#“autumn the dvd comes out in october” SHUT UP
I need to rewatch dp nd wolverine again.
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americasass91 · 4 years
Last Kiss
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Hello lovelies!! I’m back with my second submission to @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ awesome Autumn challenge! This one once again stars Ransom! It’s not as smutty as I usually do(I know, what’s wrong with me?). There’s also a quote from Grey’s Anatomy in here. Every time I hear it, I get chills. Also there are flashbacks and those will be in italics. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!!
Verbal Prompts:
“I love you, Jerkface.”
“It’s all just a bunch of Hocus Pocus
Location/Activity Prompts:
Fall Festival
Walking through a park with leaves
Rating: Explicit(Maybe Mature?)
Warnings: Angst, Ransom being an asshole, some smut, language
September 22nd, 2019. Today was the first official day of Fall. It used to be your favorite time of the year. Nothing made you happier than the colder weather, the leaves changing colors, and of course Halloween.
That was all tainted now by memories of him.
It was all your fault really. Your friends told you not to get involved with him. Told you it would end in nothing but heartbreak. You really wished you would’ve listened to them. It would have definitely saved you a lot of heartache.
You can’t believe you wasted 3 years of your life with him. 3 years you would never get back. The only good thing about any of it is the lessons you learned from the failed relationship.
They say it takes 2 people to make a relationship fail. You don’t think that’s the case this time. You were totally and 100% devoted to him and making it work. You thought he was as well. You thought wrong.
September 3rd, 2015
You really hated going to the clubs. Why go out when you could be on your couch huddled under a plethora of blankets and binge watching your newest obsession, Schitt’s Creek?
But, unfortunately you had promised your friends you would stop being a hermit and rejoin society for the evening.
So you put on some black leggings, a long burgundy sweater, and some black ankle boots and head to your friends. You decided to walk since it was only a couple of blocks from your apartment.
The smile couldn’t leave your face if you wanted it to on your little walk. The air was chilly, Fall was definitely almost here. Boston was the most beautiful place during Fall. You couldn’t wait for the hayrides, getting lost in a corn maze, and delicious hot apple cider.
You finally reach the club and head inside to find your friends. It takes you no time at all to spot them at a table near the back. You head to the bar to order a drink before heading to your girls.
It’s crowded tonight so you find the only open spot and squeeze your way through and attempt to flag down the busy bartender.
After a few minutes of failed attempts you decide to sit on the stool and patiently wait until he comes over to you.
“Having trouble getting his attention, sweetheart?”
You turn your head to the left and you momentarily forget how to speak. This man attempting to start a conversation with you is beautiful. You’d say handsome but that’s not nearly good enough. He has amazing blue eyes that you feel yourself getting lost in. He chuckles when he realizes the effect he has on you. It shakes you out of your trance.
“Sorry, my brain quit working there for a minute. Yes, I can’t seem to get his attention.”
He smiles and takes a sip of what you assume is whiskey in his glass. He gives you a quick wink before turning his attention to the bartender. “Hey, Earl! This gorgeous lady here would like a drink.”
You blush furiously. He just called you gorgeous. When he looks like the walking version of Adonis.
Earl comes right over. “Sorry dear. Super busy tonight. What can I get for you?”
Still being in a Fall mood you decide on an Angry Orchard.
He nods and goes to get it for you.
“I never would have pegged you as a hard cider girl.” The beautiful mystery man says as he not-so-discreetly checks you out.
“I guess I’m full of surprises. Thanks though for getting his attention. Are you guys friends? He came over here right away.”
“Nah, I just spend a lot of money here so he never makes me wait. I guess you could say I’m at the top of his priority list.” He gives you a heart stopping smile when Earl comes back over and sets your Cider in front of you.
“That’ll be 4.50 hun.”
As you’re reaching for your wallet, the mysterious man speaks up again. “Put it on my tab Earl. In fact, put whatever else she drinks tonight on my tab, too.”
Earl nods and goes to tend to one of the many other patrons. You look wide eyed over at the stranger. “Thank you but I can’t let you do that. You don’t even know me.”
“Well let’s remedy that shall we? I’m Ransom.” He holds out his hand to you.
You gladly shake it. “Y/N. What are these drinks going to cost me, Ransom?”
He releases your hand as he smirks at you. “Well gorgeous, what will it get me?”
You put your finger to your chin and ponder for a moment. “Hmmm. Well I guess you could take me out on a date.”
He grins even wider. “Done. How about next Friday night? Say 7? We could meet here?”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then, handsome-I mean, Ransom.” You wink as you grab your drink and head over to your friends.
“Geez took you long enough!” Jessica exclaims as you sit beside her.
“Sorry! I was in the middle of staring at the hottest man I’ve ever seen. And I must have charmed him because I have a date next Friday!”
Your 3 friends look towards the bar. “Okay, which lucky guy is it babe?” Rachel wants to know as she looks back at you.
“That one, in the blue sweater. His name is Ransom.” You point discreetly towards him.
Jessica looks at you with wide eyes. “No, Y/N! You can’t go out with him! He’s an asshole! Like I’m talking major asshole. He changes girlfriends like he changes underwear! Go cancel it.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard nothing but horrible things, Y/N. Save yourself the heartbreak and go end it now.” Rachel agrees with Jessica.
