “you know I’m here to listen if something’s bothering you.” Anne remained silent for a moment, mulling it over in her head before letting out a long sigh.
“…Bad day.” She said at last. “Just…grumpy.” Caroline let out a small ‘oh’ in realization, smiling and tilting her head slightly.
“Well, that’s no fun.” She commented. “If that’s the case, then it seems there’s only one thing that can be done.” This actually caused Anne to turn her head, looking back at Caroline with confusion.
“What’s that?” She asked, her voice clearer now that she wasn’t talking into her pillow. She quickly noticed the mischievous glint in the young woman’s eyes, causing a small squirming sensation in her stomach.
“Well,” Caroline’s tone held just as much mischief as her eyes, “since I am your big sister now, it only makes sense that I start acting like it.” It didn’t take long for Anne to realize what she was getting at, her eyes widening before she pushed herself up and tried to scramble away. Caroline had anticipated the movement, however, snagging Anne’s waist and yanking her back.
“Oh no, you don’t!” She cried, wrestling to keep her grip. She quickly wiggled her fingers against Anne’s side, earning a squeak and frantic giggling from the teen. The tickling made her unable to fight back as much, allowing Caroline to effectively hold onto her.
“Carolihihine!” Anne squealed through her giggling, kicking her legs uselessly. She couldn’t do much with her foot still hurt, but that was the least of her worries as she noticed Sprig and Polly had joined the two on the bed.
“Hey, guys!” Caroline said cheerfully, slowing her attack slightly. “Care to help me cheer up Anne?” The two frogs gained matching grins, and Anne felt her heart flutter anxiously as she realized she was screwed.
“Wait wait waHAHAIT!” The teen broke into loud cackles as three sets of hands swarmed her torso, sending electric sensations shooting through her body. Polly focused mostly on her stomach, which had become slightly exposed from her shirt riding up slightly. Sprig was tickling away at her sides, and Caroline skillfully played her ribs like a piano.
“Hey, you’re looking happier already!” The young woman teased, making Anne’s face flush red. She could handle being tickled silly, but any teasing made her want to curl up and vanish. Unfortunately, with the way she was being held, curling up at all wasn’t an option.
“Cut it ohohohout!” She cried, her words barely cutting through her laughter as she weakly tried to escape. Her plea was met with Caroline sneaking her hands under her arms, earning a shrieky cry that quickly turned to hysterical laughter.
“There it is!” The woman exclaimed, grinning ear-to-ear. “There’s the laugh I was looking for!” Anne’s face had gone completely red, her eyes screwed shut as she frantically shook her head side to side. This only caused her hair to brush against her neck, her shoulders scrunching to try and block the tickling sensation it caused. Polly was the first to notice it, and hopping up to get a better look, she wiggled her flippers against the side of the teen’s neck.
The reaction was instant. The squeal that erupted from Anne’s throat rang through the house, startling the other three to the point that Polly almost fell over. She was quick to regain her footing, though, and grinned as she started tickling Anne’s neck relentlessly.
“NAHAHAHA-!” Anne couldn’t speak anymore, the sensation overwhelming her as all she could do was laugh her head off. It wasn’t long after that she started reaching her limit, and Caroline let up with Sprig and Polly following suit. The teen took in gulps of air as giggles still escaped her, lying back against Caroline as she caught her breath.
“You okay?” Caroline asked, a smile on her face but a tone of concern in her voice. Anne nodded slowly, wiping away the tears that had formed in her eyes.
“Yeheheah.” She replied, her body still tingling from the ticklish onslaught. A goofy smile remained on her face, her cheeks flushed from laughing so much, but she couldn’t help but notice she felt a lot happier than before.
“Hey, uh…” she started, glancing between the three around her, “…thanks for helping me feel better.” Sprig and Polly smiled at her, while Caroline chuckled and ruffled her hair.
“Hey, it’s what siblings do.” She told her. “And besides, it’s a big sister’s responsibility to make sure her little sister’s okay, even if it means resorting to some mischievous methods.” Anne giggled and rolled her eyes, sitting up and stretching.
“Yeah yeah, I get it.” She replied. “Now, any chance we can get something to eat? I am famished.” Caroline laughed and nodded, and with that, the four of them left Anne’s room to get some well-deserved snacks.
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yayneloveart · 3 years
Okay... Turnabout Goodbyes time... part 1
Two guys just chilling in a boat, one meter apart because one is looking for revenge on the other
I've noticed that whenever hes outside, Nick always wears his backpack briefcase. Its kinda.... weird? It looks like hes a college student getting ready to go make an important presentation.
I love Nick calling Gumshoe 'Detective Gummy'. I know its because he cant remember his name but PBnT started calling him that in their playthrough so I feel like hes just calling him a very familiar nickname. +10 stars
'Butz Original Samurai Buns' sounds so much funnier than just 'Samurai Dogs'. Got some hot buns, Butz? (Side note, at work I once shipped a package to, no joke, 'The Butz Family'. The address? 420 Main St.) +100 stars
+10 stars for changing the confusing line 'I'm the little sister'/'no, im my big sisters little sister' to 'I'm the fucking boss of the office so Phoenix works for me'
+1,000 stars for animating Gourdy as a cute monster
Another +1,000 stars for the fantastic voice performance by Whitney Rodgers playing Lotta Hart.
Von Karma calling Gumshoe 'Richard', fantastic, 100+ stars
Using the exact map of the lake from the game, +10 stars
To protest crunchy roll putting in 2 minute ad blocks I mute them and play minecraft until they pass. Fuck you, ads.
Everything looks so different when you can see Lotta looking straight at Edgeworth when she says she saw him...
Phoenix: Look at this photo!
Me: ...graph...
Hey Lotta, only Larry and Maya can call Phoenix 'Nick'!
Literally, the only reason why Von Karma 'won' any of his cases was by bullying everyone in court. At least Franziska did her own research and collected evidence.
Larry: well... those are my buns... (+10 stars to the translation team)
Lotta calling Larry a butthead is fucking fantastic, why didnt anyone call him that in any of the games???
WTF NO WONDER WES DECIDED TO MAKE HER THE HARBINGER OF THE APOCALYPSE (if you dont understand this, watch SaveDataTeam's Ace Attorney with an Actual Lawyer series)
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Abandoned 4
Summary: Riverdale Magical AU!; Written as an idea for the Halloween Challenge, pairing currently undecided
This is the fourth in the Abandoned Series the continuation of this imagine can be provided by: A Support My Writing Donation  (with the request in the note section)  with any ship being able to be worked into this
“So what’s his specialty, all witches have specialties right?” You tilt your head down the hallway, looking back to Betty. “Who?” “That black haired footballer.” You nod your head towards the black haired boy, Betty wrinkles her nose. “Reggie, really good at healing. Surprisingly gentle with his magic.” Betty smiles patting your shoulder. “You sure you wouldn’t rather have Veronica and Archie help with your tour, being Grimms I’d assume you all have to stick together?” You shake your head, biting a scream when Jason Blossom walks by trailing after his sister. You stare at him a second too long and Betty looks worried. “You see something?” “No, just haze I guess?” You watch Cheryl walk and Veronica appears next to Betty looping her arm in hers. “Cheryl is closer to Fae, well a witch who specifies in Fae spells, her father dabbles in Necro apparently.” Veronica states. “Necro?” You tilt your head and Archie glares at Veronica. “Necromancy, the most expensive magic.” You snort shaking your head. “Necromancy isn’t expensive at-“ You quiet at the shocked looks they’re giving you.
“What the hell are you talking about Necro is like the most expensive- Kevin! Kevin tell her about Necro!” You turn to the boy who walks up smiling. “Kevin Keller, Sheriff’s son, what’s this about Necro?” You shrug waving your hand. “I’ve been misinformed about the price apparently.” “Necromancy is the most extreme magic one can use, the only way to have it done properly is to have a banshee.” You still turning to him. You can hear your father screaming for you to play dumb. “A what?” “A Banshee, to call the dead back. It makes the price null apparently. Well it means if the person you bring back dies again the Banshee can’t bring them back ever again. But a Banshee’s scream is said to be so powerful it can bring back anything, even reverse aging” Kevin shrugs. You bite down the comment that your singing is what reverses aging; your scream only calls back souls.
You’re in the locker room, and feel a hand against your back, ice cold, you know it’s Jason. “Yes?” He laughs in response humming, his hands drifting against your bare shoulder laughing as you swat them away. “I’m changing.” He laughs again, his voice soft and sad. “I miss her. Cheryl, can you give her a message, please.” You scowl but nod holding your hand out as he places his palm against yours in promise. He mumbles into your ear humming softly, you let him finish his message palm pulling backwards as he finishes.
You catch Cheryl at the end of practice and she scowls as you step nervously up. “Cheryl, can I-“ “Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of everyone.” You swallow as Jason nods giving you a thumbs up. You wrinkle your nose. “I’d really rather not, it’s personal and involves Jason and-“ She turns away from you, hissing as she stomps off, Betty and Veronica glare at you, and you glare at Jason who laughs. You watch as everyone leaves. Turning to Jason who smirks playfully. “Fucking dick, you knew she would-“ He puts a finger to his lips and you stamp your foot snarling. “No you don’t get to-“ You freeze as he walks through you, well more like stumbles but you catch the meaning whirling around to see Kurtz staring at you. “Hey sis. You handling it okay?” You snarl and he laughs. “Aww is it a boy?” You roll your eyes. “Yeah the dead one.” He snorts and you smirk. “Come on class now. Be a good girl.” He laughs more and you smack the back of his head. “You’re still a ghoul in every sense of the word. Don’t forget I can still call you home.” Your smile darkens and he nods ducking his head in apology. “Dad doing okay?” He nods and vanishes as you step towards your next class. He appears in the back, the teacher scowling. “Kurtz, please use the door next time.” He laughs and you turn pretending you’ve never seen him before as you look confused to Betty who shakes her head. Shooting a glare at him as he grins stretching it slightly too wide to be human.
Lunch is a relief; you’re sitting on the couch in the student lounge, waiting as Cheryl breezes by for the familiar cold of Jason as his fingers drum the side of your head, you’ve learned to ignore him but you lean over to Betty, out of his way. “What is Kurtz?” You cast your eyes over to where he’s appeared. “Oh you wanna know what I am?” He laughs stepping forward before appearing in front of you leaning over smirking. “Kurtz is a nightmare, a ghoul, a spectre pulled from death and given a human form. A necromancer brought him back. Malachai, you should do your best to avoid both of them.” Veronica glares at him. You roll your eyes, before you feel Jason’s lips on the back of your neck, you jump up slamming into Kurtz and growling, as you whip around, about to yell at him, before he passes through you. “What happened?” “Sorry I thought I saw a spider.” Cheryl laughs and you glare at her as Jason joins in. You catch sight of another kid, and you jerk your head back, scream bubbling in your throat.
