#“those are my spiritual saviors you're fucking with.”
2elle2furious · 10 months
"You can't even hear the bass..."
"...But you can always feel it."
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alicelufenia · 5 months
Thinking about my last reblog and how Baldur's Gate 3 character creation kinda fucked with my perception of paladins in the bg3 setting (it's specific version of the Forgotten Realms at least)
Since paladins don't get to select a deity at CC, I got the impression that paladins who's oath was not sworn before any particular god were more common than they really are.
There's technically a "Paladin of X" tag in game for dialogue, but the ONLY way to get it without mods is to also take a level of cleric and select a deity that way.
So when I made Alice as essentially a renegade paladin whose oath was sworn before no one except through her own conviction and fervor to self-actualize (she's Oath of Glory in canon) and that manifested divine power anyway, turns out that's really weird and uncommon in setting where most paladins swear an oath before a deity, and thus presumably are bound to tenets dictated by said deity (or the order of paladins they belong to, whether that reflects the true will of the god or not)
This is, in my defense, NOT how it works in tabletop 5e, where paladins select an oath but are not required to pick a deity (they still can pick one like many characters do, even those with no levels in divine casters). Giving a paladin a deity is more a nod to tradition, but RAW you're free to hold an oath without following a faith, just like you can be any alignment regardless of your oath (except maybe oathbreaker. BG3 even turns that on it's head by making it possible to be 'Good' as an oathbreaker, even restoring your oath, which isn't a thing in tabletop unless it's to repent for breaking it but without going full oathbreaker subclass)
Enter the most prominent paladin in Baldur's Gate 3, Minthara
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Don't have any art saved to my phone so enjoy plushthara instead
She originally swore her oath of vengeance while in service to Lolth, to seek out and eliminate the enemies of the faith in Menzoberranzan (essentially part of the Lolthite Inquisition). This, by the way, is why she's so insightful when it comes to the other companions; it was literally her job to get good at reading people to find out what their deal was.
Her crusade against the enemies of Lolth led her and an army of House Baenre soldiers to Moonrise Towers, but instead of putting an end to the Absolute cult, she was captured, tortured for days, her soldiers killed or enthralled, and finally tadpoled and made to turn all that religious ferver and devotion towards serving the Absolute.
For this failure, Lolth abandoned her. As a Lolth-sworn drow (a problematic term basically made up for bg3 but works here) losing Lolth's favor is the most devastating thing possible, and there's almost no chance of going back. After being released from command of the Absolute by the Prism, she was, spiritually, alone for probably the first time in 250+ years of memory. Unless you come from a religious background only to lose faith later in life, you can't imagine what that's like (I don't ftr, but this is how I have come to understand it based on @spiderwarden's analysis)
And yet, despite this severing from a god that works Her way into every facet of Udadrow life, her oath endures. She remains a faithless (really faith-orphaned), but still undeniably spiritual paladin, bound to an oath that, for now, has her carrying out the same objective that sent her out of the Underdark before—destroy the cult of the Absolute, and seize that godlike power from those who control it.
When you rescue Minthara after romancing her in act 1, she says "You came. I prayed that you would, but there are no gods left for me." That raw-as-fuck line also spells out her current relationship to religion; IF a god would have her, she would be devoted. She even calls out to Lolth who, if the Spider Queen were to somehow take her back, she would in a heartbeat. With none answering her, she has no one but her savior, Tav/Durge, and their companions (whom she is now oath-bound to help whether she likes them or not)
And her natural inclination is to channel all that hurt, all that resentment and humiliation at being left with no divinity to know and to be known, into abject RAGE. Though she doesn't show it, I believe she is angrier and meaner NOW than she's ever been in life. That's why she talks about spitting on a shrine to Lolth, why she disapproves of offering tithe to any god at the Stormshore Tabernacle. Why she wants to BECOME a god, to become Absolute.
Hate is love betrayed. And I believe she had a LOT of love for Lolth.
