#“(panicking) it was horrible it sucked im never going back there again”
brofightiscancelled · 7 months
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turcott3 · 1 year
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you make loving you easy
kirby dach x fem!reader
warnings: one curse word, fluff
watching kirby crash into the bench before leaving to the locker room limping was the last thing i wanted to see. immediately, i stand up out of my seat, gather my belongings and rush up the stairs to the exit, knowing i can’t go down to the locker room during the game, trying to remain calm at the fact i can’t be at his side right now
y/n: i’m headed out to my car ik i can’t go down there rn, please call me when you’re showered and dressed so i can take you home.
i didn’t expect nor need a response because he was coming home with me regardless. i finally reach my car, frantically unlocking the door as i feel the tears well up in my eyes. what if it’s bad? what if he changes because he can’t play? what if he pushes me away? these questions and more constantly swirling through my head until it finally all came flooding out. a few moments later my phone starts buzzing in my pocket, panicking and scramble to pull it out and answer seeing kirby’s name across the screen.
“yes hi kirby.”
“if you want to come down here please do. i can’t leave until the game is over and i asked them to let you down here.”
“ok im on my way.” not even thinking to wipe my tears on the way back down to the locker room, as if they stopped. i walk through the door to see kirby on a sports medicine table with his leg out straight in front of him.
“kirby.” i say, starting to cry more as i get closer.
“oh baby, why are you crying?” he giggles, hugging me tightly.
“i’m just worried about you.” i say pulling away. he brings his hand to my cheeks and wipes my tears with his thumbs, smiling at me.
“y/n i’m going to be ok, i know i will.” he says placing both of his hands on my cheeks and kissing the tip of my nose.
“how can you be sure?”
“i can’t be sure about my knee, but as long as i’m with you i’m always ok.” he replies and i smile warmly at him. kirby always had a way of making my heart flutter and my stomach fill with butterflies, even in such a terrible unknown situation.
it’s been about two weeks since kirby’s last game. the trainer has yet to clear him to play and i’ve never seen him so unrestful.
“i feel fine i just wanna play.” kirby stresses again.
“i know honey, i know.” i cooed in his ear while i stroke the hair on the back of his head gently. the last two weeks have been rough on him. his positivity quickly vanished in a few short days. he’s been unmotivated and is so beyond eager to get back on the ice.
“i’m just gonna show up at this point.”
“baby you know you can’t.”
“well it’s worth a shot. what else am i supposed to do?” he says as i see his eyes fill with tears for the first time in these two weeks.
“no kirby don’t cry.” i say sitting up on my knees, cradling his head to my chest allowing him to let his tears fall. i’d never seen him in such a fragile state and it broke my heart.
“why did this have to happen to me?” he squeaks out quietly.
“it shouldn’t have and i feel horrible that i can’t do anything to help you.” i reply.
“i can skate i know i can. i need them to let me.”
“they are obviously going to play it safe kirbs. they don’t want to put one of their best players at risk. you are so valuable. they need you to be one hundred percent. even if you feel like you are, you may not be there yet. and plus you get to spend time with me.” i say trying to crack him.
“you’re right it just sucks not being with the guys and playing with them. like of course i love spending time with you, i could spend every waking moment of my life with you but i do miss being around them and fucking around in practice you know?” he replies placing a hand on the arm wrapped under his chin.
“i understand how you’re feeling and your feelings are perfectly valid my love. i love you kirby, so much.”
“i love you y/n.” he replies as we lay back and he stays cuddled to my chest as i twist his hair gently in between my fingers. loving kirby was the easiest task god could’ve ever given me. i’ve never met someone who loves so deeply.
“hey baby?”
“yes kirby?”
“what’s for dinner?” i hear him laugh and i slap him on the back.
“we’re having a moment kirby give me two seconds of this moment and then we’ll talk about dinner ok?” i laugh.
“i mean i was hoping you would say you were dinner but i mean that works too i guess.” he giggles as i roll my eyes.
“you’re lucky i love you kirby.”
“and i couldn’t be more honored.” he smiles, grabbing my chin, pulling me into a gentle kiss.
…..ok maybe i am for dinner tonight.
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strawmyberry · 1 year
thank u for the kyle tickle hcs... him being the most ticklish out of the m4 AND being weakest to light tickling is SO IMPORTANT TO ME
you get me anon!!! lee kyle is so cute!! so cute in fact- i got a little surpriseeee! thank you all so much for all the kind words on my first fic!! im so glad you guys liked it 🥹 soooo…here’s another one!! i hope you guys like it!! thanks again!!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
B for Broflovski!
Lee Kyle / Ler Stan
Word Count: 4,229
With Kyle panicking over the “horrible” grade he got on his History test, Stan puts a little extra effort into convincing him that “B” doesn’t always have to stand for “Bad.” In fact, to him, it stands for something a thousand times better.
Stan knew Kyle was a perfectionist. Kyle knew Kyle was a perfectionist. The entire town of South Park knew Kyle was a perfectionist; yet, somehow, despite that, Stan was never really prepared for when Kyle would have one of those days.
“It’s bullshit, dude! I’m telling you; it’s fucking bullshit! Mr. Garrison has some kinda’ personal vendetta against me. I fucking hate him! ‘Fucking asshole, it’s ridiculous!”
Stan had gotten used to walking quickly besides Kyle since Kyle had the tendency to walk and talk, especially when he was in a bad mood. Luckily for Stan, he was pretty good at keeping up.
“And Cartman? Oooh, ‘fucking Cartman? I’m going to kick his ass- I deal with a lot of shit from him. I take it! I suck it up and I take it! But this? I’m done. I’m going to shove my foot so far up his ass- I swear to god-“
Stan had tried a million strategies when it came to this issue, and he had found that the best thing to do was to let Kyle get all of it out of his system. Let him ramble, eventually he’d get tired of it. After that is when he’d be able to talk logically with his, figure out what to do next.
“The only reason he got an A was because he cheated off of Tolkien. But, of course, Garrison doesn’t see it! As if it’s not the most obvious thing in the world! It’s so fucking dumb dude, I seriously can’t- Ma, I’m home! Stan’s here too, we’re gonna go upstairs, okay?”
Okay, Stan had to admit, it was a little funny how Kyle’s rage was like an on and off switch when it came to his mom. He’d be cursing up a storm one second and the next he’d go all Positive Paul on him. He’d shout a quick hello to Kyle’s mom too, because…manners, before following Kyle up the stairs and into his room.
“It just- It pisses me off so much! It’s not fair- I studied so hard for that stupid test!”
Stan would place his backpack next to Kyle’s dresser. He’d proceeded to chase the redhead around his room a little bit, stopping his endless pacing for a second so he could take the backpack off his friend’s back. He’d plop it next to his own before throwing himself onto Kyle’s bed, already getting himself comfortable. Knowing Kyle, this could go on for…god know how long.
“I fucking hate South Park…”
Kyle loved to rant and rave, yeah. It always made him feel a lot better- since he was able to get all his anger out without punching a hole in his wall. But…he could only talk for so long without breathing. So, he’d take a small break, just so he could regain his breath. Kyle would turn back to Stan- only to see the position he was in.
Stan was laying in his bed. Yes- yes that’s what beds are for- but Stan was laying in his bed. Like, laying in his bed. Head amidst a sea of pillows, body sinking slightly into the soft mattress, limbs languidly sprawled across the bed; the whole works. “Oh- sorry, ‘you done?” He’d ask, his words muffled by all of the pillows around his head.
“Uh…no. Not yet. Sorry- I can stop if you’d like-“
“No! No, keep going. I’m all ears.”
“Ooookay…?” Kyle would nod, confused as hell. How long had he been like that? How didn’t he notice before? Why was he messing up his pillows? Well- now he couldn’t remember where he had left off. He’d stare at the bed post as his mind wandered, trying to retrace his steps. Oh! Yeah! Hating South Park!
“…I think today was stupid.” Kyle would start, starting the tirade off slowly. “Everything about it, yeah, but the changing seats thing was really stupid.” He’d continue, the momentum slowly picking up as he spoke. He was getting the hang of it again!
“I mean, I get the changing seats thing. But I told him! I said, “Mr. Garrison, please keep me next to Stan. He keeps me focused.” Which is true because you’re one of the only ones in class who isn’t a total moron. And even when you are- you don’t do it to annoy me- you just-“
“Wait. Uh-go back? …Why am I being called a moron? What did I do?” Sitting up from his extremely habitable position, Stan would raise his left eyebrow; his face laced with confusion. Stan would usually listen to everything Kyle had to say before talking, but that little comment about him just threw him for a loop.
“Huh? I’m not calling you a moron, dude.”
“Uh…you just did though?”
“Did I? Really?” A flicker of his own confusion would cross his face, accompanied by a subtle furrowing of his brow as he stood there for his moment. He’d tap his foot, humming a bit as he thought before it clicked. Kyle’s face would turn white. “Oh shit.” His eyes would widen, quickly holding his hands up in defense. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that…I don’t think you’re a moron…sorry..”
“No, I know. It’s okay, man, really!” Stan would give a reassuring smile, letting the comment just slide off his shoulders. “You’re upset, dude, it’s all good.” Stan had gotten used to that too. Kyle was a very…passionate person- he’d go really big when it came to his rants. Stan knew better than to actually take offense to anything Kyle said when he was in one of those moods.
“Yeah…It’s just- maybe I get Garrison not putting us together because we’re Super Best Friends. I mean- I don’t really get it- but I could see the logic behind it. But, at the very least, he could’ve sat me next to someone who wasn’t a total asshole! Sit me next to Craig! He’s quiet! Or Tolkien! Tweek! Jimmy! Butters! I would’ve been fine with anyone! Anyone! Except, Cartman! And guess what happens! Guess who I get sat next to! Guess!”
Stan would nod along as he listened, staying sat up this time instead of going to lay back down again. He wouldn’t really notice he was supposed to answer the question at first. He thought it was rhetorical! After all, he was literally there. He saw all of this happen already. But…okay? He’d play along? “Uh…Cart..man?”
“Fucking Cartman! I’m pissed, but I’m like: “OK, whatever, I can deal with this, no big deal.” But then, I’m in the middle of the test- the test. ‘You know? The thing where you’re supposed to do your own work and shut the fuck up while you do it? And for some goddamn reason-he just won’t shut the fuck up! And I’m thinking: “Is it really that hard to just shut your fucking mouth for five seconds?” But, whatever, I studied for this test so I’m gonna get a good grade on it! Right? No! Fucking no! ‘Cause it’s let’s all dog on Kyle day! And I think his voice was just so fucking grating- I just forgot half of the shit that I studied! He fucked me! He literally fucked me!”
Man. Who needed TV? Who needed Assassins Creed, Indiana Jones, and Lego Batman when you had Kyle Broflovski as your super angry, Super Best Friend? He was basically free entertainment at this point! Stan’s eyes would follow Kyle around the room, and Kyle was moving so much it looked like Stan was watching a tennis match.
“-And you know what really upsets me? ‘You know what just irks me like just a little bit? The fact that I know I’m gonna have to walk in the school tomorrow, and Wendy is gonna come up to me-and she’s gonna be like, “Oh, Kyle! How did you do on the history test? I’m really happy with my grade!” And I’m gonna have to be like, “Oh yeah, Wendy! I’m sure you are!” And then she’s gonna rub it in my face like she always does-“
“What? Wendy doesn’t rub her grades in your face…” Stan would, admittedly, get a little defensive at that statement. This was his girlfriend they were talking about! And…well- she wasn’t here to defend her own honor like he knew she would’ve liked to- so he was gonna do it for her! “Wendy wouldn’t try to make you feel bad about yourself, Kyle-“ Stan would start to say, cutting himself off when Kyle randomly pointed his index finger at him.
“You know what’s funny? I knew you were going to say that!” Kyle would argue, his eyes lit with a combo of satisfaction and frustration. “I knew you were going to defend Wendy! You’re biased, Stan!”He’d accuse. “She rubs her grades in my face all the time! You just turn a blind eye to it because you’re biased!”
“What are you talking about? Dude, if anything, I’d be biased towards you. I’ve known you longer.” Stan would jump to defend himself, rolling her eyes as he did. “I’m sorry if she’s hurt your feelings, Kyle, but I’m sure there’s no bad blood there.” That was a bit of a half-assed apology. Again, Kyle was ranting- so Stan had no idea if he actually meant half of the shit he was saying. He just wanted to resolve the situation.
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure it’s not a big deal to you! You’re not the one who’s gonna be ridiculed for getting a B on the test!” Kyle would retort, crossing his arms as he huffed.
“I’m sorry…what?” Stan looked stunned. Staring at Kyle as if he had three heads, Stan would open his mouth to speak- just to cut himself off before he managed to say anything. He was trying to think of a nice way to put this. Really really hard. “…Run that by me again?”
“Don’t be an asshole! I got a B, okay?! It’s embarrassing- I know!”
“…Dude.” Stan would pinch the arch of his nose, letting out a long, irritated sigh. “That’s what this is about? Seriously?” He’d clarify. “…This whole time, I thought you had gotten an F- or, at the very best, a D. You got a B?” Stan wasn’t even mad, honestly. Actually, he was a little bit impressed. “Kyle…” At this point, Stan couldn’t help but laugh. There was no way this was actually happening. “A B is a good grade, dude. You have nothing to worry about.”
Now, Stan knew he was one to say stupid things sometimes- but this time, he could’ve sworn that what he said was actually a little bit smart. But the look Kyle was giving him? It almost made him doubt himself. Kyle was looking at him as if he had just said he puts milk in the bowl before the cereal. His jaw would drop, holding his hand out in front of him in shocked horror. “…You did not just say that to me.”
“Kyle, seriously, you’re wigging out over nothing!” Stan would try to explain, getting up from the bed. “You don’t need to beat yourself up over this. It’s just a B! A B is, what? …80%? That’s good! That’s really good!”
“I can’t believe you’re actually telling me this right now! You have to be shitting me! Do you even know what the B stands for, Stan?” Kyle would ask, the look on his face saying that he already knew the answer. “Do you? Do you, Mr. Isaac Newton? Care to enlighten me?”
“Jesus Christ…” Stan would grumble, rolling his eyes yet again. He’d stand there for a second, shrugging the question off. “…I dunno, brilliant?”
“Brilliant?” Kyle would repeat. “Brilliant?!” Kyle’s eye would twitch, as if Stan had just said the most absurd thing he had ever said. “No! It stands for BAD. Bad, Stan! B. A. D. Bad!”
“B doesn’t stand for Bad…” Stan would state. “F stands for bad.”
“Bad doesn’t start with a F, Stan!” Kyle would scream, frustrated. “B stands for Bad, Bummer, Buffoon- think of a word that starts with a B- nine times out of ten it’s a negative connotation! It’s the most obvious thing in the world!”
“I know that YOU’D be happy to get a B- but I’m perfectly valid in being upset about it! God!”
The air in the room was tense; and the silence that came after Kyle’s groan didn’t really help that. They’d stare at each other for a solid minute, waiting for the other one to say something. In that moment of stillness, Kyle had to opportunity to realize how mean what he said just sounded. In that moment, Kyle would brace for impact. He expected Stan to scream at him- or storm out the door and never come back. But…Stan didn’t do any of that.
Stan would take a deep breath. A long one. “…Okay.” He’d say, breaking the silence. “You need to chill out.” Kyle would open his mouth to apologize or, at the very least, give Stan a verbal agreement- but Stan would quickly cut him off.
“You broke Baseball Rules.”
Kyle’s eyes would widen. Shit. No. No- he didn’t. Did he? Oh god. No- he definitely did. Fuck! “…Y-You didn’t tell me we were playing Baseball Rules.” Kyle would hold his hands up in defense, backing up slightly.
“I don’t have to tell you when we’re playing Baseball Rules. That’s the whole point- we don’t have to repeat the rules, they’re just in place.” Stan would remind, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face. “You said three really fucked up things about me. Three strikes. You’re out. You broke Baseball Rules.”
Baseball Rules was a game created by Stan, a game that Kyle reluctantly participated in. The rules were simple, whenever the two were in an a little tiff, if either of them slung three insults in a row, they’d strike out.
Stan made the game in order to prevent the two from blowing up at each other, and it worked pretty well! But, admittedly, Baseball Rules wouldn’t be half as effective if it weren’t for what came after you struck out. That worked like a charm every single time.
“Stan, wait…” Kyle would try to reason, glancing behind him quickly to try to get an idea of how far he was from the door. Maybe he could run if he tried hard enough? “I’m sorry, dude…I don’t think you’re stupid, really-“
“I know you don’t!” Stan would cut Kyle’s apologizes short, stepping forward with the attempt of cornering him. “I’m not mad at you! But…rules are rules! If I let you get away with it this time- where do I draw the line, ya’ know? I’m sure you understand.”
Kyle would yelp at Stan stepping forward, quickly turning himself around to dash around him. “Just this once! I’m really sorry- I won’t do it again! I’m not upset anymore-“
“That’s great!” Stan would exclaim. “I’m glad you’re not upset anymore! But it’s the principle of Baseball Rules. I really wish I didn’t have to! I wanna let you off easy, really!” He didn’t. He knew he didn’t, Kyle knew that too. Just like how Stan knew Kyle well enough to know that he’d try to run around him; that’s why he’d turn as well, cornering Kyle officially.
“Stahahan!” Kyle would stumble backwards, his legs hitting his bed. He’d sink to the floor, already beginning to kick his legs. “It’s just a made up gahahame! Plehehease!”