“I have too; go, I need to leave. Fuck, shit, shit.” You turn to the door stumbling forward but cringe when someone’s hand grips your wrist. “Please let me go. Please.” You turn to see Cheryl smirk on her face. “Oh no, you little liar,” She turns to the rest of the group shoving you back and you panic staring at the kid, thankful you don’t know his name “Liar?” Betty looks worriedly at you. “She’s not a Grimm, can’t you sense the magic around her? It’s so different than anything we’ve seen. What do you think Daryl, since you’re so good at deception spells, is she familiar?” You look in horror at the boy Cheryl named. “Yeah Daryl wanna play a game?” You glare at Kurtz, panic rising as you cover your mouth. “Please Cheryl, please let me go.” She laughs and shakes her head shoving you back towards the couch. You close your eyes refusing to look at Daryl, confused when you can almost feel the tickling of a spell, some sort of truth charm you think, you open your eyes sigh, swallowing back the scream you so desperately want to unleash, instead smiling tightly. “Daryl taught me how to use a gun, illegally.” You fake a look of shock glaring at Cheryl.
“Good job covering up that one, I’m sure Daryl is pissed at you now though.” Jason winks from behind Kurtz and you glare at him. You swallow once more jerking your arm from Cheryl’s grip and sitting back on the couch, Kurtz vanishes reappearing somewhere nearby, you can still feel him. Jason hovers next to you hand brushing your wrist tracing shapes on your skin. You know the ruin’s he’s inscribing, the ones that bind Kurtz to Malachai, you roll your eyes, turning back to everyone talking about going to Pop’s later. “You’re welcome to come of course.” You smile nodding. “I’d love to.” You move to go to history with Veronica and Reggie, you’re seated next to him and you frown for a second, noticing the shimmering around his eye, a concealment charm to cover bruising. Jason scowls from where he sits on the desk miming a punching himself in the eye.
“His father. Thinks healing is a waste of magic.” You smile in thanks turning to Reggie and sighing and running your hand through your hair. “What’s wrong?” You shake your head. “Nothing, I just realized I’m in a little over my head when it comes to some of these classes, and the whole ‘magic’ school aspect.” Reggie laughs nodding. “It can be a bit overwhelming, Archie almost flunked out twice but Betty helped him a bunch. It’s harder for Grimms cause you can’t actually practice the magic, you just have to memorize facts about it.” You shrug. “I think it’d be easier memorizing but what do I know.” “I can help you cheat, since Cheryl is one of the top students.” Jason winks and you smile fondly. “Reggie, do you think you could help me study, I’m really nervous about all the healing stuff. I just, I never understood how you can just fix stuff.” Jason snorts. “Course the banshee can’t figure out how to fix shit, you just kill it” Jason responds before drifting over to Cheryl.
“Betty!” You call out and she turns smiling, Jason turns pushing his focus onto you. “Yeah what’s up?” She nods as you duck your head nervously. “I was in the library and-well anyways, I heard your sister, Polly is pregnant, and if it’s weird just let me know but would it be okay if I gave her a blessing, I know it’s kind of-“ “Oh she’d love that! So many people are against her and the babies, so I’m sure she’d love it.” Betty nods and you try to focus on the directions she’s giving you with Jason screaming and hugging you at the same time.
You don’t tell him what you’re going to do; the knife is warm in your grip when you smile at Polly, Betty having gone downstairs. Jason hovers next to her nervously. One of his hands reaching back as he moves in front of her. “Just give me a second, I sort of lied. It’s not really a blessing, more like a present. Hand.” Jason hovers his hand out as you cut yours dropping the blood onto his palm. Polly to her credit doesn’t scream as Jason solidifies. He smiles reaching out to brush her face when she grips his hand. Jason screams and you can’t help but laugh as Polly hushes him. “Only you can hear it, well me and you.” You smile she’s ignoring you and you sit content to wait out however long Betty gives you to “bless” Polly. It doesn’t take long for you to start to feel dizzy. You try your best to hold off but you can’t help the yawn, the way your powers pull Jason back to the inbetween.
The bell rings and you watch everyone gathering to go to Pop’s, Reggie waves you over and you laugh when Jason scowls, before waving as well. “Polly. Please talk to her, please. Polly. Polly. Polly.” Jason repeats just as he had been for the past two hours. You nod. “Hey do any of you guys know someone named Polly by chance?” “My sister.” Betty nods and you tilt your head as Jason grips you shoulder. “Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?” Jason repeats hissing into your ear. “Oh, is she joining us at Pop’s?” Betty nods. You smile when you meet her letting Jason’s hand overlap yours as you shake hers in greeting. She looks concerned for a moment, before she smiles back at you. “Pleasure. Your hands are cold, is it cold outside now?” You can feel the truth inflection in her words, so natural you can’t help the smile on your face. “No I just have poor circulation.” You respond, Jason laughs as you sit across from her, Reggie at the edge smiling.
“Polly is really gifted in truth spells.” Jason nods almost prideful as Betty talks about her sister. “She was pretty incredible, managed to use her gift to help uncover a few of the teachers smuggling in dark magical items.” Polly looks embarrassed but still smiles. “Betty and Jughead helped me out with that. They deserve as much credit.” You nod ordering a shake as everyone else orders food. Jason shakes his head at you and you wrinkle your nose. “You’re not getting a burger?” Veronica questions. “No, I usually have dinner at like eight so I’m not really hungry right now.” Jason rolls his eyes. “Liar. You should eat. It’s safe here.” He nods to you and you huff pulling your shake over as everyone starts to eat.
“So what brings you to Riverdale?” Betty asks and you swallow. “My uncle moved out here for some magic work, he thought it would be a good way to get me involved, both my parents died when I was younger, he’s basically raised me.” You don’t mention you killed your parents, or how your uncle is technically your grandfather. “Oh you picked a hell of a time to come to Riverdale then.” Kevin laughs and you tilt your head. “There’s a new necromancer, since Malachai went underground. His name is Edgar and he says he can do Necro, without a banshee and bring the dead back.” You snort shaking your head. “That’s not possible, he must be charming the people somehow.” Cheryl scowls. “I’ve seen it work, he let me talk to Jason.” Her voice is quiet but you watch Jason as he shakes his head, tapping on the side of his. “You were drugged.” You state and Cheryl snarls. “ I wasn’t drugged!” She snaps and you arch an eyebrow. “I can prove it later tonight if you want, if we can use the speakeasy as a stage.” You turn to Veronica who nods, you smile.
“I should go, to get ready to prove this new Necromancer is a liar.” Cheryl nods scowling as you stand and leave. Kurtz appears the minute the door closes. “Yes ghoul.” “You’re going to bring him back? To prove Edgar isn’t a true Necromancer?” “No I’m going to kill Edgar, I know what he’s doing, charming and numbing them. It upsets the balance, you’re welcome to help me if you-“ “Please.” He hisses and you smile, carefully holding his arm and tracing your fingers over the ruins carved into his, before doubling over them and tugging to lift them from his skin. His eyes widen, flexing his fingers as if moving them for the first time. “What did you do?” He stares shocked as you smile. “I brought you back. Unbound. Well Unbound to any other than me.” Kurtz laughs smirking before he pulls you into a hug, you return it kissing his cheek. “Now, go have some fun, they can’t trace you anymore.” You wink and turn back into Pop’s “Hey sorry I just realized I don’t need to really get ready, I can do it whenever.”  Cheryl smirks.
“Fine we’ll go down there now and you can try to prove whatever you want.” You look to Veronica who nods as the group sits down among the chairs and table you look at the stage. “Can any of you sound proof this? Like the speakeasy, I’d hate for anyone to hear what we’re doing. Might scare them, yeah?” Veronica and Betty nod, Polly stands helping her sister cast a sound numbing charm, you watch Reggie and brush your hand under your own eye, swiping his covering charm off. “Now, is everyone ready? Cheryl if you’d please step up here, I can tell you things about yourself only Jason would know, to prove you’re not really speaking to him as Edgar tells you and-“ Kurtz appears smoke wafting around him and he beams. “Hey, did I miss it?” “No, you’re early did it really take that little time?” He grins showing rows of fangs. “Being unbound is great.” You roll your eyes as Cheryl steps forward. “This is a private séance.”
“Séance?” Kurtz laughs, “Is that what you told them you do?” You roll your eyes. “They assumed I though it only fair.” “Prove to them what you are then.” “if you’d shut up for five minutes I could.” You snort and he huffs sitting down. Cheryl turns smiling at you. “Well go on, let’s see then.” She waves her hand and you smile nodding. “Jason.” Your voice is quiet compared to your normal scream, you can see him standing next to Cheryl and you speak his name louder. “Jason Blossom.” You state and he nods, hand reaching out, Cheryl stares at it, you know it’s only a faint shimmer to her, she reaches to touch it but hesitates. “Would you like to hold him once more?” Your voice is quiet, and Cheryl nods. “Cover your ears, all of you.” The group nods looking from one another, Cheryl covers her ears and you sigh letting the screams you’ve bitten back bubble forth.
“JASONNNNNNNNNNN.” You close your eyes as he forms fully, you’ve never liked seeing all the living parts reconverging, you open them and he smiles back at you. “Do we need to dance?” He asks half whispering. You kiss him on the cheek. “No, not yet, you can-“ He doesn’t wait for you to finish arms wrapping around Cheryl, you notice everyone has their eyes closed, hands over their ears cringing. Cheryl screeches when she opens hers, when she feels Jason hugging her. Everyone else stares shocked. “How did you?” “Banshee.” You sigh relaxing finally able to speak what you truly are. Kurtz snorts. “Does that feel good then? Telling them what you truly are?” “Shall we then ghoul?” You hold your hand out and Jason grips his hand in yours. “Just a quick dance to solidify you and-“
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It’s in his DNA
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Summary: You would think that being the cousin to Jason and Cheryl Blossom I would love always being in the spotlight just like them right. But I really don’t. I rather not been in the spotlight. But nonetheless Jason and Cheryl are very protective of me. Jason always made sure non of the guys tried to take advantage of me. While Cheryl made sure no girl even breathed the wrong way in my direction. But since Jason is now dead everything is about to change.
