#‘wow mister you sure look a lot like my dead childhood boyfriend!’
bitchapalooza · 1 year
I still like the HRE-Germany theory even if it’s kind of ridiculous! I don’t believe it(anymore), but it is a fun concept! But have you considered au where HRE is reincarnated and he and Veneziano meet and it’s fucking sad and I wanna cry already???????
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bluerosesburnblue · 7 years
Liz Liveblogs Bravely Second: Chapter One
Bravely Second Chapter 1: When Duty Calls, Who Will Answer, GO!
Oh hey Kamiizumi. What the heck are you doing on a canoe in the middle of the ocean? Also, how is the boat moving but you are not?
Yew is blaming himself for the very existence of the traitors like??? Buddy. I don’t think that betrayal had anything to do with you
Tiz is tracking Agnès’s location based on the birds she can see from her window. What is this boy?
Team went back to Gathelatio for a boat and ended up discussing childhoods. Yew is a sweet little bookworm after my own heart and Edea’s answer is SWORDFIGHTING (”Didn’t you play tea parties?” “No, SWORDFIGHTING.”)
Edea is so excited to see Kamiizumi! He won’t explain HOW he’s alive, but hey! Free boat!
Yew gave a rousing speech to the remnants of the Crystalguard and big bro Tiz is just gushing about how Yew sounded like Agnès. And big sis Agnès agrees! (this family kills me)
“And everyone knows there are no squid on the Moon... only octopuses.” Tiz what... how do you know that? Is the moon colony a well known thing? Did we all just forget to mention that people live there in the first game?
And Magnolia doesn’t even know what an octopus is!
Everyone spies on Yew while he narrates his diary entries to himself and... ah, this must be where the “party members write comments in the bestiary” thing from the demo comes from
“Tiz please stop them.” “EVERYONE PICK A COLOR. I CALL GREEN.” Tiz...
They really are just a group of dysfunctional siblings already. It’s adorable
No one is impressed by Kamiizumi’s rowboat. Also he just... has a cat now. Okay.
Villains are talking about “an experienced assassin” and my jobs list is telling me that catmancer is in this chapter... so is this “assassin” the catmancer?
...those were cat noises in the background so I’m gonna say maybe
Oh god they flipped the perspective on the map so Eternia/Eisenberg are on the right and Harena/Florem are on the left. Oh god I’m gonna get so lost
That boat did NOT last long
Ughhhhhhh catmancer girl is making cat puns ughhhhhh at least Kamiizumi likes her because cats
And whoops now Kami’s cat is under her control and attempting to murder us
Hey! It’s Al-Khampis from the demo! And... Pudgius Bismol. Who was most certainly NOT in the demo
Okay I was worried about Yew being Tiz 2.0 at first but now he’s my precious nerd child
Cute Al-Khampis girl from the demo has a name and it’s Rifa! Yew knows her
I still can’t use the Al-Khampis inn, just let me heal please
“The five star gentleman I used to know” ...were Yew and Rifa dating?
Magnolia sure seems to think so because she’s getting jealous
Oh, so Rifa studies Ba’als! I suppose that’ll be our next target, then, along with tracking Agnès
Someone who looks like the owl guys that gave you summons in the first game is watching the party. It’s... ominous. He isn’t even speaking English, but Magnolia can hear him and understand him (no one else noticed because Edea’s throwing a fit over food)
Oh no he’s a Chomp cultist. He gave us chompcrafts. Time to become excellent plush toy makers
Just leave the game running and the team will auto-make plushies to sell. That’s neat
Oh christ I did it again I spent too long on minigames
Edea just introduced Tiz to someone as Agnès’s boyfriend and his response was to shove his hand on her mouth and basically go “HAHA what no” Tiznes is the best ship
Ughhhh who let Fiore “I kidnap women and wanted to destroy Florem” deRosa teach at a college? At least he bought the team lunch I guess
And they’re studying “somnial energy” to put an end to wars (as if people won’t just fight over the new energy source but whatever)
I can already see where this new “choice-based sidequest” is gonna go. Jackal wants more water for the people of Harena, deRosa wants more water to develop his wonder energy, and we’re gonna have to choose who to give water to
(Btw, Yew took everyone to a folklore lecture and Tiz was really into it. I love that the game makes sure you know that Tiz, despite being a farm boy, really loves learning. Also just furthers my belief that Tiz and Yew would be cute brothers)
T-t-teleport... pig??? There’s pigs that teleport you between towns??? That’s convenient but huh???
