#• conversations / peyton royce.
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leraehq · 5 years ago
Every time I go to the locker room and see your name on our locker (yes, ours... even if you gave it to me) it just makes me miss you. I mean, I saw you at Survivor Series and sure I come visit the brands a few times but come back to NXT, please @peytonisiiconic​
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monsteramongmen-tamer · 7 years ago
#149: “Since when have we ever been friends?”  &  #155: “It isn’t what it looks like! Okay… Maybe it is…”   -Aleister Black.
Thanks to the anon who sent me this request! I hope you like it! This is over 2.4k words long, so sorry? I can never seem to make a drabble, well, just a drabble. 
Tagging: @kaitlynwwefan, @panic-angel3314 @reigns420, @littleprincess1621, @m-a-t-91, @luckygillblog, @finnbalorsbabygirl, @unabashedwwesmut, @blackwidow2721, @wrestlingimaginesposts, @wweburnitdown, @thirstiswet, @princesstoniii, @birthday-prinxess
If you would like to be added to my tag list, or removed, please let me know!! 
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If there was one word to describe you, it would be misunderstood. Whenever you’re at work, it seemed like your co-workers were constantly avoiding you. Like they think you’re weird or you’ll hurt them. You didn’t know why they would think this.
Your character on NXT was a little on the crazy side, but that was just a character. No one has given you the chance to prove that’s not who you really are.  Then again, you have only been on the roster for a few weeks. WWE signed you after you competed in the Mae Young Classic. Unfortunately, you didn’t make it too far, but you seemed to be a fan favorite. So they took a chance with you.
While you were touring with the live shows, you usually kept to yourself, since everyone was busy worrying about themselves anyway.
During catering while in some small town in Iowa, Nikki Cross came up and sat with you, with the rest of the Sanity crew.
You gave them kind of a strange look, ��Hey guys...what’s up?”
“We just saw ya sitting alone over here, figured we’d join ya. Give ya some company. We notice you’re kind of an outcast like us.” Nikki said.
You laughed nervously, “Well thanks, it’s nice to have company once in awhile.”
All of you just sat and talked about all sorts of things. You didn’t realize you had so many things in common with each of them. It was nice to know. And it was nice they came over and sat with you and took the opportunity to get to know you. It felt good.
You couldn’t help but notice out of the corner of your eye, Aleister Black staring at you from across the room. He was sitting at a different table with Drew McIntyre and Roderick Strong. He was engaged in conversation, but his eyes were on you. You pretended not to notice and looked away quickly. Maybe he didn’t notice. Then you looked again, but he was still looking. He nodded his head at you. When you nodded back, he turned away and was back talking to the guys.
Why was he looking at you? You’ve never talked to him before. He liked to keep to himself for the most part. Or that’s what it seemed from the short time you’ve been around. You had no idea.
While getting ready for the show, the girl doing your makeup was talking to you about the puppy she just got. You weren’t really paying attention, just giving the occasional “Yep” “Mhm” and nodding your head when it seemed appropriate.
“Y/N.” A voice behind you said, getting your attention.
You turned around.
“Did you hear anything I just said?” Peyton Royce asked you.
“About what?” You asked.
She rolled her eyes, “About the show tonight. They’re switching things up.”
Peyton went on and told you what was happening, but you spaced off again, only catching bits and pieces.
She leaned her head to meet your gaze, “Did you get it that time?”
“Yep. Got it.” You said.
Totally a lie. You were so distracted.
You couldn’t get your mind off of Aleister and his staring. He has made you so curious. But you didn’t want to ask him about it because you’ve never talked to the guy before. That would be weird. He could easily deny it or something.
It was time for your match and you wished you had listened to Peyton because she beat your ass out there, bad.  
After your match when you left the ring, you were making your way back to the locker room to change. Your head was down and not paying attention when suddenly you collided with another body.
They dropped whatever they had in their hand and you bent down to help pick it up, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attent-.” When you looked up, you swallowed the huge lump that formed in your throat.
It was Aleister.
He took his things from your hands and stared at you. Saying nothing, he just nodded and continued on his way. Just like he did before.
You managed to make it back to the locker room without running into anyone else.
As soon as you made it through the door, you just leaned back against it and sighed.
“You okay?” Ember asked you.
You gasped. You thought you were alone. “Sorry, you scared me. Yeah. I’m good. Didn’t know there was anyone in here.”
“It’s all good, I was just leaving to head to the ring. You sure you’re okay though?” She asked, seeming concerned.
“Yes. I am, promise.” You said, fake smile appearing on your face.
She looked at you suspiciously, “Okay, but if you ever want someone to talk to around here, you can come find me anytime. I know how it can get being on the road and being the new girl and all.”
