#“jews are the most loved and successful and rich religious group in america” just screams antisemitism
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thehealingsystem · 1 year ago
now im......not jewish, and not well educated on this subject so im not sure about how to talk about it myself, but this has been picking at my mind so......can anyone tell me if this is antisemitic or not?
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oh and let me just say, the original anon this person is responding to didn't mention america or living in america AT ALL. the conversation was suddenly changed to be about the us, which is the center of the world obviously (/sar), with this additional comment
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im not informed enough to combat this, though this post did NOT give me a good feeling while reading it
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tamerajedwards · 8 years ago
The Clinton VS Trump 2016 Presidential Election (The year of entitlement and hypersensitivity)
By Tamera Edwards © 2017
   In all my 52 years of life I’ve never witnessed or felt such and emotional rollercoaster ride as I have with the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The mudslinging between candidates was gut wrenching and it got worse as days drifted by. As a nation I feel we need a mental, spiritual, and emotional cleansing from all the filth we have had to take in for the past 18 months. The skewed biased news casting from various television stations left many of us feeling depressed, hopeless and dirty. What has happened to beautiful America? Our land of the free and home of the brave!
I will tell you what has happened. It has been a slow yet swift process to bring us to this point in America where everyone is so easy offended and quick to judge. I hope you will listen to what I have to say. I will try to be as unbiased as I can. I will try to extend grace and understanding to all people groups whether you are a Jew, Muslim, Christian, black, white, Latino, gay or straight, I think we can all agree that there is no denying we have a problem in America. We are headed to a point of no return if we do not turn this ship around.
The sense of entitlement regardless of its cost is sewn into the fabric of our nation. We are a society laced with hypersensitivity. We have thrown away the moral Christian values that our country was founded on by our forefathers so many years ago. Satisfying and pleasing the immediate desires of the flesh has now become the number one thing to obtain no matter the cost. We have people crossing our borders without proper documentation who feel entitled to take a spot on our jobs sites and displacing those allowed to be here. They want their slice of American pie. I do believe we should allow people of all nations to join our great nation. But not without going through the proper channels. 
America is an English speaking nation and therefore if you enter America you should expect to learn the American language, which is English. I have gone to Wal-Mart and a few other places only to ask the worker in the isle a question about an item I couldn’t find only to hear, “No English” from the worker. Our box tops and labels are equally English and Spanish. I wonder if several millions of us English speaking American’s crossed the Mexican border and took up their jobs would they accommodate us by speaking English and change all their product packaging? I have seen undocumented workers pile into the back of work trucks to do construction work thinking it was perfectly ok. A man I was dating at the time made the mistake of hiring some of them to work in a private home he was flipping. When he went to buy them lunch, they robbed him of his cash, a camera I had just bought him and cleaned out his fridge. This may be an exception and not the case for all undocumented workers but shouldn’t we do background checks and require legal citizenship? Yet again we have slipped into the hypersensitive way of thinking, we don’t want to offend anyone. We must have proper checks and balances at our borders. The most dangerous of all are the immigrants practicing Sharia Law entering our country. It is no wonder President Trump wants to protect our borders. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this the people who practice this read and live by the Coran. They are asked to kill the infidel. Anyone who does not believe in Sharia Law is the infidel and that is the rest of us. So being murdered, yes here in America is a real possibility. The alarm is sounding and we need to put a stop to this immediately. Are we excluding and marginalizing Islamic people? I don’t believe so when it comes to religious belief. Nowhere in the bible or any other religion that I am aware does it say it is ok to murder. This becomes a safety of protecting human life issue. It is morally, ethically, and spiritually wrong to murder anyone. America needs to sound the alarm. Not everyone will like the fact that Donald Trump was selected to be our 45th President. Not everyone will realize that perhaps they are being saved from a clear and present danger. We all don’t come in pretty packages, we all fall short and we all are here to grow and learn from each other. I hope that you will keep an open mind to that now that President Obama and the majority of the Democratic party has had to step down and now allow the Republican’s to take a turn. This is what our forefathers set up for us to run a somewhat stable democracy. We’ve got to grow up and learn to take turns.
