#“all she talks about it tea” oh so like you haven't seen her other supports at all have you
mikittalabs · 6 months
ivy grew up in a castle of treachery and backstabbing and she is scared of ghosts. elusia's court was filled with lies and deceit, and at any moment someone could be killed or harmed for political gain. ghosts are known for being vengeful and potentially harmful and you can't see them and you don't know if one's around until it's too late.
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
Starting a new
bridgerton family x reader
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Life among the ton in London was nit very easy for a young women, as she was making her way thought life. Having a supportive and loving family, had helped make life easier among all the gossip and scandals going around. The Bridgerton family was always there for each other, during all the gossip and scandals. That what you had expected will stay the same forever, having your family by your side.
Y/n " ......" you had gone out of a walk with your maid it a beautiful day, but there was something that gained your attention. There were many members of the ton looking at you and speaking among themselves, this was not unusual to you but it felt a bit more off today.
y/n " good morning lady Weston how are you and your family doing" you had greated one of ladies as she was walking pass, but she looked at you said nothing and soon walked off.
y/n " something is wrong maybe we should be get home" you had looked at your maid and she nodded her head, as the two of you soon headed back to Bridgerton house. You are one of many ladies that had been present to the queen, so you had thought it was about that as you haven't gotten any proposal.
man " shameful for the Bridgerton household" that when it hit you something had happened, you need to get home right away and speak with your family. After some time you soon arrived at home and got inside quickly.
Gregory " sister you are home"
y/n " hello Gregory is everything okay when I left you were in front of house, playing outside with hyacinth along with some other kids"
Hyacinth " we had been until they were called home by their mother or governess, then Anthony had called us home ... we also have some good news as well"
y/n " wow I need to have some words with our dear older brother and mother, I think ...."
Voilet " y/n my dearest there you are I need you to come with me right away"
y/n " yes mother but there seems to be some tension among the ton"
Hyacinth " what tension what has happened now"
Voilet " upstairs that both of you into your room right now I will have the maids, attend to you needs come now y/n" you soon nodded your head and followed your mother into the drawing room.
y/n " Daphne and Simon when did you two get here Gregory and hyacinth didn't tell me"
Daphne " yes sister we had come home for a important family meeting"
y/n " okay but I think I need to bring something to everyone attention, something had happened the ton seem to be gossiping once again"
Antony " oh yes we know dear sister we have heard all the gossip going around, as someone had told us in person"
y/n " what has happened"
Antony " you have brought scandal and shame to the family y/n"
y/n " what brother you most be jesting I have not brought any shame upon our family"
Benedict " are you sure because coming for what we have learned in gossip and reports, you have threatened the family moral values and reputation"
y/n " I will like to know what I'm being accused for my dear brothers"
Colin " you have been reporting been seen flirty with young man of the ton out in the open, with no one watching over and then we are told you took a walk a while along with Mr Tristan along with having tea with him as well"
y/n " well the first one is not the truth I was talking with them, and my maid was not that far away from my view ... and yes I have been meeting with the Viscount as he gained my attention I gained his as well, is that wrong for me to meet with him"
Antony " yes when it bring shame upon on family after all that has happened, can't you not be selfish"
Kate " Antony"
Y/n " this is wrong for me to fall in love"
Antony " yes when it effects us all didn't you think how this will reflect on us all in this room, and our younger siblings .. think about your nephews"
Eloise " well I think there nothing wrong with the match they look like a perfect match"
Antony " that up for you to decide sister of mine I up for myself, Kate, and our mother"
Y/n " Tristan is a good man and I care for me and he does the same for me"
Benedict " sister you are being naive havent you heard the stories about him"
y/n " there have been stoires about all of us in this room brother dearest"
Colin " our relationship haven't caused this much damage, because not that you are only effecting our family name but also Simon and Daphne"
y/n " sister is what Colin speak true"
Daphne " yes rumors have reached our area and the ton there, don't hold back I fear it will effect I and Simon family and household"
Simon " think well about your decisions y/n we all know you are smart young lady"
y/n " mother Kate what do you have to say"
Voilet " we need to think about your sisters and bother future y/n, this scandal along with everything else I have heard about will ruin us"
y/n " what else have your heard"
Colin " you meeting up in this places with these high rank women, who have no husband and speaking about society"
y/n " we are talking that all like all ladies do we talk and brainstorm, what wrong with that"
Eloise " all but aside sister I and pen love what you are doing"
y/n " thank you sister"
Kate " I think it good but we need to put the family first"
Benedict " I was at the club today when I was told this story about leading Earl smith son James on making promised to marry him, and there was you running the chances of other young ladies finding matches"
y/n " they are lies and misunderstandings you all have to understand"
Antony " that only thing we understand is that your have brought to much scandal and ruin to us, that we need to do what best for the family"
y/n " what"
Antony " We are sending you to live countryside the staff there will take care of you you will go there and Francesca will come home ... with your gone for while everything will die down and once that happens you can come home, then be present once again as honorable lady of ton and our family"
y/n " no mom"
Voilet " I'm sorry but it for the best my daughter think about your sisters and brothers"
y/n " I'm always thinking about them mom day and night"
Antony " not when you were seen around breaking all the rules and seen with Tristan, you will leave tomorrow but from here lady danbury has offered you and room to stay"
y/n " I'm being exiled from my own family and home"
Antony " you have done this your self once I have deemed it fair and good time, if the scandal has died down you can come home ... that might be a long time for all the trouble you have done, once you have come home we will see where we can go from there”
Voilet “ all your needs will be meant my dearest when you are there”you look at your siblings for help only Eloise seem to want to save you.
Eloise “ this very harsh Antony she our sister”
Antony “ it needs to be done for the benefit of the family and ton as well”
y/n “ Daphne,Simon, Kate” all there were quite as you came to terms with everything.
y/n “ I will go pack my stuff”
Antony “ it has already been taken care of once it over, you will leave to lady Danbury home”
y/n “ yes viscount bridgerton”
violet “ everything will be fine my dearest mayeh when you are away we can find you a good match”
Colin “ we will be lucky if that happens”
Antony “ enough no more talking about this is over with, I’m made my decision” the meeting was over you had went to your room to see, your stuff getting packed away. Once it was done you saw your stuff getting loaded onto carriages. There were short goodbye as you left at night heading to Danbury household.
lady Danbury “ my dear welcome I’m sorry for what has happened”
y/n “ thank you for hosing me this evening I know this will be bad for you, lady Danbury”
lady Danbury “ my dear I’m mad but at you or Tristian at everyone else, even your own family as well everyone acting all high and might”
y/n “ it seems like that”
lady Danbury “ come inside and have some supper with me, and we will be having anothe guests”you had nodded your head and soon went into the Danbury home. Dinner and had been served and the two ate.
footman " my lady your other guest has arrived"
lady Danbury " good let him in"
footman " you can come inside mister" soon Tristian had stepped into the room.
y/n " Tristan"
Tristan " y/n I'm so sorry about what has happened to you and your family"
y/n " thank you and I'm sorry for you family as well"
Lady Danbury " have some dinner with us young man"
Tristan " thank you" the tiro soon ate dinner and enjoyed a good conversation.
Lady Danbury "I have heard from your uncle Mr Tristan"
y/n " your uncle the one who lives in Scotland"
Tristan " yes he has heard of what has happened I'm kicked out from home as well, he had asked me to come take over his household and learn from him .. he mad at my father and family right now"
y/n " that sound wonderful for you"
Tristan " thank you and I was wondering if you will come he did, say it will be good for me to bring the young women who has been mentioned in stupid scandal"
y/n " Scotland I have been sent countryside"
lady Danbury " go my dear live a wonderful life being away from home and the ton"
y/n " I will love that but how we will travel as unmarried couple"
lady Danbury " then get married in private ceremony here and another on in Scotland, it will be good I will be one of witnesses with many others your uncle will help as well"
Tristan " so y/n bridgeton will you do me the honors and become my wife, I was going to ask you in later time but now seems better a new start for us both"
lady Danbury " if doesn't work out no outside of this house and Tristan uncle will know"
y/n " then yes" a small ceremony had been held as lady Danbury and some her staff, along with Tristan as well who were witness and guests.
lady Danbury " enjoy this new start in life as it will help you both grown, and become the people you wish"
y/n " thank you lady Danbury for this well please take care"
lady Danbury " I will young lady and you both take care as well, I will take care of your families from here"
Tristan " we will come on my dear wife the travel will be long, but it will be good"
y/n " coming my dear husband" The pair soon left as sun was starting to come up, and it was good time to get going so no will see the pair. They rode in the carriage pass all the house of the ton, knowing it will be a long time until they were called back home or shall ever return home. It was time for a new start for you as there will always be love for you family. now it was start of journey for you. As you are hoping your father is watching out for you, as your left the place you once grew up and called home.
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aachria · 3 months
i was rereading sssbmty and I realised smth, well not realised but yeah. as I was rereading I noticed somthing. Ed was bitch. not like 'omfg Ed ur such a bitch' but like 'wtf Ed? ur such a fucking bitch! jesus...' and then I got to alabasta.
ur a genius, I've read other fics like this for example divergence and another one I cant remember the name of (going to read this bites soon... maybe). but what really puts your fic at the tippity top is giving Ed character development, not a whole fucking arc to them obvi but giving them actual character development. Ive read so many what if I was in... but I rarely see authors giving the oc development because they don't think about it or they don't think they do.
but in alabasta, Ed was saying how no one listens to them and saying how they're always right (kind giving ranpo from bsd) but then the straw hats tell them that they don't say anything with conviction.
they basically tell them (incoming poetry made by mwah) that we cant hear you screaming if youre the one keeping your mouth shut.
yeah you can use that for future reference I'm an amazing poet fr fr but its really an eye opener for ed, so far Ed was making theories with no support or little evidence and everyone went along with it. so it doesn't really make any sense to Ed why no one is listening to them. because they haven't realised that even tho they're right about where to go, its vivi's country. vivi isn't their friend because she doesn't like Ed which further dampens ed's theories on where to go because it ties into vivi and hope. there's an analysis on YouTube by MelonTree (I reccomend her entire chanel) which gets deeper into this. but the straw hats trust vivi and want what's best for her. so when Ed is screaming about where to go, they don't say WHY. they don't further in on how vivi's destination is wrong or how there's other possibilities. instead, Ed tells vivi that's its stupid, we're wasting time, I know where to go, why wont you listen.
they aren't listening to Ed because Ed isn't even listening either. Ed was making bets on vivi's country which is a funny gag, is INCREDIBLE dark to her. she has spent years invading buroque works and when she encounters this strange pirate crew they want to help. but this one crew mate isn't serious and theyre laughing and screaming at her because she's wrong. that is the pov of vivi towards Ed.
so Ed and vivi talk it out and here comes Ed, they realize that even tho I'm on the crew, that doesn't mean I'm likable. its seen through the fic that they start to work on themself and provide more evidence to theyre theories.
another thing, the title was familiar, idk why so why when I ask chatgpt what the title is: it doesn't talk about the fic but a fucking poem from the 1920's!?
"Surely some star binds me to you" is a line from the poem "Tea at the Palaz of Hoon" by Wallace Stevens. This poem, found in his collection "Harmonium" (published in 1923), explores themes of self-identity, imagination, and perception.
The line suggests a mystical or cosmic connection between the speaker and the addressee, implying that their bond is predestined or influenced by the stars. It evokes a sense of fate and the interconnectivity of all things, typical of Stevens' abstract and introspective style.
In this context, the "star" symbolizes an inescapable connection, potentially representing destiny, love, or an elemental link between individuals.' WHAT THE FUCK? anyway I'm burnt out and finished rereading the fic so imma go have ice cream like the dumbass I am ;p
Oh this is a fucking mammoth. For your dash's sake I'm putting this under a break lmaoooo
Ed having ✨issues✨ they had to work through was important to me. Hell Ed still having ✨issues✨ they're working through is still important to me. You know when people do those comparisons of a character at the start of a season and the end and they're just so much sadder and fucked up? The goal was to make that Ed. We'll see how that goes. I'm gonna 'to be loved is to be changed' this bitch if it's the last thing I do.