Anyway this started as me musing on the spiritual nature of 5e paladin oaths in bg3, and kinda turned into character analysis for Minthara. Still, as the game's biggest example of a paladin who no longer serves any god but still commands divine powers to ⚔️SMITE Evil⚔️ by her oath, I think it came around in the end.
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soberpluto · 1 year
Scribble: Scorpio & Pluto Rising
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First post here! This is a brainstorm on what it feels like to be a Scorpio Rising, Pluto (Rx) conjunct ASC (personal case here). Any given position can't be generalized, but this configuration definitely colors my personality BIG TIME! I'm sure other fellow plutonians will agree on this… let me know!
Life is tough, but you're tougher. Nobody can break you but you. You desire to annihilate your ego before it annihilates you. Defensiveness is a deep ingrained instinct. Extremely bullied or overpowered in childhood. Or, unwillingly intimidating. Nobody dares to touch you. Nobody wants to mess with you. You don't fear death, you provoke it. You destroy to build. You build to destroy. Finding yourself in power struggles time after time. You are what people fight or obsess for. You fight and obsess for objects of interest. Addictive tendencies. You need something to be fixated upon. Obsession with looks. Your appearance matches your inner changes. You are master of your image. You push your body to the extremes. You command others to back off with just one glance. Your eyes do the talk. Your stare kills. Eyes that fuck. Thick, stern brows. Hormonal imbalances. Fertility issues. The gravity in your voice. Magnetizing or repelling beyond logical explanation. Mystery is your trademark. You get under people's skin and nerves. X-ray vision. X-ray intuition. Inborn detective. Secrets bow to you like lovers. Deciphering motives is your innate talent. You study and deconstruct people as if they were machinery. You read the room and know where power emanates from. Your presence is never lukewarm. Others fear you. You intrigue others. You don't understand why people react so extremely about you. Other's think you are angry or mournful when you're not. You pretend you don't care, but deep inside you do. You see beyond, but nobody sees inside. Privacy is your sanctuary. You are your sanctuary. Your place of retreat is unknown to the world. Once you let others in, your charm shines effortlessly. Your charisma emerges when you trust. Fear becomes power. The underworld is appealing. You are protected by Death. Dark night of the soul is your terrain. You see beauty in darkness. The darkness inside radically transforms you, for the better and worse. You harness power from grief. Sorrow can be your executioner, but also your savior. Your demons become your friends. You are not afraid of people's disturbing side. Others project their shadow aspects unto you. Others can't understand you. Others can't read you. You make them curious to see what's inside, what you're made of. Do you even know what you are made of? You are a collection of personas, no single identity. You are never the same after critical experiences. You attract intensity, like it or not. Your deepest desire is intimacy, but it never seems safe enough to get there. When you desire something, you know no middle grounds. You die for what you love. You love to death. Your secret wish is to merge souls with the one you love. You draw unwanted attention. You attract over-sexualized people. Animal magnetism. Unspoken seduction. Others want to sex you beyond their control. You desire the forbidden. All things taboo spark your interest. You are the forbidden fruit. You awaken dark desire in your erotic partners, and they like it. Your sex is like a drug. Sexual chemistry is addictive to you. You transform yourself through sexual encounters. Sex partners regenerate when they lie with you. Highest level of intimacy is through eroticism. Tantra. Spiritual sex. Orgasm is resurrection. You like it rough. BDSM and power plays are tasteful. Others want to tame you. You secretly want to dominate those you love. Intense pleasure in being submissive, too. Unspoken and dense sexual tension. The Shaman. The High Priestess. The detective. The psychologist. The prostitute. The soul surgeon. Autodestructive. Self-healing. Are you the hero or the villain? Desire is your basic drive. You despise when someone messes with your vices. Betrayals are your last straw. They happen more than you'd wish to admit. Best way to get you raging is by trying to fool you or cheat on you. Whomever breaks your heart is irremediably dead to you. You don't recycle relationships. You design your own heaven, and also your own hell. Which one shall you cross over this time? 💀 
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crownrose789 · 1 year
I love Charles last lines
" Stay away from them. Those are my spiritual saviors you're fucking with." perfectly mirror his line in season 1 to the MMA "That's my bread and butter you're fucking with"
It really captures how far he's come with the band emotionally how at the the beginning they were just a paycheck to him and just the band but then over the course of 4 seasons a 1 hour special and now AoD they are his sons the boys his saviors and that very last scene with that dad smile that one that says boys daddy is so proud of you that's just God so good I also watched sin city and couldn't help but think of Marvs line when he was fighting Orlaag "worth dying for worth killing for worth going to hell for" I have waited 5 days to vomit this out thank you for coming to my Charles Foster Offdensen talk yes I've been in love with this man for 2006 minus 2023 huh 17 years
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eternallyblight · 1 year
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Stay away from them. Those are my spiritual saviors you're fucking with.