“I’m not even touching you yet!” Stan would tease, wiggling his fingers right above Kyle’s hips. “I’ll go easy, okay?” He’d sink down right after him, sitting down in front of him.
“Noho! Nohot okahay! DohohOHOHON’T-“
“Don’t tickle your ears or your neck. I know, I know!” Stan would cut Kyle’s desperate pleas short, abruptly beginning to drill his fingers into his hips. “You’d think I’d know how to tickle my Super Best Friend. I can’t believe you’d think I wouldn’t! You cut me deep, Kyle.”
“That’s nohot-!” Kyle would shake his head, cutting himself off as he started to impulsively swing his arms in defense. Kyle was way too ticklish as it was, but Stan’s constant teasing was making it a thousand times worse.
“I knowww, that’s not what you were going to say. You were going to ask me not to tickle you, and…” Stan couldn’t keep the shit eating grin off of his face. “…you know I’m not gonna do that.” He’d laugh, fighting back the urge to make fun of how red Kyle’s face was.
“Stohohop ihihit! Plehehease, I’m sohohorry!” Kyle wouldn’t even last ten seconds before pleading for mercy. That was one of Stan’s favorite things about playing Baseball Rules, besides being able to hear Kyle’s laugh. That was always first on the list.
“I know you’re sorry! I forgive you!” He’d reassure, managing to dodge every punch Kyle threw at him. “Let’s do this, okay? You let me get a few words out, and then I’ll let you go, okay? I’ll stop tickling you once I’m done.”
Kyle wasn’t 100% sure how legit that offer was. Normally, Stan would stop when he wanted to- so it really depended on how merciful he was feeling on that day. For all Kyle knew, Stan could just say sike and keep going. But…at the same time, maybe he wouldn’t. If anything, he might as well take the bait.
“Okahahay okahahay!”
“Okay? Great!” Stan would smile, moving his hands from his hips to his sides, squeezing them as he began speaking. “I get that you like getting A’s. That makes sense- everyone likes getting them. But it’s okay to not get them sometimes. You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out about your grades, you’re doing an awesome job with them.”
“Buhut-“ Kyle would start, just to be cut off by Stan suddenly skittering his fingers against his ribs. “SHIHihihit!! Ohoh my goHOHOhod! Dohohon’t doHOHO thahahat!!” Kyle would squeal loudly, his eyes flying open as his kicking and punching intensified.
“I’m not done yet!” Stan would sing-song, poking in between each rib for each syllable. The shit-eating grin on his face would only grow as he continued. “As I was saying; you’re doing awesome, dude! I’m not saying you shouldn’t focus on your grades- i’m saying you shouldn’t stress yourself out about them.” Stan would clarify.
“Your grades don’t determine how smart you are. And, either way, you have some kick ass grades, dude! You are the smartest person I know, Kyle-“
“Thahahat’s nohohot trUHUHUE- OHOH MY GOHOHOD- FUHUHUCK OHohohoff!!”
Stan would jokingly roll his eyes at Kyle’s cackling, shaking his head softly. “I’m barely even touching you!” That was true, all he was doing was fluttering his fingers over his stomach. Of course, he knew how effective that was- he just chose to play dumb. ‘Made things more fun!
“It is so true.” Stan would insist, his tone genuine and honest. “…And if you even try to tell me I know Wendy, I’m gonna roll up your jacket. Don’t fuck with me.” He’d playfully threaten. “Wendy doesn’t count. Wendy- Wendy is different. That’s the thing- you guys are both smart. And we’re allowed to have two smart people in South Park. With the amount of morons we have- god knows we could use ‘em.”
“Kyle, I wouldn’t be calling you smart if you weren’t. You are so smart, dude! You know fucking Pig Latin! Do you know anyone else who knows Pig Latin?”
“YOHOHOU!” Kyle would retort, doubling over with laughter. “YOHohohou knohohow pihig lahatin tohohohoo!” He’d would swing at Stan’s face yet again, not expecting it to horrible backfire like it did. Stan would take the swing as an opportunity to snake his hands under his arms, quickly skittering his nails all over his armpits.
“Because you taught me it, Kyle!” Stan would exclaim, having to hold back his own laughter as Kyle shrieked. “You ran right into my point! You make me smarter! I would be a total moron if it weren’t for you! Do you know the amount of times I’m stuck on something and I think to myself, “What would Kyle do?” You’re a genius, dude!”
Maybe it was the fact that he was laughing so hard, or maybe it was the surplus of compliments Stan was dumping onto him. But, either way, Kyle was bright red; practically screaming with laughter as he tried to sink himself into the floor. An effort that was obviously in vain. His arms were slammed tightly down against Stan’s fingers in an effort to protect himself; of course, not even realizing until after the fact that it was having to opposite effect.
“Okay, okay I’m almost done!” Stan would quickly say, yanking his hands out from under Kyle’s arms; moving them back to his stomach, lightly skittering his fingers again. “All of this is to say- you’re being too hard on yourself! You are more than a grade you get on a test- putting aside the fact that a B is already a good grade!
“And- you know what? B doesn’t stand for Bad!”
And with that, Stan would still his fingers. The two of them would sit there, Kyle immediately noticing how Stan didn’t seem to be making any attempt of getting up. He’d still be giggling from the aftermath, eyeing Stan up and down expectingly.
“…One more thing.”
Of fucking course!
“…What does B stand for, Kyle?”
Oh shit. Shit. He was fucked. The truth of the matter was Kyle had no clue. It obviously wasn’t Bad. But…he didn’t really know what answer Stan wanted from him. From the expectant look on Stan’s face, he obviously already had an answer in mind. Kyle would think long and hard, searching every crevice of his brain in the hopes that somehow, someway, the answer would magically come to him.
“Ohhh…that’s a good one..” Stan would say in mock amazement, beginning to turn; as if he was about to get up. Kyle would let out a sigh of relief, thanking the universe for sparing him this time. The funny thing about that, though? He wasn’t. Stan would swiftly turn back around, making a buzzer noise to signify that Kyle had gotten the wrong answer before blowing a quick raspberry on his neck.
It all happened so fast, Kyle didn’t even have time to say anything- the only thing that left his mouth was a screech; jolting so hard that he yanked himself away from Stan, falling onto his side. He’d quickly scrunch his neck, along with covering it with his hands.
Kyle was too busy giggling on the floor to realize that Stan had gotten up, walked back over to Kyle’s backpack, and came back with his water bottle. He’d sit next to him, offering his hand to help him up. Kyle would hesitantly take it, a relieved sigh escaping him as Stan pulled him up- no strings attached.
Kyle would raise his eyebrow with giggly confusion. Stan had never referred to him by his last name. They were strictly on a first name basis! Stan would return the confused look with his own confused look. After a few seconds, his eyes would widen as he realized why Kyle looked so confused. He’d shake his head, beginning to chuckle softly.
“Noho! Broflovski! B is for Broflovski!”
It would take a second for Kyle to understand what Stan was saying. Once it clicked, Kyle would turn to Stan, a fed-up smile on his face. God, he was cheesy. He’d hold out his hand as Stan gave him his water bottle, glancing at him again before rolling his eyes and taking a sip.
“What? You don’t like it?” Stan would tease, elbowing him as soon as he closed the cap to his water bottle. “It makes sense! I thought it was funny! Broflovski! It starts with a B- and it’s your last name! Get it?” Stan would repeat, his eyes bright with excitement.
“The more you repeat it the less funny it gets.” Kyle would jokingly groan in annoyance, even scooting a little further away from him! For bit purposes! Stan would scoot right after him, the giddy smile still on his face.
“…Can I tell you something?”
“If it’s B for Broflovski again, I’m gonna hit you.” “It’s not! It’s not.” Stan would say, the smile on his face never wavering. Kyle couldn’t help but smile with him, ushering him to continue with what he was going to say.
“I’d take a Broflovski for life over an A on a test any day.”
Maybe it was stupid for Kyle to be as grateful as he was for Stan. He knew he had a bit of a temper when it came to things like this- and he knew he could be a huge handful at times. But, for reason, Stan stuck by him. Maybe he was bored? Maybe he had nothing better to do, no one better to be with?
But when Kyle looked at the pure happiness on Stan’s face, he couldn’t help but feel like that wasn’t the case. It made him happy, knowing that Stan enjoyed his company just as much as he enjoyed his- even when he was being dramatic. They were Super Best Friends through thick or thin, no matter the circumstance. That felt…nice.
“Thanks, Stan…that means a lot.”
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diazpatcher · 4 months
7x10 reaction time
the opening scene with Athena 😭
Chris calling the Diaz' I CALLED IT!!!
hen :(
"it's a little true" "even in death she makes your life chaos" "I'm making my life chaos"
Oh Athena 😭 I can't handle it if bobby dies the fact that he has a DNR???? I'm going insane
the 118 kids meeting each other at the hospital 😭
"he managed to get her to safety before he took a turn" 😭 bobby literally gave his last breath to his wife😭
"I understand it to well. Bc right now the only thing holding me upright is rage." OH Athena 😭 SLAY MAMA "because they last man who came into my home and tried to hurt my family begged me to put it him down"👁👁
"You're one of HIS firefighters"😭
oh god the house is ruined 😭 Athena on a revenge tour?
Polly Martin 🤨 Hmmm
Athena gone rouge btw 🫡 as she should
"I think Athena might be the danger" SLAY
she broke into his house????? omg Athena is of the rails!!!! I love her
it's so so heartbreaking how she was ready to kill for bobby, no hesitation 😭
so if it wasn't Amir who was it 🤔
"being a living testiment to a dead person hardens you" oh. this is all about grief. this entire season is all about grief about how it is more than sadness that it is also anger and denial.
The cartell!!!!! "it's me they want" oh. Amir is so self sacrificial
The 118 watching as bobby almost dies while Athena is a on basically a suicide mission
Amir is actually cool "go ahead and do what ever you plan to do or is your plan to bore me to death?"
"I'm misses Bobby Nash" She says as she sets flames to the Cartells hide out. SLAY MAMA
"This one we both walk out of" SOBBING ACTUALLY
the 133 being the one firehouse who is always there when something happens to the 118
He's.alive 😭😭😭😭 omg
wait. what's the cliffhanger.
The Hans and The Wilson's having dinner together 🫶🫶 family family 🫶 I love them
Tommy and Buck 🥰 "you guys at the 118 should have your own dedicated wing at the hospital" PFFF HE IS SO FUNNY
B:"so we both have daddy issues" T:"I dont" B:"but you think I do?" T: "God hope so"
Ohh ph "fathers are human, sons don't take it that well"
OH CHRIS , Chris wants to leave 😭 the Diaz' redemption arc?
"your son is trying to tell you whay he needs don't wait 30yrs to hear him"
Athena being so panicked about they're phones 😭 mama such a mama OH MAY 😭 Harry and May being there for their parents❤️ (yes ik Michael lives but he is not here yk)
Chris is actually leaving. "There's summer and then there's Texas. " 😭 lmao buck
Buck fathering once again I love him❤️ "you realize just how messy life can be" okay still no reason to forgive the Buckley parents they suck.
Eddie looks like a kicked puppy also the fact that he keeps calling Buck over is so!!!
The way Eddie hugged Chris😭😭 I wish someone would hug me like that
"I know your angry but i love you no matter. I hate it but i love you." OH "you can always come back, you just say the word and I'll come for you" SOBBING ACTUALLY
the diaz' parents not even hugging him goodbye??? rude tbh
"is buck joining us?" "it's a different sibling"
oh bobby in the remains of the fire. Amir lmao. like a ghost he appears.
"were not gonna get into who deserves what, that's for a higher power to decide. " "maybe you earned it." Amir finally finally being the one who gives Bobby closure on his past. "You know you can't quit right?" "you think you do or you know you do🤨"
Amir im sorry I misjudged you he is actually the funniest man alive.
Wait is the cliffhanger the opening disaster for s8???
Oh no. "No captain Wilson" BOBBY ❤️
Gerard you whore. piss off. no no no no no.
THATS THE CLIFFHANGER? its just horrible
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warpspeedgirl · 9 months
“Me asking wasn’t a big deal, I’m not going to bother explaining anymore” like okay?¿  I don't know what that even refers to because you didn't explain anything and I don’t know why you’re starting to get frustrated with me for having an APPROPRIATE response to how jacked up you were being and what you were saying to me. But you bothered to continue to tell me it was “one thing for the apartment” and that you couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t do it and passive aggressively telling me it’s “for the entire apartment”. You bothered to continue to explain the “only things you needed” after I already said no. You asked me to do something and I helped as much as I could and said I couldn’t help you with that today and you continued to talk to me about how it was just one thing and why you couldn’t understand why I couldn’t do it and passive aggressively “letting me know” it was an issue for the entire apartment which it never was. You were just panicked to get it done as soon as possible and you were assuming I was around and available to do all of that for you. 
You saying you’re “ not going to bother with speaking for me or saying I’m thinking or doing whatever” like I am trying to bother with that? Or ANY of this? I’ve never EVER been one to try to speak for you or anyone else. After all of the years and conversations we’ve had sharing and understanding eachother that’s your conclusion? That hurt. You’re not wording whatever it is you’re trying to say accurately and you’re implying things. What else am I supposed to think? That’s not on me. You bringing up the therapist to me made 0 sense. How was I supposed to interpret that other than you trying to further prove your point of it not being a big deal. Really think about that. You go back and look at how you say things.
I told you I shouldn't have listed what I've done for the apartment but it REALLY sucks that you couldn't understand how badly you hurt me and what words in the conversation from you lead to me feeling like I needed to defend myself in that way. You weren't being fair with your words to me at all. From very the beginning. I reacted and I wish I didn’t. Hindsight is 20/20.
So stop assuming I’m just speaking for you and assuming things for no reason and that I’m some illogical, irrational person making stuff up. Look at how you word things, it’s horrible. You don’t word things well and if I’m misunderstanding you, that’s why. You’re telling me to go back and look at how I said things. You need to go back and look at how YOU said things. I didn’t ask you anything about anything. 
I’m not “hurting myself” by ‘assuming’ things. Your ego is so out of control its blinding and you cant even see it. Youre being hurtful but being pushy and impatient and saying WILD wild things. You cant talk to people like that, and why would you talk to your best friend like that? You really hurt me by saying and implying these things at all, whether it was intentional or not. It was really ugly and so dismissive and insensitive for you to say. For you to say that Im just hurting myself after you clearly, went too far and hurt me. Again. It reminded me of last time when you said everything under the sun to defend yourself and your hurtful words except just finally acknowledging that you hurt me. That really hurt even more. You saying that and that I’m just assuming things and speaking for people just, again, showed me a lot about where you’re at or how your character currently is rn as well. You couldn’t see why I was saying what I was saying? You didn’t want to. This all started because you didnt get your way from me and felt entitled and slighted to know why. I even deeply thought about where you coming from with saying that. I saw why but It’s just still untrue and hurtful. And for me to say that holds a lot of corpulence, because I historically usually blame myself for everything. These incidents last year with you are not on me. How are you going to accuse me of speaking for you and not genuinely trying understanding AFTER EVERYTHING YOU SAID AND DID AND IMPLICATED. Girrrrl. No. Just no.
I wasn’t assuming about you pushing me to get it done- but why did you keep explaining after I said no, it comes across as you not respecting my no and thinking I should’ve just done it, like you said “you didn’t understand why, it was just one thing”. Your implying that.
I wasn’t just assuming that you thought I should’ve just done it and that it wasn’t out of the way- you literally said “I couldn’t understand why you couldn’t do it” and “it wasn’t an out of the way task at all” “I only needed you to do….” “It’s an issue for the apartment” because you weren’t here to do it and were assuming I would, like any of that even matters after I said no. What else would a person think. It’s 2+2=4. Deductive reasoning
I was not assuming about the whole therapist thing - why did you bring this up to me. Your implying things.
If you thought I was speaking for you about you saying you thought the task wasn’t out of the way and that I should’ve just done it- that’s how you comes across when you say things like “it wasn’t a big deal to ask” “it was just one thing for the apartment Adisa. If anything I’m just not going to ask you to do things anymore” and passive aggressively bringing up that it’s an issue for the entire apartment when it was your issue and experience and evidence and room the whole time. That is what prompted me to list the things I have done because I couldn’t believe you were going there with me after I said you’ll have to handle that one on your own. It’s actually crazy that I have to break things down like this and explain it so intricately. 
Your school stress- why bring that up like I’m not stressed too, if you know I get it why bring it up and that you had to take time to do it between classes, which you really didn’t you could’ve done it before or after. Your explanation wasn’t still pushing me to do it but that’s how it came across you saying that you “could do it but i just wanted you to…. But it’s okay it was hard but I did it in between my classes” “it was just one thing I needed because I don’t have time” You don’t need to explain all of that and why it’s just one thing you needed after I already said no. You were always going to need to find time to do it in between your classes or another time because I was never going to as it wasnt my responsibility or issue to address. I know school is stressful and you wanted it done immediately but that still doesnt make it my problem after i already said no.
It wouldn’t have made ANY sense for you to list what you’ve done for the apartment because I didn’t ask you to do something and then continue to say I can’t understand why you couldn’t do it and that it was just one thing and bring up my therapist, after you said no. If you think it takes away from the issue at hand look at how you provoked these reactions just due to impatience and not getting your war. You have poor boundaries.