Ed has that kid in your math class that only writes the answer because showing your work is for cowards inside them. Ed fights that kid inside them like they want his lunch money.
I've watched a couple of MelonTree's videos, they are very good.
Idk what the hell ChatGPT is on but like... that is not correct? I went and read the poem, it's quite nice, but there isn't a single use of the word star in it and the line definitely isn't from it. THIS IS WHY I DON'T TRUST AI AIGHT????
I've mentioned it a couple times before, but the title comes from Persius's Satire 5, it's in Latin and there's a couple translations here and here (neither of which have the line as I have written lmao) and I'm sure plenty of others. The line is about his teacher and is very beautiful ok I like it a lot. I went and did a bunch of digging into it a while ago (because of course my stupid ass didn't do more than preliminary research on it before I NAMED MY FIC AFTER IT) and like... y'all....
(I'm paraphrasing because I'm tired and can't be assed to do more than reread the wiki page this shit) Persius's satires critique societal morals (he also gets upset people like other people's poems more than his but that might be ironic idk these things are DENSE and HARD TO READ), discuss themes of what you can ask of the gods, why you should have goals, why you have to know yourself, MOST IMPORTANTY and in the satire the line comes from; Stoicism and freedom (Stoics believe all men are slaves except Stoics, who are free), and how you should use money. Also very interesting, there's a lot of scholars who believe his satires (mostly the first one, I think??) have anti-Neronian sentiments — which is really fucking funny to me specifically because do y'all (if you're caught up) remember Iva talks about the 20 founding members of the WG and about Nerona Imu? And how empty throne Imu could totes be him if he had the eternal youth surgery thingy??? Idk if Nerona actually has anything to do with the emperor Nero (because of translation diffs and any subtleties in the original Japanese I'm too English speaking to understand) or if they just sound similar in English, but it's a hilarious coincidence to me either way.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Support System pt. 9
Roy Kent x Reader - domestic fluff and hints of further spice to come 😍
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8
You're enjoying the hottest shower you can bear and also not looking forward to going back to your poor water pressure trickle when he taps on the door. 
"Why you knocking?" You laugh over the pounding water. 
"Don't want to catch you doing something you don't want me to know about, " he says with a wink. You turn the shower off and step into the towel he's holding out. "Your phones been going mad, I hope you don't mind but I wanted to check it wasn't Lexie?" 
"Thank you, course I don't." You take the phone and look through the notifications. "Lots from your sister, she's seen the red carpet pictures… shit, the pictures!" You keep scrolling, reaching with your other hand to hold onto his t-shirt. He takes you hand and kisses the palm. "Ah. Here we go." You hold it up to show him. A slew of messages and missed calls from Andy. 
"Fuck. What a knob. Come on, I've made tea. Do you want to read them while I get angry or the other way around?" 
"Ooh we can switch and both get angry."
"Can't do that, you look really hot when you're mad and we haven't got enough time for that."
"Uhh you need talk? Jamie asked me last night if permanent concussion was a thing from all the times you've headbutted him." He holds his hands up, backing out the door. 
"I deny everything." He leaves you to pull on some leggings and one of his Richmond t-shirts (no name on the back). You bounce down the stairs, your heels from the night before discarded at the bottom. Your dress had been left there too but Roy's obviously rescued it and draped it over the back of the sofa. 
"Thank you for saving the dress." You tiptoe to kiss his cheek. 
"It's only down here so I can put it on you again and then take it back off." 
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't think we had time for that this morning?" You tease. You sit up on one of the barstools and he steps between your legs, holding out a piece of toast.
"We don't, but I can look at it and dream." He sneaks a kiss before passing your breakfast and moves to stand behind you. 
"I see what you're doing, feed me, put me in a good mood before I have to read these stupid messages?"
"Is it working?" He kisses your neck. 
"Yes," a laugh which makes you shiver.
"Fine, yes. OK, what have we got…" You unlock the phone and open Andy’s contact page. "Ready?" He nods into your shoulder.
" Now I see why you said no to getting back together. Starting tame, also he's not wrong. I'll allow it. You look like a slag in that dress. Juicy, god I haven't heard the word slag for years!" Roy growls. " I'm guessing Lexie doesn't know. She will when she wakes up. Hmm. OK. I mean, she likes you so I think we can cope with that situation. I think she'll be OK?"
"She's a fucking great kid, smart as hell. She'll be OK." He assures you. 
"There's more. He must have been pretty drunk by these I think. Bet he can't even fuck you with that dodgy knee. Uhhh, better than anyone. Ever. Ever." You feel his grin against your neck. "Don't get a big head."
"Not my head." He laughs, his beard and warm breath tickling you. 
"Ohhh stop doing that. Moving on. I'm sorry you dint really look like a slut. or slag. Ah, spelling and memory are becoming an issue. Oh god, he's back to sex. No idea why, he has literally zero to brag about. can't believe that wanker gets to fuck you in that dress bitch I wud fuk u better. Wow, that one is a real mess. Its the last one, I'm guessing he passed out after that because that last bit is just wishful thinking on his part."
"Didn't he have Lexie?"
"She went to his mums I think, he was going to the West Ham match."
"Good fucking job, if I find out he's getting wasted while she's with him-" You spin the seat around to face him again,
"You'll do nothing. I'll rip his dick off with my bare hands though." 
"Fuck me, you're hot when you're angry." 
"I should go and get her. I just need to check where from. Are you with Jamie today?"
"Yeah, but I can see him later if you want me to come with you?"
"I'll be OK. How shall we tell her? Do you want to be there?" 
"Your call babe, whatever you think she'd prefer? I'd rather not scare the shit out of her." 
"I'll get her and go back to mine. You could come over when you're done later if you want? If she asks me, I won't lie to her but if she doesn't, then we can tell her together? I'll cook for you for a change." 
"Perfect. Do me a favour?"
"Wear this when you pick her up." He traces over your heart where it turns out, his name is on the shirt embroidered above the Richmond logo. 
"Baby, I would turn up in a full kit with your name on the back. Knee socks included, and football boots, just to piss him off." He kisses you fiercely, 
"Now you're just talking dirty to me," he mutters. 
"Yep, you love it. Come on, I bet Jamie's dying for gossip and I've got to get going." You text Andy while throwing only the important things in your bag. You're sure you've left a breadcrumb trail of your belongings around the house, but you know Roy won't mind. You head out together, the walk taking you both in the same direction for much of the journey. "Did you need to do anything about the photos?"
"Nah, no point in retracting them now and you look fit so the whole world can see them for all I care."
"Including your mum."
"Including my m-, shit, yeah I'd better call her. And your parents? Are they gonna wonder what the fucks going on?"
"I'll take Lexie round that way on our way home I think. Appease them."
"Nice one. Right, this is the Tartt's palace. See you later. Good luck, don't fucking kill him without me there to watch."
"Hmm I'll try. Don't make Jamie vom, he was trying really hard not to get too drunk last night but I don't think he was very successful."
"Story of his life. Love you." You smile up at him, 
"Love you too." Jamie has the door open before Roy's even hallway through the gate, waving at you. You wave back and carry on up to Andy’s mum's house. She had been largely on your side up to now, annoyed with Andy for breaking up the family and worried that she'd see less of Lexie because of it. You'd reassured her repeatedly, taken Lexie in for tea on the way home from school, picked up bits of shopping for her and gently tried to let her know that nothing had to change between them. You weren't so sure that would be the case this morning. 
Andy’s car was on the drive so you braced yourself. 
"Darling girl, come in! Tea?"
"Hi Daph, yes please. I've only had time for one this morning." So far, so good. 
"Sore head?" She asked knowingly. 
"Not too bad. I suspect someone else is more hungover than me."
"You're not wrong. Did he give you crap?"
"A bit. How was Lex?"
"Oh golden, we had a lovely night. She's none the wiser by the way." She leads you from your hushed conversation in the hallway to her kitchen where Lexie sat eating breakfast and Andy hovered with a coffee in hand.
"Morning poppet, did you have a good night with Gran?"
"Yeah, we watched the new Matilda film!"
"And she hasn't stopped singing the songs yet!" Lexie grinned at her Gran.
"Show me later. Did you do your homework with Dad?" She nodded through a mouthful of cereal. Andy had yet to acknowledge you so far. "Shall we pop and see Nanny and Pop-pop on the way home?" Her face lights up, Andy grunts from the corner of the room. 
"Something to tell the folks eh?"
"Nothing we haven't already talked about." You quickly come up with the white lie. You don't want him to have the satisfaction that you're on clean up duty today. Lexie finishes her breakfast, puts her bowl in the sink and gives Daph a big hug. 
"Thank you Gran."
"Anytime pickle. Have a lovely week at school."
"And bye to Dad?" You prompt her, finishing your tea. You manage to leave without being cornered by Andy, it's pretty clear that his mum has told him to keep his mouth shut, so the short distance to your parents is a happy one. Your dad is already in the garden checking his plants and you can see your mum in the kitchen window beaming at Lexie. "Morning!" You call out, Lexie runs straight in so you go to your dad first. "Hiya dad." 
"Morning poppet," the same nickname you use for Lexie makes you smile. "Saw the paper."
"Hmm I thought you might have."
"Isn't he an almighty arsehole? I saw him on Sky Sports news, proper miserable bugger." You laugh at your dad's straight to the point question. 
"I still need to talk to Lexie, so I can't really talk about it too much, but he's so lovely dad. He's a grumpy fucker but he loves me, and Lexie too. It's early days, but he makes me very happy." Your dad stays quiet, just a grunt of acknowledgement. 
"I'll see about that. You'll bring him?"
"Soon, let's get the season finished first. It's a busy couple of weeks."
"Any luck on the job front?"
"Not yet."
"I hope you're not planning on just letting him support you? I didn't raise you like that."
"Dad! Course I'm not!" It stings a bit that he'd even ask that. You leave him to his tomato plants and go in to your mum. 
"Morning, love. Good night?"
"Yeah, thank you." Lexie is distracted by the baking your mum has already started, "you're not going to ask if I'm in it for the money as well are you?" Your mum laughs, 
"Don't be daft. Nice t-shirt," she notes. "Does the situation make you happy?" She asks cryptically for Lexie's benefit. 
"Well that's enough for me for now. More details to follow though please. And you looked beautiful, my sweetheart."
"Thank you."
"He's very handsome. The only reason I'd put up with your dad watching Sky Sports news, really. Don't tell him I said that."
"I'm not telling either of them. Don't want him leaving me for my hot mum!" You stay long enough for Lexie the bottomless pit to have one of your mums famed apple muffins and pack up a couple to take for Roy, thankful that they can't ask too much with Lexie around. You plan to walk home via the park so text Sara who meets you with Phoebe. 
"How did the parental rounds go? Roy called this morning, said you'd have to deal with Andy's mum as well?"
"The mums are fine, I think. Turns out he's got a good fanbase in older women." 
"Oh that'll be his yoga women theory rumbled then. So confident they have no idea who he is! Like their husbands aren't all glued to weekend football."
"My dad asked if I was a golddigger."
"Ouch, rude!"
"Just making sure I'm not throwing my career away."
"What career?" She sniggers. 
"Oi, cheek!" 
"You looked so great together last night. The pictures were amazing."
"It didn't even cross my mind that they'd get attention like that. I wasn't expecting damage control this morning, or to have to tell those two so soon." You look over at where the girls are playing. 
"Phebs hasn't mentioned it yet, but it won't take long. You haven't got to see the playground parents tomorrow have you? That'll be fun, they love a bit of extracurricular shagging!"
"No, she's at breakfast club thankfully! I'm going to tell her this afternoon." 