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golden-wires · 1 year
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"that's my bread and butter you're fucking with" "those are my spiritual saviors you're fucking with" AUUGHHHHH See the way this man pops his leg out? it's cuz he KNOWS the fucking way this fight is gonna go
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
There are a lot of things that suck ass about living in 2024, but the fact that I can look at literally any page of the Book of Kells and get a better, more zoomed-in look at it, than I could if I were standing in front of the fucking thing, is not one of them
That part is pretty god damn great
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It's a lavishly illuminated book of the Gospels (in Latin), made in the 800's in Ireland.
It's one of those things that I can't think about too much or I just start crying. It's so beautiful and human.
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THE LEVEL OF DETAIL IS FUCKING WILD. This is the "chi ro" page. (from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ" (Greek: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) – Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ).)
Each page is 330 mm by 250 mm (13 inches by 9.8 inches). It's all on calfskin vellum. All 680 pages of it. (340 "leaves"). There are places where there's patches in the calfskin and holes that weren't patched. Some of the colors were made from things imported from as far away as the Mediterranean.
We're missing a few pages, but it's a fucking miracle we have it at ALL. It's up there with the Bayeux Tapestry (among other things! those are just ones I personally know about!) in terms of "I can't believe humans made this spectacular thing that long ago and WE STILL HAVE IT." Things like fabric and writing are just so notoriously easy to lose/destroy!
I think one of my favorite things is that it isn't perfect! Not just the patches and holes--there are visible mistakes where one of the scribes ran out of room on a line, for instance:
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"ah shit I forgot I needed to write 'maria' there."
(that says "et ait Maria," or "and Mary said")
Anyway. Yes I am considering getting a tattoo of part of it.
Specifically the opening lines of the Magnificat.
It's from the first chapter of Luke, and it's the song Mary sings when the angel tells her she's going to give birth to Jesus. The translation the Episcopal church uses for evening prayer goes:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
The Latin version:
Magnificat anima mea Dominum et exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo
And here's what it looks like in the Book of Kells (and a link to the whole page if you're curious)
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(...plus some of the next line, "quia respexit humilitatem," "he has looked upon his humble/lowly servant")
("but a whole bunch of letters are missing" yeah there was a whole Thing with writing out Latin, back when all writing was done by hand on vellum, where you could skip letters if you knew the reader would know which word you meant. That little line above the text is fancy writing for "I skipped some letters on that one.")
ANYWAY the PROBLEM is that I'm not a huge fan of the opening "Ma" of the word Magnificat. There are other examples of illuminated "Ma" in the Book that I might swap out, but they all look like that rounded shape, just the decoration varies.
I also have to decide whether to write out the Latin words or keep the abbreviations they used. Keeping the abbreviations might be easier lol.
Also I fucking love the Magnificat.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; *     for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: *     the Almighty has done great things for me,     and holy is his Name. He has mercy on those who fear him *     in every generation. He has shown the strength of his arm, *     he has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, *     and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, *     and the rich he has sent away empty. He has come to the help of his servant Israel, *     for he has remembered his promise of mercy, The promise he made to our fathers, *     to Abraham and his children for ever.
