#“oh i just felt yucky about her I'm allowed to feel that way!”
skylie-spiderlillis · 4 months
Don't get me wrong, I love painland because they're the land of pain payneland dearly & I'm currently writing *multiple* fics about them.
But if I hear one more person saying shit about Crystal and saying she was gross for what she had with Charles I'll fucking scream.
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creoterative · 1 year
Uhm... I made another one.
Yeeesss, I know, my finals for this semester are coming up, but leave me some freetime xD
Anyway, my best friend sent me another bunch of funny things kids in kindergarten said and I made another TWDG kids template out of it.
So there.
Enjoy! Xd
PS: I had to rewrite some of them because she gave those to me in german and they wouldn't make sense in english, so... excuse the Florida comment xD
Minnie: "I have a unicorn at home! But I ripped out the horn, so it's a not-so-much-corn now."
Sophie: "I always read books at home, my favorite book is Justin Bieber!"
Louis: "My parents have a swing in their bedroom, it must be so much fun, but I'm never allowed to play with it." (...That was disturbing, send help to the poor boy.)
Duck: *talking about future jobs* "I wanna be a whale!"
Ruby: "Yes, I love Spargel! Oh, what's that?" (It was at this moment, that the little girl learned, Spaghetti and Spargel aren't the same. And for my english friends, Spargel is Asparagus.)
Clementine: "Mommy had a baby yesterday! But it is a little bit ugly."
Marlon: *to the new young woman working there* "My dad said everyone needs a job when they grow up. Why don't you have one?"
Mitch: "Remember when you said that I'm not allowed to play with the water in the sink anymore? *soaked from head to toe* "Because I don't."
Louis: "I don't like cucumbers that grow." ( what .)
Willy: "Did you know, that eggs break apart when you throw them? By the way, where is the cleaning set?"
Brody: "You can't play with us, you don't like coffee!" Violet: "But you never drank coffee either!" Brody: "But I like it, because momma likes it!"
Tenn: "You're my kokong." (He meant Cousin.)
Marlon: "I want my reflection to be alive as well, I want to play with it. That's so unfair!" (He didn't understand the concept of twins yet.)
Violet: "I'd eat that very gladly. I just don't want to."
Willy: *after being asked to help clean up the mess* "No thank you, I like it better this way."
Marlon: "Your pants are ugly." Mitch: "You're wearing the same." (And then Marlon threw a tantrum because he felt insulted.)
Aasim: "I have a bunny at home. But sometimes it changes colour." (Again, Aasim are you okay?)
Louis: "My goldfish went to Atlantis today!" (It died.)
Marlon: "My uncle has no eyes, so he got a dog with eyes. I don't want my eyes either, I want a puppy!"
Clementine: "How long does a strawberry tree grow?"
Mitch: "If bears gotta go for little boys, they pee in their fur."
Louis: "I'm there in a second. Geez, I hate it when people say that, what KIND of second, a long or a short one?!"
Violet: "Tastes ugly."
Ruby: "You need to go home, you have 124 meters fever!"
Sophie: "If you destroy my picture, I'll get world destruction!"
Aasim: "I have to computer now."
Louis: "My tummy feels yucky, can you call my mother in law?"
Marlon: "What do you have there?" Louis: "A cough drop!" Marlon: "Woah, I want a tough drop too!"
Ruby: "I lost my fuck in the sandbox, momma!" (She was talking about her toy truck.)
Minnie: "My mom has circus disturbance." (She meant circular disturbance.)
Omar: "Today I have fish sticks with potato pudding!"
Brody: "Look, I'm a mermaid! Now I only need a fork!"
Marlon: "Why is that man shaving the lawn?"
Louis: "But I already ate all my cousins!" (It's raisins, Louis.)
Ruby: "My grandma is in the animal shelter because she can't walk anymore." (Her grandma went into retirement.)
Willy: "My grandpa is magnetic too!" (His grandpa had a prosthetic leg.)
Duck: "My dad is special too, he's from Florida!"