"Good idea, gotta do it before anyone else can." You say goodbye with plans to watch the following week's Man City game together with the girls and to catch up in the week at school. 
You're considering tackling the mountain of washing and more job applications when the front door knocks. Lexie, who's been quiet all morning, jumps up to open it. You can just about see the front door from the kitchen, so the first thing you see is Roy handing Lexie a bunch of pink tulips. 
"For me?" She squeaks, "really?"
"Is that OK?"
"Only mum has ever brought me flowers before! Mum! Roy brought me flowers!" She rushes in to show you, shaking the bunch in her little fist.
"Oh honey, they're beautiful! Shall I help you put them in water?"
"Can you do it? I'm making friendship bracelets."
"'Scuse me?"
"That's better, yes, I can do that for you." She puts the flowers on the table and runs back to the living room, high fiving Roy on the way past. "Someone is on the charm offensive." 
"Oh big time," he pulled another bunch from behind his back, peonies.
"How did you know?"
"Dunno what you're talking about." He checked the door before kissing you lightly, you cock your head to one side, "alright yeah, Lexie told me last week when you were out shopping with Sar."
"I knew you were a softy really."
"Only for you, don't get destroying my fucking tough man image."
"I wouldn't dream of it. I like that side too. Did you make Jamie vomit?"
"Unfortunately no. Did you kill anyone?"
"Unfortunately no. Bad mornings all round." He hasn't moved from your side yet and keeps looking to the door. "I think you're safe. She's making Richmond coloured bracelets for the match, we're watching with your mum and sister."
"So I've heard, means I'd better tell my mum about you then." At the knowledge that you shouldn't be interrupted for a few moments, he takes the opportunity to crowd you against the counter and really kiss you. You tilt your head to give you both better access and he sweeps his tongue over your bottom lip before biting it. The small gesture sends a wave of pleasure through your body and your hands go to the hem of his t-shirt of their own accord. You slide them just underneath enough to feel the warm skin on his stomach. The lightest scratch of your nails so close to the waistband of his jeans makes him growl into the kiss. "I've got to stop," he groans, pulling away from you. You can't help the desperate, needy moan at the loss of contact, and the look he gives you from that sound alone is enough to leave you trembling. You take a second to get your breath back and go back to sorting out the flowers. "Has she asked?" He questions once it feels safe enough to talk again. 
"Not yet. I'm going to go and talk to her, you're welcome to come with me?" He squeezes your hand reassuringly but makes sure to let it go once you're in the living room. "Hey, Lex? I need to tell you some that you might end up hearing about from someone else, I wanted to be able to tell you first though?" She sits up and starts measuring your wrist for a friendship bracelet.
"Is it about Roy?"
"Uhh yeah, how did you know?" She shrugs,
"He's here. And he brought flowers." You nod, 
"Right, of course. Yeah, it's about Roy. He asked me out to a fancy party last night. You might see some pictures of us-"
"Have you got them, can I see now?"
"Sure, I just need to get my phone." You're about to stand when Roy passes you his phone instead, and you see the lockscreen is one of the pictures from the night before. You hold it out to her, 
"You guys look so cute." Roy grunts at being called 'cute', "It's true!" She says, taking up his wrist to measure him for a bracelet. "So he's like, your boyfriend?" You steal a quick look at him, his eyebrows raise in anticipation of your answer. 
"Yeah. Is that ok?" Lexie shrugs,
"Sure, you're cooler than dad's new girlfriend but they broke up already. And now I get to meet footballers and hang out with Phoebe even more. She said we could be cousins and I told her I didn't have any so she said we should definitely do that. Can we?"
"Let's ummm… cousins is a very big step for you both. You really need to make sure you're ready so just slow down a bit there." Roy is sniggering at the big deal you've made cousins out to be, but Lexie is having none of it. 
"Mum, I think we'd be OK. We're nearly 9. We're not babies. I think you should just be brave and let us do it."
"Thanks for that input bunny, I'll take the cousins thing super seriously, ok?" She accepts your suggestion and thankfully drops the conversation. In the safety of the kitchen, you lean into him and let his arms wrap around you. "That was so scary. Why are 8 year olds so fucking terrifying?!"
"You were the shit, I fucking loved that." He laughs, his chest rumbling against yours. You stand together until Roy's phone rings and disturbs you. "It's Phoebe. Alright love?" He asks her. You can hear the squeal through the phone but can't make out what she's actually saying. You move away from Roy and give him a big thumbs up and a: you got this ! He doesn't look convinced, despite you only just telling him how scary it was. You can only hear his side of the call. "Nan saw the pictures? Yeah it was a fucking great dress. Yeah alright, I owe you. Worth it. No, this doesn't mean you're cousins now. You can be cousins when I tell you so. Cos it'll be up to me! Phoebe, put nan on the phone. Mum? Yeah she's OK. I'll come and see you tomorrow. I will, love you." He hangs up and you wait. "Phoebe is suddenly obsessed with cousins and mum wanted to check you were ok." You smile,
"I think that went well then. All the mums are on board, all the kids, I'm claiming the win." 
You cooked dinner, as promised and let Lexie watch a film with Roy afterwards while you packed her school bag and your work things. He left at her bedtime, leaving you with a kiss at the door. 
"Maybe Roy could have a sleepover next time, mum," she said halfway to sleep, "but you can't steal all the covers or he'll get cold."
"Thanks poppet, I'll make sure I don't steal the covers."
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fruitylo0pz · 2 years
A New Start pt. 3 (NSFW)
(Part 1 | part 2 if you haven't already read them)
Larissa Weems x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, NSFW, 18+, angst, sub!Larissa, degradation kink, praise kink, fingering, strap-on, masturbation, cunnilingus
A/N: I am SO sorry this took so long, but I have just had a lot going on and I didn't really feel inspired enough to write. It's not as long as the others, and I'm not entirely happy with it but I loved the support and how much people seem to like this story, and I really enjoy writing it. It has a bit of an angsty and sad ending, though. But hopefully I'll come up with the next part faster this time! I have proofread it, but there might be some mistakes. If so, apologies in advance! Hope you enjoy, and again thank you so much for the love!
Word count: ~2.7k
It had been three weeks since you heard from Larissa. You saw her in town, but it was as if she was ignoring you and you couldn’t fathom why. The last time she had visited you was like it always was, and you were on good terms when she left. Then, complete silence. You didn’t want to push her, after all she was still married and you didn’t want her to end up in trouble. Luckily, you had another big project at work that kept you occupied and distracted enough not to let it get to you too much, but the evenings were worse. For months, you had been so used to having her near, if only for a few hours and now the bed felt cold and the emptiness filled the entire room. You had just entered the store to get some snacks for a solo movie night when you saw the oh so familiar figure staring at you in complete silence. 
She approached you discreetly, pretending to look for something in your aisle. “I need to talk to you, Y/N. I’m sorry.” her voice was low, and she sounded sad. 
“Come by after you’ve been here if you can. If not, please text me so I don't have to wait up.” you realised that you sounded cold, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt even though hearing her voice made you feel like the first time you had seen her. 
You went home and found yourself anticipating her visit, even if your hopes weren’t that high. Maybe she had met someone else? Maybe her marriage was doing better? The thoughts racing through your head made you agitated and you decided to find a beer when all of a sudden you heard knocking on the front door, and there she was. She just stood there, looking at you with teary eyes.
“Please come in, Larissa. It’s cold.” You grabbed her hand gently, and she followed you without saying a word. “I’ll make you a cup of tea. You look like you’re freezing cold.” You helped her off with her coat and led her to the sofa.
“I am so sorry, Y/N. I’ll tell you everything, I promise.” Her voice was so gentle you could barely hear what she said, but looked at her and nodded. You finished making tea and sat next to her. You kept some distance in case she would feel uncomfortable, and just gave her a questioning look. 
“I should have texted you, at least. I know that. You didn’t do anything wrong and you didn’t upset me. I don’t know what made me pull away, but the thought of leaving you after spending the evening with you always gave me such a heavy heart. It felt so wrong, so I pulled away. It was almost easier that way. I know it isn’t fair.” She started crying, and buried her face in her hands.
You gently rubbed her back and moved closer. “Hey, Larissa. Please don’t be sorry. I knew this wouldn’t be easy when I agreed to this whole thing, and I know what you mean. I have always hated seeing you leave, and I wish you could stay here. In my opinion, it’s where you belong.” You lifted her chin up with your fingers and dried her tears. 
She smiled gently and stroked your cheek. “You are always so understanding, darling. I never deserved you. I am so sorry about just leaving you like that, and ignoring you. It killed me to see you in town and not be able to talk to you. Touch you. Kiss you. Just be near you and feel your warmth.” She continued stroking your cheek, and stared at you with those deep blue eyes. You swore you were swimming in her deepest and most sacred chambers when she looked at you like that, and oh how you had missed it. 
“Come here, let me hold you. I know you can’t stay long, but it will at least make up for our lost time a bit.” She leaned into your arms and rested her head under your chin. You stroked her back and she sighed. You could tell that she already felt safer, warmer and more comfortable by the way she rested her hand on your thigh, just to make sure that you were really there. 
“I have missed this so much. I have missed you so much. When I’m not with you, I don’t feel like myself. It’s like a part of me is missing, and there is no one else that could ever fill that space. You have become so important to me, and it is just as important to me that you know that.” She looked up at you and you smiled at her before kissing her and gave her a reassuring look. 
“I have missed you too, Larissa. So much. And I feel the same way. I never thought I would become this attached to someone as I have become with you. But I also like the feeling, even though I have to miss you every now and then. It makes these moments so much more special.” you stroked her hair and kissed her forehead before wrapping your arms tight around her. 
“Y/N, will you please take me to bed? I have missed your touch so much. I have been thinking about you every night and I need you to use me.” She looked at you with begging eyes, and you nodded before you took her hand and led her to your bedroom.
She leaned down to kiss you and you swiftly opened the zipper on her dress. You wanted to take your time, but you knew she couldn’t stay the night and truthfully you had missed her too much. You skilfully pulled down her dress and unclasped her bra, making her shiver at your touch. You bit her lip and she let out a low moan, making you smile. 
“Be a good girl and lie down and remove your panties for me, Larissa.” You looked at her with a sly look, and the sight of her almost naked body was intoxicating. You stood there staring at her, just drinking in the sight of her body so you could save a mental image of her looking so beautiful on her back for you.
She gave you an innocent look while maintaining eye contact with you, knowing how much it turned you on. “Miss, I have a request, if I may?” She always had a certain seductiveness lurking in her voice, despite sounding soft and gentle whenever she wanted to ask you something in these settings.
“Yes, Larissa?” You stood there looking at her, anticipating her request and you already knew you’d like it. 
“Please let me touch myself for you, miss. I want you to watch me warm myself up for you before you use me.” Her request sent shivers down your spine.She loved touching herself for you, almost as much as you loved watching her. 
“You may touch yourself, darling.” You sat down, impatiently awaiting the show she was about to give you. 
She let her hand wander down from her neck, over her breasts and down her waist. She then spread her legs, and you could already tell how wet she was. Her fingers started circling her clit slowly while her other hand pinched her nipple, making her gasp. Her fingers went faster and her moans got louder. Watching her touch herself like this made you want to take over, but you also enjoyed it when she made herself cum. It reminded you that this is what she looks like when her thoughts wander and she’s not with you. This is what she looks like when she’s touching herself while thinking about you, about the things you do to her. You could tell that she was close by the way her breath started shivering, and she came with a loud moan while bucking her hips. 
“You are such a good girl for me, Larissa. You just love to please me, don’t you?” You moved towards the bed while undressing yourself and she nodded.
“Use your words. You know better than this.” You snarled at her and gave her a stern look.
“Please forgive me, miss. Yes, I love to please you, and I am trying my best to do a good job. I am sorry for slipping up.” She looked away, and you loved it when she showed you that she knows her place in the bedroom. You always treated her with respect, but she would always be submissive to you. 