I like Jackal, he’s actually a nice guy, but I want the Thief job more, so sorry buddy (and like everyone in Harena)
It’s making me sick to side with deRosa, especially since I don’t trust a single thing he says about somnial energy and his “let’s have everyone move to Florem if they want water” plan is stupid as hell
AND IT COULD BLOW UP A TOWN my god deRosa is the WORST
His contingency for “what if someone uses it as a weapon” is I’LL TELL EVERYONE SO EVERYONE IS EQUAL AND NO ONE WANTS TO USE IT (buddy that’s just how you start Cold Wars, your plan guarantees nothing)
Ah well, I’ve already been spoiled on the fact that this game has time loops, so I can side with Jackal in the “canon run” I suppose (second loop?) I still hate this
God and now Edea’s preaching about how ideals are good but to never forget what people have sacrificed, forgetting that there isn’t even a guarantee that deRosa’s dumbass plan is even going to work! We screwed these people over for potentially nothing! So a little rich boy could feel better about his thesis work!
And the game presents it like it was a difficult moral choice, in a way that assumes that deRosa’s plan was anything short of poorly thought out and horrendously terrible. Also like the previous game didn’t do everything in its power to let you know that Jackal only ever did bad jobs in order to provide for all of the orphans he was taking care of and deRosa did a LOT of REALLY SHITTY things to women just because he felt like it. What I’m saying is, if you’re gonna write something to seem “morally grey” you have to be very careful, and basically not. Do. This. Especially if the choice is between a jackass who takes care of orphans through crime (morally grey on its own!) and a serial molester
The Ba’al is not in its crater. Edea thinks it doesn’t exist. Magnolia and I can see this for the omen it truly is
Magnolia has a communicator bracelet and called up VP Appleberry, who I am assuming is also a moon man given that he speaks fluent French. The Ba’al is on its way
So Ba’al v: Urchin. I think this is the one from the demo? Wasn’t that bad once I started chaining everyone’s specials (save accidentally healing it with Magnolia)
Magnolia’s explaining how she’s from the moon and fights Ba’als which... I thought we already covered, but okay (Rifa’s concerned that A. people live on the moon and B. the moon people have been fighting Ba’als for generations)
Insert *touching but cliche friendship speech by the team in response to Magnolia declaring that she’ll defeat the Ba’als even if she has to do it alone* here
Yew no joke made everyone umbrellas out of the Ba’al (and Tiz is the only one to genuinely compliment him on the resourcefulness, as opposed to being disgusted)
Yew and Magnolia are sharing an umbrella and he’s BLUSHING LIKE CRAZY that’s so cute (and Edea had to explain the Japanese “couple sharing an umbrella” thing)
CHRIST Edea. Tiz was just trying to help by sharing his umbrella. You didn’t have to drop kick him and smash his umbrella. God they’re all so MEAN right now
Agnès is in Anchiem! Move out!
Ah geez, the sandstorm from the demo is back. Let’s see how this gets resolved
Oh good. I’ve been waiting for the moment where Yew tells Pudgius to get lost because he outranks him (the noise Pudgy makes when Yew tells him he had a special sixth star is beautiful)
The Seven Horrors of Al-Khampis sound up there with the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town on the list of “things that are probably not what you think they are.” Wonder if the world is gonna glitch out
Mister Bones: the skeleton in the biology lab that comes to life at night oh my god these are already great
Professor Norzen is making some... weird noises at his star predictions (he’s also the astrologist from the beginning. Time to take his asterisk!)
Norzen set up the sandstorm to take down the Skyhold. Totally willing to sacrifice the people of Ancheim and Agnès. Yeah, no. Glad he’s crazy so I’m less conflicted about this than the Jackal fight
“I didn’t do anything during the events of the first game, so this time I will bring justice!!!” glad that Edea and Tiz chime in with the fact that their attempt to bring justice got a lot of innocents killed last game
I’d heard that fight was supposed to be hard, but I was overleveled as hell soooooo
“It was all a test!” Y’know, I saw that coming yet I’m still disappointed
Go find the compass, he says. What do you mean the cat that was suspiciously on the scene was being controlled by the catmancer. I never coulda guessed
Oh god she’s singing a song about cats and called herself a “meowsassin” can I give her an award for most obnoxious new character?
Wow. One scratch from that cat just straight up murdered Norzen. What the heck buddy
...the kaiser just said “Who’s a good kitty now? Who’s a good widdle kitty?” to Minette and I’m just ???
