#‘that’s not even an accurate label!’
purpurussy · 2 days
I feel like the "dan is bi" anon is trolling but just in case they're genuinely confused: yes dan said in BIG that he loved and felt attracted to his high school gf (although he also made it pretty clear that they did not have sex so idk where anon is getting the idea that he has slept with "multiple women" 💀), and he alluded to his attraction not being confined to a specific gender in the part where he talked about labels, but you're completely taking all of that wildly out of context and missing the point of the whole video by calling him bi. I feel like this is probably the part that's frying their brain:
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(shoutout to the legend @goldenpinof for this transcript!)
But firstly, imo it was very clear from BIG, as well as other stuff he's said over the years, that he just doesn't like labels. Which I find very valid, it took me a long time to figure out how to label myself. I still don't know what my gender is lmao but I started saying "bi" for my sexuality because it's a widely-used term that gets the point across. And I think that's the thing here: he came to the conclusion that the labels "gay" and "queer" are the best descriptors of his identity, which do the most accurate job of approximating something extremely psychologically complex and multilayered and nuanced in a simple everyday term that gets the point across to other people.
Obviously words mean things and it doesn't make sense to just pick a label at random (like for example it wouldn't make sense for me to identify as a lesbian, since I definitely feel attraction to men as well as women and everything outside the binary, and am interested in acting on that attraction at times, so I wouldn't be conveying accurate information to other people if I used the label lesbian for myself) but a label is just supposed to serve the task of conveying relevant information to other people (if a lesbian feels some kind of abstract attraction to dan and phil, that doesn't mean that the alphabet council needs to immediately revoke their lesbian card!! Since the word "lesbian" still does a perfectly good job of conveying relevant information to other people. Likewise if a straight dude has a fun little gay dalliance with his college roommate, but has absolutely 0 interest in men beyond that incident, it wouldn't be remotely necessary for him to start calling himself bi if he didn't want to, because what would be the point in that if he's only interested in women? Like if he told a gay dude who found him attractive that he's bi, only to backtrack... Do you see what I'm saying here?). It's perfectly valid for Dan to use "gay" and "queer" as umbrella terms that in his opinion do the best job of describing him, out of the language that's available. If he's like essentially a kinsey >5 and decided to just round it off to a 6 at this point, who are you to tell him he can't lmao
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(shoutout to the legend @goldenpinof for this transcript!
Human sexuality is often way too complicated to boil it down to a single label in a way that doesn't erase any of its nuance, and I feel like this is something he's struggled with in the past, especially with him being a public figure. He's mentioned multiple times that feeling like he had to choose a label was a factor that prolonged his decision to come out.
And this is not even getting into the impact that his trauma from his childhood and also from spending a chunk of his formative years in the public eye probably had on the way he identifies or the way he chooses to label himself. It clearly took so much courage and strength for him to finally be able to call himself gay/queer please have some respect for our brave troops
Ultimately the point is that he uses the labels "gay" and "queer", not "bi", and it really shouldn't be difficult to respect that. It's also not biphobic for him to choose not use the label "bi" (again speaking as someone who uses that label). It's just that he feels "gay"/"queer" are better descriptors for him and nobody gets to determine that except him!! :) He wants people to know he's gay so he calls himself gay and that's that on that.
There are definitely people on here who are way smarter and more well-educated than me who would've done a much better job eloquently discussing this topic without rambling all over the place but that's my take (if anyone would like to add to this please do so, I'm always open to learn more about topics like this. And I'm also not saying that the way I see it is the only objectively correct opinion, but anon is definitely wrong so 💀). Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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plugboy11 · 1 year
while cap tends to banter with his villains and monologue about how he’ll defeat them with his “Wedgie Power!” kipper rarely talks during battle, if at all. if he does it’s usually incredibly stern and to the point, he has very little patience for most of the antagonists’ bullshit half the time and just wants to get it over with as soon as possible so he can go home and put some clothes on
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schneiderenjoyer · 9 months
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The reason the whole age discourse is confusing is that bluepoch keeps pulling shit like THIS.