Mitch: "I want more pregnant stamps." Ms. Martin: "...What?" Mitch: "I'm still hungry." Ms. Martin: "Ah, yes, you can have more ravioli."
Duck: "Can I have more weed?" (He meant arugola.)
Sophie: "I only got one motivation left for cleaning up, so I'll hurry."
Louis: "I got a bikini!" (It's a kiwi, Louis.)
Marlon: "Does the CD player google the songs first or why is it taking so long?"
Clementine: "My baba brought me today." Duck: "Huh? I thought you could only eat them?" (...He thought she meant a banana.)
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I love your stories! Can you maybe write one of the chocobros initially hating their s/o and slowly realizing they were stupidly in love but didn't know how to express it correctly?? (I'm sorry if it's confusing)
OMG thank you! These types are always cute, I hope I did enough variety for you!  (I also have no idea how they got so long)
“Oh hell no.” Noctis groaned, as they entered Hammerhead, seeing the woman standing beside Cindy. “Ignis keep going.”
“Noctis, we need to fix the Regalia.”
“We’ll walk.”
“Noct you’re being ridiculous.”
“We don’t need to go here, we can just push it until we get to the next mechanic.”
“Dude, that’s like another 20 miles.” Prompto whined.
“Don’t care, I’ll push it there by myself.”
Ignis sighed, putting on the parking brake, as the young Prince attempted to keep pushing the car forward. Only to give up and hide behind the door, as the two women approached the car.
“Oh so that’s the reason.” Gladiolus chuckled.
“Was starting to worry something happen to you boys.” You smiled.
“Uh, which one of ya’ll the Prince?” Cindy inquired.
Ignis groaned, as he looked down, “Noctis, get up.”
Noctis moaned as he stood up, his eyes ignoring you standing beside Cindy, “Hey.”
You smiled stepping toward Ignis, and Gladiolus, “Oh you must be Prompto, nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” You called to the blonde a smile on your face.
“Yeah, nice, nice to meet you too.” Prompto waved nervously as Noctis rolled his eyes.
“I’ll take care of everything with Cindy, you boys can go rest your legs, that must have been a long walk.” You smiled heading back into the garage.
“Y/N hasn’t changed a bit.” Gladiolus chuckled.
Noctis groaned as he stalked off, “You say that, like it’s a good thing.”
Prompto moved beside Ignis, “What’s with him?”
Ignis chuckled, “A very old story.”
As it turns out you were able to talk Cindy down for a reasonable price, but it still caused quite a bit of Gil that unfortunately your party did not have on them at the time. So a hunt was needed, and while you had performed rather beautifully on the field, much to the excitement of your other party members. The Prince Noctis did not seemed to share the same joys as everyone else.
And that joy was not felt when you refused to take the front seat that Prompto had offered you, instead you decided to squeeze in the back between him and Gladiolus. He attempted to nudge his way, away from you, yet you just adjust slightly, allowing the man to get comfortable, or moving closer to Gladiolus.
“Dude,” Prompto stated looking over his phone, that night after they had set up camp. “I don’t know why you don’t like Y/N, she’s awesome.”
Noctis glared over to where you were currently sitting on Gladiolus’s back, while the man performed single arm push ups. “I don’t know, everytime she’s around, I get these pains in my chest and I know it’s her fault.”
Prompto gasp, before laughing, “Dude, you have a crush on her.”
“What?” Noctis blushed, “No I don’t! Why would I have a crush on her?”
“Why else would your chest hurt. You’re not going to make the feeling go away by ignoring her and treating her like an asshole.”
Noctis sent a glare to his friend, “Why do you know so much about this?”
“Dude, it’s me.”
Noctis groaned, as he watched you laugh along side Gladiolus as he almost tipped you over, with his next rep.  No, there’s no way, you had been given him this painful feeling in his chest since he was a teenager, and no one else he liked gave him these feelings, so you were obviously a threat, what else could his body be telling him?
That night, as the Prince rolled over in his sleep, he was shocked to see your sleeping face before him. He watched your eyes twitch behind closed lids, a soft snore leaving your softly parted lips and that painful throbbing in his chest were back. This was not a crush! This was something different! This hurt! He was tempted to move and exchange spots with Ignis, when he noticed your eyes drift open slightly, a small smile across your lips.