“That would be awesome. Thank you, Ember.” You said, with a real smile on your face this time.
This was the first time since being here, minus Sanity in catering, that someone had offered to...talk to you or anything. And Ember seemed really nice.
You couldn’t let this distract you though.
Why were you so bothered by just staring? People stared all the time. There was something about him though that intrigued you…
Trying to shake it off, you managed to get changed and gather your things and prepare to go to the next city and get to your hotel. Maybe getting some sleep would do you some good.
To your luck, you managed not to get much sleep. Your brain wouldn’t shut off. You couldn’t stop thinking about Aleister. You were asking yourself so many questions that you couldn’t answer. For example: why was he staring in the first place? Were you funny looking? Did he like you? (No way that’s the right answer) Were there rumors going around about me? Or did he just have a staring problem? You had to know.
You had to come up with some sort of plan. But what? You didn’t know anything about the guy.
Something came to mind, but it was risky. It was something that would give you a chance to get to know him a little better, maybe, but if you got caught...that would be bad.
Morning came and you went to work out. Most of your co-workers were at the gym as well, including Aleister. You did your best to keep your cool, which you thought you did a pretty good job at.
Your workout was done, breakfast was ate and you had some free time in the city.
When it was time to head to the arena, your stomach started to feel twisted.  
You got ready like normal and everyone was doing their own thing. You saw what locker room Aleister was in and took note. You also started to wonder if you were a little crazy.
The show had begun and your match was in the first half. Which meant that you would have time to do what you wanted to do...hopefully.
Aleister’s match was right after intermission and you were ready. You just hoped that you didn’t get caught.
Once his match started, you got into position. Whatever that meant. You just made sure no one was around to see you go into his locker room.
You waited a few minutes until after the match started, that way it wasn’t too obvious.
Once you were in there, you went to his things. You weren’t sure what you were going to accomplish, but you were going to try.
It was stupid though because you were only traveling a couple days. He only had clothes and hygiene products. Shit.
You moved to the next small bag and as you were bent over, you heard the door open. You shot up and your eyes got wide. The guy’s match was over and made their way back to their locker room.
They all just stood in the doorway and stood at you.
“It isn’t what it looks like! Okay… Maybe it is..” You said.
You could feel your cheeks burning with embarrassment and got the hell out of there. You ran to your locker room and locked yourself in the first bathroom stall.
You whispered quietly to yourself, “I knew that was a stupid idea. Why are you so stupid?”
Tears were falling down your face.
The locker room door opened and you heard a soft tap on the stall you were in.
“Hey Y/N, you okay?” Ember asked. She seemed to be very good at being around when you were upset.
You took a deep breath and did your best to talk normal, “All good in here.”
“Now I know you’re lying. I saw you rush in here after being in the guy’s locker room. If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine, I am just making sure you’re okay.” She said.
Why was she being so nice to you?
You decided to get out of the stall you were in. You opened the door slowly and Ember could see how upset you were.
You went over and sat down. She followed.
“Yeah, I... don’t really want to get into it, but I did something stupid and made a fool of myself. Now I’m sure the entire guy’s locker room think I’m some sort of freak.”  You said looking at the ground.
She rubbed your shoulder trying to comfort you, “I’m sure they don’t think that. Can I ask what you were doing in their locker room?”
“If I tell you, then you’ll think I’m a freak too.” You said, still avoiding eye contact.
“No judgement here, promise.”
You looked up at her. “Okay...So I have been getting a weird vibe from one of the guys and instead of confronting him about it like a normal human being, I decided to be a snoop and got caught. I thought I would have enough time, but obviously I was waayyy wrong. I am so stupid.”
She wrapped her arms around you, “You are not stupid. You just made one mistake. And I’m sure no one saw anything.”
“Yeah, you should have seen their faces…” You said.
Ember was silent for a moment.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked, turning to face her.
She nodded.
“I don’t want to come off as rude or anything, because I don’t mean to be, but why all of a sudden are you being so nice to me and care?” You asked.
She chuckled a bit, “Well, I don’t mean for it to be all of a sudden. You seem cool and I just didn’t know how to start talking to you. I have social anxiety just like everyone else. Looks like we have some things in common.”
That made you laugh. “Yeah. Well thank you. I have felt...out of place since I got here. I never know how to introduce myself to people so I just...don’t. So thanks. It’s nice to have a friend.”
“Yes. Now you have a friend around here. How ‘bout we get out of here and to the hotel so you can sleep this night off?” She suggested.
“I would love that..”
The two of you rode together to the hotel and made arrangements to have breakfast in the morning.
When you got to your room, you had it to yourself. Thank god.
You took a shower and got comfortable.
