#”implied” alkafam
[1]ok sorry in my mind rn is a nonidol au :bonk:
[anon1]so what happens to aira what does he like
he can be the one (1) little guy aspiring to be an idol i allow him to be
[1]This actually on my mind constantly :subaruagree: Mostly bc I like dreaming of how directionless and lost some of them are 🤤
[anon1]nonidol au wtf would eichi and aira do [2]subaru still has a dad
[2]:o and this means kaname still has a mom, and a home, and can invite Beemeru to said home
Kanata still sitting in the cult cus without idols he has no reason to leave:
[3]Trade offer: You get - a happy kaname with a loving family consisting of his mother and beemeru I get - disillusioned bitter aira who could never achieve his dream and was so wandered around for a long time hallow and feelingless until he met alkaloid (whatever they are) and delving all his passion and energy into what they do instead (also IN MY MIND JUST NOW aukaloid paint studio they painters who own their own studio trying to get it on the map. Tatsumi paints symbolic shit, hiiro works in abstract-impressionest portraits and scenery, mayoi's paintings swing between cute animals +moments and dark masses of foreboding color that instill heavy motions of unease, and aira usually paints large sceneries with maybe some small people hidden within the masses of the space all exuding feelings of nostalgia/ longing) and I also get bitter ceo eichi cause why not :eichicrime:
i dont like you /joke
Paint studiokaloid on the mind now 😔will not leave [3]typical aira headcannon says he finds out aabt the wonderful world of idols around mid-school era, so that we can have that wonderful "life was empty and meaninglesss b4 idols" :arashilove: but for this au imma say he finds out abt it when hes in elementary shcool, a baby, one could say. so he goes in bright eyed and happy bc while he hasn't expierenced true sadness yet he has seen what real joy feels like and is gung-ho about channeling it himelf! :airalove: and even tho all the auditions and talent compitions his mom is enrolling him in always end in failure, he can't give up! a true idol is never lets anything get them down! but then he works too hard and gets a fever, a very serious one too. but. the boy won't. he doesn't know how to stop. and he sings and practices his way through the sickness, lost in a haze of work get better gotta improve gotta make it gotta win and. he tears his vocal chords. violently by the time the doctors get to him its already too late, he can barely speak anymore. the only things able to escape his mouth being pained noises. "with physical therapy, we can get him back to the point of being able to say a few words at a time" *but when can i sing? * "i'm sorry kid, you cant. not anymore." and thus, his dreams are crushed. so n e ways aft that he spends his entire school career soundless. fluttering into the background like a leaf falls to the ground. letting time pass by as he grows without feeling anything, learning to keep a notebook on him at all times, because it was safest to assume the person in front of him wouldnt be able to sign back (or maybe they just didn't want to talk to him at all?) 1/3
ok what the fuck /NM BDJDBF JUST . WOW IN A /POS WAY !!!