Noctis felt his face heat up, as you shuffled closer to him in your sleep, were you dreaming about him? For the first time in his life, Noctis found it hard to sleep. Yet another reason he was pissed off at you!
The next morning was a blur, everything seemed to go by in slow motion, from breakfast, to packing up, and getting into the car. Noctis hardly remembered any of it as he climbed in beside you, he was too tired to even fight for you to stay on your side of the seat.
“You know that you’re welcome to move him.” Ignis’s voice drifted over him.
Noctis groaned, he didn’t remember falling asleep, nor the car’s door being so comfortable.Or that pleasing rhythmic thumping within his ear that was making it difficult to wake up.
“He’s fine like this.” He heard your voice echo within his ear. “Besides I’d rather he sleep like this, than on the door.”
Noctis nuzzled into the soften beneath his head, feeling a comforting circle rubbing up and down his arm.
“Looks like he’s getting a little too comfortable.” Gladiolus chuckled, followed by the snapping of a camera.
“Shhh, you’re going to wake him up.”
All right, what the hell was going on! Noctis opened his eyes, only to stare at the fact Prompto’s camera was within his face. They were all within the Regalia but he was laying on you, more precisely your chest, on your breasts, and you weren’t even worried about it! The Prince immediately jumped awake as he moved to his side of the car.
“See I told you. Sorry Noct, did we wake you?”
“No, no.” Noctis groaned waving it off. “I wasn’t comfortable leaning that way.”
You pouted slightly, before moving, throwing a leg over Noctis’s lap, as you begun to nudge and push him towards where you were once sitting. “Here, I’d feel more comfortable if you weren’t laying on the door.”
Noctis found he had no other choice, as you had just barged your way over. Reaching over as you pressed his head against your shoulder, rubbing a soothing pattern against his scalp as his eyes drifted close again.
His heartbeat had quicken, yet he noticed when he was listening to your own, that your heart also begun to  beat quickly Now that he thought about it, you weren’t actually so bad, and if anything you were actually really bad ass. Maybe teenage hormones had messed with his mind,and from suddenly going from girls are yucky to testosterone walking had played tricked on his young mind.
Noctis had to admit, maybe Prompto was onto something, about the tightening in his chest and maybe it wasn’t such a bad feeling after all.
Prompto didn’t hate anything, he always believed to give something a second, sometimes even third try! Not stinky tofu, never stinky tofu. But you, well you were just the Cactuar in the Chocobo garden of life weren’t you?
Nearly every time he ran into you, you wouldn’t respond nor answer him!
He’d see you in the morning, you’d walk right on by. He’d see you at lunch, you’d be eating by yourself looking at something on your phone, he’d wave. Nothing! It was like he was invisible to you, or that you thought you were better than him, because Cor trained you.
Well Cor trained him too, and he was just as good if not better than you and he’d prove it! He didn’t need your attention! He didn’t care that you looked cute sitting there underneath the tree on your lunch. Or that you looked adorable when your hair was tied up, after a long training session. Or that you looked absolutely drop dead beautiful, those few times that he would walk in on the tail end of your training with Cor, sparring with a poor punching bag that seemed to have gotten the wrong job.
Your poor attitude made you absolutely annoying!
“Is Y/N still bothering you?” Gladiolus called, standing beside Prompto as he watched with the small blonde, Noctis and Ignis, you jab and kick against a new punching bag.
“Yeah, she keeps ignoring me, and thinks she’s so much better than me.” Prompto groaned.
“I don’t know, she kinda seems like she is.” Noctis stated, as you round house kicked the bag, nearly snapping it from chain.
“Not helping, Dude!” Prompto scoffed.
“Prompto, you’re early.” Cor called, as you turned adjusting your ponytail to sit higher up. “Why not come meet Y/N, she’s been dying to meet you.”
Prompto blinked those blue eyes in confusion, “Sa…sure, yes sir!” He called, before bounding down the stairs to join you both on the training floor. “Where did you want me, Sir?”
