dreadlock-detective · 9 months
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Marry Chrimbus and Harpy Hollies everyone!
This year sees another gift commission for @mrneighbourlove​ from @ridersoftheapocalypse. This time of their characters Athena and Manaco!
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myghanimationspage · 3 months
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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diedieri · 1 year
I don't think I posted these here
Recently cosplayed the maid chuuya ♡
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ljaesch · 9 months
Song Review: manaco - "Precious"
On December 24, 2023, Japanese singer manaco released “precious,” her first new solo song in four years. The song is an homage to the Blue Exorcist anime and it reflects the inner feelings of Kamiki Izumo, one of the characters in the series. Musically, the song is a midtempo track that builds until it reaches its peak. For most of the track, you hear piano, drums, and sounds like traditional…
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heronetworkgg · 9 months
manaco lanza su primera canción en cuatro años en homenaje a 'Blue Exorcist'
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La talentosa artista japonesa, manaco, regresa con fuerza después de cuatro años con su primer lanzamiento en solitario, una canción emotiva titulada ‘precious‘. Esta nueva pista, escrita en homenaje a la querida serie de anime ‘Blue Exorcist‘, ya tiene su videoclip disponible en YouTube. manaco, conocida por su versatilidad como parte de una banda y […]
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i-gotyou-dontworry · 1 year
Haz is in Monaco and Tuwaine posted a throwback of Manaco GP could we get a Monaco GP 2.0 before Tom goes to a he US to start promo .
I don't know because I say it again, Tom and Zendaya's family and friends have their own life, it doesn't always have to do with them.
In the same way it would be great to have content but I have no idea if there is any GP soon😅
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm
- chapter 1.4
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"what even am I to you? your rival, your lover, an obstacle or am I supposed to be your coffin?"
about two thieves who can't live with nor without each other. and a joint past that comes back to threaten them.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, very flirty jimin, friends/rivals/exes to lovers (it's complicated, ok?!) f2l e2l ex2l all members play a role in this story!
Monte Carlo, the biggest district of Manaco, had always been infamous for its luxurious casinos. An international byword for the extravagant display and reckless dispersal of wealth. Where was it easier to get money without stealing than this place? Of course, some would still consider it stealing the way they tended to win at the casinos.
Arabella stepped into the palast-like building of the Casino of Monte Carlo. Her long silver-shining gown flowing along with her every move.
The golden main hall already looking like a hall of Versailles. Tourists and even some famous figures, all dressed-up, strolling through the different parts.
After the employees checked her and Yoongi's perfectly-made fake ID's and exchanged their money into two cases full of chips, Arabella side-eyed the entrance to Salle Europe, heading straight to the roulette tables, that were placed in the middle. Between lavish surroundings with their sculptures, bas-reliefs and eight Bohemian crystal chandeliers fade into the background as the players held their breath.
"Remember, nothing over 50k," Yoongi's voice suddenly rang from behind her. Making her roll her eyes.
"I know, I know," she sighed, remembering their deal. It was saver to only win up to 50,000 euros, while pretending losing a bit here and there in between, not to gain any unwanted attention from the security. She had already counted ten around the tables.
"I hope so," Yoongi said with an arched brow, adjusting his tie, "Try staying out of their radar. I know, it's not always easy for you." He gave her dress a brief glance before focusing back on his tie. He was referring to her already gaining some attention and looks, which she brushed off quickly. Her ego enjoying it more than anything. However, she knew that sometimes this kind of attention wasn't helpful during heists.
"I promise I'll try my best," she smirked then as she swung one end of the silk stole, that was slung over her arms, over her shoulder and stepped forward then. Taking the tie from his hands and adjusting it herself. "Will you be alright, though?"
He huffed, rolling his eyes. "I know how to stay unseen."
"But in case not? You can defend yourself without your precious little sword?"