The artist Ben Wildflower has a great woodcut print/sticker/t-shirt of a couple of lines from it:
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kiyaar · 6 months
Tell me about the things Destiel does for you? Is it the way Cas has torn himself apart (metaphysically, spiritually, his literal true form is mutated and scarred) for his love of Dean, but in a way Dean cannot physically SEE without it burning his eyes out, that all the other angels and demons keep insinuating Dean or Castiel himself has done SOMETHING permanent and transformative to his true form, but Dean brushes it aside as queer innuendo? That he CAN'T accept that Cas loves him so much it’s broken him or else he has to acknowledge that love or shoulder the burden of being the very poison to people he loves just like he’s always feared? And Dean brushing off the angel's comments might make Cas feel like Dean doesn’t really care rather then him not understanding/shielding himself?
(And that Cas's final act forced him to face all of that?)
Or that Dean, a man that went selectively mute as a child after the fire for almost a year, can't ever SAY what he wants. How he needs people to see past his protective, false layers of bravado and machismo to know what he's truly asking for. And this man that can't ask directly loves so dearly this Alien Being that can see HIM as he is truly, but lacks the experience, context, (and self esteem)* to read between the lines of “you're family” “stop being stupid and listen to me” “… you leaving?” and “I need you” instead of hearing: “I care about you so much I will die without you just like I would without my brother” “be safe I don’t want you hurt” “please stay” and “I love you”. And thru Cas's lack of comprehension Dean takes it as rejection over and over? That this man that hates his inability to speak at the right time or to say what he needs to say, who hates that he reacts with anger or silence instead, can’t say anything back to Cas that MEANS half of what Cas said at the very end
*(Cas at the beginning and later at points thru the hazes of regret and self loathing Cas hears “we are of a few comrades in this fight” “I don’t trust your judgment you idiot” “please leave already” and “you can stay because you are useful”
He SOMETIMES gets to “you are part of a very small group of friends we trust” “please don't get in trouble we have to bail you out on” “what are you up to? Want to watch a movie?” and “my life is easier and better with you in it buddy”)
i think it has to do with queer loneliness for me. i come to spn assuming dean winchester is a deeply closeted bi man and is dealing with some hefty queerphobic daddy issues and is also like big into self-denial and masking and self-destruction via substance and willing himself to be a human tumbleweed to deal with those issues. okay. in comes castiel whose first relationship move as a weapon (!!) of heaven is to literally brand him, singlehandedly pull him out of hell and then imprint on DEAN PERSONALLY which is like. a (queer) trauma savior fantasy.
castiel laid a hand on you and he was LOST! like! fuck me!! (–dean winchester, probably –) no one has ever loved me that way and certainly i can't deserve it and god i want to keep it but i don't know how! and like. the Show puts them in RIDICULOUS situations like. the world is ending. i sold my soul. i was tortured for 40 years for nothing. you can't go home again but sometimes home comes to pull you out of hell. dean goes to hell a child and he comes out an old man. he drinks and he gripes and he cries a lot but jesus god, i'd cry too. who on EARTH is going to understand that experience? no one has the language to talk about time like that, the absence of it, the agony of the duration, the skip. castiel does, because he's ancient as fuck.
it would be far less compelling to me if dean could articulate what he wants and needs and loves, but he has trauma blinders and castiel is like. he is so dangerous! but in the way a weapon in the hand is dangerous to the holder if the holder keeps fucking pointing it at himself. and castiel's only (successful) love language is burning the world down for dean and dean doesn't fucking want it! or he doesn't want it like that! or he wants normal things, instead, like consistency and a relationship that isn't constantly chafing his avoidant attachment and abandonment issues - but all he knows how to do is be mad and seethe and wrap it all up and cry about it behind a locked door in a hotel room he shares with his dipshit brother! god!! man cannot handle being loved unconditionally and he makes it everyone's problem! i'm unwell! see also: Mitski_I'm Your Man.mp3
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tulpafcker · 2 years
i have some new mewchauls so i need to go on the reality shifting rant again so here goez:
1: its one thing to be concerned if someone might be exhibiting symptoms of psychosis. its another to insist they are. you dont know them and even if youre correct, you dont know how to best approach the situation because this person is a stranger
2: if you were so concerned about psychosis, why are you laughing at them.
