#“...of course masters such as myself...” KYS. shut up.
autism-corner · 1 year
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teacup-crow · 4 years
Having Fun
 Zombies, Make! round 3, using three prompts - a skateboarder, the ZRTM quote “what’s the point in staying alive if you’re not having fun?” and a step-by-step to lifting someone unconcious/prone. Shout out @puptart and @crownleys
The Kytan/Yang/Cameo/Andrew gang test Kefilwe’s limits. This is set early on in Season 3, but spoilers for S3M26 as that’s when these characters show up. It’s very silly but I hope you enjoy it!
Kytan is the king of the kick-flip, the ninja to defeat all ninjas, the master of martial arts. He can handle a puny little skateboard.
Or so Cameo reckons, twisting the chains of her swing up into a giant knot, then riding the wave of euphoria as it swivels itself back to normal at top speed. “Whooo-hoo! Anyway, as I was saying, you can definitely do this. I double-triple-quadruple-dog-dare you.”
“Runner Eleven, Runner Thirteen, I would like to reiterate that this detour is ill-advised,” Kefilwe sighs heavily. “I have no cameras on the playpark area. There are countless unknown dangers.”
“Sam would let us have fun,” Kytan whines, only semi-jokingly. Cameo rolls her eyes at him.
“What Ky means is that we’re keeping an eye out, Kefi. Andrew and Yang aren’t far off, and they’ll yell if they hear or see anything weird. Besides, this place was cleared out months ago, and we have half an hour spare. What’s the point of staying alive if we can’t enjoy the little things, huh?”
The sun bounces off the metal slide, as bright as her words, the rubber of the swing beneath her legs hot and cracking. Kytan balances at the top of the slide, on the board, teetering ever so slightly. The red paint of the long-abandoned recreation ground is burnt and peeling in the summer sun – all things considered, it’s been a dismal supply run. But this has been one of their favourite spots since Andrew first accidentally stumbled through it and wound up surrounded by eyeless zombie children.
Well, Andrew wasn’t so keen on the place, but it had kind of become theirs by right.
Kefilwe sounds a slightly defensive. “I know how to enjoy the little things, Thirteen.”
“Oh yeah? When’s the last time you took a break?”
“And was it before or after 1995?”
“Just this morning, in fact, I treated myself to a mug of cocoa.”
“Doc…” Kytan frowns, confused. “That’s not fun.”
Cameo cuts in. “You still got up at four-thirty AM!”
“Fun is this awesome ollie I’m about to show Cammie just to prove that I can do one.”
“Using an abandoned skateboard you fixed with gaffa tape is not fun, it is an accident waiting to happen.”
“He’s done stupider things. Anyway, we all know Kytan’s immune to pain.”
“And I was double-triple-dog-dared!”
Kefilwe covers her face with her hands, the motion almost audible. “He is not immune to breaking his neck, though, is he?”
“I like to say that you never know until you try.”
“Runners! Please! I do not think it is fair to try this on me when I am new to comms. I am not a supply teacher!”
“We do this with everyone, I promise,” Cameo replies. “All right then, Ky. Three, two, one…”
Kytan shuts his eyes, stuck out his tongue in concentration and pushed off.
Almost immediately, the board splits in two. Kytan’s flight is spectacular, slow motion, a flying-through the air ending in an almost graceful tuck and roll onto the asphalt. “Shit!”
“Is he all right? Thirteen?!”
“He knows how to fall, we’ll say that much.”
“Uh, Cammie…” Attempting to pick himself up, he looks towards her, and raises a trembling finger.
“Are you okay there, doofus?” For the first time, the bantering tone drops from her voice, replaced by concern and genuine affection. His ankle looks a little worse for wear, his hands dripping in blood, his shaking less pure adrenaline and more-
She whips her head around. Andrew and Yang are approaching the park gates at full sprint, unclipping heavier supplies from their packs. And the only reason to do that is-
“Ace, I think that’s a horde.”
“HORDE!” Yang screams, throwing her his pack and scooping Kytan up and over his shoulders in one fluid movement.
To her credit, Kefilwe keeps her head. “Okay. You’ll come back into camera range in ten minutes if you head east, on to the main road from earlier. Try to avoid losing supplies if you can.”
“Bit late for that, Doc,” Cameo replies, vaulting the fence as she follows in the men’s footsteps. “Paint’s gone, but we’ve still got most of the scavenged wiring.”
“Better than nothing. Keep talking, Runner Thirteen; please keep me aware of all movement. I have your location plotted on the map. Do not look behind you.”
“Seconded,” Andrew adds. “It’s more bloody kids.”
“Did you two forget to take it in turns on the play equipment?” Yang manages. Kytan’s laugh is strained.
“Next time, I’ll remember to give the zombies a push on the swings.”
“That’s us coming up on the golf course, Doc.”
“Good. Keep going. Runners, how many zombies can you see behind you?”
“…there’s a point where you stop thinking in numbers and start thinking in waves?”
“That point is about forty.” Andrew sputters. “And Jesus those are close!”
“I am sorry, but you’re going to need to go faster, Runners.”
“Our favourite phrase,” Cameo quips, and then shrieks as she feels fingers nearly brush her shirt. “Oh my God, this is it, this is it!”
“Nobody is dying on my first shift,” Kefilwe replies, a note of steel in her tone that was missing before. “Runner Thirteen, you will get back to Abel. Just keep running. Stick together. You have made it through closer calls than this. Weren’t you telling me that you’re the dream team? The dream team will not die today.”
“Okay. Yeah. Okay. We’re nearly at the road now. And we’re listening. Take us home, Doc.”
Four sheepish, shattered runners stand in the entrance of the medbay, clinging onto each other to hold each other up more than anything else.
“We thought we owed you an apology,” Cameo begins abruptly, swiping her damp, just-showered hair out of her face and proffering a jar. “And at the very least, honey. I keep bees, see.”
“She likes the risk. But we were stupid out there today,” Kytan adds, “And that’s coming from me.”
“And I’d have lost both of these idiots if you weren’t genuinely one of the best radio operators we’ve ever had.” Yang finishes, his arms wrapped around the two of them.
“We’re sharing a bottle of moonshine over cards in the quad this evening, if you’re in,” Andrew says, a little shy. “If you’d like to get to know the names behind the numbers, all that.”
There’s a long, apprehensive silence, until the doctor finally breaks into a smile.
“Well, what’s the point of staying alive if I’m not having fun?” They wait. “I’ll be there.”
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broken-clover · 6 years
Dust Strikers Story Mode 1/4
I haven’t seen too many resources available when it comes to Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers, a DS-only sidegame released in 2006. While I will agree that the gameplay and story did leave a bit to be desired, I still get a decent bit of fun out of it as the only GG game I own that I can play at college. I wound up going through all 20 story modes for the purpose of jotting down all the game dialogue, in case anybody needed it for reference for whatever reason and didn’t have a copy of the game. I’m gonna upload this in chunks for the sake of space.
Part 1 (Sol, Ky, May, Millia, Axl), Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Dialogue for some scenes is repeated. I tried my best to keep this more or less lifted right from the game, though I did make a few edits just for grammar’s sake because this game isn’t very well edited. I did not try to change any conversations just for the sake of it.
Sol:...Whew... Jam: How rude. What's your problem? Faust: Is there something wrong? Sol: A doctor and a chef? This is a big joke. Quit following me wherever I go. Go back to your real jobs, man! Faust: This is what it takes to master the tricks of the trade. It's necessary to learn to see things from the patient's perspective. Jame: The art of cooking is also a quest. You're not gonna find anything new just by sitting around. Venom: Then I should get to know a wider variety of opponents. Let's roll! Sol: Move it. Just go to bed!
Bridget: Whoah, everybody looks tough Chipp: Hey! what's a kid doing here? Eddie: A child. Attractive in terms of her youthfulness but too immature to become my host Bridget: You're not taking me seriously? Then let me show you my moves Sol:...back off. Don't be wasting my time Eddie: Interesting. I shall keep a record of the battle results for future reference Bridget: Don't be surprised! Here I come! Sol: What am I, a babysitter? I can't deal with this...
Slayer: This is quite an unusual combination Sol: I'm starting to get tired of your face Testament: Different being. What do you want? Slayer: Nope. Nothing in particular. Just happened to pass by. Testament: Then please go away Dizzy: Oh, you're Mr. Slayer, aren't you? Please excuse Testament's words. He doesn't mean any harm. Slayer: I'm not bothered by it. Don't worry. But this is quite interesting. Sol: So what the hell is your point? Slayer: Those who have veered off the path. I guess the same must be said of me. Testament: What are you insinuating? You better have a good explanation Slayer: My apologies if I offended you. I'm just genuinely interested in your powers Sol: You using us to kill your boredom? I think it's time you hung em up.
Anji: Finally found you. Sol:...It's you again. Anji: Let me ask you straight out. Do you have any idea where 'he' is? Sol: So what if I know? Anji: Can you tell me where he is? Of course I'm willing to work for it. You and I have a bout, and if I win, you tell me. Sounds fair? Baiken: Wait! Let me in on the festivities Sol: Sorry, not interested. You guys enjoy each other's company Anji: Even Justice feared my powers...Still not interested? Sol:...! Baiken: Shut your trap! You're starting to get on my nerves. I'll kick all of your butts right now! Axl: Whoa!...Damn it...is this a bad time? Baiken: Eavesdropping, are we? I'm not impressed! Axl: I just wanted to ask chief something Sol: And even you. Why does everyone want to stick their noses in other people's business! Axl: No worries, chief! Just a quick bout, no hard feelings! Sol: I'm not responsible for what happens.