You can’t believe them. The first date you’ve had in god knows how long and they are both trying to shut you down. You turn towards Sophie, who has remained unusually quiet. “Well what about you, Soph? What’s your opinion?”
She glances over at him. “Look, I’ve also heard he’s an asshole but I also heard he’s phenomenal in bed so what’s wrong with her getting some?” She then directs her gaze at Jess and Rachel.
“Nothing is wrong with that at all! We just know how she gets. She can’t just sleep with him and then be done. That’s not her. She’ll catch feelings. Like always.”
You glare over at Jessica. “First of all stop talking about me like I’m not even here! And yes I know I’ve managed to catch feelings in the past but for Christ’s sake it’s just a date! It’s not like I accepted a marriage proposal. Who said I’d even want to see him again after Friday?”
You regret more than anything not canceling that date.
October 27th, 2015
By now you were on your 10th date with Ransom. You had suggested a horror movie marathon at your place which he graciously accepted. You were still trying to find the asshole part of him. He’s been nothing but amazing to you so far.
You answer the door as soon as you hear him knocking. He greets you with a huge smile and a bag of snacks. “Hi, gorgeous.” He drops the bag and pulls you in for a searing kiss. This is as far as you two had gone and you were hoping to change that tonight.
You smile as you break from the kiss. “What movie do you want to start with first?”
He picks up the bag and hands it to you as he heads into the living room. “Why not start with a classic? Halloween.” He picks it up and heads to put it in the DVD player.
“Perfect! I’ll go get the drinks and snacks.”
After grabbing a couple of beers and some popcorn you head back in to find Ransom all comfy on your couch. He smiles and opens his arms for you. You happily oblige and get settled in them before pressing play.
You make it til almost the end before the kissing starts. Which leads to you straddling him. Which then leads to grinding down on his growing erection.
He groans and pulls out of the kiss. “Should we take this to your bedroom, gorgeous?”
You nod enthusiastically and lead him to it.
Well Sophie was definitely right about one thing, he was phenomenal in bed.
November 15th, 2015
You’ve officially been dating Ransom for about 2 months now. And you couldn’t be happier.
You were currently in the throes of passion and tangled up in the sheets with Ransom buried deep inside of you.
“Come on, gorgeous. Move those hips faster. You’re the one that wanted to be on top.” He smacks your ass and grabs onto your hips.
You place your hands on his chest and move as fast as your body will allow. “I’m going as fast as I can, Ran. You could help you know.”
He smirks as he sits up and starts meeting your thrusts. He grabs onto your hips and starts basically moving them for you. All you can do is wrap your arms around his neck and hang on for the ride. You know you’re about to fall over the edge.
“God damn, gorgeous. I can feel you squeezing me tight. Come on, come for me. Make a mess all over this big cock.” He moves one hand and starts rubbing your clit in hard circles. That’s all you needed. You come with a scream of his name. Your release triggers his. He whispers your name as he spills inside of you. He thrusts into you a few more times before he stills and pulls you in for a hug.
After a few minutes both of your breathing comes back to normal. He pulls back a little and tucks some hair behind your ear. He cups your face and runs his thumb over your cheek. He pulls you in for a breathtaking kiss. So different from the heated ones you were sharing not even 2 minutes ago. He pulls away and looks at you with what you can only describe as love in his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. I know it’s only been 2 months but, I do.”
A smile breaks out across your face. “Thank god you said it. I’ve been wanting to say it for weeks now!”
He gets the biggest smile on his face. “You have not! You’re just saying that because I was brave enough to say it first you chicken!” He says teasingly as he starts peppering kisses over your neck, causing you to giggle.
You gasp, pretending to be offended. “Chicken? Excuse you, I am no chicken. I just didn’t want to scare you away!”
He starts poking right under your ribs, knowing how ticklish you are. “You couldn’t scare me away even if you tried, chicken.”
You try to pull out of his grasp but he holds you even tighter. He pulls you back in for another toe curling kiss.
You pull enough away so that you can tell him, “I love you, Jerkface.”
He throws his head back in laughter. “I love you, too, gorgeous girl.”
September 1st, 2016
You were wrapped up in Ransom’s arms and listening to the sound of the rain hitting the windows. You both decided today was a great day to stay in bed and do nothing. You had recently moved in with Ransom and so far things had been amazing. Sure you had the occasional spat but the make-up sex was always fantastic. Sometimes you think he starts them on purpose.
You were almost asleep when you heard Ransom say something. You gaze sleepily up at him. “I’m sorry Ran, I didn’t hear you. What was that?”
He continues running his hand through your hair as he smiles down at you. “I asked if you wanted to go to the Fall Festival when it’s up and running? I know it’s your favorite thing.”
You sit up a little and look down at him. “Ransom, you hate the Fall Festival. You wouldn’t go with me last year.”
“Yeah, well I want to take you this year. I even promise to enjoy myself. Please?”
Well how could you say no to that?
“Okay, fine. You’ve pulled my leg.”
October 21st, 2016
As soon as Ransom pulled into the festival you started squealing with excitement. He couldn’t help but laugh at your eagerness, almost feeling it himself. Nervous, but eager nonetheless.
You both get out of the car and head towards the gate. “What do you want to do first, Ransom?”
He pretends to ponder it for a moment. “How about we get you some cider and then go for a hayride?”
