#“cause John and I wouldn't have them” WHAT are you talking about bro?
I've come across multiple interviews with the Beatles where they joke about being gay and it's like.....are you sure it's a joke anymore... "Paul won't have me." ????"Were both queer anyway, y'know." What??? What do you mean by "well, we're all homosexuals."??? Hello??? /j
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supergirl000983 · 5 months
Random Outta Pocket moments on the Ranch.
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Y/N: *Falls off horse* Fuck…Ouch
Travis: You ok Darlin?
Beth: *Watching her sister walk funny up to the gate* What’s the matter with you?
Y/N: My Thong is Thonging a little too hard.
Travis: *Looking up at the sky questioning his wife choices* Dear God
Y/N: *Falling on the couch between Travis and Beth* Damn what a week.
John: Sweetheart it’s 6:30 pm on a Monday
Y/N: *falling back into Travis* Jesus Christ Fuck me.
Travis: Not Jesus, but I can totally do that later tonight.
Y/N: Your existence confuses me greatly.
Jimmy: How so?
Y/N: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of something bad happening to you is upsetting to me.
John: Are yall sober?
Beth while holding up Y/N: We are moderately functional.
John: I'll take that as a no.
Y/N: There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Dutton way. Which is the wrong way, but faster.
Kayce - Travis, what did I say about PDA?
Travis: *with Y/n on his lap and in the middle of a make-out session* I don't know what you're talking about brother.
Colby: I'm a real asset.
Ryan: You're only off by two letters.
Teeter: Between Ryan, Jimmy, Colby, and Walker - if you had to, who would you punch?
Y/N: No one - they're my friends! I wouldn't punch any of them.
Lloyd: Walker?
Y/N: Yeah, but I don't know why.
Kayce: Where's Jamie?
Beth: Somewhere disappointing Dad
Y/N: Somewhere disappointing God
Y/N: "Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Teeter!"
Teeter: "You can't expect me to look into your eyes and be straight."
Travis: Why is your back all scratched up?
Y/n : *flashbacks to messing with a chicken Travis told her not to mess with
Y/n: I'm having an affair
Travis: What?
Kayce: I thought Beth told you to stay in bed
Y/n: She did, but there's a scary monster in my closet, soooo here I am
Rip: was the monster scarier than Beth when She's mad?
Y/n: I'm going back to bed
Travis: good girl
Kayce : I think your mom mixed up our lunches. Look.
holds up a post-it note that says "I'm proud of you and I love you so much."]
Tate: Oh, that explains this.
holds up a post-it note that says
"Please be good. For the love of God, be good. "]
John: If you three can manage not to kill each other while I'm gone-
Y/N: Oh please...
Beth: *Fake smiles*
Jamie: We're not children.
John: ...*walks away*
Y/N: ...
Jamie: ...
Beth: …
Y/N: Fucking Cunt-Cakes
Beth: Eat shit and die.
Jamie: Yes, fuck you.
Walker: You know, Travis, real talk bro, you never say nothin' when you're around us. Why is that?
Travis: Cause I don't fucking like you guys.
John: Don't pull any of those stunts like you did last time.
Y/N: I made an offering.
John: You dropped a dead mouse into Summer’s lap.
Y/N: Yes! Like a cat.
John: You are not a cat!
Y/N: No... tragically, I am a woman.
Sheriff : Think you can answer questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Y/N: If you can ask them without the usual level of stupid.
Sheriff : Where's your Dad and why hasn't anyone been able to contact him?
Y/N: I dunno, l've been here, haven't seen him in days.
Sheriff : Is he drinking again?
Y/N: What do you mean again? He never had to stop.
Sheriff: But he did have to slow down, is he drinking like he used to?
Y/N: Alright, how bout this? Next time I see him, l'll give him the field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet, start with F & end with U.
*Beth and Summer arguing*
Kayce: …
Monica: …
Rip: …
John: …
Y/N: l'ma instigate.
Travis: *pulling her back and putting his hand over her mouth* NO!
Travis: *pissed off* Sometimes I can't stand you.
Y/N: *while walking away* Then kneel!And while you're down there, occupy your mouth.
Travis: I.....
Teeter: 000000....
Jimmy: I- I-... She has no fear. None. Absolutely no survival instinct, no self preservation. None!
Travis: To apologize I’m getting you whatever flowers you want
Y/N: Fuck flowers buy me a horse.
Kayce: Won't be gone long. Left everyone their own list of instructions while I ain't here.
Y/N: Mine just says "Y/N, no."
Rip: Apply it to everything
Y/N: Why don't you ever take me outside in the middle of the night to look at the stars?
Travis: Cause I woke ya up at 4:30 once to hunt with me and ya said anything before 9am was costin' me my dick.
Y/N: Maybe I meant you'd get laid.
Travis: Ya had a knife, Y/N.
Rip: What's wrong?
Travis: Food's hot. Can't eat it.
Y/N: I'm hot.
Travis:*looking exasperated* Don't.
Y/N: You still eat me.
Everyone at the table: *crickets chirping*
John: *beating his forehead on the table* Just-one-normal dinner. I just want one.
Colby: The fuck's wrong with you?!
Teeter: *sipping her coffee* Wow, could you at least say good morning?
Colby: Good mornin. The fuck's wrong with you?!
Lloyd: what's a word that's a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Jake: disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Jimmy: smad.
Y/N: I’m a person that likes to think things through.
Jamie: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
Beth: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Rip: Sure!
Rip: Whats your favorite color?
Beth: *laser fucking focused* Triangle. Do you love me?
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lenna-z · 1 year
Prompt list:
Holy crap, you look like hell!
Thanks to @janetm74 for the prompt! Also thank you for always answering my questions about english!
The prompt list is here.
I don't know where it came from but this might be a little emotional... I hope you like it!
Warnings: Blood and Injury, mentioned about being under debris/dent, Explosion (mentioned), indefinite end.
-Yearn -
"Scott? Are you still with me?"
The gasping breaths from the comm filled his heart with hope.
"Yeah, Vir-gil."
He continued digging the rubble. He should have been there in just a few minutes.
"I'm almost there."
So please hold on a little longer.
He reconfigured comm. So they could hear Scott, but Scott wouldn't be able to hear them talking.
"John? What are his last vitals?"
"His blood pressure is still low and his breathing is still slower than normal."
They knew part of his arm had been burned by the explosion, the information they could get from Scott was inconsistent, which was probably due to a concussion.
Information from his uniform indicated possible internal bleeding.
"You will need to give this information to the nearest hospital here, he- he will need surgical intervention as soon as possible."
He was also out of breath, and the hellish heat wasn't helping at all.
No wonder the factory exploded.
"I already did, a surgeon is already preparing for this. Gordon is about two minutes behind you, coming with the stretcher."
"Keep Scott talking, John. I'm almost there."
He took a deep breath and started digging faster.
"Scott, are you there?"
"I- I was fly-ing."
"In the sky?"
After a gasp, the answer came.
"Hmm- It was beauuutiful."
"That's great, Scott. Do you want to tell me what you saw there?"