I-no: You're late. You shouldn't make ladies wait like that. Sol: shut up. What are you wandering around for? Johnny: Hey, what a coincidence. Didn't expect to run into you here....guess yu're busy with a woman Sol: You stay out of it I-no: Ooh, another cute guy Ky: All of you! Freeze right there! I-no: and now a cute boy, too. Ky: Sol..! And Johnny the pirate, and you're..! I-no: I'd stay out of it if I were you. Why don't you just go home to mommy? Sol: That's enough chit chatting. Let's let the fists do the talking! Ky: ...Sol! I-no: The violent guy as always. Sure, why not...I'll cut you all up into pieces! Ky: I guess there's no alternative. Holy Knight combat was initially meant for handling multiple enemies. I'll show you what it's all about!
Sol: Finally we meet... Gig: Grrr... Sol: I'm here to figure you out. Gig: Grrrgh! Sol:...Too late, I guess. Then die.
Gig: Grr...grr... Sol: Don't bother. It's over Gig: Grr.... Sol:...I'll make sure we get even for your sake. I guarantee you we'll find the dirt bag...
Jam: Ayah! Who's this cute guy? Ky: You must be...that chef, Ms. Jam Kuradoberi. Jam: That's right! You remembered me! I'm so happy! Ky: I'm glad to see you're doing well. May: Wahts...oops! Oh no! Ky: You must be May, the pirate May: Are you going after Johnny? You'll have to get by me first. Ky: Please, put your guard down. I'm not after pirates right now. Testament: So you're out bounty-hunting then. Probably after me then, aren't you? Jam: Ooh, you're quite the hottie too. Wanna work at my restaurant? Testament: Stop talking nonsense... May: It's two hot guys...but Johnny's way hotter than both of you!
Zappa: Hey! Miss! Millia:...Yes? Zappa: If it's possible, can you be my wi... Millia:... Zappa: Actually, never mind... Axl: Dude, let me show you how it's done. Hey, you in the beautiful blond hair! Let me buy you a cup of coffee so I can see which glows brighter, your hair or your eyes. Millia:...Um, I'm in a hurry. Ky: You're Millia, the former assassin. If you're not with the guild anymore, leave the rest to the police force. No need to put yourself in danger. Millia: I'll take care of him. It's none of your business. Ky: But no, we have to... Zappa: What's all this talk about? Even the police are here. Maybe I should get outta...NO!...Happiness. Hatred! Hatred! Millia: Why don't I ever have luck with men?
Faust: Traveling lady with the scent of blood. Where are you headed? Baiken: Get lost, you lame doc. It's none of your business. I can kill whoever I want. Chipp: Woman enduring countless bloodshed. So you're that Japanese beauty? Ky: There's nothing but anger inside you. As a protector of public safety, I can't let such hateful words pass Baiken: Kid, if you don't wanna get hurt, you should just keep your mouth shut Ky: I have confidence in my sword. Not exactly my favorite option, but in this case I have no choice Faust: What you need is some time off in total peaceful serenity. As a physician, it is my obligation to make sure that you are cured.
Anji: You must be Ky Kiske, former leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights Ky: Yes, that would be me. And who are you? Anji: Last name is Mito, first name is Anji. I'm just a journeyman Ky: So what can I help you with? Anji: I'd like to challenge you to a match. I wanted to see firsthand the skills of a top-class warrior like yourself. Ky: I can tell from your presence that you're not an ordinary foe. Asian martial arts? Interesting. I accept your challenge. Slayer: In that case, count me in too. Fighting for the sake of fighting. To me fighting is life's best form of entertainment. Don't you think? Potemkin: I myself haven’t had any worthy opponents recently. Sure, I'll take you on. Ky: This is getting interesting. It's been a while for me too. Bring it on!
I-no: You're late. You shouldn't make ladies wait like that. Sol: shut up. What are you wandering around for? Johnny: Hey, what a coincidence. Didn't expect to run into you here....guess you're busy with a woman. Sol: You stay out of it. I-no: Ooh, another cute guy. Ky: All of you! Freeze right there! I-no: and now a cute boy, too. Ky: Sol..! And Johnny the pirate, and you're..! I-no: I'd stay out of it if I were you. Why don't you just go home to mommy? Sol: That's enough chit chatting. Let's let the fists do the talking! Ky: ...Sol! I-no: The violent guy as always. Sure, why not...I'll cut you all up into pieces! Ky: I guess there's no alternative. Holy Knight combat was initially meant for handling multiple enemies. I'll show you what it's all about!
Ky: What overpowering energy! Gig: Grr... Ky: You telling me this used to be a man? Gig: Grrrgh! Ky: Damn! I have no other choice...
Gig: Grr...grr... Ky: Barely managed to hang on... Gig: Ghhh... Ky: It looks like his losing control of reason has maximized his powers to infinite levels... Gig: Grr.... Ky: ...Pease, rest in peace I-no: Good job for a young boy like you. Ky:! I-no: I can probably kill you easily now...but that wouldn't be fun. So I'll let you go. Ky: You tell the man who created Gears, that he will pay for his crimes! I-no: You don't stand a chance! Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror before you speak? But I'll let him know anyway. Seeya! Ky: ...hate to admit it, but I'm not strong enough yet...but I will eventually rise over the true Gear powers.
May: I've got the chills. Faust: Perhaps you have a cold. Here, let me take a look. May: Don't come near me! Faust: What's the problem? May: These vibes...I'm positive! You're...you're bald, aren't you! Venom: You must be Faust, the Dark Doctor. Or should I call you doctor- Faust: Stop it. I don't use that name anymore. Venom:...Excuse me for being disrespectful. Doctor, I'd like you to accompany me. Faust: I'm sorry, my job is to save lives. I don't know if I can be of much help to you and your comrades. May: Look at all that hair...I guess it's not as bad as being bald...doesn't it get in the way? Venom: Let's put your limitations into perspective, then. You'll realize there are only so many lives you can save! May: Who, me? Zappa: KILL! KILL! Let me kill! May: What's with all these weirdos? I'm fighting for real, then!
Chipp: Please, I'm begging you! Baiken: Geez, what is your problem? Chipp: Make me Japanese! Even samurai give mercy, don't they? Baiken: No samurai here. Not a chance, buddy. Be a big boy and get over it, willya? Anji: Hey, what are you doing here? Chipp: You'll do! Please, tell me how to become Japanese! Anji: There's no way in hell, man. Be content being the 'president' Chipp: NO! I wanna become the president, become a Japanese, surpass master's ninjutsu abilities and take revenge! May: You guys arguing over something? Chipp: Damn...what are you doing here? Anji: Yup. A 'Japanese' May: Japa...what? Why're you crying sir? Something wrong? Did I do something wrong? Chipp: I will reach the top! You watch me, master! May: Wow, you scared me! You know I'm tough when I'm mad!
Jam: Ayah! Who's this cute guy? Ky: You must be...that chef, Ms. Jam Kuradoberi. Jam: That's right! You remembered me! I'm so happy! Ky: I'm glad to see you're doing well. May: Whats...oops! Oh no! Ky: You must be May, the pirate May: Are you going after Johnny? You'll have to get by me first. Ky: Please, put your guard down. I'm not after pirates right now. Testament: So you're out bounty-hunting then. Probably after me then, aren't you? Jam: Ooh, you're quite the hottie too. Wanna work at my restaurant? Testament: Stop talking nonsense... May: It's two hot guys...but Johnny's way hotter than both of you!
May: Wow! Look how big you are! Potemkin: And so are you. May: Hey! That's not very nice! Potemkin: No, I just thought you grew a little compared to the last time I saw you May: Well thanks fr the compliment. Think I'm good enough for Johnny now? Eddie: Having a host in her growth spurt...might not be a bad idea. Johnny: Out of the way, May! Potemkin: Humph! May:...Thanks Johnny: Thanks. I owe you one. Eddie: How dare you... May: Now it's my turn! I'll prove it to you that a girl in love is unbeatable!
Millia: Long time no see...Honey, you look very different. Dizzy: It's all thanks to May, and all of my great friends. May: Hee hee. Stop, you're embarrassing me Dizzy...everyone loves you only because you're a good person, that's all. Bridget: Yes, I think so too. To think that there used to be a bounty on her is weird when you think about it now. Millia: Treasure that happiness you have. And don't turn out like me. May: Why don't you join Jellyfish too? I'm sure Johnny will welcome you. Not to mention you're beautiful. I'm a bit jealous...don'f forget though, Johnny is mine! Millia:...thanks. But I think I'll take a pass. I have some unfinished business. Plus...actually, never mind. I think I better go now. Okay, let me through.
May: Phew. Finally here. Gig: Grr.... May: Wow!...No worries. I'm not freaked out. Johnny always tells me I should lend a helping hand to those in need. Come with me, my friend. Gig: Grrrgh! May: What! Whoa!
Gig: Grr...grr... May:...Why? I didn't want to do this to you. Gig: Grr... May: I'm so sorry...
