#“Guru is everything in our eternal life”
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unibytekids · 7 months ago
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radical-revolution · 1 month ago
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In Memory
After I got the call that Ram Dass had died yesterday, I closed my eyes.
He is still here.
I could feel the vast field of love that was shining from Ram Dass when Trudy and I taught with him just a couple of weeks ago. And I always will.
On the final day of this last retreat, called “Open Your Heart in Paradise,” Ram Dass was frail and didn’t have access to many words. But he was there in the most powerful way. He swam delightedly with the group in the ocean, chanting “Oh Joy, Oh Joy.”
And on the retreat’s last morning, he put his hands on a basket of 350 wrist malas, each tied with a thread of his guru’s blanket, to tenderly bless them. Then, as participants came by slowly to receive their malas, he silently looked into each face, offering to all what is sometimes called “the glance of mercy,” a gaze so full of love that it left many of us speechless and weeping, drunk with blessing.
I have known Ram Dass for 48 years, as master teacher and inspiration and role model, as a dear friend and benefactor who helped me begin to teach, as a companion on the path, as a truth teller and prankster, as a profound healer and whisperer of souls, as a kind of prophet for a generation. Out in public with him across the years, over and over people would come up to him and speak lovingly, tentatively, urgently, offering thanks, “Ram Dass, I just want to let you know you changed my life!” And he did… for so many of us.
Yes, his book “Be Here Now” changed countless lives. Yes, his work with Seva Foundation cured 5 million people of blindness. Yes, he taught almost nonstop for 50 years, spreading wisdom and humor, wild devotion and love and a vast timeless mystical perspective across the world. His obituaries will be filled with his many other accomplishments.
For me he is family and Sangha, even now still spreading his playful, tough, delicious love everywhere, connecting with our hearts. “Yum, yum,” as he would say.
He was so ready to leave the wheelchair and skinny and broken body, to go home.
Home is not somewhere else.
It is here, in life and death, in the eternal dance of consciousness, weaving together form and the formless mystery from which it all comes.
Ram Dass is the vastness reminding us that in the end, there is only love.
~ Jack Kornfield, two years ago🙏
Be Here Now
Please read aloud, pause in-between, and listen to the poetic heart-words of a Great Teacher...a Beloved Guru, and a true inspiration for so many of us throughout this life.
We're fascinated by the words--but where we meet is in the silence behind them.
The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.
The most exquisite paradox… as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can't have it. The minute you don't want power, you'll have more than you ever dreamed possible.
I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion - and where it isn't, that's where my work lies.
In most of our human relationships, we spend much of our time reassuring one another that our costumes of identity are on straight.
The heart surrenders everything to the moment. The mind judges and holds back.
Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness.
As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.
Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.
The most important aspect of love is not in giving or the receiving: it's in the being. When I need love from others, or need to give love to others, I'm caught in an unstable situation. Being in love, rather than giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability. Being in love means seeing the Beloved all around me.
Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise.
What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution.
The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.
Let's trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let's lay down our righteousness and just be together.
Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying.
Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.
We are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we are so deeply interconnected with one another.
A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there's work to be done.
The next message you need is always right where you are.
I would say that the thrust of my life has been initially about getting free, and then realizing that my freedom is not independent of everybody else. Then I am arriving at that circle where one works on oneself as a gift to other people so that one doesn't create more suffering. I help people as a work on myself and I work on myself to help people.
I'm not interested in being a "lover." I'm interested in only being love.
The game is not about becoming somebody, it's about becoming nobody.
Learn to watch your drama unfold while at the same time knowing you are more than your drama.
If you think you're free, there's no escape possible.
Every religion is the product of the conceptual mind attempting to describe the mystery.
It's only when caterpillarness is done that one becomes a butterfly. That again is part of this paradox. You cannot rip away caterpillarness. The whole trip occurs in an unfolding process of which we have no control.
We're here to awaken from the illusion of separateness
We're all just walking each other home.
~ Ram Dass now, just as before,
at home with Divinity
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corspepointvision · 1 year ago
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A New Pelle Interview from Death Power!!! From DeadFromMayhem.ru Dark Hel
Interview with Dead, done by Scottis Kriss-Toff.
It’s always the same hard to give a brief history and to shrunk down about 6 years. So, I tell of the line-up of MAYHEM. After that MANIAC (ex-vocalist) and MANHEIM (ex-drums) left (straight after the recording of "DEATHCRUSH"), I joined MAYHEM in the early spring 1988 and HELLHAMMER joined about a month later. We’ve got terribly hassles with rehearsal places, somewhere to live, money, etc etc... But we don’t feel for give up only to continue when the band is the reason of our existence.(We would be dead without MAYHEM, eh ! ! !) We’re still trying to get enough of material together for the L.P. We do only songs that will last for years, not the shit songs that becomes a short-time trends,...I hate trends !
We’re a Black Metal band!!
We're trying not to copy other styles, but every band has got inspirations even if they don’t think so by themselves. We’re still VENOM Heads (old VENOM of course) and VENOM created the music. I’ve got personal influences by different singers of course and to mention some: MANTAS/early DEATH, SARCOFAGO, POISON (german of course), PARABELLUM (the first demo) and early SEPULTURA.
By all these years, it has not been much of discocraphy.There have been "PURE FUCKING ARMAGEDDON" in 1986 limited to 100 copies, DEATHCRUSH in 1987, our second demo, our mini-L.P. DEATHCRUSH in 1987 limited to 1000 copies + some rehearsals tapes given out by MANIAC’s "MANIAC PROD".
-DEAD (but still not buried) (vocals)
-EURONYMOUS (greek name for prince of death) (lead guitar)
-DEAD : immigrate to Transylvania, castle mania, cut deeply in myself and others, torture humans and animals.
-EURONYMOUS : dangerous expriments with chemicals, weird science.
-NECROBUTCHER : guru and pot-smooker.
-HELLHAMMER : hellish drunks always and then sings sailor songs.
It sound cruel enough we think. But as the most people who’re reading this now, there has been lots of other "MAYHEMS" all over the world, but we were the first ! The name is from 1982 when EURONYMOUS had a band then.
At "PURE FUCKING ARMAGEDDON" the lyrics were pretty VENOM clones. "DEATHCRUSH" had more slaughter, insanity, Eating corpses style over it. As for the new ones, I make them far and I’m possessed of transylvanian legends and its castles, satanic coven meetings, black art and nice animals as vultures, bats and goats. So that, I write of Evil ! I’m inspired by evil in everything I do. When I make a drawing, it’s to express evil, when I talk, when I dream, when I’m thinking... and when I create lyrics.