As I watched Cheryl walk up to the podium I could feel the tears coming to my eyes. I put my head on reggie shoulder. Reggie removed his arm from my waist and started to rub my back. "Thank you for that moment of silence. Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally. Each and every one of meant the world to Jason. I loved my brother. He was and always will be my soul mate. So I speak with the confidence only a twin could have. Jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning. Jason would want us to move on with our lives. Which is why I've asked the school board not to cancel the back to school semiformal. But rather to let us use it as a way to heal collectively and celebrate my brother's too too short life on this mortal coil. Thank you all." Cheryl said which made everyone clap for her. Then we were allow to leave. Reggie got first and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up into his chest. That is when I started to cry. Reggie held me as I cried.  I could feel at least two more hands rub my back. I guess that it was Archie and Moose. I cried for about five minutes before I was ok for now. I pulled away from reggie's chest and he still had his arms around me. "You ok?" Reggie asked. "For now. I'm going to go wash my face." I said. Reggie nodded and lead me to a restroom while he waited outside.
I went right over to a sink getting some paper towels and wet. Then I wipe my face with the wet paper towels. "Hey you ok?" A voice asked. I looked and saw Veronica. "I'm getting by." I said. "So was Jason your brother too?"  Veronica asked. "Cousin. I'm the black sheep of the Blossom family and both Cheryl and Jason were the other two who actually cared about me." I said. "I'm sorry." Veronica said. I nodded. I threw the paper towel away. "Want to walk out with me?" Veronica asked. "Sure." I said. "Maybe you could tell me more about this reggie guy." Veronica said linking her arm with mine. "Well he's actually waiting outside for me." I said. "Even better." Veronica said. We both walked out together. "Oh my god girl he is so hot. You scored big time." Veronica whispered into my ear. Which made me giggled. That made reggie look at both of this. "Who's this babe?" Reggie asked. "Reggie this is Veronica." I said. "You reggie are lucky to have this girl." Veronica said lightly hitting me with her hip. "That I am." Reggie said. With that the bell rang. "See you later kelsee." Veronica said. I nodded. "Come on babe lets to class." Reggie said taking my hand. I had the next class with reggie but that class was almost over because of the assembly.So we went and waited to be let out.  When we did I had class with betty and kevin. I knew I was about to get questioned. I sat down beside betty. "So when were you going to tell me about reggie?" Bettey asked. "I only found out this morning when Cheryl told me." I said. "And you said yes?" Betty asked.  "Should I have said no?" I asked. "Yes. No!" Betty and kevin said at the same time. "Come on betty just be happy for her." Kevin said. "I just don't want her to get hurt." Betty said. "Betty I'm well protected." I said. Betty sighed. "Fine I'm happy for you." Betty said smiling at me. "Thanks betty." I said. "What are friends for." Betty said. Soon it was time to go to my next class which I didn't know if I shared with anyone but when I walked in I saw Veronica. She smiled and waved at to come over and sit beside her. Which I did. "So after class do you want to walk to lunch together?" Veronica asked. "Of course but I'm going to put reggie jacket in my locker first if you don't mind?" I asked. "Of course not." Veronica said. When class was over Veronica followed me to my locker then to the cafeteria.
We both got our food than went outside to seat. As we were walking down the stairs i saw reggie signaling me to come and sit besides him and Moose with other football players. "II'll see you later." I said to Veronica. "Of course. Oh and you can call me ronnie." Veronica said to to me. I smiled and nodded at her before leaving and going to sit with reggie. He save me a spot by putting his leg in thw spot next to him onky moving it when I sat my tray down. We I did sit down I could hear music being played. It was really good. "Hey babe. Where's your jacket?" Reggie asked. "In my locker. I didn't want to get it dirty during lunch." I said taking a bite of my food. "You going to come and watch football practice?" Reggie asked. "The vixien tryout are around the same time but I'll see what I could do." I said. "No problem if you can't make it babe we'll have more time at the semiformal." Reggie said. "Than the after party at throne hill." I said. Cheryl came to our table but didn't sit down. "Kelsee I have some great news for you." Cheryl said. "What is it now C?" I asked. "You are now junior capitan of the river vixiens." Cheryl said. "Wow. Thanks C." I said. "You're welcome dear cousin." Cheryl said before walking away. "Wow congrats babe." Reggie said kissing the side of my head. "Thanks baby." I said smiling. After luch it was time to do the tryout and I went to the gym to change into my uniform then went out to the gym where Cheryl and her two minions were waiting.
In the middle of the gym were four chairs. Two were just regular fold out chairs while the other two look kinda throne like. "Come and sit down dear cousin. Cheryl said montioning to one of the throne like chair. I sat down one while she sat down in the other while her minions sat in the fold out chairs. We watched girls tryout while Cheryl picked out the ones who were good. Finally it was Veronica and Betty turn. I thought than dud really good but Cheryl not so much. "Hmm. Ladies where's the heat? Where's the sizzle?" Cheryl said. "Well you haven't seen our big finish yet." Veronica said putting her hands on her hips. She grabbed betty by her arm and pulled her in to her then kissed her. Cheryl still wasn't impressed. "Check your sell by date ladies faux lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994. So lets see if you do better with the interview portion of our audition. Betty how's your sister doing?" Cheryl said. "Um polly's fine thanks for asking." Betty said. "Veronica has betty told you about her sister yet?" Cheryl asked. "Uh no." Veronica said crossing her arms. "Go ahead betty. Tell Veronica about your sister and dear brother." Cheryl said. "Polly and Jason dated." Betty said. "I wouldn’t say dated." Cheryl said. "It didn't end well." Betty said. "In fact Jason’s probably why your sister had a nervous breakdown and now lives in a group home isn't it?" Cheryl said. "That’s what my parents think." Betty said. "What do you have to say about that betty? Go ahead the floor is yours. Wharever you've been dying to spew about Jason and how he treated Polly unleash it. Destroy me. Tear me a new one. Rip me to shreds. Annihilate me." Cheryl said. "I just." Betty said. "Finally." Cheryl said. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to jason. I can't even imagine what you and your family must be going through." Betty said. "Right. Veronica welcome to the River Vixens. Betty better luck next time." Cheryl said. "Wait what? Why? Because you couldn't bully betty into being a bitch?" Veronica said. "I need girls with fire on my squad." Cheryl said. "I know what you need Cheryl because I know who you are. You would rather people fear than like you so you traffic in terror and intimidation. You're rich so you've never been held accountable but I'm living proof. That certainty that entitlement you wear on your head like a crown? It won't last. Eventually there will be a reckoning. Or maybe that reckoning is now. And maybe that reckoning. Is me. Betty and I come as a matching set. You want one you take us both. You wanted fire? Sorry Cherylbombshell my specialty's ice." Veronica said. Cheryl ended up letting both Betty and Veronica join the team.
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rubysunnday · 5 years
I love you
Summary: you were too scared to admit just how much you loved Finn. But then things changed.
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You’d been in love with Finn from the moment you’d laid eyes on him in school. He’d ignored you for years, dating every other girl in Small Heath but you. You tried not to let it hurt you, but seeing your siblings getting married and living their lives made you feel small and useless. Didn’t help that your parents kept trying to set you up with random men older than you.
You had become friends with Finn through Isaiah. Your best friend, who was well aware of your crush, had gotten you drunk and you’d woken up with Finn - clothes on, thankfully - and it’d all gone from there.
The only issue was...you hadn’t told anyone. Well, except Isaiah. He’d known straight away. But you hadn’t told your parents and you hadn’t told his family.
You were exactly sure how your parents were going to react to you dating a Shelby. They didn’t exactly get along with them - or like them for that matter. You were terrified that they were going to kick you out. And even more terrified that Finn’s family were going to hate you and disapprove of your relationship.
And because of how terrified you were, when Finn told you that he loved you, you panicked and said nothing. He hadn’t spoken to you since, you’d both been avoiding each other and it was fine.
Now? Now you were screwed. Your sister had found out and had told your parents and now you were in the middle of a yelling match in your kitchen. Your stuff was being shoved into a box and thrown out onto the street and you were homeless.
“The moment you slept with a Shelby you disgraced this family. You’re no daughter of mine!” Your father yelled, shoving you out the door. You fell down the stairs, scraping your knees on the concrete as you fell.
“Then you’re no family of mine!” You yelled back, standing up and turning your back on your parents. You left your stuff in the street, waking away as you tried not to start sobbing.
You had nowhere to go.
Through your tears you realised you were outside the Garrison. You wiped away the tears and straightened your skirt. There was nothing you could do about the blood on your knees and hands, but a drink could fix some of the pain.
You walked in and immediately regretted it. John and Arthur were sitting at the bar, three whiskeys in. You tried to leave again but they’d spotted you.
“Hey! Y/N!” Arthur called and you sighed.
You slowly turned around, giving them a smile. “Hey. I was looking for Finn but since he’s not here I’ll go.”
“Hang on,” John called and you froze. “At least have a drink.”
You sat down on the stool next to John as he poured you a whiskey.
“What happened to your leg?” John asked as you took a sip.
“I fell over,” you lied, trying not to look at his face.
“Ahuh...where’s your coat?”
You took another sip. “I left it at home.”
“Even though it’s raining?”
“It wasn’t raining when I left.”
“Stop lying, y/n, what happened?”
You groaned. “Fine!” Both of them looked at you as you finished your whiskey in one go. “Finn and I have been dating for the last six months and my parents found out and, since they don’t like you very much, have disowned me and throw me out the house.” You grabbed johns drink and finished the one too. “And since Finn and I had an argument, I have nowhere to go and I didn’t fall over, I was pushed and I’m cold, tired and in a lot of pain so I’d appreciate it if I could have another whiskey.”
Harry, bless him, said nothing as he slid you another whiskey.
“Need us to do anything about your parents?” Arthur asked lowly.
You shook your head. “Not worth it. I just need my boyfriend and somewhere to live. Oh, and a job.” You froze. “Oh god I’ve got nowhere to life and no money.”
“Ok,” John said, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Before you spiral any further, I think we should find Finn, get you warm and fix you up. Ok?”
You nodded, hot tears spilling over as John hugged you tightly. Arthur handed you his jacket and you gratefully took it, wrapping it around your shoulders.