Dizzy: May! May: Dizzy...I couldn't do it...Couldn't help him like Johnny would. I just wish we could've been friends. Dizzy:...I think you did the right thing... May: Whatdya mean? Dizzy: Look at that peaceful face. Thanks to you, he's finally free from long suffering. May:... Dizzy: Let's go back. Everyone's waiting. May:...uh, all right (...rest in peace, my friend...and good night)
Zappa: Hey! Miss! Millia:...Yes? Zappa: If it's possible, can you be my wi... Millia:... Zappa: Actually, never mind... Axl: Dude, let me show you how it's done. Hey, you in the beautiful blond hair! Let me buy you a cup of coffee so I can see which glows brighter, your hair or your eyes. Millia:...Um, I'm in a hurry. Ky: You're Millia, the former assassin. If you're not with the guild anymore, leave the rest to the police force. No need to put yourself in danger. Millia: I'll take care of him. It's none of your business. Ky: But no, we have to... Zappa: What's all this talk about? Even the police are here. Maybe I should get outta...NO!...Happiness. Hatred! Hatred! Millia: Why don't I ever have luck with men?
I-no: What do we have here, the desperate bachelorettes council? Baiken: What kind of greeting is that? That's not a very nice thing to say Jam: That's right! You're rude! And what about you? I-no: Oh dear, don't be so uptight. It's just a joke, honey. Or were you offended 'cause I was right on the mark? Millia: You're a joke. Why don't you get outta here. I-no: Oh no. I'm scared. I guess this is how women become as they get older. Baiken: You crazy! I'll cut you up into pieces! Jam: I'm not showing you any mercy either! Millia: If you're not gonna get outta here, we'll have to get rid of you. It's as simple as that. I-no: You're such sweethearts. Very well, I make you cry lots. We'll find out how loud you can cry.
Millia: Long time no see...Honey, you look very different. Dizzy: It's all thanks to May, and all of my great friends. May: Hee hee. Stop, you're embarrassing me Dizzy...everyone loves you only because you're a good person, that's all. Bridget: Yes, I think so too. To think that there used to be a bounty on her is weird when you think about it now. Millia: Treasure that happiness you have. And don't turn out like me. May: Why don't you join Jellyfish too? I'm sure Johnny will welcome you. Not to mention you're beautiful. I'm a bit jealous...don'f forget though, Johnny is mine! Millia:...thanks. But I think I'll take a pass. I have some unfinished business. Plus...actually, never mind. I think I better go now. Okay, let me through.
Testament:...Long time no see. Millia: That's a first. You coming up to me to say hi. Things have changed, haven't they? Testament: You're still caught up in the past and changing the thorny path. Millia:...it's none of your business. Move out of the way, will you? Testament: I don't have a problem, but... Millia:... Testament: You seem hesitant. With such mixed feelings, it may cost you your life. Millia:!!! I must have lost my edge, to be getting advice from you. Potemkin: What he's saying is on the money. Those with swaying motivation never fight to their full potential. Please excuse my eavesdropping. Anji: Just happened to pass by. Millia: Then I guess I'll have to eliminate all doubts before I get to him. I'll need your cooperation for that.
Millia: So...we meet again...Zato. Eddie: So you still haven't gotten over him? Millia: Shut up, you damn beast...I'm talking to him, not you! Eddie: What do you want to talk to ME about? Millia: I'm taking you down. I'm sick and tired of looking at your pathetic, bony remains. Venom: Not so fast...! Master Zato is regarded as the crown-jewel of the guild. You'll have to hand him over to me...! Slayer: I've told you the Guild is no more. No raison d'etre and no purpose. Continued existence will only bring further regret and despair. Venom: Oldtimers can keep their mouth shut. The guild no longer belongs to you. Millia: It has nothing to do with me anymore, I don't care what happens to it. I just want to take care of this guy with my very own hands. Eddie: Do you think it will be that easy? What do "I" think?"...Not so easy, "I" say. Venom: I sense you...Master Zato. I am going to free you, Master, from the evil spell of death! Eddie: Ha ha...this is great! Lowly humans who cannot accept death. That's the right evil spirit to have! Slayer: I'm the one who started all of this. I must atone for my past deeds. Fine, let us put an end to it all.
Millia: You look very much like him. Gig: Grr... Millia:You resemble him...and you resemble me. Gig: Grrrgh! Millia:...All right. I'll let you rest.
Gig: Grr...grr... Millia:...good night. It's all over now. For you, and for me. Gig: Grr... Millia:...may your soul rest in peace
Millia: (Have I been watching my own future? Is this what you wanted to tell me? Zato...)
Axl: Hey, what's that you're holding? I didn't know you had those toys, even in this day and age. Bridget: This is not a toy! It's a tool of my trade! Axl: Ouch! I'm sorry! What have we here? Playing pool at a place like this? Venom: How dare you insult my combat style. I say you deserve a beating. Axl: Hang on a sec! Something wrong with this era. Every toy's being used as a weapon. So what do people actually play with? Johnny: The best for of entertainment, I'd say is the thrill and romance of playing with fireworks at night. I'm pretty sure that's the consensus. Axl: You know what you're talking about! I'm actually great with fire myself...here we go!
Chipp: Hey! I have a question. Axl: Hi there, you look very hot. I-no: You talking about me? Axl: Of course! Who else would it be? Great body, silky smooth hair, you're electrifying! I-no: You're very good with words. Let me ask you then. Who's hotter? That woman or me? Chipp: Hey, listen up! Millia:...don't bother me. Chipp: !...you used to be in the guild! Millia: Yes, but that was a long while ago. Now I'm in the same boat as you. Axl: Ah man, this is a tough one. They're both really hot. Chipp: I'm taking down the guild! You women stay out of it! Millia: That I cannot do. Just like you, I can't pull out. Axl: This is a tough decision... Millia: And...quit staring at me with that perverted look on your face! Axl: Oops, I think I got her mad at me.
Potemkin: You youngster there. I see you have some talent. How about testing some of that talent on my fists? Axl: Man, you've got a nice build. But what do you have to gain? Plus, are you sure you can handle me? Potemkin: I wouldn't underestimate me. My drive for freedom locked inside my heart is my greatest weapon. Axl: Cool. I love peace and freedom too. But you might get out of breath when you're so stiff all the time. Ky: So you're fighting in the name of peace and freedom. Perhaps I might come up with answers for myself too. Excuse me, I'd like in as well. Jam: Just drive won't take you anywhere. There's no victory for those who can't face reality. I'll prove it to you right now!
Faust: This is an interesting symptom. I see, it's a cause and effect cycle. Axl: You, I never asked you to check up on me! Even though it's true that I've been through a lot, I've never had any doubts about my body. Faust: Oh, is that right? If there aren't any cures, that may very well be the best treatment. Axl: I'm more concerned about your body. Looks a little mysterious. Faust: Not to worry. It's all functional Slayer: Irregulars with an added spice that changes the world of men. Axl: You talking about us? Slayer: It's because of people like you that makes humans interesting. Even though you're blessed with great powers, it's normal to you. Very typical of how humans behave. Axl: It'll stress you out if you think so deeply. Zappa: Hahahahaha! Slayer: Look. Yet another fellow favored by the goddess of fortune. Axl: I do like women but I'm not sure about the goddess. Slayer: It must be the uncertainty factor that led you into running into me Axl: C'mon, let's just have fun...I thought this was supposed to be a party!
Anji: Finally found you. Sol:...It's you again. Anji: Let me ask you straight out. Do you have any idea where 'he' is? Sol: So what if I know? Anji: Can you tell me where he is? Of course I'm willing to work for it. You and I have a bout, and if I win, you tell me. Sounds fair? Baiken: Wait! Let me in on the festivities Sol: Sorry, not interested. You guys enjoy each other's company Anji: Even Justice feared my powers...Still not interested? Sol:...! Baiken: Shut your trap! You're starting to get on my nerves. I'll kick all of your butts right now! Axl: Whoa!...Damn it...is this a bad time? Baiken: Eavesdropping, are we? I'm not impressed! Axl: I just wanted to ask chief something Sol: And even you. Why does everyone want to stick their noses in other people's business! Axl: No worries, chief! Just a quick bout, no hard feelings! Sol: I'm not responsible for what happens.
Axl: Huh? You can still speak? Gig: Grr... Axl: Man, what am I gonna do? Gig: Grrgh! Axl: Sorry dude, it's not my time yet.
Gig: Grr....grr... Axl: Phew! Hey, man. Haven't you had enough? Gig: Grr... Axl: I think that should be enough....what? This sensation!!! That Man: It is not yet the time for you to find out the truth. When the time comes you will find out. Whether you like it or not! Axl: Who are you? That Man: We shall part for a short time. Time traveler. Axl:...Ahhhgh!
Axl: What period is this? Looks like a messy period in time. Oh well, things will work out. Since getting rattled isn't my style!
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begrudgingly-i-care · 4 years
Chapter Five: Pursue
Iroh had taken the two children that were awake and guided them through a meditation. They were asleep before they had achieved any sort of higher state, but that was to be expected. Jasmine tea with generous servings of honey always made them sleepy. He gave a soft chuckle as he tucked them into their beds. He turned to a nearby guard, “Distract them if they wake up before I’m ready, will you?”
    “Only if you give me a rematch in that Pai Sho, sir. I think I have a strategy that’ll finally defeat the famed General Iroh.”
“Of course!” The metal door slammed shut between them, and Iroh felt his face harden. He slipped into Zuko’s room, where his boy lay clammy and pallid, skin greyed and breathing shallow. “I am not to be disturbed unless it is an emergency, Ray.”
He locked the door once the healer left.
    He began the real meditation.
    Breathe in. Feel the heat swell inside of him. Breathe out. Let it coil around the room, around the body of his boy. Breathe in. His Spirit is flame and it roars in his blood. Breathe out. He’s calling to Prince Zuko’s Spirit.