"There- there was a star. I- I saw m- ...mother in it."
He took a deep breath and swallowed. There was no word from John either.
Yes, it was probably a concussion.
But Scott hadn't forgotten that when their mother died, they gave her a star from the sky.
"She was- sooo beauuutiful. Like an- ...an-gel. I miss her."
He missed her too.
They were staring at that star every anniversary... god... he missed her so much.
"I couldn' see m- ou- father. I missed- him t-too."
He touched his comm.
"Didn' Dad miss- us, Joh-n?"
"I'm sure he misses us too, Scott... Listen- Virgil is coming. I want you to close your eyes, Scott, can you do this?"
"Yeah- but- ou'r- ...mot-her is no longer h-here."
"It's okay, he's coming for you. Have you closed your eyes now?"
"Me? Yeah-"
Even if he was in a position to cover his mouth and nose, he didn't think he was in a situation to, so he quickly but gently dug the last inches.
Scott's current location was wide enough to stand in some places.
Finally, when a big enough hole was drilled, he could see Scott.
"Hello lit-tle bro."
"Holly crap, Scott..."
His uniform had mostly protected him from the explosion.
He had some burns from his wrist to his shoulder.
One of the wounds on his forehead was still bleeding.
He wasn't sure if the internal bleeding was caused by the blow to the head or the steel pipe resting on his chest.
"You look like a hell..."
They could fix this. Scott would be fine.
"John, any ideas for removing the pipe pressing on his chest?"
"Almost yes. We have to wait for Gordon to arrive. And I thought you'd like to know, Kayo caught the bastard."
Kayo had come here after Scott mentioned that the manure had been stolen. After she left to chase the thief, the factory exploded...
Nobody wanted to be in that bastard's place.
"At least there is good news." Gordon got off from where he had just landed, with a stretcher in front of him.
"See, Scott? Gordon's here too, we'll get you out of here, you'll be fine, okay?" He wasn't sure if he was telling it more to himself or to Scott.
"I promised her I'd be fine- Virgil. She loo-ked upset, so I promised her."
But his eyelids were slowly sliding down.
"No! No, Scott- To who? Who did you promise, Scott?"
"Didn' father miss us, Virg? I- I miss him- so much."
A mark was sliding down his dusty cheek, and his own tear fell with his.
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keira-draws · 2 years
long post, but here were my live blog notes from rewatching punisher ep 1 (i've rewatched the series like 14 times through):
((anything with ** in front means it mentions TV depictions of violence/death))
- contrast to Frank singing with his daughter, and then the way it jarringly flashes back to him screaming from PTSD (heart breaker of an intro, one of my favs though)
**- frank killing the cartel member from El Paso is just so good**
- "I got a family of my own-" "I don't 😐" SO GOOD
- Pete castiglione my beloved
- The fact that after he finished his mission, he literally just slaves away at concrete walls is so sad
- He's literally a walking corpse
**- I hate lance, he threw a rock at Franks head, AND his buddy called frank a slur killing them real**
- Love that frank just eats his sandwich alone what a view
**- The carousel flashbacks and screaming is so heartbreaking**
- frank let me give you a hug please
- His living space is so small, I'd be so claustrophobic
- His scars are so personal to me
- The fact he reads in bed next to his family's picture I'M SO EMO
- Maria waking him up :(
- I really hate Franks coworkers holy-
- He kicked his sandwich, and for what?? AND THEN HE STEPPED ON IT I CAN'T
- Donny tries to be nice at least 
- Also I wonder what his tattoo represents?? 
- "I come up here because no one else does" HE'S SO FUNNY
- I love how Frank is so blunt, but he's always so polite?? Like he really doesn't care about this guy, but he says 'appreciate it's, and means it! Idk it's just interesting that he always says thank you
- Also I love how Frank will just mutter stuff, you never know what he's saying, but he just mutters, and takes a minute to figure out what he wants to say sometimes
- More flashbacks :(
**- Accidental triggers sending him right back to the day :((**
- I love that his story is reflecting Frank's story, parallels <3
- I forgot Lewis was introduced so early
- O'Connor is such an irritating character, but I love how his reckless right-wing ideologies cause catastrophe, it shows how important one's actions and words are to influence others
- Lewis' story is so sad :((
- What does copacetic mean??? 
- There it is again!! 'I appreciate it'
- "can I have some coffee? :(" UGH I LOVE HIM
- "happy is a kick in the balls waiting to happen" I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
- ok honestly love how good of a friend Curtis is to frank </3
- "Thank you or the coffee" 😭😭😭😭😭
- Frank is so self damaging and for what??
- "Stein sounds like a large beer glass" I can't with him
- Dude the actor who plays Sam Stein looks so much like Michael Hernandez omg
- Wolf pisses me off so much
- Sam and Madani act like such siblings in in love with them 
- Poor Rhonda,, has to deal with Franks stupid coworkers
- Donny makes me so sad, like I'd never spend 344 on assholes
- Maria :(
- "Hey sleepyhead" :((
- Love how Frank taps his fingers, I do the same thing, idk cool that we both do that hehe
- Gnuccis!! Love how they pulled that from the comics! -
- They're so huge in the comics though omg
- Tbh I think trash talking the guy who swings a sledge hammer around 24/7 is not smart
- I always wondered why Lance chose Donny to take over after Scut got hurt :/
- I think Madanis relationship with her mom is so interesting, like clearly there's a lot of love, but there's definitely some hurt too?? Like she can't stand the softness of her mom, but you can tell how much she still cares for her
- So the two books Frank reads is Moby Dick and the Crack-Up,, I gotta look into those books see if there's any meaning behind them
- Why wouldn't Lace grab the money?? 😭like he's clearly more experienced??? 😭😭😭
- In love with the way Maria kisses Franks nose bridge
**- The suddeness of her getting shot is so sad :(( Like the way Frank knows it's gonna happen too :((**
- The way he hits his bedpost :(( the utter grief is so ougahhhh I can't bro-
- Also poor Donny, they were really gonna do the absolute worst to him </3
**- And the way they gang up on him :((**
- THE fight is coming up :)))) 
- ok, bad timing, but Franks hair looks so soft in this scene
- Frank screaming is my fav thing ever
- "Leave town" in blood, Franks such a drama king
- **This scene is so cool, cause there's little to no visibility, and the way Frank uses that to trick the Gnuccis into killing each other is so cool**
- home Depot music I love it
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beachboysnatural · 2 years
damn secC tell me about ur actors
OMG HIIIIII <33333333
I literally had to wait until like an hour after I got this ask because I have so much that I want to say that I knew I wouldn't get my little tasks done if I sat here and answered it!!!!
So I'm going to talk about John Garfield and try not to go into too much detail on his life and then talk about good movies to watch if you want to get to know him as an actor :D
Basically he was born to Russian Jewish immigrants in New York, his mom died when he was a kid and he got into acting because he found a father figure in a teacher. He joined the Group Theater, which is widely recognized as the group that pioneered Method acting, and left in 1937 after the lead role in his friend Clifford Odets' play, Golden Boy, which was apparently written for him, went to someone else.