his family is relatively well off, so he decides to take a gap year between highschool and college, moving out into an apartment of his own *to be a bit more independent, to figure out what i want to do * he says, but really, its to escape from reality a little bit longer. one day, he finds someone hopelessly lost at the train station. the red haired boy's eyes glazed over in confusion, head tilting side to side like a puppy. he helps the boy to his location, frustrated about the fact he needs to explain seemingly everything about city life to the bumbkin. when they get to the doors of a small building, front full of windows revealing the mess of moving boxes and tarps inside, the boy invites him in. "maybe you can join us! your handwriting is really nice! we need help writing letters and making fancy cards!" the boy offers. aira huffs, wondering what kind of stupid offer was that? but he follows him in anyways, nothing better to do it was the best decision he'd ever made. 2/3 aira joins as the group's penman bc he was enraptured by the paintings he saw (namely, one of hiiro's portraits my mother, he said, a wistful smile ghosting his lips. his red hair seeming dull in comparision to the burning bonfire of explosive paint in front of him, the canvas eclipsing his form multiple times over. looming over them like a giant, although one full of friendliness and warmth.) but eventually starts learning how to paint out of intrest (he takes tips from everyone really but his main teacher is mamayoi, which can be seen as they use some of the same color pallets and techniques/motifs :mayoishy: ) aira doesn't speak often, but when he does everyone listens this makes a very cute moment where kohiiai are on a date or almost-date and something happens that upsets aira but kohaku&hiiro stand up for their lil love bug and while aira does end up pulling them away from starting a fight he can't help the warm butterflies fluttering across his cheeks. in the end, he drags them onto a bench. sitting them down although never letting go of their sleeves. "ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ…" he murmurs, a sound so quiet it would have been missed by anyone other than his two hyper-sensative boys. hiiro perks up, loudly declaring that it's alright and that he would do anything for him! kohaku is more subdued, but equally as happy. a proud smile gracing his lips and… are those a hint of tears forming in his eyes? n e ways the first time aira tells them he loves them no one survives the Emotional Damage and kohiiai fluff 💯 they can be cuties the end :arashilove: :kohakupout: :hiiroconfusion: :airalove: /3
when everything else tries to brutally murder your soul, you can count on kohiiai to be wholesome as fuck 😌
until pensive TWISTS kohiiai in a way that HURTS ME
even when the kohiiai murders your soul in the end at least the way there was wholesome as fuck <-speaking in shoujo rei timeline :subaruagree:
the wholesome happy romance of kohiiai is the only thing i refuse to taint ever [4]they can all suffer individually but when they together they be loved
i acutally rlly like painter studio aukaloid tho :mayoishy: its subsidized by my own feelings towards painting my cannon-typical alkaloid brainrot :tatsumiacceptance: [4]:subaruagree: til death do them part
[5]so when do i get to be let out of the torture chamber :kiibodipshit2:
[5]no </3
dw u love it here ^^
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bsjddbfkfj the mental image of mayoi being an excellent driver despite passing out every time tatsumi is behind the wheel
hes terrified if anyone other than himself is the one driving but put him behind the wheel for too long and he gets scary
its the “i hold people’s lives in my hands” realization
mayoi giggling to himself as he drives at the legal speed limit, and slows down for every speed bump and intersaction, and generally respects road rules to a T
mayoi: what if i.. crash the car right now.. what if i ran that speedlight.. it would be so easy to end it…. if i drove off ensquare bridge it would be so easy..
kohaku: lovehan im scared to be in this car
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ibara: hiiro its my turn to look after you today 
hiiro: ok mom 
ibara: awesome. so what we’re doing today is making pipe bombs
tatsumi: you cannot teach him to make pipe boMBS WE TALKED ABOUT THIS SAEGUSA
mamayoi teaches the children all the ways to scuttle around in the ceilings
hiyori teaches them where the best desserts are (the answer is always niki)
nagisa talks about rocks
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aira: no i really do think tomoe is a mother he loves me the way only a mother can 
hiiro: i have never known the love of a mother so i cannot say anything to counter that 
kohaku: ditto 
aira: well i have had a loving mother since birth so that means im automatically right 
subaru: yeah i have a mom too hes right 
tetora: i wanna go home this sleepover’s depressing me
meanwhile, downstairs,
tatsumi: oh looks like more kids have arrived for the sleepover ♪ i wonder who i-
ritsu: hi 
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aira: wow we have so many fathers and stepfathers and mothers and stepmothers now 
hiiro (ugly crying): MY CURSE IS GOING TO KILL THEM ALL
tatsumi: no no hiiro don't you know having 3 moms breaks all curses placed on your bloodline? now you have mayoi, niki, and ibara! you’re free, child, you’re finally free
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rinne: i promise ill be a better brother ill take him on the best field trip hes ever been to 
himeru: where are you taking him 
rinne: ……..NOT to a casino 
himeru: get back in your cardboard box
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tatsumi: oh wow it is my old friend himeru i am so glad he is doing ok :) 
himeru: (the only thing keeping me from strangling you to death right now is my love for kaname and the other six people in this room.)
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walking into the adam-eve-steve household is like playing fnaf irl you're gonna get jumpscared at least 5 different times from several different angles
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