Cor chuckled, “You know of Y/N, she has just finished her training and will be going out on full patrol shortly.”
“I don’t think we’ve met.” Prompto stated, as he gave a brief smile, holding out his hand, which you quickly took, giving a shake, yet did not return the smile. Not even in front of a Commanding Officer, you couldn’t be polite? Why were you so rude?
“I figured that the two of you would make a rather good team, do allow her to shadow you.” Cor stated, not so much a suggestion rather than an order.
Prompto could hear Gladiolus guffawing within the rafters, yet he couldn’t ignore a direct order from his Superior Officer, “Yes, Sir.”
Yet the more Prompto found you trailing him, your half dazed eyes following his every movement, or a soft quiet ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ that fell from your mouth, as he adjust a stance or helped you to properly hold a gun. He realized that you weren’t so much exactly mean, nor where you rude, maybe it was a misunderstanding and you really didn’t hear him. Besides spending so much time with you, was actually really nice.
There was many a times where he would have to physically tap your shoulder to get your attention, which was typically around lunch time or in the morning. Only to see you pop out headphones or, an earpiece before turning towards him, never with a smile, no matter how much he tried smiling at you and trying to win you over.
Yet you seemed to have blended in with the others, as you were to shadow him, Prompto also figured it would be best to introduce you to his friends. Your half dazed eyes moving to the others around the table, as they all laughed and conversed.
“Yeah, but Y/N is pretty awesome too.” Prompto beamed, trying to include you in the conversation as you sipped at your strawberry milkshake
“The way you’re always talking about her, makes it seem that you’ve guys done more than training inside the ring.” Gladiolus chuckled.
You nearly choked on your milkshake, feeling the coldness rush into your sinuses, as your eyes begun to water. Grateful for Ignis to hand you some napkins as you begun to cough, excusing yourself from the booth, as you went to the bathroom, to make sure that you still look presentable, as you were certain you had milkshake coming from your nose.
“Dude, can you not?” Prompto groaned to Gladiolus.
The taller man chuckled, “What’s wrong, you were the one who started complaining that she was stuck up, and now you’re gushing about her, like she’s your girl.”
Prompto tried to be angry but he realized that Gladiolus was right, since actually getting to know you, Prompto had realized that he actually did take quite the liking to you. Yet you always seemed so aloof and so stand offish,“I think I just started to get her to like me too, I must have seemed like a jerk to her. Maybe I shouldn’t have invited her, I’ll just take her home when she gets back.”
The blonde flinched, how long were you standing there at the table, “Y/N, i didn’t…i didn’t realize that…”
You moved your hand to your mouth, looking to the blonde beyond your eyelashes, “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Thank you for taking me out tonight, I had fun.”
Prompto quickly stood as he reached out, “Y/N I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
Your hand never left your mouth, as your eyes squinted up, almost as if you were smiling behind your hand, “You didn’t, you actually made me very comfortable, all of you. I’ll just head home. Thanks again.”
Prompto quickly grabbed your hand, at your side, “No, I didn’t mean to, you don’t have to go. I mean I can take you home if you’d like.” He suddenly realized that he had a hold of your hand, as he quickly let go, “Sorry.”
Ignis suddenly turned toward you, “Y/N, I’ve just realized, that the recruit in question was you.”
“What you talking about, Iggy?” Gladiolus inquired.
“The new recruit, I had no idea that the Marshal had taken you under his wing as well. Y/N is the recruit that had taken a Behemoth charge, and only walked away with a broken jaw, which was due to the fall rather than the attack. It can take 4 to 6 weeks for a broken jaw to heal. I do apologize that we were not very accommodating to your dietary needs.” Ignis apologized, as everyone else stared in shock.
Prompto turned to you shock ,”Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, are you feeling okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“A broken jaw, and you’re not on any pain meds?” Noctis called.
“I take medication 2 times a day, which wears off normally around lunch, it can make me rather oblivious.” You admitted, your hand still not leaving your mouth as it seemed to dawn on Prompto why you seemed so ‘rude’.