(2.5: are they lucid dreaming or are they psychotic? you cant have both.)
3: the line between spirituality and psychosis is thin, and highly dependent on the person. you as a stranger have no right to impose your own views on what you THINK is going on.
4: nobody owes you proof of anything. you're a stranger and its a spiritual belief. by defenition theres no concrete proof they can give you, or even should give you, a condescending stranger on the internet
5: laughing at reality shifters isnt gonna make them stop. its gonna push them into more insular communities because thats the only place they're not mocked, and those insular communities can turn out to be predatory or even cultlike. and they cant leave because The Outside World will mock them for their beliefs, and even if this is a toxic situation, at least they're accepted.
6: did you know there have been scientific studies on tulpamancy? "haha thats stupid and fake and its clearly this other thing" isnt exactly the scientific method, sweetie. youre not Woke And Based And Factpilled, you just like laughing at people
7: people have done this about every spirituality. do you practice tarot? there are people who think you're psychotic and delusional and that you need to be told this in the most mockingly condescending way "for your own good"
8: i'm psychotic and spiritual. i have a fucking therapist who i talk to about both my symptoms and my practice. ive spent years figuring out the line between the two and how to safely practice without diving straight into delusion. for instance, there are certain things i don't do because i will develop a legitimate god complex and believe i'm a god on earth and unkillable. telling me everything i do is a symptom of psychosis is just gonna make me spiral.
9: you do not know people better than they know themselves.
11: you just want to cringe at weirdo spiritualists but want to make it into a moral issue so you say theyre all stupid deluded psychos so you can freely mock how stupid they are but fuel your savior complex by cooing over how sad and damaged they are and how youre mocking them for their own good
this is not a debate. shut the fuck up.
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mahoushojoe · 3 years
i think hijabi girls who have a superiority complex about their hijab should choke actually sweetie its a cloth you tie around your head it's not the passion of the christ 🥰
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skyhopedango · 3 years
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Episode 12! The end! Oh no! ;_; )
I hate it so much that it has to end... At least it got a pretty good ending - a surprisingly good one, actually - with most plot lines wrapped up neatly. Also, I may or may not have teared up at some points. Or even right now. Daaamn this stupid franchise making me so emotionally invested. GAH.
Anyway, the rundown... as soon as I find another package of tissues...
Story makes short work of Boss Man courtesy of Kimie, we knew this was coming, no point on wasting time on it. Bye Boss Man. It was funny though that after a huge psychic superpower fight he went out by getting shot in the back. :D
I suppose this is where knowledge of the original comes in handy, because I think during Naoto & Takuya's journey to their brothers we were supposed to learn about how the Kiriharas ended up where they did, but well, I guess there's a limit of how much you can pack into 23 minutes. So let's just say that even in childhood Naoto & Naoya had it far worse than their counterparts... having had their powers awakened from birth (as opposed to the Kurokis, it seems), and all the shit that came with that. Plus even after being taken away from their parents, the Kurokis grew up having friends and whatnot, while the Kiriharas had like... Mikuriya. In the original at least there were some other people around in the lab, but in 2041 it doesn't seem like there was anyone, really, other than Mikuriya, so all the boys had was him, and each other.
And OH DAMN, so the Kurokis are basically the Kiriharas' reincarnations! HOLY SHIT. I'd been expecting like something since Misaki mentioned Akiko having been reincarnated (and at this point I have a pretty good guess who is her reincarnation... ....c'mon it's Kimie, it's got to be Kimie! and why that didn't create a paradox, well, that's because-- LOOK OVER THERE!!!)
