#‘taylor isn’t racist but i am‼️’
ssaturnsapphic · 5 months
swifties kinda up there with the worst fandoms ever
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baker-mayfield · 4 years
Do you mind me asking what you don’t like about the BLM movement? I’m just trying to educate myself and get a better idea of all the POVS. Obviously you don’t owe it to me or anyone to explain your views I was just curious. Thanks!
Honestly... It’s because I do not believe the BLM is relevant or think about black females. Yes, they’re part of the movements gets tributes and stuff - but they do not talk about the stuff black females go through (bullying, rape, murdered, unwanted pregnancies **blame that on gov’t tbh) enough except for what, maybe a week or so? Breona Taylor didn’t get a big funeral attended by celebs but George Floyd did. Her name is trending but what has anyone in the BLM actually done for her or even her family? We need to protect black males but females are also at risk in this society. It’s already hard enough being a female but a black female is just as hard.
Another thing is- BLM just focuses on the white on black issues when there’s so much more going on within the black community. They’re getting donations but I haven’t seen any difference being made in these terrible cities where crimes are happening. Chicago is still terrible (they just had their deadliest month), my hometown went from a decent city to a nightmare and where I live now- you don’t want to go into the city late at night. This is due to the amount of blacks who thinks drugs/guns are the answer. I know you can’t fix every city but these donations should be setting up programs for these young kids who aren’t going to school so they don’t join bad crowds or helping these families who needs the extra money. The BLM also doesn’t focus on mental health and that’s a biiiig peave of mine (a lot of blacks just believe mental health problems is a white person issue) and there’s also the problem with no support for the black gays (there’s been so many murdered, where’s their mention??) because some blacks still look down on gays. Hell, growing up I was bullied more by blacks people than whites... How come we aren’t fair to one another but want other people to be nice? Also, I wish BLM would go out into the community and teach people how important it is to vote or about the government because there’s still a lot of people who don’t know how it works.
I know ~All Lives Matter~ isn’t the same but I low key think that. I know my brother is more at risk than his white friends but I also think that we shouldn’t forget that with everything going on- were forgetting to treat everyone as equals. I want equality and being able to be a black female and taken seriously, but I also want my gay friends to be able to adopt ya know or get married or go to a club without worrying someone is going to shoot up the place?
This includes being accepting to people wanting to kneel or not. The DISRESPECT that Drew Brees got because of his own opinion by the people in BLM was dumb as hell and I will continue to say that. I’m happy Tyler Seguin kneeled because I never expected that but not everyone is a goddamn racist if they want to stand. I stand for the flag. It’s a matter of opinion and what people believe in.... But I do like that it’s a big fuck you. I’m happy people are kneeling and showing solidarity, but I don’t need my favorite athlete to kneel to show that. Donate money, talk about issues, charities, SHOW ME that you care. Anyone can kneel (and i want people to have that taken away from them) but that doesn’t mean they’re actually with the movement. If that makes sense? But I am the biggest fangirl when my faves kneel- don’t get me wrong. However, I do like the fist in the air more as a preference. Just like I know when I post this, I’ll know people will come into my ask box like “omg how can you say this?” or “then you’re missing the point of the movement.” PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED OPINIONS ‼️‼️‼️
I’m not saying black lives don’t matter, but if we’re going to say that: Make a damn difference in the community (give these kids a safe haven!) and it has to include EVERYONE. gay, bi, trans, children, old, females. We need to help everyone in the community if black lives really matter with every aspect of their life (mental, sexual, physical, you name it).
Sorry for the rant- this has been something I’ve been thinking about for a while and you just can’t say these things without people jumping down your throat. These are all my opinions and things I’ve observed since.... IDK, years. I hope this makes sense because I’m also just waking up ahaha.
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