They walked you to Watery Lane, both of them chatting aimlessly about things to distract you. But before you knew it, you were being ushered inside and you felt as if you were going to throw up when you spotted Finn.
Finn was staring at you, surprise all over his face. Before anyone else had a chance to say anything, you cleared your throat and spoke.
“Finn, the reason I didn’t say I love you back was because I was terrified. Terrified of what admitting my love meant, terrified that my parents would find out. Terrified of all the bad things that might happen, but now all the bad things that could’ve happened have happened, I can say it.
“I love you, Fin Shelby. I love you so much it hurts. I’ve loved you since the first time I met you and I’ll never stop loving you. And I know this is usually the point where some romantic, passionate miss occurs but I’m in so much pain and I’m so cold right now that I need to sit down and have a long drink before I pass out.”
You slumped down into a chair, clutching Arthur’s jacket around you tightly as Tommy handed you his glass of whiskey.
You looked up at Finn. “So I pour my heart and soul out to you and your just going to stand there?” Silence. “Finn! I got kicked out my house for you, you could at least say I love you.”
“Marry me.”
The glass you were holding fell out of your hand as you stared at Finn.
“What?” You breathed.
“Marry me. There’s no one to stop us,” he looked to Polly and Tommy, “don’t even think about it. I’ve always loved you, y/n, I know I’m a bit of a prick at times but I love you so much -“
“Then marry me,” you said, cutting him off.
Finn smiled and ran over to you. You giggled as he kissed you, holding you tightly.
“Ow,” you hissed as he accidentally hit your cut knee. “I should probably fix myself up before I get married.”
Finn laughed, resting his forehead against yours, smirking. “Maybe.” His eyes lit up, “or -“
He was quickly pushed away from you as Polly came over to help you clean yourself up.
“At least wait until she’s actually capable of standing, Finn,” She muttered as you giggled. “I would like to plan a wedding for once.”
Two days later, you and Finn were married. You’d snuck down to the town hall first thing in the morning, not wanting to wait any longer. Neither one of you were too fussed about rings or weddings, wanting nothing more than just each other.
You tried to keep it quiet, but it’d all been ruined after you’d called John “a man whore” and he’d proudly called you his wife.
Polly wasn’t at all surprised .
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jnlletrry · 5 years
Cheryl: Now that the rat is out of his body, I'd like to introduce you to my brother. This is JJ. My twin. Yes, I know he's dead.
Polly: These are my twins, Juniper and Dagwood. JJ was their father. He's dead and my cousin. All my problems in life are someone else's fault, but Edgar is helping me heal.
Edgar: This is my family. This is my daughter *whispers* also my wife! *ends whisper*. This is my organ harvesting farm! And this is my rocket!! #blastingoffbitches
Charles: Hey. I work for the FBI. Just found my biological mom and dad after nearly 30 years of life. I have siblings too! This is my brother, Jughead, and my sister, Betty. They're dating, very much in love.
Archie: When I have a problem, I take my shirt off and punch things. Body of a 1970s porn star and all #abs
Betty: I don't really have a home right now. My sister was indoctrinated into a cult, the fucking weirdo with the rocket, and my mom went into save her and ended up being held hostage after my sister was released with a bomb strapped to her that I diffused LITERALLY just in the knick of time. I've been working with my half brother - my real half brother, not the one I turned over to my serial killer father to murder - to save my mom and sister and others, but I'm cool. I'm fine. Everything's ooooooooookaaaaaaayyyy.
Veronica: You've got a problem? We'll I've got the money to fix it! *sailor scout salute* This is money that I've earned, with no help from my treacherous father or my murderous mother. I'm a self-made woman.
Kevin: Existing gayly *NEEDS A HUG*
Jughead: I'm not afraid to cut a bitch because I've been beaten up and broken down, stomped on and left for dead. I practically had to raise myself, though my boy Arch and Mr. Andrews, God rest his beautiful soul, always had my back. My dad got his life together and became sheriff. My drug dealing mom is out of my life. I've got my sister back, and Betty Cooper is the light of my life. Everything is coming up Jonses. *insert ominous ellipsis*
Josie: *living her best life in NY* I had to get the HELL up out of there
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By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.
Chapter 5: Clean Slate
Photo/Gif Credit: @murphyaddiction
Warnings: Still quiet in this area. Unless you count anxiety.
Beta: @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Note: Hey everyone! Here’s a little something for this story. It’s a little shorter than usual, but I wanted to get something up. I really enjoyed it because we get to learn a little bit more about Ellie girl. I hope you enjoy as well. As always, I hope you’re all safe and healthy!
Ellie began to fidget at the thought of being alone with the obvious matriarch of the family. She didn’t have anything to be nervous about, but there was particular scrutiny coming from her that had her on pins and needles.
“Come. Sit. I’ll whip something up quick for that cheek and eye.” Polly turned to her herbs and began blending a mixture.
“Thank you. You’ve been very generous. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you. Or Mr. Shelby for that matter.”
Polly was mixing a salve paste to place on her cheek. She was sure it would bring out the pain along with the swelling. She shot a look in Eleanor’s direction and watched as the girl gnawed on her lip and looked at the table. There was a storm in her head. Hearing the men talking in the other room she decided to distract the girl.
“So, you have had quite the eventful day, haven’t you?”
“You would be very correct. I can’t wait to go home and sleep.” She laughed gently.
She turned around and brought the salve over to the seat next to Eleanor. “Alright, my dear. This won’t fix it, but it will help with the tenderness along the way.” She dipped her thin fingers into the paste and brought it up to the angry-looking cheek.
Ellie winced at the contact. She was lucky enough that nothing was broken. She was not looking forward to dealing with it every day. The mixture, however, smelled lovely. Some clove for the angry nerves, lavender to soothe her, and a touch of something she couldn't quite make out.
She took to analyzing Eleanor. The young woman’s chestnut waves had a few ringlet curls thrown into the mix. Both eyes were a hickory brown, and when one of them wasn’t swollen and angry, they appeared to be wide and inquisitive. She seemed positively charming, in the most innocent of ways. Polly almost dared to use the word magical.
There was a feeling that sat low in her gut when she looked at her. It wasn’t a feeling that made her nauseous, but it intrigued her. She glanced toward the ceiling sending a message to the universe that it had her attention. ‘This poor girl is wound tighter than a spring.’ The older woman wanted to alleviate some of the pressure building beneath the surface.
“So how long have you known our Johnny?”
She grinned looking up at Polly. “Oh, dat heathen? Probably since I was about fourteen?” Her eyes widened at the fact that she’d known Johnny for ten years now.
Thinking back to simpler days brought a soft smile to her lips. Her eyes drifted off to a faraway girl that hadn’t been around in some time. She was a wild girl back then. There was a lot more she could get away with because she “didn’t know any better”. Running around with boys twice her age seemed to be one of the biggest. Her mother had a heart attack nearly every time she noticed her prancing around with them.
“I think I met Johnny on the edge of a clearing to a field of wildflowers,” she chuckled and continued, “very cliché, right?”
Rambunctious and loud, Ellie had run out through the trees not looking where she was blasting off to. She had toppled into a much younger Johnny. With her velocity, they both plummeted to the ground.
“By Jesus, lass! What on Mother Earth are ya runnin’ from?”
Ellie sprung up. She scrambled to gain her footing like a foal. The raw umber colored orbs darted around looking for the opponent in the obvious game she was playing. She didn’t seem distressed in any sense except that she might lose the game she was in. Something screamed out from her soul that it was gentle, caring. She was worried about losing her intense game, but she was more worried about the man she overturned. “I’m sorry, mister! Are you okay?” Her small palm reached out to him with a kind dimpled smile to greet him. Grasping her hand, he allowed her to help him up.
“I’m okay...?” He let the unspoken question linger on the air.
The loose medium brown curls shook as the girl brought herself back to the current situation. “Oh! Eleanor, sir.”
“Well, Eleanor girl. What brings you out to this side of the field?”
The soft smile that lingered on her face as she came out of her reverie pulled a small grin to Polly’s lips.
Eleanor’s parents weren’t Romany, but they floated around often. They had stayed in Small Heath until 1911 when she was sixteen. She didn’t want to leave. There was something that was hiding just out of sight in the shadows that was drawing her in. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. Small Heath, for being very industrial, had a magical air that surrounded it. The city had a way of pulling even the most strong-willed people in. She wasn’t quite sure how she had managed to win her argument of staying. She was shocked that her parents hadn’t fought harder to force her into coming with them.
There had been a lot of shouted words and hurt feelings. She wished they hadn’t left it stubborn and proud. She hadn’t heard from them since the war began. It wasn’t for her lack of trying. She searched high and low for them. The environment, political and public, was rushing downhill quickly and for a split second, she was ten again. She wanted the protection and safety of standing behind her dad’s legs or her mother’s skirt. She quickly realized that she wouldn’t find that again anytime soon.
During the few years before the war, she had run into Johnny again. She had just turned eighteen. She was struggling to make ends meet. The world was dipping further into the madness of war. He took her under his wing. He had kept her safe. He had given her a place to rest her head. Raised her like a sister. She always said she would forever be in his debt. Yet he never stopped looking out for her. Even now at twenty-four years old with her own home and lead on life.
“Well, it sounds like Johnny has treated you well. Kept you safe. Have you been in Small Heath since you were fourteen?” Polly worked on smoothing out the amount of salve on her cheek.
Ellie chewed on her bottom lip. “My parents and I were here from about thirteen until I was sixteen. They wanted to leave. I didn’t. I somehow won that argument. About a year later I realized the error of me ways, and I tried to find them.”
Polly nodded solemnly, slowing her hand motion, “I’m guessing you couldn’t?”
“Yeah. Hell, Johnny even tried to help once I ran into him again. His connections came up wit nothin ‘.”
They both became quiet. Stuck in their thoughts. Polly finished her cheek. She closed up the little tin that she put the salve in and slid it across the table to Ellie.
The scuffling sound of chairs on the hardwood floor brought the women back to the present. The men would be coming out soon.
“I want you to put that on your cheek and eye for about a week. If it’s not better, come back and we’ll see what I can cook up.”
Ellie nodded, taking the tin and placing it in the small pocket in her skirt. The door opened and Thomas spread his arms wide, keeping them from coming in contact with the wall. Oceans crashed into the earth as they made eye contact. She could have sworn the ground beneath her trembled. Her rosy lips parted slightly from the weight of his gaze.
Thomas stepped out followed by Johnny. “So did you ladies find something to talk about?”