Gladiolus chuckled, “Take a behemoth to the face and doesn’t take any down time, you better snatch her up Prompto before someone else does.”
Prompto flushed, as you turned your eyes to him, “Hey, if you’d still like, I can take you home, if you don’t have any pain meds on you.”
“I’m fine, Prompto.” You replied, placing the hand not before your mouth, on his bare arm, with a reassuring squeeze.
Ignis stood, placing some money on the table to handle their bill, “Yes it would be best that we all return home for the evening. Prompto, Y/N will you require a ride?”
“Nah, it’s nice, I can walk.” Prompto smiled.
You moved closer to Prompto hand still to your mouth, “I’ll walk with, Prompto.”
Gladiolus chuckled, “Whelp, see you two lover birds later.”
“Dude.” Prompto groaned, as they all left for the evening, waving good night as they went their separate ways. “I can walk you home if you want, or if you want you’re welcome to come to my house, my parents won’t be home.”
“I’d like to come over. If that’s fine, with you.”
Prompto could feel himself blush as he lead you to his house. It felt like hours, but in reality was only 20 minutes before you both were within his house, he sat you on the couch before rummaging through the kitchen.
“Is there anything that you want to drink, can you have fruit or anything?” He asked opening the fridge.
“Whatever is fine.”
Prompto moved back within the living room, finding you staring at pictures on the wall, before turning to him, your hand back over your mouth.
“These are awesome did you take them?”
“You’re really amazing, Prompto.”
Prompto watched as your eyes did that squinty thing again, almost as if you were smiling behind your hand, before it quickly dropped. “Does talking hurt?”
“Yeah, a little. Smiling hurts the most. That’s why I like being with you, listening to you talk is amazing. I can’t wait for them to take the wiring off, so I can actually smile again. You’re really good at making people smile.”
“I bet you have a really pretty smile.” Prompto replied.
Flushed deeply, behind your hand your eyes going to another picture of Prompto and the others, “Oh you like Chocobos?”
Prompto perked up, “Yeah, what about you?”
Prompto watched as you performed that squinted smile behind your hand, “I love Chocobos!”
Prompto beamed as he stepped forward, “Can I ask you something else?”
You nodded, only your eyes visible from your hand, “Sure.”
“Can I take you out, like on a date? Without the guys, you know, me and you, you and me, together, us, alone but together.”
You removed your hand from your mouth to stop the cute ramble, getting his attention, as you nodded rather stone face, as you mouth begun to hurt from all the smiling you had done. Lowering your head, as you hid you mouth, “I’d like that.”
Prompto smiled brightly, “Awesome! I mean cool. Oh there’s one more thing.”
You stared confused at the blonde, only to feel his chapped lips against your cheek, giving you a soft peck, before pulling back with a blush. Both your hands flew to your mouth, uncaring that your jaw hurt and your vision went blurry from the force of your smile as you giggled.
“I want you to get better soon. So a kiss to make it better.” Prompto replied.
You glanced up beyond your lashes, your smile still hidden behind your hands, “A few more wouldn’t hurt.”
The blond knew the first thing he wanted to do, once your wires were removed, he was going to take a picture of that beautiful smile, he had been trying to see since the first day he met you. 
“They’re so annoying.” Iris groaned, watching her elder brother and you purposely refusing to get out the way of one another.
“They’ve been at this for how long?” Prompto inquired, watching as you shoulder checked the tall man, which took quite a bit of effort seeing that you were much shorter than Gladiolus but you refuse to back down. It was honestly like watching a Pomeranian take on a Tibetan Mastiff.
“Nearly three years.” Ignis filled in. “Iris can fill you in on most of the details.”
Everyone turned to the little Amicitia sitting at the table, her chin resting on her hands as she watched both you and Gladiolus march around the campsite like you were both top dog. “Big Brother says he doesn’t like Y/N because she’s pushy, stubborn and bossy.”
“Doesn’t that sound familiar.” Noctis groaned, only to be sent a glare by his shield.