    Zuko had done more than just heat Kryo up with that little trick. Zuko had spoken to Kryo’s very Inner Flame , had torn pieces of his own out to give to the child; in doing so, he’d torn his Spirit. A firebender’s Inner Flame was not just their bending, but their Spirit as well. An Inner Flame was emotion and vitality and living: to deplete it… If Zuko had correctly managed to utilize the technique, it would have been but an ember taken from him, easily replenished. But Zuko was no healer. Zuko had barely known what he was doing.
    But that was okay. Iroh knew how to help Zuko. He’d always help Zuko. Always choose him.
    (Iroh is swaddled with grief. He covers up the smell of despair-smoke with flowers and tea and hides his tears with laughter. He feels so heavy. Smothered completely. So subdued that he merely watches a child be marred by his brother. Watches his nephew-now-son scream and plead and says nothing as the adults around him jeer and mock the child being tortured in front of them. He only manages to unfreeze the indifference, the stillness, when he thinks “What if that were Lu Ten?” Only manages to muster up the will to gather the boy in his arms when it is done.)
    (Iroh didn’t choose Zuko when it mattered, so now he always makes sure to choose him. Iroh fumbles and bumbles because Zuko needs to be allowed to be annoyed and to laugh and to live. He says nothing of subterfuge and plots and machinations to overthrow the entire empire because he doesn’t know how well Zuko would take it, despite his son’s own plans of a slow overtaking. He chooses Zuko, always, because Zuko is worth it.)
    When Iroh opened his eyes, the world was greyed out. He carefully honed his senses— the Spirit World was dangerous, inherently. He chooses five sensations around him to focus on: a rusted, golden tree to look upon; the smell of the sea; the distant sound of children’s laughter; the smell of pomegranate tea; the black-red sky. If those things changed drastically, Iroh would have to tread carefully.
“Prince Zuko,” he called out, casually, in the same tone he used to ask to stop at a nearby port for more tea (The Order of the White Lotus was everywhere.) “This is foolishness, Prince Zuko. The children are worried for you, you know. Our little Cyrtanthus cried— you always hate when she cries, don’t you?” He’s hoping to coax out Zuko’s Spirit with memories and emotions and names— to Name a Spirit is to know their entirety. And emotions are both the power and weakness of Spirits: the right emotion can destroy a Spirit, the right emotion can give them the power they need to enter the physical realm.
There is no sound. No movement. There is nothing in the clearing. And then there is a creature in front of the golden tree, looking directly at Iroh, head crooked. It’s a blue mask with white additions, lips stretched in a gruesome grin and two glistening fangs all but hanging out of the mouth. The body is that greyed out blue and the same gold as the tree, all spindly but muscled limbs and unnaturally motionless. It clasped a pair of dual broadswords in its bony hands.
It’s Zuko.
(When Zuko’s mother died, Iroh read him stories. Zuko didn’t want to hear them, didn’t want to exist, but Iroh read them regardless. Zuko’s favorite story was of the Blue Spirit, the creature many thought to be part of the Avatar’s ultimate power: the Avatar State. It was malevolence and justice and passion and coldness wrapped into one creature. The mask matched its face.)
“Ah, Prince Zuko! How kind of you to show up.” He pulsed his Inner Fire subtly, the grass around his feet erupting into bright reds and oranges and browns (“Hey, dad, wanna know why my favorite season is fall? Because it’s always on the cusp. Always preparing for a great change. Well, that, and it’s also really pretty!”) .
Zuko stepped closer, blades grazing over weeds. The path he made as he walked was a dim blue. Dying and justice and power.
There was so much potential in Zuko. So much righteousness and goodness. Zuko likely thought himself the malevolence, but he was passion through and through.
“Let’s go home, son.” Iroh held out his hand, and did not flinch when the sky alit like a flame and the aroma of tea became that of smoke and burnt flesh.
Iroh loved his son, but his son never did make things easy.
      Kairos watched as the shore got closer.
    Kryo was still out cold. Hadn’t woken up at all. The healer said something about his inside flame being doused, or something. There was a wet inside of him that couldn’t be burned out without hurting him. He’d wake up and should be physically fine, but…
    He might lose his bending, if it doesn’t go well.
    The healer had been furious, muttering about how kids should be safe on land and obscenities towards the Fire Lord. It’s nothing new— the entire ship seemed to be filled with rebellion in one way or another.
    One thing that Ray had said stuck with her: “if only we hadn’t hunted down the waterbenders like idiots.” Because who else could extract unnecessary water from a body but a waterbender?
    Kairos wasn’t dumb. She thought a lot more than she was given credit for. She remembers telling Kryo she thinks they were meant to have the opposite elements, and him just smiling and saying “No. You’re the ocean, ‘Ros, you can’t be snuffed out.”
    Well, the Avatar just tried to snuff her brother out, and she’s the ocean. She’s the still of the waves before a storm, unbridled fury just barely contained for a moment of calculation.
    The Avatar was master of all elements. The Avatar had been travelling with two members of the water tribe. The Avatar owed her for almost killing Kryo and Zuko and for upsetting Cyrtanthus and making Iroh frown.
    She flashed puppy eyes at the nearest guard. “Please?” she whispered, turning her face down and wobbling her chin and lips like she was going to cry. “I- I wanna get Ky something nice since he… To make him feel all better.” She’d amped up the child-speak a bit for optimum chances of success.
    “I—” the guard sighed, adjusting their helmet. “Okay. I’ll take you to the market on this island, and you decide what you want. But we come back immediately after, okay?”
    She grinned. “‘Kay! Thank you!” She giggled and grabbed the guard’s hand, skipping off the ship.
    When they were on the streets, Kryo never questioned her gut instinct. It’s why he’d been so open with Zuko, why they’d agreed to go with him. He was strong, but he’d never hurt them.
    And she could feel it, deep in her gut. That instinct that had never died down.
    The Avatar was here and she would find him.
      Zuko opened his eyes with a sigh. He felt stiff and tasted lemon. He saw his uncle in the corner of the room and struggled to remember a question that had felt urgent moments ago.
    “Prince Zuko!”     “Prince Zuko!”     Two voices chorused at once as the door slammed open.
    “Kairos is missing!”
    Zuko shot up and was out the door with barely a stagger, unheeding of his unarmored body and lack of information. “Where are we? Where was she last seen?”
    “The Avatar, sir—”
    The Avatar. Of course.
    “Well?” he cut the man off. “After them! I don’t care if I have to light the engines myself, we are going to go as fast as this ship can and we. Are not. Stopping.”
    “Sir! Some of the locals have offered their help.”
    “Who?” His teeth were gritted, his hands fisted. He was fury, but he bit back that irrational part of himself. (He sees blue and grey and gold and nothing else. “Why are you so angry?” asks a familiar voice. His maw opens and he replies, “How are you not?” The world is full of tragedy, and every bit of it boils his blood.)
    The sound of heavy fabric and metal had him turning his head. “Why, Zuko. Didn’t think you’d try to write us off so soon.” A metal fan snaps shut, a painted face turns its smile into a grimace. “Really sorry we had to meet up like this. We didn’t know the girl wasn’t with them. The Kyoshi warriors are at your service. Or, well, I am. We need some fighters on the island, after all.”
    “Suki,” Zuko breathes out. Closes his eyes. He needs to sit down. He needs to get Kairos back. Now.
    But he can’t snap at Suki. They’re not friends, but they’re something edging there, sometimes.
    “Please, explain,” he croaks out.
    Her smile is more of a snarl. “Gladly.”
0 notes
broken-clover · 6 years
Dust Strikers Story Mode 2/4
Part two of the story mode transcripts for Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers.
Part 1, Part 2 (Potemkin, Chipp, Eddie, Baiken, Faust), Part 3, Part 4
Potemkin: You youngster there. I see you have some talent. How about testing some of that talent on my fists? Axl: Man, you've got a nice build. But what do you have to gain? Plus, are you sure you can handle me? Potemkin: I wouldn't underestimate me. My drive for freedom locked inside my heart is my greatest weapon. Axl: Cool. I love peace and freedom too. But you might get out of breath when you're so stiff all the time. Ky: So you're fighting in the name of peace and freedom. Perhaps I might come up with answers for myself too. Excuse me, I'd like in as well. Jam: Just drive won't take you anywhere. There's no victory for those who can't face reality. I'll prove it to you right now!
May: Wow! Look how big you are! Potemkin: And so are you. May: Hey! That's not very nice! Potemkin: No, I just thought you grew a little compared to the last time I saw you May: Well thanks for the compliment. Think I'm good enough for Johnny now? Eddie: Having a host in her growth spurt...might not be a bad idea. Johnny: Out of the way, May! Potemkin: Humph! May:...Thanks Johnny: Thanks. I owe you one. Eddie: How dare you... May: Now it's my turn! I'll prove it to you that a girl in love is unbeatable!
Testament:...Long time no see. Millia: That's a first. You coming up to me to say hi. Things have changed, haven't they? Testament: You're still caught up in the past and changing the thorny path. Millia:...it's none of your business. Move out of the way, will you? Testament: I don't have a problem, but... Millia:... Testament: You seem hesitant. With such mixed feelings, it may cost you your life. Millia:!!! I must have lost my edge, to be getting advice from you. Potemkin: What he's saying is on the money. Those with swaying motivation never fight to their full potential. Please excuse my eavesdropping. Anji: Just happened to pass by. Millia: Then I guess I'll have to eliminate all doubts before I get to him. I'll need your cooperation for that.