Alcohol : Nothing left. Drug : Against. Cigarette : No smoking. Sexe : Violence and death. Politic : Crap! Religion : Evil, ancient, Satanic! Money : Broke always... A.I.D.S. : Marcin Wawreynzak (of "ETERNAL TORMENT"). Torture : Nice to do. Noise : Children’s bands!!! Dream (hope) : Transylvania, Immortality. Death : Peace. Life : Stupid mortals! Rain : By the night. Wind : In the dark forest. Thunder : At the darkened sky. Evil : Evil weather, castle. NAPALM DEATH : Trend! Earth : No hope. Wizard : Black arts. The end : Crossover, straight edge and Grind. You : The superstitious mortals in Transylvania’s dreams came true...
(this is not in order) PARABELLUM (R.I.P.) from Colombia, SARCOFAGO from Brazil, MASACRE from Colombia, DEATHPEED (R.I.P.) from Japan, POISON (R.I.P.) from Germany, DAMNATION (R.I.P.) from Canada, TORMENTOR from Hungary, IMPERATOR from Poland, GROTESQUE from SWEDEN, REENCARNACTION from Colombia.
Do you know MAYHEM, the MAYHEM from U.S.A. ? What do you think about what they do.
I hate them !!! How can a records company releases such crap, even if they are a commercial label !?! We gave out our mini-L.P. "DEATHCRUSH" a half year before they released their excrement compilation ! I suppose you’ve heard the Brazilian MAYHEM (?). They’re now splitted up but that was at least a Death Metal band and I liked their music. There has been also other MAYHEM’s in the history but they don’t exist no longer. I know of two other still existing MAYHEM’s : from Hungary and from Uruguay.
The two bands I’ve singing in are MORBID and MAYHEM, the both of them are Black Metal.
‘Cause the original guitarist of the line-up left the band and the others didn’t know if they wanted to continue like before and to remain a dirty and a Black/Satanic band. There had been too many hassles of the gigs and between the members, so, after my opinion, that band didn’t exist after the first demo "DECEMBER MOON". Later, they recorded a second demo with another line-up, new logo and completly different style than before. Something I think I have to add here is that we’re thinking of having one, just one more MORBID gig of the old style as MORBID was (and also should be) and we also think of the finish song "DEATH EXECUTION" that the "DECEMBER MOON" ends with (on the demo it’s only the la-la version slowly of the refrain and the opening riff). It was a whole song but a not finished such coz we were changing it the time during MORBID’s existence and then, have one or two more songs and then, give it out as a demo… some dark day.
First of all, I don’t think it’s Metal. Then, I think as long as it can be called Metal it comes originally from VENOM… Even if there is Grindcore, fun-noise, straight edge-anti-everything or yucky white metal. To me, only Black is true and only death is real !!!
It seems like the white « bands » believe Black Metal is only for fun… We’re a serious black band. We take this mortually serious! The « white » bands don’t deserve to exist.
Well, the chritians, new-boru christians, the mormons, hare-krishnas, Jehovas witnesses and more have tried lots of their methods of turn me into it, without success of course. The most of them, especially the christians and fanaticals but do not believe in it cos so many of them have been forced by their parents and their family to « believe » and, after that, they’re going out trying to make others join them… of the more limited believers who chose it by themselves and have got a belief in it, I use to scare them up (and to them it works almost every time) most of the cases. The all I have to do is to talk with them and they’re getting corpse pale in their faces and then realize I’m lost and impossible to turn over. One guy even tried an exorcism on me......
She (and also my dad) thinks it’s good for me that I’m in a band, so I don’t start with something stupid instead. It’s hell a work to play in a band, whatever someone might think. Only the letter writing is a full-day job. What she do not like is when I sometimes gets ideas of cutting myself up and when I lived at my parents home, none of them liked when I had parts of animals in my room (from some animals they used to start to rot already at the second day).
Not the best lyrics I’ve done.
It simply is my way of thinking. The only that feels as the possible right to me. I search for the Evil and Black in all matters and I don’t give a dawn of what others are saying of that !
It sounds too mystical only, to me... I’m into the pure Evil and right on Black ! But with that I don’t mean I’m a great sorcerer. I mean of a though and a style of living.
I just don’t really know why I’ve hated all the fucking christans the whole life of mine and I’d search for the Evil darkness. I totally ignore those who are telling me I sicking my head I better go to hospital. Occult can be just anything that people think sounds strange to them. There is no actual limits of what is the occult… Yes mystic, it can be anything from practice. After my opinion, that word occult doesn’t say anything !
Of course, I won’t run nor put shit on you. Mainstream people of clone bands used to fuck with the very few existing anti trend Black Metal bands when crossover-straight-edge-vegetarians ruled the trends… then grindcore was "in" and people used to refuse listen to anythong else than NAPALM DEATH, and so on... It’s not actually NAPALM DEATH who created this awful fashion actually, it was the children who then had to try playing fast. How I hated all the demos with hundred of second-sings and lyrics talking of how many animals that get killed coz of hamburgers and do not vegetables either coz they’re also living. AAAAARRGH !!! As what happens sooner or later with all trends they’re vanishing completly and everybody forget about it really fast. Even Death Metal became trend. At least, it’s on its way. So, what did happen to all the "important" lyrics bands that blamed all the others for not been "in". Did they went designing new fashions that everyone had to follow ? Hell no ! AAAAAAARRRHHHHGGHH-death, the mother fuckers jumped on Death Metal !!! How dared they make Death Metal to something normal that wimps are starting to play to await something new to appear… Next trend ! I will guess the most of the true BM heads (who’ve been into it since Venom) can understand what I mean here. It feels like something is really wrong when serious bands that wanna create something own musically are in ‘zines that also feature noise bands that have been existing for a week but already have released 3 demo’s or something like that and are playing in 25 differents "bands" only for fun. Bands that are sending picture of theselves who are supposed to be funny, strange glasses, toilet paper and a shirt on the head and so much other childish and above it all boring bullshit, I think those have misunderstood humour completely! I refuse to laugh of this! I cannot understand why everything has to be so fucking funny and how people can laugh at this, and if someone might laugh of this interview, I can tell him that he has misunderstood the whole point of this and the rest of this interview, read it again more carefully and he won’t find this funny at all! It’s not funny and I refuse to say something funny or laugh, everybody would misunderstand everything only. There’s so much that stupid people only seek for a good time, so they can laugh don’t understand by the music so I should even refuse listen to music... But that would be too hard to do and it needs more self control for that. The most of the new demo’s sound all the same, the originally is gone it seems. I can’t see why so many self-condemned bands have to exist. One weird thing is that when a band almost is formed they have to record a demo and straight after that, they "have to" give out something on vinyl... and then only after a few weeks they can’t understand how they could record this when they’re sounding much better now if they haven’t already forgot it.
