#“Sebastian and Cloude are there too” this isnt about them.
purpleandstarlight · 1 year
I know we as a fandom love to shit on the anime official art posters (as we should) but this one I love unironically.
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It's the way o!Ciel looks so pissed by the hug but is clearly just putting on a front. WHO gets hugged by someone they don't like and, instead of pushing them away, goes "Ah yes, time to put a sassy hand on my hip and shake my fist like a pissed old man from cartoons while i glare at him and make no attempt to move out of the hug whatsoever"? This is just o!Ciel being blatantly tsundere and I love it. This art is extremely Cieloiscore I feel like.
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carpsurprise · 3 years
Can we get the bachelors/bachelorettes reacting to waking up and the farmer is cuddling them so tight they can't move? 🥺🥺
AAAA sorry this is a little late im back in a little block but i’m trying my best!!! hope this is ~satisfactory~ at least!! mwah mwah this req is so cute i wanted to write a little actual drabble for each but it was hard to think of different things for all 12 of them!!
-teddy bear!!! so he’s probably sleepy giggly about it, but super careful not to wake the farmer!! last thing he wants is for that moment to end and the farmer to start their day away from him… he gets all soft and lovey he knows he should get up and make breakfast but.. 5 more mins cant hurt..
-i think elliott probably prides himself on being there for the farmer at all times… but its so nice to be held. where he tries his best to be the knight in shining armor (and enjoys the feeling!!) its elating for him to know that the farmer trusts him to protect them unconsciously too
-harv would probably wake up in a sweat, esp if its during the summer!! but man… how could he possibly peel the farmer off when they’re finally sleeping so peacefully after nearly working themselves to the bone?
-bold of u to assume sam is also not bear hugging the farmer in his sleep but i think nothing would make him happier. i think sam would probably try to grab the farmer to get them even closer despite it not being 100% possible. sam’s never been one to give up on anything before though.
-he’s surprised and honored… quietly thanking himself for letting his guard and walls down enough for this to happen. he loves sleeping in and any morning the farmer does as well is a gift. waking up before the farmer and seeing them in such a delicate state… cloud nine
-disgruntled at first just bc i think he’s a grumpy riser!! but once he can’t go back to sleep and he’s just got his arm around the farmer!! hard to not cry!! he thinks back on how far he’s come… and how far him and the farmer have come… and for him to have this simple happiness… he’s gotta hope the farmer isnt gonna wake up and see him like that….
-i think she’s attached the farmer just as strongly… but she is NOT adverse to waking the farmer up for jokes!!! she is flattered the farmer is stuck to her like a starfish but she will poke and grab until the farmer is awake and disoriented!! she’s gonna test her limits and be giggling the whole time
-emily is also bear hugging the farmer back… but i think she’d be trying her best not to giggle/laugh!! even if the farmer is hugging her and their hand is placed over a delicate ticklish spot… it’d wake her up and make her have to contain herself almost immediately. physical touch is Her Thing!!
-haleys gonna pretend like its a burden AFTER the fact and pretend like it wasnt smth that made her blush in the moment. all the little what would you do without me’s and i was sweating my ass off you know’s are all in vain bc you can best bet she lied there staring at the ceiling just thinking about how flattered and in LOVE she was
-leah probably has a good internal clock, so the only way to get her to sleep in is by trapping her. she’ll never shrug the farmer off of her to get her day started, so a light hearted eye roll and squeezing the farmer to her closer would make her the happiest
-ugh let my girl little spoon!! like the farmer hugging onto her so tight so she wakes up and its the farmer hugging onto her iron grip and she’s got her fave stuffed animal she uses as smth to clutch when she sleeps (hc of mine hehe sorry)!!!! feels like heaven to her 
-i think that penny probably has frequent nightmares so!! if she wakes up in a shock and feels the farmer hugging her so tightly… the comfort… the grounding … it helps her immensely. also i feel like she’d be naturally p cold so!!! the warmness of it all…. chefs kiss
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crab-in-a-pocket · 4 years
Maybeeee the bachelors and their crush with a playful back and forth teasing and flirting relationship? They just don't admit they like each other yet but its fairly obvious, and one day their crush just straight up admits they like them. How would the boys deal with that?