I-no: That's an exciting combination Potemkin: That red outfit and guitar...you must be... I-no: You remember me? That's nice to know. Potemkin: Someone like you go unchecked...lucky for you I'm a little busy now. You pull out and I'll let you go. Zappa: Grrr! I'm gonna curse you! Faust: Looks like this won't need treatment. If we take too much time, the patient is not going to make it. I-no: Look, the beasts are making noise. But I'm afraid I don't understand what they're saying. So loud and annoying. Potemkin: That should be enough! It's time for me to shut you up. Faust: Looks like it is your mind-set that needs treatment. Fine, I shall treat you, then. I-no: Trying to act tough, are we? You damned animals. I'll cut you up and feed the dogs!
Dizzy: Umm, thanks for saving me back there in the woods. Sol: Forget about it. Didn't really mean to save you. Just did it for the hell of it. Dizzy: I think I found my place too. Potemkin: Didn't go according to Zepp's plan but the president understands. I'm relieved to see you smile. Dizzy: It's all thanks to you guys Slayer: Sorry to interrupt. Look at you. Looks like you've managed to find your way through. Dizzy: Yes, I think I learned that courage will open the doors to success. Though I still prefer not to fight. Slayer: So what about you? Do you have a verdict yet? Sol: It's none of your business. Potemkin: And what kind of revelations have you had in combat? Perhaps such things are unnecessary for people like youself. Slayer: Indeed. To me, combat is combat. Nothing more. It may be a means for deciding who wins and loses, but in the end it is merely a method. Potemkin: Then allow me the opportunity to put this method of yours to the test. Slayer: Fine. Let us see what you're made of.
Potemkin: Very unfortunate. Gig: Grr... Potemkin: It looks like it's too late. Gig: Grrrgh! Potemkin: Sympathy is the least I can give you.
Gig: Grr...grr... Potemkin: This is the end. Gig: Ghhh.... Potemkin: Rest in peace! Gig: Grr.... Potemkin: Don't take it personally. It would've been best if you turned out like him.
Potemkin: I see you're doing well. Dizzy: Yes, we're all getting along well. Potemkin: To be honest, I was initially reluctant about giving you up to pirates. But I can say for certain that now out Head of State understands. Dizzy: Yes. Right now I'm...pretty happy and peaceful. Potemkin: I can see that in your calm smile. I wonder if my painting can keep up with such a beautiful smile.
Chipp: Hey! Hold it right there! Testament: What is it, human? Chipp: You're a Gear, aren't you? Testament: What are you going to do about it if I was? You one of those foolish humans who start attacking as soon as they find out someone's a Gear? Chipp: Not me. I've learned from experience that just because someone's a Gear, it doesn't mean they're all evil. Testament: That's a surprise. Thought you'd be the type that would steam through, and only act on emotion. Chipp: Don't screw with me. I'm gonna become president and the strongest in the universe. Just wanna put my skills to the test. Testament: Very well, then. Show me your so-called human powers. Dizzy: In that case, I'd like to help out. Sol: Sure, why not... Chipp: HEY!! Wait a sec! I never said 3 on 1! Testament: What are you talking about? There's only going to be one winner. Chipp: Oh, I get it. Not like I was scared or anything. Let's do it!
Chipp: Please, I'm begging you! Baiken: Geez, what is your problem? Chipp: Make me Japanese! Even samurai give mercy, don't they? Baiken: No samurai here. Not a chance, buddy. Be a big boy and get over it, willya? Anji: Hey, what are you doing here? Chipp: You'll do! Please, tell me how to become Japanese! Anji: There's no way in hell, man. Be content being the 'president' Chipp: NO! I wanna become the president, become a Japanese, surpass master's ninjutsu abilities and take revenge! May: You guys arguing over something? Chipp: Damn...what are you doing here? Anji: Yup. A 'Japanese' May: Japa...what? Why're you crying sir? Something wrong? Did I do something wrong? Chipp: I will reach the top! You watch me, master! May: Wow, you scared me! You know I'm tough when I'm mad!
Chipp: Hey! I have a question. Axl: Hi there, you look very hot. I-no: You talking about me? Axl: Of course! Who else would it be? Great body, silky smooth hair, you're electrifying! I-no: You're very good with words. Let me ask you then. Who's hotter? That woman or me? Chipp: Hey, listen up! Millia:...don't bother me. Chipp: !...you used to be in the guild! Millia: Yes, but that was a long while ago. Now I'm in the same boat as you. Axl: Ah man, this is a tough one. They're both really hot. Chipp: I'm taking down the guild! You women stay out of it! Millia: That I cannot do. Just like you, I can't pull out. Axl: This is a tough decision... Millia: And...quit staring at me with that perverted look on your face! Axl: Oops, I think I got her mad at me.
Potemkin: I heard from the president. I've been looking forward to this day to finally exchange shots with you. Slayer: One of the disciples, I gather. You think you can take me? You should beat him before coming to me. You'll pay a high price for this! Chipp: HEY! Hold it right there! You're the dude who founded the guild, aren't you? Slayer: That was quite a long time ago...I no longer have any involvement...but it is true that I am the founder. Chipp: That simplifies matters. I'm gonna destroy you! Jam: Looks like I've gotten myself into a hostile environment. Better get outta here... Slayer: Hmm, looks like you're a ki wielder. I'm interested in your combat style. Would you mind showing me some of it? Jam: I'm no cheap street performer. If you give me some of that spice, I'll think about it. Slayer: I should be able to accommodate you. Jam: That's a promise! Chipp: Quit ignoring me, both of you! You're going down!
Johnny: Oh man, I wasted so much time...There you are! Eddie: I'm impressed. Didn't think you would detect me. Johnny: I have the power to see the truth. You can't fool me with magic tricks. Venom:...Found you! You beasts who degrade Master Zato. Finally you can rot in hell! Eddie: You humanoids are good with words. But that kind of talent is needed to be adequate for my body. Chipp: Freeze! Don't you move! You're all guild members, aren't you! I hold all of you responsible for killing my master! Venom: At a time like this? I'm not letting anyone lay a hand on Master Zato's body. Johnny: Well, I'm kinda... Chipp: Shut up! Guilds, pirates, no difference! Today you face death. Eddie: Ha! Foolish humans once again, being hostile against one's own kind. I shall erase you altogether!
Chipp: Damn! Gig: Grr... Chipp: What is it? You wanna dance? Then I'm taking no pity on you! Gig: Grrgh! Chipp: Holy Zen! Go to hell!
Gig: Grr...grr... Chipp: Ha! I guess it's my victory! Gig: Grr... Chipp:...what's this? I'm feeling sick to my stomach....damn it!
Chipp: (That monster smiled before it died. All I was doing was battling hard. Wasn't aware of things I can't see. Did I really get stronger? Guess I still got a long way to go!)
Eddie: Haha. There they are. Human, candidates to become my host. Ky:...! There you are! Eddie: You've found me. But I'm even more excited about your combat abilities. Ky: You're...! Zato! Or have you already been taken over. Eddie: That's correct. Former leader of the Holy Knights and a Japanese woman. And you there, I sense a lot of potential. Axl: You talking about me? Baiken: This monster sure does talk a lot. Eddie: Haha! You should feel honored. I shall find out right now whether you are adequate to become my body! Baiken: Who do you think you are? Beat it!
Bridget: Whoah, everybody looks tough Chipp: Hey! what's a kid doing here? Eddie: A child. Attractive in terms of her youthfulness but too immature to become my host Bridget: You're not taking me seriously? Then let me show you my moves Sol:...back off. Don't be wasting my time Eddie: Interesting. I shall keep a record of the battle results for future reference Bridget: Don't be surprised! Here I come! Sol: What am I, a babysitter? I can't deal with this...
May: Wow! Look how big you are! Potemkin: And so are you. May: Hey! That's not very nice! Potemkin: No, I just thought you grew a little compared to the last time I saw you May: Well thanks for the compliment. Think I'm good enough for Johnny now? Eddie: Having a host in her growth spurt...might not be a bad idea. Johnny: Out of the way, May! Potemkin: Humph! May:...Thanks Johnny: Thanks. I owe you one. Eddie: How dare you... May: Now it's my turn! I'll prove it to you that a girl in love is unbeatable!
Eddie: You are the same as me. Zappa: Yes...I feel the animosity. Eddie: Looks like it's a mind parasite. No good as a host. Dizzy: Are you two...related? Or have you both been exploited badly by humans in the past? Eddie: That's correct. As a weapon. But things will be different from now on. Dizzy: Huh? Eddie: I shall find a more powerful host, and I shall be the one to dominate the human race! Faust: Can't let that pass. I apologize for the selfish acts of humans, but your body can't live without a host. This is where I can help you. Eddie: Silence! You lowly human! I am going to acquire Gear power and take revenge on humans! Dizzy: What? So you're planning to use my powers? Not all humans are bad, you know. If you sit down and talk to them. You can't take my happiness from me!
Millia: So...we meet again...Zato. Eddie: So you still haven't gotten over him? Millia: Shut up, you damn beast...I'm talking to him, not you! Eddie: What do you want to talk to ME about? Millia: I'm taking you down. I'm sick and tired of looking at your pathetic, bony remains. Venom: Not so fast...! Master Zato is regarded as the crown-jewel of the guild. You'll have to hand him over to me...! Slayer: I've told you the Guild is no more. No raison d'etre and no purpose. Continued existence will only bring further regret and despair. Venom: Oldtimes can keep their mouth shut. The guild no longer belongs to you. Millia: It has nothing to do with me anymore, I don't care what happens to it. I just want to take care of this guy with my very own hands. Eddie: Do you think it will be that easy? What do "I" think?"...Not so easy, "I" say. Venom: I sense you...Master Zato. I am going to free you, Master, from the evil spell of death! Eddie: Ha ha...this is great! Lowly humans who cannot accept death. That's the right evil spirit to have! Slayer: I'm the one who started all of this. I must atone for my past deeds. Fine, let us put an end to it all.