Only with Ozzy! By dio I can listen to « Holy Driver » but nothing else.
Hey, I’m lucky I’m not a NAPALM DEATH/CARCASS kid. Well, then the most Evil, "Occult", dirty and the worst are BLACK SABBATH, KISS,IRON MAIDEN, AC/DC and MOTORHEAD, they were my faves. When I heard VENOM and MERCYFUL FATE, it felt like I lost an important part of my brain and I worshipped them.
Cos I hate that word !!! I wanna hear an explanation of what the moshers actually do when they’re moshing...
"Antiquus Malum Cruentus Scriptum De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" : It’s a book I recommend.
Link To The Page: https://www.facebook.com/PerYngveOhlinTributePage
Per Yngve Ohlin Tribute Page from Facebook
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talonabraxas · 7 months ago
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Always do good to others. Be selfless. Mentally remove everything and be free. This is divine life. This is the direct way to Moksha or salvation. -Sivananda
"Moksha" Reinier Gamboa
Moksha: Liberation/Salvation
Most Hindu traditions consider moksha the ultimate goal of life.The other three goals (see Scripture and Guru) are considered temporary but necessary stepping-stones towards eternal liberation.
The main differences of opinion centre on the precise nature of moksha. Although practically all schools consider it a state of unity with God, the nature of such unity is contested. The advaita traditions say that moksha entails annihilation of the soul’s false sense of individuality and realisation of its complete non-difference from God. The dualistic traditions claim that God remains ever distinct from the individual soul. Union in this case refers to a commonality of purpose and realisation of one’s spiritual nature (brahman) through surrender and service to the Supreme Brahman (God).
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kaur-13 · 3 months ago
The Guru, His Sikh and Sikhi 💕 -
Ameture POV.
We don't know when the World was created and exactly when humans were created and how they evolved.
Ages passed, from the stone age to the current technological era, we have come a long way.
And along this way we have not only changed the environment around us but also inside us.
The world now is fast and unfortunately more furious. We have more time now than ever, as everything is mechanised and AI based. But again unfortunately our free time goes in vices rather than virtues, in electronic media rather than meditation and in boasting our human ego rather than remembering our creator. Also more time leads to more thoughts, more questions on life, living, the world and ourselves.
This is where my Guru comes and guides me.
There is one Creator Waheguru, who is all knower, forever gracious and immensely kind.. To save the World from drowning in its own vices, he Sent Guru Nanak Dev Ji Sahib in Kalyug to enlighten the World for the coming eras.
First in 10 physical forms then in the form of eternal Shabad Guru.
Sikhi - learning to live, the will to learn to live till the last breath, as even your last breath can save your soul from dying.
As life's creator is the best teacher to teach us how to live this life gifted by him, he Sent Dhur Ki Bani through our Guru Sahiban to teach us, enlighten us and make our life meaningful, truthful and beautiful.
Without the right Guru or with a false Guru, one is bound to go in the wrong direction which he may not realise immediately but will definitely repent later in life or afterlife.
Importance of Guru is highlighted in the first salok itself.
"Pavan Guru"
Guru is someone you can't live without. Someone who is always there, always gracious, synonymous with life, breath of the soul.
For a Sikh, his Waheguru and Guru is everything.. teacher, father, mother, friend, the love of his life, his life, his saviour from the dark age of kalyug.
Most of us face different phases and difficult phases in life. For me, my biggest vice being my overthinking, in the difficult phases or even otherwise, I have so many questions about life, its significance, importance, etc. but these kinds of difficult phases make us realise the reality of life and sometimes these small difficulties, teach us great life lessons. In these moments we feel lost, sad, anxious and in these difficult moments we seek guidance, confidants, direction to move ahead, support and love.
In such times I feel grateful to the almighty to make me a Sikh of my Guru, as when no one is there, he is always there for me, in the form of Shabad Guru, his presence, his remembrance, his teachings always vibrate in my mind.
I am not a good disciple, but he is the greatest Guru in this World and so I am immensely thankful, blessed and grateful to be his and loved by him.
The world is an ocean of poison and there is an even greater ocean of my sins. Blessed am I to have a Guru who is never going to stop teaching me to swim and even if I sink, he'll take me across with his love ❤️
' oh Daya krna nhi chhad-da
Tu Bharosa krna na chhodi'
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naxcoffe · 2 years ago
After many attempts like using boosters, LOA techniques self concept making own subs visualize being delusional with subliminals trying to affirm ive fast subliminal results frequencies and didn't happened, discussing many LOA gurus, i'm sick waiting/detaching many months to get results, i already done with old subliminals and it was disappointed and failures, simple i couldn't change even lips shape or get lighter eyes which they're the most simple physical changes, i don't know if my faith on subliminals is more useless or do i need to research more about subliminals or subconscious mind power, i'm sick of people getting successful with subliminal results except on me, i can't understand that, sorry my bad english
I’ve been doing everything to manifest, and nothing works.
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Today, I will explain how you shape your future by remembering it. Initially, I intended to write a lengthy post about the concept that we are all manifestations of God, possessing divine power and imagination. However, I paused and reflected on a simpler and more concise way to convey this message. I wanted to take a moment to remind you of something incredibly important: please be kind to yourself. Stop holding yourself to “high standards” when it comes to manifesting. here's the truth: you are human, and humans make mistakes. Here's what I came up with:
First and foremost, it's crucial to grasp the life-altering realization that each and every one of us is God. This understanding has transformed my life, shifting me from a state of anxiety and indifference towards life to one of awe and confidence.
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(1) As Neville Goddard suggests, our imagination is our divine power as God. It is the realm where we are boundless and limitless, able to manifest whatever we desire. In essence, it is the closest we can come to experiencing godliness.
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(2) Here's Neville's essential message: anyone, including you and me, has the ability to create their future. The act of creation is already complete; we merely choose the script for the movie of our lives.
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Now, what I'm about to share may initially seem peculiar, but I encourage you to adopt the same approach as I have. Simply assume that you will receive the answers you seek, and you will indeed receive them. We are all God, and God has already created every conceivable life that has existed, exists, and will exist. From our human perspective, we perceive life as a sequence of events bound by time, and the future as an unrealized possibility. However, if we could adopt God's perspective, we would witness our entire existence, encompassing past, present, and future, in a single instant of the eternal NOW. Consequently, recognize that you possess the divine power of God through your imagination. How can you harness this power to manifest your desires? By remembering the future.