“That’s better. Now, spread your legs wider for me. Show me how wet you made yourself for me.” You sat down at the end of the bed and watched her spread her legs more. She wanted her to look, and you knew how much she enjoyed it. 
You leaned forward and let your fingers slide up her slit while staring into her eyes. She was desperate for you to use her. Desperate for you to make her yours, as you did over and over again every single time you were together. You slowly slid two fingers in, making her let out a deep groan. You started fucking her slowly, knowing how frustrated it made her. She tried meeting your movements but you stopped enough for her to know that you were in charge of her pleasure. 
“Beg.” You loved hearing her begging, knowing how needy she was for you to pick up the pace.
“Please, miss. Please fuck me harder. Please fuck me until I can’t hold back. I need to feel used like the whore I am for you.” Her voice was shaky and desperate. 
You added another finger and picked up the pace slightly, feeling how her walls clenched around your fingers. She spread her even more, inviting you deeper. You shifted position and started fucking her harder, making her clench the sheets and arch her back. You knew you had hit her magic spot when her breathing got more erratic, her moans got louder and her hands clenched the sheets even harder. 
You smiled to yourself and continued in the same steady pace until she came with a loud scream, clenching even tighter around your fingers. “I’m not done with you yet.” You smiled before you sank down between her legs, kissing her inner thigh before your tongue started circling her clit. Usually, you loved taking your time with her, torturing her before you devoured her, but you were so starved of her taste you couldn’t wait. You lapped up her arousal and she was already moaning uncontrollably. Her taste was so intoxicating, making you feel like you could never get enough of her. You could feel how she was so wet it was running from her, and you let your tongue slide up her slit to take in even more of her. You grabbed her thighs and pulled herself closer, holding her still as she started to squirm. Your tongue worked faster and harder when you realised she was getting closer and she suddenly came, sending yet another warm wave of arousal into your mouth. You eagerly licked it up, knowing she would cum again if you continued like this. She whimpered as she came again, but you knew you needed more. You let her calm down while you got up and walked over to the drawer.
She knew what was coming and she had learned exactly what to do. You picked up the harness and fastened it, and as you turned around she had already turned around and was on all fours, facing the headboard.
“You know your place so well, Larissa. You are such a good slut for me.” You positioned yourself behind her, teasing her with the strap. You spanked her as she tried to push herself onto it, once again reminding her that she is in no way in charge here. After teasing her, you slipped it in slowly, letting her adjust to it. She let out the most delicious moan you had ever heard as you bottomed her out, and you started thrusting harder. You grabbed her hips and she gasped when you started fucking her deeper. 
“Oh, I-I love feeling so used, miss. You feel so good inside me.” Her voice sounded even more needy, and you loved that you had brought out this dirty side of this otherwise sophisticated and upper class lady. You continued fucking her raw, hard and deep, making her moan out loud with every thrust. You knew she was close so you maintained the same pace until you tipped her over the edge and she threw her head back in an explosive orgasm making her collapse on the bed. You pulled out and leaned forward to kiss her shoulder.
“Just stay here, darling. I’ll clean you up.” You went to the bathroom to fetch a warm washcloth and gently cleaned her up. She was still collapsed on the bed and you chuckled before kissing her. 
“You really wear me out, and I love every second of it, Y/N. You make me feel so good.” She looked at you and blushed. You knew she meant it, and that meant the world to you. It secretly killed you that she couldn’t stay, but you valued every second you got to spend with her. 
“I’d do it every night if I could, Larissa. You’re a goddess, and I’d worship you every second of every day if I could.” You kissed her and gently caressed her cheek. A small touch or a simple kiss on the forehead meant the world to her, you knew that by the way she would always smile afterwards. 
She started getting dressed, and the moment you always dreaded was here. You both knew it was coming and you didn’t speak of it. It had to be like this, but you chose not to ask her to stay because you know it also made it harder for her. You put on a pair of pyjamas and gave her a gentle smile, reminding her that you’d be exactly where you are waiting for her. You always did this to reassure her, to make her feel less bad about leaving because she disliked it just as much as you. You followed her downstairs and helped her with her coat. You stood there just staring into each other's eyes, wishing it didn’t have to be like this.
“Thank you for tonight, Larissa. Thank you for spending the evening with me. It has been wonderful, and I can’t wait to see you again.” You kissed her hand and she leaned down to give you one last kiss for the evening.
“I’ll try to keep in touch, Y/N. I won’t let this happen again, I can’t stand missing you like I did these last few weeks.” She gave you a gentle smile before opening the door. 
You both stood there in shock when you saw him. Completely paralysed, unable to speak or think. 
“I was hoping the rumours weren’t true, but I should have known. Do you have any idea what this will do to my reputation? You know damn well how important I am in this town. You’re coming with me now. Our marriage might not be perfect, but I won’t let an affair ruin my image.” Her husband was furious. You were afraid he might harm her, but she looked at you to reassure you. You knew you couldn’t stop this no matter what you did. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” She turned around and walked to his car. She got in, and they left. You felt sick to your stomach. How the hell did he find out? You had been careful. You always made sure no one saw anything, but someone must have seen you. It was as if your heart sank. Your chest felt heavy, yet empty at the same time. It felt so tight, you could barely breathe and you just sank to the floor. Now that you finally got her back, even if it was just after a few weeks away from her. You couldn’t stand the idea of losing her. Not now. Not her. Would you never see Larissa again? Was this how it would end?
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spaced0lphin · 1 year
I Read My Own Fanfiction 20 Years Later and I Wanna Give Kid Me a Hug
I was reminded the other day of my very first fanfiction that I put online. I couldn't remember what I even called it, but could remember just enough to try scouring the Internet. To equal parts shock and horror, I actually found the thing. So, I read it. And, I cried - I cried a lot, actually. At fourteen years old, I wrote 55,000+ words about Dilandau Albatou from Escaflowne and some self-insert OC. Three years later, in 2006, I rewrote the whole thing from the ground up, clocking in at 73,600+ that time before I stopped updating it. I just got done reading the whole mess, and let me tell you, it is cringe and awful, and I wish time machines existed. Not so I could stop myself from writing this. But, so I could make fourteen and seventeen-year-old me a cup of tea, sit down, and go through this story with them. So much of it is such a keening cry about wanting to know what it felt like to be loved. I don't remember writing this story now - it was twenty years ago - but I do remember how I felt at the time and where it came from. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I was going through hell at that time in my young life. I was actively being abused and had no frame of reference to understand it as what was going on. I just felt like no one wanted to hear me, and so the only way to be loved was to write it happening to me. I want to go back in time so I can show enthusiastic interest in what teenage me was trying to express with this. I want to share with her the things I like about this, and I want to make her feel seen, safe, and reassured. I want to let her talk with me about her ideas for this story until she falls asleep. I want to show her healthier ways to recognise and understand love so she'll be better prepared for the things she'll encounter later. And... bless her heart, but I want to tell her she doesn't need to over-explain everything in excruciating detail - something I know she did because she felt she had to prove she was smart and worth listening to. She tried so hard to use florid language to catch the attention of those around her she needed love from the most. It never worked. I can tell you that I wrote about wanting an all-encompassing, powerful romantic love - and sure, that's part of what I wanted - I was a teenage girl, after all. But mostly, what I wanted was simply to be engaged with. I wanted to feel like my feelings and my dreams were important to someone. It is frankly astonishing to me that the story I wrote back then had any fans at all - but it did! Thirteen whole, entire people actually read that thing and commented enthusiastically on it. That's thirteen people more than zero. Whoever you are out there: Twenty years later, thank you. Your words of support on a screen meant the world to me. It was all I really had, back then. If you read Codename: Fox and/or the incredibly boldly named The Revision of Escaflowne on FF.net in the early oughts, thank you. You were my therapists and you didn't even know it. Oh, but uh, don't go and read them if you haven't already. They're truly abysmal. Bless my little heart but, just, abysmal. Comment on your favourite fic, today!
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twst-campos13 · 4 years
UwU welcome to the twst writing fandom~ Aha finally a blog that can write for male! mc,I haven't seen them for a while nor there are a lot of~ Can i request hc with the first years with a male crush reader~? Hope that you'll get many followers! ahehe~I dunno what to say. Hope that you have a great day, UwU -🍵🌱✨
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Hello there Tea Non! (can I call you that qq?) Sorry for the wait!! Jack’s part feels a bit too short and Sebek’s quite long,, ^^’’
Warnings: mild language! internalized homophobia (Epel’s part!) Tags: fluff, male!reader
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➸ Ace is a little shit bastard, but he (along with Deuce) practically became best friends. You're one of the people he would tease to death and annoy with but also he would stand by your side no matter what.
➸ You banter a lot together. You'd fight, argue, and even tease each other which is considered "too mean" to other people.
➸ Though your arguing turns to flirting sometimes. You didn't even realize it, Ace didn't even realize it, but your friends did and they're placing bets if you two are actually into each other or not. 
➸ How long did Ace figure out that this isn't just a normal bro-thing? Well, suddenly, seeing you scowl at him and swear at him is becoming more than amusing—it's becoming endearing. He likes the way you look at him or even gets hyped up in annoying you when you fire back with remarks.
➸ The fluttering feeling in his chest only grew when you two were play flirting. He grinned cheekily at you about maybe needing some company while doing library duty. You know what you said to him back? 
➸ "Awe, Ace. Do you want to be alone with me that much?"
➸ His brain tried what just happened and why that he was so red right after that whole exchange. You two always flirted and bickered, right? Why does it feel kinda different now?? What??? Hnajgejegegaeg????
➸ Then you started to do intimately nice things to him—like that one time you had to tend to his hand after burning himself during potions class—then oh, oh. Fuck. Oh fuck. He has a crush on you. Does that surprise him? To have a crush on a guy? Not particularly, because this isn't the first time it happened. 
➸ Before Ace met his ex-girlfriend, he already experienced what it's like to have a crush on a guy. He didn't understand why or why that feeling is the same feeling he has for a girl. 
➸ His brother found out first then he came out to his mom. She did call it a phase but in a way that she was supportive of him questioning his sexuality. His mom assured him that she wouldn't love him less if he's bisexual.  
➸ Ace just hopes this little crush of his doesn't develop. He doesn't want things to get awkward between the two of you! Just because he likes the way your cheeks reddens when he slings an arm around you and pinches your cheek, doesn't mean you can do the same to him...okay, maybe he'd like that a little bit
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➸ Deuce is a smart student. He's loyal, reliable, and diligent. However, sometimes he just comes off as dense. 
➸ He's comfortable with his sexuality. Whatever it is that is seen as too intimate for two bros to share is normal for him. After all, you're his best friend! Along with Ace and Grim. There's nothing weird about how he's treating you because he treats his friends the same way. 
➸ Said friends watch his imaginary ears and tail wag when you praise him or compliment him. Okay, who's gonna tell him? 
➸ It's like they were the ones who realize Deuce has a crush on you first than Deuce himself. They started placing bets on when he's going to realize it or if you'll be the one to find out and Deuce still hasn't realized what he's feeling is infatuation.
➸ It's rather cute, actually. Deuce is already cute but he became quite endearing when he smiles at you. How he's always making sure to see if you're comfortable, checking in on your wellbeing, and asking if you need help.
➸ He's a little protective of you, too. Granted he controls himself to not get into too many fights. He doesn't want you to get roped into the fights and get hurt. However, if some mob student even dares to mess with you when you aren't even doing anything, you got some backup. (Don't mess with the First Year Squad).
➸ Ace teases him about his little crush on you which leads to Deuce punching his arm all flustered. He's a little shit to Deuce about this too, always making kissy sounds when Deuce gets too cute around you.
➸ The funny thing is, Deuce doesn't even realize he's infatuated with you. Again, he thinks you just have a special place in his heart. You're his bro and he's willing to fight with you. 
➸ He finally realized when he talked to his mom about you and she commented how glad she is that her son found someone he can be happy with. She reminded him to take his crush as a motivation in his studies, and Deuce nodded at her advice.