Eddie: You've been taken over by power. Gig: Grr... Eddie: What a pitiful sight... Gig: Grrgh! Eddie: Funny how I'm the one saying that.
Gig: Grr...grr.. Eddie: Even Gear with all of its power released is not so powerful. Gig: Ghhh... Eddie: Die. Gig: Grr...
Eddie: Can't seem to find any good bodies. Since nobody is as powerful as I am. That female's body had a chance. But again, my powers were too much and again it did not work out. Hahaha!
Johnny: Bravo! Very impressive! Baiken: What do you want? Get outta here. Johnny: Nothing beats having a beer in the company of a beautiful woman. How about a drink? May: Johnny! Johnny:...Maybe we’ll have to call it off. Baiken: So the stud turns helpless in the presence of an innocent girl. See ya! Slayer: Hmm, a Japanese...is it a coincidence that both of you are rather...masculine? May:...huh? Johnny: Hey, better stop talking so much. Old people can take a hike.
Faust: Traveling lady with the scent of blood. Where are you headed? Baiken: Get lost, you lame doc. It's none of your business. I can kill whoever I want. Chipp: Woman enduring countless bloodshed. So you're that Japanese beauty? Ky: There's nothing but anger inside you. As a protector of public safety, I can't let such hateful words pass Baiken: Kid, if you don't wanna get hurt, you should just keep your mouth shut Ky: I have confidence in my sword. Not exactly my favorite option, but in this case I have no choice Faust: What you need is some time off in total peaceful serenity. As a physician, it is my obligation to make sure that you are cured.
Zappa: Um, excuse me, I was wondering... Baiken: Yeah what? Why are you so fidgety? Act like a man, will you? Zappa: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking for a person, Fa- Baiken: Fa...who? Zappa:...Fricken nasty! Baiken: What's going on here? I'm surrounded by freaks. Testament: How rude of you to say that. I've long given up my human name, but by no means am I a freak. Venom: This is a supernatural phenomenon. Quite interesting. I'd like to see more of your powers. Baiken: Man, this is a real drag. I'll blow you all away! Testament: Lowly humans shall die!
I-no: What do we have here, the desperate bachelorettes council? Baiken: What kind of greeting is that? That's not a very nice thing to say Jam: That's right! You're rude! And what about you? I-no: Oh dear, don't be so uptight. It's just a joke, honey. Or were you offended 'cause I was right on the mark? Millia: You're a joke. Why don't you get outta here. I-no: Oh no. I'm scared. I guess this is how women become as they get older. Baiken: You crazy! I'll cut you up into pieces! Jam: I'm not showing you any mercy either! Millia: If you're not gonna get outta here, we'll have to get rid of you. It's as simple as that. I-no: You're such sweethearts. Very well, I make you cry lots. We'll find out how loud you can cry.
Anji: Finally found you. Sol:...It's you again. Anji: Let me ask you straight out. Do you have any idea where 'he' is? Sol: So what if I know? Anji: Can you tell me where he is? Of course I'm willing to work for it. You and I have a bout, and if I win, you tell me. Sounds fair? Baiken: Wait! Let me in on the festivities Sol: Sorry, not interested. You guys enjoy each other's company Anji: Even Justice feared my powers...Still not interested? Sol:...! Baiken: Shut your trap! You're starting to get on my nerves. I'll kick all of your butts right now! Axl: Whoa!...Damn it...is this a bad time? Baiken: Eavesdropping, are we? I'm not impressed! Axl: I just wanted to ask chief something Sol: And even you. Why does everyone want to stick their noses in other people's business! Axl: No worries, chief! Just a quick bout, no hard feelings! Sol: I'm not responsible for what happens.
Baiken: There may be no point in asking you, but I'll ask anyway. Gig: Grr... Baiken: Some Gears out there aren't violent. Are you one of them? Gig: Grrgh! Baiken: Alright. I take that as a 'no'
Gig: Grr...Grr... Baiken: Okay...I guess that's it. Gig: Ghhh... Baiken: Let me take you to the land of the dead where you belong! Gig: Grr...
Baiken:...This guy's a pain in the neck. 'That Man' can't even take care of his problems himself, what a joke. Sit back and enjoy life while you can. I'm coming for you!
Faust: Traveling lady with the scent of blood. Where are you headed? Baiken: Get lost, you lame doc. It's none of your business. I can kill whoever I want. Chipp: Woman enduring countless bloodshed. So you're that Japanese beauty? Ky: There's nothing but anger inside you. As a protector of public safety, I can't let such hateful words pass Baiken: Kid, if you don't wanna get hurt, you should just keep your mouth shut Ky: I have confidence in my sword. Not exactly my favorite option, but in this case I have no choice Faust: What you need is some time off in total peaceful serenity. As a physician, it is my obligation to make sure that you are cured.
Sol:...Whew... Jam: How rude. What's your problem? Faust: Is there something wrong? Sol: A doctor and a chef? This is a big joke. Quit following me wherever I go. Go back to your real jobs, man! Faust: This is what it takes to master the tricks of the trade. It's necessary to learn to see things from the patient's perspective. Jame: The art of cooking is also a quest. You're not gonna find anything new just by sitting around. Venom: Then I should get to know a wider variety of opponents. Let's roll! Sol: Move it. Just go to bed!
Anji: You know Sol, don't you? I-no: You meet a woman for the first time and that's the first thing you ask me? I want to know more about you. Anji: My apologies. Last name is Mito, first name is Anji. I'm just a journeyman. I-no: thanks for the introduction. And what can I help you with? Anji: I've been wanting to meet 'That Man.' I-no: Really. You won't live long, dear. Eddie: That's not necessarily the case. As long as you become a part of my body! Ha! Anji: Two on one? This is a tough situation. Faust: Looks like you're having trouble. I can assist you to the best of my humble ability. I-no. Thanks for showing up to your own funeral, doc! Faust: No matter who, my mission is to save lives. Let us apply some drastic remedies, shall we?
May: Phew... Faust: That was a deep sigh. Did something happen? May:!...I have the chills again... Faust: Oh, excuse me. I'll back off. Looks like something's troubling you. Whatever I can do to help May: Thanks...um, I don't know what it is, but my heart feels tingly and I feel gross. Faust: That's not good. Let me take a look. Dizzy: May! We were looking all over for you! Johnny: Finally found you, girl. Where were you? Why'd you disappear all of a sudden? May: Johnny! And Dizzy's with him too... Faust: Hmm, I see, I see. I think I understand the situation. Times like these, you need a breather. Perhaps some exercise will help.
Bridget: Wow, what a massive frame you got. Potemkin: Well, I was born big. This fist I use for what I believe in and to engage in art, nothing else. Bridget: So you're an artist. Good for you. Maybe you can draw something for me? Faust: Should be safe if I've come this far. Bridget: Wow, landing using just an umbrella, that's amazing. You from the circus? Faust: No actually, believe it or not I'm a... Zappa: Dr. Faust! (sigh...sigh...) Faust: My goodness, he's caught up already. Bridget: This is remarkable! How do you bend your joints and run like that? You must be a yoga expert. Zappa: Quick, doctor, please do something! Look! I'm bent all over the place! Oh no!!! Faust: Looks like it's begun. I'll have to take drastic measures. Potemkin: Is it fate that I happen to be here? What the heck, I can help out. Bridget:...! What amazing tricks! Now it's my turn! Check this out!
Faust: This is quite a serious condition. Gig: Grr... Faust: That's right, don't be scared. I'm here to treat your condition. Gig: Grrgh! Faust: I think you'll need some anesthetics.
Gig: Grr...grr... Faust: Finall you've calmed down. Please stay still. I'll take a look. Gig: Ghh... Faust:...! You saying you want euthanasia?...Alright then. Regrettable, but this is the only way. Gig: Grr... Faust:...
Faust: Now, where should I go next? I shall continue practicing medicine as long as there are patients to treat. That is my mission in life!
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broken-clover · 6 years
Dust Strikers Story Mode 4/4
Part four of the story transcripts for Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers. I apologize for taking so long to submit this last section, I was suffering from a case of my-computer-is-laggy-and-I-can’t-play-Anji-to-save-my-life. I hope you can forgive me.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (Slayer, I-no, Zappa, Bridget, Anji)
Slayer: Interesting Bridget: What is it? Excuse me, you don't happen to have a bounty on your head by any chance? Slayer: Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not worth much of anything. But if your skills measure up to me, I might be worth your time. Johnny: Even though he's an old guy, I'm impressed that she wants to take on a guy. It just fascinates me. Anji: You think? I'm interested in guys too. Johnny: What did you say? Anji: Don't get any wrong ideas, now. I'm interested in their powers. Slayer: I agree with that way of thinking. That simplifies matters. Johnny: Wait, I'm not really... Anji: Now you're talking! I'm pumped!
