#“and this is him after his haircut” that's the coolest dog ever actually
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thinking about the old lady in my ceramics class that was showing me pictures of her dog
i already knew he was cool bc his name was Buzz but then she revealed an image of him from the side and he had this wicked cool mohawk
the shaggiest little brown dog with the biggest mohawk he could possibly have
artistic rendition ^^
#it took her a good few minutes to figure out how to navigate her phone to show the picture to me but it was worth it#thank you random old lady#“and this is him after his haircut” that's the coolest dog ever actually#to be entirely honest im not actually sure if he had a mohawk or not but i saw what i saw and i like to believe he's this cool
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RWBY V08E04 Liveblog - Fault

Fault! It could be about somebody's fault? Maybe blaming each other? I'm assuming we're going to get some JOYR action, so maybe it could be at least a bit about Oscar? Or maybe it could be about Qrow? I have no idea so let's do this!

Is this the first fly in RWBY? A new addition to the extremely limited fauna of Remnant!

Happy Robyn is a good Robyn.

The only reason Qrow's VA doesn't sound more like a sad puppy is that he's too gruff.

Ah, there you go. That was fast.

lmao sorry, sorry
I know it's a serious situation
but I can't take "I MADE A DEAL WITH THE DARKNESS" seriously

Ah, the "let's address everyone's complaints about how the fight went" section of this presentation.

It could be read as platonic but this to me is 100% Fair Game angst material and I love it.

I think this is the first time I can recognize the VA being different, I guess it can get hard to get the gruffness to sound right while also sounding sad.


Welp, is the Penny malware already done?

Aaaaaaah, shut up Marrow.
I have to google his name every episode he appears. Hopefully he doesn't die and I get spoiled somehow by the first result in google.

Huh, there's someone in the upper cell that doesn't look like a guard or a prisoner. Seems to be wearing a skirt?
Also, seriously, where are the bathrooms?

I'm glad that even with the little screen time Jaune gets, he still gets some character development or at least some actual demonstration of his ingenuity. And it's nice to see them coordinated and working as a team.
Ren, you're floating.

...and here's the inevitable undermining of Jaune's capabilities.
There's probably a rule somewhere at RT stipulating that Jaune is not allowed to be more then a certain amount of cool in any episode and if he surpasses that limit it's time to punch him down.

I was just thinking "huh, four episodes and no song with vocals? Falling behind V7" but here it is.

I haaate this shot's composition. I know it's for the purposes of making it cool with the slow down and all but there's zero depth, it looks boring.

Welp. I guess they are dead.
...is this a visual pun with the word fault? You know, like in a fault or fracture between two rocks?

Looking cool there, giant whale.
I guess Oscar is gone. I wonder what are they going to do. Wouldn't mounting a rescue mission be a bit antithetical to their "save who we can in Mantle" mission? One vs the many (vs the many many of Ruby's team) and all that?
The OP does show Oscar getting overwhelmed by Grimm so I guess no matter what JYR does he's going to have a bad time.

I 100% expected him to close the door in everyone's faces.

This episode really likes its frontal close-ups, huh?

This could have been an opportunity to get Whitley to help and maybe humanize him a little but it's not like I'm going to miss the brat.

I love this reveal. There's zero tension for us since we already know what happened but it's definitely there for Ruby.

Oooh, nice change of expression.
Is he tired of being the dependable one? Are we getting the flip side of last episode's Nora's scene?

Yup, still a jerk.

ugh, I hate that expression. Nothing good has ever followed it.
I don't know, this is consistent with Ren's behavior last season but I was hoping for something more. And I'm not sure his voice acting is working for me but maybe it's supposed to sound a bit forced because Ren is not used to expressing his emotions?

Wow, what a throwback! Never expected something from Jaundice of all episodes to be relevant again outside of Pyrrha.
How's Jaune going to react? He's gained enough confidence that it'd be a bit disappointing if this gets to him. It's not like having cheated to get in means much after spending more time acting like a huntsman than whatever time they spent at Beacon.