“But Big Sister, states that Gladdy thinks he knows it all and is a hot head.” Iris followed up, getting a glare from Gladiolus about calling you “Big Sister” as you and the younger sibling got along like two peas in a pod. “But our families have known each other for years, and Big Sister family is the only family that’s trusted to make Amicitia weapons.”
“Because we’re the best Blacksmiths in Eos, we earn that title rightfully!” You hissed before turning to Gladiolus, “And if Gladiolus would just apologize and admit he was wrong all those years ago, we wouldn’t have this problem!”
Gladiolus growled, “I wasn’t wrong! If you had listened to me, than my sword wouldn’t have shattered on the first swing!”
“If you had listen to me, I told you that a sword that size needs to have a sturdier base. If you weren’t running around trying to pick up every little floozy you run into, you could actually listen to someone that is actually smarter than you!”
Everyone watched, eyes ping ponging back and forth as they two of you got into another heated argument of some stupid issue from years passed. At this point, no one dare interfered as they knew it would just get more louder and more heated.  Most fights would last about 5 minutes before one of you stormed off to go fight some poor wild animal that just so happened to try to attack.
“…you can’t even keep your dick in your pants long enough to get out of Hammerhead.” You barked, hands clenched at your sides.
Gladiolus moved into your space, attempting to threaten you with height alone, “What you jealous because Cindy was checking me out?”
You gave a loud scoff, “Cindy is playing for the same team! She is a lesbian! Holy Sixth, how dense are you?!”
Gladiolus smirked his hands placed on his hips, “I get it, if you wanted a piece of me than all you had to do is say so.”
You baulked slightly, before you growled angrily, everyone at the table taking few steps back,  “Gladiolus Amicitia, you worthless excuse of space! I’d tell you to go fuck a cactuar  but you’d more than likely enjoy it.”
“Hey it would be a better lay than you.”
“Oh you wish that I would! You couldn’t handle a real woman.”
“Like you’re one.”
Everyone at the table flinched along with you, it was a known fact that you were one of the first women to take over your families blacksmith business, but you still prided yourself on being a lady. Everyone turning fearful eyes to Gladiolus, who didn’t seem to understand the hell he had just unleashed.
“You take that back, or i’ll…” You growled.
Gladiolus chuckled, his arms crossed over his bare chest, “You’re like 5 foot, you won’t do shit.”
Everyone watched, how Gladiolus did not see your draw back, nor the strong open palm slap from you, was beyond them. Yet the second that hand came into contact with his face, and the man felt the strong muscle of years of moving heavy swords, and armor, along with the resounding smack and his head forced to turn. 
The others drew for cover waiting for the war that was about to become their campsite.
You sneered, body still pumping full of adrenaline as you glared at the man as he slowly turned back toward you. Watching those red brown eyes glaring at you, his hands flexing as you felt your own mimick the action, both going to draw a weapon.
Only for the both of you to move forward, lips crashing against each other, hands pulled into the other’s hair. Gladiolus picking you up around the waist, so that you straddle his waist, as one of his hands supported you, the other tangled within your hair. One of your hands holding onto the strong neck the other tangled in his messy hair as you made out.
“Did not expect that.” Noctis groaned, turning away for you two, as he gagged.
“Dude, it’s like a trainwreck I can’t turn away.” Prompto muttered a disgusted look on his face.
“Well I’d say it’s about time, I shall get dinner started.” Ignis sighed, moving beyond the safety of the table they had all climbed behind.
“I’m not sharing a tent with them tonight.” Iris pouted, to the couple still making out, completely oblivious to the rest of the world. “Ugh, just fuck already!”
“IRIS!” You both stopped making out long enough to scold her, only to hear the younger sibling giggling.
“Well at least they’re not fighting anymore.” Prompto suggested, still unable to tear his eyes from you and Gladiolus still within each other’s embrace.
“I think I prefer them fighting.” Noctis groaned, at the two who went back to making out.
Ignis was furious, absolutely furious, he could not even start to think of the last time he was this fed up with someone or something. You had insulted his cooking, someone he didn’t even know, only a few passing moments, before you were all shoved within a car, and the very first night you had insulted him and his cooking.