You thought I was assuming about you saying things with me effecting your space- why word it like ‘you can feel the energy shift regardless’. Yeah you feel the shift bc I don’t want to talk to you for quite a few months now. I JUST found out about the pregnancy and you never would’ve known until I told you and you wouldn’t have gotten it out of me. I regret telling you in frustration but I see why it happened like that. We were still talking like nothing was wrong because I had a private thing going on. You were right about that. But it’s not unreasonable for me to think you’re talking about your space because you said “I can feel the shift regardless”.
Me saying I’m not trying to piss you off. Those 20 something hurtful texts I woke up to gave the impression that yes, you’re pissed off. 
Do you see why I said the things I said? I was not just randomly speaking for you out of my ass or assuming things. I was responding to you. That was really just painful for you to keep repeating and having to read “stop speaking for me” like whaaaat. You’re starting every aspect of this. You saying there was no reason for it to be an issue and that we would’ve done it for eachother, and that you KNOW I would’ve done it otherwise, you’re speaking for ME. What else am I supposed to think or respond to the things you were saying? Seriously. I’m not speaking for you. I’m responding to the wild wild things you’re saying and implying and you really can’t see it. You were assuming I was available. You clearly weren’t prepared for me to say no or we wouldn’t be in this situation at all. Say what you mean and communicate in a matter that there’s no room for miscommunication and if there is don’t just blame it on me ‘speaking and assuming for people’. like I’m just talking out of my ass for no reason. Look at the words coming out of your mouth over this very, very minimal thing that you were just in a panic and rush about. Thats not on me, that’s on You. I should’ve just replying to you when it was clear you weren’t just going to drop it after I said I couldn’t help you. It’s crazy that you think I’m the kind of person to just speak for other people (especially you) after how long we’ve known each other and everything we’ve been through and what this argument was about and how you started it. You don’t want to go back and forth? Then don’t start saying things like it was just one thing you needed from me, that you knew I could do it, that you couldn’t understand why I couldn’t do it, that your case manager said it wasn’t a big deal to ask, that you’re just not going to bother asking me for anything anymore over ONE THHING THAT I ALREADY SAID I CANT DO HOURS AGO. You’re inciting ‘back and forth’. All of this is so beyond my natural self I can’t even believe I got caught up in it.
One of the crazy things about this whole thing is you know how chill and laid back of a person I am. I’m very quiet. So for things to get this far and for me to be responding to you in the way that I was, I was definitely provoked, and provoked for a while. The first few fucked up things you said (bringing up other people into this and repeating what you ‘needed’ from me, that it’s an issue for the entire apartment, and that I can come to you if I need help from the leasing office) and brought up I just let go, because I know you can be pushy. Have you ever known me to speak for you or other people in the 13+ years you’ve known me or when you’re sharing with me? Because I’ve known you to be aggressive and domineering in the way you speak to others in the time I’ve known you. I know it’s not usually malicious, it seems unconscious or just how you’re used to being, regardless, that’s how you come across big time. You can’t see how/why I would respond to you the way I did after. You took everything too far. Again. That’s a problem.
You continuing to passive aggressively bring up that “its an issue for the apartment’ was never going to change my mind or perspective. You admitted that you said that because it didn't seem like I saw it as an issue for the whole apartment. I obviously don't for very logical reasons and Im busy so just drop it. These comments aren’t helping your case. It just made me see you in a more similar light that I was already starting to in recent months. 
Part of why I don’t tell you personal things or share with you things going on my life besides chit chat is because we’re not that close anymore. You really hurt me after all of these years. I shared something painful with you and you continued to shut me down. I can’t force you to acknowledge it.
The last conversation didn’t go well because you made it about you and you and your ego denied hurting me.
0 notes
frogtanii · 3 years
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℗ me and my husband
atsumu x fem!reader (poker face ending)
series masterlist
wc. 3.2k (holy shit)
warnings. NOT PROOFREAD, v v soft domestic, marriage :00, smut!! (is marked off!!), soft dom!tsumu, hair pulling (giving), unprotected sex, slight praise kink, pretty vanilla ngl
an. can be read as a one shot but u might be confused lmfao also this took SO LONG OMFG also also heavily unedited, take things w a grain of salt lmfao anyways don’t forget to feed me ahaha m rlly proud of this so i hope y’all like it <33
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it was moving day and atsumu was about to lose his mind.
today was the official day of the hyper house disbandment and while most of the members were still figuring out new living arrangements and thus remaining past the deadline, you were one of the few trying to get out as soon as possible.
makki and mattsun were so excited to have you move in, they showed up early that morning to help you pack. now, it was around 1p and it was almost time for you to go. you still had a few more boxes to go but things were speeding right along.
normally, atsumu would be right by your best friends helping you out but he was currently in the middle of a breakdown.
you were leaving. leaving. he had no idea when he’d see you again (even though you promised to meet up weekly to catch up), if he would ever see you again. for all he knew, makki and mattsun would just hide you away forever, never to be seen again.
okay, so he was panicking.
it was just... atsumu was in love with you. he’d known for a while (way longer than he’d like to admit) and he selfishly thought he’d have more time with you so that he could work up the courage to confess. but now? you were like three boxes away from a distance that he didn’t know if he or your relationship could recover from.
it wasn’t that he was bad at long distance but the tragic events that the house brought, brought the two of you closer together and he didn’t want to lose that.
atsumu let out a groan and dropped his head against the wall, his mind running with scenario after scenario, all ending in failure and utter embarrassment.
“hey, you okay?” you called out, a large box cradled delicately in your arms. as atsumu turned from the plaster in front of him, he allowed himself a moment to take you in.
you were wearing short athletic shorts, worn converses, and his t shirt. a thin sheen of sweat covered your skin, the lights above reflecting off of it, giving you a warm glow.
of course you looked hot moving boxes.
you called his name again in concern and he immediately felt his heart clench in guilt. you’d already been through so so much and here he was fantasizing about you instead of being there for you like a good friend would.
atsumu let out a sigh and shot you a wide, albeit empty, smile before walking over to you and taking the box out of your hands. the furrow in your brows told him you saw through his expression but he ignored it and made a show of lifting your box above his head and carrying it to mattsun’s car.
“see, what would ya do without these guns angel?” he joked, placing the cardboard into the trunk. you rolled your eyes and poked him in the side playfully. “die, probably.”
the butterflies in his stomach kicked up at the underlying sincerity in your voice but he tried his best to overlook it. it was much harder than it seemed, especially when you looked at him with such fondness in your gaze that made him want to kiss you senseless.
gulping hard, he quickly turned away from you, busying himself with fitting your things in the truck like a game of tetris.
“atsumu.” your voice was firm but pleading and he didn’t dare look at you for fear of spilling everything right then and there. “wow, ya sure got a lot of stuff, huh? wonder how much of this was bought with ushijima’s money,” he started to ramble but thankfully he was interrupted by makki whooping as he walked out of the house.
“last box bitches!” you shot atsumu one final worried look before running over to makki and mattsun, yelling the whole way there.
atsumu was grateful your back was to him because he couldn’t hide the affectionate look that overtook his face, a soft smile spreading across his lips as he watched you hip bump your friends while cackling wildly.
god, he was so in love with you.
what was he going to do when you moved out and away? what if you found someone, someone how loved you as much as he did (not possible)? he would wish for your happiness even at the expense of his own but... what if you both could be happy?
caught up in his thoughts, atsumu didn’t register you saying your goodbyes to the remaining members until you were finally in front of him.
“i’m gonna miss living with you tsum.” you unceremoniously launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest. his heart leapt violently at the contact and he prayed to every deity above that you didn’t hear it underneath your head.
he barely managed to hug you back before you pulled away, your eyes slightly teary and red. “um, well, makki and mattsun are waiting for me so uh,” you trailed off looking back at the van and your friends who were so (im)patiently waiting for you to join them.
atsumu’s breath quickened as you scooted a bit away from him, truly getting ready to leave. no, no, it couldn’t end like this, awkward and distant. no, he wasn’t going to let it.
“atsumu?” you asked worriedly, reaching out a hand to touch him when he didn’t respond but he couldn’t hear you. he felt hot all over, like he was going to explode or magically combust if he didn’t get the words out into the air.
“tsum, are you oka-“ “i’m in love with ya.”
you paused, shock written clearly all over your face. the fear of rejection slammed into atsumu like a brick, the feeling settling in the pit of his stomach like a rock but he still didn’t stop.
“i’m in love with ya and i have been for forever. yn, yer beautiful but yer face and body aren’t even the best part of ya, even though they’re pretty damn great. yer just-“
“-yer so kind, especially when ya don’t need ta be. yer badass but ya care fer others so deeply and ya make me wanna be a better person. ya make me a better person. i know ya-“
“tsumu please-“
“-ya probably don’t feel the same and that’s alright but i needed ta tell ya, before ya leave and fall in love with some other scrub, just in case we can be happy together and-“
all of a sudden, your hands were buried in his shirt and you were pulling him close to meet your lips with his, your mouths meshing together in a soft and passionate kiss.
bliss. atsumu was in sheer bliss. your lips were as soft as he thought they would be as they moved with his, his hands coming up to grip your waist and pull you even closer to him.
sooner than he would have liked, his lungs started burning for air so he pulled back but not very far, instead resting his forehead against yours.
“i was trying to tell you i liked you too, idiot,” you muttered, your eyes still closed as you spoke. he chuckled, a wide grin overtaking his entire face as he really took in what you were saying.
you liked him back. you liked him. holy shit.
but instead of saying any of that, he decided to tease you a bit. “just like? if i recall, i just confessed my undying love for ya.”
you pulled back with a faux scoff, hitting him in the arm with a huff. “shut up you ass. of course i love you too.” you couldn’t keep your real smile off your cheeks while you confessed, your soft expression bringing another wave of desire over atsumu’s body.
“can, can i take ya inside angel?” he allowed his true intentions to be heard in his words, your eyes widening when you figured out what he meant. you nodded vigorously before shooting a look to makki and mattsun. mattsun just waved you off and got into his truck while makki yelled, “get that dick!”
you heated up horribly, grabbing atsumu’s hand and pulling him towards the house and to his room. he allowed himself to be dragged along, sending winks to the other boys as he went until the two of you were standing right in front of his door.
“i love ya,” he whispered, lifting your hand to his lips to place a gentle kiss there. you grinned. “love you too tsum.”
that must have been the final straw because the minute the words left your mouth, he was on you.
••• smut begin•••
pressing you up against the door, atsumu ravaged your mouth, his tongue tangling with yours as he walked you backwards into his room, laying you down on the bed so that he was hovering over you, his hips pressing hard against yours.
instinctively, you ground up into him, rewarding you with a loud groan and a gasp of your name. “fuck angel, yer killing me here,” he laughed breathlessly, rolling his hardness against your thigh. you let out a breathy moan and tangled your hands in his hair to bring him back down to your lips.
as you continued to kiss him, his hands scrambled at your waist, pushing his hands under it to grope at your chest. you giggled at the cold of his fingers but he didn’t pay it any mind, moving down from your mouth to your neck, sucking dark marks into the sensitive skin there.
“ah, shit tsumu,” you tilted your head to the side to give him more access, just as he reached under your bra to tease your nipples. a startled gasp left you, your back arching into his careful touch. “that feel good angel?” atsumu asked, voice low and gravelly as he pinched the delicate bud, drawing another noise from your throat.
you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. you bit your bottom lip while he pulled your shirt and bra off, tossing them somewhere in the room. as he scanned your half naked body, he noticed you quieting yourself and he lightly shook his head. his thumb found its way to your lip, carefully pulling it from between your teeth.
“wanna hear ya angel, let me hear yer pretty noises, yeah?” without letting you respond, atsumu dove back into your chest, suckling one of your nipples into his mouth while toying with the other, a sigh of his name sending a bolt of arousal straight to his loins.
he grinded against you absentmindedly, losing himself in you, eventually switching sides to give the same treatment to your neglected bud.
while atsumu seemed to be having the time of his life attached to your tit, you were getting impatient, your arousal completely soaking through your underwear. you needed more.
tangling your fingers in his blond locks, you attempted to tug him away from your chest but his reaction was unlike anything you could’ve expected. “aahh!” he let out a strangled whine, his hips bucking against your side.
“please, tsumu, need more,” you breathed, his needy reaction not lost on you as pulled his hair a bit harder. you were not disappointed as his eyes rolled back and his mouth opened in a silent moan before dropping his head to your shoulder.
“fuck, fuck, okay angel, i got ya, i got ya.” atsumu swiftly disposed of both yours and his bottoms and underwear before lifting your leg and positioning himself at your entrance.
“tell me if i hurt ya, alright? i love ya,” he smiled down on you, your heart swelling two times at his carefulness. “i love you too,” you replied, watching as his pupils grew and a low groan broke free from his chest.
“oh angel, ‘m gonna ruin ya.” that was the last thing he said before he pushed into you, both of you letting out whimpers as he stretched you open, the blunt head of his cock just a few centimeters shy of your cervix.
your back arched in pleasure, both of your hands scrambling until they found purchase on his back, your nails digging in just when he started to thrust shallowly into you.
“f-fuck, how’re ya s-so fuckin’ tight?” atsumu growled through gritted teeth, every word punctuated with a roll of his hips. you couldn’t respond as you were too overwhelmed with pleasure, his cock rubbing against your g-spot with every slow movement.
speaking of slow, he was moving way too leisurely for your tastes. you needed him to move faster and you knew exactly how to do it.
sliding your hand up from his back, you grabbed a good chunk of hair from the back of his head and pulled. his reaction was immediate and oh-so gratifying.
an honest to god whimper poured from his lips and he instantly thrusted all the way into you, his length driving into your g-spot perfectly. you both let out twin moans as he started rocking into consistently, every movement bringing you closer and closer to your peak.
“i love ya, i love ya so fuckin’ much, angel—shit—yer so amazing, i love ya,” atsumu rambled while pounding into you, deep curses and whines of your name interspersed with his declarations of love. if you could speak, you would reciprocate but you were too busy holding on for dear life as he fucked you into oblivion.
desperate for some kind of anchor to reality, you grasped onto his locks again, gripping tightly as drawn-out cries of his name slipped from your open lips. you were close, so close and he knew it too.
“feel ya clenchin’ around me like a good girl, ya gonna cum fer me? gonna cum fer me angel?” atsumu’s hand snaked down between your bodies to rub fast circles on your clit, a shaky sob finding its way out into the open air.
“oh shit, yeah, ‘m g-gonna cum for you tsum, ‘s all for you,” you moaned, clamping down on him sporadically as you started to cum, your vision whiting out and your thighs trembling while you gushed around him.
your mind was floating off when you felt him cum with a shout, his warmth flooding you and spilling out as he collapsed onto your chest.
••• smut over •••
the two of you lied there for a while, attempting to regain your brain and feeling in your legs. you vaguely made note of the wet rag cleaning between your thighs and the following weight falling down beside you but it was only after a few more minutes that you really came back to yourself, rolling over to lay on atsumu’s bare chest.
“holy shit, tsumu,” you said in awe, your boyfriend (!!) laughing at your reaction. “i’m just that good angel, what can i say?”
you groaned and hit him in the chest but you couldn’t keep the smile off your face if you tried. “you are such a menace!”
“only fittin’ that i picked a gremlin ta be with then,” atsumu teased while playing with a piece of your hair. mock offense filled your chest as you sat up, fixing him with your ‘angriest’ glare.
“is that the kind of language you’ll be using in your vows, mister?” you were only joking but when atsumu’s eyes widened and a blush spread across his cheeks, you realized your mistake.
you opened your mouth to apologize or to make some kind of excuse but he beat you to the punch. “ya wanna marry me angel?” he asked, looking so vulnerable with hope shining in his brown irises. you couldn’t bear to lie.
“of course tsum, you’re it for me,” you reached out a hand to caress his cheek and he leaned into it, his own coming up to cup yours and hold it against his face.
“good.” and that was the end of that, that evening’s... extraneous activities having thoroughly tired to the point that you fell completely asleep with your face against one of his pecs.
if you had stayed awake a little longer, you would’ve seen atsumu pull out his phone and start a new note titled, “my angel.”
if i just said i loved you, it would be an understatement. it would be like saying the sun’s surface is just a bit warm or that the arctic is just a little chilly. it would be an injustice to you and to how i truly feel about you. love—
“-is a word that is much too soft and used far too often ta ever describe the fierce, infinite and blazing passion that i have in my heart for ya angel. ya acknowledge my strengths and ya accept my faults. ya make me wanna be a better person every day. so, today i vow ta laugh with ya and comfort ya during times of joy and times of sorrow. i promise ta always pursue ya, ta fight for ya, and love ya unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life. ya are my best friend and i’m the luckiest person on earth ta call ya mine- wait are ya crying?"
the audience burst into laughter as you frantically tried to wipe away your tears, punching atsumu softly on the arm. “of course i am, you ass.”
the officiant cleared his throat, grabbing both of your attentions. “it is the bride’s turn to give her vows. if you may?”
you nodded and atsumu already felt like crying. again. he’d cried that morning while getting dressed and then again when you walked down the aisle in the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. now, as he watched you pull a folded piece of paper out of your bra, he knew he’d made the right decision in confessing to you, all those years ago.
he also knew he was definitely going to cry again.