This is the coolest Jaune has ever looked. Like, damn.

Also, zero reaction from Yang about the Jaune reveal, which is great.

I would never want to wake up to the words "don't panic."

Loooving this Salem.

Oh honey, don't sigh in relief yet, Salem hasn't even started.

...why would it be a problem to share its password, then? tsk tsk

yup, this episode really likes its close-ups
not complaining mind you, especially with Salem looking so extremely evil

She weirdly looks like a kind grandma when she's happy. An evil sexy kind grandma.

cant get over how bad hazel looks
...which I know it's not really that important while I'm watching him torture a kid
but still, wow, what a bad haircut

Do these people just stand like they are in the cover of a music album all the time or is this just a coincidence?

Huh, so it's newer than Cinder.

lol at Neo looking smug in the background

Replaced by a dog of all things.

oh no, oh dear
Wait I don't care about what happens to Cinder. Go ahead, disobey away! Make the consequences entertaining at least!

that's not how umbrellas work but looks cool so please continue

I'm glad Neo is as graceful as ever.

oh no, oh dear
I do care about what happens to Emerald and if Salem discovers they disobeyed her... well, Emerald is much easier to kill as a punishment than Cinder.

Interesting setup that both Neo and Emerald work in illusions.

suuure, go sulk outside where it's so cold even aura goes down, great idea.

...and sure, sit in the snow. It's not like it's cold or anything.

I like that they are bringing things from Jaunedice
but they had a chance to make those two episodes be completely skippable and they blew it


