#“Now that you're feeling tall why don't you fall.” but it's Ajay talking going
an-unloving-god · 15 days
Listening to "Fall, Little Wendy Bird, Fall" and went down a "Wouldn't It Be Funny" pipeline
Anyways, new Avatar of Vengeance Ajay listening to Mar and Shouto talk about the grievances that their parents give them in an attempt to bond.
Ajay, caring for their older siblings and listening to the souls around them, decides that the most simple solution to the problem would be to just get rid of Lucinda and Endeavor. And the passed away members of the league of villains being upset that the person who hurt Dabi is still alive would make for perfect little helpers.
Shouto finds out that Endeavor died in a house fire because decay struck his body and made it impossible for him to run away or use his quirk. Mar finds out that somehow her mother and siblings got onto a ship in the middle of a giant storm, and only her siblings miraculously survived.
Those two are grieving their parents, but Ajay seems suspiciously calm and comforting. And they smell of seawater and campfires.
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