Oh, so that was the symbolism with the game they'd been playing. Ooohh. I like that. Also: observe the Ark behind Naoto on that shot. Nice.
AHAHAHA lol Takuya surprise hugging Naoto, and Naoto giving "omg what to do, I'm too emotionally repressed for this" vibes. :D Also, Naoya doesn't get a hug. Takuya may be dumb but he's not that dumb.
Naoto. OH NAOTO. OH MY HEART. Don't feel guilty Naoto, you've done all you could. I mean he's just a guy, really, and especially 2041's Naoto is a lot more sensitive and has way less of an edge than the Naoto in the original. That one was more pragmatic, even if he hated himself being able and willing to do things like killing people even if it was to protect Naoya. This Naoto is different - he's less hardened, more gentle, and also different in how he processes his feelings, he represses them more but I guess angsts over them harder.
And oh poor Naoto, he didn't get a hug. Again. :D;; Doesn't matter, it was such a lovely scene.
Also, who's been cutting onions here for the past ten minutes?! I'm running out of tissues!...
OH NO, the Kurokis' parents?! Oh my god don't do this to me, show...
Blah blah Kimie, blah blah of course they weren't going to do it, and that didn't happen, and OH DAMN, NAOTO & NAOYA
SO YUUYA'S VISION WAS RIGHT, BUT ALSO NOT CORRECT - THEY BASICALLY WENT BACK AND FIXED EVERYTHING - okay baby Kuroki brothers still had been taken away but that had to be done, and the parents remember and they're reunited, and--
Alright, so I guess this is another part where knowing the original puts it all in a slightly different context. Because this whole thing with the parents is exactly the same (minus the Kimie thing) that happens with the Kiriharas in the original, but with a very different outcome. In the original Naoto & Naoya finally manage to track down their parents who run a clock shop, but find that their memories had been meddled with and they don't remember them... and then they can't even get a peaceful farewell, because the villain fucks up the whole thing for the lulz, and it's kind of heartbreaking.
Here, they basically fixed everything - so that the Kurokis don't have to suffer all that shit that they had to go through, from having to live isolated in the lab and growing up suffering from difficult to control powers to having their parents taken away from them forever.
Oh man. Naoto & Naoya are just so awesome. ;_; )
And so they go... to another dimension? to the Awesome Spiritual Place? just disappearing into the spirit universe like Shouko? At least wherever they go now they'll be together...
........please stand by until I finish being overly emotional over the silly woo brocon show........
So anyway, in the end basically Takuya & Yuuya become that world's Naoto & Naoya, doing pretty much the same thing as those two did in the original, being the small change that gets things rolling toward the Awakening - hell, Kimie even called them Saviors, that was Naoya's designation in the original (with Naoto as his protector/knight). Except well, the Kurokis are a ton more well-adjusted, especially at this point in the story. Aside of having a better understanding of everything, better control of their powers and not having the whole world out to get them, at least not seriously at this point- they even have their parents back! Lucky bastards.
The end. *sniffle*
Oh boy. What can I say? The existence of this show has taken me by completely surprise, being a reboot of an old niche franchise I'd fallen in love with and didn't expect seeing anything new for ever again. And y'know, my expectations were loooooooow because the previous anime was, as I'd mentioned a few times before, bad, like, actually really bad.
And then Night Head 2041 turned out to be - actually really good! It had just the right touches, with the animation (surprisingly good and detailed!) and just the visuals in general, and the characters! I love this Naoto and Naoya, from their design to their characterization that is similar but yet still different from the original but in ways that work so well! And I grew to like the Kurokis a lot, too, also Takuya is so pretty it's just not fair! Although the Kiriharas are always going to be the best. Also, I really want Kimie's leggings even though I could never wear them.