If you have spent time on platforms like Tumblr or delved into Neville's teachings, you may have encountered stories of individuals who live in the end, hold onto a specific event, or engage in SATs (State Akin To Sleep) focusing on a single scene. Astonishingly, these individuals then witness their imagined scenarios materialize in their 3D reality. Even the words spoken by others align with their envisioned script. This phenomenon occurs because you are recollecting, through your divine power of imagination, an event that has already transpired in the future. When I speak of "remembering," it is because this event has already taken place, albeit in the future. Although you have yet to experience it, you are remembering it because it has already occurred.
Initially, this may appear peculiar, but it accurately reflects the nature of reality. Consequently, Neville and numerous others, myself included, advise against fixating on the "how" and "when" of your manifestations. By focusing on the desired outcome, you are remembering the ending, akin to recalling the conclusion of a movie. Although aware that numerous events and drama unfolded, you remain steadfastly connected to the ending. (When recalling memories from the past, we typically remember the significant events rather than the entire narrative.)
This emphasis on living in the end and assuming the reality of your desires as an already existing memory is crucial. It aligns you with the future you wish to experience. Consider the excitement and belief associated with remembering a thrilling childhood memory, such as your first vacation. You fully immerse yourself in that memory, wholeheartedly believing it to be true because you know it happened. The same principle applies to SATs and living in the end: you are recollecting your future life, an event that has already transpired.
Therefore, if you comprehend that your power as God enables you to remember your "future life" and manifest your desires, it is because you are recollect! Everything is you.
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cryopathiic-a · 1 year ago
headcanon. love.
Love plays a pivotal part in Eternal Paradise religion. As a term, it is often used interchangeably with words such as 'compassion' or 'acceptance', but heavy emphasis is given on the romantic aspect of love. A union between lovers is considered exceptionally holy, as it often leads to the exercise of a unique human ability. The ability to create life.
From a demon's perspective, the ability to keep producing.
Although the cult is largely comprised of women, there is a percentage of men to match. ( of course with our modern day knowledge we would distinguish people of all genders in that slaughterhouse, but back then it was rather limited ) So by Taisho era, children had been born into the cult. And that was to Douma's favor for several reasons, apart from the renewed supply of flesh and lifeblood. As an example, Muzan, as a scientist, would have a much harder time obtaining human babies should the experiments require specific ingredients. It would also allow him to have ideal servants, indoctrinated from birth so that their minds could be entrusted to never hold doubt.
So, true to Douma's appointed tarot as The Hierophant, his role is to support the traditions of family and encourage the creation of it. And because it is a cult, boundaries are a little loose. The Lord Founder's influence seeps into every interpersonal relationship. Simply put, followers ask Douma for love advice, consider him a guru and follow his word when it comes to their own relationships. In fact, one of Douma's favorite activities in the cult is playing match-maker with the humans. When sometimes girls confess their feelings to him, he likes to redirect them towards one of the temple's men or advise them to enact their desires upon them instead. But he has long lost interest in engaging in anything other than that with them.
A part of Douma enjoys watching those bonds form. He lives vicariously through the relationships he, himself, is not capable of experiencing. And that's another, perhaps deeper, reason of why he is so active in his followers' lives. He has an idealized and rather immature take on love and tends to turn everything romantic with the same naivety a highschooler would. In his mind, he's very much the type to fall head over heels for someone, because in his mind he is someone sensitive and sweet.
But his reality is starkly different; in reality, Douma is a cold and callous person who cannot humble himself and get close to someone enough to love them. He doesn't know what love entails, because he has never known it. And the truest part of him, the one he makes sure to hide behind appropriate masks, is the part that does not believe love to exist. He tries hard to compensate for how deeply this notion runs in his veins.
A loveless child might grow up to be a hateful adult, after all.
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krishnas142 · 13 days ago
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Discover the 3 Pillars, the 3 Ps of Lasting Happpiness
Are you tired of chasing ‘happpiness’ only to find it fleeting and elusive? Do you want to discover a more profound and lasting sense of ‘happiness’?
Then it’s time to change the way you spell HaPPPy!
The Traditional Concept of ‘Happpiness’
For centuries, we’ve been conditioned to believe that happpiness comes from external sources: wealth, success, relationships and material possessions. We’ve been led to believe that happpiness is something we can buy, achieve, or acquire. But is this really true? Unfortunately, the joy we experience from all these is ephemeral. It is pleasure, not real happpiness.
The Problem with Traditional ‘Happpiness’
The problem with traditional happiness is that it’s fleeting and often based on external circumstances. It’s like chasing a mirage – it looks promising from a distance, but when you get closer, it disappears. Traditional happiness is also often tied to our ego and self-image, making it fragile and vulnerable to external validation.
Can Money Really Buy Happpiness?
We’ve all heard the saying “money can’t buy happiness.” Well, ultimately, it’s true. Money can buy us things that may give us joy, fleeting pleasure. But this temporary ‘happiness’ is not a sustainable solution. So, what’s the alternative?
Is Success the Key to Happpiness?
We often associate success with happpiness. But is success really the key to happpiness? Or is it just a means to an end? Can we find happpiness without achieving success?
Can Relationships Guarantee Happpiness?
We often believe that having loving relationships is the key to happpiness. But can relationships alone guarantee happpiness? What happens when relationships end or become challenging? Why do our hearts sche and break if relationships guaranteed happpiness?
Is Fame the Key to Eternal Happpiness?
Many people believe that fame and recognition are the keys to eternal happpiness. But is this really true? Can fame bring lasting happpiness, or is it just a temporary high? If fame and recognition could truly make us happpy, then why do so many famous people end their lives? Why do they resort to drugs and other addictions?
Does Material Possession Equal Happpiness?
We often associate material possessions with happpiness. But does having more stuff really equal happpiness? Or is it just a temporary distraction? Many people who are poor, who have nothing, are actually happpier than those who have everything.
Introducing HaPPPy: A Fresh Perspective of Happpiness!
So, what’s the alternative? Enter HaPPPy – a new perspective for happpiness that’s based on internal fulfillment, peace, purpose, and meaning. But what exactly is HaPPPy, and how can you achieve it?
The Secret to HaPPPy Revealed
Want to know the secret to HaPPPy? Join our upcoming webinar with AiR – Atman in Ravi, a Happpiness Ambassador, Spiritual Guru and Philanthropist. In this exclusive webinar, AiR will reveal the three key pillars of HaPPPy that will transform your life forever.
Join the HaPPPy Revolution
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover the secret to lasting happpiness and fulfillment. Register now for our upcoming webinar and get ready to change the way you spell HaPPPy – and change your life! Please note that it’s free – there are no charges whatsoever!