He had to leave his sword in his hotel room as weapons were obviously forbidden in places like this and in order to disguise it as a cane, he'd have had to disguise himself, too. Which he didn't feel like doing tonight. The previous evenings were enough. It got way too hot under those masks and wigs. 
"I'll be fine, don't worry. I don't need it to kick some ass."
Arabella giggled, turning around. "Fine, see ya later then," she waved and headed to the british roulette table.
There were two empty seats, her taking one of them. Seeing one of the older ladies with her diamonds scrunching her nose when seeing Arabella's absurdly deep décoleté before shooting her husband, who was looking at it for a bit longer than necessary, a dead glare.
Arabella bit back a content smile. What Yoongi didn't consider was that this appearance might not be unobtrusive, however, it surely could distract some people enough to let her slide with things.
She took out 20,000 in chips, stacking them on the table in front of her, getting herself comfortable in the seat while purposely letting her stole slide down a little. Pressing her arms lightly against her body to highlight her décoleté.
The coupier asked for everyone to place their bets then and she took a 1,000 chip between her fingers. Sliding it to her favourite number 13 black with a smirk.
At the same time a few streets away in the Casino Café de Paris, Jimin and Taehyung entered the dazingly flashing room with bright blinking slot machines in their black smokings.
Passing by the celebrating tourists who had won a few hundred euros and obnoxiously loud winning melodies, they made their way to the back area where the poker tables were located at.
"Man, how did I lose at rock-paper-scissors again?" Jimin whined, dodging a drunk guy who was swaying far too much in his seat.
"You do suck at it," Taehyung chuckled, patting his shoulder, "But stop complaining. Otherwise I might think you don't like spending time alone with me."
It was true, every evening Jimin lost the only game he couldn't manipulate. Not with three others who knew how to manipulate it as well, so none of them even tried doing it. And every evening he had to see Arabella go heisting with one of his friends instead of him. Much to his annoyance, as if she had found a way to cheat after all and did it on purpose.
"Sorry, I'll stop moping around," he sighed, realising he was acting childish again. His eyes wandered then to the room with the poker tables in front if them. Taehyung following behind until suddenly coming to an halt in front of a souvenir shop that was in between the two areas.
His brown eyes falling onto the postcards, all from different famous places around town. Even from this casino and the one Yoongi and Arabella were in.
He picked up one card, looking at it. His forehead ceasing as he got lost in thoughts.
"You think of sending her one?" Startled, he placed it back. Looking over his shoulder to see Jimin smiling widely at him. "I liked that one, you should send it to her."
Taehyung sighed, peeking at the card on the stack. Of course Jimin had figured him out. "I.. I don't know if I should."
"Didn't she tell you not to disappear from the scene again?" Jimin inquired with a raised brow. "That'd be a perfect sign that you're actually keeping the promise."
Pursing his lips, Taehyung looked at the postcard again. He knew his friend was right. And he knew Cassandra would be happy about a postcard from him, from the place he was currently at. Showing a sign of life. Showing that he had actually meant it, that he wouldn't just disappear from her life again. However, he was still not convinced of that being a good idea.
Jimin groaned then, getting impatient. He grabbed the card himself then, heading to the register before Taehyung could even protest.
"Wait, I don't even know what to write her!"
"Just think of something nice later and send it."
Taehyung hummed as Jimin pressed the postcard against his chest, looking at it. It had the famous view of Monaco's blue coastline in front of the town, with the mountains in the background. He smiled. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Jimin shrugged while paying for it, "Just promise me you'll write her."
Laughing under his breath, Taehyung put the postcard into his blazer's inner pocket. "Since when are you so invested in mine and Cassandra's relationship?" he asked then with a curious smile as they continued their way to the card game area.
A quite supressing atmosphere suddenly hitting them compared to the happy and noisy one at the slot machines in the front. All players in the dimlit room putting on their best poker faces while peeking at the cards in their hands.