His very first film was 1938's Four Daughters, and he became an instant star and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor (for his FIRST MOVIE!!) But he started fighting with his studio (Warner Bros.) pretty soon after because they kept giving him the same old role over and over again and he wanted to try new things. This frustrated him but in his early 1940s roles he really pioneered a lot of what the film noir genre would become even if they weren't always the best movies.
When WW2 happened he did everything he could to aid the war effort (he couldn't enlist because he had a bad heart), so he entertained troops abroad, helped establish the Hollywood Canteen along with Bette Davis, sold bonds, and made movies about the war.
After the war, his contract with Warner Bros. ended (but not before the movies he made with them and also MGM in 1946 made him a huge box-office draw) and he established his own production company. The first movie it produced was 1947's Body and Soul, for which he received a Best Actor nomination. It only produced three more films before it basically went bankrupt, one of which also starred him and is called Force of Evil (which is now preserved by the National Film Registry and considered a major "art film" of the period).
Unfortunately around the late 1940s his career started to tank because of the Red Channels list and the blacklist. Because he had always supported liberal causes, was friends with a lot of Communists, and (most importantly) because he was Jewish, the HUAC wanted him out of Hollywood because "he was a Communist" (the entire Red Channels/blacklist thing was a way to get liberal Jewish people out of Hollywood and it wasn't really about Communism), so he got blacklisted completely. He testified as a witness before the HUAC and denied being a Communist (which he wasn't, and the FBI had known that for years), but because he didn't snitch and tell them who other Communists were (and he would have known) they basically said he was still on the blacklist.
It's thought that the stress from not being able to work, being estranged from his friends and family (friends wanted to avoid being guilty by association and his wife really was a Communist so she was angry he was denouncing the party to try to get his career back--I think that's the gist of it?), and also his already bad heart contributed to his death of a heart attack in 1952 at just 39 years old.
So now I'm going to talk about the important movies to watch!!
First off you should start with seeing him in Four Daughters even if it's not the best movie because it's a great introduction to him as an actor. The other movies I'd definitely recommend are Saturday's Children to see a totally different side of his acting (even if it's not the best movie either), The Postman Always Rings Twice, Gentleman's Agreement, Body and Soul, and Force of Evil, but you can nix that last one.
There's also a really great TCM documentary I just AGHH!!! He was such a cool guy and he spoke out against Jim Crow as a white guy in 1940s Hollywood and fought for Black and Hispanic actors to be given bigger roles and specifically requested James Wong Howe for some of his movies and like. Name one other big-name star at the time who was doing that.
So yeah and then no one knows who he WAS because the government basically killed him. But now you do <333
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
10, 14 and 20 with Virgil and Scott
Wow! you do like to listen to me babbling :P
10. If the fam HAD to swap Thunderbirds, who would you place with which ‘bird?
You had to make me think! I ate too much chocolate to think :D
::writes by seat of pants:
Gordo gets Two, cos let's face it, he hates going too fast. Every time he did in the show he was left clinging to his seat in both One and Three. And besides, despite his evil ribbing, Virg trusts him with his girl. His flying in Bolt from the Blue was bloody brilliant.
Of course, that puts Virg in Four. A little cramped, but considering he has the most contact with her and probably knows her inside and out (Unlike Scott, the doofus). He would also respect her and her position in Two would give him visiting rights to the big green one.
Alan gets One, John gets Three, and Scotty gets Five.
The least stable of this combo would be Scott. he's not a fan of space and this would have to be short term. Despite Five moving relatively fast at all times, it is just not the same. Also, Eos would relocate to Three and bitch about the lack of computing power aboard the red 'bird. Scott and Eos respect each other, possibly a little too much as neither trusts the other completely. Also, John would pine for his daughter.
Alan would have so much fun :D But he would miss space.
I do think FishTank could switch roles. The sea wouldn't be Virgil's preferred place, but as he is as much Gords' wingman as Gords is his, they should technically be able to swap easily in canon.
And yeah, did you see that? I switched back to talking about Virgil :D
14. What’s a trope that you love to read in fic?
Okay, I am horribly predictable here. Anything that focusses on my main character in a caring, looking after, sometimes worried way.
Favourite character collapsing into caretaker's arms will melt me every time. Something special about favourite character (yes, I seem to have written this one multiple times, oops) that draws attention.
Care and worry and kindness to special and favourite character.
Yeah, ever so predictable. Just swap out 'favourite character' and put in the words 'Virgil Tracy' and we're all set. And have the plotline for 90% of those million odd words I've written recently.
20. Send me two characters - Virgil and Scott - and I’ll tell you which one I think is….
Most afraid of the dark Scott, mostly due to PTSD from the incident in the Air Force.
Putting off homework/paperwork Scott, mostly because he has brothers he cares more about.
Going off the grid for fun Scott disappears off the grid because John cuts him off to make sure he gets some rest. Scott is not aware of this because he is usually asleep at his desk at the time. Virgil has been known to conspire with John during this activity. Neither of them are fully comfortable disconnecting completely due to responsibility. Johnny has his ways, but then so does Gordon. Big bros need smothering as much as little bros, after all :D
Reading Jane Austen in their spare time Virgil has been known to steal John's copy.
Going to move off Tracy Island first That's a tricky one. If Virgil pairs up with Kayo like he does in a lot of my fics, he's going to stay on Tracy Island for a very long time. If he pairs up with Cass McCready, she has two kids and this is a dynamic that leads Virgil off Island (with a bucket of angst). If Virg doesn't pick up a romantic interest, he is likely to follow Scott. Scott is tied to International Rescue like it is a life line. If there was an injury, possibly. I once had Virgil leave the Island due to serious injury and not look back for ten years because he felt he was either the cause of Alan's death or Alan could no longer stand his presence (I never decided which and the fic became too traumatic to write). Basically, these two are tied to IR and each other to a certain extent. And I don't want them to leave :P so there :D
Secretly replacing Grandma’s cooking Virgil's being running interference for years since the last food poisoning incident that took out IR. he loves her too much to tell her that her chilli is poisonous.
Taking all the family photographs Virg is the family photographer. All the way back to when he was little and took photos and video of his mom.
Planning a picnic for the next sunny day Gordon...oh, outside the rules? Scott when Gordon yells at him enough. Virgil when Gordon declares it medically necessary and Virgil then tells Scott :D There is lots of planning but sometimes there is just too much interruption. Out of the two, Virgil would be more conscious of the need for positivity and he adores his family - John, get your ass down here now, we haven't seen you for two weeks! Alan, tune into reality for a moment, I've forgotten the colour of your eyes! Scott, I'd like to see you without a financial hologram between us. Gordon, just get over here, will you, I love you, too.
::hugs:: Thank you so much for asking ::hugs you more::
(babbler extraordinaire)
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sophialikesthings · 3 years
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Song-No Body,No Crime-Taylor Swift
Numb. the deprivation of feelings or emotions.
That's what I was standing in that field moments after I witnessed what happened.
"Come on, We should go." JJ rubbed my back.
"We don't have a car, dumbass." Kiara insulted him.
