#“you should visit tijuana” EVERYONE KNOWS TIJUANA THOUGH
breserker · 4 months
not to dunk on baja california but i found a buzzfeed listicle while talking to a friend titled "13 northern mexico photos that will make you want to travel there" and 5 of them were from baja california ? get fucked lmao??
one of the only places they used for nuevo leon was a cave, the other was a petroglyph site, none of the mountains surrounding monterrey were referenced, only ONE place from sonora was listed, ditto coahuila, and none from tamaulipas. the article seems to draw from instagram accounts so i can only think some tourism industry wackery going on even if only by proxy but anyway here's some pictures of nuevo leon because it's the state i'm most familiar with:
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(the following is in or visible from cumbres de monterrey national park. yes those are karst formations!)
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that last picture is an incredible sight for me to see because that mountain is actually in the midst of monterrey, i'm used to seeing it surrounded by urban buildings;
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and to round out here's a few from villa de santiago which is a tourist hotspot
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people more knowledgable/local in northern mexico add your own or something, even nuevo leon stuff my knowledge there is so limited
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
Chapter I
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NYPD Detectives Steve Fine and Joe Bourquin investigate the murder of Edward Blake, who was thrown out from his apartment home and fell many stories down to his death. The detectives conclude that Blake's assailant(s) were rather strong to subduing Blake given the latter's large and stronger physique, and the sturdiness of the glass that Blake was thrown out. The detectives decide to cover up the investigation in order to avoid interference from the vigilante Rorschach.
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That night, however, Rorschach enters Blake's apartment and search the rooms until finding a compartment containing weapons, a leather costume, and a picture of the Minutemen. Rorschach realizes that Edward Blake was the American government-sponsored costumed adventurer known as the Comedian.
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Meanwhile, Dan Dreiberg is visiting Hollis Mason at the latter's home where they discuss about their time as the Nite Owl. After their time is over, Dan returns to his apartment to find his door broken in, and finding Rorschach awaiting him and helping himself to a can of cold beans. Rorschach informs news of the Comedian's death to Dan, who then propose having their discussion in his workshop in the basement, where it serves as storage for Dan's Nite Owl equipment. Rorschach informs him of his investigation into Edward Blake's death. Dan suggest that given Blake's services and history, his murder could have been a political killing in response to his actions in toppling Marxist Republics in South America. But Rorschach propose another theory that someone is attempting to eliminate costumed heroes. Dan is skeptical of his idea, but Rorschach points out that the Comedian had made a lot of enemies for the past forty years. Rorschach soon leaves but not before giving The Comedian's blood-stained smiley face badge that he found to Dan.
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Rorschach later takes his investigation to a seedy bar called Happy Harry's, where the owner and patrons very fearfully known him well. He talks to Harry in needing information to Blake's death, which Harry honestly doesn't know. When one man named Steve mocks Rorschach, who then start breaking the man's two fingers and again demanding everyone for knowing about Blake's murder while continuing to torturing Steve. But no one knows, so Rorschach releases Steve and leaves.
Rorschach visit Adrian Veidt, a retired hero formerly known as Ozymandias and current billionaire, at his office. Veidt shares the same suggestion that Blake's murder was a political killing, perhaps committed by the Soviets. Rorschach considered it otherwise, as the Soviets never dared to antagonize America because of having their possession of the superhuman operative Dr. Manhattan since 1965, and stick to his masked killer theory. Though Veidt further explains that the Comedian had many political enemies other than the Soviets, claiming that Blake's reputation made him "practically a Nazi." Rorschach defends Blake from Veidt's remark, stating that Blake stood up for his country, never allowed anyone to retire him, and not even selling his image - unlike Veidt. The billionaire remains unaffected by Rorschach's words, as he discuss that he chose to retire prior to the passing of the Police Strike and Keene Act that outlawed unsanctioned vigilantes.
Rorschach then goes to warn Doctor Manhattan and Laurie Juspeczyk at Rockefeller Military Research Center. The couple were already informed of Blake's murder by their government superiors in which Manhattan recalls the C.I.A. suspects the Libyans were responsible. Manhattan remains unconcerned when Rorschach propose his masked killer theory, explaining that he sees life and death as "unquantifiable abstracts." Laurie is very unsympathetic of Blake, calling him a monster and that he had tried to rape her mother when they were both in the Minutemen. Her statements on Blake ends up in an argument with Rorschach, who defends Blake's behavior. Due to upsetting Laurie, Manhattan teleports Rorschach outside of the facility.
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Laurie decide to calling Dan Dreiberg out for dinner at Rafael's. Manhattan politely decline to join as he is occupied on finishing his research that would validate supersymmetrical theory. Laurie discuss with Dan about regretting her old life as the second Silk Spectre and her relationship with Jon, which she mentions that the government kept her at Rockefeller is to keep Jon relaxed and happy. Though Laurie and Dan enjoys recalling the story of an old villain that only pretended to be a super-villain to get beaten up, laughing at their times as costumed heroes.
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Chapter I Hollis Mason starts his book by recalling his decision to write a book by turning to a writer named Denise, who had written forty-two stories but never published them, for advice. Denise told him to start with the saddest thing he could think of to get sympathy, "after that, believe me, it's a walk." Hollis dedicates his book, Under the Hood to Denise.
Hollis's story began when his father brought his family to New York City from his grandfather's farm in Montana. In 1928, Hollis' father worked in Vernon's Auto Repairs off of Seventh Avenue and made enough income to support the family. In hindsight, Hollis realized his father's dedication to his job in repairing cars means to him. Hollis made occasional trips to the auto repair shop with his father and met the employer, Moe Vernon who was a opera buff and has a peculiar sense of humor.
One day in 1933, after Hollis' seventeenth birthday, he was with his father at the repair shop when Joe Vernon received a letter from his wife Beatrice and learned that for two years she has been sleeping with Vernon's senior and trusted mechanic, Fred Motz, and she has withdrew all the money from their joint bank number and left with Motz for Tijuana. Vernon became emotionally devastated, in which he had his gramophone playing "The Ride of the Valkyries" at maximum volume until he emerged wearing his gag breast harness to tell his employees that his wife committed adultery. His staff misinterpreted this gesture and laughed uproariously at what seemed an inspired bit of humor. But eventually everyone realized of their mistake and one of them went to apologized Vernon, who then claimed that he is fine.
After the employees left that night, Vernon committed suicide by inhaling carbon monoxide fumes. Vernon's brother took over his business and later re-employed Fred Motz. Since then, Hollis considered "The Ride of the Valkyries" the saddest thing he could think of due to Vernon's death.
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Chapter II By 1939, at the age of twenty-three, Hollis had taken a job on the New York City police force and tried to examine what could lead him to that career choice, his first notion being his grandfather, who introduce a certain set of moral values and conditions upon Hollis. Throughout his career, Hollis became disgusted with the types of people that he dealt ranging from pimps, pornographers, protection artists, pedophiles, and rapists. Because of this, Hollis upset his parents by loudly wishing he was back in Montana.
In the autumn of the same year, Hollis learned of a news story concerning of an attempted assault and robbery in Queens. A young man and his girlfriend were walking home from a movie theater when they are set upon by a gang of three armed men. They stole the couple of their belongings before beating up the young man while threatening to assault his girlfriend. At this point, a masked figure attacked the criminals with such severity that they required their hospitalization, and that one man lost the use of his legs due to a spinal injury. The witnesses' recounting was confused and contradictory.
A week later, the same masked figure appear again in stopping a stick-up robbery at a supermarket. The robbers surrendered immediately when one of them was brutally beaten by the vigilante. Eyewitnesses described the vigilante as a 'tall man, built like a wrestler, who wore a black hood and cape and also wore a noose around his neck.' The news press dubbed the masked adventurer in their headlines as 'Hooded Justice.' Hollis became fascinated by the Hooded Justice and decided to be 'the second.' He has found his vocation.
I don’t know how many times I read Watchmen. But every time I read it it’s a different experience. Many people will tell you the same.
This story is so big, it’s universe is so well thought, maybe too much for a 12-issues maxi-series. But that is one of its beauties. This time I am reading this next to the Annotated edition. Just in case you never heard of this... Watchmen has been analyzed... probably more than any other comic-book (perhaps a bit less than Superman or Batman, but you can find books and websites about it). For me to analyze Watchmen after more than 30 years of it, it’s pointless. So I won’t. I will bring up some entertaining facts about it though.
This is a story so detailed, that there is something in every panel. Most of the time it’s foreshadowing, other times it’s hints to the backstory of this world, other times it’s just allusions to what’s happening or to the character we are seeing. It may sound a bit scary for new readers so let me assure you, you can read this story without looking too much into it, and you will enjoy it. It is not one of those purely artsy stories that you “get” once you analyze it. This story can be enjoyed even if you don’t want to go deep into it. I would say that if you don’t care about the “bonus” material at the end of these issues, or the comic within the comic later on... you will get a full story anyway. You will always have time to read those things on a later read (and you should read it again).
But know this... this comic-book changes every time you read it, so that bonus material will not be the same experience as when you read the story for the first time. This is a “whodunnit” in essence (of course it isn’t really, but it is a murder mystery), and those stories are different the first time you read them. So perhaps you shouldn’t skip those things on your first read.
What you will find out pretty quickly is that this is an alternative New York, 1985, where Nixon is still president (and going for re-election), the Vietnam War was won by the Americans, and there is only one super-hero in the world, Doctor Manhattan. This made the cold war change in favor of the United States, as the soviets didn’t have one.
In this world, because of real vigilantes fooling around, super-hero comics never really prospered. Pirate comic-books did.
As you also may already know, DC bought the Charlton heroes after that company closed down. Characters like Peacemaker, Blue Beetle, The Question, Nightshade, Thunderbolt and Captain Atom were supposed to appear in this book. Last minute editorial changes made it impossible and Moore had to create “similar” characters. You will notice that most of them are almost the same (like the Original Nite-Owl, who was also a cop like the original Blue Beetle, and Rorschach is more like Mr. A, another Ditko creation that was... let’s say extreme in his methods). This worked out for the best.
Moore is known for his detailed scripts, but a big part of the greatness of this book goes to Gibbons. He was the perfect match for this story. Moore “suggests” things to the artist in the script, but in the end, it’s up to the artist to do it right. And it really works (you can check the original scripts against the results).
Some people think Watchmen is a Vertigo book. It was reprinted by Vertigo once that imprint was created, but there was no Vertigo in the eighties, so this was always a “mainstream” DC book. I suppose it will go out as DC Black Label now.
To be continued...
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cherry-interlude · 6 years
Dum Dum - Lana Del Rey Lyric Breakdown
What to say?