“We did, Tommy.” Polly nodded with a smile that seemed like she was implying more than just a simple conversation. Eleanor shuffled her feet. The sooner she was home and in bed, the better.
“So Mr. Shelby,”
“Thomas, love.”
Her words faltered, “Uh, Thomas,” she said it as if she was gauging the word on her tongue.
“Do I have a clean slate or am I needed for more questions?” Her fingers began to fidget with the end of her sleeves. Catching the action, Thomas paused. She looked at him with hopeful doe eyes. He let a fraction of a smile crack through.
“You’re okay. Johnny says you’re trustworthy, so I’ll believe him. I am gonna walk you home though.”
She nodded. The unspoken ‘for now’ hung in the air. There was still some proving left to do. She said her goodbyes to the other two. Thomas went and stood by the door as she made her way to get her coat from in front of the fire. She was just happy she would be mostly warm for the walk home. He grabbed her coat from her and made a motion for her to hold out and arm.
“Let’s get on, eh?”
Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @hazelnmae @boogiewrites @reyloshipper-starwars @deanscroissant @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes @justanothershelby @parochialism @smallheathgangsters @cilliansky
Anyone who wants to be added, just let me know!
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ffwriter2018 · 5 years
Toni knew she didn’t need to ask anyone for their blessings for cheryls hand in marriage. After everything that she went through before Toni she was alone. Once it was in a court order that the twins live with Cheryl and Toni Betty became a bigger and better part of Cheryl’s life. The twins are now two years old and Cherly and Betty are more like sisters now than cousins. Betty has been a consistent part of all their lives now. So Toni decides to text Betty who is essentially her only living relative after nana rose passed away a few months back. Toni wanted to see if they could meet up just them two at Pops and to not let Jug know. It wasn’t like if Betty said no she wouldn’t ask Cheryl to marry her, she was going to no matter what. Betty had known her the longest and was the only other person that had lost their sibling and parents.
Toni was still working with Ronnie at the club so saying she was going to work early wasn’t technically a lie. She knew Cheryl had the twins tonight so Cheryl wouldn’t be stopping by anytime soon. Before Toni was going to talk to Betty she didn’t feel nervous or worried but once she got to Pop’s and waited for her she suddenly became extremely nervous. Once Betty had come in she walked over to the booth Toni was in giving the pink haired girl a hug, before sitting across from her with a confused look on her face. “Hey are the twins and Cheryl okay? We normally meet all together for breakfast on the weekend what’s up.” The blonde questioned noticing the other woman looking like she was going to get sick.
“Yea I’m sorry the twins and Cheryl are great. They are really good I didn’t mean to scare you sorry.” Toni kinda chuckled not realizing how Betty would react to the text. “Oh okay that’s good then what’s up. Why do you look nervous.” Betty smiled she truly had no idea what was up. “Yea I don’t know why now all of the sudden I’m nervous but um I wanted to talk to you about Cheryl.” Toni stated as the blonde nodded still not piecing it together. “I love her more than anything in this world. We have been together for a few years now live together practically raise kids together. But I wanna make her my wife. I want to purpose to her.” Toni looked at Betty and smiled waiting for the others response. “You are the closest thing she has to family apart from me so I wanted to ask you how-“ but before Toni could finish Betty had gotten up from her side and pushed Toni over hugging her.
Betty hugged Toni for what felt like minutes before she got up and sat on her side of the booth. Each girl respectively wiped their own tears. It took Betty a second to speak. “Toni!” Was all she could spit out at the time with a huge smile on her face before she continued. “Cheryl has been through so much loss and turmoil in her life. I will admit before Jason we were not friends and even after we found out we were cousins we never could agree or get along at all. It wasn’t until I had lost my sister that I understood why she was like that. Yes I didn’t lose Polly the way Cheryl lost Jason but I got it. With both our dads dead and mothers not in the picture she was my family. She was my niece and nephew’s only other family. I hate that it took all that shit for us to understand each other. Through everything this last almost like 4 years you have been the most consistent and positive thing she’s ever had. She seems like a completely different soul,but it isn’t only that. You gave her something she never had.” Betty lays her hands on the table folding them together.
“You gave her the love and courage to be herself; completely and utterly the woman she was meant to be. You loving her showing her understanding and compassion was something she deserved. Hell you to have been through so much; enough for an entire life time two times. Each individually and together as a couple you know. Knowing the woman she is now raising her brothers two children going to college being in a relationship it’s incredible to see her growth. Knowing her, knowing where she came from and the horror she endured as a child you wouldn’t think that looking at her now. She is the most loving and understanding person. Some of that is because of you Toni.”Betty unfolded her hands and laid them flat on the table taking a deep breath.
“I appreciate everything you said. I truly do and I believe that she did the same thing for me to you know. Before I met her I was hardly ever in school. I didn’t plan on finishing high school yet alone be in college you know. She eventually saw me for me you know.” Toni chuckles going back to how cold and harsh Cheryl was at the beginning of their friendship. “As much as I helped her she helped me. I can’t picture my life any other way other than with her.” Betty nods cutting in “You talking to me about this shows an incredible amount of respect from you. Especially since you’ve been more of family to her than I was. I couldn’t imagine any couple more deserving then you both to finally get your happily ever afters. And plus you aren’t going anywhere the twins love their auntie tee-tee.” Betty and Toni both chuckle at the mention of the twins. “I love both of them too. Thank you Betty thank you.” Toni smiles as she takes a deep breath. They sit for a minute before Betty jumps up and yells. “Omg Toni I have the cutes way to propose!!” Toni smiles and nods.
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mrsrcbinscn · 4 years
Franny Robinson HC Infodump #4: Country and Bluegrass Music
hi, I’ll finally do a writeup on her work in jazz next but I’m in a country mood and was INSPIRED so oops country first
Word count: 2486
Dara & Danny
  In 1991, Daniel Maitland (fc: Martin Sensmeier), an Indigenous Alaskan kid, moved from Alaska to Payne Lake, Georgia, with his parents and older and younger sisters after his father got a job opportunity in Atlanta, a reasonable commute away. Daniel spent two years being musical rivals with Franny Framagucci before he proposed they just combine their talents and perform together at talent shows and the county fair. The two were inseparable, musically, until Franny went to college at NYU and Daniel went to East Tennessee State.
  They remained friends throughout college and reunited during winter and summer breaks to play together locally. Daniel was in Franny’s wedding party. He’s Wilbur’s godfather and is ‘Uncle Dan’, they’ve always remained close. They would write songs together usually through an internet connection except for when they could travel to write in person.
  In 2009, Daniel once again was the one who suggested they officially collaborate. That’s when the bluegrass-country-traditional southern/Appalachian folk duo was born. They have released 9 albums together since they started releasing music under Dara & Danny.
  One album, titled Molly’s Church, is almost entirely songs from the hymnal of the Church of the Nazarene in their hometown in Georgia, which was the church their friend Molly attended before her death. It was a “fuck you” response to them having received backlash from certain gatekeepers for a video of them singing Hank Williams’ I Saw The Light going viral. They were pissed two non-Christians were getting praise for performing the song. (Franny is a Buddhist and Daniel is an Indigenous Alaskan with traditional spiritual beliefs).
  To the backlash, Franny said, and announced the dropping of this album on an Instagram Live Q & A, “It’s funny. Like. Christmas is such a part of mainstream American culture. I celebrate Christmas, my non-religious Maori husband celebrates Christmas, are y’all mad about that too? Christianity is so deeply woven into American culture and the history of American music, like I just -- its wild y’all are so mad. And because I like to poke an angry bear, our new album, Molly’s Church [...] and what really gets me is like - just because I ain’t Christian, don’t mean I’m ignorant about it either. I’m from the Bible Belt, y’all. I did go to church with my little friends some Sunday mornin’s as a child if I had a sleepover at their house. [...] One of my best friends, the lovely, talented, beautiful, late Molly Vaughn, who we named the album after, was a devout Christian. When I would cry, she’d always sing It Is Well With My Soul to me and play with my hair. You can’t tell me that because I’m not a Christian, that song ain’t special to me. I think of that song whenever I’m going through a hard time and my heart is at peace because at its core it's a song about looking at your situation and making peace with it, and finding the strength to move on to hopefully better days. At her husband’s request, I sang Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing at her funeral, okay? Like- [pause for annoyed exhaling] to suggest we have nothing but respect for these beautiful hymns is insulting. [...] Insulting not just to us, but to the hymns. They’re so beautiful that they have made an emotional impact on two non-Christian musicians. I think that’s wonderful and speaks to how lucky we are to live in a time where all sorts of sorts are able to learn from and share with each other. But that’s just us, I guess.
  Every song on Molly’s Church has a special memory attached to it for either myself or Daniel, or in the case of Be Thou My Vision, it was Molly’s favorite hymn ever. We couldn’t name an album of hymns after her and not put that on it.”
  The track list is as follows: [Spotify playlist]
  I couldn’t find a folksy or bluegrassy version of Be Thou My Vision, which. I’m ANGRY about. Because when I was a practicing Nazarene Christian it was my favorite hymn, and I still find it beautiful but.
  Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
How Great Thou Art
Dwelling In Beulah Land
Be Thou My Vision
It Is Well With My Soul
I Saw The Light
Victory In Jesus
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory
Holy, Holy, Holy
  Another album, titled Something’s Rotten in The Sticks is purposely very dark. It’s largely covers of murder ballads and sad traditional folk songs from the American South and Appalachian Mountains, featuring original songs and covers of songs that explore the darker sides of more modern rural life like the opioid crisis, unemployment, poor education, poverty with no social safety nets, and more. 
  Franny openly admits that she wrote the original songs from a place of immense privilege. In an Instagram Live Q&A about the album she said, “These aren’t my exact lived experiences. But I feel like I have some right to talk about these stories because these are the things happening to my people, the good people of the town that took my mother in when she was a twenty-something year old refugee, and then helped raise me. I buried my first friend thanks to the Sacklers (the family whose pharma company produces oxycontin, who purposely spread misinformation about how its a safe drug and who pret-ty much engineered the opioid epidemic) in 1998. I just last month buried one of my best friends since elementary school after three narcan shots couldn’t save them. 
  Rural Southern folks and the problems they face are dear to my heart. [...] I know how lucky I am to have grown up in the rural south and ended up where I am today, in the privileged position I am in. [...] And I see the way people in the cities talk to and about these people and it’s fucking gross. You know nothing about these people and what their lives are like, and what they care about and worry about. I have always been proud to be Southern, just as I’m proud to be Cambodian. [...] Rural poor folks are the kindest, most loving, most resilient people, and I am not ashamed that I came from that. 