   The educational system holds the heart and pulse of our future. I am a recent college graduate and have worked for the public school system for 10 years now. I live daily with the sense of entitlement and hypersensitivity staring me directly in the face. Children are often a direct reflection of what their home life is like. Children today are taught everyone is a winner and no one is a loser. Unfortunately this is a detrimental way of thinking and can set children up for failure as they grow into adulthood and enter the real world. The truth is, not everyone is a winner and there will always be a loser. Knowing how to handle these facts is crucial to the future of a child. This kind of thinking will lead to disaster. It’s in the losing that personal growth takes place and personal character is built. Now we have a generation of young people with a sense of entitlement without the work being put into it. In the school system discipline has been replaced with a system of coddling and rewards. Students are allowed to throw temper tantrums, cry, threaten, lash out, and we must tolerate the behavior, keep them in the classroom so they don’t miss out on their education and carry clipboards were we document their behavior with a happy or frowny face to help them make it through their day. Where is old-fashioned discipline and character building? As teachers we are fighting a losing battle. Our hands are now tied. Parents need to parent and quit expecting teachers to do what you were called to do. The young people we have today will be our next leaders. It’s time we get them on the path to success and great personal character.
    In college I was a straight A student except for the 3 B’s I received. Two were from lesbian professors in the English department who plastered my assignments with rainbow stickers and comments reflecting their disapproval of my Christian stance. The other B that I received was from an older male professor who was a priest who clearly disagreed with my viewpoints. One fall day he called me into a meeting with him behind closed doors where he proceeded to throw some textbooks at the door to express his anger with me. His words still ring in my ears today,
“You Jesus people just bother me! You go around trying to talk about Him all the time and come to my door.”
Wow! I never realized a priest could feel this way. He was so hypersensitive. We do not live in a neutral world. Even collage professors have very biased opinions. Liberals scream, “Tolerance! Equality for all!” Yet are unable to extend those same sentiments and grace back to those with conservative viewpoints. This is the thought process we have seen through our entire 2016 presidential election and now after President Trump’s Inauguration. We see riots in the streets, the destruction of property, vile acts of disrespect against the President and each other right here in the streets of America. We have seen the temper tantrums from the left as people scream, “What about our rights?!” Cards are pulled out of the deck, “Black lives matter, Latino lives matter, LGBT equality,” etc.. and instead of taking a mature approach to making your voices heard, people take to the streets displaying the most disrespectful signs I would never want my children and grand children to see. Vile acts of desecration on pictures of our new president. Those that behave in this manner are not only disrespectful and ungodly but can never be taken seriously. 
   Without Christ and a moral compass we as a nation will surely be lost and given over to darkness. I think people are living in fear of change. Whether it’s good or bad change, no one wants to leave their comfort zone. The layers of the onion have now been peeled back and the world see’s what the American people are really made of. There is no more hiding that face that we as a nation has murdered over 60 million babies. Most of these murders were done in the name of hiding sexual immorality and inconvenience. The bible has something to say about this,
“1 But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good,…” ( 2 Timothy 3:2)
We have replace “In God We Trust” with “In Myself I Trust.” We are lovers of “self” with social media, in which I have been equally guilty. Our lives are lived out relishing reality T.V. instead of living out our own lives to the fullest. We savor television stars disasters as they unfold before us, make them rich by supporting their shows, buying their products and then coveting them with our jealousy after we’ve made them rich and famous. Is it no surprise we are in this place today? Wake up America! The night watchman has fallen asleep and the wolf snuck into our camp. The wolf is clothed in selfishness, pride, greed, jealousy and unforgiveness.
When it comes to the election no one wants to forgive Hillary or President Trump for their past indiscretions. Yet we want God to forgive us. We turn a blind eye to one and hold the stone to crucify the other. No matter who would have won the election plenty would cry foul! We are failing as a nation. We’ve lost control of our morals. What was once a sin is now called “old fashioned thinking.” It has been revised for those want and "ok" on gay marriage, sexual reassignment as well as a host of other things. Since when did God rewrite his holy word? Since when did Jesus Christ make a mistake? Never! What part of Jesus dying on the Cross needs to be rewritten to suit our ever- changing society? Never!
   We are here because the media has fed us lies, pitted us against each other, bred free thinking so much that we are self destructing. I have tried to remain unbiased in my writing but it is impossible to separate Christ and morality because they are truly one in the same.
   It is my prayer that regardless of your view point and walk in life you would find peace, love, acceptance, and tolerance for “all” for the sake of mankind or “humankind” if being politically correct is needed. We share planet earth together. We must walk peacefully together even in the midst of our differences. May you find that peace!
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