#“not weird enough” ok well they plopped a fetus in my hand
Okay I knew people were like. Complaining about how Chaos presents in this game but not enough to have whole game articles about it.
Why are we mad over hot femme presenting Chaos hello??? The primordial deity of chaos which is the counterpart of change and transition.... can't be femme for a couple decades. Chill out 😭
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All I Need~ Part 3
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Pairings: Josh Dun x Pregnant!Reader
Overview: You move to Columbus, Ohio to live with your brother after your ex-boyfriend becomes abusive after telling him of a surprise pregnancy. You become involved in the church and unknowingly befriend the Dun family. After finally meeting Josh, there’s a connection between the two of you that lands you in some complicated situations.
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/B/N = Your Brother’s Name
A/N: I am so sorry this update took so long! My plan when I started writing this was to update weekly but school has gotten CRAZY. I’m just going to write and post when I find time. Sorry for the inconsistency.
A/N 2: The story is going to pick up soon! This is a slow half-pointless chapter but I feel like it’s a little necessary to establish a friendship.
“Oh my… mother flipping… gosh dang it! Agh!” You groaned as you jumped in your skinny jeans, struggling to get them to button over your ever growing belly. It was just a small bump but it was actually noticeable at this point. “Ugh!” You moaned, lowering yourself to lay down on your back, sucking everything in as a last attempt to get these jeans on. Miraculously, it worked.
You hobbled into the living room, adjusting your pants as you went, and plopped onto the couch next to your laptop, “I am definitely going to invest in some more leggings.” You said to your brother who was in the kitchen. You opened your laptop and began doing another endless bout of pregnancy research. “Look at this. I feel like I’m too big to be nine weeks.” You looked closer at the screen filled with nine week pregnancy bellies.
Y/B/N sat next to you and inspected the pictures, pointing at one, “Look at that one. She’s just as big as you. It’s probably a person-by-person kinda thing. Don’t worry about it.” He tried comforting you but your nearly bursting jeans told you otherwise.
Suddenly, your phone went off next to you.
Unknown: Hey! It’s Josh. My mom wanted to know if you could stop by the house but her phone died.
“Who is it?” Your brother asked, seeing your face as you read the message.
“It’s Josh.” You answered in disbelief. He actually texted you, “Laura Lee wants me to come over today for something.”
“OOOOOH! Or Josh wants you to come over for something.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You shoved his shoulder, “Gosh, how old are you? 13?”
You: What for? And what time?
Almost immediately you got a response.
Josh: Whenever you can. It’s for the church bake sale.
Internally, you groaned. How did you forget about that? There was a little community street fair and the church was baking goods to sell to raise money for the youth group. Glancing at the clock, you saw it was only 9:14 in the morning.
You: I have to run an errand but I can be there around 11:30?
Josh: Awesome :) Thanks!
Y/B/N leaned in until his face was only centimeters from your cheek, “So…?” He cooed in your ear.
Rolling your shoulders to push his face away, you stood up, “I’m gonna go help Laura Lee bake some stuff for the youth group fundraiser.” You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar that you ate while putting on your converse and shouldering your purse.
“They should start paying you.” He joked when you opened the door.
You rolled your eyes, “Tell me about it. Keys?” You asked and he threw the keys to his car to you. Then it occurred to you, “Oh wait, you don’t need to go anywhere today, right?”
He shook his head, “Nah. I have a crap ton of work to do for school.”
“Alrighty then. See ya!” You closed the door behind you and drove off to buy some leggings. You weren’t ready to give in and buy maternity pants yet. Even though you were well aware that you obviously got bigger when you were pregnant, you refused that you were big enough to need maternity pants.
An hour and two leggings later, you left the store with a bag in hand. You sat in the driver’s seat and glanced at the clock. 10:45. Maybe your errands wouldn’t take as long as you expected.
You: Hey Josh. Errands went faster than expected. Might be there a little early. Is that OK? Do you need me to bring anything?
Josh: Yeah she’s been baking since 8 so it’s no problem. And we have everything, thanks though.
You: Cool be there soon :)
You knocked on the door and Bill opened the door, “Hi Y/N! Come on in!”
“Hey Bill! How’re you doing today?” You asked, walking into the house and towards the kitchen.
He chuckled a little, “I’m doing pretty good. I tried helping Laura Lee but I put the sugar in the wrong bowl and almost got hit with a rolling pin so I’m just trying to stay out the their way.”
You laughed, “It was a valiant effort.” When you got into the kitchen, you were attacked by hugs from Laura Lee.
“Aw thank you for coming over! Oh my, you guys are growing more and more every time I see you!” Her hands found your belly that was much more prominent in your tighter tank top now than it was a week ago at the barbeque.
You leaned back, looking at your belly with a warm smile, “Yeah, it’s getting more and more real every day.” You laughed.
“Hey Y/N!” Ashley and Josh greeted from various spots of the kitchen.
You waved, “Hi guys! So what can I help with?”
She walked around the kitchen, pointing things out as she went, “So we have chocolate chip cookies currently baking right now but we have to bake at least three more batches. Josh is working on snickerdoodles. Ashley is doing peanut butter cookies. I’m doing sugar cookies. You can work on oatmeal raisin.” As she pulled out everything you would need, your heart dropped a little bit. All of these delicious cookies and you get stuck with oatmeal raisin.
“Alright.” You said to yourself as you tied your hair up in a messy bun and washed your hands before reading the recipe. Six cups of flour, two cups of sugar, etc… Geez, how many cookies did you guys need to make? You looked around for the flour and couldn’t see it anywhere. “Does anyone have the flour?” You asked.