  This album… so our last album, Prodigal Children of Clayton County, Georgia, was a love letter to and about our hometown and the people of the rural south. This album is more of a ‘we see you.’ And it's also, I hope, an accessible way to start explaining the problems our people face to city elites that look down their noses at them. Like, I hope people can say in response to “I just don’t understand these people”, “hey, go listen to I Grabbed A Banjo (And You, The Pills), then talk to me.”
  Daniel said in that same Q & A, “I was born in Alaska, I met Franny when I moved to her hometown in Georgia, in middle school, and we began playing music together in high school. I live in the Appalachian Mountains now, I studied Bluegrass and Old Time music at East Tennessee State University, in Johnson City. Now, I’m -- I’ve been lucky enough to make a living out of the music I love, but you know- like I said. I live in the Appalachian mountains, in Kentucky, in a rural area. I never left the rural south, since I came here, this has been my home. We’re privileged now, but had a few stars aligned differently, our high school friends’ lives would have been ours. We love the people of this region. Like Franny said, we both have two groups of people we are passionate about amplifying and equipped to amplify. Mine are our struggling rural folks, and Indigenous voices, and Franny don’t ever shut up about Cambodian or the rural south.”
  “I really fucking don’t.” Franny quipped.
The track list is as follows: [Spotify link, the first 8 tracks are the songs they covered on the album and the rest are songs that fit the vibe of the original songs to give y’all a picture]
  Knoxville Girl
I Grabbed A Banjo (And You, The Pills), an original song about the opioid epidemic that’s killed many of Franny and Daniel’s high school friends 
Troubles, traditional folk song as popularized by Kilby Snow and Anna & Elizabeth
Red Dirt Girl (Emmylou Harris cover)
But I Ain't A Milton Boy/Girl , an original song about how in Milton (a bougie rich people part of Georgia) kids go to college and become doctors and lawyers while people from the song narrators’ town don’t bother learning to solve for X because all that waits for them is army recruiters, the power company, or the unemployment line [the male narrator, Daniel], and the female narrator [Franny] sings about how she was a smart girl who held her first baby when she was a baby herself, married two bad men she thought were good, and now she sells her ADHD pills to college kids to buy groceries, and how their high school aspirations crumbled easily, and the chorus is literally just narrators fantasizing about a decent standard of living and having decent opportunities and then going, “But I ain’t a Milton boy/girl, and that’s why I’m cryin’ today”
Deportee (Woody Guthrie song as covered by Dolly Parton)
Savannah, a song Franny wrote about the time her brother drove her down to Savannah when she got pregnant in high school so she could have an abortion three hours from home, where nobody local to them would be out front shouting at people needing abortions
Poor Folks Town (Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton cover, instrumentation is modified to be a little melancholy to fit the rest of the album, but it is still a markedly happier song than the rest of the album except for Rich Kid Clothes)
Don’t Put Whiskey In My Water, an original song about a man nine years sober almost falling off the wagon when he’s laid off ahead of his teenage daughter’s high school graduation, including the line ‘don’t worry about Ole Miss, we’ll figure it out, somehow we always do, smart little girl like you can’t die in this town’
Don’t Take Your Guns To Town (Johnny Cash cover)
Pretty Polly
Down In The Willow Garden
Rich Kid Clothes, original song about a brother and sister super jazzed about their “new” clothes, hand-me-downs from the rich kids of the house their mama cleans, happiest song on the album
Health Insurance, an original song from the perspective of three different people, on in each verse, either dying or seriously suffering from solvable medical issues but because healthcare in America is trash they either can’t get help, or are going bankrupt trying to, that’s incredibly sarcastic including lyrics like ‘and I know I deserve to die for not having had a rich great-grandaddy, and who wants to see their daughter graduate college anyway’ , one of those sad songs with joyful instrumentation
  Another album! Is titled The Rise And Fall of Jenny and Jamie, and is a concept album meant to be listened from start to finish that tells the story of a couple that falls in love, gets married, has a very dysfunctional marriage, and ultimately divorces. Think the energy of Alpha Desperation March by The Mountain Goats, and the entire Tallahasee album but especially No Children. The Dara & Danny album is a little less dark because the last few songs, about divorce, are like...happy. 
  Daniel, who had been divorced twice by the time they wrote the songs for that album, said “There is nothing sad about ending a marriage you’re miserable in or don’t want anymore. The two songs about the divorce, they’re happy because our characters are happy to be done with each other. It isn’t Tammy Wynette spelling D-I-V-O-R-C-E and lamenting the end of her marriage, instead, Jenny and Jamie realize their marriage is toxic not just for the other person, but for themself, and they’re relieved to not be married anymore.
  Notable Dara & Danny performances and accomplishments:
They cover Whiskey Lullaby at many shows they do. A video from a 2016 show went semi-viral, and fans of the duo will show it as an example of “Peak Dara & Danny”
Nominated for the 2019 Grammy Award for Best American Roots Song, as the duo Dara & Danny, but ultimately Brandi Carlile won for ‘The Joke’
Franny was absolutely thrilled for her. She STANS Brandi Carlile and has written songs with her before. 
In the post-Grammys interview, the interview asked Franny if she was disappointed and she was like “I would pay Brandi Carlile to punch me in the face, so no.”
The clip of Franny saying that went viral and embarrassed poor Wilbur
“To be honest, when I saw The Joke was nominated, I didn’t even bother writing a speech. Daniel and I were both just thrilled to be considered to be like, at her level.”
Nominated for the 2019 Grammy Award for Best American Roots Performance, as Dara & Danny, and again lost to “The Joke”, but again, did not care at all
Won the 2019 Grammy Award for Best Bluegrass Album as Dara & Danny, their fifth nomination in the category and second win
Nominated as Dara & Danny in the category Vocal Duo of The Year at the 2019 CMA awards.
Nominated for IBMA Album of the Year in 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2018
Won the 2019 IBMA for Album of the Year 
Won the 2019 IBMA for Song of the Year 
Franny is the first person of Cambodian descent to win a Grammy, an ASCAP award, an IBMA, or be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame
Daniel is the first Alaskan Native to be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame
Solo work
  Franny’s used bluegrass-folk style music to write songs about the experiences of her mother and other relatives under the Khmer Rouge and in the civil conflict that preceded it. It leans a little away from #pure bluegrass but it includes mandolin, banjo, and even some traditional Cambodian instruments. It’s this blend of bluegrass instrumentation and traditional Cambodian instruments that on paper sounds like “Franny you’re crazy” but in practice its fuckin’ lit, y’all.
  It’s as genius as The Hu, that Mongolian band that was like “what is we play metal music with guitars and a drum set and TRADITIONAL MONGOLIAN INSTRUMENTS?” Lit.
  She did an entire album, Franny Sor Robinson Covers Kitty Wells [playlist] and that album gained Franny a ton of street cred in the country/bluegrass industry. She got a lot of respect for her Kitty Wells covers.
  She’s released three solo albums of folksy-bluegrass-country style music that is original music she wrote the lyrics and music for.
  Three solo albums, the Kitty Wells cover album, and nine Dara & Danny albums makes twelve country-bluegrass albums total Franny’s released, not counting featured artist appearances on other albums.
  Notable Franny Sor Robinson awards, performances, and accomplishments in the country music sphere:
  Franny sang ‘Born To Fly’ with Sara Evans once
Franny loves that song, it came out in 2000, when she was in college at NYU, and it was a staple song of hers to perform at any gigs she did in college
The day the United States legalized same-sex marriage, Franny was a supporting solo act for a friend of hers and she was like “I don’t know a better way to celebrate than by taking one of my favorite country love songs and making it better. And by that I mean gay.” By this point she’d been out as bisexual for years. So she sang Brad Paisley’s She’s Everything 
Franny’s always kept the pronouns the same in songs she covers, so if it was a man’s song about a woman she’s always kept it about a “she.” Her cover of She Thinks I Still Care by George Jones was an instant hit when it was released on one of her solo albums
At an event honoring Randy Travis, Franny performed his hit Deeper Than The Holler for him
She also got to sing I Told You So with him once at another occasion and she damn near died
At the final show of George Strait’s final tour, Franny sang Carried Away with him and almost cried he is one of her!!! Idols!!! and during his encore, she joined him and all of the other special guests of the final concert to sing All My Exes Live In Texas
She’s been awarded and recognized by various organizations for the furthering of Asian-Americans in the arts in general, in music, and empowerment for both her work in jazz and country umbrella music
She’s performed at and been nominated for CMA awrds, ACM awards, and Americana Music Honors & Awards
She’s won Americana Music Awards
When challenged to prove she could yodel she fuckin got right up and sang Hank Williams’ Long Gone Lonesome Blues and nailed all the very technical yodeling, and its a thing she’s like, Known for doing, so she will perform it live pretty often
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cynthiaandsamus · 5 years
Game Blondes Crystal Clear Nuzlocke Part 1!
“Hey I’m blonde!”
“…I’m also blonde.”
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(Game Blondes Logo by @game-overture)
“…okay so what the heck is this?” Samus stared at the screen with a grumble.”
“Okay so remember when we played that Wonderlocke for Pokemon Y? We’ll be doing something similar here, well YOU’LL be doing something similar here, a Champion playing a pokemon game might be a bit overkill. But essentially this is a romhack of the original Johto games.”
“A romhack? Like AM2R? I love that game!”
“Loved, it’s gone now, but yeah, essentially. So the premise is you can freely roam both the Kanto and Johto regions without any roadblocks or plot to get in the way of getting your badges. Battles scale for your number of badges so you can do everything in any order you want. It’s designed to give the maximum freedom possible with playing the Generation 2 games, we’ll get into some of the specifics later.”
“Hmmm, well I’m already a Champion of the Kalos region from playing Y, so this should be easy now.” Samus cracked her knuckles.
“Yeah well keep in mind the later games are a bit easier, Generations 1 and 2 are where the big boys play. No Mega Evolutions, no Affection bonuses, most gym leaders have more than three pokemon, we’ll see how you do.”
“…way to fill me with confidence…” Samus sighed.
“As far as the rules, same Nuzlocke rules as the Wonderlocke, you can only catch the first pokemon per new area, and anything that faints is dead to you. Only difference between this and the Wonderlocke is there is no Wonder Trade so you get what you get. Might as well start the game though, there’s a tutorial I believe.”