“This doesn’t taste…this taste off. Excuse me.”
The scene played within his head time and time again all night, and then all day. Your phrase repeating itself time and time again, as you placed your plate down and quickly rushed off, leaving the others to wonder what had happen.
Now you sat in the back between Noctis and Gladiolus, sunglasses on your face, as you looked to be ill. Serves you right, perhaps you didn’t handle car trips very well. Well that was just fine, they could leave you at the next rest stop for all he cared.
“Thank you, Noc..” The man stopped, realizing that the hand holding his can of ebony was in fact not Noctis but you. “Thank you, Y/n.”
“My pleasure.” You smiled, before moving back to grow comfortable between the two of the men.
Ignis scoffed, fine he could be civil with you, so long as you were with him.
Yet it seemed that almost everywhere he went he was running into you, and you would turn to him with those large eyes and a soft smile. Asking his opinion on something, or offering help where the others would leave it to him, or as he found just learning from him.
“You aren’t required to do this.”
“Oh I know, I just don’t want you to feel the burden of taking this all on yourself.” You’d smile, standing beside him, as you went out shopping together for the evening foods.
Gladiolus had often remarked, that the two of you weren’t often seen without each other and referred to you as the cute couple. Which over time Ignis found himself no longer being bothered by, as he realized his dislike for you was actually misplaced, he actually found out that he had grown rather fond of you, as you were all often confined to small spaces together.
“Y/n, may I ask you something?” Ignis found himself saying one evening as you stood beside him mincing a salad to go with dinner, ever persistent to get Noctis to eat vegetables alongside him another trait he had grown to admire.
“Yes?” You smiled.
“For our first meal, may I inquire as to what you meant?”
You blinked trying to think of what the first meal was, “Oh you mean your Fluffy Chiffon Cake, yes what about it?”
“Yes, you had mentioned that it did not taste quite right.”
You flushed immediately, focusing at your task at hand, “I did not mean to insult you, I just had no one prepare it with an Apple Cinnamon reduction, I’m allergic to apples. What I thought was a strange taste was actually my throat closing up. I do apologize if I hurt your feelings, it really was quite amazing, I wish I could have finished it, it’s one of my favorite dishes.”
Ignis gasped, before taking your hand without your knife, as you turned large eyes to the man in confusion, “I am the one that needs to apologize, I had judged you so foolishly.”
“I kind of figured that was the case, I didn’t mean to insult you, yet my pen can sometimes take a bit to work, my eyes and throat were still swollen the day after.” You giggled, placing down your knife.
Ignis chuckled, he didn’t even realize that he had been so foolish, “Please allow me to make it up to you.”
You smiled, bringing his hand up holding your own up to your lips, as you placed a kiss to the back of his hand, “You already have.” Only to turn to the man and gasp, “Ignis, are you okay? You seem a little flushed.”
Ignis cleared his throat, he had expected for himself to make the first move, yet now you threw his plan out the window, “I assure -ahem-.” Dear Shiva, did his voice just crack? “I assure you, that I’m fine.”
You smiled softly, releasing his hand, as you begun to chop the vegetables again. Watching from the corner of your eye as the blush had faded, but a soft pink remained. Leaning over you, pressed your entire side against the man’s, unable to stop the giggle as he jumped slightly. 
Ignis looked down to you, as you looked beyond your lashes to the man with a soft smile on you lips. Slowly reaching out his arm, wrapping it around you, so that a large hand rested on your hip, pulling you further into his side.
The man turned back to you again, as you looked toward your salad, “Yes.”
“Forgive me if I’m wrong, yet I believe this is where you are suppose,” You finally turned up to the man, “to kiss me.”
Ignis chuckled, “I believe you are correct.”
The tall man leaned forward, pressing his lips against your own, as he felt fireworks behind his eyes. Parting from you, and the dazed look on your face, it appeared that you saw them too. The two of you chuckled, as Ignis’s arm remained wrapped around your waist, you leaned against the man, as you remained fixing dinner.
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