Mephilia vs. Kamiizumi sidequest. Gho Gettar has two choices: follow his dream and study with Mephilia to summon Amaterasu or follow Kamiizumi’s advice and go give his awful job another try. Not gonna lie here, I’m with Mephilia. While I agree with Kamiizumi wanting him to work hard, I feel like it would be better for him to work hard pursuing something he loves, rather than an awful job he hates just because that job is the right thing to do. And I’m with Mephilia: the break someone down so that you can build them up again mentality is fucked up and honestly more likely to cause someone to give up forever than actually help them
So naturally in the interest of making this the worst timeline and my own love of the summoner job, I’m gonna attack Mephilia. Sorry Gho, go back to your dead end minimum wage job for now
Well, at least Gho got promoted and is happy with his job. Still not super okay with condoning the “break them to make them” mentality
At the Harena Sea Caves for the compass. I think this was a demo location? It’s very familiar
Cats are here. I think we may be late
Goddamn my game hates the Harena Sea Caves. It’s crashed twice since I’ve been here. Thank god for autosaves
...does that compass just have a giant sword attached to the center?
Ah, but of course. Minette is here. (Just let me kill her already)
“Mewtralize” JUST STOP
Oh god Minette is calling herself a cat, and also the queen of all cats. She’s too far gone
Oh and the Kaiser loaned her a lion. Where did he...? Why...?
“Yew Mewnimeowgia” alright she’s dead I can’t take this anymore
Ultimately not a hard fight, but Minette can put the whole party to sleep which is annoying
Well she’s dead, but also handed off the compass to Janne. Annoying until her dying breath
Wait. According to the Journal she’s seventeen?!?! What?!?!?
Oh and it just flat out gives you a list of all the abilities and what creatures give them and the items needed. That’s WAY better than the Vampire blood magic from the last game
The Skyhold is still in Ancheim so the team is gonna see if they can get on it before it leaves. Through the Mill Works!
Ah, okay. So Catmancy skills are learned when ANYONE in the party is hit by a learnable attack, which the catmancer can then cast by using items. Interesting
Addendum: a catmancer/someone with Learning equipped must be in the party when the move is used
Magnolia is very impressed by the Ancheim windmills. Given that I assume the moon lacks an atmosphere that would make air power viable, I suppose that’s expected
Heyyy Private Piddler’s back
“I was hoping for someone more... competent” damn Janne is brutal
Janne is explaining why he hates the Crystalguard. Way back during the wars mentioned in the first game the Orthodoxy’s Crystalguard made a peaceful surrender when the Anticrystalists showed up BUT they also destroyed anyone who opposed the surrender... violently. Which included Janne’s parents. Yeah, I guess having your family murdered and erased from all historical records would screw you up pretty bad
Yeah Janne’s House Balestra was specifically killed by houses Geneolgia and Camlann. So Yew and Othar’s families killed Janne’s
Yew isn’t taking it well, but he’s also not buying it as an excuse. Sad backstory or not, Janne killed Yew’s friends and kidnapped Agnès. Basically, “cool motive, still murder.” And another reason to love Yew for the list
Aaaaand here’s Amphisbaena, which I’m gonna assume is the boss of the chapter. It’s uh... a two headed worm thing? Ugly as hell? One head is weak to magic and the other physical attacks. They also swap positions
A poor showing on my part: I forgot that using the Rejuvenation special attack would make all of my attacks heal so I ended up healing the damn thing back to full for a few rounds
Oh dear god according to the Journal that thing was PEOPLE, specifically one of a set of twins that ate its twin after being mutated. And since the twins were trying to protect Tiz they placed the monster in charge of defending his pod. Holy SHIT the Empire is messed up
Yeah any sympathy for the Empire gained from Janne is lost IMMEDIATELY after reading that
Yeah of course we’re not getting on the Skyhold. They sent their sniper after us
Wait... she’s shooting from EISENBERG? That’s across the ocean! How?
Foiled by a cowgirl and a bored baker. Typical
Also they’re probably dating? At least flirting really hard with each other
I wonder who the person doing the end-of -chapter narrations is supposed to be. She’s talking about love and figuring out if feelings will be true, which I’m not sure relates to what just happened, but alright
Wait the intro video is playing. Didn’t that already happen? Is that gonna happen every chapter? Like anime opening/ending credits? That’s neat, I guess, and it’s very pretty so I’m not complaining
And that ends Chapter 1! What a... strange series of events. I can already see where it’s improving on Bravely Default, and the story is already wackier, so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if that’s a good thing or not. Until next time!
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