➸ Wait WHAT—
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➸ Epel is by no means weak. This boy worked at a farm before he was in NRC. That pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart (sometimes). 
➸ Though the urge to pick him up out of nowhere is tempting. No one in the squad tried to do it to catch him off guard (Ace attempted to while Deuce stopped him, Sebek doesn't think it's necessary, and Jack only picked him up because they were working out together). Besides, he isn't some damsel to be hoisted out of nowhere! He doesn't like it...or so he thought when you picked him up by the torso to move him out of the way. Epel didn't see Grim running at full speed on the ground because his tail got bitten by a live crab. Your first instinct was to just grab and lift him—you didn't mean to startle him, really. 
➸ Needless to say, Epel developed a new emotion. He doesn't know what to call it or if there's even a name for it. Is there a name for "brain shutting down for brief moments after being picked up with ease?"
➸ Does he like you? Does he actually have a crush on you?? He never had a crush on a guy before—he never had a crush on anyone. Does the fluttery feeling in his chest when you touch shoulders mean that he likes you?? ahufaeofaufea????!!
➸ He's just...lost. So lost about what he's feeling towards you. A lot of invasive and absurd thoughts flood his mind. Do you have a crush on him too? Will you like him? Would you find him weird? Who's gonna "wear the pants" in the relationship?? He doesn't want that! Liking a guy doesn't make him less manly, right? RIGHT??
➸ "Hey Epel are you—" | "I DON'T LIKE HIM." | "...dude I was just gonna ask if you're finished with your essay..."
➸ The squad (sans you) have to reassure Epel that his feelings for you are valid and that doesn't make him less manly than he already is (Jack and Deuce). Liking a guy is the same as liking anyone else (Sebek). Worrying about a certain role to play in a relationship between same-sexes is kinda homophobic (Ace). 
➸ That assured him, atleast. He isn't familiar with liking a guy. Plus, with where he came from, it's definitely uncommon. However...there is one thing that Epel is familiar with.
➸ He definitely fantasized about meeting someone to grow old with. Someone who will love him back and share dreams with. No one knows about this of course—what are you talking about? He's not a sappy, romantic person. Not at all!!
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➸ Jack would deny it 100% 
➸ There is no way he has a crush on you! He can't do that to you—no way. He respects you enough to keep your relationship as just friends. If you're bros, you're bros.
➸ Yeah, that doesn't really work out well for him.
➸ It's easy to tell if Jack likes you or not because he's good at hiding his emotions through defensive remarks (plus his resting face is a scowl). The Kouhai Squad would look at his ears and tail wagging when you even smile at him or congratulate him for a job well done. He's like a puppy,,,
➸ Whenever the Squad would point this out he will deny it. There is no way in Twisted Wonderland that he has a crush on you! He doesn't! Those are...just instinctive bodily reactions!
➸ "You held hands, dude." | "So? That isn't weird." | "Your tail is wagging." | "NO IT ISN'T!!"
➸ It's not like he doesn't like you, he's just...embarrassed. It's like you know what makes him flustered and that makes his heart do a little tap dance. He (somehow) wants to do the same to you. Make you flustered, embarrassed, happy...it's only fair! 
➸ He needs to get over this little crush of his...because you're starting to catch up on why he's acting weirdly. If he tells you how he feels about you, how would you take it? He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with each other...aghh why is this so hard?? Jack wishes working on his feelings is as easy as training in Magift...
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➸ Admiration and pride are something Sebek is familiar with, but infatuation is new.  
➸ Admiring someone and having a crush on them are two similar but different things. When your bond with him develops he...starts to get a little confused. 
➸ Has those feelings always been there? Are they different? He wasn't being this weird back then! A simple bump on the shoulders shouldn't spark so much electricity inside him to cause him to tense up! 
➸ Sebek was good to hide these new reactions towards you...somewhat. He has to atleast act like everything is normal so he can evaluate what kind of feelings he has towards you. Which works and kinda doesn't since when you do something a little intimate (like a shoulder pat, a cheeky smile, or even praise) he gets a little red. Red. Nevermind Deuce and Jack are asking if he's okay while Grim judges from afar. 
➸ He still doesn't understand why he feels so weird around you so he decided to ask someone who has experience—an adult if you will! A humble, wise, elder fae that surely has some explanation for the weird fluttery feeling in his stomach.  
➸ "You are infatuated—or to put it simply, you have a crush on the Prefect," Lilia explained to him. Sebek needed a few moments for that information to sink in. He has a crush on you. Okay, that's the mundane mystery solved. What is he gonna do with that information? Carry on with your friendship knowing things might get awkward around the both of you? 
➸ Luckily, Lilia gave him three questions to answer personally so he may evaluate his feelings for you. In that way, Sebek knows what the next steps to take without rushing in blindly. You consider him as your friend and he returns that sentiment! He wishes to respect you as you respect him. 
➸ Are you a distraction? Oh, definitely! Ever since he started to harbor feelings for you, his thoughts often lead up to you. When the young master is talking about you, he finds himself listening in, not just because Malleus is talking, but because he wonders about what kind of human is friends with his young master. This caused him to write a few words related to you in the essay he was supposed to be writing! When he and Silver are sparring, Silver has the audacity to throw your name into his comment which caught him off guard. In other words: you are despicably distracting!
➸ Are you a motivation? Well...yes. Sebek is proud to be a knight for the young master and he continues to strive in his position. He knows there is still much to learn as a knight and he is willing to develop his skills more to become better. Somehow, you acknowledge his diligence and even commend him for it. Yet you look after him, saying that he needs someone to fight for him. He laughs at that incredulous thought. Sebek prefers he do that to you along with his friends, instead. All of the squad are an odd bunch, including you. Sebek...wants to protect you as well. Somehow, knowing that you are safe urges him to make sure that you'll remain safe.
➸ Are you an inspiration? Sebek ponders on that question. Somehow it is related to the second, but he thinks carefully about it. He noticed how most of the poetry he makes is because of you—he needs an outlet for his feelings, don't take it weirdly—and although the theme varies, the subject of interest is you. 
➸ Now that he answered all three of those questions...shall he proceed with courting you? No, that's too fast. Lilia told him to enjoy his youth and don't dive into relationships quickly.
➸ However! He shall confess to you to rid of the constricting feeling in his chest! Sebek wants to talk to you normally again without any hidden feelings!
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ohdeersthings · 3 years
Love Festival
Kirishima Eijiro x F!OC
Summary: Being Fatgums adopted daughter can be challenging, especially when it comes to meeting his new interns while also having to keep watch over Eri.
Quirk: Ram
Quirk fact: Bring able to run, jump and react like a Ram, the user is able to also headbutt and cause great damage with their strength and horns. They also can digest anything like a Ram. Also has a fluffy wool tail, and a wool band around both wrists. Her legs from the waist down are ram legs, so she looks more like a Mythical Fawn.
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, enjoy!!
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"Oh hey Eraser Head! What's going on?" Fatgum answered his phone while sitting at his desk in his office at Fatgum Agency. "Fatgum, Midoriya and Togata have requested for Eri to be present at our School Festival, seeing as how Eri has bonded with Aki, do you think she'd be willing to join her on that day?" Aizawa questioned, standing outside Eri's hospital room where the young girl was currently having her lunch.
Fatgum pondered for a moment,"Well I don't see why she couldn't. I guess she could use a break too, between her assignments and being with Eri at the hospital, I'm sure she'd love it!" "Alright, I'll be sure to let the class know so they don't freak out. Speaking of, only Amajiki and the others in the Big Three have met Aki right? She was away on another assignment when Work Studies happened," Aizawa knew his students would probably freak out when seeing Eri's caregiver and friend, who was the same age as them but on a whole other level.
"You're correct, so Kirishima hasn't met her. It'll be fine though, I have full confidence that everything will be fine," Fatgum smiled into the phone, nonchalant about anything going on. "Alright, we'll discuss details later then," with that the two hung up.
"Oh hey Togata!" Midoriya called out to Togata, waving him over from where Togata was hiding behind the bush. Togata narrowed his eyes, realizing he'd been found out before he can surprise them.
The dance team looked on in surprise as Togata stuck his bottom out from the bush, Eri standing beside him looking surprised as well, "Hey guys! I brought a PEACH for ya,"
"Eri!" Midoroya called out as he, Uraraka and Tsuyu ran up to greet them. "That dress looks so cute," Tsuyu commented, "You are precious!" Uraraka gushing in fondness. The girls couldn't help the big smiles on their faces.
"Midoriya, I finally got permission from the Principle," Togata climbed out of the bush and began brushing off his pants as Aizawa spoke, "in order for her to not get stressed, we're allowing her to roam around today before the Festival, also there's someone you all need to meet as well,"
The other dance team members came forward to introduce themselves to the young girl. "Well hello there, you must be Eri, I'm Iida, nice to meet you," "Wassup I'm Mineta, man you're gonna be a looker when you're older huh~" Mineta smirked, but the young girl hid behind Togata, "I want Aki,"
The name had taken them by surprise, "Aki? Whose that?" Midoriya questioned, confusion written on the Work Study kids faces. "Oh right, you haven't met her yet. Aki is Eri's caregiver, well when she's not on Assignments for Fatgum," Togata explained, "Eri can be a little shy around new people, but her and Aki get along very well,"
"Its perfectly alright to be shy," Iida commented, softening his voice to not scare Eri further. "Let's start the tour! Aki should be here soon, so I wanna show her as much of the school as I can so she can see what we do here, you wanna come along too Midoriya?" Togata extended the offer, knowing that since Aki isn't here, Eri might be calm with Midoriya around too. "You bet!" "Hey Dance Team! New idea!" Kirishima's voice broke out, before realizing Eri was there.
"Oh hey Eri! Wait, we've never been officially introduced," Kirishima crouched down to meet Eri's gaze when another voice broke out.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, someone decided to rob a gas station on the way over and I couldn't just leave the situation," it was a soft, silky voice that came from behind Aizawa. The students all turned their attention to see a young dark skinned girl about their age.
Her hair was a dark auburn red that came to below her shoulder blades, soft waves accentuating her purple eyes that seemed to have a swirl of white in them but were framed with thin gold wired glasses. Freckles dawned her nose and cheeks that were flushed with red, giving her an innocent look. What caught their attention the most was the Ram horns that protuded from her head, her legs being Ran legs with red fur like her hair but black hooves. Her outfit consisted of a off the shoulder wool dress she seemed to be wearing that came to stop at her upper thighs, a bell was wrapped around her neck and jingled everytime she moved, of course it also brought attention to her chest that was framed by the wool.
Some of the boys blushed, and Kirishima found himself entranced by her. "Aki!" Eri exclaimed, walking over to the girl who crouched down to her height, "I missed you!" Eri reached her arms out to her, Aki smiling and welcoming the girl into her arms, "I missed you too," giving Eri a nuzzle as the girls closed their eyes and embraced eachother.
"So you're Aki! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Midoroiya smiled, the class seemingly broken from the momentary shock. "The pleasure is all mine! Thank you for what you did for Eri, I would've been on the assignment too if Papa hadn't sent me on a different one," Aki greeted, before realizing she needed to properly introduce herself.
Standing up, Eri still in her arms as she bowed, "I'm sorry! My name is Toyomitsu Aki, it's so nice to meet you all, please call me Aki!" Straightening up, Eri wrapped her arms around Aki as rested her head on Aki's shoulder.
"Wait, Toyomitsu? Why does that sound familiar?" Kirishima wondered aloud, rubbing his head as if it would bring the answer to him. "WAIT I KNOW YOU!" Midoriya yelled out, eyes growing wide as he pointed toward Aki,"YOU'RE RAM-RAM, THE YOUNGEST PERSON TO EVER BECOME A HERO, YOU'RE ALSO FATGUMS DAUGHTER!" Now the students outside all yelled in shock, "WHAT!?"