"We can hide out in the hanger." Pope pointed
We carefully scanned the room making sure nobody else was there.
I just went to a corner and curled myself up into a ball and sat there, questioning my sanity for still loving him.
"There goes the gold!" JJ looked up at the plane that just took off.
"Fuck!" Pope yelled, throwing something he found at the wall. He grabbed anything he could carry and threw it all, things were thrown all over, shattered glass carpeting the floor.
"I need to go see him." I got up.
"What? Demi are you insane?" JJ asked.
"I am because I still love him and I don't know how to stop." I broke down again.
"I'm scared that if I leave him, That will happen to me."
"Demi, I don't think it's a good time right now." Rose opened the door.
"Rose, I know what happened, and you and I both know he needs me right now. So please, let me see him."
"He is in the den." She let me inside.
"What are you doing here?" Ward asked as he vigorously washed his hands trying to get her blood off of them.
"I came to see Rafe, I- I know what happened Mr.Cameron, and I promise I won't tell a soul." I put on my fake face.
"So can I see him?"
"Yes, he is in the den." He pointed at the door.
I carefully opened the door and saw a distressed Rafe contemplating on the couch.
"D-Demi." he got up.
"I saw what happened, I wanted to say goodbye to Sarah and when I got there you shot her."
"I was protecting my father, I was protecting our future!" He paced.
"Calm down!" I pulled his arm towards me. "Rafe...you have done some of the most horrendous things to me and somehow I always go back to you, I don't know why? But I do."
"Don't say that. I do what I think will protect you." He hugged me.
"Mind if I come in?" Ward asked.
"I'll go." I was about to get up.
"No, no Demi stay," Rafe asked. "Is she alive?"
Ward shook his head causing Rafe to sink into me.
"What did you tell the cops? Are they coming here?"
"I told them John B did it." Ward walked over to his desk.
"Demi, I need you to take him up to his room, get him all cleaned up." He told me " take a shower change your clothes. If anybody asked you were working all day, doin' maintenance on the druthers."
"No, Rose knows I wasn't here."
"I will talk to Rose, okay?"
"Come on." I got up and took Rafes' hand.
"I was protecting him." Rafe continued to tell me.
"I know, can you take your shirt off, please you need to shower." I turned the water on.
"Will you join me?" He asked.
"Please, I just don't want to be left alone, because If I am, I'm scared I might do something."
"I'm gonna go check in on Wheezie, I'll be back in a minute." I got up
"Hey, wheeze."
"Hey, did you come to ignore me too?" She asked looking up from her phone
"No, but I did come to hang out with you." I got a text.
I am sorry for nagging you about staying
with Rafe, I understand you are just trying to
keep your loved ones safe
Yeah, I was trying to keep you safe.
"Who are you texting?" Wheezie asked piercing over my shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, just Topper."
"Well, I'm tired, you can stay if you'd like, or you can go bang my brother." She nonchalantly said lying down.
"Whoa! What?" She caught me off guard.
"You know what I mean, you and my brother bang, like constantly."
"You know wheeze, sometimes I wish we didn't." I lied down next to her. "I mean, I feel like it adds unneeded pressure to our relationship."
"For what it's worth, you have really nice glute muscles." She made me laugh.
"I love you wheeze." I tossed my arm over her, hugging her.
"I love you too, you are like another cool sibling."
We both drifted to sleep.
"Do you hear that?" I got woken up by Wheezie.
I heard Rafe in the other room muttering to himself. I got up and went to check on him, Wheezie behind me.
"Hey, What are you doin'?" I walked over to him, placing a kiss on his bicep where my face stood due to our height difference of almost afoot.
"Tossin' this crap." He threw a bunched-up pile of shirts into a worn-out backpack.
"Isn't this where John B was staying?" I questioned
"Yeah, well, I don't think he's gonna be by anytime soon to pick it up, so--"
"Why?" Wheezie interrogated.
"Did you say why?" He looked at her, confused.
"Didn't Dad tell you?"
"He doesn't tell me anything, so." She sighed, propping her head up on her hands.
"Um... so, John B... Killed Sheriff Peterkin." He acted sad.
"Yeah." He tried to get her to believe him.
"Are you smiling right now? I'm not joking. Like, this isn't a game. I don't--"
Wheezie looked away as if she was bored of the story Rafe was telling her.
He slapped the bedpost almost hitting her face, causing both of us to wince out of fear.
"Hey, calm down." I pulled him back slightly.
"I don't know why you're smiling, okay? Look at me. I saw it with my own two eyes." He lied.
It hurt me, to know that I would have to lie to Wheezie. It made me sick just how easy Rafe could lie to anyone, doubts now filling my mind with everything he's ever said to me.
"He shot her, and then you know what he did?"
I snapped back into the conversation.
"He tried to shoot dad, but you know what? I stepped in and I stopped him, I saved Dad."
"Why would John B want to kill dad?" She questioned his story.
"Because um... he thinks dad killed his father."
My eyes widened as if Rafe heard the conversation I had with John B.
"Rafe, do you want to come over to my house, Taylor, Kelce, and Top will be there?" I tried to stop the conversation.
"I can't right now, I have to help my dad with the police reports." He kissed me, walking out of the room.
"Okay, well I'm headed home Wheeze, give me a call if you need me." I hugged her goodbye.
That Night
"I hate it. I'm in a toxic cycle I can't break free from." I groaned, dumping all my life issues on Taylor as usual.
"Welcome to being a Kook, Your parents stick you into toxic relationships, ask you to make babies, then dump your ass at a mansion and the cycle repeats." She took a swig of rum.
"Taylor, I love-" I got interrupted by the boys running past my room. I heard the laundry room door shut and Topper and Kelce forcefully holding it closed.
"What's going on? Who's in there?" I walked out into the hallway.
"Please just--just let me out." I heard John B.
"Are you two insane! Let him out!" I demanded, trying to get past them.
"Word on the street bro, you are worth 25k, dead or alive." Kelce shouted.
"Kelce, stop." Taylor asked, pulling him back so I could go up to the door, next to Topper.
"I'm gonna go get the cops, don't let him out." Taylor and Kelce walked away.
"John B, It's Topper." He started.
"Hey Top, It's John B." I could hear him panic.
"You gonna try to talk your way out?" Topper chuckled.
"Let him go, He's innocent." I tried to push him out of my way.
"Just cut the bull shit. Alright?" He ignored me.
"I didn't shoot the Sheriff, All right? Rafe did. Sarah was there. She saw the whole thing, Demi saw it too."
"Oh! It was Rafe! My bad." He rolled his eyes.
"Look Man, I know you don't believe me and honestly, I probably wouldn't believe myself either, but... I-- I get it, you hate me because of Sarah." He tried to talk to him.
"You knew we were boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"
I could hear the sirens in the distance as the tension built up.
"Let him go! Please." I started crying.
"And, um, I -- I got another question." he leaned against the door that was being held shut by a chair. "Did you fuck her."
"Topper!" I hit the back of his head, my strength not enough to make him flinch.
"Yes or no John B."