“atsumu, falling for you wasn’t falling at all—it was walking into a house and knowing that you’re home. today, i want to make you promises that i will always keep. i promise to never stop holding your hand or accepting your kisses. i promise to not hit you too hard when you insult me or call me a gremlin. i promise to share my food with you, to never go to bed angry, and to try and understand your obsession with professional men’s volleyball. i promise to love, respect, protect and trust you, and give you the best of myself, for i know that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. i choose you. i’ll choose you over and over and over, without pause, without doubt, i’ll keep choosing you.
i used to never truly enjoy moments because i was always waiting for what's next. the next thing horrible thing to happen. now that i have you, i enjoy the moment. every moment.
today seems like it's the start of a new journey, but i already belong to you. falling for you wasn't falling at all—it was walking into a house and knowing you're home. i love you.”
and at least in this lifetime
we’re sticking together
me and my husband
we’re sticking together
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smallesttits · 3 years
◇Horrible Liars finish last◇
Bored. So ima post this lol.
Smut baby: smut.
°in this lil mf Ginny and her dramatic and ungrateful ass doesn't exist, you are the new and improved y/n°
If I'm being honest, I didnt finish this show sooooooo
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I laid on my soft bed, bored as hell with nothing to do and nobody to talk to. I mean I guess I could go call max, but am I really in the mood to go hang out with a bunch of girls who do irresponsible things nonstop and think it's perfectly fine? Not really, no.
I pick up my phone and see a couple messages and snaps from group chats and hunter.
Jesus Christ hunter is annoying.
I sigh, throwing my phone back onto my bed and roll onto my stomach, pushing my face into the covers.
The window creeps open making me squeal in fright.
"relax, it's just me." Marcus silences me quickly.
"what are you doing??" I frown, getting up and walking over to the door on the opposite side of the room and locking it. Just in case you know?
"max is boring, and everyone else seems to have other plans. Came to see what you were up to." He answered, leaning against the wall beside the window.
"well as you can see I'm obviously doing nothing, so why don't you just get on your way and go annoy someone else." I roll my eyes, picking my phone up again and seeing more group chat texts and snaps from hunter. Again. Im this close to blocking this dude.
"Mhm.." he mumbles, sliding over near me while I snap hunter back, me holding up the middle finger and saying 'stop fucking snapping me boy'
He slides his hands down my waist, and nuzzles his head into my dry curls.
"Marcus what-"
"Just go with it babe," he grins Into my hair, now moving his hands to my leggings, and popping the elastic around my waist.
I gasped, and leaned my head back, on his chest as he continued to invade my pants.
"M-Marcus we shouldn't be doing this," I moan out when he goes under my underwear and starts to slightly massage my clit.
"Mhm, yeah. We shouldn't," he agreed smirking again, not stopping his slow movements. I arched my back against the bed, quietly moaning and shutting my legs around his hand. He grunts and pulls his hand away from my clit, now prying my legs open forcefully.
"Marcus wait-" I went to push him away, but he snatched off my leggings a once, snapping the small band of my underwear after. It tingled and burned, but the pleasure he soon gave me blocked it away.
His soft, drying lips connected to my clitoris, sucking it into his mouth quickly. My leg muscles tightened, and I reached down to pull at his long black hair. My phone starts to blare, and I whimper as I reach for it.
Expecting Marcus to stop his sucking, he never failed to. His finger came up to tap my excessively wet entrance, and I squirmed in his hold.
Hunter: hey, what are you up to?
Hunter: y/n?
Hunter: you usually answer fast.. am I interrupting something?
Hunter: ok sorry, I shouldn't accuse you of anything until we talk.
Hunter: y/n?
Hunter: I'm sorry, answer me please
Hunter: are you going to the sophomore sleepover?
3 notifications from Hunter🗣on snapchat
I groaned in annoyance, which quickly turned into a yelp of pleasure when Marcus shoved his finger deep into me.
"Aww, hunter spamming you again? Hm?" He asked rhetorically, knowing exactly what was going on.
I placed my phone down and rolled my eyes, just enjoying the feeling of him going down on me.
My phone blared once more, a phone call. I panicked, picking it up and immediately answering without checking the caller id.
"Y/n? Why arent you answering? What are you doing? I ask a-" hunter blew up, asking a million questions as she just listened and tried to let no sounds of pleasure out.
Marcus wouldnt stop, like his life depended on it.
Cutting hunter off, I said a quick and quiet hello, trying to think of a lie I could make up to not be suspicious.
"Answer my questions y/n. What are you doing?" He demanded. I whimpered, obviously not from his words. But from the sight in front of me as I sat perched on my elbows.
"I just woke u-up ok? My m-moms gonna kill me if she find o-out I'm on the phone t-this late! Sorry, i-i gotta g-go," I moaned the last part, as marcus' long finger jabbed my g-spot. Hanging up immediately, my head fell back as i moaned loudly, cumming on his face, fingers and my bed.
Falling almost limp, I beg for air as I stare at the ceiling. Marcus crawls up and on top on me, holding me to him before flipping so I was on top of him.
"Your a horrible liar, you know that right?" He sighed, bringing his fingers up to my mouth. He tapped them, making me suck my juices off of him. He grinned and licked his fingers after, reaching down to cradle my ass.
"What do you mean? I'm not a bad liar," I lied, looking at him.
"Its 7pm, y/n." He simply stated, laughing out.
Yall might hate me because this ain't my normal content butttt it was in my drafts for about 2 months so I mostly edited it and yeahhhh
Suck it up if you don't like it lol
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
What is something you can say to they boys to break them, like something so mean and hurtful that they may cry?
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As punishment for making me sad I’m doing this to the sweethearts
Warning: this is dark, like darling hates the yans and doesn’t care about their feelings at all.
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You and mateo don’t like to fight, things get heated and he does t quite know how to dial it down once he get to that point. The argument was pretty dumb, you two couldn’t even remember why you were mad.
“You always do this!” You snapped out, your angry tone making him twitch lightly the noise making his head spin..he couldn’t handle yelling, it reminded him of his childhood.
“What do I do wrong? I love you! I worship the ground you walk on but it’s never enough!” He hissed out with a shaky bitter laugh “I-it’s like you hate me..” he whispers out lowly.
“I do hate you! I hate your stupid spotted face! I wouldn’t be so angry all the time if i was dating someone smart but instead I get you! You’re so stupid and dumb and ugly!” your anger startled him.
Mateo was silent as he looked at his arms in utter horror, the sight of the pale splotches all over his body made tears run down his face, you thought he was stupid..everyone thought he was stupid.
Mateo did the only thing that made him feel better..sob his eyes out now scratching at the blotches, blood dripping down his arms. “What the hell are you doing?!” You snapped out in annoyance.
“I-if I carve them out then you won’t hate me, r-right?! If I just carve them out then I’ll stop being ugly?!” He hissed out with a whimper as he dropped onto his knees suddenly biting and clawing at his skin
“I hate myself, stupid stupid stupid!” He sobbed out, suddenly letting out loud wailing of sorrow as he banged his head on the ground “stop..being..stupid!” He snapped out with each hit, the sickening cracking noise startling you.
Angering Hikaru was an easy job, simply talk back and an argument is crafted but this time was different. You were done cowering in fear, he hurts you so many times that it was time for payback.
“Damn it, piggy I’m talking to you! Stop fucking ignoring me!” He snapped out before gripping your arm, yanking you closer only for you to slap his hand off utter disgust in your eyes.
“Maybe if you weren’t an annoying little shit you parents wouldn’t have whored you out when you were just a toddler!” You snapped out, Hikaru tensed up body shaking as he stared at you in shock.
“W-what..” he whispers out softly, the anger that was once in his voice replaced with a soft hurt tone. “The only thing you’re useful for is being a quick fuck! It’s not like anyone will actually love you, so why don’t you go and do the only thing you’re good at, leave me the hell alone while you’re at it” you sneered out.
There was a few seconds of silence before a soft sniffle escaped Hikaru who now held his head down in shame. All those filthy feelings he felt before came rushing back to him.
“I-I’m only good for..” he whispers out before starting to cry, Hikaru was someone who prides himself in not sobbing but here he was crying “I-is that all I’m really good for?! B-being a whore?!” He hissed out.
All that modeling work he’s done was to put his own name out there but none of that mattered, all he would ever be known for was a dirty whore..the utter thought drove Hikaru insane.
Yuuji and Yuuta:
You wanted them to hurt, like how they always hurt you. You knew exactly where to hit and how hard to hit it. “Come on, you have to eat..p-please” Yuuta begged out as he tried feeding you. You were extra bratty so they had to tie you up, something that happened quite often. You were silent, making Yuuta sigh as he untied you “here, now will you eat?”
“You’ll never be a real boy yknow..” you whispered out to him, that single statement making Yuuta freeze up..eyes wide as he stared at you in shock “wait..h-huh?” He said lowly with a forced smile “is this a joke or-”
“You’re just a girl playing dress up, a little girl who is still scared of her family” you said coldly as you rubbed your wrists. “S-stop, that’s not true..I’m a boy, a-a strong guy! So just stop it” Yuuta snapped out, body shaking as you stepped towards him with no fear.
“No matter what you say, you still have that slight feminine figure, girly face, and of course the obvious..the parts of a girl. You’ll never actually be a boy.”
Yuuta felt his chest tighten up, he hasn’t felt dysphoria in years but that horrible feeling made him wheeze as your words drilled into his head. His hands went straight to his chest, they were gone but for some reason it’s almost as if he could still feel them there..not enough. He didn’t feel masculine at all.
“No, n-no no no you’re wrong, I-I’m a..I’m a..” Yuuta couldn’t even say it without starting to cry, his head was starting to hurt as he panicked. “I-I need…Y-Yuuji!” Yuuta sobbed out, it was only a matter of seconds til the younger twin came rushing to his aid. “Woah! Hey, Y-Yuuta?! What’s wrong, are you hurt?” Yuuji hissed out as he hugged his brother close to his chest.
“I-it’s back! I-it’s back, I-I can’t take it. I’m a boy right?! I-I’m a boy..n-not a girl..” Yuuta was an utter mess, sobbing and shaking as he clinged to Yuuji’s shirt. “Of course you are! You are the strongest guy I know, so please..stop crying” Yuuji whispers out, angry tears in his eyes as he glared your way.
“What the fuck did you do to my Yuuta!?”
“Please stop screaming..” yuki whispers out lowly as he looked away, flinching at every time your voice raised. “I can’t handle you screaming..” he added out as he glanced your way. You were screaming at him about something..the moment you started to yell he completely forget what you were mad at and was just focused on getting you to stop.
“Stop giving me those puppy dog eyes as if you are so damn innocent and pure! You have a rotting demon in you you, you can never be good! All you do is destroy and ruin thing!”
Your words made yuki shudder, eyes wide as he processed your words. “Demon..?” He whispers out with a shaky sigh, how could you be so cruel?! Yuki hugged himself, a low laugh escaping him which quickly turned into soft sobs that only got louder the more hurt he became.
Of course, he was a demon how could he forget that..he wasn’t supposed to be born! Yuki, who was now on his knees sobbing his eyes out bowed at your feet.
“K-kill me, im begging you” he said softly now looking up at you with the most distraught expression. “Im a lowly demon not worthy of living, j-just a filthy abomination” he hissed out as he looked at his hands. The reason he loved drawing and doing tattoos was cause he adored the thought of creating art..but if you deem him a demon it must be so.
Rin was someone who usually laughed instead of cried, but you knew exactly where to push to get him to sob and break. “Are you trying to make me mad? Pfft silly thing that won’t work” Rin cooed out with a laugh as he watched you only get angrier.
“God you are so fucking childish! That’s why I’m glad I cheated!” You snapped out, making him pause his laughing his expression faltering “h-huh?” He said with a forced grin, your statement surprising him. “Your brother is a way better lover than you anyways, in all aspects” you sneered out.
“H-hey if you are trying to make me mad, it’s working so just stop.”
“What part are you not getting!? I don’t love you, I won’t ever love you so just leave me alone already!” You snapped out angrily, there were a few seconds of silence before rin flashed a grin “wowww~ someone’s grumpy! I’ll let you get some air but afterwards we’re talking bout this okay??” He cheers out before walking off.
A sniffling escaped him as he walked off, now covering his mouth with his hand as tears ran down his cheeks, the thought of you with ren in the most intimate ways made both rage and sorrow filling his body..he wanted to puke.
Salem didn’t really focus on your insults too much since they were surface level. He would shrug it off and continue to be his normal wild self, that was until you two really got into it.
“This is why no one wanted you! Why every person who got close to you gave you away! Who would ever choose you!” Your angry remark made Salem flinch, now biting at his fingers that he was sucking on before.
He was silent now chewing on his hand as he thought about what you said..it was true. His mother, Hikaru, you, who would ever want him? Salem let blood drip down his chain as he tried to contain himself but laughter escaped him, he calmly walked to the nearest wall now slamming his head against it.
He hated these thoughts, he wanted to go away. He just wanted all these gross feelings to go away already, he hated thinking..so if he hit his head a few more times he wouldn’t have to think and feel anymore. His laughter only for more crazed yet sad as he slammed his head against the wall over and over. “Go..away, go away…” he cried out over and over as tears streamed down his face.
“You need to calm down, you’re getting worked up here!” Zeke snapped as he eyed you worriedly. You two were fighting and you were getting a little too angry, he was worried about saying something he didn’t mean.
“You are so fucking gullible! Do you have any balls or something!? You try to play the nice guy but it wasn’t prince who killed all those people! It was all you! Just you! And I’m starting to think you liked it! So stop pretending to be good and so damn innocent”
Zeke tensed up, taking a step back as your words hit him. “W-why the fuck would you say that?!” He hissed out, that wasn’t true..he wasn’t bad. He was a good guy! He went to protests he donates to charities, he’s sweet and loving he does all he can to be a good person! Even still with all that the memories of that night are still so fresh.
“I-I’m a good guy..I’m a good person” he said softly as tears ran down his face, a shaky laugh escaping him “I’m a good person I’m a good person I’m a good person” he whispers out again and again, now looking to you for comfort “I’m a good person right?!” He said with a devastating expression.
“No, you’re not. You are a horrible awful person, worse than prince” You said shrarply, the final nail in the coffin.
Zeke gulped as he felt an overwhelming sarrow, more tears and cries coming from him. “N-no no no no..y-you’re wrong..so wrong” he sobbed out, the mixture of laughing and crying coming from him
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Do you still love me?
Hello lovelies! Today I am back with a angst piece but a happy ending don't fret too much! I was really thinking about making it end horribly or leaving it up to the readers imagination but I decided nahh i couldn't do that to my heart. So here Bakugou and his s/o who fell out of love??(or did they??) when then have a large family in the mix. I have also decided im kind of obsessed with domestic pieces lol, they are like more than half of all my posts. Anywho, reader is neutral hope you guys enjoy!
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
You and Bakugou call its quits not thinking of what it would do to your 5 kids who are stuck in the middle
Words:  3606
“Are we going to dad’s today?” Hiroyuki asked softly.
“Yeah, your going to spend the weekend with him, all of you.” You smiled at him.
“Can I bring Tokki?” He said looking at the ground already knowing your answer.
“We went over this last time baby, Daddy can't have pets at his new place and Tokki is a cat, he likes staying at home.” You said with a sigh. It really sucks that it came down to this, spend a week with you then a weekend with dad, then rinse repeat. Sometimes you even wondered if it was better. That’s what you and Bakugou told each other, I mean what else can you do when you fall out of love? You approached your car where all of your other children were waiting. You and Hiroyuki sat down and signaled the diver to go.
“We going to daddy’s right?” Kohana said as she bounced around in her seat. You booped her nose and nodded at her.
“Yay, daddy’s home!” Yoko said, clapping.
“Don't get excited Yoko, Dad’s probably busy. Were probably gonna be with Grandpa and Grandma.” Hiroyuki said playing with your fingers.
“You're so dramatic Yuki! Of course dad is busy! He is a Hero but he always makes time for us.” Your oldest said little explosion going off around her.
“Kaori.” You warned her with a stern voice. The little sparks calmed and she went back to quietly gazing out the window. 
“Your dad is a hero and therefore busy but I know he is very excited to see you all and will spend all the time he has with you.” You smiled at them. They all smiled back before going back into relative silence. When you and Bakugou decided to have a big family you were ecstatic and so was he. This, however, wasn't what you imagined. A tiny rift right threw your family and it was growing bigger everyday. When you told the kids about the spilt they didnt say much and the youngest ones didnt even really understand but as they lived through it, they changed. They formed their own opinions about who’s fault it is and why it happened. And now they were splitting up, there was Kaori the eldest who didn't care too much, Yoko, and Kohana. At the opposite end was Hiroyuki, just him. Your fragile little boy who was so sure it was his dad’s fault. Saiyuri was too young to choose a side but all the change wasn't really helping the 11th month old baby.
“We have arrived.” The diver announced. You thanked him while getting everyone out of the seats and exiting the car. Bakugou lived in an apartment now at the tippy top of course. It was a long and loud elevator ride as your kids were antsy to see their dad. When it opened Bakugou was standing there waiting for them and was immediately met with an armful of girls.
“Daddy! I missed you so much!” Kohana said almost in tears.
“Misses Daddy.” Yoko echoed her sister.
“Yeah, I missed all you brats too, you better have been on your best behavior! You have to keep up the Bakugou reputation.” He teased them
“Of course we have! I'm still number one in my quirk development classes. Yuki has the best grades in all of his grade. Kohana is reading at a 3rd grade level already and Yoko and Saiyuri are everyone's favorite at the Daycare!” Kaori said with vigor.