Just when you were about to go to bed and sleep off the horrible night, there was a light knock on your door.
You got up and looked through the peephole.
Fucking hell.  It was Aleister.
You slowly opened the door, but avoided his eyes.
“Hi, did you need something?” You asked.
He motioned towards your room, “May I come in for a minute?”
You opened the door all the way and let him in. He closed the door him. You sat on the corner of the bed, messing with your fingernails.
What did he want?
Aleister sat down in the office chair across from you. The two of you were quiet for what felt like eternity.
“So…” He scooted the chair closer to you, “Do you want to tell me why you were going through my stuff today?”
You felt like you were going to throw up. You wanted to run away and never come back.
“Not really. You probably think I am a freak or a thief or something to that matter. So what’s the point?” You said.
He sighed, “I do not think that, but I am curious.”
You looked at him, “Why have you been staring at me the last couple days?”
“I am very captivated by you.” He said, like it was nothing.
“What? Really? You are?” You asked, like he was a crazy man.
He chuckled. You have never really seen the man smile before. It was beautiful.
“Is that so hard to believe?” He asked.
“I mean, maybe. It’s not everyday one of the hottest guys from work tell you something like that…” You said, immediately regretting it.
He laughed again, but didn’t say anything.
“You don’t say much, do you?” You asked.
“Not particularly.” He said.
“See, that is why I was snooping today… Not a good enough reason, but I was just trying to learn more about you and obviously failed.” You said.
“Well why didn’t you just ask me?” He asked.
“Because I was afraid…” You said, quietly. You shot your head back to the ground.
Aleister scooted the chair even closer to you and grabbed your chin so you were looking at him, “Afraid of what?”
He just smiled then let go of your face, “Do I really come off as scary?”
“Well I have only been here for a few weeks and haven’t really talked to anyone. It is only a first impression.” You said.
He got up and walked towards the door and turned to you, “Well, then I guess I will have to make a few more impressions for you.”
“I guess so.” You agreed.
“Okay, I will see you later friend.” He said opening the door.
“Since when have we ever been friends?” You asked him, in a more sarcastic tone.
“Since now.” He said, smiling.
He then walked out the door and went back to his room. It wasn’t as bad as you were thinking, but...what exactly was that? And what did he mean by he would have to make more impressions for you? Guess you’ll just have to find out the hard way.
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wrestliiingdiscordhq · 7 years ago
I’m having problems loading Tumblr so I can’t chdck your most wanted! Could you list me a few males and females? Thanks.
I absolutely could!
Some most wanted males we have right now are Baron Corbin, Cesaro and Sheamus, any members of the Bullet Club (minus Kenny and Cody), Kevin Owens, Daniel Bryan, The New Day, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Tommaso Ciampa, Joey Ryan, EC3, and Adam Cole!
Conversely, some most wanted females right now are Naomi, Summer Rae, Asuka, Candice Lerae, Carmella, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, Ember Moon, Dakota Kai, Brandi Rhodes, Natalya, and Peyton Royce!
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tkmedia · 4 years ago
More WWE releases expected soon
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The list of wrestlers released by WWE is expected to grow and more names could be on their way out very soon. During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez went over the names released on Friday from WWE NXT and Meltzer explained why each person was let go. It boiled down to people either being considered too old or too small. There will be exceptions but for the most part, the plan is to go back to what NXT was supposed to be many years ago. Alvarez concluded the conversation on WOR by saying, “hopefully that’s it.” Meltzer responded by saying, “I doubt it that’s it. Everyone is kind of talking like that’s not gonna be it.” As previously noted, the decision to release so many WWE NXT wrestlers on Friday was made by Vince McMahon and this was not something done by Triple H and Shawn Michaels. The feeling from McMahon is that they have lost the war to AEW Dynamite and they need to go back to what they were doing several years ago before the goal became to compete with the independent scene/ROH. As you can see in tweets posted by Denise Salcedo, there has been a major housecleaning in WWE this year and they are not done yet. Click here for more on what was said about the future of NXT. Part 2 of Talents WWE released in 2021 ( no specific order) Matt Martel, Killian Dain, Marina Shafir, Arturo Ruas, Curt Stallion, Sunil Singh, Samir Singh, Lars Sullivan, Big Show, Steve Cutler, Andrade, Billie Kay, Peyton Royce, Samoa Joe, Kallisto, Chelse Green, Mickie James — Denise Salcedo (@_denisesalcedo) August 7, 2021 Part 4 of Talents WWE released in 2021 ( no specific order) August Grey, Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese, Tyler Breeze, Fandango, Santana Garrett, Tino Sabbatelli I *THINK* I got everyone from 2021. — Denise Salcedo (@_denisesalcedo) August 7, 2021 Read the full article
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