"Ok-- Uh yes." He said. "We did it...once. Okay? But don't use the f-word. That's kind of gross." He spoke trying to get Topper to understand him.
Suddenly we heard the police sirens from outside.
"Alright John B! It's Sheriff Thornton out here. We got you surrounded. We don't need anymore blood shed." My dad yelled into his megaphone
"Topper, Topper please, I am begging you to let him go." At this point I was hysterical, my eyes burnt from the many tears streaming down my face.
The sound of heavy footsteps got closer as they ran up the porch stairs.
"We're back here dad!" Topper yelled.
"Please!" I whispered.
"No mercy Dad." He took me outside with him.
"Damn it!" He slipped through the vents!" I heard my dad yell, easing my worry.
"Do not put your hands on me!" I screamed as Topper held me in front of him, pushing me outside.
"Demi! He is dangerous! I am protecting you, you are my little sister and I don't want you to get hurt."
"The only thing I need protecting from is this family! You make them out to be the villains when really it's you, and everybody else on this side of the island.
As everyone was spreading out searching for him Sarah rode up to me on her bike.
"I'm having everyone meet at the church. Be there in an hour, I think the others have a plan." She quietly whispered.
The Church Bell went off 3 times before I ran in there.
"What are you doing!" I stopped him.
"Demi, Sarah, I warned you about these pogues!" Topper held his hands up in defence.
"He's innocent." Sarah sobbed.
"Then who did it?" Topper asked.
"Rafe! Rafe shot Sheriff Peterkin, I saw him." I finally spoke up. I could feel my eyes starting to water again.
"What are you talking about?" he didn't believe me
"Sarah, we gotta go!" John B noticed all the police starting to gather outside.
"Sarah, You realize I'm the one that loves you." Topper Repeated, telling Sarah this many times before.
"I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry," She apologized "But this isn't about you."
"Hey we've gotta go." John B broke up their conversation.
"You go, I'll take care of him." I took my helpless blubbering brother into my arms
"Let me make it up to you." Topper laid out his plan, Sarah and I swapped clothes. Quickly,
"Y'all smell smoke?" I asked.
"Holy shit, go." Sarah looked down the ladder to see the bright light from the fire.
Topper and I headed out of the church with our hands in the air acting as if we were John B and Sarah.
"GET DOWN." The cops were yelling at us.
"Hol-Hold shoot, those are my kids." My dad commanded the others to put the guns down.
"Demitria and Topper, What the hell were you two thinking!?" He snarled.
"I- I don't know what happened dad, I'm sorry for causing trouble." Topper apologized "They went that way." I pointed in the opposite direction.
"Are you alright? Do you need a medic?" Topper asked me.
"I'm ok, I just burned my calf, that's all." I hissed as the wind blew causing my leg to sting.
"Demi! Dem, I- I didn't mean for this to happen!" Rafe ran over to me.
"Of course you did this!" I started limping away.
"Demi, I never meant to hurt you."
"How's that turning out?"
=== Ahhhhh late post but... The final chapter of part one is tomorrow and I am actually almost done with part two!
Feedback is appreciated!
Messages are always open!
Thankful for you all
also I need someone to help me pick an ending... so If you want to help me out just message me 😊
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
The Oldest Pogue
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Part 2
Request: Yes or No
Btw some things might change but not drastically.
(Y/N) stood beside JJ, munching on a twinkie as he watched him toss rock.
"Thanks for sticking up for me." JJ mumbled, looking at him. (Y/N) nodded, giving a small smile.
"Of course, JJ." (Y/N) patted his hand before turning his head as John B started speaking.
"Look, I'm callin' it off, alright?" John B looked at them. "Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS."
"And you believed her?" JJ cocked a brow. (Y/N) gently nudged him. He knew Peterkin well. She was like a mother to him.
"Yes, I believe her, JJ."
"An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop." JJ tossed another rock. (Y/N) internally sighed. He knew JJ had a long history with cops and he knew a lot of the ones in the department just took the job to have power over people. It took a while for the group to trust (Y/N) cause of his father.
"How do we know he won't snitch?" JJ asked John B, not caring about being quiet. Kiara shot (Y/N) an apologetic smile. (Y/N) brushed her off. He stood, stepping outside and approaching them.
"Look, if I were you, I wouldn't trust me either. I don't mean any harm to you guys. You don't have to trust me right away and I don't expect it. Dad isn't using me to spy on you. I have free will to do whatever the fuck I want. I can help you guys if you get arrested by lowering the bail or convincing them to not arrest you at all." (Y/N) shrugged.
"John B and Pope are my friends. I'm not here to take your spot." (Y/N) shifted his gaze onto John B. "When's your dad getting home? I could start up dinner for everyone."
"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun." John B said, tossing his beer to the side. JJ rolled his eyes.
"You know what we should have done, man? We should've let Topper drown your ass." JJ said, continuing to toss rocks.
"Yeah, like Topper was gonna drown me?" John B scoffed.
"Sure looked like it." JJ replied.
"That's funny."
"I mean have you looked in a mirror?" JJ got off the table, approaching everyone. (Y/N) took his spot, finishing his twinkie as he watched them.
"Come on, tell me some more. Come on." John B encouraged as JJ got closer.
"They always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win! Goddamn!" JJ shook his head, walking away from them.
"Okay!" Kiara tried to defuse the situation but JJ whipped around. "No, it's not okay!"
"JJ.." (Y/N) sighed, walking towards him.
"No, (Y/N). They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it." JJ said, pointed at John B, earning an eye roll.
"I know you do. And I understand why you don't wanna go." JJ pointed at Pope. "You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk." JJ shifted his attention onto Kiara.
"And you.. I mean, you're rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?" JJ looked at (Y/N).
"And you.. You're a golden boy too. Another year of school before you're off to some cooking school where you'll forget about us." (Y/N) frowned, knowing it wasn't true. JJ looked at John B.
"But you and me, man, we got nothing to lose! We really don't, alright?"
"JJ.." John B sighed.
"And I know.. It didn't use to be that way for you." John B shook his head.
"I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it." John B went to walk past JJ.
"So that's it?" JJ asked. John B pushed him away.
"Just get out of my way, bro." John B huffed, walking away. The others could simply watch.
"John B, listen to me. I have a plan." JJ said, following him and standing beside him.
"You got the key to Cameron's big boat, right?" John B tried to object. "There's scuba gear inside, man. We just borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon, and that is what's gonna save you, man." JJ said, holding his shoulders.
"You don't see rich kids going to foster care, do you?" JJ questioned. John B seemed hesitant.
"I know this is gonna sound shitty of me.. But.. What if this could be or lead to a possible hint of where your dad is, John B?" (Y/N) watched them turn to face him.
"(Y/N).." Kiara shook her head. (Y/N) sighed.
"I know this is a sensitive topic but, think about it. We haven't heard from him in nine months and suddenly you guys find this boat. It never hurts to try." (Y/N) shrugged.
"Scooter was probably drunk and thought it would be fun to ride the waves." Kiara said. "Plus you're supposed to be the voice of reason and logic, like Pope!"