“Yeah, your all Bakugou’s for sure.” He chuckled at them. He turned to talk to Hiroyuki but he was gone. You heard a door shut, he was probably already in his room.
“I've got homework to do dad and them we should do something all together!” Kaori said kissing his check before taking off. Her sisters followed her as usual.
“How long do you think he’ll be like that?” Bakugou asked you with a sigh.
“Honestly I don't know, it's not like I tell him awful things about you. Maybe it would have been better if we did cause then he would have one thing to be angry about, one event, It would be easier than him just being angry at you.” You said placing Saiyuri onto the ground to walk around.
“They’re so mature and smart I forget they’re so young. Hell we don't understand why it happened, you can't just pinpoint a time where you fell outta love, it’s gradual. So how can we expect them too.” Bakugou said, sounding in pain.
“Yeah, sucks they had to witness it. I’ve got to go meet up with someone but just… He thinks you’re going to call your parents and abandon them to do Hero work. I know you can't put off everything but I think he just wants to know that for once he can come first to you.” You said as you kissed Saiyoui’s forehead. You were about to enter the elevator when a weight crashed into you. You didn't have to look down too far to see Hiroyuki hugging you.
“Take care of Tokki, please.”
“Yes and you make sure you and your sisters behave for your dad.” He sighed but nodded at you. You gave him one last hair ruffle before leaving. You couldn't help but think this wasn't ever gonna get any easier. You sighed before heading to the next destination, a café to meet with a few of your friends.
“Y/N!” You heard a voice call to you as soon as you opened the door. You identified the voice as Mina.
“Mina! Long time no see!” You said giving her a hug.
“Y/n, dear come sit down.” Momo said smiling at you, you sat down with the group.
“How are you doing.” Mina asked you cautiously
“I’m surprisingly doing awful, I see Bakugou too much to truly get over him. The kids are still adjusting to us being apart and Hiroyuki has been really upset and distant. I thought breaking up would fix a lot but it just made everything worse.” You sighed out.
“Well of course it did!!!” Urakara whisper yelled.
“You and Bakugou called it quits way too soon! I've never seen someone handle Bakugou the way you do. I’ve never seen anyone love him like you. Hell Bakugou loves you so much it’s ridiculous! Do you remember when he was gonna put his hero work on hold because of Kaori! I’m sorry y/n but I’m not buying this fell out of love thing.” Deku rushed out.
“Mm I’d have to agree. If there is anything I’ve learned from being friends with Bakugou it’s that he never half ass anything and if he put time into it he’s gonna see it through till the end so, logically it doesn’t make sense.” Todoroki said quietly.
“Yeah so what’s your side of the story?” Mina asked carefully.
“I… loved him, you know and when we had kids it only intensified but now it’s different. Bakugou is a great dad don’t get me wrong but he’s absent and that was fine when it was just me, Kaori, Hiroyuki, and Kohana but now there is Yoko and Saiyuri. It’s hard when they all have different school times and different needs cause of their ages. It’s hard because I had to put part of my life on hold, I went to UA too and I was supposed to be one of the greatest support people out there, every agency would want me. But it was Bakugou’s dream first so I sacrificed it all in a heartbeat. Over the years he just got more busy and I got more left behind. I’m tired of waiting up till 3am to make sure he’s alright knowing I have to be up at 7 to get the kids ready for school. I… love him and I don’t want to argue with him and I could feel myself growing angry at him, feel myself growing resentful. So I brought it up under the disguise of “do you still love me” and he said No… so that was that and we were done the next week.” You said not meeting their eyes. They just looked at you with wide eyes.
“Y/n I’m sorry, I didn’t know you felt like this.” Momo said softly.
“It’s fine, he is the love of my life and our kids are my everything so I would do it all again, just for them.” You smiled with a few tears cascading down your face.
“You haven’t tried to talk to him about this, you still love him, you guys can fix this.” Deku said almost mumbling.
“But he doesn’t love me and so there is nothing to talk about. Now come on let’s talk about something else. You can hear sob stories like mine anytime.” You waved them off. They were hesitant but the conversation did pick up about their lives and your time at UA, at least the happy parts. The rest of your two days without your kids were a blur. You just remember waking up with your phone going off a Monday.
“Hello is this Bakugou Y/n?” A women’s said. The title hurt just a bit.
“Yes it is.” You responded drowsily.
“I am very sorry you have to receive a call like this but your son Bakugou Hiroyuki has been rushed to the hospital, his sister did refuse to leave his side so she is there as well.” You were silent before hanging up and immediately calling Bakugou.
“What’s up?” He rushed out. He sounded panicked so he must have gotten a call too.
“I need you to pick up Yoko and Saiyuri.” You said rushing to put in on your clothes.
“What? But yuki is in the hospital, we’ve got to be there.” He said 
“Yes but they are done with daycare in.” You paused to look at the clock on your way out the door. “A hour. If we don’t get them now we’ll have to leave him to get them.” You said finally in your car.
“Yeah and he would rather be with you than me…” he trailed off.
“I didn’t say that.” You rushed out
“You didn’t need to, I'll get them and be there as soon as I can.” He said hanging up. You sighed and continued your drive to the hospital. When you got there you rushed to the room where you looked in and saw your son unconscious and Kaori laying next to him.
“So he is going to be okay, we do want him to remain here for another day or two.” The doctor said to you, smiling.
“Okay but what’s wrong with him.” 
“Well he hasn’t been eating or drinking or sleeping enough, especially for a boy experiencing his growth spurt. Pair that with how much he has been using his quirk in class and you have a pretty bad situation.” She said as if it was nothing to worry about.
“Uhhh okay so we just need to make sure he is eating and drinking right?” You said pacing a little.
“Yeah and I would figure out what made him stop. Your daughter was very adamant about it not being abuse just that there was something going on at home and he is trying to deal with it.” The doctor said as you froze thinking you did this to him.
“Just a divorce…” you trailed off.
“Yeah that will do it but I don’t need to know about it. It's your business just make sure to talk to him so you don’t end up back here.” She said before leaving, you let out a few tears before heading into the room. Noticing you, Kaori got up and was hugging you tighter than she ever had.
“Did you know he wasn’t taking care of himself?” You asked, stroking her hair. She shook her head no.
“I didn’t either, I didn’t know it was hitting him so hard… you know you can ask me about anything, tell me anything… me and your dad will always be in your corner.” You said lifting her chin so you gazed into her eyes.
“But you're both not in our corner anymore. You guys are in to different corners and it’s hard to keep up with two different houses and two different.. well everything’s.” She said looking away from you.
“I never meant to you guys to feel like this, I just…” You trailed off but before you could finish Hiroyuki tossed and turned in his bed.
“Yuki sweetie, can you hear me?” You said as you rushed to his side.
“Mmm.” He said, he’s eyes still shut in pain.
“Oh baby, i'm so sorry I didn't notice you were in pain. It’s never gonna happen again, okay? Do you need something?” You said stroking his hair, he hummed before falling back to sleep. You sighed and kissed his forehead.
“So whats up with him?” Bakugou rushed into the room with the girls in his arms.
“He hasn’t been eating, or drinking, or sleeping. So when he used his quirk it drained his body and he’s here for 1 or 2 more days.” You said eyes never leaving his.
“That's impossible, he was just with me… he… didn't eat very much.” He trailed off. You hummed at him understanding how he was felling as you missed the signs too.
“Hey, girls I texted Grandma and Grandpa and they said they miss you so much. So while we take care of Yuki how about you guys go see them, yeah? Mr. Yuri is waiting to take you.” You smiled at them. You see a fire rise in Kaori but it goes out quick as Bakugou ruffles her hair.
“Okay then, be good for them and don't cause too much trouble. Mr. Yuri will pick up Kohana, Kaori please explain what's happening to her. And don't worry, we’ll see you real soon.” You said waving the girls out of the room. When they were out of sight you and Bakugou visually deflated. 
“Katsuki, how does this keep happening?” You asked him
“How do things keep getting worse, first the break up, then the kids being mad at each other, Yuki’s anger at you, and now this.” You cried out.
“The break up was bad to you?” He asked voice cracking.
“Why wouldn't it be, Katsuki I know you don't love me anymore but I…” You trailed off
“Would you just spit it out dumbass! This is why we didn't work out because you never say shit. You just bottle it up and never lean on me or depend on me the way I do to you. You used to say “we're a team” all the time but in the last 2 years you haven't said it once. It was you who fell out of love with me so don't pretend like it was so hard for you.” He yelled at you.
“This is why we don't talk Katsuki, all you wanna do is yell and project all the feelings you bottle up from working so goddamn much. Of course it was hard on me and you would know why if you could drop your ego and talk to me like you can tolerate being around me or love me!” You yelled back at him but before the argument could turn into a big screaming match your sons voice rang out.
“Would you two just stop it…” He said weakly.
“Yuki, im sorry we shouldn't have been yelling even if you were asleep.” Bakugou said caressing his check. At the touch Hiroyuki let out the tears he’s been holding in.
“Its us isn't it?” He paused to look at you. “Me and my sisters… You had Kaori and me pretty young and you didn't really get to be young. You had all of us before you really got to live together just the two of you.. And Uncle Izuku and Auntie Urakara's relationship is doing fine even though they started to date around the same time as you, difference is they just started having kids like 4 years ago… Im 12 and Kaori is 13. So its us isnt?…” He said curling into himself.
“Kid, I'm not gonna lie to you, having you and Kaori at the ages we did was a nightmare. We were barely out of school, we lived with my parents for a while cause we didn't have jobs or a place of our own and even we did get one it was a shitty hole in the wall place but even at the young age of 19 we pulled our shit together and made it work so when you came a year later we were a lot more prepared. Yes we did miss out on a lot of things people our age did but we had you and Kaori and that was so much better than party’s and hangovers. Then we decided to have Kohana, Yoko, and Saiyuri and you all make us so happy. You all have nothing, not a damn thing to do with what's going on between me and y/n. If we ever made you feel like you did we didn't mean to. We love you so much and I am so sorry if we ever made it seem like it was your fault.” Bakugou said, eyes boring into Hiroyuki’s. Hiroyuki looked at you and you nodded to show you agreed with Bakugou.
“Don't ever forget how much we love you, okay? Now you should eat, we’ll get you anything you want.” You said wiping your tears with a smile.
“If it's not too much trouble, I want you and dad’s spicy pork curry and you guys should take some to the girls.” He said drowsily.
“But in order to make that we both would have to leave since it's a meal we make together… we couldn't leave you here alone.” You said mostly to yourself before any could say anything else a new voice was heard entering the room.
“You guys go talk and make him some food, ill stay with him. I didn't watch you guys terribly flirt and kiss everywhere just for it to end over some miscommunications.” Aizawa said as he took the seat next to Hiroyuki. Aizawa had remained close with a lot of students from 1A, becoming like a second dad but he had been extra close with you and Bakugou. When Kaori came into the equation he was like a nanny to her and it only increased when Hiroyuki was born, the two having a really strong bond so neither you or Bakugou was shocked he showed up.
“Okay, then old man. Watch my kid.” Bakugou said, grabbing your hand and pulling you away. You almost forgot what his calloused hand felt like. He drug you to his car and the car ride was mostly silent. The talking began when you began to cook in the house you used to share.
“Do you love me?” You asked as you cut pork
“Yes, I love you. I never stopped, I am in love with you y/n. Today I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.” He said slicing onions.
“Then why did you say that, say that you didn't love me.”
“Because I could see it, you don't look at me the same. We don't talk the way we used to. I don't want to string you along and make you hate being with me, because I love you more than life itself. And I was scared that one day you would wake up and you wouldn't need me and realize how easy it would be to leave me. That it would be my fault we ended because I was so focused on me I didn't see your pain. Scared that I would wake up and gaze into your eyes and find no love or joy in them. So I decided to let you go… I was thinking we just needed a break but you suggested a divorce and I agreed because I would do anything to make sure you keep that beautiful smile of yours. Even if you weren't smiling at me anymore… do you..” He said calmly, growing more emotional with each word.
“Yea, I never ever stopped. I was just tired, I am tired. But I want nothing more than for us to work… we can get through this, can't we?” You asked cautiously.
“Of course we can, we are Bakugous, we can do whatever the hell we want. And it will be different this time, we’ll talk about things and communicate better, I swear. I aint seeing a shrink though.” He said flicking water at you to make his last point more effective.
“Yes we are.” You giggled at him.
“No we aren't, you shitty dumbass. We don't need help, I can talk about my feelings without some dumb wanna be life coach.” He yelled as he began to wash the rice.
“Well we don't have to but I guess that means Zuku and Urakara have a better relationship than us since they go to counseling…” you trailed off with a shrug.
“Oh fuck you!” He roared at you, you giggled knowing he would now go. This was the most normal you felt in months, the happiest for sure. Just maybe things would be okay, and who were you kidding you could never fall out of love with the spiky haired explosion boy no matter what he did. It was toxic in a way but you could unpack that in the therapy sessions you were gonna force him to attend.
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jaesahiluvr · 3 years
Barista Boy
Genre : fluff to angst kind of trope 🤨
pairing :yoshi x reader
Summary: surprise;))
warnings : lil bit of cursing , misspelled words and wrong grammars 💔
a/n: okay look guys , i was really skeptical in posting this but fuck ittt ik it kinda sucks but hopefully you’ll love it 😭 i recommend to listen to ur angst playlist at the last part hehehehe enjoy luvs <33 you can also ask for requests hihi i’ll try my best if i can!
It was around 8pm when me and my friends decided to go to the café that was near my apartment to finish our work. We arrived and looked for a seat to sit on. I asked my friends their orders since I was always the one ordering for them. I got their orders and went to the counter. When I got there , there was this tall , handsome guy and he had a cute eye smile “ Hi maam! Welcome to Café Prince! What can I get for you today?” I was dozing off for a second admiring his face then he asked me again. “Oh right. Three iced americanos please.” I said shyly realizing i was staring at his face for too long “ Great! Order coming right up.”
I thanked him and left and went back to my friends. “Wow okay guys , that barista boy was hella cute.” I uttered. my friends: shocked “ Wow finally y/n after five fucking years” they cheered. “Dude chill , I don’t like him like that. He was just cute.” I denied “OH COME ON WE KNOW YOU! Don’t worry girl I know who he is” my friend said while smirking at me “He’s Yoshinori , he goes to the same school as us and he’s just a year older.” Interesting. I never saw him at our school though. But I didn’t really care , our orders came and we worked in silence trying not to breakdown on how hard our project was.
Two hours passed by and my friends had to leave because of curfew. Well I stayed since my apartment was just nearby and I lived alone. I was finishing my work and suddenly I heard a voice. “Too busy huh” the boy said “Well yeah , I have few more days to finish this up lol” I scratched the back of my neck “Oh okay , well anyway just wanted to let you know that we’re closing in 15 mins.” He announced “Oh right sorry , I’ll better get going now. Thanks!” I waved him a small goodbye and left.
Next morning ☕️
RING RING RING. My alarm clock yelling at me. “Oh god what time is it” me panicking. “Holy shit! Fuck im late.” I quickly got up washed my face and brushed my teeth , gathered my stuff and ran to my car. Me frustrated. Great ofcourse it’s traffic my profffesor is gonna yell at me again for sure. When I got there I ran as fast I could until I bumped into someone. “Ouch omg I am so sorr-“ stopping throughout my words I saw Yoshi trying to help me up. “Oh hey y/n , it’s you” he said. “So sorry but I have to go already I’m running late” I ran before he could say anything else.
“Late again Ms. L/N” my professor looking at me disappointedly “Make sure this is the last time l/n.” she said “Yes maam , I’m sorry” my classmates all looking at me. I went to take my seat while trying to catch up at the lesson. But I suddenly remembered what happened awhile ago. Wait. How did he know my name? I never told him. Weird but I shrugged it off and continued to listen to the lesson.
Once it was over I went to the library with my friends chatting and eating while trying to finish our unfinished works. I wanted to take a break so I went around the library and I happened to see Yoshi again. “ Hey y/n , what are you looking for?” he greeted me with a small smile on his face. That smile.
“Wait how do you know my name?” I questioned him. “Oh sorry if that came off as creepy , we’re actually in the same art club! I happened to see your name and face on the members lists” No way. I looked horrible in that picture that was like taken 2 years ago ugh.
“Oh really , I’m new so i didn’t know you we’re in the art club!”
“You must be so talented though!” He complimented me. That honestly gave me intense butterflies in my stomach. “Oh nahh , you must be!” We both chuckled. “Well , see you in art class later!” I said and left.
“Where were you?” my friends asking me. “Oh me i-I was just roaming around” I didn’t wanna tell them I saw Yoshi again because they will for sure tease me the whole day.
We left and went back to class. Finally it was art class time. I was pretty excited to see him again. So I hurriedly went to the Art Room. There I saw him sitting down doodling something. When he noticed I was there he picked a seat beside me and asked me a bunch of questions. Wow he’s talkative. To me. Only. Because I noticed that he was quiet when someone else asks him a question or tries to start a conversation with him. Weird but whatever. After listening and sketching I didn’t realize I fell asleep.
What I didn’t noticed was Yoshi secretly admiring and drawing my sleeping face. “she’s cute” he muttered. I was woken up by Yoshi telling me that the class was over. “oh crap I fell asleep?” “Yeah and you were snoring really loud” he jokingly said chuckling “Hey! I don’t snore” I gently smacked his shoulder making him laugh. We left and before I could say goodbye he asked me if we could hangout soon. That was surprising , but he seems like a pretty cool dude and we both like the same things so I agreed. I waved him a goodbye and went home.