"Well," Jimin said then in a lower tone, grinning over his shoulder as they spotted two empty seats at some tables in the back. "I always liked you two together. But she also saved my life, so I kinda owe her now. I've got to make sure you don't mess this up again."
"Yeahie!" Arabella exclaimed happily, clapping her hands like her innocent dumb-girlie role would. 
"7,000 for the lady in silver," the croupier said. Pushing her won chips towards her.
She had already several stacks of chips piling up in front of her. Her initial 20,000 along with 45,000 that she had won over the course of the evening.
"Please place your bets," the croupier said then, preparing to roll the ball in the anew spinning roulette.
Arabella decided it was time to lose a little again. As the small white ball rolled around the spinning bowl, it began getting slower. Her eyes falling on the nearest security guy, who didn't seem suspicious of her. Staring sternly into the distance. Good, he didn't suspect anything. Neither did the coupier. She placed a thousand euro chip on 1 red this time.
Her random bet having the wished effect, she lost. 
"Oh no," she pouted earning a sympathetic look from one of the older guys.
Now she was at 44,000.
"How's it going?"
Yoongi had suddenly appeared beside her, placing a hand on the chair behind her while the other was firmly holding his own briefcase filled with chips.
"Aw, babe, I just lost!" Her fake-whiny voice was so convincing, it made Yoongi internally flinch and almost forget they had to pretend being a couple. He cleared his throat then.
"Oh, I see. Then perhaps it's time for you to end it here?" he asked with a raised brow. Actually intending to know if she had already reached the fifty thousand mark or not yet.
"What? No! One more round!" Her big puppy-eyes and pouty lips almost tricked him into thinking she was indeed as naive like this. He shuddered at what great of an actress she could be.
"Fine. One more round," he agreed. Not having much choice. Seeing a wide happy smile appear on her lips, when the croupier asked for the new bets. And she slid 6,000 euros in chips on black.
As they watched the ball roll around and becoming slower, she crossed her legs under the table. Heaving her bullion only to click it down on the floor again. The hidden transmitter in the front part of her highheel influencing the ball's track. Giving her a 44% advantage towards the house. And indeed it landed on a black number this time. 4 black.
"Babe, you're such a lucky charm!" she chirped happily, collecting her initial 6,000 and the additional 6,000 win and stuffing all her chips into her case. Slinging her arms around Yoongi then and kissing him on the cheek. She didn't necessarily have to for the act, but she liked messing with that guy who always pretended being unfazed by everything and seeing him becoming all flustered instead.
"Haha, yeah. Let's go now," he awkwardly chuckled and grabbed her arm, tugging on it. Her waving a last time at the one overly-friendly man at the table who had treated her to two drinks, before facing Yoongi again.
"No need to play the over-protective boyfriend, you know?"
"I'm not keen about it either," he mumbled, "But your boyfriend asked me to keep all men away from you. And those guys at the table seemed a little bit too eager by the looks of it."
"My boyfriend?" she huffed and pulled her arm from his grip, crossing them both. "He isn't my boyfriend."
Yoongi rolled his eyes as they made their way towards the main hall to exchange their chips into money. "Whatever he is to you, he asked me to. Okay?"
"And you just obey to everything he says?" she smirked teasingly, pinching his cheek, "How cute!"
He slapped her hand away, ignoring her giggles as he collected their cases filled with banknotes from the cash out, signing a paper and sliding it back to the cashier behind the bars.
Obviously, he didn't just blindly obey to him. However, considering Jimin was his close friend and one of his partners and he had asked him for this favour with big puppy eyes, almost pleading him to prevent some multi-millionaire swooing her over -again- what else could he do? Because Yoongi believed if this woman smelled the opportunity for more money and maybe some jewels, she might take it. Like she had already done countless of times in the past. And he couldn't have Jimin moping around and whining about her being with some rich guy on another mediterranean island again. So he had unwillingly agreed.
