#† ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉʸ ˢᵃʸ ᶤˢ ᶠᶤᶜᵗᶤᵒᶰ ᶤˢ ᶰᵒᵗʰᶤᶰᵍ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᶜᵗ : headcanon
dualcursed · 5 years
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             Y E S. haru running to rin’s middle school right as class lets out to try and catch her so they can walk home together. haru showing up on her front porch to try and beg her parents to let her come out and play or come to his house for dinner so she’s at least out of the house ( because she doesn’t like talking about her home with him ) or going on walks around the estate, jumping in ponds they’re not supposed to be in and trampling the sand in the gardens. they climb bridges from the outside to see if they can make it across and have to come up with fake stories if one of them slips and gets hurt. they take naps on the engawa’s looking out over the quieter ends of the main house and do homework under the supervision of some of the kinder house hands or with hatori when he’s working on his papers for school in case they have questions the other can’t answer. i also weep over the idea of there being a small fence around rin’s house that they start locking when he shows up too much and he tends to stand by the gate, not quite tall enough to reach over, but tall enough that his eyes and puff of white hair poke over the top. 
answered for: @aliamusae
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dualcursed · 5 years
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          screaming about spoilers under the cut
okay so every time that hatsuharu gets excited about yuki or runs to him to grab onto him, he has never ONCE grabbed onto yuki himself, it’s always his clothes-- and the fact that he’s so worried about how yuki’s doing mentally-- i’m want to believe that hatsuharu understands and respects that yuki struggles with things that trigger his trauma related to akito and his relationship with his brother ( or the betrayal of his brother as a child ) 
so when he goes to comfort him, he opts to reach for his clothes instead of reaching to grab yuki himself. chances are, akito grabbed him forcefully as a child and haru’s being mindful not to trigger those memories. 
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dualcursed · 5 years
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea//strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // rome or amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macaroons or croissants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat  // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or water colour // fairy lights or candles
Tagged by: @holmesdepot Tagging: @tohrx @aflyingpot @grimcycle (rin), @edenwander/@isolatedgod (whoever you’d like), and anyone else who’s still around and wants to go for it 
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dualcursed · 5 years
F I V E   T H I N G S . fill in the categories with 5 things that your character can be identified by. repost, do not reblog !
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i. emotions/feelings
1. protective /  2.  anger  /  3.  confusion  / 4. love  /  5.  detachment
ii. greetings
1.  a simple hi /  2.  a light wave  /   3.  a smile /  4.  taking hold of clothing  /  5.  a nod
iii. colors
1.  black  /  2.  white  /  3.  red  / 4.  gold  /  5.  silver
iv. scents
1.  oak  /  2.  leather /  3.  mint  / 4.  cedarwood  /  5.  soy sauce
v. clothing
1.  long coats  /  2.  homemade jewelry  / 3. button down shirts  /  4.  heavy boots  /  5.  tight pants
vi. objects
1.  crafting supplies  /  2.  necklaces  /  3.  bike  / 4. cheesy romance novel  /  5.  house key
vii. vices/bad habits
1.  day-dreaming  / 2. wandering  /   3. lack of filter /
4. consideration for everyone but himself  / 5.  stubborn yet easily manipulated
viii. body language
1.  firm stance  /  2.  wandering eyes  /  
3. somewhat slow and drawn out  / 4.  normally quiet  5. / hands in pockets 
ix. aesthetics
1.  gentle expressions / 2. dirty rooms  / 3. lonely nights
/ 4.  lapse in memory and loss of time  /  5. delicate handiwork 
x. songs
1.   memory of childhood - jia peng feng /  2. born to be wild - steve ‘n’ seagulls  / 3.   lost little boys -  fatherson 4.   bad guy - billie eilish  /  5. i go crazy - orla gartland
tagged by:  @aliamusae ayyy tagging:  please steal this from me, just say i tagged you 
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dualcursed · 5 years
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           about time i got to writing these angsty drabbles !!
through gritted teeth he held his place, nails digging into bent knees just beneath him to distract from the tensing of muscles throughout his legs. he was in pain. this had been drawn out to forty-five minutes now and still, he sat, eyes averting from the gaze fixated on him-- waiting, perhaps anticipating the moment he were to crack. should he shift, should he waver for even something momentary, it would all be over, wouldn’t it ? his pleas would be as easily discarded and his proposition would be slipped besides the countless manuscripts atop his cousin’s desk, awaiting their turn to meet the bottom of a trash bin. 