The next day there was no school so I texted Yoshi that we could meet up today. I got his number when we were chatting at art class. He agreed and we met up at the café where he worked at. “Hey you look great!” he complimented but I was literally was just wearing a black sweatpants and an oversized shirt. “Thanks! you too.” we went inside the café to drink some coffee and asked him where he wanted to go. “Oh I know this place where we could ride bikes , eat streetfoods and stargaze” He said excitedly “Oh wow that sounds fun!” his words making me excited too. After talking for about 15 minutes we decided to go. He offered to use his car and we finally went. I couldn’t help but look at him while he’s driving. He looked so good. I smiled to myself making him glance at me. “Are you okay?” He asked “Oh yeah I’m fine.” Looking at the window biting my lower lip.
When we finally arrived , the view was so pretty. First we rented bikes and rode it around the place. It was so fun. We were laughing and talking and I swear I won’t ever forget this night. We grabbed some food after and sat down on the grass. Star gazing. That felt more like a date. Out of nowhere he said something that made me go insane. “You’re so beautiful , you know?” Oh my god. “What?” I couln’t say anything and was just looking around “ Oh uh nevermind” he tried changing the topic and we continued to talk. But obvy that didn’t help me forget what he said because I clearly heard it. But anyway , we both had a great time. Then we went home. “Thanks for hanging out with me y/n. I had a great time.” He said “Ofcourse! Me too , take care.” I hopped of his car. “Wanna hangout again ?” He nervously asked “Ofcourse!” I said “Great , I’ll see you again. Goodnight y/n.” I smiled and said goodnight.
When I got to my room , I washed up and changed clothes. I couldn’t help but smile and jump around like an idiot about what just happened today. Did he seriously called me beautiful? The dinosaurs in my stomach wildinnn. But anyway , I posted pics of us on my Instagram stories and Yoshi and me we’re mutuals so obviously he would see it too. What I didn’t see coming was my friends going insane in replying to my stories.
@sahiclouds : finallyyy our y/n datingg 😛😛
@user847563683: omggggg
@hachichan: Y/NNN I knew it !!! 😠😠
@nariluvsu: you whoreeeeee finallyyyyy 😬
I replied to their crazy replies and suddenly Yoshi replied aswell.
@yoshinori_ : had fun with you too , pretty
OH MY FUCKING GODDODKDJHSEKGFWGFWG. I was going insane as soon as I saw his reply , thinking what to reply I thought about a reply that took me about 15 minutes.
@yncafee : that’s great , pretty boy <3
UH HELLO I had to come up with something that can make him go crazy too! After that he didn’t replied. As about I was going to sleep my phone dinged.
@yoshinori_ : u drive me crazy
Boom. Y/n Dead. Cause of death : user @yoshinori_ !! I didn’t know how to respond anymore so I ignored it and tried my best to sleep. I looked like I was a crazy girl inlove. After smiling about all that I finally drifted to sleep.
The next day , same things happened. We meetup after school and go to our daily hangout places. That happened for about 2 weeks. Then I saw Yoshi at the library and I asked where we’re gonna go later to hangout. “Oh sorry I’m gonna be busy the whole entire week so don’t wait for me after school” then he left. But I did what he said. I noticed he was more like distancing himself away from me. Everytime I try and talk to him during free time he avoids me and just leave. I don’t know what the fuck happened but everything was so sudden. I constantly think about what I did wrong or where I went wrong? But nothing , I was pretty sure I never went wrong in anything. We were both happy together. He still ignored me the whole week then the next week again.
I didn’t understand so I tried to call him like what I always did. He still didn’t picked up my calls or answered any of my messages so I went to the spot where we usually meet up. The café. I went out and went to the café. When I got there , I stopped. There I saw Yoshi with another girl on the spot where we usually meetup and talk. My mind was blank. I can’t help but tear up.
I quickly ran back to my apartment and cried so hard. So that was the reason. He was distancing himself from me because he was already meeting up with some different girl. I was mad. Furious. How could he? Does this look like some stupid game to him? My emotions we’re mixed up. I felt sad. I felt mad. I felt betrayed. I told my friends about this and they were trying their best to calm me down. I kept crying every night. Everytime theres’s school I tried my best to avoid seeing him. Every art class , I sit at the back of the class and sometimes I see him looking back at me.
A few weeks later he called me and this time he said he wanted to meet up. Wow the audacity. But nonetheless I agreed because I had a lot to say too. I got ready and went to the café. When I got there he was outside. I approached him slowly. I even mentally prepared myself for this.
“Hey..” He said lowering his head
“ You ghosted me for weeks and all you could say is hey? What the fuck happened to us Yoshi?” I exclaimed
“I don’t want to see you again y/n.” He said that like it was nothing
“What was that all for then? I thought we had something special? Did you even took me seriously? Or Do you think I look like some stupid toy to you?” I cried
“I’m already in a relationship , I can’t keep seeing you anymore y/n” he lied
Then just that. He left me crying and confused. After five years , the same shit happened again. My tears mixing with the droplets of rain. What we didn’t see was we were both breaking down on separate roads in the rain.
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lulaypp · 3 years
Alternate Ending to Chains
A/N: Originally, this was supposed to be the ending but I accidentally hurt Jason a little too much in one of my editing rounds and I be like...... hmmmm..... this might not go. But I adore this ending so here you go.
(Warnings for implied/referenced torture, mentions of injuries and hypothermia.)
Breathing was almost impossible as he felt a deeper darkness start to consume his mind. He probably should fight it but he was too tired and cold and... scared. Everything was numb and hurting. And dark. All encompassing darkness.
There was a sudden lace of agony firing down his back and shoulders as he let out a ragged, breathless scream. He was forcibly pressed upright against something as he struggled to curl in against the pain and cold, a moan falling past his lips. A soft warmth was wrapped around him as he vaguely felt a soft rumble by his head. It was... comfortable. And he found himself burrowing further into it with a soft whimpered whine. It was an escape from the presistent pain and cold. And he felt so tired that he could fall asleep. Something told him that he was safe now. That the danger was gone, whatever it was. He couldn't remember. Didn't really care.
Something touched his cheek and he flinched, causing his body to protest. His mind was dragged out of the sinking darkness as sounds registered in his head. Voices. Words. He wasn't sure if they were directed to him; he recalled people talking about him a lot, and not always tohim, discussions on how to best hurt him. An intimidation tactic, he's aware, but it had been unnerving.
It was when the thing he was leaning on rumbled again, did he noticed that it was a person. Panic seeped in again as he realised that an arm was holding him tight and secured. But he was stuck alone somewhere wasn't he? A coffin? No, it was a cold, dark box, freezing and blinding him. But it wasn't cold anymore, soothing warmth flowing from his right.
He opened his eyes to blurry shapes everywhere, a hazed fog obstructing his sight. He attempted to push away from whoever it was holding him, but was held tight and he whimpered when his struggles shifted his broken bones. He was suddenly aware of the pain coming from everywhere, dousing him in a fire of agony. He gasped as he tried to-
"-on! Hood!" His hand was snatched and he wanted to pull away but there were soft strokes across his aching fingers. "You're okay. Listen to me! You're going to hurt yourself. Please calm down. It's alright."
He shifted to drag himself away but a ragged scream tore through him as his back grated against something, lighting up thousands of fires, breaths coming up in hitched gasps and half-sobs. Fear started to mix with his panicked desperation and he was hurt and confused and scared and-
Something soft was pressed into his hair, followed by gentle strokes. There was the rumble from his right again, "Hood, you're safe. We found you, you're safe, alright? Shh... You're okay."
The fingers rubbing his knuckles stopped before tucking his arm into his chest and traling up to his throbbing jaw, softly touching. "You're alright, Little Wing. But you need to stop moving before you hurt yourself any further." It was followed by a whispered, "Can he- Can he hear us, B? I'm not sure if he sees us."
Lad... Jaylad... Little Wing... His breath caught. They're- They're here? "Bru-" he coughed, trembling, a whine slipping out his throat as agony raged through him.
"Shh... You're hurt-"
Uncontrolable relief washed through him. "...Bruce? ...Dick?" He tried to look for them but sight was still hazed and he couldn't see them. Was he hallucinating? Dreaming? He moaned as hacks of coughs shook him again.
"Don't talk, Lad."
"You're hurt and you're going to aggravate your injuries."
He was hallucinating. Or was he not? Was this real? He frantically threw his gaze around, trying to find anything. The only things he could see were blurry blobs of colours. He couldn't even tell where he was. But there was light and that had to mean he was no longer trapped, right?
"I'm here, okay. We're here." A moving fuzzy blackness. Pointed ears. Batman.
"We've got you, Little Wing." He tried to follow the voice and saw blue against black. Nightwing.
His breath hitched as another sob bubbled up. Panic and desperation dissipated as the coursing agony crashed back into him in full force. He curled into Bruce's chest, shivering. Something was wrapped tighter around him.
"Hey hey. It's alright." The fingers resting against his jaw rubbed gently underneath his eye.
"...C-cold..." he moaned. "...Hurts..."
"I'm sorry." Another warm kiss was pressed onto his forehead and he leaned into it. "We're going to bring you back to the Cave but I will need to move you first, alright? It may hurt."
Jason whimpered but nodded tiredly. His vision went white as he was lifted, a choked scream leaving him. He screwed his eyes shut and held back the urge to scramble away. A wave of nausea brought bile up his throat but he forced it down. He tried to keep his ragged, wheezing breaths even and stayed as still as he could against the fiery agony, knowing that every movement would make it worse. It wasn't long before everything fell back into a throbbing lulled haze. Ingrained memory helped him find the crook of Bruce's neck and he buried his forehead into it, finding warmth.
"Hood? Jay?"
Jason blinked away the fog over his mind, making a sound of acknowledgement.
"I'm going to lower you into the car." This might hurt.
He bit his lip and nodded. He took a deep agonising breath through the jolting pain slicing up his leg, rattling his chest. By the time his mind cleared, he was leaning against something- someone, who was letting out a whispered string of curses. His brows furrowed as he tried to blink his vision back to clarity and attempted to turn to see who it was but was stopped by fingers brushing his forehead.
"Try to not move, Jay." Dick. It was Dick who gingerly had an arm around him and a hand sweeping bangs and radiating warmth. Wonderful soft warmth. His brother let out a small laugh. "As much as I would love a cuddle, I'm afraid you shouldn't. There are... too many injuries."
Jason did not want a cuddle, he hatedcuddling, what more with Dick. He wanted warmth and the stroking fingers in his hair to come back and the pain to go away and... maybe... a hug. He tried to voice it but could only manage a tired moan.
Dick pressed a kiss into his hair and some small part of him cheered when a hand carded through as well. He leaned into the touch, feeling his eyes sliding close.
"Jason, stay awake, alright?" A hand took his, softly rubbing the broken knuckles.
He groaned, turning his head to bury into Dick's shoulder. It wasn't really comfortable- why was Dick so short?- but it was nice nevertheless.
"Hypothermia," Dick told. "I can talk if you want. Will that keep you up?"
Jason attempted a shrug but apparently he didn't have the energy to do so. His throat felt too dry and sore. "Water..."
"Hold on." There was some scuffling before something was press to his lips and his head was gently eased back. "Carefully and slowly."
The little water that trickled in was warm and probably the best thing he had ever tasted in his entire two lives, almost leaving him lightheaded. Dick only allowed two small sips before pulling away, and Jason couldn't help the whine that left him.
"Shh... It's okay, Jay." He knew that. He just wanted water. "We cannot be sure of your condition until we get back and shouldn't risk it."
He huffed, before coughing with a wince.
He was about to drift off again when Dick suddenly started to talk, fingers still stroking his hand and hair. "Do you know that Dami is trying to convince Bruce to allow him to have a bird?"
He gave a minute shake of his head. He wouldn't be surprise if Bruce gives in. Not that Bruce had ever given in when Jason asked if they could have a pet. The old man even allowed Damian to keep a cow! In the Batcave!
"He haven't decided what kind of bird he wants to have but he was considering either chickens or ducks."
He was hit with the sad realisation that he had never seen a living chicken in all his life! Or, well lives, but point still stays. "Get 'im... chicken. Wanna see one..."
Dick chuckled. "Hear that, B? Jay also votes for giving Damian chickens."
Confusion flickered across Jason's mind? Bruce was with them? Where was he in the first place? Why was it so cold and hard to breathe? Why was he in so much pain? He groaned, trying to shift into a more comfortable and less painful position.
He hissed as his back flared up when the arms around him tightened. "Jay. Jay, stop moving."
"It- It hurts," he moaned, trying to move. There was a sudden agonising grating in his leg and a whine clawed out his throat.
"I know it does. But you need to keep still or you'll hurt yourself further." He felt Dick shifting before a hand guided his head to rest in the crook of a neck and he burrowed with a whimper, struggling to breathe properly. "Shh... Shh... It's okay. We're almost home."
Jason kept his eyes closed, tucking his aching arms closer to his chest, shivering. Why in the world was he so cold and hurting? What happened to him? He felt like he just threw himself into Gotham Harbour during winter, which happened once before when an unconscious Tim had tumbled into the water and Jason had to dive in to save his brother. It wasn't a pleasant experience and they both ended up with a worse-than-horrible pnemonia; Tim due to his lack of spleen, and Jason because he decided that he was fine and ended up nearly dying mid-patrol. "This... kinda stupid," he started, sucking in a breath, "but what... happened?" He remembered that he was chained in a room and there were some- four people torturing him. But Dick was here with him now and he recognised the rumble of the Batmobile which did not add up.
"You were caught, remember? Bruce and I got you out." Dick sounded concerned. "I'm sorry we didn't get there sooner."
"Oh." Jason screwed his eyes shut, wincing as a spasm jolted from his chest. "'s fine..."
"No, it isn't. We should have noticed that you were missing earlier. We- I kinda thought that you were just resting your arm and didn't want anyone to bother you."
And Jason honestly appreciated that because he would prefer it if his family would stop randomly popping up at his safehouses without his approval, or worse, without warning.
"But then you missed Sunday dinner and we grew worried because no one had seen you."
"Sorry for missing it," he mumbled.
"You shouldn't be sorry. Although you should have called for help. Why didn't you?"
He tried to remember how did he get caught in the first place. "Dunno. 'n't r'member." Was it an ambush? A trap? Pure luck?
There was a sigh. "It's okay. You're safe now."
A sardonic part of his mind scoffed. Safe could be really relative. Sure he was saved from his tormentors, but judging by the aches and agony inside and all over him, he doubted that he was out of danger. But he didn't voice it. "Thanks," he said instead, moving his head slightly and pressing what hoped was passable for a kiss to Dick's chin.
He could feel his brother glowing and vibrating at the gesture. And the overjoy was not fully concealed in the response, "Anytime, Little Wing."
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Road Trip (Request)
Sebastian Stan x teen!daughter!reader
Genre: slight angst, mostly fluff
Request Description: Hi, hope you’re doing okay! can I request a Sebastian Stan x teen/daughter reader (you can choose but I prefer daughter) where they go on a road trip together and she’s ill but doesn’t want to tell seb incase it spoils the trip 💕
Warnings: nothing really?
(A/N): hey hey hey just wanted to say that im currently on vacation, but ill still probably get at least one imagine/one shot out every day :D
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You woke up on the morning of your road trip, the one your dad had spent months preparing for, and you immediately knew there was something wrong.
The week leading up to it, you’d felt weird and slightly sick, but you had just hoped it would go away. Your dad was an actor and rarely had time to do this kind of stuff with you, and therefore you couldn’t ruin it with something as silly as being a little sick. 
But the moment you opened your eyes, you knew hiding it was going to suck monumentally. You already had a pounding headache, your stomach hurt, and you felt nauseous. 
“Y/n? You awake?” he called from the kitchen, as he heard you shuffling around. You were dizzy and confused, but none the less shouted back a ‘yes’.
“Come down here!”
You sleepily walked down the stairs to the kitchen area. The greasy smell of buttery pancakes filled the room, and while that normally would have been exciting, now you felt like throwing up at the thought of stuffing anything down. 
Your dad was wearing an embarrassingly bright red apron, and was working passionately on his pancake-project. When he saw you, in your pajamas and your hair a mess, he smiled so brightly. He put his arms out as if to gesture to his cooking skills. 
“I made pancakes!” he said, seemingly impressed with himself. You giggled at his antics, but a frown soon replaced it, at the thought of disappointing him. He was so happy. And you were too, you loved spending time with him. 
You sat down on the kitchen island, anger rumbling inside you. Why did you have to be sick now? Couldn’t you have been a little more careful? 
“Here,” he gave you a plate with three pancakes on it. You forced a smile and picked up your cutlery. “I know you packed yesterday, so as soon as you’re ready, we’re movin’!” 
“Alright, alright. I’ll be quick,” you promised, just staring at your pancakes, knife and fork in hand. Sebastian’s smile dampened. 
“Are you okay?” He asked and you looked at him, immediately forcing a smile. 
“Of course,” you said, digging in. The bubbling nausea had only increased since you left your room, and your headache too had worsened. Sebastian touched your shoulder, making you look at him again. 
“You look a little.. tired” he mumbled.
“That’s ‘cause I just woke up,” you argued and looked down, eating your pancakes. You swallowed it, although you felt horrible. 