"Excuse me, Miss," a security guard called for her then, nearing the two. A stern look on his face. Shit, had they raised any suspicion after all? Both of them stopped in their tracks, exchanging a look. It was time for their plan b.
Yoongi faced her with his best angry face on, grabbing her hand rather harshly. "I said we need to go! You're obviously drunk!"
"I'm not drunk!" Arabella theatrically threw her hands in the air.
"You spilled your drink on that poor lady!"
"You- you ain't my dad, okay? S-stop," she almost yelled, intentionally slurred, making her drunkness more believable. Even wobbling a bit on her legs. "I hate you!"
He shook his head disappointingly. "You're embarrassing, really.. Look at you." He peeked at the security guy behind her then, seeing him looking all confused at them. Seemingly caught off-guard by intervening in a couple's argument.
"N-no, you're emba-embaras-singg me," she whined, lightly hitting his arm.
"Shh, just get in the car. We'll go home." Yoongi began pulling her towards the exit before it got too dragged out and the security guard decided to get involved after all.
And they quickly made their way down the stairs at the entrance, the big water fontaine shining brightly in front of them with the beautiful palms spreading behind it. They looked over their shoulders, making sure they hadn't been followed out. No sight of the security guy. They both almost simultaneously heaved a sigh and he let go of her as they passed by all the parked luxury lamborghinis and porsches.
"Nice acting."
"By the way, how did blackjack go?"
"Good," he nodded, patting his case, "Had to hold myself back from winning more than fifty."
She snorted, pushing her stole over her shoulder. "I still don't believe you're so good at it without cheating at all."
He simply shrugged, smirking smugly. "It's not hard. It's all probability calculation."
Arabella glanced at him with wide eyes, not buying it. Causing him to let out a dry laugh. "And maybe a little card counting.." he added to which she laughed out loudly. "Ha, I knew it!"
"Full house - house wins."
The croupier collected their chips.
"Aw, are you losing?" Jimin perked up at Arabella's voice.
He glanced up, a smile creeping up his lips as he watched her placing a hand on his shoulder. He cleared his throat then when seeing Yoongi also appearing at the other table where Taehyung was seated. "I'm sure with you here now, I'll win the next round."
She laughed under her breath, not even surprised anymore about him always finding a smooth way to flirt with her. She hoped her cheeks wouldn't betray her by blushing and feeding his ego.
"Hope you have some more aces up your sleeve than that," she smirked then and took the empty seat next to him. Usually not allowed as the seats were reserved for players only, but when the croupier was about to say something, she just batted her eyelashes on him with her most innocent lip-biting, making him gulp and close his mouth again.
Jimin internally groaning at the sight of it. He leaned over to her then, his lips close to her ear.
"Stop driving all the guys crazy, am I not enough?" He retreated with a smirk, seeing her giving him an unimpressed glance. 
He straightened himself again as a new game started. "Last one for tonight," the croupier announced as his watch was telling him it was almost 1am, deadline. He swiped his arm over the table, dealing two cards face down to all players and himself.
Jimin glanced over to the other table. Taehyung also had a new pair of cards in front of him, showing them to Yoongi who was looking over his shoulder. The older guy  whispering something to him, to which Taehyung nodded and placed two 4,000 chips then.
He either had a good one or he was just bluffing. His poker-face was extraordinary after all. A few rounds before he had won 10,000 with a simple Flush.
Jimin's eyes fell to his own cards. Arabella leaning over to also take a peek. 
Two Queens. Not bad. His gaze wandered to his opponents then who seemed a little distracted by Arabella's neckholder slipdress. He frowned for a moment, then glanced at her. She had noticed as well. Facing him with a small smile and a wink. His eyes widening.
Did she do it on purpose to help him?
He was at 36,000 euros winnings right now. 14,000 more were left for their limit. He looked down on his cards again as the other players started placing bets. Should he take it slow or risk it and bet high?
He smiled at Arabella then. "I'm gonna do whatever you tell me to."