I'm a wild child, bright child, knocking at your door
Lana considers herself to be “wild”, as she has frequently called herself dangerous and crazy; Lana’s label of a “child” makes her seem less mature and vulnerable, which many people find attractive and Lana gives the impression she needs taking care of, particularly with money and no responsibility
You thought that you were done but now you want me even more
Lana has been parted from this person but, since absence makes the heart grow fonder, so they seem to want her more than before, particularly now she has changed into a famous celebrity
Dum dum
Lana might be just going with the music but she could be implying this person is dumb for missing out on her before she returned; she may also just be acting like a brat (since she is a “wild child”, “bright child” and “star child”) and is calling anyone beneath her status ‘dumb’, especially as she sings it in a mocking tone
You want me even more
Dum dum
I'm a star child, big smile, living in L.A
Lana is famous and a “star” who lives in LA, so she has changed since she last saw this person and now they cannot resist her; the “big smile” shows how she is constantly followed by fans and tabloids so she has to smile, yet she may be implying she is smiling at her own status
I'm coming over, baby, you can't go to school today
Lana has got an attitude that means she makes the rules, and breaks them when she needs to so she gets her way; Lana insists this person drops “school” - something important, yet also menial compared to her status - to let her visit as she is important
Dum dum
Go to school today
Dum dum
I belong to a bygone era
Lana often references the 20th century, both lyrically and also in her music, and she feels she she should be living decades ago rather than now
Like the Scarlett O'Hara of the downtown scene
Lana echoes her own comment of being the “gangsta Nancy Sinatra” by calling herself, once again, a woman of classy admiration from the last century in a modernised re-imagining, the “downtown” Scarlett O’Hara (character of Gone With The Wind who is ultimately a bad-girl from a few centuries ago)
Cause I just wanna dream, I just wanna drink
Lana initially just wants to “dream” and not think about responsibilities, yet she says, in a more desperate voice, that she just wants to “drink”, implying her life may not be as positive as she previously made it out to be (since she had problems with alcoholism) which puts a darker edge to the character she portrays in the song
I'm a pop-blues singer, fam-bam zinger
Lana is someone who is close to her family and friends, which is what “fam bam” means, so she isn’t just the pop-blues singer but is instead more than just selfish
Mansfield ringer from the Hollywood silver screen, silver screen
Lana is referencing the Hollywood and Playboy star Jayne Mansfield, who is considered the less impressive Marilyn Monroe; Lana says she is just like her, implying she feels she is just as famous and beautiful; Lana sings of Marilyn Monroe in her music yet she seems to have reduced herself to being beneath Marilyn (as Mansfield was considered to be before) so this may show the negativity she feels (such as the alcoholism) by feeling she is less than the Marilyn Monroe she admired
Once you've had something, something so beautiful
Lana considers herself to be “beautiful” and is confident of herself and her power of people
You'll never be the same
Lana thinks she is able to make people different as she is so beautiful and interesting, so this person cannot resist her and cannot forget her, though as Lana seems to be mentioning her substance abuse throughout, indicating she is depressed as opposed to just being a “wild child”, she may be trying to convince herself she is all these good things and Lana wants people to tell her so
Once you've had a taste of heaven my way
Lana has her own type of “heaven”, which is much darker and more damaging
You'll be forever changed
I'm a wild child, sky high, lying on your floor
Lana is again starting to abuse substances, and is “sky high” from the drugs; Lana shows the depression by literally lying on the floor, which in a way may ‘ground’ her and show she doesn’t really feel as wonderful as she acts like she is, and the contrast of “sky high” shows her mental state (where she imagines fame is great) and the reality of the floor; Lana seems to have come to this person for comfort, as she knew them before fame and it’s difficult for her
I know I had a lot, but baby, what's a little more?
Lana is depressed to the point where she’s had too many drugs but she doesn’t care whether or not it harms her, as the depression is so deep; Lana has also been given everything, including drugs, so she feels it doesn’t matter how much she has the same way she can spend on anything she wants
Dum dum
Want a little more
Lana wants more of the drugs, the same way she wants more of the alcohol, showing the reliance on them through her depression; it could be her bratty behaviour where she spends her money on anything and everything, and sees nothing in acting like the typical wild pop star
Dum dum
In my white mink, pink cigarettes from the store
Lana shows her status of being celebrity with white mink, which is expensive and one of the more appealing furs; Lana contrasts this with “cigarettes from the store”, showing she still has her pre-celebrity roots and her old habits of smoking, which she hasn’t stopped even though she is now a celebrity, hence reflecting how the bad thoughts equally have remained (such as her depression along with the addictions themselves)
We're making robberies from Tijuana to the shore Dum dum
Lana is taking on the role of ‘bad girl’ who can get away with anything she wants, which is how she describes herself throughout the song; she has convinced this person make “robberies” with her, or how this person may actually have bad influence on her (which is why she went back to them, as they have the alcohol and drugs); Lana has other tracks where she is a criminal, such as Criminals Run The World and Scarface
'Juana to the shore
Dum dum
I belong to a bygone era Like the Bugsy Malone of the deep Sahara
Lana references the old movie set in the early 20th century about gangs and criminals which also features child actors (linking to Lana’s own description of herself), showing both the part of the century Lana admires but also how she herself is a criminal, yet she isn’t mature yet; the “deep Sahara” may indicate how she feels out of place, as Bugsy Malone would be out of place in the Sahara desert, but also she may feel on her own as if she is there, hence she has no connections to people despite being a “fam bam zinger”
Cause I'm on the scene, yeah, I'm on the scene
I'm a bad jazz singer, giving you the finger
Lana is quite disrespectful giving the “finger” and seems to like it as it makes her seem more of a typical starlet
No matter what, you'll linger
Lana is certain that no matter how unkind she is this person will not leave her as she is so incredible
Cause you like me even when I'm mean, I'm the queen
Lana is often mean and it may be a result of her own negative emotions that she tries to disguise with substance abuse; she considers herself above everyone else by saying she is a monarch; Lana insisting she is all of these great things may be another attempt to ignore her unhappiness about herself whilst trying to ensure everyone admires her no matter what, even if she is not nice
I like requests
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idiotdumb · 3 years
i’ve never been more fucking mad in my life.
my shift manager Devin has a fiancé named Chris who is another store manager like me. Chris was my former boss from January 2020 to September 2020 when I became a store manager.
when I took over my current store and started working with Devin, i started to see that Devin was not a good worker. he would ALWAYS be on his phone. he would ALWAYS be late to work with Dunkin in his hand. i’m not just talking 15 minutes, i’m talking at least an hour late, sometimes two hours late, consistently. when i would work behind him on Tuesdays, he would clock in, immediately go outside and vape, come back in, order Tijuana Flats, go walk down to Tijuana Flats to get his food, come back, and then start eating, and then work. he wouldn’t do prep sometimes. this was a pattern of behavior. when my boss would visit, he would also be on his phone most of the time. other team members would tell me that he was always on his phone and dicking around. he didn’t have a reputation of being a hard worker. he was good when he was actually working, but he usually wasn’t working like that.
on top of that, he was really bratty and disrespectful. he has BPD and seems to “split” pretty frequently so I took it with a grain of salt. but after awhile the snarky side comments, insults, and disrespect takes a toll. not everyone with BPD is a complete asshole.
i let him get away with murder, basically. i gave him a final written warning when he told me he would not be coming in one day—not because he was sick, but because he just didn’t want to come in. it was an unexcused absence and my boss told me it should be a final written warning.
cut to this past weekend. a former team member, Aleyna, who now lives a couple hours away, told Devin that her bf put his hands on her. this 19-yr-old boy took it upon himself to “save her”. I’m in favor of helping people who are in trouble. i have no problem with that at all. in fact i think it’s our duty to help women in trouble. but i saw it coming when Devin called out for his Sunday shift so he could “help” Aleyna. i told him he could visit her all day and still be at the store in time for his shift. even if he has to come in super late, he still has to come in. when i gave him his final written warning that past Friday, I was firm about him being terminated if he had another unexcused absence. he sent me a long wall of text basically threatening to contact HR, that she’s like family to him, that it was a family emergency, that it was bullshit, yadda yadda.
immediately I called my boss about it and we went over our options. my boss told me that we should let this one go for a bunch of reasons. Devin never physically signed his write-up. plus it was a sticky situation that Devin could spin, even though I would have been able to work with him and even have him come in much later than scheduled.
i told Devin, “Fred and i will cover for you today, but we need you to come in for your scheduled shift tomorrow.” he said thank you and Fred and I worked our already fucked schedules around so we could cover for Devin. we had already had wonky schedules so Devin could have Monday through Thursday off and we had been working all of those days for him....
yesterday he drops his key off and quits in the most nonchalant fashion.
today I hear that his fiancé, the store manager Chris, emailed HR about me. I’m not the least bit worried for my job, because i did absolutely nothing wrong. it’s just really fucked up how i could let Devin get away with absolute murder ever since I took over the store, and my boss knew all about it, and Chris is so jealous of my success that he should contact HR about some bullshit that doesn’t even matter.
someone could argue that Chris has been implicitly co-signing on Devin’s behavior this whole time. I’m sure Devin didn’t hide his behavior from Chris, or maybe he did. maybe Chris doesn’t know about the laziness or the consistent lateness.
either way, the situation has me fucked up. Chris has now made an enemy out of me where we used to be friends. he’s obviously so jealous of my achievements and success that he will literally do anything to try to take me down.
i’m so over it. now i’m going to be working every day indefinitely because of this little shit. he is by far the worst shift manager i’ve ever been in contact with, ever. i’m relieved he’s gone but i’m gonna be stressed out for awhile.
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
Young Living has been offering 100% pure essential oils for decades…
And they’ve gained a huge following as a result.
But do they live up to the hype?
Young Living is a health and wellness MLM company that sells essential oils and other wellness products.
Founder Gary Young was onto the power of essential oils decades before they became everyone’s favorite natural remedy, home cleaning base, and fragrance substitute.
Today, he’s called the father of the modern-day essential oils movement.
But should you get involved? Keep reading to find out.
1. What does Young Living sell? Young Living sells essential oils that are genuine, free of synthetic chemicals, and pure. They also sell home care products and cleaners, supplements and nutritional products, personal care products, and diffusers.
2. What are Young Living’s most popular products? Their essential oils—lavender, orange, and peppermint—are their flagship product and remain their most popular. But for true believers, essential oils should be used in cleaning products, skin care, and nutritional health. So Young Living is giving people what they want: natural, trustworthy products that replace chemical-laden alternatives.
3. How much does it cost to join Young Living? You can join as an Independent Distributor as Customer if you purchase at least $50 a year. Or you can join as an Independent Distributor as Business if you enroll in the Essential Rewards program and order $100/month. For either option, you’ll need a starter kit, which costs $45 to $260, depending on the diffuser you choose.