Sebastian seemingly bought it and you both ate pancakes together. It was a struggle, and afterwards you had thrown up as you were brushing your hair. After what seemed like forever, you got ready, got your stuff, and got in the car. 
“You ready, kid?” he asked, when you both had slung your bags into the car, and had found your seats in the front. An Abba song was playing through the radio.
“Yes,” you said, arm resting on your stomach, trying to calm the pain. Sebastian’s eyebrows furrowed. He switched off the radio, studying the way you held yourself.
“You don’t look well.. Maybe we should cancel this..” he muttered lowly. You panicked and shook your head. 
“No! No, dad! Let’s just drive,” you pleaded, “come on, we’ve been waiting for this forever. We never get to do this stuff..” 
Sebastian looked at you and you saw it on his face as he realized. “You’re sick, right? You’re just hiding it,” You looked down in shame.
“N/n.. Don’t hide things like that from me,” Sebastian frowned. 
“I just didn’t want to ruin this, dad,” you begun reluctantly, “We never get to spend time together like this. And you were so excited, and I was too. But stupid me had to go and get sick,” you felt even worse now, having ruined it. Regret dripped from your words. 
“Hey, hey. It’s not your fault,” he said, taking your hand. You looked up at him hopefully. “If anything it’s my fault. I’m away so often, that you hide this from me, in fear that we can’t spend time together..”
Silence filled the car, as the two of you thought over it. You still felt simply horrific, and you groaned quietly. He spoke once more, when you shuffled uncomfortably:
“Alright, how about right now, the two of us get back in the house, you curl up in bed and sleep, while I take care of you. We’ll postpone the road trip as long as you need,” Sebastian proposed and your instant reaction was to shake your head. 
“No, dad, you can’t just postpone a road trip like that and assume it’ll work with your schedule. You have places to be.”
“I have a daughter to raise,” Sebastian countered, and got out of the car. You sighed, but you couldn’t argue with him. You didn’t want to, you were happy that you hadn’t ruined it.
Mostly, you felt happy and at peace knowing that your place in Sebastian’s life was above his work. He opened the car door and picked you up. Then he carried you back in the house. You insisted you could walk, but he only shook his head, and carried you to your bed. 
You fell asleep fairly quickly, tired and unwell, and when you woke up again, your dad came in with your favorite soup and suggested that you two should watch a movie together, which you did. 
Despite your pain, you smiled through the entire thing like the biggest idiot. Sebastian saw your genuine smile that night, and thought that he only ever wanted to be the cause for your smiles. 
By the way, two weeks later, you two went on an awesome road trip all over America, just as Sebastian had planned, and not one moment of it was dulled, because you’d gone later than originally scheduled. You were able to fully enjoy it, without the worry of being ill, and you decided you’d never hide something like that from your dad ever again. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer​ @marvel-madness​ @40srogcrs​
If you want to be added, please let me know :)
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sunnydaisy1 · 4 years
Kiss Me
Mark Sloan x Reader, best friends
A/N: There’s not enough Mark fluff on here and I love this man too much to not write anything. Hope you enjoyyy!
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I absent mindedly watched the TV as Mark rested his head in my lap and I stroked his peppery hair. Mark and I had swiftly become best friends when he moved to Seattle and I was an attending in general surgery. Normally Callie joined us in our evenings after work but she had decided to go to Joe's instead for whatever reason. I smiled as I felt Mark chuckle underneath me at Jake Peralta doing something stupid. I looked down at him and my heart fluttered at his chiseled face. I was sitting on the couch while Mark stretched out across it but kept his head in my lap. I brushed my right hand across his forehead into his hair and ran my fingers through the soft strands. "You alright there watching me?" Mark said, tilting his head up to look at me. I rolled my eyes but smiled, "Im not watching you idiot." Mark chuckled and raised his eyebrows but returned to watching the show. I stopped running my hands through his hair, trying to focus on our favourite show but it was incredibly hard considering the sexiest, funniest and kindest man i know was lying next to me. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Mark looked up at me, eyebrows furrowed, "You expecting anyone Y/N?" I shook my head, "No unless it's Callie." Mark instantly shook his head, "nah not her." I frowned in suspicion and Mark beamed. I patted his hair to get him to lift up so I could check who it was at the door and he obliged. I tiptoed to the door, looking through the peekhole. As soon as I saw snobby Gina from nextdoor standing there with her nose upturned and designer clothes I groaned quietly. I tiptoed back to Mark quietly, rolling my eyes. "Who is it?!" Mark whisper yelled, still lying on the sofa with his arms resting above his head, showing off his perfectly toned biceps. "Bloody Gina from next door, she's such a pain in the ass and always comes round to complain." I replied, rubbing my forehead with my hand as the doorbell continued to ring, now accompanied by knocking. Mark laughed and i quickly shushed him, making him chuckle. "I can answer the door if you want and say you're not home." He kindly offered but I shook my head, "No it won't work she'll know I'm here with you, we need to make her go away!" I whispered, looking around the room. Mark smirked cheekily, "We could pretend to have sex." My eyes widened and I thwacked his chest, whispering "Mark! Stop being so dirty!" He just grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at me. I groaned and looked to the door again where Gina was furiously knocking, yelling she knows Im in there. "I'll just answer it." Mark said, sitting up now. "Yeah and say goodbye to a relaxing evening!" I whisper yelled, frantically searching my brain for ideas. Mark was silent and when I finally looked at him he smirked that signature grin and I crossed my arms over my chest. "What?" "We can just pretend to be having sex- " Mark started but I interrupted him, "No I already said no to that idea idiot." He stood up and put a hand on each of my shoulders. "No we don't have to make noises Y/N, however much I'd like to hear you, we can just make it look like we are." Mark continued, watching smugly as my face heated up at his flirting. "What do you mean?" I asked, scolding myself for even considering the idea. "We just make me look like I'm having sex with you, ya know, mess up my hair etc." Mark grinned, his eyes scanning my face. I gave him a pointed look and he winked, making me huff in exasperation. "Fine, come here." I gave in, pulling Mark towards me. A cheeky smile played on Mark's lips as he leaned down a little to me, letting me ruffle his hair. "Okay done." I said, standing back and biting my lip. "Actually wait a second." I brought his head back down and reached my hands round to the back of his neck, pulling the hair softly. Mark sucked in a breath as I did and i smirked, shaking my head at the horny 15 year old man. "Okay now you're done." I said, trying not to look at his ruffled hair too long, wanting to run my hands through it. Mark stepped back from me, discarding his shirt to which my eyes bulged and scanned his torso, taking in the toned abs and v line and his upper body. "Enjoying yourself there Y/N?" He asked and I shook my head, stuttering, "what uh no." Mark chuckled at my flustered response and went to undo his belt and trousers. "Woah woah woah." I said, stopping him from going any further. "She doesn't need to see you naked Sloan." Mark lopsidedly smirked, making my heart beat quicker, desperately trying to focus on his face. "If you say so ma'am." He ran from one side of the room to the other, before dropping to the ground and doing 5 pushups. I watched my best friend ashamedly, admiring the flexing muscles across his back and chest. Mark jumped back up and winked at me, his face looking hotter and a little sweaty. He walked to the door and I hid in the hallway, watching him open it up to Gina. "Oh hi." She said, obviously checking him out as she scanned him head to toe. Mark grinned at her cheekly, showing off flirtily. He acted a little out of breath as he smoothly replied, "Hey." I rolled my eyes at his smug look despite my heart beating rapidly in my chest. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Gina asked, a horrible smile on her face. "Just a little." Mark replied, winking as he leant against the doorframe. The devious woman in front of him practically melted and tucked her bleached hair behind her ear. "I was just wondering if I could please talk to Y/N?" She asked sickenly sweet. I waited for Mark's response as he smirked at her. "No can do love, we're a bit preoccupied." Gina frowned and clasped her bag, "I'll come back later then." Mark shook his beautifully gorgeous face and leaned down to whisper something to her. I strained my ears to hear and flushed when I heard his reply. "I'm afraid we're gonna be busy all night." Gina at once flushed but smiled flirtily back, "Okay, I'll see you around then." Mark nodded and closed the door as she started back to her apartment. He turned back to face me and grinned, watching me scoot from the top of the cabinet by the stairs. He walked over to me and let me place my hands on his bare warm shoulders as I jumped down, securing his own hands on my waist. "Thanks Mark, you're a literal life saver." He chuckled and let go of me as I smiled up at him. "Anything for you Y/N." I blushed and quickly walked to the open kitchen. "Put your shirt back on Sloan." I said teasingly as he went back to the couch. I filled the kettle and was just turning round when I felt Mark's hands on my waist. I moved to face him and watched as he intently looked at me, a small smirk spreading across his face while I frowned. He had me pinned up by the edge of the counter and I flicked my gaze to his lips and back to his warm eyes. "m..mark?" I asked as he continued to scan my face and I could feel myself getting flustered. He started to move closer and I panicked, coughing and making him lean back. He himself flushed this time but kept his grip on my waist, "Oh I just wanted to ask for a coffee please." I nodded and watched wide eyed as Mark hesitated before leaving the kitchen. My mind raced as I got some mugs out the cupboard, was he about to kiss me? Was I about to kiss him? Did I want to kiss Mark? I was too busy staring at the kettle waiting for it to boil that I didn't notice Mark walking back into the kitchen behind me. I yelled out in surprise as an arm turned me all of a sudden before I was quietened by a pair of soft lips being pressed against mine. I widened my eyes in shock as my best friend kissed me, his hand cupping my cheek and then pulled away, blush on his face as he looked at me. I stammered in surprise and Mark widened his eyes, sensing my shock. "Oh my god I'm sorry Y/N, I just couldn't stop myself, I've wanted to kiss you for so long and I even bribed Callie to give us the evening alone. Im so sorry Ive ruined everything." Mark stepped back but I quickly stopped him, placing a hand on his arm. He never got flustered and to see him suddenly so vulnerable cleared my thoughts. "Mark." He looked up at me with hurt eyes and I snaked one hand to cup his jaw while the other went to the nape of his neck. I leaned in but stopped an inch away. "Kiss me." I breathed out, looking at his pink lips. He at once crashed his lips into mine, putting one hand on my waist and the other cupping my cheek. We kissed for what felt like forever but was only a minute until I pulled his hair at the back of his neck softly and he groaned into my mouth, making me smirk and pull away. I rested my forehead againt his chest, eyes closed before I looked up into his eyes. "So, you bribed Torres?" Mark groaned and let his head fall, a small grin on his face. "You're never gonna let me live this down are you?" He asked and I beamed, leaning in and whispering "never" before capturing his lips with mine again. 
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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✨Lie down darling, it's time for a dream✨
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Stuffed (incubus!nishinoya x reader x priest!asahi)
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Okay so for the longest time i didn't know what to write for them but after listening to three yagami yato audios back to back I realized Im a sinner..so yeah have this
This story contains: nasty unprotected sex, Double penetration, aheago, feral nishinoya, breeding kink,asahi losing his shit during sex, asahi calls you mommy a few times, light degrading, preluding to semnophilia
As much as I adore male reader cause I'm a boy but, this will be a female reader worry not I'll be spamming out some male reader stuff after this for a bit
"father, I have done a terrible thing.. something horrible"
The sound of your voice from the other side of the confessional made asahi twitch slightly before he calmly leaned back to listen to you. You were innocent, sweet and pure but lately he's noticed changes that worried him greatly, your clothes that usually were modest now revealed a teasing amount of your thighs or chest so of course when he heard your words he was alert yet calm..just what did you do?
"this is a judgement free zone, speak your mind"
"I've let a sinful demon tempt me.."
You what?
Hearing your words made the priest grip the white beaded cross necklace hanging around his neck as his mind started to get foggy at the thought of a demon hurting you in any way, you were too sweet and adorable for this!
"tell me, what has this demon done to you? Has he hurt you?"
Asahi's voice was laced with worry that quickly turned into fear when he heard a small embarrassed whimper from the other side. After a few seconds he heard your quivering voice
"E-Every night the demon comes into my window, he touches me in ways that I've never been touched, every night he-"
"has he fucked you? Does he fill you up? have you kissed him?"
Asahi spoke in a low tone with a shaky breath. He should feel worry for you but instead a feeling of pure jealousy burned through him, the thought of someone seeing your face twist with pleasure or the thought of someone kissing your soft skin while pounding you made him see red.
"yes father, am i too late to be saved?"
Your soft helpless tone made asahi shudder as his mind drifted to unholy thoughts. How would you look sucking him off? What face would you make when he eats you out til you are shaking? How would you taste against his tongue?
"father asahi?"
"ah you're not! Its never too late to be saved! You said it comes every night? How about I spend the night in your home so when the demon comes I'll deal with it"
His plan made you smile brightly before you let out a joyful giggle. You couldn't help but sound so cute as you thanked him before leaving the wooden box.
So day soon turns to night, asahi laid on your couch asleep before a creaking sound stirred him awake. He checked the time only to see that it was two in the morning, the male let's out a low sigh as he stretched before going to your room to check on you only to hear sounds of a creaking bed along with voices.
"oooh [y/n] your nipples are so hard and perked for me, hehehe do you like it when I flick them like this?
Asahi couldn't recognize that voice so he softly opened the door and peeked inside only to see you tied with your hands above your head and your clothes completely ripped off with an incubus straddling your hips. Asahi should burst in there, he should be slamming the door open and throwing that demon off you but he couldnt help but watch as this demon leaned his head down to lick and suck your nipples
"this is the first time you called out to me like that..do it again"
So the demon's name was nishinoya? Why did you know that? How did you know that? Asahi was curious about such details but his mind blanked when he heard a loud whimper escape your lips, when he turned his attention back to you the demon in question has his face shoved in between your legs licking and sucking at your clit as if his life depended on it.
Asahi felt his cock twitch in his pants as your lewd moans ringed through his ears. His entire body started to shake as he bit his bottom lip roughly. He wanted to be the one to make you moan like that, he wanted to be the one making you screaming his name.
Just as asahi was going to burst in he watched as the demon pull back and both his and asahi's eyes locked before nishinoya gave a sly smirk while licking his lips.
"her pussy tastes like whip cream, so sweet and yummy so why don't you come and get a taste instead of watching like a pervert or are all preists this sinful?"
Asahi tensed up at his remark before standing up straight before opening the door and closing it behind him. His eyes travelled to you who couodnt even look him in the eyes.
Nishinoya shoved his demon tail down your throat with a light shudder. He gazed at you with a sadistic gleam before a sly smile was on his face.
"hush babe, the grown up are talking so just be a good girl and suck on my tail like it's a nice juicy cock okay? If you promise not to bite I'll fuck you extra hard tonight"
His words shook both you and asahi but you did as he said and started to suck his tail which filled your mouth nicely while nishinoya tried not to shudder and show just how good that felt.
"d-demon! I've come to exorcise you! P-prepare to go back to hell where you belong!"
"funny how you say that but where's your Bible? Your holy water? Holy items? not even a single talisman..all you brought is a big bulge so let's just be honest here hmm?"
Asahi felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he glanced down only to see that he was fully hard, he took a step forward his mind clouding with lust as he watched you suck and moan against that filthy demon's tail.
"A-as a priest I'm supposed to take you down, I'll warn you once to release her from your captivity and surrender"
Asahi's shaky words were met with nishinoya letting out a loud chuckle before his eyes travelled to you before he reached our and trailed his finger along your drenched slit which made you shudder with bliss before he decided to stick two fingers inside your sopping wet hole.
"listen here, father she let's me do this cause she wants to, hell she would die without my cock stretching her wall each night. Ive cummed inside her so much It would be no surprise if she was pregnant"
His words made your walls clench around his fingers which cause the male to release a low growl, he definitely needed to fuck you soon or else he was gonna lose his mind.
"Ooh she likes to think of being pregnant, how about instead of trying to fight let's share this night hmm? Come onnn look at her she's just begging for a cock to fuck her so two would drive her absolutely insane. Give into your urges"
Asahi didn't know if it was demonic magic or his mind just snapping but before he knew it he was stripping down while walking towards you and nishinoya. His eyes were clouding with lust as he left himself in only his boxers
Nishinoya licked his lips before simply took his tail out your mouth before feeling you of your binds. You sat up now looking at the two men with a look of worry, you could barley take nishinoya and his thick cock but now two of them?
"alright pretty girl! Here's what's gonna happen, me and Mr holy over here are gonna fuck your brains out until the smell of cock and cum become your natural scent okay? Okay!"
Nishinoya and his cheerful tone made you shiver as you watched his tail wag side to side like he was some excited puppy. Asahi looked confused on what to do so he gave nishinoya a panicked gaze which made the demon burst out laughing
"are you a virgin?! Pfffft! Hahahah! Oh my! Okay, I'll tell you what to do only cause you look so cute! Lay down on the bed and princess here will get on top"
Just explaining what will happen made asahi blush before he gulped harshly and did as he was told. What was this going to feel like? He wasn't sure but he knew it would be better than touch himself in the late hours of the night.
"n-nishinoya I don't know about this, I mean-" you were cut off by the demon's loud whistling as he yanked asahi's boxers down only to see his çock spring up.
"talk about a long boy! Sorry I got you beat in girth though, but I guess it's not bad right princess?"