This season is really out for JOYR, huh? Can't wait how things are going to balance later on with Ruby's team.
Even though there were some strange choices in the way this episode was directed (strange enough that it made me go look who directed this episode which I've never done before), at least the content was pretty good.
Things keep moving along, with Qrow confirming he's blaming himself, Robyn being Robyn and almost goading Hare into fighting her. Maybe that's how they are going to escape later on?
Ruby and company get a pretty "we're in this show too" scene so not much to talk about there other than I'd have liked Whitley to maybe stay and that I loved the reveal with Ruby calling Yang.
I'm glad Ren's issues are finally out in the open but... are they? Nora's reveal of not knowing who she is hit a lot harder than Ren's misplaced guilt, and she got like a quarter of the screentime his sulking is getting. I'm hoping that it gets a little deeper before they resolve it.
Also, lots of Jaunedice throwbacks cursing us all.
Until next time!
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Hi! I just came across the ask game you were doing,and i hope i'm not too late to the game D: I don't have a face tag bc i almost never take selfies but, i have brown eyes and short dark curly hair, a roundish face, my Myers Briggs personality is INTP, my sign is pisces. My hogwarts house is Slytherin, my GOT house is Stark, and my favorite animal is a dog. I'm in Sherlock and Harry Potter hell at the moment, but either is just as good for me. Thanks and good idea with the game! :3
omg? OKAY NGL IM RLLy rUSTY WITH SHERLOCK. So I’m gonna do Harry Potter bare with me aaah.
The Character I See You As: Harry Potter! Omg I actually think this is a really good fit. He is curious, open-minded and observant, and very straightforward and honest (unless given a good reason to be otherwise). But, on the other hand, he can be condescending, insensitive, and incredibly withdrawn/private. I just love this kid a lot. He fits into INTP really, really well. I almost put someone else here but I feel like he represents it a lot better.
Your Three Best Friends: Dean Thomas, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang
The One You Don’t Get Along With: Draco Malfoy. He gives Slytherins a bad name. Greedy, crafty, and intelligent as he is, he’s also a coward, a wimp, and a fraud. He lacks a backbone half the time. Slytherins are not inherently evil, rich, stupid, etc, but him and his goons terrorizing people doesn’t really help the image.
Who I Ship You With: Seamus Finnigan. Cute, sweet, highly motivated, and immensely brave? I mean come on, he’s the whole package here. He’s not quite as smart as you, but he makes up for it with banter and unconditional love. Also he’s completely enamored with how devoted you are to your ideas and things you’re obsessed with, just like he’s freaking obsessed with Quiditch. Basically he just thinks you’re the coolest and follows you around like a lil puppy (but also knows when he needs to leave you alone, is incredibly patient with you when you’re not in the mood to talk, etc).
Wildcard: Slytherin. Quidditch Chaser. Favorite subject is Herbology.
Lil Blurb Thing: You were a Chaser because you had a good eye. You could think fast on your feet (or your broom, you supposed), and you could see the entire picture. You didn’t often get caught up in bludgers whizzing past you, nor did you panic under pressure, not easily anyway. You just buckled down and worked, and somehow that made you a pretty damn good Chaser. You weren’t particularly athletic, nor did you have an affinity towards sports, but you needed an outlet, otherwise you spent way too much time surrounded by plants (or, often times, you were buried in astronomy books).
After a long day of bouncing between studies, you took your broom out onto the field and started practicing. The Slytherin Team Captain had repeatedly warned you that if you didn’t start practicing more, he would replace you. You thought you might snap at him, after all, Quidditch wasn’t your favorite thing in the world. It was a fun hobby. You liked the attention it got you from time to time (though you were mostly quite private). But it wasn’t worth getting yelled at because you couldn’t take the field five days a week.
You spent most of the afternoon whizzing back and forth among the goalposts, sending quaffles every which way until the routines nearly bored you to tears. That was the point, you decided, when you needed a break. You brought yourself down to the stands and set your broom down, lounging on the bleachers until you could decide what homework you were going to work on back in the commonroom.
“Nice flying.”
Startled, you jolted up from your position, realizing you were looking right into the eyes of Seamus Finnigan. You recognized his accent immediately. A fellow seventh year, just like yourself. He had grown out of his chubby cheeks and awkward haircuts, just like you had. You were close with Dean Thomas, so you knew Seamus well enough.
“Hey, thanks,” you reply, trying to muster up some pep despite being exhausted and in no mood to talk to anyone.
“You look hungry. And you gotta keep up your strength for this sport, right? I got something for ya.” Not giving you time to dispute, he tosses a chocolate bar into your lap. You look down at it and stare for a moment, furrowing a brow.
“This really isn’t going to build up strength. It’s candy.”
“Listen-” He breaks off, turning red, more than likely deciding it best not to argue. You were right, after all. “I really admire your skill, yeah? I wish Gryffindor had a Chaser as focused and determined as you. I swear, nothing shakes you.”
You keep staring at him, weakly smiling, unsure of how to respond. You find yourself fumbling with the chocolate in your lap. “Thanks, Seamus. Tell that to my Captain. I keep getting yelled at because I won’t practice.”
“Practice? You don’t even need to practice,” he crowed, balling a fist like he was about to go stomp off and give the boy hell.
“Hey now, now, no need to go off and fight him,” you laugh. “It’s not so bad. Thanks for the chocolate, by the way.”
Seamus rubs the back of his neck, kicking at the bleachers. “Dean told me that you liked chocolate. I-I mean I didn’t plan this. I just. I happened to be here. I come out here to think before games, you know?”
You gave him a funny look, firmly pressing your lips together, trying not to laugh at his fumbling and tumbling over words. “I get it. Hey, when you announce for my next game, you should bring me chocolate again. This is my favorite kind.” You had a feeling he knew that anyway. You thought you might as well throw him a bone, he was being so ridiculously cheesy (and sweet).
“I will, just don’t let me forget!” He yelped, cracking a lopsided, turning on his heels.
“Alright, Seamus, alright!” You call after him, chuckling to yourself as you begin tearing open the chocolate bar. You’d always liked him, you just hadn’t ever thought of him the way he was thinking of you. It wasn’t hard to pick up on after that encounter. In fact, you realized, you had been stupid not to realize it before.
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