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Discover the truth behind traditional notions of ‘happiness’. Learn why external sources like wealth, success, and material possessions don’t guarantee lasting happpiness. Explore the limitations of conventional happpiness and get ready to unlock the secrets to true fulfillment.
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anewdawnwithoutfear · 1 month ago
Everything I Achieved and More [Professor Playlist]
Day Six: Childhood – Ayreon
No matter what you said, he’d always disagree You swore that one day you would be better than him…one day you’d win
Wait – The Dear Hunter
I’ll know when I turn to dust But I fear the answer isn’t enough So, will I ever know Heaven or Hell? Or is eternity something worse?
We Don’t Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) – Tina Turner
So, what do we do with our lives We leave only a mark Will our story shine like a light or end in the dark? Give it all or nothing
New Dawn Fades – Joy Division
It was me, waiting for me Hoping for something more Me, seeing me this time Hoping for something else
Most Likely To Succeed – Five Iron Frenzy
Do what you do when you say what you want to say, With or without regard for me Scheme what you scheme when you’re thinking of yourself, You’re the most likely to succeed The yearbook said that you’d be another winner, You forgot what success should mean
Defend your factions, cut the lines Leagues of social climbers are abound Oh, but be advised, no restitution comes tonight ‘Less we lay unconscious in the ground
The Package – A Perfect Circle
Clever got me this far Then tricky got me in Eye on what I’m after I don’t need another friend
The Man – The Killers
I know the score like the back of my hand Them other boys, I don’t give a damn They kiss on the ring, I carry the crown Nothing can break, nothing can break me down
Fools – The Temper Trap
And I want it, I want it, I want it And I want it, I want it, I want it All You can’t wait to watch me fall
Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall – Steinar Raknes (Bob Dylan Cover)
And I’ll tell it and speak it and think it and breathe it And reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it And I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinking But I’ll know my song well before I start singing
Get The Balance Right! – Depeche Mode
Be responsible, respectable Stable but gullible Concerned and caring Help the helpless But always remain Ultimately selfish
I’m Here To Take The Sky – Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows
If the sky is the limit then I’ll build a bridge up to it If I make it back, I’d still want more, more If the sky is the limit then I’ll steal the air that’s in it I won’t take it back, I’d still want more, I’d still want more
A Good Song Never Dies – Saint Motel
Hope, the wonder drug Don’t work no more, think it took too much Sweat, your equity Make the caffeine be your weaponry
See Me, Feel Me – The Who
Right behind you, I see the millions On you, I see the glory From you, I get opinion From you, I get the story
Cult of Personality – Living Colour
I know your anger, I know your dreams I’ve been everything you want to be Oh, I’m the cult of personality
One More Step – Church of the Cosmic Skull
One more step til we show you the proof One more step til we show you the truth
Personal Jesus – Oba Frank Lords (Depeche Mode Cover)
I prophesized I never lied I came to life You watched me die I bled for you You know it’s true But is this something that you would do
Don’t Stop – Innerpartysystem
The road I walk is paved in gold To glorify my platinum soul I am the closest thing to god So worship me and never stop
Ice Cream – New Young Pony Club
Let me give you what you’d like I can make you mouth run dry
Severed – The Decemberists
I alone am the answer I alone will make wrongs right
Chase This Light – Jimmy Eat World
A movie, still photograph Through a martyr’s eyes can I see I’ve seen the best of love, the best of hate, the best reward is earned And I’ve paid for every single word I ever said
The Ruler and The Killer – Kid Cudi
Now, what I want is specific, hey hey Respect what I have done for thee
Day Fourteen: Pride – Ayreon
I’ve always been respectable, I don’t understand I tried to be compassionate, I’m not a ruthless man!
Red Right Hand – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
He’s a ghost, he’s a god, he’s a man, he’s a guru You’re one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan Designed and directed by his red right hand
Puppets – Essence of Mind (Depeche Mode Cover)
All the things you tried to do babe And all the words we’ve said before Are only part of what I started baby And you can’t stop me anymore
Mr. Malum – The Dear Hunter
His puppets to the left, and His pawns to line the right But every eye is front and center A cool intoxication from the sap that Trickles down his branches to their mouths
Unnatural Selection – Muse
I’m hungry for some unrest I wanna push it beyond a peaceful protest I wanna speak in a language that they will understand Dedication to a new age Is this the end of destruction and rampage? Another chance to erase and then repeat it again
Middleman – Bright Eyes
So I’ve become the middleman The gray areas are mine The in-between, the absentee Is a beautiful disguise
Don’t Mess With Me – temposhark
In my crown, I am king I love their endless worshiping I am raw, a dinosaur But I will never be extinct
Handlebars – Flobots
‘Cause I can lead a nation with a microphone With a microphone With a microphone And I can split the atom of a molecule Of a molecule Of a molecule
Everybody Loves Me – OneRepublic
Oh my, feels just like I don’t try Looks so good, I might die All I know is everybody loves me
Eat Raw Meat = Blood Drool – Editors
A little bit for myself, don’t put a price on your health, I give a little to her I give a little to you, I give a little to him, I give a little to her
Rules Don’t Stop – We Are Scientists
It’s not as if it’s gonna kill anyone If there’s no victim then there’s no crime Just draw another if you think we’ve crossed the line
No Consequences – VersaEmerge
Everywhere I go, No one says no to me, They don’t, They don’t dare
Everybody Knows That You’re Insane – Queens of the Stone Age
You wanna know just how long you can hide from What you are? Not very long
Further – VNV Nation
And in retrospect I’ll say we’ve done no wrong Who are we to judge what’s right and what has purpose for us? With designs upon ourselves to do no wrong Running wild unaware of what might come of us
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air-atman-in-ravi · 1 month ago
Spiritual Initiation and How to Self-Certify that You are Enlightened
What is the meaning of Spiritual Initiation? It is a start to reach our ultimate destination The guidance of a Guru can take us there faster But for this, we need an Enlightened Master! Initiation is the beginning of our Journey to the Truth It is the way to get to the bottom of the root
Why Spiritual Initiation? Why must we go on a Quest? Why must we put our beliefs to test? Because of ignorance, what we were taught in schools We continue to believe and live like fools! It's time to question, 'Who am I?' 'Am I this Body that will just live and die?
To Initiate the Journey, we must still the Mind It is our enemy, this Truth, we must find Along with the Ego, it becomes Mind and Ego, ME It tells us, 'We are the Body,' in the mirror that we see It hides the Truth that we are the Divine Soul We need Initiation to reach our Goal! Initiation is a Journey to Self-Realization With the help of the Guru, it is Purification Then, we move forward and there is Illumination Till we arrive at the Truth called Realization But Initiation is just the beginning, what is the end? Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening, ignorance to transcend
Many people are seeking only to be initiated They blindly follow the myth and make life complicated Initiation means to question everything and ask, 'Why?' 'What is my purpose on earth and who am I?' 'What was the reason that I came to earth?' 'What is the purpose of my human birth?'