She blinked, taken aback before contemplating for a moment then, eyeing everyone and their bet. They ranged from one to four thousand. She nodded then, leaning over to whisper in his ear. "Call for now and raise later."
He licked over his lips as he looked down at her, eventually nodding. "Alright." He placed two 2,000 chips into the pot, holding the previous players raise. The croupier drew three more cards face up onto the table.
Another Queen appeared on the table along with an 8. Three of a Kind so far. He needed another Queen for Four of a Kind.
The other two players checked, meaning they neither placed bets nor gave up. The third one, a woman in her fourties with a pearl-necklace on her neck, did put out a bet. The fourth one, a younger guy folded, meaning he gave up. Leaving Jimin as the last one now. He also raised, placing another two 2,000 chips. The pot was at 18,000 now. Sure, more than he needed. But he didn't think it'd raise any suspicion considering he had lost 15,000 in the previous two rounds.
A fourth card was placed in the middle. A 5.
Dammit. He needed a Queen. There should be another one coming up soon if his calculations were right.Again, some players checked, some placed bets. Now, Jimin's poker face was also quite good, similar to the others'. And if it wasn't for Arabella sitting next to him and feeling his leg bounce, brushing against hers, she wouldn't have been able to tell he was nervous. It was quite nerve-wrecking after all.
Without thinking much, she placed her hand over his knee under the table. Squeezing it lightly, causing him to pause. He glanced at her with a raised brow. She was avoiding his glare, simply looking ahead and pretending nothing was going on. However, her gesture was saying enough.
And he couldn't help but drop his poker face for a second and give her a fond smile.
He placed another 1,000 chip as bet then. Holding his breath and trying concentrating on Arabella's hand wandering up his thigh, calming him down, when the fifth and last card was revealed.
Queen of diamonds.
His eyes widened.
If no one had a Royal or Straight flush or a Four of a Kind with King or Ace, he would win.
Everyone revealed their two closed cards.
A full house. A three of a Kind. Two Flushes.
"'Four of a Kind, Queens' wins."
"I won," he whispered and Arabella's head instantly shot towards him. Eyes round as she watched the dealer giving him all the chips from the pot while the rest of the players stood up and left with disappointed expressions. "Oh my god!"
He threw his arms around her, pulling her into a hug with a laugh. "Told you you're my lucky charm," he whispered into her hair. Smelling her perfume on it. They were now the last people left at the table, but they didn't care. The adrenaline rush being too high.
Arabella giggled then, pulling back a little. His arms still around her. "You need to properly thank your lucky charm then," she grinned then.
"I can think of a thing or two."
"Does that include a pair of diamond earrings?"
He rolled his eyes. Pulling her closer than. "Something much better."
"Better than diamond earrings?" she asked with a sly smile, "I doubt it."
"You'll see."
He was about to lean into her when a loud cough made them both perk up.
"Can you continue that at the hotel, please? I'm kinda tired," Taehyung said with a disgusted expression on his face. Rubbing his stiff neck as sitting there for hours had been exhausting. Arabella immediately frowned, pushing Jimin away. "There isn't anything to be continued," she quickly huffed and got up. Heading straight to the exit.
Jimin sighed, shaking his head as he grabbed his suitcase with the chips and they followed her out. "So close.."
 "Seriously, you act like horny teenagers. Get a grip on yourselves," Yoongi said in a similar annoyed tone as Taehyung.
"What can I say? I'm still young at heart."
"And in the brain."
next chapter: 1.5 here
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gossipgirloff1 · 3 months
Thinking about how manaco is so small.. i remember reading about how Charlotte(Lorenzo’s lady) and Alex turned buddy buddy with the girl Arthur cheated on Carla with really fast. Damn sorry but that’s such a bitches behavior. Freaking cold. Side eyed them both. I mean if.. Charles fs scares everybody then good cause I would jump all these people.
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retrosofa · 7 months
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We got a lot of trivia for Cutie Honey episode 22: “My Beloved Paradise Academy.”