You beam up at him. “Perfect!”
You can’t help but notice as you’re in line for the hayride how weird Ransom is acting.
“You okay, babe? You’ve been acting off all day.”
He looks down at you. “Uh, yeah. Fine. Just a lot on my mind. Nothing for you to worry about.”
You furrow your brows. “Are you sure? You know you can talk to me about anything.”
Before he has a chance to reply, you’re being called for the next hayride.
You’re relaxing against Ransom and enjoying the beautiful view when he clears his throat. You give him a questioning look.
“Y/N. I know we haven’t been together terribly long and have only been living together for a few months but”...he reaches into his brown coat pocket and pulls out a small box. You gasp and put your hand over your mouth... “You have really changed my life for the better. You make me so happy and I just want to do the same for you. So with that being said”...He opens the box and reveals a beautiful diamond ring...“Will you marry me?”
You can’t even speak. You have tears pouring down your face. You are beyond happy. You furiously nod your head and throw your arms around his neck. He reciprocates the hug and wraps his arms around you. You hear clapping coming from the other people on the hayride.
He pulls away from you and grabs your left hand. He places the diamond on your finger. “Thank you gorgeous girl.”
“Thank you for what?”
“Making me the happiest I think I’ve ever been.”
“Is this why you wanted to bring me to the festival?”
He looks away sheepishly. “Well, yeah. What better way to propose to a girl who loves Fall than on a hayride?”
You smile and give him a kiss. “You know we’re having a Fall wedding right?”
He chuckles. “I wouldn’t expect anything different. But can we be engaged for a while? Just enjoy it before the headache of wedding planning takes over?”
“Fine with me, handsome.”
September 15th, 2018
With the wedding only a little over a month away, you were super busy. Not only did you have work but now you had to plan a wedding too.
Ransom didn’t help with it. He said he wanted you to do what you wanted and he’d be happy.
Well easier said than done. Of course your girls helped you out. After they got over the initial shock of Ransom proposing, they were on board for a Fall wedding and you couldn’t have gotten the planning done without them.
The stress of the wedding has really been taking its toll on you and Ransom. You guys have been fighting a lot more recently. You’ve actually taken your ring off a few times and threw it at him, claiming you could never marry a child like him. Of course that always blew over in a few hours and he would slide the ring right back on as he fucked you against the nearest surface.
You guys haven’t had much time together lately what with you working and wedding planning. You were in some desperate need of Ransom.
You decided to leave work at noon today to surprise him.
On your way home you stopped by his favorite sandwich shop to pick up lunch and even stopped by a bakery for some cookies. Pumpkin chocolate chip. His favorite.
You smile when you see his Beemer in the driveway. You couldn’t wait to see him. And let’s be real, fuck him.
Your smile falters however as you’re unlocking the door. You hear some odd noises coming from the kitchen.
You turn the corner and stop dead in your tracks. You drop everything in your hands to the floor. There was your fiancé, with some girl bent over the kitchen counter, fucking into her without abandon.
He looks over at the noise and notices the food spilled all over the floor. He moves his gaze up your body and reaches your tear-filled eyes. He holds out his finger to you, asking you to hold on a minute.
Your jaw drops. Not only is he fucking some bitch against YOUR kitchen counter, he has the audacity to tell you to wait?
He turns his attention back to the whore in front of him and picks up his pace a little. You can’t stand there any longer. You head upstairs to your shared bedroom and start looking for your suitcase. You find it buried in the closet and throw it opened onto the bed. You start throwing clothes into it, not even bothering to fold anything. You are trying your hardest not to let the tears fall. You couldn’t let him see you cry.
A few minutes later you hear him come into the room. “Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?”
You stop rummaging through your underwear drawer and turn towards him. He’s standing at the doorway looking shocked that you’re packing. “Excuse me, shouldn’t I have asked you that question when I walked in and found you fucking some random girl in our kitchen?”
He rolls his eyes as he walks in the room and starts taking your clothes out of the suitcase. “Would you calm down? It’s not like you’ve been willing lately. Had to find somebody else to take care of my needs.”
He was saying this like it was no big deal. You couldn’t believe it. Sure you’d been stressed and tired lately and had turned down a couple advances from him. But you had sex only 2 weeks ago so it hasn’t even been that long. You started yelling. “It’s been 2 weeks Ransom! Not 2 years! I’m sorry I’ve been busy working and planning our wedding alone!”
He once again rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms. You start throwing your clothes back in the suitcase. “You’re not leaving. It’s your fault I had to go find some slut to get off. You’ve been turning me down and acting like a real bitch lately. What did you expect me to do?”
You close your suitcase and zip it up. You look at him, the tears trying desperately to fall down your face. “I expected you to be faithful to me no matter what. But I guess that was asking too much.”
You brush past him and head down the stairs. You can hear him stomping behind you. “So that’s it? You find me fucking someone else and you’re done? What about all the others, huh?”
You stop dead in the hallway and turn around. “How many others have there been Ransom? Have you been faithful to me at all?”
He comes over and puts his hands on your shoulders. “I don’t think it really matters how many others. Haven’t I been nothing but good to you? What’s it matter if I fuck someone else from time to time?”
You shrug out of his grasp. “You just don’t get it do you? Am I not enough for you? Before this wedding planning we were having sex everyday! What more could you want?”