Initiation often needs the help of Meditation When we still the mind, we start Contemplation We reach a state of Consciousness It is Mindfulness, it is Awareness In this state, it is the Intellect that will shine We will Discriminate and Realize that nothing is mine
What is this world? It's just a show We are just actors, we come and we go! Until there is Initiation, nothing we know But with the help of a Master, spiritually, we grow We Realize that the Purpose of life is Liberation And after Realization, Divine Unification
How do we know, we are on the right path? Are we fooled by rituals in a religious bath? Do we believe in the universal lie? That God is an old man, who lives in the sky? Initiation will take us to the Truth of Realization But for this, we must do Self-Certification
Nobody knows if we are Spiritually Awakened But the Guru can guide us to be Enlightened Unless we are honest with the Guru and in him, we trust Self-Certification won't work, so this comes first Obedience to the Guru is a must To give us worldly desires and give up lust
Other than the Guru, nobody can know Are we truly Enlightened or we're putting up a show If with the Guru, there is a Divine Connection Then, truthful will be our Self-Certification Otherwise, the Initiation will cause confusion And we may never reach our destination
What are the things that we must certify? We must first, find out the truth, 'Who am I?' For this, we must find out, what we are not Escape from the Mind and Ego, that ties us in a knot! When we Realize, these, we are not but we are 'Who are we?' We certify, we cross the bar
Self-Certification is about endorsing, we are the Soul But this is the Beginning, not yet the goal The Soul is nothing but the Divine Power, SIP The Supreme Immortal Power, must be certified on our lip When God, we are able, in all, to see Then we can certify, we Realize the Divine energy
The Soul is but a Spark Of Unique Life This Certification liberates us from strife But the Soul is nothing, it is God, it is SIP! We must certify and move forward in this trip Now, we are sailing on a Spiritual ship One by one, the Certification saves us from a slip!
Ultimately, what must we get in sight? Finally, we have to switch on the inner light Certification is to reach that state of Inner Enlightenment It is transcending pleasure and achievement We will pass by contentment and fulfillment And certify, we are no more slaves of entertainment
Spiritual Awakening is Eternal Bliss It is a state of Truth Consciousness It is Divine Love for one and all And this is certified, when the Ego has a fall As long as the Ego stands tall like a wall We can't Certify Enlightenment, we will fall!
Therefore, it is important to read this book One-by-one, each Certification, will change the outlook We must be sincere in our Initiation And with honesty, do Self-Certification The process is long, there will be Realization And ultimately, there will be Liberation!
Life has a meaning, it has a purpose Without Initiation, it will just be a circus If we just live and then we die If we are not Enlightened, 'Who am I?' The Body will die but we will be reborn We will suffer and this will go on and on
Therefore, today, let us start our Initiation Not delay our Journey of Realization For this, we must first get an Enlightened Soul Getting the right Guru achieves half the Goal Then, the Spiritual Journey must go on Nothing must stop us from dusk to dawn
Ultimately, at death, happens one of the two things Initiation is the one that Peace and Bliss brings If there is no Spiritual Awakening, there will be reincarnation But Enlightenment is the result of Realization We have time, let us make a choice Let us not delay, let us be wise!
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spiritualsoul1969 · 2 months ago
The Eternal Oneness: Understanding Sant Kabir’s Profound Words
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Sant Kabir’s timeless couplet resonates with the essence of universal truth: “No other has come, everything is one; whatever needs to be said, must be read.” These lines point us toward the oneness of existence and the necessity of seeking and internalizing this profound unity through personal experience.
In the realm of spirituality, we often look outward for answers—seeking validation from rituals, scriptures, or external gurus. Sant Kabir reminds us that the ultimate truth resides within us. The world may appear fragmented, but beneath the surface lies an indivisible wholeness. It is not enough to speak or hear of this oneness; one must live and embody it to truly understand.
The Illusion of Duality
Our daily lives are dominated by dualistic thinking—me versus you, right versus wrong, success versus failure. This mindset creates barriers, trapping us in a cycle of conflict and separation. Sant Kabir invites us to rise above these dichotomies. He asserts that no “other” exists; the boundaries we perceive are constructs of our minds.
When we embrace this perspective, our relationships, work, and challenges transform. We no longer see others as competitors or adversaries but as extensions of the same universal essence. Imagine how different our lives would be if we replaced judgment with empathy and division with connection.
Words and Their Power
Sant Kabir’s statement, “Whatever needs to be said, must be read,” underscores the importance of intentional communication. Words are not merely carriers of information; they are vehicles of energy. Every spoken or written word holds the power to heal or harm, unite or divide.
In our spiritual journey, the “reading” Sant Kabir refers to is not limited to texts; it is the reading of life itself. Every experience, whether joyful or painful, carries a lesson, and it is through conscious reflection that we unlock these teachings. Just as one cannot understand music by merely seeing notes on a page, one cannot grasp spiritual truths without engaging with them on a deep, experiential level.
Finding Unity in Everyday Life
Recognizing the oneness of existence doesn’t mean retreating into isolation or renouncing the world. Instead, it’s about finding the divine in the mundane—seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. When you view the world as an extension of yourself, even routine tasks become acts of devotion.
Sant Kabir’s philosophy encourages us to approach life with reverence. A simple conversation, a shared meal, or a moment of stillness can reveal profound truths when we engage fully and mindfully.
Practical Toolkit for Embodying Oneness
To bring Sant Kabir’s wisdom into your daily life, here’s a practical toolkit:
1. Daily Reflection Journal
Each evening, spend 10 minutes reflecting on the day. Ask yourself:
Where did I feel connected with others or nature?
Did I experience moments of judgment or separation? How could I have approached them differently? Writing these reflections helps you identify patterns and move toward unity in thought and action.
2. Conscious Communication Practice
Before speaking or writing, pause and ask:
Is what I’m about to say true, necessary, and kind?
How will my words contribute to unity or division? Over time, this practice will refine your interactions and foster deeper connections.
3. Unified Awareness Meditation
Set aside 10 minutes daily to practice this simple meditation:
Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Imagine a golden thread connecting you to every being, tree, river, and star.
With each breath, feel this connection grow stronger, dissolving any sense of separation. This practice enhances your awareness of oneness.