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lividjungle · 3 months
just got a very unsavory follower so obligatory post about this
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fuckdamn · 5 months
everytime i’m faced with wild overt misogyny that’s just platformed like it’s nothing i remind myself that people don’t actually have to feel this way about women. men are fully capable of treating women like human beings and viewing them as such. “but socialization but male fantasies but patriatchy speaks through us even when we don’t recognize it” sure but actually regardless there exist men who are fundamentally not raging misogynists and they generally seem happier and better adjusted. misogyny to me isn’t disappointing because “oh i can’t believe Men, as an essentialized category of person, are like this” it’s disappointing because people make the choice to be like this. “it’s my biological imperative as a man to dominate you” okay well it’s my biological imperative as a freaky bitch to dominate you so what now. what biological imperative is making you comment “onlyfans detected opinion rejected” on every picture of any attractive woman. i think i will always be understood by most people as a woman and i’m learning to accept that and trying to like it but misogyny makes me feel very trapped of course. but misogyny is a choice. which means some people make the choice to be misogynistic which is profoundly frustrating. but many other people choose not to be actively misogynistic and i believe anyone could choose not to be actively misogynistic if they wanted. so it’s a whole thing
#lotte.txt#womanhood is a fun thing to participate in with women who do not hate women. otherwise it’s very stifling and starts to not be worth it 4 me#for other girls — cis and trans btw — i think relishing in womanhood still feels worth it even when it’s very difficult and i admire that#but apart from my fashion sense and bloodlust i feel very detached from womanhood as like this primal animate Essence#but i don’t really want to be a man either. i like being a Weird Girl i like being a Hot Weird Girl#i’m more of a Hot Weird Girl than a Hot Weird Boy and i’ve discovered that through trial and error#and calling myself nonbinary/fluid accurately describes my experience in a lot of ways. but i also sometimes feel like the label doesn’t..#serve me? if that makes sense#like i got really into kibbe in 2020 and it was like oh shit i’m a soft dramatic. how cool that there’s something that describes my body#but after a while i got exhausted with kibbe because yeah. by the logic of the system of course i’m a soft dramatic#and i operate with that knowledge in the back of my mind. but also so what. i am aware of the shape of my body now#and now i feel the label has very little left to offer me#like if you’re asking? sure i’m a kibbe soft dramatic. but i don’t hold kibbe’s system as law or view it as crucially important#that is very much how i feel rn about calling myself nonbinary#like if you want me to think about it? yeah i don’t strictly conform to the gender binary#but i don’t believe gender itself is useful for my growth - i don’t hold the institution of the gender binary sacred - why bother#why draw attention to where i exist within the system when i’m tired of defining myself in terms of the system at all. yk#aUghj. anyway
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In conclusion transphobia is 1. Facts 2. Having boundaries 3. Asking questions 4. Something no one says
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And what is a girl exactly?
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Ah yes our ‘made up definition’ rooted in material reality, science and acknowledged by the vast majority of society, and the ‘many definitions’ that only you and your friends recognise
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Weren’t you just saying men and women were social not biological terms?
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Apparently terfs can occasionally be confused with 10 year old children with a Harry Potter obsession
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Yes because no one is trying to transition ‘cis’ kids.
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…So do you like the word cis or not?
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If girls can have male bodies, what is a girl to begin with?
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No they’re a biological reality…kinda like being male or female..
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So women yeah…
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flowers-inverted · 4 months
Just randomly remembered that time in high school I told a girl I was asexual and her response was "but have you tried it?"
Bruh it doesn't matter. Asexual means lack of sexual attraction. Ace people can participate in such activities and enjoy them. Its whether or not you expirence a certain type of attraction not if you enjoy an activity.
Shoulda told her that 🙂‍↕️
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guiltyidealist · 8 months
I cannot STAND the shipcourse label terms.
"Anti-ship". "Pro-ship".
They're such fucking misnomers for what they're actually referring to that it's not even CLEAR what they're actually referring to.
I struggle to even apply any of this shit to myself. Labels serve as a concise way to communicate something. A label has failed to function as a concise descriptor when it does not describe what you want it to.
Put the shipcourse connotations to these words aside for a second. Just take them for their literal, face-value translation.
I'm not """anti-ship""". I'm not fucking against shipping. Nor am I """pro-ship""" per se?? I'm shipping-positive and shipping-favorable -- like sex-positive and sex-favorable, I'm good with other people doing it and I like doing it -- but not indiscriminately???