He puts his hands on his hips. “No, sometimes you’re not enough Y/N. Sometimes I want something different. But that doesn’t mean I don’t still love you.” That did it. The tears started falling. You weren’t enough, apparently you’ve never been enough.
“I deserve someone who thinks I am enough, Ransom. You were always more than enough for me. I guess I was asking too much for the same in return. Now you can go fuck anyone you want. Don’t let me stand in your way.”
You turn to leave and feel him grab your arm. He makes you drop your suitcase and spins you around. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. The tears are really falling now. You realize this will be the last time you kiss Ransom Drysdale so you indulge yourself a little and kiss him back. You wrap your arms around his neck and thread your fingers through his hair. He tries to push you back against the wall, that’s when you come back to reality.
You pull away from him and step back. “No, Ransom. You can’t just kiss me and make this better. Nothing is going to make this better. I’m done.”
“Then why the fuck did you kiss me back?”
You pick up your suitcase off the floor. “I guess I just wanted a last kiss from you.”
You turn to leave when he yells at you. “You could at least have the decency to give me back the fucking ring I spent 50 grand on!”
That struck a nerve. You drop your suitcase by the door. “You want it back? Fine!”
You head into the kitchen and remove the ring from your finger. You take a moment to look at it one more time. It really was beautiful.
You hear Ransom come into the kitchen. “Y/N, what are you doing? Give it to me!”
You chuck the ring down the sink drain and flip the switch for the disposal. You turn around to leave and see Ransom standing there with his mouth hanging open. “You fucking bitch! I was going to return that to get my money back!”
You don’t even respond. You just head towards the door and grab your suitcase and don’t look back.
January 20th, 2019
Your friends allowed you to cry over Ransom for only a few months before they came to your apartment and did an intervention. You had only been leaving for work and groceries. Listening to Taylor Swift’s song, Last Kiss, on repeat.
You were thankful for them. Not once did any of your friends say I told you so. But they did all threaten to castrate him.
They also told you that the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else. So you did, a few times.
You decided that tonight was another great night to take someone home. You were hoping it would be this guy at the bar you've been staring at for the past hour.
You decide to just go for it. You ask your friends if you look okay before you start your way towards him. Unfortunately you were stopped about halfway there. By none other than Ransom.
“Well, look who we have here. Y/N, nice to see you.”
You knew this moment would come eventually. You’d been practicing what you were going to say to him. “Hugh, wish I could say the same.”
“Hugh? Ouch. I remember a time when you were moaning Ransom, sweetheart.”
“Yeah well you did a good job to make sure that wouldn’t happen again.”
“Who says it couldn’t? I wouldn’t mind taking you home tonight.” He runs a finger down your arm.
“Ugh, pass.” You start to walk past him. But of course he wasn’t done running his mouth.
“Oh, so you can whore around town and fuck random strangers but you won’t go to bed with me?”
You whip around and glare at him. “What did you just say to me?”
He crosses his arms over his chest and smirks at you. “Yeah, I heard you’ve been sleeping around. Turning into a little whore. I’m proud.”
You walk up and slap him hard across the face. Everyone in the bar has stopped to stare at the two of you. “You don’t get to call me a whore. I’m sorry that I thought you were going to be the person I spent the rest of my life with. You were it for me, Hugh. But you had to go and fuck someone else. So yes, I slept with a few people to try and forget you. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. If anything, you’re the whore.”
He stands there, mouth agape, with his hand over his cheek where you had slapped him.
You don’t even give him time to say anything. You head back over to your friends. They all high five you and tell you how amazing you had been.
Ransom feels all eyes on him and decides it’s probably best if he leaves.
🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 September 22nd, 2019(Current day)
Since Ransom ruined Fall for you last year, you decided to enjoy every second of it this year. Your goal for the day was to take a nice long walk in the park and then go to dinner with your girls tonight.
You get dressed in a pair of black leggings and a grey sweatshirt that says ‘It’s just a bunch of Hocus Pocus’ from your favorite movie ever.
You put on your tennis shoes and grab your keys and a 5 from your wallet and head out.
You moved to New York a few months ago for a new job. You love it here. And so far Fall is just as beautiful here as it was in Boston. The only downside was you missed your friends. That’s why you were so excited for dinner tonight. They were coming in just to see you. Okay and to shop.
You gasp as you enter the park. The leaves are just beautiful. Orange, yellow, and red as far as the eye can see. You can’t help but smile. You just know this Fall will be better than last year was. You just have a feeling.
You spot a cart selling hot apple cider. You remove the 5 from the pocket in your leggings and stand in line. You thank the man who hands it to you and tell him to keep the change. Nothing is going to ruin your mood today.
You start leisurely strolling down a random path and just enjoy the crisp autumn air. There’s a chill to it today and you absolutely love it. You take a sip of your cider. It’s perfect.
You look to your left and see children laughing and jumping into piles of leaves. That was your favorite activity when you were a kid. You smile and go to take another sip of your cider. But before it reaches your mouth, it’s knocked from your grasp. Something has hit you from behind. You start to fall forward and reach your hands out to brace yourself. But then you feel a pair of hands grab your waist.
You hear a deep voice behind you. “Oh my god! Are you okay? I’m so sorry! I was trying to change a song on this stupid IPod and didn’t see you!.”