4. Acts of Oneness
Commit to one act of kindness daily—helping a colleague, feeding a stray animal, or listening to someone in need. These actions dissolve the illusion of “self” and “other” and nurture a sense of shared humanity.
5. Read the Language of Life
Treat every experience as a page in the book of existence. Instead of reacting impulsively, pause and ask:
What is life teaching me through this situation? This mindset shifts your perspective, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.
Living Sant Kabir’s Wisdom
Sant Kabir’s profound words call us to move beyond intellectual understanding and into embodied realization. The world may seem divided by labels, ideologies, and boundaries, but at its core, it is one unified field of energy and love.
By practicing unity in thought, speech, and action, we align ourselves with this truth. In doing so, we not only transform our own lives but also contribute to a more harmonious world. Sant Kabir doesn’t just want us to read his words; he urges us to live them. And when we do, we discover that the journey to oneness is the journey back to ourselves.
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
A rock star, atheist, Marxist, world-class theologian, African missionary, and a Greek Orthodox Bishop all in one lifetime? Hank Hanegraaff is joined by Bishop Themi—a personal hero of his and a beacon of hope and inspiration to millions of Christians around the globe. Bishop Themi earned degrees in theology, languages, and Biblical studies at some of the most prestigious universities in America and became a distinguished scholar—however in the 90s Themi questioned his life’s direction. Was he serving Christ best as a top-tier academic? A series of events led him to follow another path, serving the poor in his native Africa. Themi founded the Holy Orthodox Mission in Freetown, Sierra Leone where he has battled Ebola and foes, both earthly and spiritual, to feed, educate and offer the love of Christ to thousands of West African people.
Topics discussed include: How Bishop Themi’s roots as a white man born in Africa formed his nomadic DNA and understanding of not feeling completely welcome (3:15); the impact that the British Invasion and the Beatles had on Bishop Themi becoming a Marxist (9:15); the guru and the cross—Bishop Themi’s first steps towards Christianity (19:00); mystical experiences that reveal the reality of Jesus Christ (25:00); how reading the Bible led to Bishop Themi being born again, selling everything and giving it to the poor to follow Christ (29:30); Bishop Themi was a serious academic until he was convicted that he must do missions due to the impact of Mother Teresa (34:00); how Bishop Themi’s belief on missions led him to Africa (40:05); the impact of HIV/AIDS on Bishop Themi’s first mission in Kenya  (43:15); why Bishop Themi thinks the experience in Sierra Leone with Ebola was worse than HIV/AIDS (45:25); what does it truly mean to live in poverty? (48:30); what is Paradise 4 Kids? (51:25); the methodology of indigenous missions (54:20); the impact of Bishop Themi on the life of Hank Hanegraaff (59:35); what we do with our lives and resources matters for all eternity—we will be judged (1:06:00);  sharing among the poor is not unusual—the poor tend to practice generosity beyond their means (1:10:25); the simple truth is that the more you give the more you will receive (1:12:20); Bishop Themi owns nothing—he has surrendered completely in confidence to God (1:14:20); how can we teach our children how fortunate they are?  (1:16:40); how can people support Bishop Themi’s mission? (1:18:40); Christ identified with the suffering and we must follow Christ by imitating Him (1:21:00).
For more information on the life of Bishop Themi, please see the following for your partnering gift, Themi – Apostle To The Hungry with Foreword by Hank Hanegraaff
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radical-revolution · 7 months ago
Be happy, be good, be positive, be optimistic, be successful, be woke, be spiritually enlightened.
Consume the perfect diet. Attract a million followers on Instagram. Live your best life! Rise up the career ladder. Be fit and healthy. Be your greatest self! Manifest your life’s purpose.
Optimise your body's functioning. Release your pain, fear, anger and sadness. Free yourself from doubt. Fall in love with the person of your dreams and live happily ever after and never feel lonely again.
This dream is beautiful but it is literally killing us.
The eternal Soul has no interest in living up to any second-hand ideal of ‘happiness’, however beautiful, dramatic, sexy, compelling. Its terrible and sacred rage boils underneath the entire self-help project. Its cry for authenticity, for Truth at any cost.
Fuck the lie of the ‘perfect life’; it only makes us depressed, anxious, addicted - and actually feeds our shame and self-loathing and sense of cosmic failure.
Our constant striving eventually exhausts us, brings us to our knees. It’s too much work for the poor organism, to be ‘positive’ all the time. The Unconscious is enraged by the lie. And it wants to fucking rest.
But in our exhausted state, afraid even to touch our exhaustion, we turn to medication, energy drinks, drugs, mantras, the gym, more positivity, even toxic forms of ‘spirituality’.
Or we simply lose ourselves in thought. Or we create a new identity as ‘the depressed one’ or ‘the failure’. Or we simply ‘push through’ the exhaustion and just keep busy, and numb.
Keep moving at any cost. Never stop.
Happiness literally can make us unhappy.
Fuck this kind of false happiness. It’s vitally important to make room for the darkness. Your life depends on it.
To create space for the grief, the rage, the shame, the fear and the loneliness. To bring these poor, misunderstood creatures out of hiding and into the Light.
If you do not, they will drain your lifeblood like vampires.
Until you listen…
Be willing to expose your unhappiness! Give a voice to the sorrow, the anger, the fear, the deep loneliness at the core. Break some taboos. Say the ‘wrong’ thing. Shatter the false image.
You may lose followers. You may lose friends. You may lose your job. You will certainly lose your mask.
Change may scare the shit out of you.
Good. It’s supposed to.
Nobody has ever awakened without dying over and over again.
You may lose everything and you may have to begin life again yes but the Soul will rejoice. It has been through myriad deaths and rebirths and it couldn’t give a fuck about protecting itself from change.
The Soul finds change thrilling, life-giving, erotic even.
There is a bigger Happiness that actually embraces even our deepest unhappiness and does not shame it and this is the true Happiness you have always longed for. The Happiness that strips off the mask, destroys false protections, sees our flaws, our vulnerabilities, our deepest sorrows… and accepts and loves us and embraces us just as we are.
Okay. Here is your new spiritual mantra…
Fuck - the mind’s concept of - happiness.
Fuck ‘Namaste’.
Fuck trying to be good.
Fuck spirituality. Fuck bliss and love and light and good vibes.
Fuck perfection.
Fuck fitting in.
Fuck all the gods and gurus and self-help guides who fuel the filthy lie of happiness as a destination and a goal.
Fuck this narcissistic, self-absorbed, shame-based culture that suppresses the feminine and our gorgeous vulnerability and tries to mould us through fear.
Accept it all and fuck it all. Bless it all and fuck it all and love it all. Open your heart to it all! Bless this gorgeously silly human mind with its conditioned ideas and impossible standards and its never-ending attempts to tell us how we ‘should’ be, or what the ‘right’ thoughts and feelings are.
