#‘yeah…………… maybe this isn’t normal’ skdjskjd
fluffs-n-stuffs · 7 months
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Hello y’all—I hope you’ve all been taking care 💖✨
This is just a little heads up that the next Destiny Bond update may take a lil longer than usual. I’ve been feeling all sorts of off ever since starting a new medication earlier this year and have mostly felt—sedated? Sleepy for most of the day? And it’s been getting in the way of how I do most things like drawing and such,,,,, we’ve recently readjusted the dosage (we being my doctor and I), so hopefully I should have my energy back soon, but until then, I’ll be trying to slowly get back into the groove of things skdjskdjsn
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Thank you to everyone who’s supported the lil project and my art as a whole since I came on here, we’ll get right back into it soon enough ❤️
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