"I know, Kie." (Y/N) sighed, looking at John B. "Up to you."
"Make this quick, alright? Dad has a group of officers and volunteers out looking for this wreck." (Y/N) said.
"Oh, good. You're back." Kiara looked at him. (Y/N) gently shoved her. Kiara laughed softly, checking the tanks.
"This is empty. You took empty tanks?" Kiara asked. John B ran his hand through his hair, shrugging lightly.
"Okay, this one's a quarter full. It's enough for one of us." Kiara said, looking at the boys.
"Love it when a plan comes together." JJ mumbled.
"Does anybody know how to dive?" Kiara asked. They remained silent.
"It's kind of a Kook sport." JJ said. Kiara sighed.
"The closest I've ever gotten was watching a documentary." (Y/N) shrugged. JJ chuckled. "Nerd."
"I... Read about about it." Pope said.
"Great, Pope read about it and (Y/N) watched a documentary, so somebody's gonna die." Kiara shook her head.
"Look, y-you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?" JJ questioned.
"Well, if you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends." Pope informed them.
"Bends like, bend over and.." JJ arched his back.
"The bends kill you." Pope interrupted. JJ blinked and straightened up. "Right." (Y/N) snorted, shaking his head.
"I can... I can dive." John B offered.
"Yeah, you can dive. I'm cool with that." JJ nodded.
"Since when can you dive?" Kiara asked, brows furrowing as the wind tossled everyone's hair.
"I'll do it. It's fine." John B assured. Pope stood.
"Let me do some calculations real quick." Pope said. Kiara stared at John B, frowning and shaking her head. Pope quickly did the calculations. Kiara took off her shirt and jumped into the water, causing the boys to look.
"Uh.." John B glanced at the boys.
"What was that all about?"
"I don't know, but I liked it. A lot." JJ grinned. (Y/N) rolled his eyes. "Don't be jealous, (N/N). We still think you're hot." JJ patted his head.
"I know. I catch you guys staring. A lot." (Y/N) said, watching the boys softly flush and look away.
"So, uh, yeah. When you, uh, when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold, you stick this thing inside and twist and pull, away?" JJ showed him the key. Kiara resurfaced, swimming towards the boat.
"Hey, I tied my t-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down. It's where you need to do your safety stop." Kiara told them. (Y/N) helped her onto the boat as Pope helped John B prep some more. JJ tried giving him some advice on keeping calm.
"When you start running out of air, resurface.. Even if you haven't found anything. Your safety is more important than some wreck." (Y/N) said. John B nodded.
"Got it, Mama Pogue." John B grinned.
"Hey, if we get caught out in the marsh, we're bascially screwed, so... Better get a move on." Pope said. John B nodded as Kiara approached him. She stepped up, leaning in and pecking his cheek. John B blinked. The boys exchanged glances.
"Diver down?"
"Diver down." Kiara stepped down as John B hopped into the water. He disappeared under. (Y/N) anxiously watched the water, searching for signs of distress.
"He'll be fine, (Y/N)." JJ gently tugged on his arm. (Y/N) sighed and nodded, sitting beside him. JJ gently bumped his knee against (Y/N)'s, their legs touching. (Y/N) was too focused on the water to notice. They heard a siren sound and turned to look.
"Fuck me." (Y/N) whispered. JJ cocked a brow, giving a grin. (Y/N) noticed and nudged his leg, chuckling.
"Just act frickin' normal." Kiara said.
"You should deal with this, (Y/N)." Pope said. (Y/N) huffed lightly.
"Evening, officers." Pope greeted. Shoupe immediately looked at his son.
"Evening." Shoupe returned the greeting. He cleared his throat, looking at them.
"How you kids doing? The marsh is closed. (Y/N), you know this." Shoupe shot his son a pointed look.
"Sorry, dad. I forgot.. I had a lot of things on my mind and it slipped. I was thinking about our conversation from yesterday." (Y/N) looked at him, frowning. Shoupe sighed but nodded.
"Why is it closed anyway?" JJ asked.
"Well, we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down." Shoupe explained. "Seen anything?"
"Nope. No boat." Pope and JJ shook their heads. (Y/N) licked his lips, shaking his head as well.
"Where's your friend you always hang with? He here?" Shoupe asked them all, though he looked at (Y/N). JJ and Pope subtly glanced at each other.
"He's working." Kiara answered. Shoupe hummed.
"I'm gonna check your little boat out." Shoupe said, getting on the boat. (Y/N) sighed deeply.
"Don't worry, I'm not trying to embarrass you, (Y/N)." Shoupe said. "Feels like it." (Y/N) mumbled.
"You can check her out." Pope shrugged, standing and letting Shoupe wonder around, checking things. Shoupe stepped up, putting his sunglasses on and looking at the water. (Y/N) watched him, anxiety slowly spiking. Minutes passed.
"Are you done checking out your reflection, dad?" (Y/N) asked. Shoupe chuckled, turning around and looking at them.
"Beautiful day, ain't it?" Shoupe headed back to his boat. The boys agreed.
"Let us know if you find anything on your way out." Shoupe said.
"Will do." Pope nodded. Shoupe started the engine, heading away from them. They quickly went to the edge, waiting for John B to resurface.
"He's definitely out of air." Pope mumbled. John B surfaced, the anxiety and tension leaving. JJ quickly helped John B.
"Did you find anything?"
"Did I find anything.." John B grinned, tossing the bag into the boat.
"Yeah, there we go! That's my boy!" JJ laughed.
"You okay?" Kiara asked.
"Yeah, I ran out of air." John B climbed onboard.
"Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh... We took care of 'em." Pope said. (Y/N) brushed the hair out of John B's face, shaking his head.
"That was stupid but.. We got something out of it." (Y/N) mumbled.
"Hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o'clock." Kiara said. The boys turned their heads, seeing the boat.
"Anyone recognize that boat?" Pope asked.
"Never seen it." Kiara shooo her head. "What are they doing here? The marsh is closed."
"Dad said volunteers could help." (Y/N) reminded.
"Let's not stick around." JJ said.
"JJ, get the bowline." John B said. (Y/N) kept an eye on the boat.
"They don't seem friendly." (Y/N) mumbled.
"Don't wait for me." JJ said as John B started the engine. They quickly tried leaving.
"They're picking up speed." (Y/N) called. They glanced back.
"They're following us." Kiara glanced at the boys. They quickly got into a chase. (Y/N) looked back at the boat.
"Fuck, get down!"
"Why?" A gunshot answered the question. They quickly ducked, John B having to stay standing so he could drive.
"Oh my god, we're gonna die." Pope said. They heard more gunshots, John B making turns which made the shooter miss.
"Shit, Pope, move." Kiara stood, grabbing some nets.
"Kie, get down!" (Y/N) shouted, flinching when another gunshot rang out. Kiara tossed the net into the water, the boat chasing them stopping when the net caught them. They whooped and laughed, shock passing.
"Is everyone okay?" (Y/N) asked. They nodded. "Kie, that was fucking dangerous but smart as hell. Tell us beforehand."