once more, he speaks up, bowing deeply at the waist. his muscles scream in pain the further he lowers himself, but his words are pointed, loud, and precise. ❝ take him home, sensei. ❞ the name feels raw upon his tongue. it bleeds discomfort with each syllable but in due time the second nature of referring to such a title would be with respect and sincerity. it’s almost laughable that something so sickeningly belittling to himself would be the token that would set a broken soul free. it was a sacrifice that would grant what little freedom the jyuunishi were able to obtain in this never-ending hell. despite it all, the deal had been struck. 
as he lifts himself, his hair resetting upon his forehead, a simple nod and a wicked smile await him. 
it is done. 
the moon had since eased its way above the tops of trees and now stood as a guide to lead a lost soul back to the cage which held it and the chains that bound it. returning, this time, was met with relief as well as a gut-wrenching fear of what was to come. his safety wasn’t guaranteed with the arrangement promising his role as conspirator wouldn’t be revealed yet-- what would guarantee him that protection ? a simple spoken promise wasn’t something to be trusted, especially when spoken by someone as devious as sensei was. what more could he do ? it was an offer underlined in risk but it was an offer nonetheless. 
he was scared. 
it had been far too long since fear was something he could so easily admit to, but there it was, as clear as the stars in the sky-- terror coursed through him. what had he done ? what had he given up in exchange for a life so precious to him he would deliver his own on a silver platter just to see one chance at hope ? a simple devotion to inflating one man’s ego was nothing compared to the countless hours locked alone with nothing but the companionship of a monster. a simple sacrifice but a sacrifice still. 
a moment’s burst of courage and confidence is enough to lead each step to the heart of his family’s torment. it may have looked like a regular building, but its halls ached with the cries of the deceased and captives that never knew the world beyond a lone stone wall and a gate separating fortune from misfortune. it was a site of nothing but silent suffering and insanity. in the light of the full moon, one could only imagine the number of souls that were forever trapped beyond those walls, forced to gather at a banquet of the dead for a god that served themselves first and foremost. countless generations of selfishness under the guise of unity for the benefit of the one apart from the many would never know the kind of freedom so many of them had attempted to fight for. another step towards shattering tradition was at hand. 
by force of habit, both shoes are removed at the stairs to one of the further halls, closest to a collection of empty rooms whose purposes had always been left a mystery and all questions were left with silence. all attention was directed to two rooms in particular: that of which the devil lie sleeping and the other, the innocent spirit awaiting its second chance at youth. so long as no one spotted the young man easing his way around corners and along stretches of empty labyrinth, it would be easy to reach the final destination unscathed and undetected. what sound like human breaths echoing down corridors are in fact mistaken gusts of summer wind and names whispered in his ear are a product of his own over-imaginative consciousness playing tricks on the mind. for a place so seemingly desolate, the night fills with the fantastical. 
to his surprise, the cover of darkness works in his favor, delivering him like a shadow to the door separating him from whom his heart ached. a simple lock stood as the final hurdle that, on numerous occasions, he’d picked out of desperation to reassure that times were indeed changing and wrongs would soon be made right. to know that after all this time, it was the same lock meant the gods were on his side. they had been looking after him all this time and now, were aiding in his rescue. 
the door slides like many times before, catching briefly on a familiar dent in the railing but continuing to a halt with a swift thwip of the paper against the brisk night air. as trained eyes refocus to the near pitch black, the figure to the back corner adjusts itself, rising like the undead itself to take in the situation at hand. a moment of silence between them continues with a single finger raised to the young man’s lips. say nothing until safety is guaranteed. too much was at stake to risk anything further. he wavers with every step he takes to break the distance between himself and the figure and soon, he’s at the figure’s side, taking him in his arms for what feels like an eternity. as much as he wanted to speak those same reassuring words, he hopes the words he silently screams will reach. 
at long last, quivering hands take hold of ones much smaller and frailer than his own. were they ever destined to take root and grow ? was the fragile figure he had sworn to himself to protect ever to be more than the pathetic creature left to rot in that lonesome room ? with luck, this would be the first step to revival. 