“Alright so you can start with either Kanto or Johto regions, everyone starts with Kanto so I’ll go against the grain and pick Johto. Next is gender… huh, so you can pick whatever sprite regardless of gender, that’s nice. Think I’ll go with the girl and make her blue, sounds good for me.”
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“Wow! Look at all these starters!”
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(Mun Note: Shuckle is also an option, this pic may be outdated)
“How do I even start to pick?” Samus grumbled.
“Well since you said you want to go against the grain I’d suggest starting with a pokemon that’s not already a starter in any normal game, so that cuts out Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu, Eevee, Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikarita.”
“Well Magmar and Electabuzz are pretty cool…”
“True, but they’re also babies. You can’t get their third stage in this game and they’re stuck as babies until they evolve at level 30, until then their stats are pretty trash which isn’t great for a nuzlocke…”
“Hmmm true, so I can probably cut out the babies too…”
“Magikarp, Ditto, Shuckle, Unown and Smeargle are mostly for challenge runs so I wouldn’t advise it…”
“So that leaves Psyduck, Slowpoke, Seel, Growlithe, Houndour, Ponyta, Voltorb and Porygon…”
“Narrowing it down to eight’s not bad.” Cynthia smirked and put her hand on Samus’s shoulder.
“Fuck it, Porygon needs more love after the whole seizure thing. It’s a good balanced pokemon to start off with and should be pretty solid.”
“It does have a good movepool, feel free. Plus it comes with the Amulet Coin to get you more money right off the bat.”
“Porygon it is! My god is this whole episode just going to be us picking our characters? What is this a Dark Souls stream?”
“Not yet anyway.”
“…please don’t scare me like that.” Samus shivered. “Anyway, picking blue for the pokegear and item pack, looks like we finally got to the tutorial… oh god who let this guy be a pokemon professor?”
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“What, you’ve never heard of Professor Shockslayer? Shut up, he’s trying to explain the game.”
“So basically what you said about free roaming and stuff scaling with badges, and I can rechallenge gyms if I want too, that’s pretty neat. Some stuff about music settings and shiny rates, that’s all good but not something I need. There’s non-canon secrets tucked away so I’ll have to be on the lookout for those.”
“Some pokemon areas have been shuffled around too so you can obtain all 251 pokemon in some way.”
“Isn’t there like over 1000 pokemon though?”
“This is generation 2, simpler times.”
“Many regular encounters are resettable by beating the Elite Four, good to know but again not something I’ll probably need. And every TM is purchaseable in the TM mart once I get enough badges.”
“Oh yeah, unlike Y TMs aren’t reusable, so you can buy them but they’re one use, sounds like a fair compromise.”
“That doesn’t sound fair to my wallet!” Samus huffed. “Oh! I can have pokemon follow me too, that’s pretty cool! And now we can finally start the game!”
“It’s okay, we’ll make this episode a little longer since we’re just starting out.” Cynthia chuckled, watching Samus dive in.
“Okay so Porygon needs a nickname, I’m thinking… Polly.”
“Polly? You know Porygon are genderless right?”
“Well she identifies as a female okay?”
“Porygon said Trans Rights!”
Samus laughed as she put in the name, shaking her head. “Alright let’s get going~
“So if you have a Porygon named Polly that’s a pokemon, a pocket monster….”
“…don’t say it.”
“Does that make her Polly Pocket?”
“FUCK! Your bad puns are going to get us sued! Lemme just run into this tall grass and shit. Awww look, Polly’s following me, how cute!”
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“Anyway the Professor says I need at least one badge before he’ll give me shit, so I’ll just go find some pokemon and start building. …great a Rattata.”
“Hey at least you start with some pokeballs to catch it with.”
“Why do I want a rat!?” Samus growled. “WHAT!? He broke out of the ball twice!? That motherfucking rat get in my balls you little shit!!I only have five pokeballs and I wasted three of them catching a fucking rat!”
“Two pokemon’s always better than one.” Cynthia shrugged.
“I guess… let’s just keep going, what should I name it. It’s purple, so I’ll name it Verde.”
“Verde means green…”
“I’M NAMING IT VERDE!!!” Samus huffed. “Fuck, the very next encounter was a Hoothoot, that would’ve been so much better…”
“Oh hey there’s a route up there, you can try again.”
“Hmmm shit there’s a battle, Polly got two levels from freezing that Ponyta solid, let’s try Verde versus this Pikachu of the same level.”
“…well Verde’s dead.”
RIP Verde:  Lv. 3 – Lv. 3, Route 29- Route 46
“Well that’s great, first battle and I already have a casualty… at least Polly finished it up handily.”
“And this is why we didn’t pick a Baby starter.”
“Oh hey, a Geodude though, that’s a much more useful Pokemon. Alright, a critical hit and a quick capture. It’s a female so what to name it… it’s a female Geodude so “Dudette”.”
“How creative…”
“Are you here to help or make snarky comments?”
“Snarky comments, to much help from a Champion would be cheating.” Cynthia chuckled.
“Well with one dead rat, one living N64 sprite and a boulder, I’ve made it to the next town. I can go anywhere from here huh? I could go back up to Route 46 and see what’s up there or continue from Cherrygrove here along the normal path… let’s keep it safe for now and take the north path, get some more pokemon. I already have one dead pokemon so no time to take risks…”
“Oh wow it’s a Poliwag! That’s really cool for this early on!”
“I love Poliwag! Let’s catch it!” Samus grinned. “Oh fuck thank god, I forgot to buy more balls and Poliwag got in my last one… but that just makes me even more mad that I wasted three balls on a rat that died five minutes later!!”
“Can’t win them all, especially in a Nuzlocke.” Cynthia shook her head.
“Well at least I have a couple good pokemon now, got a good water-type to cover some of my bases. I really need a Town Map though, where’s Gary’s hot-ass sister?”
“…in Kanto.”
“Well your map is built into your pokenav now so you’re fine.”
“Good, well anyway lemme name this Poliwag… it’s got a swirl on its tummy, like a spiral, spiral power… Shimon, yeah let’s go with that.”
“Who the hell do you think he is!?”
“Going back to the Mart and getting some more pokeballs and two antidotes, I’ve heard Nuzlocke horror stories about poisoned pokemon, not taking any chances. OH SHIT IT’S YOUNGSTER JOEY! He’s got the best Rattata in the world! I’ve seen the memes.”
“…he sure went down easy.”
“I guess the best Rattata in the world is no match for a lower-tier Geodude.” Samus chuckled nervously. “Alright, next route up, found a Gastly and caught it! Since it’s a Ghost I’ll call him Danny. And let’s see, going into the Dark Cave right now is possible, but going in there blind would be insane, so let’s not do that and just go to Violet City.”
“Well we’ve got a gym in Violet City, this is where Falkner and Sprout Tower are for you to explore.”
“Yeah, but you know what the fun part of this romhack is? FUCK IT! We’re going straight to Goldenrod! Let’s go! Road Trip! Let’s see, got the Rock Smash TM from this dude, onto Route 35, got a Drowzee, naming it Yume~”
“Yume huh? Doesn’t that mean Dream?”
“Yup! I know some of my languages and stuff!” The bounty hunter giggled. “Got a Spinarak on Route 36 and named it Peter. Man I am just burning through this routes, though feels like I’m running in circles. Oh hey, this dude gave me a Magnet cause it’s Sunday!”
“We’re recording this at like 11:45pm so you almost missed that by like 15 minutes…”
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“Well got a Hoothoot on Route 37, named Hooters of course. I planned to go to Goldenrod but I’m in Ecruteak now, such is the nature of Road Trips.”
“You have no idea where you’re going and you have a fucking map, open world exploration was a terrible idea for someone like you…” Cynthia sighed.
“Well wherever I’m going I found the National park and caught a Psyduck named Headahce.”
“Watching you burn through this game with no regard to story and just catching things left and right is hurting my heart…”
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“Hey who’s this guy feeding the ducks in the national park? DOOM? That doesn’t sound like a normal name… This must be one of those non-canon secrets the tutorial was talking about… does he have a super strong pokemon that’s gonna take my team out?”
“Only one way to find out…”
“Apparently if I lose I have to pay for his lunch. He says he only has Ponyta… HOLY SHIT HE HAS A SHINY PONYTA!!”
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“I can’t catch that right?”
“That would be stealing.”
“FUCK! I want it! It’s a blue flaming horse! That shit’s so cool! It’s not very strong though… he says he’ll pay for my lunch instead now and there’s a place in Goldenrod he goes to for lunch… guess that’s where we’re going next! We’ll go to Goldenrod after all!”
“Better go stop off at Ecruteak again to heal up before you go, you’ve walked like halfway across Johto and you’ve only been playing an hour, this is fucking with my head.”
“Alright, gonna make a pit stop and then we’re heading to Goldenrod to check out this restaurant… NEXT TIME ON GAME BLONDES!”
Samus’s Journey So far:
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Samus’s Current Team:
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bugheadspoby · 5 years
Lust and Innocence.
*The real story will start somewhere around 2nd or 3rd chap. This is mainly just introduction*
If you look at her, she's a simple soul. A beautiful soul that already suffered too much but never complained to anyone. Green eyed, innocent nature, blonde with a perfect ponytail and image. The moles on her face were the symbols of beauty and prestige she owned. Her soft nature homed her in many hearts and minds except for some people like her half-sister Polly. She always hated her and only saw her as her father's drunken mistake. Alice and Hal loved each other too much that she let it go and Hal also forgave her when that incident with FP happened but actually, Hal took revenge on Alice by going for her best friend Penny and that's how Betty was born. Alice cried too much but then she forgave him too like he did and accepted Betty. She lived with her mother and Hal casually visited her but some months ago Penny died fighting with cancer and those were the worst experiences of Betty’s life that changed her a little bit and turned her from a joyful simple kid to reserved. Alice generously invited Betty to live with them and accepted her as her daughter, or at least what Betty and Hal thought.
Observing her nature Alice was shocked! Betty was nothing like Penny. She was sweet, caring, selfless and simply beautiful. Chic was beyond happy when they brought Betty home as he found a sister of his own age who was not pretentious like Polly. They were living peacefully. She went to new school and made friends and for the first time she crushed on someone.
