#“wouldn't have touched him with a 10ft pole”
Saw that the senile clown future king wants people to pledge their allegiance to him; had to make sure I was no longer a British territory before I ask if the UK is ok
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francisnyx · 7 months
Yeah whoever would wrote Childe killing children without devasting consequences resulting in him falling apart and descends into madness is doing it wrong /hj
No but seriously whoever the fuck out there that would think even for a second that it wouldn't go against one of foundation of his character then you are dead wrong. He would not fucking do that, unless some outside force forces the hell out of him or doom by the narrative. He is incapable of that. He will not do it willingly and he will failed doing it too.
In my opinion, if you write childe going on a mass murder sprees? Yeah, go ahead. But children? The thing he preaches about protecting their dreams? NO HE WOULD NOT. Seriously, he would not. He will sooner kill himself than do that. Let alone doing it without conscience.
My boy may or may not have conscience but he wouldn't, sir. That would be Dottore level. I am not implying he's better than Dottore but in that regards he simply won't touch kids (at least directly)
And don't even let me start on Dottore. That guy has tons of mischaracterization I would not touch within a 10ft pole. Dottore is a mad scientist, yes. Sadist? Probably. But him enjoying hurting children to the point of cackling like a maniac? (Not that he's not one but I digress)
Have you read the story? He still very much a researcher, his writing is very much clinical, cold and detached. He does not nessecary enjoy hurting children nor does he feel guilty, that is simply a casualty in part of the process. He doesn't care enough about children to revel in their agonies.
Does he still hurt children? Yeah. Does he enjoy it? No!! He would find killing them an annoyance at most and wasting resources at best! At least that is what I think and interpret him as.
Beside, making him be like that is so two dimension and booooring. A genius who doesn't care what he has to sacrifices in his pursuit to knowledge is much more interesting than that to me.
Anyway don't mind me rambling I'm just ranting about today's episode of 'genshin character mischaracterization and how a lot of people in the fandom has no media literacy but who am I to judge?'
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imaginesmatsu · 1 year
Hii! i would reeally love to see what the matsus would do with a insomniac partner 🙀🙀
osomatsu would probably stay up with them accidentally (as well as fall asleep without realizing it). he'll try to help how he can but he doesn't really understand insomnia . (despite the fact that he suffers from acute insomnia during the colder months)
karamatsu would try (and likely fail) to help. fluffy pillows, a nice warm blanket, singing a lullaby... he tries his best to stay up to keep his partner company but falls asleep within a 30-min time frame of his usual bed time
[redacted] - [redacted]
ichimatsu is also an insomniac... but he doesn't want to spend all of his waking moments with someone. if it helps his partner then he wouldn't mind having them on the phone until they maybe fall asleep (if he has a phone, ofc), but otherwise he'll just kind of. make sure they know he's around.
jyushimatsu does with his partner what his does with ichimatsu - that is, he falls asleep while talking to them about methods that he uses to fall asleep. the methods are apparently very affective if they put him to sleep as he's talking about them
todomatsu doesn't really want to touch that with a 10ft pole... but since it is his partner, he does some research here and there about what can help. he doesn't openly admit that the park outings he invites his partner on is an attempt to help, but he won't deny it if asked
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everlastingspiral · 1 year
it kinda astounds me that this discourse is mostly on tumblr(?) (idk about redacted tiktok, i wouldn't touch that with a 10ft pole). because in the discord server, i have seen a number of people who have made ship content involving caelum and people who even said not to infantalize him (small mercies, i guess).
though, i gotta admit, it is somewhat amusing to see people from the server hop on tumblr to express the distaste? disgust? they have bc they know they'll probably be told to stfu if they complained in the server.
From the sounds of it, tiktok seems to be slightly more chaotic than tumblr though I don't know for sure. The one thing I appreciated from the discord before I left was the openness about ships and interpretations of Caelum, which is rather surprising given some of their other problems.
It's just too bad people coming on here to complain that the discord fandom won't listen to their bad takes doesn't happen more often. To some degree, I adore watching people vomiting flames over the whole ordeal. I get a good chuckle out of it.
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eleri2005 · 7 years
How to shut down a guy the right way
Guy: *inappropriate advance*
Me: I have my eye on someone else.
Guy: well that guy it's lucky but I will treat you better than him.
Me: Honey, you're completely wrong about it being a guy. It's a girl and even if you female genetalia I still wouldn't touch you with a 10ft pole.
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