You turn around and get ready to give whoever ran into you a piece of your mind. But you’re stopped cold. There's a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking back at you. You quickly shake your head and move your gaze over his face. He looked almost familiar. Almost like Ransom. But more handsome if that was possible. He had the same blue eyes but instead of brown he had a gorgeous head of blonde hair.
Once you realize he’s still holding onto you and you’re staring at him like a creeper,  you take a step back and clear your throat. “Oh, it’s okay. No blood, no foul.”
He smiles at you as he gives you a once over. “You sure? I didn’t injure you did I?”
You return his smile. “Not at all.” You hold your hand out. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
He shakes your hand. “Steve, nice to meet you too.” His gaze lowers to your shirt. “You like Hocus Pocus, too?”
You reluctantly release his hand. “Like it? It’s only my favorite movie.”
“One of mine too! Autumn is actually my favorite time of the year.”
You smile widely. “Me too! It’s the best!”
His gaze then falls to the ground behind you. “Oh, did I make you spill your cider? Please let me buy you another one. I know how important hot cider can be on a chilly day.” He holds out his arm for you to take.
You loop your arm through his. “Are you sure? You really don’t have to.”
He starts walking in the direction of the cider cart. “Of course I do. Besides it gives me an excuse to keep talking to the beautiful girl I almost ran over.”
You look down and blush. You knew this Fall was going to be better. You just felt it.
Every Cevans character tag list: @stargazingfangirl18​
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Queenmaker: A Sumire Story (Portraits of 119)
If there was one thing Mimasaka Sumire had learned from her parents, it was that information was everything. 
Her mother was a top detective whose investigative prowess had broken up many a triad and cartel in her time on the police force. Her father was a chef who’d masterfully incorporated psychological warfare into his craft. 
And Sumire? She’d be among the academy’s elite one day—of that she was certain. But for now, in her first year at Totsuki’s middle school, she just had to keep ear to the ground. 
So far listening had been an easy job because all 800 students in her year—the academy’s 119th generation—were talking. Specifically, they were talking about an heiress in homeroom A who’d moved into the Nakiri Mansion. 
That proud estate on the edge of campus had been unoccupied since the legendary jewel generation matriculated. Almost every first seat—including its current occupant Mizuhara Himari—had tried to take it over, but the illustrious Nakiri family always refused. So everyone was speculating about how a mere middle school student had gotten the keys to the most prestigious residence within miles of the school. 
I heard her family bought the mansion from the Nakiris. Her papa is richer than god, you know. 
She only uses shampoo that’s specially made with crushed pearls and Bulgarian roses; that’s why her hair is always so shiny! 
My aunt is on the Totsuki Network’s board of directors, and she swears that girl is betrothed to the chairwoman’s son. 
Sumire absorbed the whispers, measured the stories against one another and compared their weight. Nothing she’d heard about this Hayama Akane seemed completely accurate, but she wasn’t willing to rule anything out just yet. 
In the classes she had with the mystery girl—and her self-appointed body guard from the Mito family—Sumire learned the most of all. 
Fact 1: She was extremely competent. 
Even though their Intro to French Classic professor was the toughest grader in the middle school division, Hayama-san had never received a grade lower than an A. And she never seemed to lose sleep over her cooking assignments the way the mortal honor students did. 
Fact 2: Contrary to popular belief, she probably came from old money.
Sumire could tell by how she answered the other girls’ intrusive questions with aristocratic patience and indifference. She never bragged or flaunted her background in any obvious way.
“Hayama-san, how much is your papa really worth?” One of the social climbers, Kawashima Utau asked her one day before class. “I heard he’s been on the Forbes list for the past ten years.” 
“My parents don’t discuss money with me,” she replied without looking at the girl. 
“Well, how do you know the chairwoman?” 
“She’s a family friend.” Hayama-san was gazing out the window again. Sumire had noticed that she did that a lot; it almost seemed like she was wishing she was elsewhere. Anywhere else, really. 
“Do you know what kinds of girls the chairwoman’s son likes?” Kawashima-san continued. “Can you introduce me someday, since we’ve become such good friends?” 
From her limited observations, Sumire knew that Hayama-san wouldn’t answer that question. She was always extremely tight-lipped when it came to the Nakiri heirs, and Sumire had no idea whether it was because of her upbringing or a personal sense of loyalty to them. 
“Kawashima-san, I think the professor is going to come in soon. You should probably return to your seat.” 
Fact 3: She had mastered the art of the tactful burn.
Sumire wondered where she had learned that trick of inflection that gave her the power to dismiss people out of hand—and before her thirteenth birthday, no less. 
In what type of life was that kind of thing necessary?
In the weeks to come, Sumire largely abandoned her quest to find out more about Hayama Akane. The girl was absurdly private, and Sumire swore to herself that she’d never resort to stalking. So she decided to focus her time on more important things—like finding the best cooking spaces on campus. 
While in a prime location—only fifteen minutes from campus on foot—Sumire’s little studio apartment was somewhat lacking in the kitchen department. After compiling an elaborate spreadsheet with all the public kitchens on campus—along with their locations, amenities, and regular visitors—she determined that the premier spot would be a cooking practicum classroom on west campus.  
Sumire made a habit of making lunch there during her free period before classes came in for afternoon sessions. It was spacious, well-stocked with top shelf ingredients, and always empty—or at least it always had been. 