4. Is Young Living a scam? No, Young Living is a legit company with legit products. You do need to be a smart consumer and do your own due diligence. We love essential oils as much as the next person, but you shouldn’t believe claims that they can heal medical conditions or replace drugs. You should also be aware that claims about purity are often exaggerated.
5. What is Young Living’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has Young Living been in business? Since 1993
7. What is Young Living’s revenue?  $1.52 billion
8. How many Young Living distributors are there? 1.5 million
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2018, Young Living was ordered to pay competitor doTERRA $1.8 million in legal fees and other costs related to a long-running lawsuit that Young Living lost in 2017. In the case, Young Living alleged that doTERRA founders violated their employment contracts and stole trade secrets. The judge ruled that Young Living pursued the lawsuit in bad faith. [1] In 2017, Young Living was sentenced for the Lacey Act and Endangered Species Act violations and paid $760,000 in fines, forfeiture, and community service. [2] Also in 2017, Truth in Advertising called them out for making misleading income claims. Most of the instances listed appear to be fixed. [3] In 2015, the Environmental Research Center filed a complaint claiming some of Young Living products contain lead. [4] In 2014, Young Living was slapped by the FDA for promoting some of their products as drugs. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Melaleuca, Total Life Changes
So should you get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 16 surprising facts you should know about Young Living essential oils.
#16. The world’s “leading essential oil company”
Chances are you’ve seen someone with their products at some point, if you don’t own them yourself.
They’ve been around for a good while. Since 1993, to be exact, which is back before the essential oil craze even started. Back when Avon and Amway owned the MLM space.
And now, their sales for 2017 surpassed $1.52 billion, making them the largest essential oils company. They’re kind of a big deal.
#15. Huge market growth for essential oils
The market for essential oils has grown tremendously, and it’s only going to continue. Given that they’ve established themselves as market leaders, I don’t see this company losing ground anytime soon. [6]
#14. Global expansion
From a small Washington state farm to farms in Utah, France, the Middle East, and Ecuador, and they have offices in Australia, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Singapore. Young Living now sells in over 100 countries. [7]
They also have a farm in British Columbia where they grow black spruce trees for various oils, called the “Northern Lights Farm,” for public visitation. [8]
They’ve also been doing some pretty rapid expansion of their executive team. [9]
#13. Replaced their entire executive team in 2013
Well, they call it expansion. It’s more like replacement.
In 2013 they wiped their entire executive team clean and started from scratch, claiming that not everyone had the same interest in the company or shared vision as Gary.
It sounds a little shady and makes you wonder about stability, but after they replaced the team they experienced a huge uptick in growth, over 27% in 2013.
#12. Pretty much one of two empires
The other big player in this game is doTERRA, who has experienced a similar growth pattern but at almost double the rate. Young Living might not be the essential oils giant for long.
DoTERRA is newer, (founded in only 2008), so they have the advantage of being able to take over the hotspot without having to reinvent themselves. But can they hold their own against the OG, or are they just a trend?
The two rivals have butted heads on more than one occasion, with both having filed lawsuits against one another for false advertising and false lab tests as well as imitation. The courts did decide that the two oils have different compositions and dropped the case. [10]
#11. Started as a brick and mortar with humble beginnings
Young Living was once just a tiny brick and mortar on a street corner with one small organic farm and distillery. The owner tapped into his own farmland in Utah and Idaho when he discovered a budding interest in natural living.
#10. Always reinventing themselves
To keep up with the competition, Young Living just announced 15 new and rebranded products as well as their first ever over the counter products – plant-based cough drops and pain relief cream. [11]
As long as they do more than rely on what has brought them success in the past, they should be able to hold onto their market share.
#9. Mostly woman run
A lot of MLMs market themselves toward women and stay-at-home-moms, but they don’t all practice what they preach.
This MLM is one of the largest women-run businesses in Utah. Mary Young, the founder’s wife, is still an executive within the business, and about 90% of active sellers are women. Almost half the company’s C-level management team are women as well.
A spokesperson claims, “We’re role modeling women in executive-level positions. I think Utah County can ultimately lead out in shattering the glass ceiling.” [12]
#8. Developed their own standard for oils
Not all oils are created equal. In fact, most of the oils on the market are synthetic, especially if they’re cheap.
Young Living oils are so pure, they’ve even developed their own purity standard called the Young Living therapeutic-grade standard. They’re marketed as the purest oils on the market, never synthetic or diluted, 100% “seed to seal.” The company advocates often for industry purity.
#7. Founder is very passionate about the product
Founder Gary Young was in a nearly fatal accident that left him in a wheelchair and, tired of medications, he began to explore alternative medicine and healing. From that time, he developed products and advocated in the field of essential oils, even before most people knew what essential oils were.
May 12, 2018, Gary died following a stroke and other health problems. [13] Now, his legacy is being continued by a team as passionate about natural health as he was.
#6. Involved in sketchy dealings in the past
But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows with Gary Young.
He’s been involved in some questionable businesses in the past, including a Tijuana, Mexico, clinic in the 80s that ran cheap blood tests for Americans. One investigative journalist sent the clinic cat’s blood instead of human, and the scientists couldn’t tell the difference. [14]
#5. Huge variety of products blended with oils
From their original oils, such as lavender, orange, and peppermint, they’ve blended together an array of products from home living to nutritional supplements that include…
Home Products
Natural cleaning products
Healthy Cooking
Pet products
Family Health
Wellness Products
Weight Management
Joint & Mobility Assistance
Energy & Stamina
Antioxidant Support
Age-Based Nutrition
Beauty Products
Because of this, they have a product for just about anyone. If you have a problem you’re dealing with, a Young Living rep will almost definitely whip out a product they claim will help.
#4. Basic starter kit is relatively cheap
It’ll run you about $45, which is pretty cheap, and it includes a variety of samples. More expensive kits include full product.
#3. Member support is not always free
Most of the conferences, workshops, training kits, etc cost money, and representatives have complained that there is not a lot of online media and support offered up for free.
#2. Complicated compensation plan
There are a bunch of different ways to earn money. Whether or not you can earn a lot of money, though, is up in the air. Aside from profit on personal sales, you get…
Downline commission. You get 8% of the sales off your first level, 5% off your second, and 4% on the next three levels.
Fast start bonus. 25% commission for the first 3 months on every new recruit’s purchases.
Member starter kit bonus. $25 for each new distributor you sign up who buys the Premium Member Starter Kit.
Generation commission. If you hit “Silver”, you get an extra 2% on specific sales from your team, and when team members hit “Silver” themselves, you get 3%.
Diamond profit sharing pool. If you hit “Diamond”, you get shares of 0.5% of Young Living’s commissionable sales.
#1. There is evidence that some of their products are synthetic
There have been many claims as well as a good amount of evidence (a lot of it buried by Young Living) that suggest their oils aren’t 100% pure and that many of them are, in fact, adulterated. [15]
During lawsuits between Young Living and DoTERRA, Dr. Robert Papas of Purdue University found that both had oils that use synthetic materials. [16] The lawsuits were therefore dropped by the courts. [17]
It’s no secret that essential oils are hot right now, just look at the Google Trends. But is there really an income opportunity here?
Sure, you might have a few friends you could sell oils to. But after those warm leads expire, how will you continue to sell?
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
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antionetterparker · 6 years
Young Living: 16 surprising facts you should know about their essential oils [Review]
Young Living has been offering 100% pure essential oils for decades…
And they’ve gained a huge following as a result.
But do they live up to the hype?
Young Living is a health and wellness MLM company that sells essential oils and other wellness products.
Founder Gary Young was onto the power of essential oils decades before they became everyone’s favorite natural remedy, home cleaning base, and fragrance substitute.
Today, he’s called the father of the modern-day essential oils movement.
But should you get involved? Keep reading to find out.
1. What does Young Living sell? Young Living sells essential oils that are genuine, free of synthetic chemicals, and pure. They also sell home care products and cleaners, supplements and nutritional products, personal care products, and diffusers.
2. What are Young Living’s most popular products? Their essential oils—lavender, orange, and peppermint—are their flagship product and remain their most popular. But for true believers, essential oils should be used in cleaning products, skin care, and nutritional health. So Young Living is giving people what they want: natural, trustworthy products that replace chemical-laden alternatives.
3. How much does it cost to join Young Living? You can join as an Independent Distributor as Customer if you purchase at least $50 a year. Or you can join as an Independent Distributor as Business if you enroll in the Essential Rewards program and order $100/month. For either option, you’ll need a starter kit, which costs $45 to $260, depending on the diffuser you choose.
4. Is Young Living a scam? No, Young Living is a legit company with legit products. You do need to be a smart consumer and do your own due diligence. We love essential oils as much as the next person, but you shouldn’t believe claims that they can heal medical conditions or replace drugs. You should also be aware that claims about purity are often exaggerated.
5. What is Young Living’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has Young Living been in business? Since 1993
7. What is Young Living’s revenue?  $1.52 billion
8. How many Young Living distributors are there? 1.5 million
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2018, Young Living was ordered to pay competitor doTERRA $1.8 million in legal fees and other costs related to a long-running lawsuit that Young Living lost in 2017. In the case, Young Living alleged that doTERRA founders violated their employment contracts and stole trade secrets. The judge ruled that Young Living pursued the lawsuit in bad faith. [1] In 2017, Young Living was sentenced for the Lacey Act and Endangered Species Act violations and paid $760,000 in fines, forfeiture, and community service. [2] Also in 2017, Truth in Advertising called them out for making misleading income claims. Most of the instances listed appear to be fixed. [3] In 2015, the Environmental Research Center filed a complaint claiming some of Young Living products contain lead. [4] In 2014, Young Living was slapped by the FDA for promoting some of their products as drugs. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Melaleuca, Total Life Changes
So should you get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 16 surprising facts you should know about Young Living essential oils.
#16. The world’s “leading essential oil company”
Chances are you’ve seen someone with their products at some point, if you don’t own them yourself.
They’ve been around for a good while. Since 1993, to be exact, which is back before the essential oil craze even started. Back when Avon and Amway owned the MLM space.
And now, their sales for 2017 surpassed $1.52 billion, making them the largest essential oils company. They’re kind of a big deal.
#15. Huge market growth for essential oils
The market for essential oils has grown tremendously, and it’s only going to continue. Given that they’ve established themselves as market leaders, I don’t see this company losing ground anytime soon. [6]
#14. Global expansion
From a small Washington state farm to farms in Utah, France, the Middle East, and Ecuador, and they have offices in Australia, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Singapore. Young Living now sells in over 100 countries. [7]
They also have a farm in British Columbia where they grow black spruce trees for various oils, called the “Northern Lights Farm,” for public visitation. [8]
They’ve also been doing some pretty rapid expansion of their executive team. [9]
#13. Replaced their entire executive team in 2013
Well, they call it expansion. It’s more like replacement.