There are ships I dislike and there's nothing about it related to ethics. "Anti-ship" and "pro-ship" are such absolutist fucking terms, black-and-white and binary and un-nuanced, "this or that".
But here's the thing: these words don't just mean "how you feel about shipping". Shipping is hardly the tip of the fucking iceberg. A small, singular, surface-level facet to a deep and complex issue related to art, reality, human relationships, and responsibility.
(And that's problem #2 with the labels: encompassing a fraction's fraction's fraction of what this is really about and making it sound like petty fandom bullshit instead.)
What it's really about is portrayal of sensitive and fucked up matters in fiction, and of how to engage with it. It's about what's healthy and what's not. It's about what's ethical and what's not.
It's about boundaries; the line between fiction and reality, the line between artists and their works, the line between creator and audience.
It's about the nature of art, the nature of the relationship between an artist and their artwork, the nature of the relationship between artwork and those who view it. It's about art as a medium through which interaction occurs simply by one person creating it and another perceiving it.
It's about responsibility and accountability. It's about the placement of responsibility and accountability in the artist-viewer relationship. Who is accountable for what. Where does the artist's due diligence end, and where do the viewer's discretion and critical thinking begin. Who takes credit or blame for what.
It's about consequences and who receives them. It's about how art reflects upon the artist, and how it doesn't. It's about what it means to create, to bring something forth to the world and to put it out there to be perceived and judged and acted upon.
I ran out of spoons but. TLDR: shipcourse labels suck so much -- dysfunctional and counterproductive, misleading, wildly failing to capture stances in the real issue at hand -- and we should stop using them actually
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nepsah · 7 months
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yeah ok fuck it im gonna upload this bad boyyyyy anyway
its still a WIP but it gets the point across for my brain while i'm tryna make sure people are going in directions and traveling distances that actually make sense lmao
(made with wonderdraft, with mostly vanilla assets but the fields are from readyartz on cartographyassets)
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samwiselastname · 3 months
oh no the iwtv tags are getting weird
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
One thing that still bugs me about that whole watertok controversy a little while ago was when people were criticizing the semantics of whether or not the drinks could still be called “waters” after adding all the syrups and powders, soooo many people were like “omg words MEAN something. That is NOT water. It’s like, juice ✌️” like wtf no it’s not juice either lmao. There was literally no juice in those things. Like personally I wouldn’t call them water either, maybe a mocktail or something I guess, I don’t really care, but if people making the whole “words mean something” argument and then supplying an alternative word that was arguably MORE WRONG, then I don’t really think they actually cared about the ~word meanings~ as much as they said?? Like sure there were some good constructive critiques about the nature of the trend and all but I think some people were kinda just getting on their high horse for no reason other than to feel superior about some trend they didn’t care about lol
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magentagalaxies · 6 months
having a moment about my gender rn and i'm just like ugggggh @ my brain do we have to. like can we just not
#i need to go to bed soon bc i have a 10am class tomorrow but shoutout to the identity crisis i've been having since at least feb 6th#idk if identity crisis is even the right word. bc like one thing about me is that i have a very solid sense of self#like i know who i am and what i want and how i move through the world and what it feels like to be me#but in terms of how i label and explain that to others? that's where the identity crisis comes in#but no one else gets to experience me in first person POV so the descriptors i use and they ways i present myself are reality to them#and tbh? as i think about how some of the descriptors i use for myself don't accurately describe me some people are getting mad???#which is so fucking bizarre bc like. what the fuck it's my gender why are YOU being offended???#but it's also making me low key be like ''wait am i a bad person now????''#even tho i don't believe morality works like that. idk it's just been an exhausting month and a half#if anyone wants to hear more in depth thoughts on all this i would love to vent about it#(but not rn bc i will be going to bed as soon as i get this all out)#but like what i will say now is even tho this past month and a half has been ROUGH (for several reasons especially gender)#and people might expect that me spending so much time with scott in february made it more exhausting#which is understandable we love scott but touring in general is tiring and also i am the most opinionated person i've ever met but so is he#and also like. if you've heard scott talk about gender it's very obvious we disagree on a lot of things and he doesn't shy away from that#but the thing is. i'd actually say spending so much time with scott (even when we talk about gender. even when we *argue* about gender)#was actually such a good thing for me throughout all of this bc even when we disagree on semantics of labels#scott actually sees me beyond that rather than reducing my identity to what i call myself#which is how a lot of well-meaning allys tend to treat me. like i'm just one thing.#so when i'm with scott i never really have to think about my gender#bc he doesn't treat me like i'm (insert whatever gender people treat me like). he just treats me like i'm jessamine#and i'm tired of having to explain myself into smaller pieces so people can pretend to get it#but i feel like there's no way not to do that in our society rn especially at my ''progressive'' liberal arts college