Screenwriter: Masaki Tsuji
Art Director: Iwamitsu Ito
Animation Director: Shinya Takahashi
Director: Kazukiyo Shigeno
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The animation director for this episode, Shinya Takahashi, has a history of working on Toei Animation’s early majokko series. He previously did the character designs for Himitsu no Akko-chan, Mahou no Mako-chan, Sarutobi Ecchan, and Mahoutsukai Chappy.
Takahashi would later do animation work for the 1995 PC-FX video game, Cutey Honey FX.
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The principal of Paradise Academy is based on the grandfather from Go Nagai’s Kikkai-kun manga, which is also where the characters Alphonne and Pochi originated from. Kikkai-kun’s grandfather also served as the basis for the janitor Kiyohiko Todoroki in the Devilman anime.
The principal was voiced by Isamu Tanonaka, who had filled in for Keiko Yamamoto as Pochi in the previous episode. 
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Goemon is based on Goemon Abashiri, the oldest son from the Abashiri Family manga. Goemon’s claim to fame is that he’s a “professional pervert.” Go Nagai’s assistant and good friend Ken Ishikawa was the model for Goemon. While he doesn’t appear in the original Cutie Honey manga, one of Honey’s (female) classmates is based on him. Goemon would make cameo appearances in New Cutey Honey, Re: Cutie Honey, and Cutie Honey Universe. 
Shunji Yamada (later known as Keaton Yamada) voiced Goemon in this episode only, while Sanji Hase played him for the remainder of the series. Hase was previously the King of Manaco in episode 16 and the occasional nameless Panther subordinate.
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The “Yoshitune” that Danbei sings about is probably Minamoto no Yoshitsune, a military commander from the late Heian and early Kamakura periods.
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Danbei’s “adorable nephew” Naojiro is another character borrowed from Go Nagai’s Abashiri Family. In that series, Naojiro was the second oldest son of the Abashiri family. His unique feature was being a cyborg.
In the original Cutie Honey manga Naojiro does not appear as Danbei’s nephew but instead as a girl named Naoko. Naoko is the gang leader of St. Chapel Academy, much like how Naojiro is the gang leader of Paradise Academy in the anime. According to producer Toshio Katsuta, he wanted to introduce Naojiro as a good contrast to Honey, unlike Seiji who he said was “silly and weak.” 
In this episode only, Naojiro was voiced by Hiroshi Masuoka, who previously voiced Demon General Zannin in Devilman and Hebitsubo in Dororon Enma-kun. For the remainder of the series Naojiro is voiced by an uncredited Shoji Nishizaki, who mostly did voice work in tokusatsu series. 
Naojiro would later make a cameo appearance in the second episode of New Cutey Honey.
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While Paradise Academy does not appear in the original Cutie Honey manga, it is very much inspired by Go Nagai’s infamous manga, Harenchi Gakuen. Before he was reinventing the concept of magical girls and giant robots, Go Nagai was stirring up controversy with this 1968 series. Harenchi Gakuen or “Shameless Academy” was one of the first manga to be featured in the popular Weekly Shonen Jump. It featured ridiculous Benny Hill-like antics, excessive nudity, lowbrow toilet humor, crucifixion scenes played for laughs and made a mockery of the Japanese school system. There was such outage towards Harenchi Gakuen, PTA groups actually performed public burnings of the manga. Despite the controversies, Harenchi was immensely popular, which led to live action TV series and films. 
Paradise Academy’s name comes from the Abashiri Family manga. Originally, Paradise Academy was a prison-like middle school for aspiring young assassins and served as the setting for an early arc in the manga. A few of Naojiro’s classmates seen in this episode are taken directly from the Abashiri Family manga as well.
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While attempting to evade Naojiro, Honey transforms into members of the baseball club, wrestling club and boxing club. As a boxer, she is only wearing shorts, shoes and boxing gloves. This is exactly how Kikunosuke dresses when she practices boxing in the Abashiri Family manga.