In 2013 they wiped their entire executive team clean and started from scratch, claiming that not everyone had the same interest in the company or shared vision as Gary.
It sounds a little shady and makes you wonder about stability, but after they replaced the team they experienced a huge uptick in growth, over 27% in 2013.
#12. Pretty much one of two empires
The other big player in this game is doTERRA, who has experienced a similar growth pattern but at almost double the rate. Young Living might not be the essential oils giant for long.
DoTERRA is newer, (founded in only 2008), so they have the advantage of being able to take over the hotspot without having to reinvent themselves. But can they hold their own against the OG, or are they just a trend?
The two rivals have butted heads on more than one occasion, with both having filed lawsuits against one another for false advertising and false lab tests as well as imitation. The courts did decide that the two oils have different compositions and dropped the case. [10]
#11. Started as a brick and mortar with humble beginnings
Young Living was once just a tiny brick and mortar on a street corner with one small organic farm and distillery. The owner tapped into his own farmland in Utah and Idaho when he discovered a budding interest in natural living.
#10. Always reinventing themselves
To keep up with the competition, Young Living just announced 15 new and rebranded products as well as their first ever over the counter products – plant-based cough drops and pain relief cream. [11]
As long as they do more than rely on what has brought them success in the past, they should be able to hold onto their market share.
#9. Mostly woman run
A lot of MLMs market themselves toward women and stay-at-home-moms, but they don’t all practice what they preach.
This MLM is one of the largest women-run businesses in Utah. Mary Young, the founder’s wife, is still an executive within the business, and about 90% of active sellers are women. Almost half the company’s C-level management team are women as well.
A spokesperson claims, “We’re role modeling women in executive-level positions. I think Utah County can ultimately lead out in shattering the glass ceiling.” [12]
#8. Developed their own standard for oils
Not all oils are created equal. In fact, most of the oils on the market are synthetic, especially if they’re cheap.
Young Living oils are so pure, they’ve even developed their own purity standard called the Young Living therapeutic-grade standard. They’re marketed as the purest oils on the market, never synthetic or diluted, 100% “seed to seal.” The company advocates often for industry purity.
#7. Founder is very passionate about the product
Founder Gary Young was in a nearly fatal accident that left him in a wheelchair and, tired of medications, he began to explore alternative medicine and healing. From that time, he developed products and advocated in the field of essential oils, even before most people knew what essential oils were.
May 12, 2018, Gary died following a stroke and other health problems. [13] Now, his legacy is being continued by a team as passionate about natural health as he was.
#6. Involved in sketchy dealings in the past
But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows with Gary Young.
He’s been involved in some questionable businesses in the past, including a Tijuana, Mexico, clinic in the 80s that ran cheap blood tests for Americans. One investigative journalist sent the clinic cat’s blood instead of human, and the scientists couldn’t tell the difference. [14]
#5. Huge variety of products blended with oils
From their original oils, such as lavender, orange, and peppermint, they’ve blended together an array of products from home living to nutritional supplements that include…
Home Products
Natural cleaning products
Healthy Cooking
Pet products
Family Health
Wellness Products
Weight Management
Joint & Mobility Assistance
Energy & Stamina
Antioxidant Support
Age-Based Nutrition
Beauty Products
Because of this, they have a product for just about anyone. If you have a problem you’re dealing with, a Young Living rep will almost definitely whip out a product they claim will help.
#4. Basic starter kit is relatively cheap
It’ll run you about $45, which is pretty cheap, and it includes a variety of samples. More expensive kits include full product.
#3. Member support is not always free
Most of the conferences, workshops, training kits, etc cost money, and representatives have complained that there is not a lot of online media and support offered up for free.
#2. Complicated compensation plan
There are a bunch of different ways to earn money. Whether or not you can earn a lot of money, though, is up in the air. Aside from profit on personal sales, you get…
Downline commission. You get 8% of the sales off your first level, 5% off your second, and 4% on the next three levels.
Fast start bonus. 25% commission for the first 3 months on every new recruit’s purchases.
Member starter kit bonus. $25 for each new distributor you sign up who buys the Premium Member Starter Kit.
Generation commission. If you hit “Silver”, you get an extra 2% on specific sales from your team, and when team members hit “Silver” themselves, you get 3%.
Diamond profit sharing pool. If you hit “Diamond”, you get shares of 0.5% of Young Living’s commissionable sales.
#1. There is evidence that some of their products are synthetic
There have been many claims as well as a good amount of evidence (a lot of it buried by Young Living) that suggest their oils aren’t 100% pure and that many of them are, in fact, adulterated. [15]
During lawsuits between Young Living and DoTERRA, Dr. Robert Papas of Purdue University found that both had oils that use synthetic materials. [16] The lawsuits were therefore dropped by the courts. [17]
It’s no secret that essential oils are hot right now, just look at the Google Trends. But is there really an income opportunity here?
Sure, you might have a few friends you could sell oils to. But after those warm leads expire, how will you continue to sell?
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/young-living/
0 notes
Millions Of Americans Go To Mexico When They Need Healthcare
How much does healthcare penalty in the USA? Let’s leant it this mode: It’s often cheaper to float to another goddamned country, get medicine there, and fly back. It is about to change that Americans do this all the time, and their well-liked destination is their forever slandered neighbor to the immediate south … 5 Going To Mexico For Treatment Can Be Worth It — Even If You’re Already Insured You likely already was well known that healthcare is practice more expensive in the USA than just about anywhere else. But “youre supposed to” also know we got a big ol’ health care overhaul this past decade that was supposed to fix things( amongst other aftermaths, it shortened the number of uninsured Americans by a significant quantity ). And yet even today, Americans find it worthwhile to leave the country when they need treatment. Ogling simply at California, a million medical tourists a year disappeared across the border both before Obamacare and after Obamacare. “If anything, we’ve gotten more business since Obamacare, ” replies Jerry, who shuttles medical tourists south in his shuttle bus. So what’s going on here? div > “American health insurance is really strange, ” mentions Dr. Juan, a Mexican dentist whose practise is a mile south of their own borders. “It can treat so much better or so little.” Some of the American patients who be coming home with Dr. Juan don’t have insurance, but most do, and they tell him it’s still cheaper to pay out of pocket in Mexico than to shed it to insurance in the U.S. Hope still generally leave you with a deductible to pay, and deductibles keep changing. Unless you are eligible for subsidies, your out-of-pocket expenses probably went up under the Affordable Care Act. So cheap care in Mexico can look like one blaze of a good alternative. Costs overall are seemed like it was gonna be 40-65 percent lower than in America — 70 percent or even more if we’re talking about dental wreak. When you’re fronting a five-figure legislation in the U.S ., that means you can buy an aircraft ticket to Tijuana, record a hotel there, get mended, and then throw in another week of sightseeing and tequila on top of that, and you’ll still end up spend less than if you’d come the work done at home. Read Next I Worked For A Company Selling Fake Paintings To Old People You might even save occasion, since these infirmaries don’t acquire you wait for elective procedures. We should mention, though, that American wait times are just the worst in the world. “I get enough Americans complaining about waiting months, ” alleges Jerry. “Canadians have to wait years.” So even some Canadians start the medical outing to Mexico, despite penalty not really being an issue when you’ve got authority healthcare. One recent Canuck passenger of Jerry’s required leg surgery so she could step accurately. “She told him that the wait in Canada was 5 year, ” he pronounces. “I couldn’t believe it.” But she got fixed up five years sooner by ability south( or as we usurp Canadians call it, “south-south” ). 4 Some Tourists Like Mexican Healthcare While Still Being Racist Against Mexicans You might dream there’s something of an intra-state conflicts for patients who bawled for a border wall to keep the filthy Mexicans out, only to themselves go south in their era of necessitate. This is no longer representing the most people Jerry freights, but there are enough of them that he’s come to expect it. div > Someone might refer to the “beaner doctor” they’re go to. Or “wetback doctor, ” which comes off as very ignorant both in the that’s racist impression and in that the speaker appears not to know what that slur literally necessitates. “Wetback doctor would be working outside a Home Depot if it wasn’t for us, ” said one passenger, according to Jerry, demonstrating so many levels of misunderstanding that we don’t even know where to start. One vast somebody got on the shuttle and announced today that it everyone, “I’m a Vietnam vet, and the VA can’t do shit about what I have.” It could be the first line of a moving tale of woe, but Jerry predicted purely by looking at him that the person “wouldve been” perturb. “He preserved mentioning ‘spic with a scalpel, ‘” he tells us, “in place of ‘Mexican doctor’ — or, let’s be real now, ‘doctor.'” Jerry has light scalps( plus a epithet tag that predicts “Jerry” ), so passengers seem to assume he’s cool with hearing insults , not realizing he’s half-Mexican himself. He often doesn’t said so, though in the case of the large Vietnam vet, he did tell the guy he should consider deterring that shit to himself once he’s off the bus. 3 It’s Hilarious How Mistaken Patients’ Idea Of Mexico Is Jerry can generally approximate how much individual patients are all aware of Mexico based on where they’re from. He’ll get parties from Texas or New Mexico or Arizona, and they know exactly what to expect from a major Mexican city, especially if they happen to be Latino. “And then we get parties from space up north, ” supposes Jerry — people who’d never visit Mexico but for this surgery of theirs. “They expect to see mariachi strips everywhere.” Now, we altogether recommend you check out some mariachi music next time you’re in Mexico, but not every locate “theres going” will look like a cheesy themed theme park. Dr. Juan’s office, for example, looks like a dentist’s part anywhere else in the world, to the disappointment of countless Americans with unclear hopes of something strange. A Mexican hospital is … a infirmary, with no special indigenous prospers. “Some people expect taco stands inside, ” suggests Jerry. He’s not kidding; one Canadian patient joyously placed at a booklet that spoke “taco bar on proposition, ” imagining he had been able to get pico and guac in the waiting room. Jerry had to explain that the brochure was for a hotel. div > Other fares complain to Jerry when a infirmary hallway has English publications set forth by staff trying to cater to Americans. These cases want Spanish magazines so they can “see the culture”( even if they can’t spoken said magazines, since they don’t know Spanish ). Some elderly patients, whose part knowledge of Mexico appears to come from Westerns and footage of illegal border crossings, complain about never learning the ��real” Mexico, because the city they see has sidewalks and paved roads. 