Nishinoya turned to you who was just staring with a look drowning with lust. Nishinoya knew that look on your face and moved to you only to lick the drool dribbling down your chin
"now now you hungry slut, you can choke on his cock next round but for now let's fuck that cute pussy to oblivion"
His words made you whine before he gave your ass a hard slap before pointing to a nervous looking asahi
"now, hands and knees above him don't you dare put him in you without me saying so, or else I'll have to break you even more than I already am about to"
Nishinoya watched as you crawled into of asahi before shakily looking down at him. You've had sex many many times next to nishinoya but also fucking asahi scared you since he was your priest.
"so fragile, you're shaking lets not be scared alright?"
Asahi's soft words made you melt as you felt him reach up to touch your cheek. You leaned down and gave him a soft kiss only to moan harshly against his lips as something thick slammed into you. With a shaky breath you pulled away only to glance back to see nishinoya on his knees behind you with a fake innocent grin.
"oops- sorry did I ruin your moment?"
Asahi looked at your face only to feel something snap in his mind, the way your face became flushed and your eyes tightly closed made him shudder before his body moved on its own. He wrapped his arms around you before pulling you against his chest only to shove himself inside you along with nishinoya.
You let out a loud shocked gasp our reaction was nothing compared to asahi who was gritting his teeth with eyes rolling back slightly, how could someone be so tight?!
"feels good huh? Oh this is nothing..come now father, can you really not move? Well if you're not gonna move I will"
Nishinoya started to thrust roughly in and out of you with a shaky sigh as he felt his and asahi's cock rubbing against each other, not only that but you were clenching so tight that he could swear he could see stars.
"ngh- demon.. you're rubbing against me like that"
Asahi's choked words were followed by his thrusts, he wasn't as rough as nishinoya but he was thrusting quite fast. he just couldn't stop his body from thrusting up against you over and over again. You both were slowing becoming a mess, drooling and whining came from you both as you two locked eyes
"[y/n]! So tight! Your pussy is so tight and wet I just can't take it! Do you hear it? That wet sound? Ahh it's so lewd! This is so lewd! [Y/n]! I cant stop- don't make me stop please please please!"
Asahi was losing his mind while he slammed his hips wildly and to make it worse this chaotic energy was only riling nishinoya up to the point where he was a snarling mess now digging his nails Into your hips while slamming in and out of you
"fuck! You are so good! Such a good girl..the way your pussy is miking me, beg for me princess beg for my demon seed come now beg for it already or I'll fucking stop"
The utter thought of stopping made you whine louder than you already were and you wiggled your hips desperately like a bitch in heat
"please! Noya! Asahi! Fuck me more! Ahh- please please! Breed me so good!"
Just like that your words caused the two men to lose their sanity even more. Asahi was in tears as he rapidly thrusts in and out of you like a rabbit now having breeding on his mind. He forced you to look at him as he gave you a sloppy messy kiss that left saliva on you both
"m-my baby! Have my baby! My baby mine not that demon's but mine! Ahh- please [y/n]! Bear my children!"
His whining sobbing pleas seemed to annoy nishinoya who pulled you back against him while his hand gripped your throat. He thrusted deep inside you while licking your neck along with biting at it.
"his baby? Fuck no. Have mine. My demon spawn would look so cute growing in your tummy, fuck princess it's gonna be me who gets your pregnant okay?"
Your mind was starting to go blank as your climax was coming close and just as you were were gonna turn to kiss nishinoya you felt hands cupping your breasts. You turn to face asahi who now sat up to hold you as well his mouth drooling and slobbering all over your breasts as he felt close. His hair was a mess but the look in his eyes was that of a desperate needy man losing his mind.
"be the mommy to my baby, you right that right? Mommy..please please please! Ah I can't wait to see your breasts swell with milk so please..ah! Please I'm gonna cum!"
His loud whines and use of the word mommy did something to you that you didn't know could happen to you but you felt your climax building up but before you can announce it nishinoya simply grunted lowly in your ear as his grip around your throat tightened.
"I can feel it, cum already cum around our cocks like I know you want to, you want us to fill up your needy pussy, you're so desperate for cum that your drooling and sticking your tongue out like a bitch so cum already"
His harsh words were the last thing you needed before your walls tightened and you climaxed with a loud screaming moan.
"yes, yes yes yes yes! [Y/n]! Yes! It feels..so good!"
"hah- ah, damn priest you moan like a little whore..it's so fucking hot!"
As the two cummed inside you at the same time you felt your mind breaking and it left you twitching and shaking in their arms.
When you three laid down on the bed nishinoya glanced at you and asahi who were both making such a lewd face that his cock twitched. He honestly wasn't even close to being finished but it seems that humans get tired so he was greatly annoyed to see you both start to fall asleep.
Nishinoya sighs as a smile graced his face before he cracked his neck while hovering over you and asahi's cuddling bodies.
"sorry sweeties I'm not done yet, but don't worry you can enjoy your nap"
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gukgis · 4 years
my pizza delivery story | jjk
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imagine you were ordering pizza, and you see a cute delivery boy at your doorstep :))
‣ pairing: jungkook x reader
‣ genre: CRACK, fluff!! | deliveryboy!jungkook au
‣ word count: 1.0k
‣ a/n: i was literally cONTEMPLATING on whether to post this or not bc i just wasn’t proud of it and the idea was there but the execution wasn’t, well for me i think but it’s a good thing it’s not on my main masterlist kekeke idk i hope you like it it’s my first time so hopefully i’ll get better as i continue writing!! and the writing is gonna be different ?? i’m just experimenting with it and it’s not edited so :D
as soon as your homemade pizza got out of the oven, your face went D:
this was your one attempt at cooking since you’re basically becoming an adult and you need to take care of yourself.
but you lazy and hungry 😔✊✊
you’ve been ordering takeouts all the time and it was time to cut back.
but you suck at cooking hence the horrible homemade pizza.
you gave your pizza to your brother since you care about your lil brother and don’t want him to starve since there’s nothing to eat.
however, you just knew what he’s going to say
“it sucks.” your brother chews obnOXIOUSLY while playing his videos games.
he still eats it nonchalantly, “i don’t understand why you can’t just order pizza?1?1?1? or smth.”
you mumbled, “weLL,,, mom and dad are gone for a bit so i had to make something so you wouldn’t sTARVE to death.”
your brother turned around to look at you, “sis, just order pizza pls 🥺🥺” then your brother reversed uno to his game and uttered, “and close the door on the way out, thanks.”
😐😐😐😐 you rambled quietly to yourself as you closed his door, “i do one nice thing and he just doesn’t apprec-”.
so you ordered pizza and waited until the doorbell rang.
i’m getting all the good pizza slices, and make him get his oWN PIZZA by no-
your thoughts got interrupted when you opened the door to see a very H O T delivery boy and the looks from his tag on his shirt, his name is jungkook.
love @ first sight
“large pepperoni pizza with buffalo wings?” he asked, lifting his head up.
then you started to get hesitant by the way you dressed. sweatpants, shirts with a bit of spilled water on it, and messy ponytail. just great.
“yes that’s correct.” you tried to make eye contact but his eye contact is tOO STRONG, so you looked away.
jungkook stuttered, “y-y/n right?”
“uh yeaH, that’s my name. how did you know?” you questioned with a surprised look on your face.
“oH no!! i meant that the name that you placed while ordering is the correct order right?” he showed the receipt with your name on it, “i wanted to make su-”
“-oH yeah hAHAHAHAH sorRy yeah it’s y/n.” you smile sheepishly while thinking you idiot HOW ELSE WOULD HE KNOW UR NAME
“that’ll be $22 please.” jungkook says, grinning rEALLY CUTELY.
:o “omg!! i don’t have money with me, hold on!!” you hurriedly went into your room and took the money from your desk that was wAITING FOR YOU TAKE BUT YOU’RE A FORGETFUL PERSON.
then i gave him the money and quickly grabbed the food, “have a nice d-” and sLAMMMED THE DOOR.
oh no
he was going to say something nice :((((((((((((( you mean you knew what he was going to say but you SLAMMED THE DOOR AT HIS FACE 😤
hate life 👊👊👊👊
you leaned back at the door, still holding the pizza until your brother yanked it, “thanks for the pizza sis.”
until now you have been spending some time and spending a few $$$$$ at the specific pizza place where jungkook is at.
you’ve actually cleaned up for yourself a bit so that way he doesn’t think you’re a slob and/or a weirdo :)
you feel like you guys have been getting along??? you mean you guys are now calling each other by your guy’s first name,, and he’s the one that’s been delivering your orders!!1!!
......or was that a coincidence?
wELLL you need to take that chance and ask for his number!!
but i don’t want to 🥺👉👈 but i nEED TOOOOO you’ve been putting it off way too long. yOU CANT THINK OF THE WHAT IFS,, JUST GOOOOO, do ITTT
“that’ll be $22 like the usual y/n.” he grinned politely. “unless you forgot the money like the past few times?” jungkook teases.
you chuckled nervously, “ahhhh noo i have the money right here don’t worry!” he lifted his head up and you spoke again, “nOT that you were worrying or anything!! i-i just um...”
you didn’t finish your sentence and quickly hold out the money. jungkook mumbles quietly to himself “cute.” thinking you didn’t hear him but you did, this is a good sign.
you grabbed your order but you saw something that you didn’t order?? so you were veryy confused. “sorry but i didn’t order this... casserole???” you spoke while trying to give it back to him.
jungkook shook his head “uh nO, it’s free!! it’s a complimentary thing since someone have noticed that you’ve been ordering at our place quite often.” he smiled.
“OH was it hyunjin??? he’s always so nice when he’s accepting my delivery calls :D” you commented obliviously.
jungkook pokes his tongue inside his cheek but luckily you didn’t notice, “nope, it was me.” you looked up, “have a nice day y/n.” he winked.
ok now, this is your chance this is your chance 3x he called u cute, that is something??? HE ALSO GAVE U FREE FOOD so just say can i have your number? that’s it, that’s all easy pEASY just say it, just sAY IT just SA-
he’s about to walk away and you panicked and blurted out, “i dONT HAVE A BOYFRIEND!1!!!!1!”
jungkook frozed in his spot, and turned around, “h-huh??” he stuttered.
so for the next few days, you haven’t been ordering pizza, especially tHAT PIZZA PLACE.
you were just too embarrassed and decided to never eat pizza ever again :))))))))))))))
until that day, the bell rang. i peeked through the peephole and yOU COULDNT BELIEVE MY EYES
it’s fLIPPING tHE CUTE DELIVERY BOY what i didn-
“aiiiiii can u just get my pizza!!!!!” your brother yelled. but before you can argue, “iM A BIT BUSY IN THE BATHROOM RNN THE MONEY IS NEAR THE DOOR.” he added.
he’s getting murdered 🤠
weLL great. i have to open the door,, kms.
you grabbed the money, open the money, gave him the money, and was about to close the door until
“w-wait!” jungkook cleared his throat.
your reaction:
Tumblr media
you’re holding onto the door for deAR life, waiting for him say something aNYThing, getting ready for the humiliation.
jungkook then goes, “i-i..... i don’t have a girlfriend either.”
D: to :o to :D
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faunusrights · 4 years
“So it’s true,” she wheezed between grit fangs—“that bitch really does have you on a leash.”
me: okay lemme refresh on what happened last chapter-- me: /remembers me: oh yeah! yeah that SUCKED,
lets us continue on the journey of deep and immense sadness with glynda ‘clown shoes’ goodwitch!!!!!!!! here we go here we go
It took a while to pry back the jaws of her soul and wrench herself out of them.
ooh i rly like the context change here. before glynda was kinda falling back into her soul as a way of just Getting On With Shit or protecting herself, but now it’s framed in a fun new way of please can i get out of here now. good job glynda. look at u GROUNDING YRSELF like a CHAMP who should have been in a TKO LIKE FIVE ROUNDS AGO--
What did that mean? Had she asked Cinder about Ochre? Glynda struggled to recall, but the memories swirled like clouded ink in her skull.
i still love the continuation of glynda’s Mysterious Messages To Herself. she leads such a thrilling life of ‘did i write that’ and ‘did i do that’ and ‘what does any of this mean’
Hating herself, Glynda found she couldn’t remember.
and also a less thrilling life of the squeaky clown shoes variety. glynda PLEASE
She had to know: was anything Cinder had given her real?
the YOU and the US,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the DESTINY. dw babe im sure cinder Has Never Told A Lie, Even Once In Her Life, On Account Of Being A Very Open And Honest Person,
Had she been abandoned? Cinder had been unhappy when she left. Angry, maybe. Angry enough to take her leave for good? Or had she always planned to?
i love watching glynda slowly become kind of,,,,,,,,,,,, more aware of herself in relation to other people? sometimes she still Moves or Does w/o rly thinking it thru, but we’ve got quite a change from, like, early chapters of glynda where she was barrelling along with VERY little disregard for both actions AND consequences,,, but look at her now!!!!!!! using her whole ass BRAIN. im proud of her. 
When she tried to dismiss this first fear, another one was waiting underneath: had something happened to Cinder?
In her attempts to keep Glynda’s soul from smothering them both, Cinder had been quite willing to converse over the phone with her—even if her texts were short and snippy, she usually at least responded, to avoid backlash. Did she not care anymore? Or—
Or was she unable to?
/leans in, like, uncomfortably close to the microphone
glynda darling i do Not mean 2 worry u but yr (future) gf is currently grieving, pissed beyond belief, and also
/checks notes
failing her way into becoming strawberry jam
But, surprisingly, there was another half to Glynda now: one that worried, despite facts, that Cinder was in danger. That Cinder might need her.
GO AND GET THE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The light caught in every golden thread of her crown emblem, embroidered with diligent precision. But something else caught her eye: the midnight black surrounding it had a sheen to it. Subtle red ducked through the fabric, glittering like burnished stars in a distant night sky: fire Dust.
The flash of a memory: Cinder’s face when Glynda had complained that her last cape had been burned.
This cape would not burn.
okay so no lie i cant read this bit without my eyes starting to water abt just how GOOD this section is and i have cried TOO MANY TIMES over this fic ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T H A N K Y O U F O R T H E F O O D !
Glynda didn’t know what to do.
Glynda dialed Winter.
and i am INSTANTLY launched back into the comedy that is glynda goodwitch’s life at large THANKS FOR THE WHIPLASH
“No, I mean… I was awful to you the last time we spoke. I know I was. I keep thinking about it. I’m so sorry, I just… Don’t have anyone else to go to right now. I don’t know who else I’d call.” It was horrible to admit. Loneliness had never shamed her before because her soul had held it at bay. Now it made her sick. “I’m safe. If you don’t want to talk to me…”
“I lashed out at you, Professor Goodwitch. That wasn’t right of me. I should have known that you weren’t truly to blame for what you said. I know Cinder. She’s manipulative. She twists the world and makes you think she’s a different person than who she really is. I blamed you in the moment, but Cinder Fall is truly the person at fault for making you believe that I would try to hurt you. I shouldn’t have raised my voice or said the things I did.”
/rubs face
like winter needs to be in this fic and og was bereft not having her actually take up 30% of the space as she DESERVES, but god i forgot that shes a whole Thing and winter please just. shush. for a moment. for a second. ilusm. but please shut up.
Glynda was pacing, her Scroll levitating near her.
side note but casual uses of glyndas semblance is one of my fav things i love seeing it. glynda ‘look mom no hands’ goodwitch out here,
Glynda closed her eyes. The tactile recollection of cats arching, bristling, and spitting. Backed into corners. “Maybe she was panicking. I don’t know.”
i dont rly have much to say here other than continuing to enjoy Cinder As Cat, the ongoing metaphor. glyndas just gonna pick her up the scruff of the neck eventually and we will ALL b thankful.
ughghghgb im not gonna copy paste this whole convo w/ winter because this is a liveblog not a shitty projection of the fic on the side wall of a bowling alley, BUT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD glynda is so WORRIED,,,,,,,,,,, past glynda is befuddled. bemused. why does future glynda Feel so much. but future glynda is FEELING and i love her. das yr gf yr worried abt. DAS HER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and also yr other gf winter too but like that’s a long-con sort of egg to hatch,
While it had been some time now since Glynda had been in a proper fight, she expected no trouble. This wasn’t Cinder—ergo: this wasn’t a real threat to her. Still, she would bide her time and hold her silence, if only for the chance of getting a hint of what was going on.
This wasn’t Cinder—ergo: this wasn’t a real threat to her.
LADS,,,, LADIES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BEANS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IS IT GAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TO SEE YR RIVAL AS YR ONLY REAL THREAT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The group crossed the room as one unit, guns aloft and eyes peeled, determined to not be ambushed.
Glynda intended to ambush them regardless.
i dont like 2 say when an au gets a character so right that all other interpretations aren’t valid, but.......................... offal hunt gets glynda so right that all other interpretations aren’t valid, and thats that, on that,
One left. Glynda didn’t hesitate. She had been built to fight Grimm; far stronger, far quicker, far more bestial foes than these. She was herself a blade, sharpened far too fine for these intruders.
sounds hot
“Are they...alive?”
Glynda didn’t pause to check.
“Professor? Are they alive?”
glynda: fuck them kids
“How will you get to her?” Winter asked.
“I always find her in the end,” Glynda answered.
hrm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i wonder if that’s foreshadowing something
Her soul was churning inside her, longing for solace, for Cinder. She could picture the way like a burning trail in her mind’s eye; that bright-yellow tether between herself and Cinder, that pathway between their souls that she had tread so many times before. It always led her to Cinder.
HRM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I WONDER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“Good luck, Glynda.”
“Thank you,” she said again, pausing under the streetlights. “But I won’t need luck. I’ll find her.”
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