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
i do kind of like the bigender label. im probably not going to use it but i do hold it and toss it around in my brain sometimes. that's a lot like me fr fr
#the reason im probably not gonna use it is the same kind of reason i dont identify as trans:#while the meaning in my head isnt technically correct it is MY meaning for ME and it doesnt match me#bigender is 2 whole genders. 200% gender. maybe even more. thats the definition in my head whether or not its accurate to everyone isnt#important. *i* have only 100% gender. but that gender is split between like 40% girl and 60% something else#and that something isnt even on the scale of normal genders. there isnt a label for that part of my gender#bigender in the community from what ive seen tends to be people who identify on both sides of the boy-girl spectrum#maybe not exactly on that scale but like. aligned generally with it#and my gender. is girl. and a tree and the sound of birdsong. which. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. is not on that scale#i still think i could use bigender if i want because i can do anything i want forever but because my experiences dont exactly align with#bigender is in my head i dont think i will#(note: these tags are MY definition of bigender. it absolutely isnt the actual definition. my definition in regards to how it relates to ME)#(you do not have to tell me thats not how bigender works trust me i know ADGSFHSHGD)#demigirls a better fit anyways. like yeah theres some girl in there. the rest of it? heh... well.... use your imagination#i just sometimes want to recognize i do have 2 different types of gender in me#i am a girl! and im also something else entirely!#and its fun. i like the way my gender works#and bigender does catch some parts of my experience i dont think demigirl and nonbinary do#but not enough for me to use it i think#absolute ramble of a tag set it is 4:30 am i need to sleep
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crmsndragonwngss · 8 months
“What do you even listen to?”
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kenonade · 10 months
Sometimes life is about almost tearing up while buying definitely not licensed street food from a nice old lady who's trying her best bc shes surviving so earnestly
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llycaons · 10 months
like the wu ming reveal was all very nice but since this all happened nearly a thousand years before the events of books 1, 3, and 5 its like...okay? everything about their relationship in the flashback I either found creepy or didn't care about 😭 ik some fans like the idea of a character so loyal he's willing to destroy a whole country on the word of his god slash crush but umm I do not! also hc disguising himself as the child who was hanging out with xl was so weird why did he do that. age gap creepiness aside it was just stupid and eliminated a chatacter I was really excited about. and it pissed me off when he kicked qyz off the sedan chair like let him sit!!! his single-minded focus on xl got so so old and his insistence on inserting himself everywhere was intrusive and annoying! to me. got real tired of his 'fuck everyone else I got dianxia' mindset. immature. annoying. and unfair
#lwj is reserved and cool to strangers but hes not actively malicious or sadistic#he cares about his family and home and students and music#he does ignore ppl more than I'd like but hes not actively dismissive like hc often is#a small moment from the book I liked was when he first encountered 'mxy' he nodded respectfully in acknowledgement#obvi this doesnt mean mdzs or the writing for him isnt homophobic. it is. it has its own issues. Ive never even reread mdzs#but I think tgcf is just a less serious and more shallow and wishy-washy romance at its core#AND lwj is literally less petty and vengeful thab hc is even tho what jc allegedly did was way worse than what fxmq did#and lwj has literally a reputation for being petty so it doesn't seem fair that hc doesn't#actually tho I think much of that came from drama viewers who saw a gay man being kind of a dick to the guy who 1. was a dick to him first#and 2. suicide baited his loved one so I maintain thats reasonable#hes not unfair or short w anyone else#wait I lost my sentence structure. drama viewers labelled him as petty for being reasonably dickish to the dude he hates for good reason#which IS homophobic. but the comparative scale of mqfx's offenses + the fact that it happened so long ago and xl has long since recovered#makes hc look way more petty and unreasonable. but its not reflected in fan treatment or desc of him. tbf he gets over it by the end tho#ik cunty is a fun word but its not the only accurate one#tgcf txp#mdzs txp
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