2 Patients Originate Whole Trips Out Of Hospital Visits Some medical tourists do make the opportunity to spend a little more time in the country they’re seeing. Jerry will be taking some busload to the hospital, and he’ll notes the fact that hardly any of the talk behind him is about anything medical. Instead, passengers talk about relaxing by the fund later, or going horseback riding. “It sometimes feels like I’m taking them to a used, ” he alleges. The medical procedure is simply one day of a week-long vacation. div > Good for them, but that’s “the worlds largest” surreal part of this whole thing. Medical costs force Americans into bankruptcy, leave others dead, and acquired these particular cases leave their country in search of treatment they are unable render, but it can also be an excuse to deplete a few daylights working on your suntan. “An American said it was like being given a five-hour sales pitch on a timeshare for two nights free, ” reads Jerry. “The surgery is like the lecture, and the remainder of the expedition procreates up for it.” And why not? They’re still saving coin, even with all the additional stuff included. We’ll say it again: This is nuts. And the cities they inspect merrily cater to this specific kind of traveler. Shuttles like Jerry’s are one part of the medical tourism industry, because no one wants to drive liberty after surgery( or raise their vehicle to a country they’ve learn is full of crime ). Clinics push these shuttles, which pick you up at an American airfield or other spot north of the border and make you immediately to an enthusiastic physician fluctuating a stethoscope. div > Many of these are standalone clinics, but others grab the all-inclusive/ office park model to dive into the “tourism” part of medical tourism. “There is likely to be restaurants, stores, spas, ” adds Jerry. The diners have rice and other soft nutrients, perfect for dental patients still sore from Dr. Juan’s probing. Pamphlets address you to the spa from within the hospital itself. And when you walk out of an nose clinic, you’ll examine hawkers selling something excellent for patients with dilating schoolchildren as well as tourists of all kinds: sunglasses! Which might be sincere Ray-Bans, if you don’t look at the emblem very carefully. 1 Even Medical Tourists Mistrust Foreign Doctors Expensive intends good, we’ve been educated. Cheap symbolizes bad. Cheap knockoffs are sure to be inferior, with cheap Mexican knockoffs obviously not an exception. So some Americans deem lost-cost Mexican healthcare with the skepticism of, say, that sightseer being sided$ 5 Ray-Bans. div > Dr. Juan’s patients think they know more about openings than he does, and insist on describing how their own dentists back home do acts. Or they’ll ask if he knows what Novocain is. “Not if I’m going to use it, ” he clarifies for us, “but if I know what it is.”( He does know what Novocain is. He also knows they are likely planned lidocaine, because most dentists haven’t squandered Novocain for decades .) His favorite route came from a sponsor New Yorker, who admonished him before a procedure, “Be sure to use surgical gloves.” Other patients are amazed “hes having” state-of-the-art rig. One was surprised to see solid brick buildings. Those sentiments seem laughable to Dr. Juan, but patient proposes do suggest that you research any foreign clinic and even check it out privately before agreeing to be treated. Sure, good doctors in Mexico may be as skilled as their equivalents in America, but that doesn’t mean you can trust merely any building in a border hamlet or resort town that blasphemes it’s a infirmary. Perhaps you’ll find yourself operated on by a cosmetologist instead of a surgeon and needlessly end up dead. Or perhaps the mistake will be less major, but you won’t have American tribunals keeping you afterward or get you compensation. Medical tourism comes with gambles. It’s a cluttered workaround that shouldn’t be necessary , not some awful hacker that vanquishes the system. div > Every so often, a patient of Dr. Juan’s will get up from the chair, still in severe suffering, and leave. “Sorry, ” they say, leaving their nonrefundable payment behind. “I can’t do this.” And at least formerly a few months, Jerry makes some fare like that back to the U.S ., their procedure abandoned. One memorable person became it as far as having his leg scraped in surgical prep before getting out of there, scared at the last minute by sounding the doctors speaking Spanish. On the shuttle north, the other fares talked about how well their own procedures had gone, so when they are crossed their own borders, he phoned the hospital, asking if he could do the surgery after all. They told him it was too late — to go forward with it, he’d have to pay the fee a second time. Maybe he ceased up doing that. Even compensating twice, it would still be a bargain. Evan V. Symon is a columnist, interview finder and correspondent for the Personal Ordeal section at Cracked. Have an impressive profession/ experience you’d like to see up here? Then hit us up in members of the forum . i> Interested in making a expedition to Mexico? Check out Fodor’s Guide to San Diego and Tijuana . b > i> Support Cracked’s journalism with a call to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you . b > i> For more, check out A Zero B.S. Guide To American Healthcare and 5 Huge Problems Nobody Told You About American Healthcare . b > i> Follow us on Facebook, and we’ll follow you everywhere . b > i> Read more: http :// www.cracked.com/ personal-experiences-2 563 -millions-americans-go-to-mexico-when-they-need-healthcare.html http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/06/23/millions-of-americans-go-to-mexico-when-they-need-healthcare/
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 6 years
Millions Of Americans Go To Mexico When They Need Healthcare
How much does healthcare cost in the USA? Let’s put it this way: It’s often cheaper to fly to another goddamned country, get treatment there, and fly back. It turns out that Americans do this all the time, and their preferred destination is their constantly insulted neighbor to the immediate south …
Going To Mexico For Treatment Can Be Worth It — Even If You’re Already Insured
You probably already knew that healthcare is way more expensive in the USA than just about anywhere else. But you probably also know we got a big ol’ health care overhaul this past decade that was supposed to fix things (among other effects, it reduced the number of uninsured Americans by a significant amount). And yet even today, Americans find it worthwhile to leave the country when they need treatment. Looking only at California, a million medical tourists a year went across the border both before Obamacare and after Obamacare. “If anything, we’ve gotten more business since Obamacare,” says Jerry, who ferries medical tourists south in his shuttle bus. So what’s going on here?
“American health insurance is really strange,” says Dr. Juan, a Mexican dentist whose practice is a mile south of the border. “It can cover so much or so little.” Some of the American patients who come to Dr. Juan don’t have insurance, but most do, and they tell him it’s still cheaper to pay out of pocket in Mexico than to throw it to insurance in the U.S. Plans still generally leave you with a deductible to pay, and deductibles keep growing. Unless you qualify for subsidies, your out-of-pocket costs probably went up under the Affordable Care Act.
So cheap care in Mexico can look like one hell of a good alternative. Costs overall are said to be 40-65 percent less than in America — 70 percent or even more if we’re talking about dental work. When you’re facing a five-figure bill in the U.S., that means you can buy a plane ticket to Tijuana, book a hotel there, get healed, and then throw in another week of sightseeing and tequila on top of that, and you’ll still end up spending less than if you’d gotten the work done at home.
Read Next
I Worked For A Company Selling Fake Paintings To Old People
You might even save time, since these hospitals don’t make you wait for elective procedures. We should mention, though, that American wait times are hardly the worst in the world. “I get enough Americans complaining about waiting months,” says Jerry. “Canadians have to wait years.” So even some Canadians make the medical trip to Mexico, despite cost not really being an issue when you’ve got government healthcare. One recent Canuck passenger of Jerry’s needed leg surgery so she could walk properly. “She told me that the wait in Canada was five years,” he says. “I couldn’t believe it.” But she got fixed up five years sooner by heading south (or as we assume Canadians call it, “south-south”).
Some Tourists Like Mexican Healthcare While Still Being Racist Against Mexicans
You might imagine there’s something of an internal conflict for patients who screamed for a border wall to keep the filthy Mexicans out, only to themselves go south in their time of need. This is not representative of most people Jerry transports, but there are enough of them that he’s come to expect it.
Someone might refer to the “beaner doctor” they’re going to see. Or “wetback doctor,” which comes off as very ignorant both in the that’s racist sense and in that the speaker appears not to know what that slur literally means. “Wetback doctor would be working outside a Home Depot if it wasn’t for us,” said one passenger, according to Jerry, showing so many levels of misunderstanding that we don’t even know where to start.
One large man got on the shuttle and announced to everyone, “I’m a Vietnam vet, and the VA can’t do shit about what I have.” It could be the first line of a moving tale of woe, but Jerry predicted merely by looking at him that the guy would be trouble. “He kept saying ‘spic with a scalpel,'” he tells us, “in place of ‘Mexican doctor’ — or, let’s be real here, ‘doctor.'” Jerry has light skin (plus a name tag that reads “Jerry”), so passengers seem to assume he’s cool with hearing slurs, not realizing he’s half-Mexican himself.
He usually doesn’t say anything, though in the case of the large Vietnam vet, he did tell the guy he should consider keeping that shit to himself once he’s off the bus.
It’s Hilarious How Mistaken Patients’ Idea Of Mexico Is
Jerry can generally guess how much a patient knows about Mexico based on where they’re from. He’ll get people from Texas or New Mexico or Arizona, and they know exactly what to expect from a major Mexican city, especially if they happen to be Latino. “And then we get people from way up north,” says Jerry — people who’d never visit Mexico but for this surgery of theirs. “They expect to see mariachi bands everywhere.”
Now, we totally recommend you check out some mariachi music next time you’re in Mexico, but not every place you go will look like a cheesy themed amusement park. Dr. Juan’s office, for example, looks like a dentist’s office anywhere else in the world, to the disappointment of many Americans with vague hopes of something exotic. A Mexican hospital is … a hospital, with no special ethnic flourishes. “Some people expect taco stands inside,” says Jerry. He’s not kidding; one Canadian patient gleefully pointed at a brochure that said “taco bar on premise,” thinking he could get pico and guac in the waiting room. Jerry had to explain that the brochure was for a hotel.
Other passengers complain to Jerry when a hospital lobby has English magazines set out by staff trying to cater to Americans. These patients want Spanish magazines so they can “see the culture” (even if they can’t read said magazines, since they don’t know Spanish). Some elderly patients, whose entire knowledge of Mexico appears to come from Westerns and footage of illegal border crossings, complain about never seeing the “real” Mexico, because the city they visit has sidewalks and paved roads.
Patients Make Whole Vacations Out Of Hospital Visits
Some medical tourists do take the opportunity to spend a little more time in the country they’re visiting. Jerry will be taking some busload to the hospital, and he’ll notice that hardly any of the talk behind him is about anything medical. Instead, passengers talk about relaxing by the pool later, or going horseback riding. “It sometimes feels like I’m taking them to a resort,” he says. The medical procedure is simply one day of a week-long vacation.
Good for them, but that’s the most surreal part of this whole thing. Medical costs force Americans into bankruptcy, leave others dead, and made these particular patients leave their country in search of treatment they can afford, but it can also be an excuse to spend a few days working on your tan. “An American said it was like being given a five-hour sales pitch on a timeshare for two nights free,” says Jerry. “The surgery is like the lecture, and the rest of the trip makes up for it.” And why not? They’re still saving money, even with all the extra stuff included. We’ll say it again: This is nuts.
And the towns they visit happily cater to this specific kind of traveler. Shuttles like Jerry’s are one part of the medical tourism industry, because no one wants to drive right after surgery (or bring their car to a country they’ve heard is full of crime). Clinics advertise these shuttles, which pick you up at an American airport or other spot north of the border and take you directly to an eager doctor swinging a stethoscope.