"Yes, Mama Pogue." Kiara chuckled. They got to John B's wooden port and tied the boat before getting off. John B put the duffle bag down, opening it as the others gathered around.
"What do you guys think it is?" Kiara asked.
"It's gotta be money." John B replied.
"Probably drugs." (Y/N) shrugged.
"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope asked, causing the others to look at him.
"Wow, Pope. That's a rare outburst of emotion." John B said, chuckling. They opened it, finding a metal thing. John B opened it and took out the thing inside. His face fell, opening it and staring at the compass.
"Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right." Pope nodded. They seemed dissapointed.
"At least it looks nice." (Y/N) said, noticing the look on John B's face. "What's up?"
"This was my father's." John B whispered, a smile appearing on his face.
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gaylorlyrics · 4 years
Better Than Revenge
I’ve been seeing a few posts on this lately, so I wanted to do some analysis. The mainstream narrative of this song is that Taylor and Joe Jonas broke up (in the infamous 27 second phone call) and Joe then immediately dated Camilla Belle.
It does seem that this song is about that triangle, but rather than it being real relationships, a closer look shows that it was about Taylor’s beard being used by Camilla Belle.
Additionally, this song serves the purpose of getting more publicity for all involved in the triangle, although it definitely seems like Camilla Belle got the short stick. Joe Jonas & Taylor both got a lot of press from their break up and wrote multiple songs hinting at the details. Taylor’s first song that was alleged to be about Joe was Forever & Always.
The Jonas Brothers (except Kevin)) have always used their public relationships to bolster their careers - Miley, Selena, Taylor, and Demi. Now they incorporate their wives (”wives”) into their songs, music videos, merch, and overall marketing. Note that both Nick and Joe just happened to get married just as they were releasing their new album and staging their comeback. The use of contractual relationships has been a constant in their strategy to stay relevant. (Not dragging - I love the Jo Bros - just being honest)
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"Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did."
Throughout the song Taylor infantilizes Camilla and compares the situation to a playground fight. Also Taylor loves to talk in her songs!!!
Time for a little revenge The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and... I had it all, I had him right there where I wanted him
Taylor and Joe started bearding in Summer 2008 and bearded for 3 months, July 2008- Oct 2008, a fiscal quarter. It seems like this was the first of many 3 month long contracts for Taylor (Jake, John, Connor, etc). In general this was the first highly publicized “relationship” that Tay was in, seemingly her first beard. Note that is started just after Camp Rock came out, which starred Joe and featured him and the Jo Bros on the soundtrack, and it was just before Taylor released Fearless in Nov 2008, so both were trying to maximize their press coverage and promote their respective projects.
My complete and total guess (plz feel free to correct me if I’m missing something or just totally wrong) is that Taylor wanted to extend the contract since she was releasing Fearless in Nov 2008 and was doing a ton of promo for that, and potentially thought that bearding would help? But that Joe already had the Camilla narrative lined up. Seems like it would be very beneficial for her, given how famous Joe was at the time. Idk just a thought!!
She came along, got him alone and let's hear the applause She took him faster than you could say "sabotage" The line “let’s hear the applause” indicates that that it’s all for show and a PR relationship. It sets the stage for the song as being a literal stage, a performance for an audience (the public).
I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it I underestimated just who I was dealing with She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum She underestimated just who she was stealing from My best guess on this is that it’s referring to Camilla Belle being significantly less famous that Tay, and Tay being angry that her business plan didn’t go as she anticipated. 
ALSO - Camilla Belle seemed to be a beard as well. It was rumored that Camille was with Maria Sharapova at this time and then the relationship with Joe popped up (”Waiting outside the room was a Hollywood actress, Camilla Belle. Seated inside was the world's highest-earning female athlete, a woman who has become synonymous with racket-swinging glamour, and a close friend of Belle's - Maria Sharapova”). Interestingly, this post talks about Maria specifically and her bearding.
She's not a saint And she's not what you think She's an actress She's better known For the things that she does on the mattress
Okay - this is a super cruel line. The being an actress line refers to Camilla bearding and acting straight. The mattress line is a play on words, saying - sure, she’s an actress, but she’s only known for, and famous because of, the people who she dates, i.e. “dating” Joe. Tay is saying without the contractual bearding relationship Camilla would not be known. Soon she's gonna find Stealing other people's toys On the playground won't make you many friends
“Stealing other people’s toys”?? This is one of the first times that Tay clearly objectifies the men she is supposedly in love with and talks about them as an thing that is hers to use as she likes. Other examples include “Cruel Summer” (Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price/You know that I bought it) and “Don’t Blame Me” (Toyin' with them older guys/Just to play things for me to use). Also this brings the child imagery back.
She should keep in mind She should keep in mind There is nothing I do better than revenge She looks at life like it's a party and she's on the list She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
This alludes to the cyclical nature of stardom and how people have a ton of press and a huge following, but are then quickly “over”. Taylor is saying that, by dating Joe, Camilla is able to get into parties and thinks Taylor is “over”.
I think her ever-present frown is a little troubling She thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things
This line keeps me up at night. All I can come up with for this rhyme is “What the hell, Camilla Belle?” If you have something better please message me. But sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go They wouldn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity
This line, honestly as well as the ones before it, clearly refers to dating someone for social status and celebrity standing. It’s about looking a specific way to social climb and gain more clout - aka bearding in order to get more famous.
Camilla went to the elite all-girls Marlborough School, speaks multiple languages, and trained in classical music - hence the “prep school” line. 
Chorus I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey You might have him but haven't you heard I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey You might have him but I always get the last word
Even just a couple albums in, Taylor already had a name for being honest and confrontational in her writing. Here Taylor is saying that without Joe she still is relevant, and they should know that she will address the situation head on. She gets the last word in the “relationship” with this song, but she also gets the last word with the general public by building a longer lasting career, and growing her career even though she is no longer in her contract with Joe.
Chorus Do you still feel like you know what you're doing? 'Cause I don't think you do. Do you still feel like you know what you're doing? I don't think you do I don't think you do Let's hear the applause Come on show me how much better you are (so much better, yeah?) So you deserve some applause 'cause you're so much better
This directly references the Jonas Brother song Much Better, that says “I get a rep for breakin' hearts/Now I'm done with superstars/And all the teardrops on her guitar/I'm not bitter“. There are a few other JB songs that are supposedly about Tay (Paranoid for one, which has a video that randomly has some similar imagery to the Lover music video?? I don’t have time to unpack if that’s a coincidence or not.)
She took him faster than you could say "sabotage"
*****worth noting that Tay has said she regrets some things she said in this song. Slut shaming and bashing other women isn’t cool and is just doing the patriarchy’s dirty work for them!!!! Don’t do it!!!!*****
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omegangrins · 4 years
[Kingsmen 3: The Golden Service] Harry Hart turns "villain"
TL;DR: The Lepidopterist is the *perfect* name for a "colorfull" megalomaniac who's trying to save the world via villainy.
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I've allways had a nagging feeling that Colin Firth's Harry Hart is destined to become a villain. Like Valentine and Poppy, our Hart will break.