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The self-proclaimed “Magician of Hell” was originally designed by Ken Ishikawa, who had her sporting more obvious magician motifs such as a giant top hat and bow tie. The “Great” in her name likely refers to a magician’s title.
Great Claw controlling Naojiro’s comrades with spider-like threads is possibly a reference to the Devilman manga. There are a couple of chapters involving a spider-like demon who controls the students of Nakado Academy and forces them to attack Akira and Miki. There is also an episode of the Devilman TV series which features a demon who controls human-like mannequins with spider threads.
This is also the only episode to not feature Panther Zora or Sister Jill.
That's all for episode 22!
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alufeed1186 · 4 months
DTXMania Series (11) 乙女解剖/Mada Mitakoto No Nai Sekai Feat Manaco
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better-for-less · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Club Manaco Casmere Black sweater sz Md.
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myghanimationspage · 3 months
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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penvisions · 9 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
thank you so much for the tag! i'm beyond honored ♡
i got a few of these and picked the oldest one so here we go, dev's favorite songs:
manaco by bad bunny
breezeblocks by alt-j
meet me at our spot by willow
honeypie by jawny
petting zoo justice by dance gavin dance (that guitar riff tho)
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ljaesch · 9 months
manaco's First New Solo Song in Four Years Is a Track to Honor the Blue Exorcist Anime
manaco is popular Japanese artist who has worked across a number of domains such as being part of a band and working as a dancer. In the past she went under the English version of her name “manaco” when carrying out solo activities, even in Japanese, but that was four years ago. Now, with this release, she is putting out a new solo song for the first time in a long time and has changed to writing…
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lkcareer · 10 months
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Data Entry Operator Job Vacancies at Manaco Marine
Looking for a career in data entry? Manaco Marine has job openings for Data Entry Operators. Apply now.
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maikys0303 · 1 year
Análisis de la página Manaco
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¿Quién es el usuario de la aplicación?¿Cómo podemos describirlo? ¿Qué costumbres y comportamientos tiene?¿Qué necesidades tiene y cómo el sitio las soluciona?
El usuario es Manaco, es una empresa Boliviana de calzados , las personas que van a comprar los calzados son de deporte, trabajo, Estudios, casual. Ya q los productos de la empresa son muy variados, la necesidad de la empresa es darnos calzados de calidad, dándonos el sitio web información de tiendas dependiendo el departamento donde uno se encuentra , descuentos y promociones, comunícate con la empresa para pedidos.
¿Qué propósito cumple el sitio? ¿Cuales son sus obietivos?
El sitio web nos facilita a encontrar rápidamente una tienda autorizada, dependiendo el departamento en el que estés, bríndanos una comunicación directa para poder hacer reservas o envíos.
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Su función es más brindar información, contactos.
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¿El sitio presenta una interacción fácil?¿Se encontraron errores de funcionamiento?
El sitio web es muy fácil de manejar y muy accesible, ayudándonos con los isótropos más vistos y fácil de reconocer, dándonos así una mayor comprensión. No vi error alguno.
¿La presención es limpia y contribuye a la comprensión del contenido?
Tiene una buena presentación, esta muy bien organizado, tiene imágenes en transición que tiene de referencia.
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¿El lenguaje es claro y empatico?¿Genera un diálogo con el usuario?
El lenguaje utilizado , es claro, conciso y empatico. Genera diálogo con el usuario proporcionando opciones de contacto o soporte al cliente.
¿Con que medios cuentas (imágenes, videos,audios,animación, etc)? ¿Estos productos pueden ser comprendidos por cualquier persona?
Él sitios web solo tiene algunas imágenes de referencia, promocionales. Pueden ser fácilmente reconocido apretando las imágenes que están en transición.
Cuenta con texto Alternativo, accesibilidad clase A
Navegación clara y consistente accesibilidad clase A
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