there are no questions as he whisked the other back the way he came, dipping around corners at the slightest of sounds and pressing him back into the darkest nooks with his whole form at a moment’s notice. his heaving chest locks the other in place and only shifts once certainty is established for another safe stretch of hall or corridor. the routine stop, evaluate, and proceed continues for another ten to fifteen minutes before they make it back down the steps and along the side of the main house. with only one pair of shoes, it’s decided the other should wear them despite the fact that they’re perhaps one or two sizes larger than the petite feet that are made to sit within them. 
for what seems like the first time in the last few years that he can remember, there’s a smile that tugs at his lips. yuki is beautiful. everyone says so, and they speak only the truth. the gods graced yuki sohma with the most delicate of features, so pure and ethereal in fact, that his perfection was met with accusations of imperfection. that perfection negated any and all worth that the world around him might be able to garner from bringing him into it. one person laid claim to that doll-like beauty and it was the black smear on a white page. It was the hammer set to chip the porcelain that framed his face, curved along his back, and detailed each and every one of his ten fingers and ten toes. it was the bane of the jyuunishi’s existence yet no one would speak up to say so. 
he’s careful when tightening the hold on that delicate, porcelain hand before they’re off in the dead of night. the road to sensei’s house would be long, cold, and damn near impossible to navigate in the darkness, but no treat could be worse than the one lay sleeping back in the lion’s den. if anything, it was a surprised that there was no commotion upon them leaving the circle of uniformity. there were no screams in the night that awoke both living and dead. there was no patrol out searching for two missing children. for now, luck was on their side. how long that luck would hold out was uncertain, but taking it while it was being dealt to them would give them just enough to make it past the gate to the estate and back along the main road towards the forest. 
by morning, the chill of the summer night air had blown through them despite being curled up besides one another. the heavy coat of dew had dampened the patch of grass they’d greet unconsciousness with, but without the threat of the sohma’s on their heels, sleep came easy. the familiar face of sensei greeted them as well aided by a flurry of motion undoubtedly the canine spirits that had come as a result of the curse. one moment, he’s staring absentmindedly into the sleeping face of his heart and love and the next, he’s nudged awake. the familiar walls of the home he’d seen hours earlier. it was sensei’s house. 
he was splayed out on a futon in an unfamiliar room on the second floor and what could only be described as terror once against struck his heart. without a second thought, he’s on his feet, hurriedly checking each and every room for a sign that yuki was still there, that yuki was free. each room yielded nothing. where had he gone ? where was he ? had sensei lied to him ? 
the burning rage and fury at the prospect of being betrayed coursed through him. how dare he ! how dare he take his trust and deal him as well as yuki such a shit hand. it’s unfair ! it’s so unfair ! was hope and freedom so hard to obtain !? was it so sinful to give them a chance at something ? 
he rounds the stairs, flying down with speed and aggression fueled by the desire for vengeance. nothing but death could right this injustice but-- there he sits, feet crossed beneath him, a bowl of ramen in front of him and a hot cup of tea in those precious, porcelain hands. eyes that sparkle with tears that have yet to fall turn to him. the first that had subconsciously balled ease at his sides. yuki was okay. he was here now. he was safe. he was free.
❝ ah, hatsuharu. we were wondering when you would be joining us. ❞
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dualcursed · 5 years
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Tagged by: @zodiacloved Tagging: @mckeitbeautiful (for whoever you want), @tenrita, @tchru, @sorrowcursed, @lovescursed, @mei-sohma, @willcurse, @writercursed, @translatedhearts (for whoever you want) -- and anyone who wants to steal this
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dualcursed · 5 years
repost and bold your muse’s preference .
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·  roses / cherry blossoms / orchids / tulips ·  winter / summer / autumn / spring ·  thunderstorms / sunshine / snow ·  indoors / outdoors · meat / fruit / sweets ·  extravagance / traditionalism  / minimalism ·  god-fearing / non-god-fearing · cats / dogs / horses / birds   ·  sunrise / sunset ·  day time / night time · fire / earth / water / wind ·  reading / writing ·  rising early / sleeping late · wine / ale / neither / both  · fur / silk / satin / lace   · rubies / pearls / sapphires ·  horseback / walking / carriages · love / power ·  having company / being alone ·  lakes / rivers / oceans · knife / sword / bow / poison · gold / silver
tagged by : @omochikaerii
tagging : steal it from me please ! i’m tagging everyone who sees this
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dualcursed · 5 years
one of hatsuharu’s biggest goals in life is to see a yokai with his own eyes or to travel abroad and hunt cryptids. it’s more so a goofy fantasy, but his desire to actually see something inhuman with his own eyes is authentic. 