"Oops, guess the cats out of the bag," Togata laughed, Aizawa just shaking his head in embarrassment from his students. "WAIT, you're really Fatgum's daughter!? Why didn't I know this!" Kirishima cried out, his head a mess knowing the girl he found cute was actually his Mentors daughter.
"Yeah, Papa adopted me when I was a baby, I hope this doesn't affect us becoming friends?" Aki smiled nervously, her small tail twitching in anticipation. "No way! That's so cool, let's take a break everyone, it's tea time!" Mina chimed in, hoping to calm everyone down from the excitement, "There will be more time to explain later, get on with the tour, we don't have time to waste," Aizawa called out, Togata and Aki nodding as Midoriya went to go change his clothes really quick.
"So if you're Fatgums daughter, you must know Amajiki right?" Kirishima questioned, trying to push through his nerves in front of the pretty Ram girl. He was determined to get to know his Mentors daughter. "Definitely! Tama-Kun is so nice, I love going on assignments with him, especially when he shares his food with me like Papa," Aki gushed, her red cheeks getting even darker with excitement, a closed eye smile making Kirishimas cheeks match hers in color. "My name is Kirishima Eijiro, my hero name is Red Riot, I'm actually a new intern at your father's agency for my Work Study," He introduced himself, holding out a hand in greeting.
Aki's jaw dropped and sparkles seemed to erupt from no where, "NO WAY! Papa has told me all about Red Riot, your name is a play off of Crimson Riot right!? I love that, he's such an amazing Hero!" Aki rambled, Kirishima feeling himself fall even harder.
Togata chuckled and took Eri from Aki, who was so engrossed in her conversation she didn't even seem to notice the weight lifted from her arms. Eri looked between the two red heads and noticed that Aki looks so happy, like when she finds a good object to chew on, then again anything was good to chew on for Aki.
"Totally manly right! Hey, are you gonna be here for our School Festival? It'll be totally killer, we're putting on a performance!" "Of course, I'll be chapperoning Eri that day so we won't miss it," The two had seemed to have fallen into their own little world, the other students just watching in amazement.
"I don't think I've seen Kirishima this excited before," Tsuyu commented, Uraraka and Mina nodding in agreement. "Oh jeez, he's got it bad," Ojiro laughed, Mineta seething from the mouth that he didn't get to touch the pretty animal girl. "He's got what?" Shoji asked, looking to Ojiro for answers, although Hagakure answered instead, "Kirishima is totally falling for Aki! What better romance is that!? An employee and the Bosses daughter? It's so forbidden but romantic!" Hagakure couldn't contain her excitement and started to swoon, Mina grabbing her shoulders as she tries to balance her friend.
"Hey Aki! Let's get this show on the road!" Togata called out, waving his arm to grab her attention. "Oh, coming MiMi-Kun! I guess I should go, we'll talk again soon, right?" Aki questioned, taking Kirishimas hands into her own, a bright smile on her face as her eyes seemed to sparkle. Kirishima felt his face warm up, but nodded, a nervous smile on his face from how close she was,"Definitely, we can meet up sometime at the agency maybe,"
"See ya later," she giggled, walking over and taking Eri's hand into her own. Kirishima could only watch with his heart beating out of his chest as the beautiful girl left, when he felt a hand on his back slap him forward, "OH MY GOSH KIRISHIMA, YOU'RE SO LUCKY, YOU SLY THING YOU!" Mina exclaimed, repeatedly hitting him in her excitement. "Way to go dude," Ojiro laughed, the rest of the students all smiling and calling out their support for him. "Come guys this is so not manly," he whined, embarrassed having realized they watched him and Aki. Yet he smiled and couldn't help but think 'Maybe this Festival will be good,'
Walking around the school seemed to excite Eri and Aki, both wondering how all the different classes worked and what each class would put on for the School Festival.
Meeting up with Amajiki and Hado excited Aki to the point of her having steam come out of her nose in puffs, "Tama-Kun!Nene-chan!" She called out to them, Nejire flying over in greeting as they began to discuss the beauty pagent in detail and how Nejire was going to win this year.
"Hey! Maybe you should join Aki! I bet you'd be a shoe in for runner up!!" Hado squealed, wanting the girl who was like a little sister to join in on the fun. "Oh I'd live to Nene-chan but I'm not a student here," Aki smiled, though Midoriya thought her smile seemed a little forced, "plus I wouldn't wanna ruin your chances by competing, I'll be sure to cheer you on though!" Aki grinned, giving Hado two thumbs up who returned it. Eri looking between the two and then to her hands, mimicking them but smaller, though everyone swooned.
After visiting the Support Class last, they went to Lunch Rush's in the cafeteria to give Eri somthing to eat to finalize the tour. "Well that's all of U.A!" "What did you think of our School Eri?" Midoriya questioned, Eri though looked unsure, "I..I don't know," both boys looked at eachother nervously, but Aki smiled at her which gave Eri enough courage to continue, "But I can see how hard everyone is working, so I do wanna see how it turns out," Aki gave her a grin, proud of Eri for trying to speak out more and explain her thoughts and feelings.
At the end of the day, they returned Midoriya to Heights Alliance and said goodbye. "We'll be back on the day of the festival," Togata explained, pumping his arm in excitement, "So make sure it's killer,"
As they went to leave, Aki spoke up, "I will catch up with you in a moment MiMi-Kun, I wanna ask Midoriya somthing really quick," Togata nodded and escorted Eri out.
"What is it Aki? Is everything okay?" Aki stared at him for a second, before her eyes sharpened and it made him jump back, "What is your deal with Eri? What are you hoping to gain?" "W-what?" Midoriya was taken back, 'How can such a sweet and cute girl get terrifying to quickly!?'
"You seem very focused on making her happy. Why? I don't want anyone near Eri who was bad intentions," "It's not like that! When we found Eri that first time, I was so upset we couldn't do anything. I beat myself up everytime I think about it, I wanna be a hero that saves people with a smile. But Eri hasn't smiled once, so I wanna help her smile. I wanna help her become a child again, especially after what she went through," Midoriya was firm with his answer, now staring Aki back in the eyes, hoping to show her the true meaning of his intentions.
Aki suddenly smiled, sparkles surrounding her like with Kirishima earlier, "Okie dokie. I hope your goals come true," Midoriya sweat dropped, 'How bipolar can she be?' Aki then bit her lip nervously, arms behind her back as she shuffled, "I do have one more question, more of a favor though,"
This caught him by surprise, "Sure, what is it?" Holding out a folded up paper, she asked, "Can you give this to Kiri-kun for me?" "Huh!? KIRISHIMA!?" "Y-Yes, I know this sounds silly but.. he's very cute," Aki admitted, her face turning red and her tail stub swished back and forth.
"U-uh sure, I can give this to him. Wouldn't you wanna give it to him in person though," "I-I don't know..I don't wanna over step," "Nonsense, come on,"
With that Midoriya led her inside, the rest of the class unwinding in the main sitting area, though they looked in surprise with the girl in tow with Midoriya. "Hello again!" Mina greeted, "Guys this is Toyomitsu Aki, she's Eri's caregiver," Midoriya introduced the girl, her bowing to the class with a smile.
"Hello everyone, so pleased to meet you," her smile made them all flushed, 'SO CUTE'. "So what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Jirou questioned, "I-I was hoping to speak to u-uh..Kirishima-kun," Aki was embarrassed, now noticing how many people were staring at her intensely.
"Did someone call me? Oh hey Aki! What's up?" Kirishima questioned, having just walked out of the kitchen, but smiled big when he saw the beautiful girl from this morning.
"H-hi! I just wanted to u-uh, give this to you," stumbling over her words, she tried to act relaxed but was dying on the inside and outside. "O-Oh, thanks," Kirishima blushed, taking the folded up note from her out stretched hand, when their fingers touched however they both jumped apart and their faces burned red.
Of course, Mineta took this time to try and sneak up behind the girl. Reaching his hand out to flip the bottom of her dress, mumbling on how it was so short, it'd be a crime to not go through with it. Thankfully, Kirishima took notice and pulled her to him, hardening his hand as he punched him away, "KNOCK IT OFF," He growled, holding Aki close in his left arm.
Aki shivered, noticing how his muscles squeezed her like she'd dissappear if he let her go. Tapping his chest, he realized he was holding her and jumped back, "I'm so sorry! He can just never keep his hands to himself and it'd be so unmanly if me to not step in," Kirishima freaked out, waving his hands and trying to plead his case. He froze though when Aki walked up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "It's alright, thanks for being my Hero," she winked, suddenly finding some courage in his embarrassment. "I'll see you at the festival like we talked about earlier, right?" Aki asked, let her hands rest on his chest, "U-Uh YYEaH Suree," his voice cracked, his whole mind running in auto pilot. "Awesome, I'll see you then," she turned on her hoof and began walking toward the exit, she looked over to the class in a whole and waved goodnight before exiting Heights Alliance.
A loud thud made everyone turn toward where Kirishima was, noticing he'd fallen over, his eyes swirling and a giant grin in his red face. "Aki's so cute," he chucked, Kaminari and Sero whooping for him while Iida lectured about proper PDA in the presence of others. All Kirishina knew is that the festival couldn't come soon enough.
On the day of the festival, Aki and Eri sat in the back if a taxi has Togata sat up front and was going over the schedule for the day. "We'll catch 1-As performance, then race over to 1-B for their play, then it'll be lunch and the pagent, does that sound alright?" He turned to face the horned girls in the back, Eri's outfit was a cute red and white dress while Aki wore her usual wool dress only this time it was red to compliment her hair.
"Sounds great, we can probably catch 1-A setting up before they perform," "oo~you just wanna catch Kirishima before he performs, maybe to wish him luck~" Togata teased, Aki gritting her teeth and raising her hood, kicking him in the back if the head leaving a hoof print, "Hehe, nevermind," Togata smiled, Eri looking up at Aki, "Do you like Kirishima?" "U-uh well, I admire him so to say," Aki tripped over her words as Togata laughed at her misfortune.
Once they'd arrived at the school, Aki mentioned she was going to see Nejire before 1-A to wish her luck before she got ready.
"Nene-chan, are you in here?" Aki knocked, hearing a lot of voices from inside the dressing room. Opening the door, Aki was met with Hado, Yuyu, and a few other students. "Oh sorry, I just wanted to come wish you luck," Aki smiled, holding her hands together in front of her.
"Ram-Ram!?" The other students exclaimed, shocked that a young hero would show up here. "Oh hello! Wonderful to meet you," she bowed, greeting them as they momentarily freaked out before bowing back.
"Hey hey! What're you doing here Aki? Where's Eri? Or Togata?" "They went to go see 1-A real quick, I was about to go see them, just wanted to see you first," Aki sheepishly explained, Testutestu suddenly appeared in front of the girls face making her lean back in surprise.
"Wait a second are you that girl Kirishima is always talking about!? The pretty red haired Ram girl that is Fatgums daughter!" Aki flushed hearing the red haired boys name.
"Well it's nice to know he thinks of me," she said happily, before looking at the clock, "I've gotta go, I hope everything goes good for you girls!" She cheered, waving as she walked out leaving the others stunned, "Why does Kirishima always get the good opportunities," Testutestu cried out, falling to his knees depressed that a beautiful girl like that was already taken by Kirishima.
"Hey! I'm not too late am I?" Aki called out, running up to the 1-A group. "Oh Ram-Ram! Welcome," Yamomo greeted, fiddling with her keyboard to make sure it was on the right setting. "We've still got about twenty minutes until we go on, Midoriya should've been back by now, he went to go get rope earlier," Kirishima mentioned, cheeks going a light pink at facing Aki again.
"Well I'm sure it'll be amazing, are you doing special affects?" Aki questioned, leaning close into Kirishimas personal space, "Y-Yeah, I hope you'll enjoy them," he smiled, running a hand through his hair. "HEY SHITTY HAIR, LETS GO WE AINT GOT ALL DAY!" Bakugou yelled out then realized Kirishima was talking to a girl.