Faust: This is an interesting symptom. I see, it's a cause and effect cycle. Axl: You, I never asked you to check up on me! Even though it's true that I've been through a lot, I've never had any doubts about my body. Faust: Oh, is that right? If there aren't any cures, that may very well be the best treatment. Axl: I'm more concerned about your body. Looks a little mysterious. Faust: Not to worry. It's all functional Slayer: Irregulars with an added spice that changes the world of men. Axl: You talking about us? Slayer: It's because of people like you that makes humans interesting. Even though you're blessed with great powers, it's normal to you. Very typical of how humans behave. Axl: It'll stress you out if you think so deeply. Zappa: Hahahahaha! Slayer: Look. Yet another fellow favored by the goddess of fortune. Axl: I do like women but I'm not sure about the goddess. Slayer: It must be the uncertainty factor that led you into running into me Axl: C'mon, let's just have fun...I thought this was supposed to be a party!
Potemkin: I heard from the president. I've been looking forward to this day to finally exchange shots with you. Slayer: One of the disciples, I gather. You think you can take me? You should beat him before coming to me. You'll pay a high price for this! Chipp: HEY! Hold it right there! You're the dude who founded the guild, aren't you? Slayer: That was quite a long time ago...I no longer have any involvement...but it is true that I am the founder. Chipp: That simplifies matters. I'm gonna destroy you! Jam: Looks like I've gotten myself into a hostile environment. Better get outta here... Slayer: Hmm, looks like you're a ki wielder. I'm interested in your combat style. Would you mind showing me some of it? Jam: I'm no cheap street performer. If you give me some of that spice, I'll think about it. Slayer: I should be able to accommodate you. Jam: That's a promise! Chipp: Quit ignoring me, both of you! You're going down!
Slayer: This is quite an unusual combination. Sol: I'm starting to get tired of your face Testament: Different being. What do you want? Slayer: Nope. Nothing in particular. Just happened to pass by. Testament: Then please go away Dizzy: Oh, you're Mr. Slayer, aren't you? Please excuse Testament's words. He doesn't mean any harm. Slayer: I'm not bothered by it. Don't worry. But this is quite interesting. Sol: So what the hell is your point? Slayer: Those who have veered off the path. I guess the same must be said of me. Testament: What are you insinuating? You better have a good explanation Slayer: My apologies if I offended you. I'm just genuinely interested in your powers Sol: You using us to kill your boredom? I think it's time you hung em up.
Millia: So...we meet again...Zato. Eddie: So you still haven't gotten over him? Millia: Shut up, you damn beast...I'm talking to him, not you! Eddie: What do you want to talk to ME about? Millia: I'm taking you down. I'm sick and tired of looking at your pathetic, bony remains. Venom: Not so fast...! Master Zato is regarded as the crown-jewel of the guild. You'll have to hand him over to me...! Slayer: I've told you the Guild is no more. No raison d'etre and no purpose. Continued existence will only bring further regret and despair. Venom: Oldtimers can keep their mouth shut. The guild no longer belongs to you. Millia: It has nothing to do with me anymore, I don't care what happens to it. I just want to take care of this guy with my very own hands. Eddie: Do you think it will be that easy? What do "I" think?"...Not so easy, "I" say. Venom: I sense you...Master Zato. I am going to free you, Master, from the evil spell of death! Eddie: Ha ha...this is great! Lowly humans who cannot accept death. That's the right evil spirit to have! Slayer: I'm the one who started all of this. I must atone for my past deeds. Fine, let us put an end to it all.
Slayer: Just when I thought it was all over. Gig: Grr... Slayer: Don't want to be adding more trouble. You looking for a dance partner? Gig: Grrrgh! Slayer: Very well then, mademoiselle.
Gig: Grr...grr... Slayer: That was very passionate, wasn't it? I had better get going now... Gig: Ghhh... Slayer: So long! Farewell!
Slayer: Take a look, Sharon. Tonight the moon shines beautifully. The red moon in the dark night sky seems to epitomize the world of man. Those that will shine and stand out amidst this corrupt day and age are those with immortal justice....Don't you think, Sharon?
I-no: That's an exciting combination. Potemkin: That red outfit and guitar...you must be... I-no: You remember me? That's nice to know. Potemkin: Someone like you go unchecked...lucky for you I'm a little busy now. You pull out and I'll let you go. Zappa: Grrr! I'm gonna curse you! Faust: Looks like this won't need treatment. If we take too much time, the patient is not going to make it. I-no: Look, the beasts are making noise. But I'm afraid I don't understand what they're saying. So loud and annoying. Potemkin: That should be enough! It's time for me to shut you up. Faust: Looks like it is your mind-set that needs treatment. Fine, I shall treat you, then. I-no: Trying to act tough, are we? You damned animals. I'll cut you up and feed the dogs!
Bridget: Something I can help you with? I-no: What a sweetie you are. What do I want? Let's see... May: If you're asking to be hooked up with Johnny, there's no way. I-no: I see, so there's more of you. Hey, I have a fun idea. Bridget: What is it? I've got cool tricks too. I-no: Demons' groaning sounds beautiful. Even more when they're in harmony. Dizzy: Are you trying to hurt everyone? I'm not going to let you do that. I-no: I love all that energy. Come on, play a tune for me. Bridget: I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you. Fall into the hands of the law.
I-no: What do we have here, the desperate bachelorettes council? Baiken: What kind of greeting is that? That's not a very nice thing to say Jam: That's right! You're rude! And what about you? I-no: Oh dear, don't be so uptight. It's just a joke, honey. Or were you offended 'cause I was right on the mark? Millia: You're a joke. Why don't you get outta here. I-no: Oh no. I'm scared. I guess this is how women become as they get older. Baiken: You crazy! I'll cut you up into pieces! Jam: I'm not showing you any mercy either! Millia: If you're not gonna get outta here, we'll have to get rid of you. It's as simple as that. I-no: You're such sweethearts. Very well, I make you cry lots. We'll find out how loud you can cry.
I-no: Hi there. Testament: What the hell do you want? I-no: Don't glare at me like that. You're scaring me. Testament: Get the hell outta here if you don't want anything. Unless of course you want to die. I-no: What do I want? Let's see...I'm here to hunt down all the monsters. I'd like all of you to die. Slayer: Ha, calling us all monsters, huh? You do realize I'm a disparate type? Too caught up in your own powers? Let me give you a lesson on manners. Eddie: Some excellent subject material. I shall test you to see if you are adequate for my body. I-no: Who do you think you're talking to? You can all bathe in your own blood! Testament: I'll show you this monster's power. You can repent your losses in hell!
I-no: You're late. You shouldn't make ladies wait like that. Sol: shut up. What are you wandering around for? Johnny: Hey, what a coincidence. Didn't expect to run into you here....guess yu're busy with a woman Sol: You stay out of it I-no: Ooh, another cute guy Ky: All of you! Freeze right there! I-no: and now a cute boy, too. Ky: Sol..! And Johnny the pirate, and you're..! I-no: I'd stay out of it if I were you. Why don't you just go home to mommy? Sol: That's enough chit chatting. Let's let the fists do the talking! Ky: ...Sol! I-no: The violent guy as always. Sure, why not...I'll cut you all up into pieces! Ky: I guess there's no alternative. Holy Knight combat was initially meant for handling multiple enemies. I'll show you what it's all about!
I-no: I see... Gig: Grr... I-no: So the caterpillar couldn't become a butterfly. Once a piece of junk, always a piece of junk, I guess. Gig: Grrrgh! I-no: Hahaha! What a joke!
Gig: Grr...grr... I-no: How was it? Did you like it? I'm sure you're quite satisfied. Gig: Ghh... I-no: I say that's enough for one day! Time for you to go to hell! Gig: Grr...
That Man:...good. Job well done. You may go now. I-no: Yes, sir! That Man: Well...I'll let you go this time. But refrain from actions that may throw off our plan. Especially if it had to do with him. I-no: But sir! That Man:... I-no: My apologies, sir. That Man: Now there is another good reason...to be killed by him.
Zappa: Hey! Miss! Millia:...Yes? Zappa: If it's possible, can you be my wi... Millia:... Zappa: Actually, never mind... Axl: Dude, let me show you how it's done. Hey, you in the beautiful blond hair! Let me buy you a cup of coffee so I can see which glows brighter, your hair or your eyes. Millia:...Um, I'm in a hurry. Ky: You're Millia, the former assassin. If you're not with the guild anymore, leave the rest to the police force. No need to put yourself in danger. Millia: I'll take care of him. It's none of your business. Ky: But no, we have to... Zappa: What's all this talk about? Even the police are here. Maybe I should get outta...NO!...Happiness. Hatred! Hatred! Millia: Why don't I ever have luck with men?
Johnny: Whoa, check out this beautiful lady. How flirty you are. Jam: I'm not into guys like you. Take a hike. Johnny: Playing hard to get, are we? Zappa: Good cook! Good cook! Good cook! Jam: What's that? Zappa: High points as a wife candidate. Ready for engagement. Let me eat you up! Johnny: That's a dangerous pick up line Jam: A ghost? Very unscientific. Eddie: Ha! Your body shall be mine! Jam: You're much more scientific than him. Anyway, you're not my type either. You can all take a hike.
Zappa: Um, excuse me! I'm lost and was wondering if...if, if you wanted to die! Sol: Out of my way. Zappa: Where'd this big burn come from? Help me! I don't wanna die!...Die! You shall die! Dizzy: What's going on? No, Necro! Zappa: Wh, what?! My head's cold...It's blood! No! No! No!...Tear you up into pieces! Slayer:...Just a little nudge. Zappa:...Huh? Why am I going backwards when I'm moving forward? Huh? My head's on the wrong way...