“I got it right here.” Josh said, carrying the large bag over to you. When he set it on the counter, you couldn’t help but laugh as a large cloud of flour covered his face in a light mask of white.
“Thanks.” You giggled, handing him the nearest washcloth you could find. “You get a little too into your work.” You teased.
He wiped his face clean, “You gotta give 100% or nothing at all.” He smiled back. Josh glanced around for a moment before handing you the measuring cups and returning to his small baking station.
Twenty minutes later, you leaned against the flour dusted counter, hands resting on your belly as you recovered from the extensive amount of abnormally large cookie batter mixing you had just done. “Are you alright over there?” Laura Lee asked, taking cookie pans out of the oven and replacing them with unbaked ones.
You gave her a reassuring smile, “Yeah, I’m fine! Still just getting used to getting tired so easily.”
“Well if you’re done with the batter why don’t you get a glass of water and sit down for a few. There’s not much we can do right now anyways. The line of cookie dough to be baked is backed up for at least the next few hours so we have some time to kill.” She was laughing a little bit at you out of sympathy as she grabbed a cup from the cupboard, handing it to you.
You muttered a thank you as you filled the glass and sat down at the kitchen table with a sigh of relief. Josh came by and sat next to you, “Thanks for the free slave labor.”
“You mean I’m not getting paid?!” You exclaimed with sarcasm.
He sucked in a breath, “Wow… this is awkward.” You both laughed a little bit.
“Hey, how long are you in Columbus for? Like don’t you have band-stuff to do?” You asked, sipping your water.
He shrugged, “I have two more weeks of play. Tyler and I are both up here visiting family before we start getting ready for a big tour.”
“Does that ever suck? Touring that much? It must get exhausting.” You pried.
“Ehh, I mean Tyler is like a girlfriend so it doesn’t get lonely-”
You laughed, “Oh gosh, you guys are like this in real life too?”
Josh put his hand on his heart, “Tyler is the love of my life!” He joked.
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t tell Jenna that.”
“She already knows!” Laura Lee yelled from the kitchen and you couldn’t help but giggle.
Josh stopped laughing with a grin, “But I mean, it does get tiring but walking on stage every night with all those people there because your music means something to them… it’s surreal. It’s the best feeling in the world.”
You almost got lost in what he was saying, “That sounds amazing.”
“It really is.” He smiled warmly, “But enough about me, how are you guys doing?” He nodded to you and your belly, “If anything is amazing and surreal it’s having an alien growing inside you.”
“It is, isn’t it?” You couldn’t help the warm feeling in your chest when he said that. It wasn’t until now that you really thought about how cool it was that you were growing a human being inside of you. Up until now it had been financial concerns, wondering how you could take care of a baby, and trying not to burden your family. “But we’re doing pretty good. The little guy or girl has officially upgraded from embryo to fetus, too.”
Josh had a strange look on his face, “That’s cool.” He said trying to understand why that was important.
“It means they’re finally baby-ifying.” You giggled.
His eyes lit up, “Ohhhhh! Okay, yeah that’s good. Do you have any ideas for names?”
You sighed, “Not yet. I probably should start thinking soon though. Naming a human is kind of a big deal. I don’t want to give the kid a name they’re going to hate and resent me for.”
“As long as you don’t name them some weird celebrity name you should be fine.” He pointed out.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Wouldn’t want to name them some celebrity name like Josh or something. How embarrassing.” You stuck your tongue out before sipping your water again.
“I would definitely not want that name.” He joked. Next to you, your phone buzzed.
Y/B/N: I need the car. R u done soon
You sighed. You really didn’t want to leave yet.
You: Ugh whyyyyyyy
“Who is it?” Josh inquired.
You shrugged, “My brother. He wants the car back.” Again, the phone buzzed.
Y/B/N: Left something at school I need to study.
Rolling your eyes, you stood up, “I’m sorry. I have to go.” You said sadly.
Josh stood up next to you, “Awe man! Can’t he walk?”
“His legs might fall off.” You said sarcastically, walking to the living room to say your goodbyes to the rest of the family.
Josh walked you to your car outside. You turned and leaned against it, facing him with a smile, “Well thank you for a wonderful day of baking.”
He stretched his back, “Thanks for helping out!”
“I’ll see you later, I guess.” You said, giggling a little.
“Yeah I’ll see you soon.” He replied, leaning in and pulling you into a hug. You were taken back for a second by the hug, not entirely expecting it but not rejecting it by any means. Josh must not have realized how hard he pulled you in because the second your slightly swollen belly touched his own stomach, his grip immediately lightened. “I’m sorry!” He said worried he hurt you or the baby.
You put your hand on your belly, “It’s all good! Don’t sweat it! We’re good.” You laughed, “I’ll see you later.” You climbed in your car and began pulling away into the street, seeing Josh waving at you from your mirrors.
Now that you were alone, you fully embraced the crimson that stained your cheeks. Your skin still tingled from where Josh touched you when hugging you. You found yourself biting your lip in fantasy before shutting down your hopes.
“No, Y/N. He is a famous gorgeous drummer who could have any girl he wants. He probably doesn’t like you like that but even if he did you would not burden him with a baby and make him feel obligated to love you.” You scolded yourself.
But then his face popped into your mind: his pink hair sticking out from under a black baseball cap, beautifully colored arms sticking out of a white muscle tee, his gorgeous smile that could make you feel so comfortable and yet so inferior, the adorable way his eyes squinted when he laughed. His strong hand slipping into your own. Okay, maybe you knew you couldn’t actually have him but that didn’t mean you couldn’t dream, right?
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