Many of these are standalone clinics, but others grab the all-inclusive / office park model to dive into the “tourism” part of medical tourism. “There will be restaurants, shops, spas,” says Jerry. The restaurants have rice and other soft foods, perfect for dental patients still sore from Dr. Juan’s probing. Pamphlets direct you to the spa from within the hospital itself. And when you walk out of an eye clinic, you’ll see hawkers selling something perfect for patients with dilating pupils as well as tourists of all kinds: sunglasses! Which might be genuine Ray-Bans, if you don’t look at the logo too carefully.
Even Medical Tourists Mistrust Foreign Doctors
Expensive means good, we’ve been taught. Cheap means bad. Cheap knockoffs are sure to be inferior, with cheap Mexican knockoffs definitely not an exception. So some Americans view lost-cost Mexican healthcare with the skepticism of, say, that tourist being handed $5 Ray-Bans.
Dr. Juan’s patients think they know more about mouths than he does, and insist on describing how their own dentists back home do things. Or they’ll ask if he knows what Novocain is. “Not if I’m going to use it,” he clarifies for us, “but if I know what it is.” (He does know what Novocain is. He also knows they probably mean lidocaine, because most dentists haven’t used Novocain for decades.)
His favorite line came from a patronizing New Yorker, who advised him before a procedure, “Be sure to use surgical gloves.” Other patients are surprised he has state-of-the-art equipment. One was surprised to see solid brick buildings.
Those attitudes seem ridiculous to Dr. Juan, but patient advocates do suggest that you research any foreign clinic and even check it out personally before agreeing to be treated. Sure, good doctors in Mexico may be as skilled as their counterparts in America, but that doesn’t mean you can trust just any building in a border village or resort town that swears it’s a hospital. Maybe you’ll find yourself operated on by a cosmetologist instead of a surgeon and needlessly end up dead. Or maybe the mistake will be less major, but you won’t have American courts protecting you afterward or getting you compensation. Medical tourism comes with risks. It’s a messy workaround that shouldn’t be necessary, not some awesome hack that beats the system.
Every so often, a patient of Dr. Juan’s will get up from the chair, still in severe pain, and leave. “Sorry,” they say, leaving their nonrefundable payment behind. “I can’t do this.” And at least once a month, Jerry takes some passenger like that back to the U.S., their procedure abandoned. One memorable guy made it as far as having his leg shaved in surgical prep before getting out of there, spooked at the last minute by hearing the doctors speaking Spanish. On the shuttle north, the other passengers talked about how well their own operations had gone, so after they crossed the border, he phoned the hospital, asking if he could do the surgery after all. They told him it was too late — to go forward with it, he’d have to pay the fee a second time.
Maybe he ended up doing that. Even paying twice, it would still be a bargain.
Evan V. Symon is a writer, interview finder and journalist for the Personal Experiences section at Cracked. Have an awesome job/experience you’d like to see up here? Then hit us up in the forums.
Interested in making a trip to Mexico? Check out Fodor’s Guide to San Diego and Tijuana.
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For more, check out A Zero B.S. Guide To American Healthcare and 5 Huge Problems Nobody Told You About American Healthcare.
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Read more: http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-2563-millions-americans-go-to-mexico-when-they-need-healthcare.html
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2rpc7ub via Viral News HQ
0 notes
Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
"Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
I'm 18, plan on purchasing a car soon. Honestly, which car I purchase is based off my monthly insurance payment. Im young & back in November I recieved my first speeding ticket, I paid it instead of going to court.. Worst choice ever. Anyways, Does anybody know good cheap insurance for a driver like myself? Below are a list of cars that are on my list.. 1. 2004 BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. 2007 Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please help. Thanks!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Buying a new car/ insurance and stuff?
my girlfriend is planning on buying a new car. She currently has insurance on a different car, how does one get insurance on the new car to drive off the lot from Vegas to our home town about 100 miles away. We know its illegal for her to drive anywhere in a car without insurance. She may buy from a dealership or private party. If you could provide answers to both scenarios (dealer or owner) that would be very helpful. thank you for your time""
Which is cheaper? Insurance on an old car or insurance on a new car.?
I want a stock Mercerdes c. 1970-1980.... is that insanely expensive or what? I don't know anything about insurance
Insurance for my Audi R8?
I'm 18 and my parents have finally bought me the car of my dreams for my birthday! It's an Audi R8, second hand though of course! Anyway I can't wait to get it on the road but need to sort out insurance first, I have 1 year of no claims. The car has a 4.2ltr engine. Could anyone give me a general idea of insurance prices/good companies to go with? I'm not expecting insurance to be cheap but my parents are paying and I just wanted to reccommed them a good company to go with and a guide price so they know. Thanks""
Car insurance in California?
I heard that if you have a car insured in California, each additional car that you acquire that's registered has 30 days before it needs to be insured. Is this correct? If so, where can I find the official documentation?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
What is the average insurance cost for Mopeds/Scooters?
Im 18 and im looking to buy a moped or scooter and im just wondering what I should expect to pay on insurance. 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. If I was to pay monthly, would 20/month be a reasonable estimate?""
How will adding 40 million more people to the Health Insurance rolls improve Health Care?
But don't be misled. We know the status quo is unsustainable. If we do nothing, millions more Americans will be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, or see their coverage suddenly dropped if they become seriously ill. Out-of-pocket expenses will continue to soar, and more and more families and businesses will be forced to deal with health insurance costs they cant afford. David Axelrod Senior Advisor to the President Why suddenly focus on the insurance industry? If, as Axelrod says, the status quo is unsustainable .. How will adding 40 million more to the insurance rolls suddenly make it sustainable ? . How will adding to the costs of Insurance Companies decrease their costs? . How will doing nothing , and thereby sustaining the huge profits of the drug industry and the medical industry, reduce medical care costs to the average American?""
How much is insurance for a 2005 V6 mustang for a 49 year old women?
My mom wants a mustang for her birthday just to drive back in forth to work. What will the insurence cost for her
Car Insurance Calculator?
Im looking for a car insurance calculator so i can see how much this car would cost to insure should i end up getting it. Im only 17 so calling a car insurance company i would rather stay away from and idk what company my parents are even with But is there a calculator that doesnt require a ton of steps and just lets me put in what car i have and some basic questions about stuff that affects a 17 year old. Calculators i have been looking at ask for like house payments and monthly income ect and im 17. I dont have any of that. So any good and easy calculators to see if this car is too expensive to buy?
Do you know of any affordable dentist in San Diego?
We have no insurance and my gf is having a toothache and a cracked tooth. We checked out one Vietnamese dentist and he wanted almost 2000 dollars. My God! That is a lot of money. So, if you know any affordable dentist any where, please let me know. We'll be paying cash. I suggested Tijuana, but she's afraid of going there. Thank you in advance.""
I received a speeding ticket while driving my parents car does that affect there insurance rates.?
I was also issused a ticket for driving without insurance, what should I do about that?""
What kind of car insurance do u have and how much a month do u pay and what kind of car do u drive?
im trien to find a cheap full coverage insurance i have an accident last year the cheapest i found in esurance its about $140 a month
Does health insurance cover self-inflicted wounds?
Do health insurance companies cover the hospital fees for self-inflicted wounds like cuts or burns?
Car Insurance Help!!!?
I have a Toyota Corolla 2007. About 6 wks ago I got rear ended, the impact sent me over the medium unto uncoming traffic. After all was said and done the car had $6,300 on repairs done. It came out okay but know I have trouble closing the trunk, I really have to slam it and the right side back lights don't really align. I am trying to figure out how much they will give me for devaluation value on the car, I have never done this before I want to make sure I don't get ripped off. Also I am still experiencing back pain from the accident, my primary doctor wants to send me to a chiropractor which my insurance doesn't cover, should the other insurance pay for it? They are not returning my calls, and they just want to offer me $500 for pain and suffering as long as I sing some papers that release the other driver and the insurance from any further responsibility. By the way it was the other drivers fault, she was in her cell phone hit mt at 45 mph from behind and this was her 10th accident in the last 3 mos. Any suggestions?""
Car insurance for teens... cost?!?
im 17 years old and im getting a miata 93. how much will insurance cost be around. by the way i have good grades
Someone hit my bumper. Car insurance question?
I was in traffic today and someone hit my car from behind , damaged my bumper. I have statefarm and fully covered. I have never been in this situation , and plus i think it's getting a little bit complicated. Because the guy who was driving the car doesn't own the car. And the guy who owns the car's name doesn't seem to be the one who's insured with the car(it seems to be his wife or someone ) Usually does this matter?? What are the procedures I should take to get this done asap . I want honda to fix the damage. Will the other person pay for this damage. What should I watch out for ? any kind of traps? I have a small backpain. is that covered under insurance also ? I think they have allstate. please help !!""
Question on insurance for a new driver!! (california)?
im sixteen and i just got my license, one of my friends parents told me that i could drive thirty days without insurance, untill they get it fixed. I just wanted to know if thats true or not! i need a quick answer please!!!! ohh and i live in california""
Parents Insurance?
If I'm on my parents Insurance and I go to a doctors appt without them knowing will it show up on there insurence statement?
Car insurance? 10 points?
I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points
Which is the best dental insurance?
how do i purchace individual dental insurance and which provider is the best. i have Metlife dental through my job and i thought that i was fully covered only to find out that i have a 1000 dollar limit every year, which is like absolute nonesense, just a visit to the dentist with no work done takes about 250 dollars. i need to have a root canal and a crown and its goin to cost around 4500. please help i live in houston,texas if that helps""
Does anyone know the cost of insurance for an infiniti g37 for a 18 year old boy?
Apparently, the dealer says infiniti g37 aren't technically sports cars so the insurance wouldn't be too high for my son. I'm not to sure though..can anyone clear this matter up?""
What steps are needed to obtain a license to sale Insurance in the State of California?
I have a college degree, but just had a baby and I'm looking to obtain a license to sale Insurance for when my son gets older so I can have a flexible schedule. What is the process in the State of California to obtain a license to sale Insurance? (car insurance, business insurance, home insurance, etc.) Is there a seperate license for each kind of insurance? or does one license cover all of them? Also, what are the steps to obtain a license? Any information would be great! (also, how long is the process of obtaining a license?)""
Can your health insurance drop you if you use marijuana?
Hi everyone, I want to start by saying that I am here looking for an answer to my question. Please keep your opinions of marijuana and and sermons on federal law to yourself. =] I have had stomach, bladder and pelvic problems for several years. I was recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and am positive I also have IBS (waiting to see dr). I live in california and have a medical marijuana license. If I didn't use it, I would be unable to work and probably addicted to vicodin and xanax. my bf thinks I should be open and tell my pcp that i use it to treat my chronic pain so that he could possibly offer other reasons for my symptoms (even though i know these symptoms have nothing to do with my use my bf ust wants to hear it for himself). the only thing i am worried about is insurance. do insurance companies kick you if they find out you use? i'm not worried about work finding out, just insurance. thanks!""