Archie Andrews, the golden boy of Riverdale High, but he was dating her best friend Kevin Keller and she didn't want him to find out her feelings so she just kept things to herself. Her friend circle was not so big but each one of them felt like hand-picked to assemble the perfect group. Veronica Logde was Cheryl's girlfriend and Archie and Veronica were half-siblings because Fred and Hermione got married two years after Hiram died. Archie Andrews and Kevin Keller were Riverdale High's power couple. Football Captain and Co-captain! They both worked at the Blue and Gold alone before Betty joined and they also were amazing musicians. Then comes Betty! The perfect girl next door. Beautiful, compassionate and innocent. She was a shy, introvert and reserved girl who liked writing and exploring things on her own. She was a bit of a loner kind and liked staying alone most of the time after Penny passed away. Her lust for exploring took her from New York to Vancouver and then Amsterdam but all of this happened when Penny was alive, after her she just kept things to herself and her inner explorer limited herself within the boundaries of her own body.
"Hey Betty! Lets walk to school. I don't feel like driving" Archie announced entering the Cooper house as Alice set her bowl down and greeted him. "Archie won't you join us for breakfast?" she smiled. "I'd love to Mrs. Cooper but Kevin is waiting for me and Betty and B&G. I'm in a hurry" he smiled back. "Maybe next time" "Hey Betty! You're gonna expose Cheryl this time?" Chic laughed as Betty froze in her place. "What? What are you talking about?" she inquired looking at Chic and then Archie and then back. "They're rumors that she's been cheating on Veronica with some southside serpent girl" he laughed again. "Chuck saw them together at the Drive-In" "Hey dude! Don't believe anything Chuck Clayton says..He's a jerk" Archie spoke. "Yeah and also we don't expose people cheating on their significant others in B&G Chic! We highlight local problems which now include CHIC CLAYTON THE RUMOR PATROL!" Betty said disgustingly and left taking her bag.
On the other hand she didn’t knew her life was being thrown into a quicksand and when Jughead Jones asked about the Coopers he didn’t even knew that he will be ruining someone just for the sake of his desires. 
"What do you wanna know boss?" SweetPea asked fidgeting with a paper cup in his hand. "The founding families of Riverdale. The Coopers and The Blossoms!" he said looking annoyingly at Fangs and Toni as they arm wrestled with each other. "I want all of the information at my desk before the crowning" "Yes boss!" he said dragging Fangs with him and drifted off on his bike to Serpent storage in Wythe Wyrm. "Since when do you care about this trashy town and the families Jug?" Toni said in a flirty tone, putting her arms on his shoulders which he shrugged off quickly. "It's Forsythe and none of your business Toni" he replied and slowly walked towards his bike with an angry expression. "What is wrong with you? Every time I try and get close you push me away!" she shouted but he just ignored her and continued proceeding. "Can't you see we belong together?!" "No we don't Toni" he shouted back turning around and in an instance her face turned expressionless "And its better if you digest it soon that your little fantasy is never gonna happen" he shouted again. "You were just a good fuck that's it! Now fit that thought in here" he said mockingly tapping her forehead. "Don't bother me with this bullshit again or the next bullet that'll leave my gun will be in your head" he spat starting his bike and raving off leaving her red in anger and despair. "You will pay for this Jones" she mumbled under her breath.
The rage she was building up was evident through her eyes which mixed up in the diming rays of the sun but those eyes didn't knew that they were some of their last sunsets. Her desires of ruling were constantly being rejected day by day but what she didn't know was that a girl will be sacrificed in her search.
"V! Forget it" she said walking faster and dragging Kevin with her. "It'll be fun B! come on you gotta live a little too" she squealed. "Right Kev?" she said eyeing him angrily to join her. "No V! your stares won't work this time" he replied. "I can't bear Archie getting mad at me" "Oh come on its just another side of tracks where HUMANS LIKE US live! It's not a big deal guys" she spat another sentence to support her stance. "They're dangerous killers and drug dealers V!" Kev said and dragged Betty across the table in an empty classroom. "So you guys won't come with me?" They both nodded in disagreement and started chugging on their food when Veronica sat down with a sad face and sighed. "I have to tell you guys something" she started again. "But you gotta promise me that you won't tell Cheryl or Archie or anyone" she said as Betty put her hand on hers protectively. "Is everything okay V?" "I just-I heard stuff-bad stuff from Chuck-" she started. "Is this about Cheryl and the rumor he started about a serpent girl-" "B its true!" she spat as a tear escaped her left eye and both of them gave her a 'WHAT' expression. "Chuck sh-showed me a picture o-of a pink haired serpent with Cheryl. They were holding hands at the Drive-In at night" "What do you wanna do V?" Betty asked. "How can we help?" Kevin asked. "I just wanted to go there to-I don't know what!" she spilled and started crying harder. "Maybe get a piece of mind or maybe ask her-" "We'll go with you. Okay?" Betty said and Kevin's eyes went wide as he saw her throwing bad ideas like confetti. "After school?" she asked and V nodded in response as Kevin just sat there expressionless, counting the seconds of his life. The day went by slower than expected for both B and V but for Kevin it ran like a horse on bet and he considered every passing second was taking his dramatic self close to death. He pulled out his phone after school and dialed a number so close to his heart meanwhile V and B were so over his dramatic shit that they wanted him to leave his foolish self behind so they can go on Pink-Hunt in peace. "Archie?" Kevin spoke on the phone. "Hey Kev! Whats up?" he asked. "I just- I just wanted you to know that I love you and I-I'll never stop loving you Arch" "Huh?" he spoke in utter confusion. "Are you okay Kev?" "Yep fine. Totally" he said and sighed while Betty shouted at him from behind. "Stop being such a drama queen Kevin we have to be back before sun sets!" "Bye Archie!" he sighed again. "Yeah bye. See you tonight" he laughed listening the conversation. "Love you" and the call disconnected. "Seriously?" Betty eyed him annoyingly. "What?" he asked. "Just in case I don't come back I-" "Kevin! I know its dangerous but I'm sure they don't just shoot people out of hobby. Now let's go"
She was right for once that they don't shoot people out of hobby but that era was the reign of FP when the Serpents used to be dangerous but still peace ruled. When he died and his son stepped up the Serpents were scared that he'll turn the town upside down once he'll become the King and they were right. His approach was just authority and his sinful desires were slowly shaking up the Serpents but they couldn't say anything after witnessing what he did to a former Serpent. 
"Hal Cooper is the only one left of the Coopers after that crash and he was 17 when that happened. He also owes a loan of 20 Billion dollars to the Serpents which King FP generously divided into easy monthly payments" "Ugh! Of course my dad did that! What are we? A fucking store that gives out appliances on installments?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "What about his family?" "He has two children a son Chic Cooper and a daughter-" "Polly Cooper?" he smirked. "I remember her. She was hot just like her mother. How unfortunate of me that someone married her under my nose and I never got to taste that tall glass of sweet water" he laughed and SweetPea smiled. "The Serpent directory ends here" "Nothing else about him?" "No sir!" he said and Jughead gave him the signal to leave while returning to his work.
Little did he knew what his eyes were going to witness just because of Veronica's intense love for Cheryl someone will get sacrificed and the hungry King will fulfill his hunger by drinking from the cup of her innocence.
"Do you even know where we're headed V?" "I have no idea Betty" "But I think I know! We're headed towards the Serpent den where they will have a feast tonight and on grills our heads will be served" Kevin whispered and suddenly they saw a two bikers and then two more people with Serpent jackets standing in their way. "Oh crap B we have to get past quietly so they won't notice" "Are you nuts Veronica? Let's go back" Betty yelled under her breath. "We can't now! We've come so far and its worth a shot" Veronica whispered while Betty started fidgeting with her fingers like she does in anxious times. "Just quietly move past them" They started proceeding idiotically and suddenly a voice reached their ears that changed Betty's life forever in just one second. 
This was the moment Betty's little mind could never comprehend of what was coming towards her.The grasp of the Devil is so strong that once you're in, you have to die in order to regain what you'd lost. Your Innocence! But sometimes, rebirth isn't even an option when the Devil only has his sinful eyes for you.
“Hey blondie!” he spoke up, getting off of his motorbike, handing his helmet to Sweet Pea who was busy checking out the raven haired girl.
She turned around and saw him staring at her. It was not supposed to happen, her mind screamed at her. These guys were dangerous and she didn’t want any communication with them and someone from the gang calling her was a bad sign. She was out of breath and cursing V for what she did.
“Betty! Don’t answer..Run!” Veronica said and Kevin just stood there with the expressions of ‘WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!’  
“Me?” she foolishly asked and he nodded observing her like a hungry animal does before he attacks his prey.
“Don’t..don’t go there B!” Veronica screamed under her breath but she slowly walked a little closer but not too close to him because she couldn’t afford not listening to him. He looked dangerous.
“Do you even know what place this is blondie?!” he inquired watching her lose her breath and her little frame tensed trying to make up a web of lies in her innocent mind.
“I-I’m sorry! me ‘n my friends were just walking and then we got lost” she made up the perfect lie or what she thought was perfect and her little mind was wheezing with happiness because this was the very first time Elizabeth Cooper lied.
He mischievously walked a little closer to her terrified frame and she backed away a little, fidgeting with her fingers. His smirk got bigger and her heart sank in her chest even more. Fangs, Toni and Sweet Pea gathered around Veronica and Kevin and they muggled up to each other in fear.
“What’s your name blondie?” he asked grabbing her fidgeting arm and felt her tensing up in his strong grasp.
“I-my-Elizabeth Cooper!” she blurted as his stare was scaring her even more.
“Cooper-huh?” he smirked again. “You’re hot just like Cooper women usually are” he licked his lips looking at her face. “How come I never laid my eyes on you before princess?”
“I-I moved here s-some months ago!” she looked at the ground while completely loosing her mind.
His sinister intentions grew even more as he twisted both of her arms, pulling her close. His breath smelled like alcohol and tobacco and hot on her coldly scared skin. Kevin and Veronica were on the verge of crying looking at her in the devil’s grasp. He closed the space in between them and slowly whispered in her ears. “You did the wrong thing coming here princess, now I’ve got my eyes on you” he said and kissed her on the cheek which sent electric waves of fear in her body. Whatever aura she had left his devilish self spellbind and he slowly, just in a matter of days realized what she was capable of doing without even uttering a word.
Her little self couldn’t hold back the tears that formed in her eyes and she started to shiver. He slowly let go of her and watched smilingly as she, without looking back or forth ran and ran all the way to her home and locked herself in her room leaving Hal and Alice shocked downstairs.
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