"Hey Sheep Ass! What're you doing in here?! Don't be trying to pull anything dammit," Bakugou seethed, his teeth gritting together in annoyance of a new person.
"I was just wishing you guys luck," Aki began to ring her hands nervously, "Well we don't need luck! We'll kick ass either way dammit!" Bakugou exclaimed, getting in her face. Aki decided he needed to calm down and quit yelling.
Ramming her head into his stomach, Bakugou lurched forward coughing as he fell to the ground holding his stomach,"Damn Ram Bitch. What the fuck was that for," he gasped, rolling around on the floor in pain. "I didn't appreciate you being in my face," she calmly spoke, turning to Kirishima again who looked at her in awe at her strength.
"I'll leave you to it, you'll do amazing," her lips pressed to his cheek again, although this time they grazed the corner of his mouth slightly. Giggling she turned and left the room.
Silence ticked by for a second before Kirishima belted out, "GUYS THIS HAS TO BE AMAZING, TOP NOTCH MANLY," He hardened up without knowing, the others in the class around him sweat dropping at the sudden mood change.
As the curtains opened and a deafening explosion happened, Aki smiled as Jirou started her song, the dancers and musicians knocking it out of the ball park all at once.
The beat had Aki dancing in place, Togata laughing at her as Eri watched in surprise of Midoroiya dancing, well at least until he went off stage for some reason. "He left," "He'll be back, let's keep watching," Togata assured her, the music still blaring into their ears.
The song kept continuing to grow in progress when all of a sudden a lot of special effects went off, Uraraka swinging out to the crowd and lifting some audience members off the ground, one of them being Aki who laughed and brought Eri with her who couldn't hold it in any longer, throwing her arms out and laughing, a giant smile on her face. Aki and Togata had tears in their eyes as they smiled, knowing this young girl had finally broken free from her shackles of a pervious life. Aki hugged her tight before spinning in a circle with her, both girls laughing together in glee as Togata cheered them on. The song came to an end as the audience screamed and cheered, Aki and Eri now holding onto Togata as the three of them embraced in a hug. Eri had finally smiled and it made the two older ones warm with happiness.
As the gym filled out, the three met up with Midoriya on his way back in, Togata congratulating him on a job well done. "It was so crazy! First there was a loud sound and it was scary, but then everyone started jumping, even Aki was dancing and then Deku you went away for a little bit. But then there was a spinning guy and it started to get cold and I saw a lot of birds and people went "Wow" and you know what I said? Wow too!" Eri rambled on, her arms being thrown everywhere in excitement as Togata and Aki copied her from her side. "It was so much fun! Especially when Aki flew in the air with me and we danced," Eri stopped when she noticed Midioriya getting tears in his eyes, "I'm so glad you had fun Eri," this caused Eri to smile wide at him, Aki not able to hold it in anymore and swooped her up, spinning in circles as both girls laughed together. The boys looking on with their own smiles.
Heading outside, they met up with some of the boys that were melting the ice. "Ah dang this ice is too big, hey Bakugou can you-" "Kick Force!" A voice cut off Kaminari as a blur of red jumped in the air and came down on the giant block of ice, breaking it into little pieces. "Whoa!" Peoole passing by stopped and stared, Aki standing up and fixing her glasses. "Is this okay?" She asked, tilting her head with a smile.
"Hey its Ram-Ram!" "I didn't know she'd be here!" "She's so cute!" Voices came from behind her, causing her to turn over her shoulder and smile at the students and give a wave causing them all to flush red from the adorableness.
"Hey Aki! How'd you like the show?" Kirishima asked, hands on his hips, but he quickly put them put to catch Aki who jumped at him, landing in his arms as hers went around his neck that was turning red, "It was so amazing! The lighting, the music, the dancing, it was so beautiful! The affects were so awesome too! It was a rush of adrenaline for sure," Aki couldn't help but gush over the performance, Kirishima grinning and twirled her around, cheeks still flushed, "THAT'S GREAT! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it! I did happen to catch you dancing a few moves too," he winked, catching her off guard but she laughed and nodded, finally getting set back in the ground.
Togata watched for a second before smirking, "You know we still have about two hours or so before the pagent, why don't you show Aki the rest of the festival Kirishima!" Aki and Kirishima turned bright red, but both agreed to it as the rest of the class came out to begin their own sight seeing if the festival too. Kirishima grabbed Aki's hand and began to drag her out of sight, she looked back over her shoulder to see Togata and Eri waving to her, both smiling as she disappeared from sight.
Both red heads walked around, looking at all the different food vendors and games, before coming upon the High Striker game, where you bring the hammer down to ring the bell and win a prize. They went to walk past it before Aki noticed fluffy Ram and Shark plushies. Kirishima looked to her and then the prizes before waking up to the student running it. "Hey dude! What do you have to do to win those two?" Pointing to the plushies Aki was eyeing. "You've gotta ring the high bell, you only get one try though," the student informed, gesturing to the tallest one they had which looked to be about fifty feet high. Kirishima grabbed the hammer, Aki stopping him momentarily, "You don't have to do that Kiri-Kun" she informed, but he shook his head, "It wouldn't be very manly of me to not win a pretty girl the plushies she wants, so just sit back and watch," he grinned at her before turning his attention to the game in front of him. He hardened his body as he swung the hammer up and brought it down full force, the little rod shooting straight up and knocking into the bell, denting it but ringing it nonetheless.
Aki cheered in amazement as Kirishima was handed the two plushies, the student behind the counter complaining to himself about needing a new bell now. Aki was handed both but then looked to Kirishima and handed him back the Ram one. "Seems only fair you get one too, right," she giggled, Kirishima smiling and nodding, taking Aki's free hand into his again as they continued down the path. Both could agree that this was probably the best day ever.
Standing at the gate to see the three off, Aki and Kirishima stared at each other for a minute before smiling softly to one another. "I'm glad you could join us, maybe you can come back another time?" Kirishima asked, hopeful he'd get to see her again, preferably outside of Work Studies and School. "Mmm, I don't know. I have my assignments and taking care of Eri too," Aki admitted, her purple eyes staring into his Ruby red eyes that were full of hope.
"Actually, I guess it's alright to tell you that you'll be seeing everyone alot more. We're planning on moving Eri into the dorms here, to keep a better eye on her and her progress with her quirk. Of course, her care taker is gonna have to be with her," Aizawas voice cut in, making both teens turn toward him in shock before turning back to each other.
Kirishima whooped and picked up Aki, spinning her around as they both laughed, setting her back in the ground, he blurted out, "Would you like to go out sometime?!" He realized what he said and burned red, but kept his eyes trained on her shocked face but she soon smiled shyly and nodded, "I'd love to, maybe you can show me a nice Cafe around here?" She asked, Kirishima nodding as he took out his phone to get her number so they can plan it for the day she comes back.
Aizawa and Togata watched the two as Midoriya and Eri said goodbye a little ways to the side, "I'm gonna regret this aren't I," Aizawa sighed, feeling the need to go to bed after such a long day, "Awe come on Eraser Head, it's cute," Aizawa merely shook his head, turning to walk off, "Some School Festival this turned out be," Togata only laughed and called out, "I'm pretty sure you mean Love Festival!"
Hiiiii. Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts! I know some people don't like OCs that much but I thought I'd give it a try.
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thatpinkbetch · 4 years
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I'm going to answer it this way, because I'm actually not a fan of some of those, and I've heard this is the way to do it if you don't want it ending up in the tag or the search I think? If i censor any of the ship names it's not out of malice! I simply don't want any of this to end up in front of eyes that just want to enjoy their ships 💖💖💖 if there is anyone who doesn't want to see opinions against t*d*d*ku, k*r*b*ku, or even iz**ch*ka, please don't read any further! Oh my goodness i hope this is all legible...
Anyways, hello!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I love talking about my opinion avkvmsocnaocjsoxks it also makes me really happy you like my blog 🥺🥺🥺 (I hope this answer doesn't ruin that avskvneognsocjs)
I'll start out by confirming that I'm not a multishipper. It makes me excited to see how the act of shipping itself can make others happy, but it's just not that way for me. I actually never read fanfic until I got into bnha (bkdk is just that powerful 😁😁) I'm actually...a little serious when i ship, or when i enjoy media, i analyze pretty heavily, so also, if that doesn't sound like anyone's cup of tea, i would once again recommend to stop reading and enjoy your day please!
I love analyzing characters and storylines and dynamics, but i will admit, I'm not a fan of most of the ships - not romantically. I think all the characters have interesting relationships to each other, all of the kids are great friends, and I love bonds and friendships so much 🥺🥺🥺
Those first two are perhaps the biggest, at least they definitely were the biggest when I first entered. Once i caught up, I didn't really understand the enthusiasm, but people have fun shipping, so that's nice! I think of those two as easy ships, if that makes sense? They're pretty simple, and easy to digest.
I personally am not a fan of romantic t*d*d*ku for a very specific reason; it feels weird to me for Todo to immediately fall in love with the first person who's ever shown him kindness (since his mother of course). Todo had never had any friends, nor any want for friends, obviously because of the abuse he faced as a child. Mido was his first exploration at a life outside of his father, a life he got to make for himself, it just doesn't feel right to me that he should immediately think "oh, is this romantic love? Is this the one and only for me?" Well, perhaps a teenager might think that way, but i don't think that's actually how he feels deep down, and I'm sure that's something a lot of us have to learn as we grow (I've definitely struggled with my own understanding of romance for the past 8 years). I think he still is trying to learn how to socialize and to make friends and to be a friend (and he's doing SUCH a good job!) But to immediately plunge into romance, which can be complicated, i don't think that would be right for him. I hope that makes sense! I know they're a very cute ship, which makes for fun! But again, I can be a little serious when i ship...
K*r*b*ku kind of falls into similar territory for me? Baku definitely had friends growing up, but he's seemed to always have trouble understanding his feelings and where he stands with others, causing trust issues. Kiri is really the first person he knew where he stood with, a person for him to be comfortable with and feel on equal ground, which i think is such a huge and positive role in his life, and i don't necessarily think that it needs to be romantic - for both of these, i think these relationships are incredibly important, to everyone involved, and making them romantic doesn't make them any more important!! In fact, i feel like them as friends actually can offer a more complex, interesting, and human dynamic between these characters, as sometimes people simply default to romance and then end up pushing for the same old tropes and ignore all the intricacies Horikoshi includes in his writing.
Again, I love Mido's friendship with Todo, and I love Baku's friendship with Kiri. I think these relationships are incredibly important, and friends are incredibly important. People who ship them are having fun, which is so lovely, and i hope they continue to have fun! I hope you personally find more fics about them that make you smile and brighten your day 💖💖💖
Iz**ch*ka is a little difficult, because they certainly are cute, separately and together. I thought they were cutest before Ura was told about her potential crush on Mido, when she was simply a source of bubbly energy and positivity that helped Mido open up and feel comfortable around other people. I feel though that, romantically, it's extraordinarily one-sided, and at this point, i have to wonder if they really are "end goal." End goal for shounen, of course, is hardly ever explicit ahzovndlfjsoxo but i feel like a better storyline for Horikoshi to take would be for Ura to realize that she's been confused, and these feelings haven't really been a positive experience for her. I've definitely gone through things like that as a teenager. Now, the ship can be very cute! They're basically the same person, and they're cute and bubbly! But again, it simply isn't for me.
I think Momjirou is very cute!! Of course, as a lesbian, i sense strong lesbian vibes from Momo, and strong bi vibes from Jirou, and I also saw the ship potential ever since the USJ attack - which i think, so did everyone else ahaovndofjsojfsk they're best friends without a doubt, though i have to say, i really like Kamijirou. She just makes him so soft, and he's so in awe of her, and she thinks he's so funny, I love how supportive he is of her, especially since she can be really insecure 🥺🥺🥺
I also think Ura and Tsu are very cute but another easy ship, and i kind of really like Ochamina 🥺 they're both pink and space themed, they're bubbly and energetic and kick ass, and i think they'd be super cute...