Fuck the lie of happiness that sends so many to an early grave.
Protect the inner child, the one who feels unhappy, lonely, sad, disconnected, sometimes. Stop telling her to be happy, connected, peaceful, spiritual and blissed-out today. She couldn’t give a fuck. She just wants your love.
Drench the sad and lonely inner one with curiosity, understanding. Breathe into her. Let her express herself, each day.
Fuck all the forces of the world that would seek to harm her or silence her.
She is God in form.
And when she asks,
“Mommy, Daddy, do I have to be happy and perfect for you to love me?”
You can reply, without hesitation:
“Of course not my love. I love you exactly as you are. I love your flaws and imperfections and your vulnerable heart. They are all so beautiful to me. It’s okay to not feel peaceful. You don’t have to be happy right now. Let’s be truly Unhappy together…”
Now THAT, my friends, is fucking Happiness.
- Jeff Foster
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ramrodd · 4 months ago
The way you perceived Jesus is a function of the epistemology of the Bible, which is inerrant. It nveer changes. The actual mechanics of perception is the figure-field dynamics of Gestalt Theory,
This is what David Hume's atheism made possible. John Locke's theory of metaphysical knowledge was that there were no innate mechanism of perception, that we gained metaphysical knowldege directly from nature, which is subject on inquiry in and of itself. Locke was purely Aristotiliean in that way, What Locke was trying to avoid was the Rational Idealism of Decartes and, in time, Spinozal. Loke was trying to remain congruent to the so-called Christian epistemology you are describing, A sort of cartoon version of how this works it that the Word in our souls from Jesus Christ sucks the eternal truth of the universe and lands in our collective consciousness, our metaphusics, as metaphysical truth, This particular theory of "Christian" epistemology was the basis of patterns of interrogation in the Roman and Spanish Inquistion,
But, Locke's theory of perception was more or less the conventional wisdom for both Idealist and empericists. It was the geo-centric version of epistemology, Jesus had no effect on this thinking buth everbyody assumed He dictated the processes. Which is false. Jesus was a process theology guru and rode processes like a Super Surfer shredding the Pipeline,
In any event, Newton's demonstration of gravity blew all that shit right out of the water, intellectually, Newton violated the 4th law of Logic, you cannot reduce Paradox, to demonstrate acceleration of a marble rolling down an incline plane. The marble is a chaotic field, We can intuit from infromal visual data that the marble picks up speed. It falls at a constantly faster rate. Newton took what he called the "kenetic" out of the system He measure the time it took the marble to travel systematically increasingly distances. From that, he build his calculus. I'm not a mathematician, but Post Modern Literary Criticism makes the process transparent.
And that's when Hume, who was not burdened with the Jesus-based epistemology of Lock, realized that perception was ALL inate and, from there is a pretty direct step to gestalt theory that is totally consistent with the presentation of the words in the Bible as they arise in our individual consciousness. The sort of extreme description of Hume's atheist theory of perception is that everything is an illusion and cliam it is the pagan Buddhist believe system, that all is illusion and we should roll over and die.
Jesus doesn't dispute this in the least, That's one of the reasons He employs parables and things that are like Zen koans. Everything is an issusion: the object of the exercis is to pick the illursion that delivers superor results and share your experience.
Truth lies in Life and Death. Henri Bergson comes closest to Jesus's epistimology as reflected in the Little Prince's asiom: It is only with the heart that one can see truly.
when you put Jesus at the center of all four Gosples as the singular Gesalt figure and the details in the narrative of what is happening aroun HIm as the Gestalt field, that core element o the mechanisms of epsitemology are evident from the verry first letter of Genesis 1:1 and carries through to Revelation 22:21. which adds up to 7.
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yashopticsandlens · 7 months ago
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Guru is everything in our eternal life, Nothing is possible without him.
Happy Guru Purnima!
https://yashopticsandlens.com | https://bit.ly/3deZPN1
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allgoodquotesblog · 1 year ago
Deepak Chopra and his 30 best quotes
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The holistic health guru, author, and speaker Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American. He is one of the most well-known personalities in the New Age and self-help industries. He is the author of more than 80 books covering a wide range of subjects, such as awareness, mind-body wellness, and spirituality.
About Deepak Chopra
Chopra studied medicine at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences after being born in New Delhi, India, in 1946. After relocating to the US in the 1970s, he started working as a licensed doctor. In due course, he developed an interest in complementary and alternative medicine and started incorporating Eastern techniques such as yoga and meditation into his work.
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Chopra's teachings are predicated on the notion that our ideas and beliefs have a direct impact on our physical health and well-being and that the mind and body are inherently interconnected. Although millions of people worldwide have found his message to be compelling, his method is sometimes criticized for being overly simplistic and devoid of scientific support.
The Most Famous Book
Chopra's most famous book is "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success," which outlines principles for achieving success and happiness in all areas of life. The book has sold millions of copies worldwide and has been translated into over 40 languages. Over his career, Chopra has also been a part of several controversies. His detractors claim that he advocates for questionable health practices and that his teachings are pseudoscientific. His utilization of Indian spiritual traditions in his art has drawn accusations of cultural appropriation from other people. Deepak Chopra is a well-known author and speaker on topics related to spirituality, health, and well-being.
Here are some of his most popular quotes:
- "The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity." - "To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions." - "In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." - "Happiness is a continuation of happenings which are not resisted." - "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." - "You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible." - "We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being." - "The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers." - "Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone." - "The intention to live as long as possible isn't one of the mind's best intentions, because quantity isn't the same as quality." - "All great changes are preceded by chaos." - "The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself." - "The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different." - "You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop." - "The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life." - "Love doesn't need reason. It speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart." - "The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are." - "Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution." - "Silence is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons, you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence." - "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - "You alone are the judge of your worth, and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks." - "The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action." - "The ultimate goal of all goals is to be happy. What makes you happy is not as important as the fact that you are happy." - "We are all co-creators of the universe. You are not a victim of circumstance; you are a partner in creation." - "The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood." - "Success and happiness root in who you are being." - "To think is to practice brain chemistry." - "The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing." - "The intention to create a better life is a powerful force in the universe." - "The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness."
Deepak Chopra has had a significant influence on the alternative health and self-help movements, despite the controversy surrounding his teachings. His teachings on spiritual development and the mind-body link have motivated a great number of individuals to lead happier, healthier lives. There is no doubt that Deepak Chopra has had a big influence on contemporary spiritual thought and practice, regardless of one's agreement with his teachings. Read the full article
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