And I mean OK, I'm clearly biased, but even with my fangirl glasses off this was a perfectly alright show. And for a fangirl like me, oh... where do I even start. I won't even start, really, it's like half past midnight over here and I'm still running on an emotional high. Will post moe tomorrow because if I tried now I'd just post the whole damn thing.
I know there's still the manga adaptation of 2041 that's going to go on for a while still (and the novelization that I'll read now) but I'm going to miss this show so much. Thank you for everyone involved in it! You made my summer and early autumn, and pretty much my 2021 so far. Bye, Kirihara Naoto & Naoya...
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strawberry-milktea · 7 years
"I believe those wacky homosexuals deserve respect like everyone else but also them just living their lives is sinful and shameful and they need to shove everything that's entirely natural and exists in other species away from me before I say you're a good person" do you even hear yourself, it's because of people like you normalizing this thinly veiled homophobia that we get fucking murdered
I don’t believe homosexuals are “wacky” or that homosexuality is a special category of sin. It’s a sin just the same as any other. Sin of any type leads to spiritual death and I would be a horrible, unloving person knowing this to lie about that. And while it’s not pleasant to deal with messages like yours, I won’t lie about something a person’s spiritual safety and eternal life is dependent upon. This is how I approach the topic of any sin, including homosexuality.
Just because homosexual behavior has been seen among animals doesn’t justify it. We don’t use the behavior of animals to justify our actions. If we did, we could excuse many immoral behaviors. Sea otters and dolphins are known to be sexually aggressive and rape. With sea otters, it’s been observed that male otters even rape baby seals, can kill them in the process, and will keep mating with the corpse. So are we going to justify pedophilia and necrophilia because the sea otters do it? I think you would agree we of course wouldn’t. Dogs will eat their own vomit and feces if they’re allowed, does that mean we should follow the dog’s example? Some animals will eat their own young, does that mean cannibalism is ethical? Many animals will viciously attack and murder each other, does that mean murder is okay? The answer to all these questions is no. The argument that homosexuality is justified because it’s seen in nature at times is false because animals aren’t a measure of human morality.
Sin is “natural” to all of us, no matter what form it takes. The reason for that is because we are all born with a sinful nature. That doesn’t excuse us and make it justifiable to embrace sin. Jesus told us to deny ourselves of sin in order to follow Him. He told the woman caught in adultery after He saved her, “Go and sin no more”. Even though adultery is not the sin we all struggle with, we are all that woman because we all fall short of His standards. Just like He expected that woman to turn away from her sin, He expects that from all of us.
When it comes to your “good person” accusation, I’m not the one responsible for saying someone is a “good” person. Christ is - Christ is the only way a person can become good. I simply tell people that He is the only way to become good and be made right with the Father. Recognizing one’s sin (whichever form or forms it takes in a person), realizing the need for a Savior, accepting Christ as Lord and Savior, and repenting/turning away from that sin is how a person receives eternal life and becomes righteous in His eyes. A person who embraces/engages in homosexuality and does not know Christ is just as hell-bound as a person who embraces any other type of sin and doesn’t seek Christ for forgiveness with a repentant heart.
You’re putting words into mymouth with what I assume is supposed to be a “paraphrase” of things I supposedly said. The world justifies homosexuality which is why people get backlash for saying it’s a sin, whereas they wouldn’t for saying murder, stealing, or gossip are sins, to name some examples. But homosexuality is a sin like any other and I cannot shy away from saying the truth that it is a sin because the world doesn’t see it that way or because people have acted horribly toward others for being homosexual. It disgusts me that people would treat homosexuals that way. And people who want to behave evilly and violently toward homosexuals will do so whether or not people say it’s a sin. Sadistic, violent behavior is also a sin and a product of this broken world. Do not try to place that blame at my doorstep or accuse me of being “homophobic” when I am neither scared of nor hateful toward homosexuals. If I hated them, I would lie and say they weren’t in spiritual danger.
I say what I do about this out of genuine love and worry for people, just like I would warn about any other sin. You can believe what you want about me, I know my heart and intentions.
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