I saved todobaku for last, because, you know what they say, best for last! 😇😇😇
I've said it before, but if there was no Mido (impossible obviously, and i would never want that) then todobaku is where my heart would lie. Baku has never really been shown chasing after anyone except for Mido...and Todo, which really gets at my heart. There's a grudging respect there - very, very grudging ahakckdkfjskdk which i find very appealing! Todo is very important to Baku and he has also been able to show Baku some things about himself that he needed to question and reevaluate. Meanwhile, Todo puts up with exactly 0% of Baku's shit, which i find absolutely hilarious. It's funny to me how Baku wishes to intimidate Todo as he does everyone else, and Todo simply does not care. And Baku wants to be mad, and ends up mad that he can't be mad since Todo is a strong and worthy opponent. They just have such an interesting chemistry, there's so much friction, so much tension, and I enjoy it, particularly since they clearly should be friends, would be great friends, want to be friends, but Baku simply won't get over it 😂😂 I do prefer them as friends, but friends that are incredibly close, two people that understand each other on almost a telepathic level, two people that give each other shit while also refusing to take the other's shit.
I do agree that many people in this fandom seem to think their ship stands on some moral high ground? It could be a disconnect from the previous generations of fandom, or it could also be the growing mentality on this site that everything needs to be a battle of moral superiority, and also that what you like is part of your personality, and if someone doesn't like what you like, then they don't like you or that they think you're factually incorrect. I personally have stopped going into the bn/ha tag simply because I don't enjoy, well, many things i find there, and I'm happy with those that i follow. I've definitely seen hatred and invalidation for both LGBT ships and m|w ships, neither of which I'm comfortable with. I definitely don't go off tumblr for fandom stuff because there's practically no acceptance for any same gender ships, or any queer headcanoning, which, I'll be honest, makes me scared, as i am a very anxious person avdkvndkfje i do think it should be noted that we should be as accepting of cishet ships as we are of queer ships - no debate on this one - but again, you are right when you say that many cishet headcanons have been used to invalidate LGBT voices, and any and all allies must always be aware of this! It is much more often that queer voices are silenced, that queer ships are ridiculed, that queer shippers aren't allowed to enjoy or see themselves. And to anybody that doesn't want to be an ally... Whelp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what are you doing here ajxkvmdogjdicjsicjsodj I'm gay
I haven't really read much of anything recently, let alone other ships, platonic or otherwise, because energy has been low for me for a long time. I wish i could participate more and support all my friends and other fans, but it's been a bit of a struggle 😣😣😣 I'm so sorry! Something that I can do is make posts and analyses and metas, as those are quick and make me excited, so I'm always happy to respond to asks like these! (I say as i take two hours to write this response...)
I hope people have been taking care of themselves and remember that tumblr is really good at letting you cater to your own interests! I hope if you've made it to the end of this response that you enjoyed it, and you're not mad at me ahsovjekgjsocjwodkso if you are, that's fine, I'm sorry, I probably am really bad at social/internet etiquette and such that help you filter 😣😣
To any who are curious, you cannot change my mind ahdogmdocjdidk thank you to whoever sent this ask!!! A lot of this is a bunch of rambling I've always wanted to talk about but was frankly too scared to post! I hope I made sense and answered everything you were asking!! Please have a good day/night/life!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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you know I never thought I'd get requests and honestly, it's a new development I didn't ask for, but I feel it'd be rude if I didn't do them
Being Hilda's little sister and having a crush on Claude would include....
You adorn the same pink hair, but yours is a lighter almost pastel pink
You didn't have your hair up in pigtails, it was down as two strand were braided and tied in the back
You were shorter than her and two years younger than her
While Hilda was spoiled by both his father and brother, you were spoiled by your father, brother, and sister
However, you always got embarrassed when they'd dote on you in public
"but you're so cuteee~"
Hilda's adoring attitude didn't falter when you arrived at the monastery
Let's just say that like Hilda you don't really do anything
C - support
It's not that you're lazy, it's just that Hilda makes other people do your things for you
Well, ask is a more accurate term
"my sister's so tired... do you mind doing this for her?"
"she has so much studying, she can't possibly water the plants; can you do it for her just this one time?"
Everytime you go do your chores turns out someone has already done it for you
You thought it odd at first, you didn't think your older sister had been getting other people do it
"hilda, I thought today was my day to do the chores?"
"oh~ you probably got the days mixed up"
"hmm~ you're probably right..."
C - support
That's was until Claude brought it to your attention
"you do realize Hilda is getting people to do your chores, right?"
You didn't believe him
Your sister was tricking people to do your work for you?
Hilda would never
"she is. how have you not seen her do it?"
"I know my sister, she wouldn't do that"
Claude finding your obliviousness cute and somewhat annoying, decided he'd prove it to you
Claude concocted a scheme to catch her in act but whenever he get close to it, Hilda would backtrack
Hilda knows when your near, it was something she could always do
B - support
One time you finally got around doing your chores
You were watering plants only have Hilda come in and stop you mid way
"what are you doing, Y/N? You shouldn't be doing this, come on let's have some tea."
"but I have to do this, it's my turn..."
"its not your turn, silly."
Was it really not your turn?
you could've sworn it was...
You shrugged it off, your sister never lied to you
Little did you know, Ignatz came by a few minutes later to do it
C - support +
Claude had convinced you to join him in a late night rendezvous
He needed to catch Hilda red handed
You wouldn't believe him otherwise
You would get angry with him
"stop accusing my sister of things she clearly would never do!"
Claude's flabbergasted at your blind faith in hilda
Honestly, he couldn't believe that you held your sister in such pedestal
Anyway, his scheme goes sideways again
He couldn't fathom how Hilda knows when you're near
It's unnatural
"see, she's innocent, the only rule breaker here is you, Claude, with all your scheming"
"I'll prove it to you one day, Y/N. Stay tuned until then."
Despite all this, you began to develop feelings for Claude
Hilda has a talk with Claude after this. Let's just say, Claude was more determined to prove to you that Hilda was getting people to do your chores
B - support +
Byleth had instructed you and Claude to do the wyvern duty
Before you could put on your gear to meet up with Claude, Hilda came up to you
"what are you doing?"
"sky watch, I'm paired up with claude"
"I'm sure, Claude can do it himself"
"but the professor said-"
Claude stepped in before Hilda could convince you to leave with her
"how's my favorite Goneril? Ready?"
You smiled, "Yeah"
"can't you handle this yourself Claude? sky watching is far too dangerous for my little sister"
"don't worry," he put his hand behind his head, "I'll make sure she doesn't fall, even she does I'll catch her"
A light blush dusted your cheeks
"I'll be fine Hilda, you don't need to coddle me"
Hilda pouted, but your tinted face didn't go unnoticed
Claude noticed too
B - support
Claude treated you to dinner after the sky watch
"so, was today proof enough?"
"proof of what?"
"Hilda was going to let me do all of this by myself while she whisked you away for some tea"
"she was just worried..."
Truly this was astounding
How could you be so blind to your sister's tactics?
"I'm mystified at your complete faith in Hilda"
"she's my sister, Claude, of course I have faith in her"
How could you be so refreshing, yet so annoying
He even felt the need to protect from the world
"I have faith in you too, you know, Claude. Even if your shrouded in mystery and secretive I think you're good person"
"I think you're naïve"
You frowned
"but I'm glad you trust me, not many people would"
It hurt, the boy you liked just called you naïve
You smiled through it though
"thanks for dinner, Claude. I'm gonna go back to my room"
You avoided Claude after this
Goddess's Tower
It had been a few months since you've had an actual conversation with Claude
"i've gotta go, Claude"
"are you busy? I wanted to talk"
"actually I am, maybe another time"
It took the night of the ball and ignatz to convince you to go to the goddess tower with Claude laying in wait
"i'm sorry, Y/N. Claude was persistent"
"you've been avoiding me"
"i have to get back to the ball, Hilda will be worried"
He reached for you
"i only wanted to apologize"
You feigned innocence
"Look, it was wrong of me to call naïve but -"
"it's fine, Claude. Now if you excuse me-"
"make a wish with me"
You wanted this ordeal to be over
"Fine, what are we wishing for?"
"isn't anything we want"
"it has to be the same wish, Claude"
Claude gave you a striking smile
"what would you wish for?"
"i'd wish for everyone that I love and care about to be safe, or world peace"
Claude chuckled
"you really put mine to shame, Y/N"
"what is yours?"
Claude didn't answer as he brought up question of his own
"do you have ambitions of your own?"
"I guess..."
"Then let's wish for that... For both our ambitions to come true"
You nodded
Once you were done, you turned to leave only to have Claude stop you
He grabbed your hand and pulled you back
"so, tell me, did I chip away at your wall of hatred?"
"i don't hate you, Claude"
"could've fooled me"
He pulled you closer, he brought your hand up to his lips
A blush crept up
"oh my~"
You pushed yourself off him
The blush stayed permanently on you until the night was over
Which he reveled in with a smug smirk
Hilda teased you through the night as you returned to the ball
You were going to slip out the dance room and go to your dorm that was when you ran straight into Claude's chest
"where are you off to in such a hurry?"
"Claude... I'm just tired"
"of what? you barely touched the dance floor"
"that's not true, I danced with Dimitri, Ignatz, Sylvain, even Lorenz"
"All but me"
"like I said, I'm tired"
Claude held out his hand
"give me the honor of your last dance"
You took his hand
"if you insist"
Claude guided you towards the dance floor
Flirty comments whispered in your ear
Jokes exchanged: chuckles, giggles shared
The night was beautiful
The Adrestian empire declared war against the Church of Seiros. You fled with Hilda back home. It took five years to reunite with the golden deer
A - Support
Your crush had not been crushed but it had wanned through out the years and seeing him again did make your heartbeat a little faster, but it was minor...
You though it was you trying cling to anything from the past: simpler times
So you brushed it aside
After the battle of Gronder field and both of you suffered wounds; wounds, which were healed for by Marriane, he sought you out
"haven't talked in a while, have we?"
"not really... But I have missed you"
"I'm honored"
You smiled but even his striking smile couldn't ease the awkwardness, so you jested
"how is Duke Claude von Riegan, Leader of the Lecester Alliance, and master tactician faring?"
"not you, too"
"i think it's funny"
"yes, you're hilarious. However, back to more pressing matters"
You crossed your arms
"and what would those be?"
"I never proved to you that your sister was getting people to do your chores"
"Five years gave me some perspective, Claude. She told me after when we got back home"
"speaking of homes, I wanted to ask you... Would you like to come with mine?"
"No, my Homeland... I'd love to show it to you, when all of this is over"
"where is your Homeland?"
Claude interwove his hands with yours
"i'm afraid, I can't tell you until all of this is over, but I assure you, you'll be shocked"
"will it be a good shock?"
"I hope so"
"I don't see any reason to refuse..."
"so then, don't."
You nodded and smiled at him
"When this is over, I'll go with you"
S - support
Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude returned to Almyra to reclaim his place as heir to the throne. When he finally became king he asked Y/N Goneril with his heart full of love to become his Queen. You, with trust and love, said yes. The both lived happily and were deeply in love, and having a Fodlan born queen helped paved the way for better stability. Your kindness was unparalleled, with that relations with Almyra and Fodlan grew as old traditions, and petty grudges were left forgotten in a bygone age.
Hilda was godmother of your children
Holst won't admit but he cried at your wedding
Ignatz painted a glorious painting
Raphael gave you all warm hugs
Marianne helped with the pregnancy
Lorenz gave expensive silks and blankets for whatever necessary
Leonie came bearing gifts from everyone in her village
Unfortunately, Lysithea and Byleth could not make but removing crests are ongoing arrangements, but they promised to be there when the baby arrives
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