Sumire stood in the doorway and blinked a few times to make sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. But a few seconds later, Hayama-san was still sitting by one of the workstations, sobbing quietly. 
Although this may speak negatively to the kind of person she was, the first thing Sumire thought of was how bad it could be if someone loudmouth saw her like this and told the newspaper. 
She shut the door and tried to determine whether anyone would be able to see into the third floor window. Only when she felt completely certain that their location was secure did she approach the other girl. 
“Um, Hayama-san...”
The pink haired girl looked up slowly, wiping her eyes. She made an admirable attempt at righting her posture. “You’re the one who usually cooks here. Mimasaka-san, right? Sorry. I’ll get out of your way in a minute.” 
Sumire shook her head, slightly taken aback by how quickly she’d drawn upon her irreproachable manners. You’re not in my way,” she assured. “I was just wondering if you needed anything.”
“Thank you, but I’m really fine,” Akane said, tilting her head upward to stop more tears from falling. It only worked halfway, and they were kind of suspended between her eyelashes. Sumire reached into her backpack and handed the girl a small pack of tissues. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Sumire said before glancing furtively at the clock. It would be twenty minutes, a half hour tops before students in the first afternoon block started filtering in. “Listen, is there someone I can call for you? Mito-san, maybe?”   
“Bells is in an RS meeting. I don’t want to bother her,” Akane explained. “I’m really fine. It’s just someone tried to call me from overseas and the connection dropped. It sounds silly, now that I think about it, but—”
“Can you use WhatsApp?” 
“It’s fine,” she assured, blinking back more tears. “If I started crying like this over the phone, that person would do something unnecessary. And I don’t think I can fake it today.” 
Sumire nodded, although she was beginning to suspect that Hayama-san’s interpretation of “unnecessary” was a lot different from most people’s. “Is there anything I can do?” 
Akane shook her head. “I’m really okay. Being here is just...a lot sometimes. You know?” 
“In my experience, sometimes it helps to take a break when things get too stressful,” Sumire told her. “If you want, we can go back to my apartment. It’s kind of small, but I have ice cream and a bunch of K-Dramas on DVD.” 
Akane seemed to consider this for a minute. “But classes start up again in half an hour.” 
Sumire shrugged. “People skip all the time at this school,” she said. “But if you’re concerned about attendance, I think I’ve figured out how to get into the school’s databases from the admin side. I can erase all the absences tomorrow morning.” 
At this, Akane chuckled a little bit and Sumire’s face flushed. “I-I promise I’m not a delinquent or anything like that. It’s just that I happened to see the login credentials one day and—”
“I figured that,” Akane replied, a bittersweet smile on her lips. “It’s just...you sort of reminded me of someone just now.” 
Despite her burning desire to do so, Sumire did not let herself ask who. 
The next few weeks were characterized by Hayama-san trying to repay Sumire’s kindness in a variety of ways. 
After she had returned 70 inch television, the town car and driver, and the gift certificate to Shino’s Tokyo—because all those things were exponentially more valuable than the 500 yen she’d spent on a pint of strawberry ice cream—Sumire thought the pink haired girl had finally gotten the message. 
But all that changed after the incident with the Korean RS.
One day in October, Sumire applied for an executive board position at the Korean RS. Even though she was an underclassman, her prowess in her specialty was undeniable, so the club’s faculty mentor had encouraged her to try for a leadership position. 
However, the club’s current president—a high school first year who’d made it to the Autumn Election’s quarterfinals—was so insulted by her ambition that he kicked her out of the club entirely. Sumire was shocked by his pettiness, but felt generally nonchalant about her dismissal; now she had sooooo much more time to catch up on her soap operas. 
But then, as it always seemed to at Totsuki Academy, shit hit the fan. 
One day, as Sumire was walking home from afternoon classes, a black limo pulled up next to her. Isabella Mito-Aldini thrust the door open. “Get in. Ask questions later.” 
Sumire did as she asked, and after a U-turn that shouldn’t have been possible in such a cumbersome vehicle, they were speeding back towards campus. 
“Mito-san, what is this?” she asked once the car stopped in front of the Korean RS building. 
The blonde gave her a long look. “This is what happens when you don’t just take the TV,” she said, a hint of annoyance in her voice. “Nothing is going to be the same after this.”  
When they entered the club’s main hall, Hayama Akane was engaged in a confrontation with the RS president. 
“Nobu Renji-kun, I hereby challenge you to a shokugeki for control of the Korean Cuisine Research Society.” 
What. The. Hell. 
Sumire couldn’t believe it. Since the start of the school year, Hayama-san had never been involved with any shokugekis. And now here she was picking a fight with an upperclassman. 
“Can I ask what I’ve done to offend you, ojou-san?” the dark haired youth asked with a mocking grin. 
Akane narrowed her green eyes, something dangerous flashing in them. “You have two options, Nobu-kun. Accept the challenge or admit to your cowardice.”
“I thought you society girls were supposed to have better manners than that,” he said. “But have it your way. Just know that if I beat you, I’ll have you hand over the keys to the Nakiri Mansion.” 
“Done,” she said. 
In two days’ time Sumire was pulled from her latest Netflix binge by a knock on her door. As soon as she opened it, Hayama Akane placed the keys to the Korean RS into her hand. 