guess who's back bitchez!! thanks for the ask, anon, this was really fun to write :D brief hiatus over btw!! i'm back in business <33 seems short but i wrote this on my phone and i have no way to tell if it really is short or not but i hope yall enjoy nonetheless !! i'll edit it and add a "read more" sometime later when the wifi isnt as crappy on my laptop because the tumblr app is horseshit
tw: swearing
ok, wow, that was blunt and bold and super super hot
you two werre always pretty damn flirty but this is-- this is WOW
fucking speechless. eyes are flickering from your determined face, the bouquet in your hand, your suddenly extremely kissable lips (the kissability has been quadrupled due to this unforeseen circumstance)
he really didn't see it coming and nearly dropped one of his weights on his foot
he has no doubt about it because he can read the expressions on your face really well and damn it if you're fucking with him
but you're not and the bouquet in your outstretched hand is a little bit right in his face and his view of you is slightly obscured by the flowers
he plucks it from your hands, tosses it on his bed, takes you by the waist and kisses the living daylights out of you
sweetest shit ever but you are now alex's blunt translator
it's not a bad job, you get kisses for it
blush, blush, blush
ok, you two flirt exorbitantly but he has never blushed so hard in his life and... neither have you
nearly drops his guitar on his toes mid-jam
okay, you just BARGED in outta nowhere, regardless of your intentions, he gets startled
his mind registers your words and the bouquet and holy crap
you're standing in the middle of his bedroom, a little hot and sweaty from a typical day's work, holding a bouquet in your hands with a determined look in your face
sam's 70% sure he's in love when you tell him that you like like him and the sparkle in your eyes when he says "i'm in like with you, too" makes him feel like he's on cloud 9
he puts down his guitar, takes a flower from your bouquet, tucks it behind your ear, and then kisses you, slow and soft and so very heartfelt
is the one who goes on a tangent about how you confessed to him because he thinks it's the sweetest and coolest thing ever
surprised pikachu
he's awkward but he knows that all your flirting was leading somewhere
when you handed him the bouquet, a determined but strangely uncertain look in your eyes, he was so fucking relieved
so, he originally planned to confess to you in an unspeakably cheesy way
and THANK YOBA that you've saved him from himself
so, he just gets up from his desk, takes the bouquet and places it atop his computer and pulls you in a tight embrace
then, he kisses you. this part is surprisingly romantic-- he places his hand under your chin and presses the softest, lightest kiss on your lips, soft as a feather
he has a bright, endearing blush on his face and he could certainly say the same for you
he privately tells you some details about how he was going to confess but he stops after you fall over laughing
dork but he takes your sudden confession like a fucking champ
poor boy is wondering if you're fucking with him until he realizes you two are alone and the hint of hestitation on your face and the bright bouquet has him REELING
so, you really aren't joking or anything
i mean, you two teased each other and flirted a lot and he was usually on the receiving end of it so he takes everything you say with a healthy pinch of salt
he wants to ask you "what's that bouquet for?" in a calm, casual voice but when he says it, his voice is unusually quiet and strained
he didn't hear what you said and so you repeat it: "i like you. romantically. do you like me back? i mean, you don't have to tell me right now, you can think on it--"
shane very nearly tackles you. he hugs you so, so tightly, the bouquet crushed between your chests. and he tells you that yeah, i like you back.
and you two are kissing, kissing, kissing in his coop, charlie clucking at your feet and his blue chickens clucking in confusion
confuzzled at the sight of the bouquet until you flat-out tell him that you like like him
his face just drains of color and you stop in the middle of your ramble, asking him if he doesn't feel the same way and if he's ok
he reassures you with a faint voice that, yes, he feels the same way but he also says that he thinks he's having an out of body experience and needs to have a quick lie-down
ok, wow, you actually like him and you are no longer just going to tease and flirt non-stop because you two are going to be an actual couple holy shit
you're bewildered but elated so you acquiesce and help him onto his doctor's bed, a concerned look on your face all the while
so you're just sitting next to harvey, tentatively stroking his hair while he has his out of body experience
he comes to a little later then sits up and asks you if he can kiss you. you beam and lean in for a kiss, soft and slow and so, very sure
speechless. has Zero words for the way he's feeling right now and he is just so damn happy but he keeps opening his mouth like a fish in a tank because he keeps thinking of something to say but it's not enough
like, DUDE, he's used to your sly flirtations, innuendos, and suggestive smiles not... you being a mumbling, blushing mess.
he was super surprised when you walked in, holding a colorful bouquet of random flowers and shoving it at him, mumbling something so quickly he failed to catch it the first time
"i... what?"
"oh for the love of yoba, i said i like you romantically."
speechless, fucking speechless. so, he does the next best thing instead of talking. he takes you in his arms and pulls you in for soft, tender kiss
he deepens the kiss and presses you against the wall-- there really are times when actions speak louder than words
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sherlfiction · 6 years
Christmas with the Holmes’
2. The day before Christmas
Sherlock’s was packing his suitcase which he had delayed until the very last minute. Mycroft would be here in fifteen minutes. He hated Christmas but he knew that it was no use to try to stay behind in college. His older brother would drag him home if need be. Everyone was excited to go home for a few weeks, people were running around in the corridors shouting to each other.
Suddenly there was a shout into his room which made him startle and he turned around from his packing.
‘Well Holmes’ Sebastian leaned against his door ‘you’re finally off for a holiday then?’ he grinned sarcastically.
‘I do not see why it is any of your business but yes I am’, Sherlock answered.
‘Mummy told you to come, did she?’, Sebastian laughed about his own remark.
‘Yours is dreading you’re coming home I bet’, Sherlock replied ‘with all the ‘friends’ you are bringing home with you’.
‘At least I have friends, Holmes’, Sebastian snarled ‘happy holidays and many deductions to you’ Sebastian walked off and his laugh was heard throughout the corridor.
Sherlock closed his door with a bang. Idiot Sebastian with his idiotic friends, he thought. He was glad he was rid of them for a few weeks.