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dualcursed · 5 years
You got: Jupiter
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You seek to discern right from wrong and good from evil. Though the world does not always operate in the binaries you try to place on it, you are consistent in how you operate within your personal moral compass. Luck tends to be in your favor, something you rarely boast about while sharing the benefits with others.
tagged by: @zodiacursed tagging: @mckeitbeautiful, @horsecursed, @lovescursed, @museaddled, @gottamuseemall, @silencedcursed, @tatterdsouls, @hydrangeaguard, and anyone who wants this. seriously, just steal this from me. 
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dualcursed · 5 years
What do you wanna be when you grow up?
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            ❝ i’ll be honest-- i have no idea. i wanted to do martial arts when i trained with shishou but that’s not something you can really do as a career. i enjoy making things: bracelets, necklaces, earrings-- things like that, but it’s not as if you can really make a living on handicrafts. i never really thought about it much. i should probably start figuring it out. ❞
answered for: anon
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dualcursed · 5 years
haru and machi eventually having some sort of silent respect for each other bc of yuki tho. both care about yuki and want to support him and be with him. i can see haru and machi being silent friends~
Y E S !
just, little nods in agreement or entire unspoken conversations where they somehow fully understand the extent of each other’s respective silence. that’s the kind of friendship these two would be and i love it. they both care about yuki too so they have that in common as well. 
i absolutely love this ! 
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dualcursed · 5 years
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      i read in a fanfic a LONG time ago that hatsuharu was a big       gamer and i haven’t recovered from it since. i will always        pin him as the little nerd that he is. 
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dualcursed · 5 years
1ST RULE: Tag the muses you would like to know better.
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
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I am 5'7 or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown hair
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone on runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concert
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for over a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling 
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have a broken bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least two languages
tagged by : @omochikaerii
tagging : steal it from me please ! just say i tagged you ;D 
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dualcursed · 5 years
♪┏(・o・)┛♪ : Can your muse dance well?
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can your muse dance well?
yeeeeeeeeeh-- no. i mean, he’s somewhat graceful for new years’ dances but that’s once every 12 years and he’s only done it maybe once. he can keep a decent beat and bob back and forth but beyond that-- the only choreographed movement he can really manage are forms in martial arts and those are more rigid movements than the fluidity of dance. 
if he put some time and effort into it, i’m sure he could figure out how to do something simple. 
answered for: @jinmeibo
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dualcursed · 5 years
┌(;`~,)┐ : What discombobulates your muse?
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what discombobulates your muse?
apart from directions-- i want to say the concept of love. as weird as that sounds it’s something that all the jyuunishi have a weird warped idea of. while he’s in a relationship with rin his idea of love in regards to her is someone who understands the pain and struggles brought on by the curse and it’s basically a mix of touch-starved and a mix of ‘no one else in the world will get me the way you do’. while i don’t doubt the validity of their love for each other, it’s the same thing with yuki in a sense. the moment his image of yuki as a spiteful image was shattered, it became an infatuation with the idea of someone respecting him and being kind to him for once. again, i’m not saying there isn’t anything valid about the love he had for yuki either. it’s just something he doesn’t understand 100% percent and is still working on understand with rin. there’s a lot of learning what you love about a person, how you can love them despite their differences both good and bad, how to work through fights together, how to compromise, how to learn to love them as a friend and as an important person in your life before ultimately loving them as a lover. how to look past the physical desire and look to how to fuel and nourish the interpersonal connections you have. he’s not quite mature enough to figure all of that out and it’s still something he has a ‘fairytale’ idea of, but he’ll get there. 
answered for: @virtuousfire
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dualcursed · 5 years
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what does your muse's laugh sound like?
it’s low, like the scratchy-textured tone of a voice speaking the first words of a new morning. it’s delicate, like a chuckle but breathy. on occasions when something tickles his funny bone a little too much, he’ll either grab at his stomach or rest a closed fist against his lips to hold himself back. most of the time he tries to suppress his laughter, thus the exaggerated chuckles, but when he laughs genuinely, you can differentiate instantly from his dark side’s laughter. 
that laughter is outrageous. there are no filters. it’s a full body, explosive roar that shakes him to the core. it’s loud, it’s obnoxious, and he holds nothing back. 
answered for: @withagentleheart
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