“There’s no return label on this one,” she said. “And my specialty is French food, so I honestly won’t do anything with the club. You have to take it.”
Sumire could only blink a few times. She had watched the shokugeki, witnessed the 5-0 win, but the whole thing was still unreal. “W-where did you even learn to kick ass like that?” 
Akane smiled. “Mostly from my godmother.” 
Sumire knew better than to ask who. “So are we even now?”
“Not even close,” Akane told her. “I’m still in your debt, Sumire-san.” 
“In what way are you—”
“Since that shokugeki, people have stopped asking me all those annoying questions.” 
“It’s because they’re all a little afraid of you now,” Sumire said. It was an understandable reaction, really. 
“Does it make me an awful person if I kind of like it?”
Sumire shook her head. “I don’t think so. If they’re going to talk about you anyway, you might as well control the conversation.” 
Akane stared at her for a moment, and Sumire worried that she had said too much. “Sumire-san, what are you up to right now?”
She pointed back to the television. “Just watching true love unfold. Why?”
“My godmother is in town today. I was about to go to lunch with her. Do you want to come?” 
As she locked eyes with Hayama Akane, Sumire knew that this would be her initiation. From this point on she would be inner circle—a trusted partner, a confidant. It would be her responsibility to ensure the well-being of this inexplicably talented person. She hoped she’d be able to manage it. 
“Sounds like fun. Let’s go.” 
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yoshi4sushi · 7 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (COO!) (COO!)
 Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone had a good weekend. It’s time to say sayonara to September and enter the autumn and spice season. I hope everyone is ready for spooky and haunts in October. Still pondering what costume to wear? You got plenty of time before HALLOWEEN! Be scary! Be funny! Today, we got plenty of news and goods to share with you so know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter was going from bad to frightening! The gang mourn for the loss of Pedro, but Jinbei perks them up reminding that instead of mourning, they must honor him his sacrifice by escaping Totland w/o hesitation. Meanwhile, Sanji, Chiffon, and Pudding are almost at Cacao Island so they can rush into making another wedding cake. At the end, poor Luffy is struggling his fight with Dogtooth who keeps throwing back everything w/ more brute force and size. How in the world is Luffy gonna defeat a billion bounty pirate who has similar powers as him? Let’s cheer him on this week with heart and soul. GO LUFFY! Next, this past weekend’s episode finally put an end to biscuit munchies. Luffy kept eating and eating until he finally uses his new gear 4th technique, Tank Man. With that, he finally send Cracker flying all across Whole Cake Island. His defeat has angered his siblings so they’re ready for revenge. Next week, Luffy and Nami finally reunites with Sanji, but it will not be friendly nor heartwarming. Luffy must now put with Sanji’s brute attacks. I hope everyone have the strength to hold off their tears to see these two friends fight. It’s a one hour special. DON’T MISS IT! Now on with the goods. FIGURINES! FIGURINES! Who wants to collect more? We some new figurines! First off, this week, tomorrow, arcades will be stocking the last Grandline DX Vinsmoke figurines. This time, it’s Niji and of course, Judge. Got your coins ready? ZIP IT! BEAT THAT CRANE! Next, Figure Arts Zero will release this new figurines of Reigu and Pudding. Websites will now take pre-orders for Reigu for those who live overseas. Try Amiami, Amazon, or any other official English hobby website. She will be released in March. Pre-orders for the figurine of Pudding will be updated soon. She will be released in February. Next, OP game app, Thousand Storm is having the Whole Cake Island campaign where you can now get Luffy and Sanji in their outfits from this season. If you get a lot points, you will get Shanks in his Strong World outfit. Next game is Treasure Cruise. They’re having the Dressrosa campaign. Win levels and see what characters you win. You can download the games on Apple Store. It’s available in English as well. Next, look who came over to visit. It’s none other than the coolest tower mascot of Japan, the one, the only, Tongari-san! He’s got some awesome and spooky news to tell us. Take it away my friend. Tongari-san says that more spooky stuff popped up at the tower. First, the Tongari Shop in the park are selling these cute Halloween badges of your fave characters. Next, the café will also have some ghoulish menu for everyone to enjoy. The café will be serving sparkling cola with orange sauce that will include a Straw Hat pumpkin picture. It will be random. Next, Sanji’s restaurant will be serving a special Halloween dinner. You must make a reservation ahead of time. This meal will only be served 10 days throughout the month. The meal will have a Halloween Macedonia fruit cocktail or sparkling wine. Appetizers will have pumpkin soup or salad. The main dish will be Mellorine Love lobster or tenderloin steak. You can only choose one, and you can’t make last minute changes. For dessert, you’ll be given some pumpkin sweets with some sweet cream, cookies, and fruit along with some chocolate powder pumpkin and ghost stencil. What a spooky yet fancy meal. If you order this meal, you’ll receive a free gift along with it. Also, the café has another new meal added to the menu. Franky and Luffy’s energy charged Gear second cola with super meat flavor French fries. For beverage, it will be coke with sweet red framboise syrup flavor on top of a metal mug with smoke coming out like Luffy’s gear mode. For the dish, it will have star shaped French fries with some fried chicken bacon & pepper. YOWZA! A SUPER meal you really can’t pass on. GUYS! You’re