Why do I think this? Let's start simple:
1) "I always felt that the old Bond films were only as good as the villain. As a child, I rather fancied a future as a colorful megalomaniac."
Now you could take it as face value veiled metaphor in their cat and mouse game. A game recognize game moment. Though when you look at it from a character angle, it is rather apparent that Galahad is not lying here. Look at the giddy nature in which they both talk about the subject. Almost lost in a moment of childhood nostalgia. Neither man is lying. So if Valentine tried to save the world like his younger self wanted, then it stands to reason that Harry has that childhood dream himself.
Harry even has a flair for the dramatic already. "Manners maketh man" is all about him causing a dignified scene to teach a lesson to all watching. In the Freebird church scene, you can see it BEFORE he starts fighting because of Valentine's machine.
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Feels like a simple "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I'm hot and need to breath outside for moment" would have sufficed and gotten him out of there without hassle from the crazy Baptist and he KNEW that but didn't care. Arthur implies this subversiveness in their conversations about choosing candidates. Then there's the *way* in which he kills everyone there. Not just defense or trying to kill quickly but lots of slow, painful, and fucked up deaths. The killing is Valentine but the style is ALL Harry. It's part of the reasons he's disgusted. Not the enjoyment, but the ease with which he turned so gleefully. That slow motion fade in smile in the middle is proof of this. Harry *wanted* to punish those people the same way Valentine did. That's proven by what he says at the start. (Don't blame him either, just character commenting. Fuck those people.) Part of me thinks the Freebird is playing in *HIS* head. He's a bird freed by blood.
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2) The Lepidopterist
I know the clip is from Venture Bros but it's meant to show how two "good guys" became bad. Kinda the perfect coincidence. But I digress... it was a shameless plug to #SavetheVentureBros. 😎😙😍
The hobbyist collecting of insects, fauna/flora, and what-have-yous has looooong been a trope of "colorful megalomaniacs".
Then there's the added bonus that The Lepidopterist sounds like the *perfect* name for a Bond villain.
Butterflies even symbolize death and rebirth and the violence inherent in transforming something for the better.
Is Harry's butterflies a set-up foreshadowing to his coming transformation from "hero" to "villain"?
"I doubt whether I'd work for anyone who drowns their employees. I want to go home. I want my butterfly collection. I want to see Mother."
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3) As we know, all the best villains are ones we sympathize with and understand WHY they do what they do. Valentine was trying to solve over-population and save what he could of the species so it wouldn't happen again. Poppy wanted drugs to be legal, partially for vanity reasons but mainly for anger at global government hypocrisies (the same governments which had their heads blown up for trying to kill humanity for their own gain). Wouldn't it fit perfectly for Harry Hart to have seen the horrors inflicted by the world governments and the corruption of not only Statesmen, but his beloved Kingsmen themselves, and say "No more." What's he gonna feel when he finds out Arthur sold the Kingsmen's soul and got him killed? How long has the "shoot the dog" exercise been in practice? Why is trying to drown someone thought of as a reasonable way to help them? Does the rot go to the core? All things any reasonable person would ask after being shot for an organization that was just blown up by a drug dealer.
"When I was shot, can you guess what the last thing was that flashed through my mind? It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind. Never experienced companionship, never been in love. And in that moment, all I felt was loneliness and regret."
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Who's to say what he would do or the methods he would take, but villains are merely people casting shadows in the way of the light.
4) I put this last because it's more pun than the others and because I only realized it while writing their names out loud. Valentine. Poppy. Hart. A valentine is love, poppies symbolize death, and a heart combines both (a Hart is also the name for an adult male deer over the age of five but I'm not British enough to understand what the fuck that has to do with anything.) There's also Richmond Valentine/Rich Man Love (Rich dude saving the world). Poppy Adams/ Poppy of the Earth (Death of the World). And finally Harry Hart/Harry Heart. An attacking heart. Yeah, that's the old definition of "harry". To harass. (Or Power Ruler of the Five Year Old Male Deer. This isn't an exact science 🙃 ). Honestly, as I write these out, the puns become the hardest piece of proof for me. Brits love a good wordplay foreshadowing.
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"... this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
AND what else do they have in common? They're all things associated with the color red. And what's red?
Sorry, couldn't resist the touch of drama. 🤣
P.S. I know it's not really related but I also subscribe to the Poppy is a former Statesmen theory as well.
Making this an even more thematic connection. Good guys gone villain because of shitty situations.
5) HE'S WEARING AN EYEPATCH!!! How autistic am I that I missed that in my explanation. Eyepatches just seem that normal to me but they're like the ultimate villain accessory. Unless you're a pirate.
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6) /u/Bespoke3 pointed out how the one thing keeping this from happening is Eggsy and Harry's relationship, and I contended that it was true. While making an interesting movie, you need a sufficient reason for those two to be on opposite ends of each other. And in rambling through comments, I found it. This is why you write shit outloud:
It's Princess Tilde!
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The first movie showed that world leaders would gladly sell their souls to save themselves, Princess Tilde being one of the few exceptions. The second showed that even after those figureheads exploded (see what I did there 🤣), there was still terrible people left in charge making even worse decisions.
What if Harry's plan is to attack all of the "leaders" of the world as a way to show people they have the power to govern themselves. This would put Princess Tilde, and moreso her family, directly in the line of fire and force Eggsy's hand to intervene and choose.
Save the girl or save the world.
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7) As /u/baddestmofointhe209 pointed out, Harry *was* shot in the head. That kind of thing does tend to mess with people after the fact. Maybe turning villain isn't such a stretch. Not evil, but morally grey.
7) As /u/baddestmofointhe209 pointed out, Harry *was* shot in the head. That kind of thing does tend to mess with people after the fact. Maybe turning villain isn't such a stretch. Not evil, but morally grey.
8) My wife was telling me about how Colin Firth has allways wanted to play the villain too.
"Whenever you take on playing a villain, he has to cease to be a villain to you. If you judge this man by his time, he's doing very little wrong."
“I’d never rule out a part in Doctor Who or Torchwood – especially Doctor Who, I’d also love to play a villain like Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes."
9) Thanks to some pushback from /u/The-Reddit-Giraffe, I decided to Google Kingsmen 3 rumors and stumbled on this little nugget about it, and specifically the Harry/Eggsy relationship:
"I'm really not allowed to say anything, but there is a script. It's a really neat idea."
Outside of it telling the finale of Eggsy and Harry Hart's story, we don't know all that much about the plot for the third movie.
"People will either freak out in a good way, or freak out in a bad way, but they will freak out," Vaughn teased. "We're literally finishing the script off as I speak – but they go on a journey that, if anyone sees it coming, then I'll give up."
To which I would like to thank YOU. This is why I love being shown how I could be wrong. I can't help but feel like this is EXACTLY what they're talking about. You don't have a script finished that fast if you didn't already know where you were going with the first two.
It HAS to end like this. Now I can't see any other way. Maybe The Rock is the Big Bad they have to team up to stop at the end but I will say with 99% confidence that Harry Hart will turn rogue for the first 2/3 of the movie.
10) This wouldn't be the first time I was right about something like this either.
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