He packed the last of his things in his suitcase and walked downstairs to wait for Mycroft. He put his coat collar up against the icy wind. He looked at the clouds, snow was coming this Christmas. Great, that would mean he couldn’t probably go out for his long walks and had to stay in with all those people his parents had invited.
Mycroft’s car pulled in the driveway and Sherlock put his suitcase in the trunk before he got in.
‘Good morning, little brother’, Mycroft said putting away the morning paper. ‘I’m glad you decided to come’.
‘I do not think I had another choice’, Sherlock sulked.
‘No’, Mycroft said pensively ‘you really didn’t but still, I am glad you are here’
Sherlock glanced over at his older brother, sometimes he really didn’t get him.
They were quiet for the most part of the drive, which took almost two hours. Sherlock was looking outside where the first snowflakes were coming down. He sighed.
‘What is the matter, Sherlock?’ Mycroft softly asked.
‘Nothing, I just… I don’t know really’, Sherlock fell silent.
‘I love the snow, don’t you?’ Mycroft said. ‘It’s always so lovely at home in the country. Don’t get me wrong, I would not trade that for the city at any time! But still it is very lovely’
Sherlock looked at Mycroft; ‘You hate Christmas as much as I do’, he said.
‘God, yes I do’ Mycroft smiled at Sherlock ‘But that doesn’t mean that it is nice to be with family’
‘You hate family’, Sherlock said still sulking.
‘Not all family’, Mycroft said still smiling.
‘Don’t make me puke before I had eggnog’, Sherlock said while he turned back to watch the snow getting thicker.
 ‘Sherlock!’, Mrs Holmes ran out hugging her youngest son who pulled a face to his brother who was still smiling like the Cheshire Cat.
‘Hello mother’, Sherlock said brushing his coat before entering the house.
‘Mycroft’, his mother said hugging her oldest son ‘I’m so happy you convinced him to come, thank you’
‘You’re welcome, mother’, Mycroft said smiling.
Sherlock felt like a small child again, wanting to stick his tongue out to his brother for being such a well-behaved good son. It wouldn’t be long or he would hear it; ‘oh Sherlock, why can’t you be more like Mycroft?’ he hated that!
He walked in the house and greeted his father ‘Sherlock! How happy this makes me to see you home for Christmas!’ his father smiled, shaking his hand. ‘Your room is just the way you left it, you can put your suitcase there’
Sherlock walked up the stairs to his room which was indeed just as he left it, tidy but with his science books still open like he had been reading them just the night before, which he found odd. He put his clothes away in the closet and looked out the window. It would be dark soon and he really would love to go for a walk. His parents would never allow him to go now. The next days would be crazy with Christmas parties and people and too busy for his liking. He walked downstairs and put his coat and scarf on.
‘Mum, I’m just going out for a little walk before dark, alright? I’ll be back soon’
‘That’s fine dear, just be home in time for tea’ his mother said.
‘I will, thank you’
Good, he had a little more than an hour, he thought. He walked outside and breathed in the fresh crispy air of freshly fallen snow and frostbite. He put his gloves on, put his coat collar up and with a quick pace started to walk.
He had to admit, as much as he loved the city or college, being away from home, he had missed it somewhat. The countryside especially, the wideness of it all. One could feel forlorn this time of year, in the vastness of the countryside when it was almost dark and especially when it was dark weather. He didn’t mind, he loved autumn and winter, with dark clouds or rain or snow. It often matched his mood.
Sherlock was pondering and so much in his own thoughts that he didn’t see someone was running in the lane next to him. It was getting darker and the runner hadn’t seen Sherlock either and when he went around the bend of the road he bumped into Sherlock who fell into the snow.
‘Oh gosh, I’m so sorry’, the runner stammered ‘I really didn’t see you walking there. You’re all dressed in black so I really didn’t notice you’.
The man helped him up and Sherlock brushed the snow off his coat.
‘Story of my life’, he mumbled.
‘Pardon?’, the man asked.
‘Never mind, it is not your fault’, Sherlock answered.
‘You’re all wet now’, the man said ‘Do you live around here? You’ll catch a cold if you don’t put warm clothes on’
‘Yes, I live over there, or rather, my parents do’, Sherlock said pointing towards the cottage where the lights were lit in the distance.
‘Isn’t that the Holmes’ cottage?’ the man asked ‘Sorry, I’m John Watson’, he held out his hand and shook Sherlock’s. ‘My parents are invited to Christmas dinner at your parents home. My dad knows your dad apparently’
‘Really?’ Sherlock looked at the man who bumped into him better now. He was a bit shorter than Sherlock was, perhaps a bit older too, not much though. But Sherlock liked his face, he had kind eyes. ‘Sherlock Holmes, nice to meet you’
‘You really should get out of those wet clothes, you’ll catch a cold. Sorry, bad habit, I’m a doctor, well, almost, erm I’m almost a doctor I mean, I graduate next year’
‘Ah, I see, well one must always do as his doctor says’, Sherlock smirked. ‘I will see you tomorrow then, Dr Watson’
‘Yes, yes, see you tomorrow, Mr Holmes’
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