Zappa: Um, excuse me, I was wondering... Baiken: Yeah what? Why are you so fidgety? Act like a man, will you? Zappa: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking for a person, Fa- Baiken: Fa...who? Zappa:...Fricken nasty! Baiken: What's going on here? I'm surrounded by freaks. Testament: How rude of you to say that. I've long given up my human name, but by no means am I a freak. Venom: This is a supernatural phenomenon. Quite interesting. I'd like to see more of your powers. Baiken: Man, this is a real drag. I'll blow you all away! Testament: Lowly humans shall die!
Bridget: Wow, what a massive frame you got. Potemkin: Well, I was born big. This fist I use for what I believe in and to engage in art, nothing else. Bridget: So you're an artist. Good for you. Maybe you can draw something for me? Faust: Should be safe if I've come this far. Bridget: Wow, landing using just an umbrella, that's amazing. You from the circus? Faust: No actually, believe it or not I'm a... Zappa: Dr. Faust! (sigh...sigh...) Faust: My goodness, he's caught up already. Bridget: This is remarkable! How do you bend your joints and run like that? You must be a yoga expert. Zappa: Quick, doctor, please do something! Look! I'm bent all over the place! Oh no!!! Faust: Looks like it's begun. I'll have to take drastic measures. Potemkin: Is it fate that I happen to be here? What the heck, I can help out. Bridget:...! What amazing tricks! Now it's my turn! Check this out!
Zappa: Good grief! I'm lost again. Plus it's getting dark. Gig: Grr... Zappa: Huh? Excuse me, is someone there? Gig: Grrrgh! Zappa: Aaaagh! Good time to pass out!
Gig: Grr...grr... Zappa:...I can sense it from you! I sense...a bitter grudge! Very similar...to me...aaaagh! Gig: Ghhh... Zappa:...Huh? What's going on? Why's my whole body so beat up? Gig: Grr... Zappa:...Huh?
Bridget: Are you Testament? Testament:...you a bounty hunter? Bridget: You got it. Testament: Aren't you a little too young? What is this world coming to? Bridget: Nothing's going to change if you're so pessimistic all the time. Testament: How come you don't realize you are turning yourself into a machine at the price of countless bloodshed. I must teach you a lesson! Ky: Hold it right there! International Police Force is now... Jam: Ayah!!! Yes! This is my lucky day! Testament: Yet another shameless human looking to land a bounty... Jam: That's not what I'm here for. It's not very often you can hire 3 cute waiters in one day! Bridget: Umm, I'm a bounty hunter. Jam: Quick, let's have a match! I win, and you all have to work for me! I don't mind if it's 3 on 1. Cute guys beating you up is cool too! Testament: I can't deal with this. Let me through. Bridget: Fine, then. We'll do it all in one go! Ky: What? Me too?
Bridget: Something I can help you with? I-no: What a sweetie you are. What do I want? Let's see... May: If you're asking to be hooked up with Johnny, there's no way. I-no: I see, so there's more of you. Hey, I have a fun idea. Bridget: What is it? I've got cool tricks too. I-no: Demons' groaning sounds beautiful. Even more when they're in harmony. Dizzy: Are you trying to hurt everyone? I'm not going to let you do that. I-no: I love all that energy. Come on, play a tune for me. Bridget: I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you. Fall into the hands of the law.
Axl: Hey, what's that you're holding? I didn't know you had those toys, even in this day and age. Bridget: This is not a toy! It's a tool of my trade! Axl: Ouch! I'm sorry! What have we here? Playing pool at a place like this? Venom: How dare you insult my combat style. I say you deserve a beating. Axl: Hang on a sec! Something wrong with this era. Every toy's being used as a weapon. So what do people actually play with? Johnny: The best for of entertainment, I'd say is the thrill and romance of playing with fireworks at night. I'm pretty sure that's the consensus. Axl: You know what you're talking about! I'm actually great with fire myself...here we go!
Bridget: Whoah, everybody looks tough Chipp: Hey! what's a kid doing here? Eddie: A child. Attractive in terms of her youthfulness but too immature to become my host Bridget: You're not taking me seriously? Then let me show you my moves Sol:...back off. Don't be wasting my time Eddie: Interesting. I shall keep a record of the battle results for future reference Bridget: Don't be surprised! Here I come! Sol: What am I, a babysitter? I can't deal with this...
Bridget: Wow, what a massive frame you got. Potemkin: Well, I was born big. This fist I use for what I believe in and to engage in art, nothing else. Bridget: So you're an artist. Good for you. Maybe you can draw something for me? Faust: Should be safe if I've come this far. Bridget: Wow, landing using just an umbrella, that's amazing. You from the circus? Faust: No actually, believe it or not I'm a... Zappa: Dr. Faust! (sigh...sigh...) Faust: My goodness, he's caught up already. Bridget: This is remarkable! How do you bend your joints and run like that? You must be a yoga expert. Zappa: Quick, doctor, please do something! Look! I'm bent all over the place! Oh no!!! Faust: Looks like it's begun. I'll have to take drastic measures. Potemkin: Is it fate that I happen to be here? What the heck, I can help out. Bridget:...! What amazing tricks! Now it's my turn! Check this out!
Bridget: Whoa! What's this? Gig: Grr... Bridget: Some sort of costume party? That's a great costume. Gig: Grrrgh! Bridget: Wait. Is it real?
Gig: Grr...grr... Bridget: Phew, that was hard work. He's a big guy but that made it easier to get up close. Gig: Ghhh... Bridget: Umm...guess there's no bounty. Okay then, see you later. Gig: Grr...
Bridget: Hmm...starting to run out of travel money...and I'm getting hungry. Hey! That guy! Maybe he's... Bridget:....Umm, excuse me, sir...is there a bounty on your head?
Anji: You must be Ky Kiske, former leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights Ky: Yes, that would be me. And who are you? Anji: Last name is Mito, first name is Anji. I'm just a journeyman Ky: So what can I help you with? Anji: I'd like to challenge you to a match. I wanted to see firsthand the skills of a top-class warrior like yourself. Ky: I can tell from your presence that you're not an ordinary foe. Asian martial arts? Interesting. I accept your challenge. Slayer: In that case, count me in too. Fighting for the sake of fighting. To me fighting is life's best form of entertainment. Don't you think? Potemkin: I myself haven’t had any worthy opponents recently. Sure, I'll take you on. Ky: This is getting interesting. It's been a while for me too. Bring it on!
Anji: You're using that thing as a weapon? 'Assassins' are something, aren't they. Venom:...You should talk! Your combat style is bizarre too! Anji: I don't mean to be conceited, but my moves are second to none. How about a quick match? It may help me to learn new tactics. I'd like to say yes to your offer, but... Anji: I guess it's not going to be 1 on 1. Chipp: That's right. I'm not a nice enough guy to let go of this great chance at revenge! Testament: Sacred treasures? How effective my sorcery will be....please allow me to test it on you.
Anji: So you're Dizzy... Dizzy:...That is correct. What can I do for you? There's no bounty on my head anymore. Anji: Nope, nothing vicious like that. Jam: By the way, I'm the one who got the bounty. Thanks to the money, I've been able to open up my own restaurant Bridget: Hey, I wanted that bounty too. First come first serve, I guess. Life isn't always fair. Anji: I wanted to know where 'That Man' is. Do you know something? Dizzy: I'm sorry, I don't know much. Anji: All right, then. I guess I'll try somewhere else. Bridget: Is there a bounty on his head? Then I wanna know, too! Jam: I wanna know, too! Good chance to expand my restaurant! Anji: Hey, you guys are missing the point.
Anji: You know Sol, don't you? I-no: You meet a woman for the first time and that's the first thing you ask me? I want to know more about you. Anji: My apologies. Last name is Mito, first name is Anji. I'm just a journeyman. I-no: thanks for the introduction. And what can I help you with? Anji: I've been wanting to meet 'That Man.' I-no: Really. You won't live long, dear. Eddie: That's not necessarily the case. As long as you become a part of my body! Ha! Anji: Two on one? This is a tough situation. Faust: Looks like you're having trouble. I can assist you to the best of my humble ability. I-no. Thanks for showing up to your own funeral, doc! Faust: No matter who, my mission is to save lives. Let us apply some drastic remedies, shall we?
Anji: Finally found you. Sol:...It's you again. Anji: Let me ask you straight out. Do you have any idea where 'he' is? Sol: So what if I know? Anji: Can you tell me where he is? Of course I'm willing to work for it. You and I have a bout, and if I win, you tell me. Sounds fair? Baiken: Wait! Let me in on the festivities Sol: Sorry, not interested. You guys enjoy each other's company Anji: Even Justice feared my powers...Still not interested? Sol:...! Baiken: Shut your trap! You're starting to get on my nerves. I'll kick all of your butts right now! Axl: Whoa!...Damn it...is this a bad time? Baiken: Eavesdropping, are we? I'm not impressed! Axl: I just wanted to ask chief something Sol: And even you. Why does everyone want to stick their noses in other people's business! Axl: No worries, chief! Just a quick bout, no hard feelings! Sol: I'm not responsible for what happens.
Anji: Well, well... Gig: Grr... Anji: I'd like to see if my calculations...were correct or not, but... Gig: Grrgh! Anji: He's probably not willing to talk.
Gig: Grr...grr... Anji: Man, I thought I was gonna die! My victory, nevertheless! Gig: Grr...
Anji: If Gear wasn't created as a weapon...then what was the creator thinking...actually, no point think about it. Anji: Won't know until I meet him anyway. So...I wonder where he is now...
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