Which car insurance company provides the best rates to young teens (16-22)?
i mean best car insurance quotes
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
I'm 18, plan on purchasing a car soon. Honestly, which car I purchase is based off my monthly insurance payment. Im young & back in November I recieved my first speeding ticket, I paid it instead of going to court.. Worst choice ever. Anyways, Does anybody know good cheap insurance for a driver like myself? Below are a list of cars that are on my list.. 1. 2004 BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. 2007 Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please help. Thanks!
Question about Car insurance (UK)?
Does anyone know if / how mileage for year is calculated for insurance purposes. What do the insurers check for these details? I have a private policy for my second car (my non work runaround) and it is limited to 3000miles per year. Perfect for trips to the dump, bulky or messy trips to the shops etc. I lend the car to my partners foreign parents who use their own insurance policy (cheaper for them) to drive it during their vacations to the UK 2-3 times a year adding quite a bit of mileage to the vehicle. If we both have insurance to be driving my car, am I at fault for claiming low mileage allowance for cheaper insurance for the car?""
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
Can i put my parents on my medical insurance at work .?
what would i have to do to qualify them to be added to my insurance.
What is the cheapest car insurance for young driver?
I'm 19 and had my NY license for 1 year now. I am a male and um I'm not looking for an expensive car. just a cheap one under 10g
Whats the average price on owning a 125cc bike a month?
Im planning on buying a honda cbr 125cc bike and pay it up over three years im wondering if anyone knows the average cost of running this bike including insurance price of the bike and road tax and fuel. Im 20 years old if that helps with the insurance thanks.
Insurance Savings Plan?
What types of these are available at insurance companies?
Can't afford college Health Insurance...?
I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either.""
""I'm under 25 and paying $50 dollars for car insurance, for a parked car.?
Am I paying too much in coloado? Should I try to find cheaper insurance?
Where can I get free insurance calculators and insurance compare quotes software to place in my blog/site?
Hello friends I have a wordpress blog about insurance.How can I get free insurance calculators and get insurance quote softwares to place in my blog/site.Help me friends.
Which is cheaper restoring a vehicle or buying a used vehicle?
Also who has cheaper insurance for teenage girls age 16
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
Any car insurance agents out there? Or at least somebody who knows a lot about car insurance?
I will be driving on my sixteenth birthday if I can get a job, because I will be responsible for paying ALL of my insurance. How much am I going to have to pay? I drive a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. Plus I heard good grades have something to do with it (sometimes), I have an A average. Help!""
Where is the best place to find cheap Jeep insurance?
I just bought a new Jeep and need to find some decent insurance as cheap as humanly possible. Who has the best rates?
Are classic cars cheap to insure?
for example all cars older then 1990: trans am and camaro's older then cadillac eldorado's older then rolls royce silver shadow chevy belair dodge charger chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl and other american and classic european cars
Car insurance price after a year still high. Any suggestions?
Hiya, So basically I have been driving for a year as a named driver on my dads policy. In that time I haven't had one accident or claim, no speeding tickets and never ...show more""
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
Does anyone know an affordable doctor in phx/ glendale area?
I have no insurance, does any one no where there is a good doctor who's cash prices are affordable?""
How much monthly would it cost for me to get an apartment in the US?
I would like to know the total living costs... Plus food, gas, insurance, electricity, everything... Like the average cost... I know the apartment would be $460, I already found one, but I don't know how much it would be for everything else included.""
Is insurance must for Two Wheelers?
I have a four years old Honda Unicorn. Till now I have insurance for my bike. Now if I do not renew the insurance, what are expected problems ? Legally am I bound to have some insurance ?""
How does the age of a car factor into the cost of car insurance?
Obviously there is more than one factor that influences the cost of car insurance. I know that when a car is newer, it usually costs more to insure than a car that is older. For example, a 2009 Chevy Impala is more expensive to insure than a 1983 VW. But, suppose I bought a vehicle like a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or a 1956 Plymouth (or some other car from that time period)? If it wasnt something that people easily recognize like more popular cars from that time period, would it cost less to insure? (They arent as recognizable or popular, in the sense that if one was driving a 1957 Chevy, or a 1959 Cadillac or a Thunderbird, most people would instantly know what it was, but if I drove a 1957 Lincoln or a 1955 GMC, most people wouldnt immediately know what it was.)""
""Car accident, no insurance?""
I just got into an accident 5 days ago. I still don't believe it was my fault if anything maybe both of ours. Regardless she had minor damage. She was on the phone obviously not paying attention as I was pulling out of the driveway when she was attempting to pull into a drive way across from the one I was pulling out of. So as you can imagine it's hard telling. We both have scratches on our left hand side bumpers but she has a dent that can be fixed. She had her friend with her so it was hard to really even defend myself because it was her word against mine. She called the police, thank God they passed because no one was hurt. They just told her to take down my information and deal with it. She took down my license plate, took pictures, such a drama queen, it honestly wasn't that bad. She has my license number too but when I when I went to call my insurance provider, they said it wasn't renewed. No police report, and she hasn't called me with a quote. How much trouble can I get in??""
What is the average cost of health insurance and garbage bills? help im doing a project!!?
im doing i project and i cant seem to find the average cost of health insurance and garbage bills per month. i need a estimate and a website to prove i found it. please help this is worth 100 points and its due tomorrow and i need to get to bed soon!
Think of buying a catagory D car which is an insurance write off?
I have just been to view a 2005 Nissan Micra with 13100 on the clock the car had a crush which damage the tail gate and the bumper both have been replaced to a high standard. The car would be worth 5000 but is selling for 2200. Everything seems good at 1st glance but i am concerned about insurance and weather or not it's a good ideal to take the gamble. The seller showd me the before and after pictures of the car and it seemed to fit wot he was saying. He also has a valied MOT which is a month old I don't plan on selling the car if i buy it. How much damage can a knock do to the front of the vehicle or any of the important parts? Please can someone advise wot the best thing would be to do?
With a driving permit in California ? Insurance ?
Can I drive my dad's car but with somebody else teaching me to drive. Do I need to be in the insurance policy ? How does that work?
Affordable DUI/SR-22 insurance in CA?
I need to get dui/sr-22 insurance in California. I was wondering if anyone knew of a affordable, reliable company i can get it from? Whats an rough estimate of costs? Thanks""
Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
I'm 18, plan on purchasing a car soon. Honestly, which car I purchase is based off my monthly insurance payment. Im young & back in November I recieved my first speeding ticket, I paid it instead of going to court.. Worst choice ever. Anyways, Does anybody know good cheap insurance for a driver like myself? Below are a list of cars that are on my list.. 1. 2004 BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. 2007 Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please help. Thanks!
Car insurance question?
my car broke down so i took it off my insurance policy, i joined my brothers policy as Just a driver because in the state of ky every licensed driver has to be insured, not to mention my insurance is very high on my own policy. if i were to fix my car, would i have to put it on the policy as well? or can i just drive it? i only have liability so its not like my car is covered in the event of an accident anyway.""
Dependent's health insurance?
My friend wants to move into an apartment with me, we are both in college so we want to be roommates, but her parents say that they will not pay her health insurance if she moves out. Since she is a student, she is going to be a dependent of theirs for a few more years. Does being a dependent of her parents legally obligate the parents to pay her health insurance?""
Health Insurance?
Do landlords usually have homeowner insurance?
Do landlord usually have homeowner insurance? Also is it true that most homeowner insurance have liability coverage? And if they took out a mortgage does the mortgage company require them to have some kind of homeowner insurance?
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
How much will car insurance cost me?
I'm an 18 year old male. My GPA in high school was 3.4. No criminal record. I'm going to be driving my mom's Honda Accord 2005. She only got into 2-3 accidents ever. She has Farmers Insurance. They never respond when my parents ask them how much insurance would cost me so I figured I should ask someone here for an estimate.
Am I paying too much for my home insurance?
I live in a suburb in Norcross, GA, a suburb area. My mom bought the house about 8 years ago, it is now maybe 11 years old house. We've been using Liberty Mutual since 2005, premium was $1450. I just found out that premium is now $3800. *knock on wood* my house condition is fine, not close to ocean or river. I think my mom is paying way too much, but I am not sure what should I do now. Should I call Liberty Mutual to lower it or should I look for another company? If I call, how should I ask to lower the rate? Thank you!""
What do you think it would cost for a 2001 cavalier coupe monthly for car insurance?
I just need an estimate, thanks. I don't know where to look...""
Cheap Car Insurance in CT?
Cheap Car Insurance in CT? He has a lapse in coverage... He has one minor moving violation dated in 2006. He needs State Min. 20/40/10 then He needs Comp and Collision 2000 deductible... He drives a 2001 Buick Century... Cheap Insurance Companies Anyone? Websites or phone numbers please... I have already tried all I know. Geico, Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any others?""
""What is the average cost for liability insurance for a startup pressure washing small business in BC, CA?""
I own a franchise of College Pro Window Cleaning in Washington State and have been doing a lot of pressure washing through that. I do roofs, decks, driveways, walkways and fences. I am hoping to start up a small weekend pressure washing business in Vancouver BC because I go to UBC. I want to register it and do everything legal but I really want to know about how much i am looking at to get liability insurance or if I should just have my clients sign a damage waiver and probably then cut roof work to decrease my risk of damage. Any insight would help me out a lot.""
How can I find the rates of reasonable and customary medical charges that insurance companies go by?
I am trying to find out where I can find the rates that insurance companies use to determine a reasonable and customary charge. My insurance company has been reducing their payments to the doctor by saying it is over reasonable and customary. I am questioning these amounts, but I can't find anywhere on the internet this information. Please help? Thank you.""
Car Insurance in Washington?
I recently moved from California to Washington. Is my California car insurance still valid in Washington? Should I cancel my califorinia insurance and get a Washington one?
""Anyone know where I can get 1 day car insurance, i'm under 21?""
I am 20 years old, and taking my car in for a service to VW whom have offered me a courtesy car as I need to get to work etc throughout the day and pick the car up in the evening. Only problem is they won't let me use their insurance policy as i'm under 21 and after calling my insurance today who clearly said to me we do not deal with temporary cover even for existing customers . I therefore asked how much it would cost to add another car to the policy and they want an initial payment of 97 and I will have to pay ATLEAST the first months payment after which i can then cancel which is a rather expensive way of doing this. Any information/help is greatly appreciated! :)""
Can I get Sprint Insurance?
OK, let's say that I buy a phone for cheap on ebay or radioshack, can I still go to a sprint store and get insurance on the phone or do I have to buy the phone directly at the sprint store in order to get insurance?????""
Trying to get cheaper auto insurance?