soaking the carpet. Sorry about that. They seriously can’t control their hunger. Anyway, if you order this dish, you’ll receive a free bromide card of Luffy with Franky. October birthday dishes has been leaked out, but we’ll announce it next week with better image quality. Last, but not least, take a pic with your fave characters from the show. Buggy and Puggy will be making their appearance again on Oct.6th and 20th. Luffy and Anne will be there on Oct.13th and 27th. The third floor will hand out photo tickets. It’s first come, first serve. Website has details on time and rules. Also, guess who’s birthday is approaching fast? I’ll give you a hint. He’s sexy, popular among the girls, and bad ass. You got it. It’s none other than the hottest pirate with a big heart, and my all-time fave, Trafalgar Law! His birthday is on Oct.6th. He will show up at the tower as well for photo shoots as well. Same, the tower will hand out tickets to get a photo with him and his loving friend, Bepo. He will show up on his birthday, and weekends until the end of Oct. Birthday button of him will be released soon. Don’t miss it! Moving on, to celebrate the OP Wano event in Kyoto, the Mugiwara Store will be open from Oct.11 to 16th. The store will sell these Kyoto themed goods at this store such as this eco-friendly tote bag, a long tengui handkerchief, and a mug that has Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. Also, with Law’s birthday approaching, they will release new goods of him this week and also his birthday button. Also if you purchase goods over 1000 yen, you’ll get a free birthday bromide card of him. Next, last week, Samantha Thavasa has released new purses and goods of another OP collab. They also included new purses, wallets, etc. of Law, Sabo, Ace, Franky, and Brook. They also have more new stuff of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper. They will take online order from overseas I think. The store will have a small statues of mini Merry boat and Ace at Harajuku. Next, websites will now take orders for a set of cool tattoos of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Law, Ace, and Hancock. It will be released in Dec. Next, with the one hour special approaching, the Japanese Yahoo website will have Luffy and Sanji on the main screen and you’ll get to hear their voices saying 10 phrases when you use the search link. GUA! What will they say? Tune in this Sunday. Next, we mentioned last week that Nippon Ham is having an OP campaign, and to commemorate it, they’ll give away some prizes including a set of delish meat groceries worth 5000 yen. Other prizes we mentioned will include a set of plates and an alarm clock. Sunday will commence the campaign. This involves in playing a game where you can play and win many points as much as you can on your smart phone. You can participate if you reside w/in Japan. Overseas is not possible. Next, DMM VR Theater is yet having another OP hologram show early next year. The gang and I went last year in Dec. It was really fun. They’re having a campaign. Retweet their post, and 20 winners will be chosen to win a prize. The event will have decorations and photo spots. Menu and ticket price will be updated later on. They will also have a mini store where they’ll sell original OP goods from Mugiwara Store. Title is The Metal: Memory of Marineford which hints we will see pirates and marines from the Marineford war season, and Bartolomeo will be joining the fun. The theater is located in Yokohama. We’ll leave a link. Moving on, for those who want to look cute and stylish, Peach John are restocking more pajamas and swim wear of your fave OP characters. Same like before, if you buys goods over 10,000 yen, you’ll get a free limited ed. folder of Nami and the others in their Peach John brand. They’ll accept overseas orders. We’ll leave a link. Next, reminder that the special OP episode of East Blue will be released in DVD on Nov.24th. Also, Here’s the new cover of the 2nd vol. of Whole Cake Island that has Sanji doing Diable Jamble attack. You can order it on Amazon. It will be released on the first week of Oct. Last, but not least, last week, the great pirate mangaka, Oda-sensei, held a takoyaki party at his house inviting his fave pals, the Mugiwara seiyuu, including Tomoko Naka (Ms. Father’s Day), Kotono Mitsuishi (Hancock) Katsuhisa Hoki (Jinbei), and Toru Furuya (Sabo). He also invited Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, and Maki Otsuki, who sings the first and second ending theme songs of OP. Ha ha ha ha! She and Tanaka-san (Luffy) are riding the mini train. GUA! Who knew his house could be a playground. Kappei-san (Ussop) really had too much to drink that he’s all over Tanaka-san. He really must be a heavy drinker. Ha ha ha ha! Them and Nakai-san (Zoro) with Naka-san (Ms. Father’s Day are hugging a giraffe statue. Hmm… Could it mean that it’s Oda-sensei’s fave animal. Kirin? Where’s Kaku when you need him as a hugging pole? HA! Phew! I think we covered everything. Before we end, Jump Festa will be held on Dec.16-17. Only 2 day event. News will be updated later on. That’s all we got for now. Tune in next week for more upcoming events and goods. Have a good week, and don’t stress yourself. Special thanks to Tongari-san for joining with us. We’ll see you next week, my friend. Kikko! Momon! Excellent job, boys! Let’s get some shut eye.
 Halloween Tower events: https://onepiecetower.tokyo/op_20th/halloween2017?lang=en#area_04?lang=en
Figurines: http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000117753/
Peach John: https://www.peachjohn.co.jp/pjitem/list/?_al=170412onepiece&count=60&outlet=include&sort=6&_dm=2&bid=170925opcom
Holographic show: https://vr-theater.dmm.com/schedule/onepiece-vr?utm_source=theater&utm_medium=twi&utm_campaign=0925
Samantha goods: https://online.samantha.co.jp/layout/feature/one_piece_2nd.html
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