I live in NYC where auto insurance is extremely high. I wanted to know if mom and pop auto insurance companies are cheaper than top named auto insurance companies like Allstate, state farm, etc. The top auto insurance companies are giving me really high quotes. I see a lot of small business insurance companies in the neighborhood. I wonder if they will give me a lower quote and are they just as good as allstate or state farm, etc.? Thanks.""
Will Hillary's Plans to End the War and Create an Affordable Health Plan Work?
Hilary thinks things through. She's pragmatic and capable of modifying things to work in an evolving world. She understands the give and take of a complex economy and her goal is to restore peace and prosperity; unity and pride. Whenever I hear an Obama supporter claim Obama will end the war or deliver a health insurance plan that works I think -- Don't bet on it. Obama tries to copy Hillary, but doesn't understand the complexities at the level she does, not does he seem consistent about anything. He's also more in the pocket of Special interests than Hillary -- though he denies that all the time -- not good. I have utmost confidence that Hillary is brilliant and dedicated and knows how to create solutions that work. The things she talks about, are what she will deliver, you can see that by observing her voting record. Hillary does what she says she will do, that's why I trust Hillary. Hillary '08""
What is the cost for home insurance based on?
I am thinking of buying properties in other states to use as rental income. The properties are cheap so i can afford to pay cash the issue how ever is that the rent is also cheap in Update : Yes i know being a distant landlord is difficult so if it makes economic
Will my car insurance go up?
So I was at the red light and the car behind me randomly hits my car there's a medium size dent right in the middle of my bumper it doesn't look terrible but it's deep and noticeable also some paint was chipped off ... My car insurance ppl know about it.. Will my car insurance go up? Even if it wasn't my fault at all?
Insurance costs for two and planning for a baby?
Hello Gurus, I am getting my wife to the USA and i should buy insurance since we are planning to have a baby. Any suggestions on which insurance to go with? I need a good coverage and affordable too. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks, Raj Thanks, Raj""
How long do car accidents affect my insurance rates?
I have heard that accidents and tickets will affect car insurance rates for five years. I was in an accident four years ago, that was determined to be my fault. Now, my (old) ...show more""
How much for insurance?
If I were to insure all my assets, including my house, my car, and all my belongings, against loss, theft, and damage (of all kinds), what percentage of my assets' value would be a good price to pay as a monthly insurance premium?""
I need Health Insurance Tips?
Hey there, I was hoping to get some input from families in WA State, or anywhere if you want to help me. I just need ideas on where to get affordable health insurance for my family? If anyone has advice for me that would be great. Thank-you!""
How to reduce payments for young car driver insurance ?
how to minimize it ?
""Do You have To pay A Brokers Fee, When They Find U Car Insurance?""
I know some one who payed a huge brokers fee, when they found car insurance for her. Are all broker fee expensive. (finders fees).""
Cost to insure sport bike? Ninja 250?
I'm 18 in WIsconsin. Live in country-ish area. Or how do I find out? Call our family agent? Or just the insurance company.
Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
I'm 18, plan on purchasing a car soon. Honestly, which car I purchase is based off my monthly insurance payment. Im young & back in November I recieved my first speeding ticket, I paid it instead of going to court.. Worst choice ever. Anyways, Does anybody know good cheap insurance for a driver like myself? Below are a list of cars that are on my list.. 1. 2004 BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. 2007 Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please help. Thanks!
How much should insurance be for a 19 year old?
im a 19 year old male and i am going to buy a old 1987 ford f-150, how much should i expect to pay for insurance on my truck?""
Which insurance license test is easier for California?
which insurance license test is easier for California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real Estate I want to get a license, but not sure which..""
Banned Driver - Cheap Insurance ????
hiya please can you help me i no i have done wrong so i dont need any comments about how i shouldnt be back on the road - i am willing to learn from mistakes !!!! does any1 no the cheapest car insurance company for go through when you have been banned ??? much appreciated x
Car Insurance Policy When Not Vehicle Owner?
Can anyone help? My boss has bought me a car but because Renault were unable to put the finance agreement in the company name it had to go in his name, which meant that the ownership of the vehicle did too. Not the problem I have is insuring this car as insurance companies won't insurer me as the driver if I am not the car owner unless the car is owned by a spouse etc...so, I am assuming that the only way round this is for my boss to be put as the main driver and me as an additional driver...if this is the case what will happen if I have an accident or conviction, or he does? Also what about No Claims Discount as I previously built up 3 years on my old car. Please help I really don't know what to do! Thanks""
What is the best car insurance for a first car and someone in the early 20s?
Hey guys.. So, i'm only 22 years old and i'm looking to to buy my first car really soon but first i want to find a good and affordable insurance agency. So far i'm looking to compare the following insurance companies: Geico, State Farm, Progressive, State Farm, etc. Any other suggestions would also come in handy.. Thank You!.""
Car insurance ( diabetes )?
after i get a quote online when i proceed to pay will the insurers phone me or will i after phone them as i have a 3 year medical licence and i need to let them know off my medical condition ( diabetes insulin dependant ) first time getting insurance so any info would be great
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
I'm really sick and I went to the doctor's office yesterday to see what I had. I was under Medical but the doctor said he couldn't see me because I had to pay $795 dollars monthly for them to see. I don't understand why I would pay so much, I'm 20 years old, a single mother, and a full-time student. I work too, but my income is less than $1200 monthly. Has this happened to anyone? My baby is still covered by medical but I would like to find an affordable health insurance for the two of us... does anyone know of one? thank you [:""
Car insurance for a 21 year old?
My friend has been quoted 1200 per year for car insurance and his 21. Is this alot? How can he get it cheaper and thats for an old banger!
What is the most affordable life and health ?
What is the most affordable life and health ?
What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?
What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?
How much life insurance is enough?
We are looking to get life insurance for my husband and myself. Permanent over term. Im a stay at home mom of 3 kids and we are planning to have another baby. We are currently living in Europe because my husbands job is here. We are renting but want to buy a home. We plan to move back to the US at some point, when my husband can find a secure job there and when we can save the money to be secure in an unstable economy. Basically, if my husband dies (God forbid!!) the children and I would move back to the US and need to buy a house, vehicle and either ship our belongings from Europe or furnish a new house. Plus, I havent worked in about 5 years since I have been raising my babies and I dont have a college education. I do plan to send all the kids to a public university when that day comes. I am capable of working but dont know what kind of paying job I could get with only a hs education. So how much do you think my husbands policy should be? And for myself? Whats the average cost monthly for a married couple having permanent life insurance?""
Got a speeding ticket. Will my insurance go up?
I am 28 years old. I have a clean driving record. I got a speeding ticket for 0-10 miles over. Seat belt on. Will my insurance company know I got this ticket and will they raise my rates. We have Geico. Should I take the defensive driving class and keep this ticket off my record? Or should I just pay it and go on?
""Ok i dont have car insurance but i want to rent a car for a month, is there a car insurance for this situation
so i would just like to pay for the car insurance for a month. I was wondering though do I need car insurance when i rent a car.
Insurance question? please help me i need to know what to do.?
im 16, had my license for a little over a month. i live in california. im with allstate. here's what happened: i was backing out of a diagonal parking space. i was at starbucks, mid day. no one else was in the car. i saw a car coming, i let it pass, and i backed out. turns out it didnt clear out all the way. i got the rear end of it. their dent is not too bad, the bumper is fine, its just a little bit of the metal that probably needs to be sucked back out. it is an suv. my dent however was worse. the bumper got dented, and so did some of the medal around it. the brake light has a small crack in it, but its only visible from close up, and it still works. we exchanged information, and he said he will call his insurance company tomorrow morning. will my insurance go up? how much will i need to pay to have his car fixed? whats gonna happen? please help me im freaking out. thank you soo much""
About health insurance?
i don't have a health insurance and my job doesn't provide me one i had a car accident and i owe around 3,000 dollars on my own hospital visit i didn't injure another car if i get an insurance do you think they will pay for my health debts???""
What is car insurance premium tax?
My car insurance renewal notice is comprised of the insurance itself (540.00), car hire (28.25), credit charge (48.30), and Insurance Premium Tax (34.10), giving a total of 650.65. Is the insurance premium tax some type of scam to get me to pay extra or is it a government tax, like VAT (I thought VAT would be included in the 540.00)?""
How can I apply for Insurance???
Is there a site where i can go and Apply for Insurance??? Is there another way to do it?? Thanks that would be great.
Do you need to be enrolled in school to stay covered under your parents health insurance? Affordable Care Act?
So here's the question in case you don't want to read my wall of text below (but it would be appreciated if you did to further understand my question). I was covered under my moms health insurance while in college and I was told I needed to be enrolled in school to stay covered, I dropped out a while ago and was wondering if I am still covered by law under the Affordable Care Act since I am only 19. I was covered under my mothers health insurance, she works for a private company and she said that I needed to be enrolled in school in order to stay covered by the insurance. But this was close to a year ago if I'm remembering correctly. The reason I'm worried is because I'm taking a break from college, and have had multiple doctor appointments/tests done after I left, but I never had a problem with the insurance going through. I've made myself paranoid into thinking that the company may just not know, and is assuming I'm still in school and will randomly hit me with the costs of the testings and doctor visits if they saw I was not in school, or god forbid somewhere down the road my mother or I are in a serious accident and are dropped because of this. I know this happens all the time, the insurance agencies have people hired to find abnormalities in your history in an attempt to drop you and not have to pay the bills. So would I still be covered under my mothers health insurance even though I'm not currently enrolled in school under the Affordable Care Act? Once again I am 19 also. Thank you""
Is it worth it to take a life insurance?
Is it worth it to take a life insurance?
Can i get insurance just to do a title transfer??
i just sold my truck which i took the insurance like 4 months ago since i didnt drive it, and to get the title signed and notarized so i can sell it i have to have insurance. can i get like temporary insurance just to do that? how much is it?? thanks!""
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
First time driver and car insurance ?
I live in California and im 18 and im curious as to which of these two options is cheapest if my mom puts my on her car insurance policy so that i can legally drive her car anytime or if she can put my car on her insurance which is cheaper ? also if i drive my moms car sometimes like to the store or something and i have my license and the cars registration and insurance with me will a cop still give me a ticket becasue im not on the insurance policy or will they be cool because they just want to make sure the car has insurance ?? thanks
Name the top burial insurance companies for ages 75 and up?
who provides affordable burial insurance for sr. citizens ?
How Much does car insurance cost for 16 year old male in Alberta?
For a 2003 saturn vue, how much can i expect to be paying for car insurance?""
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.""
Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
I'm 18, plan on purchasing a car soon. Honestly, which car I purchase is based off my monthly insurance payment. Im young & back in November I recieved my first speeding ticket, I paid it instead of going to court.. Worst choice ever. Anyways, Does anybody know good cheap insurance for a driver like myself? Below are a list of cars that are on my list.. 1. 2004 BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. 2007 Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please help. Thanks!
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