#‘riku I’m scared ! what if a shooting star hits the islands?’
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daylighteclipsed · 1 year ago
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killing mnyseld
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years ago
The Lost Chapter 35
Warnings: same as the other ones
Rating: SFW
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(A/N: this was my favorite scene from COM)
You and the trio left the Eleventh Floor entrance and entered the world of Twilight Town. 
“Gawrsh... Where are we, guys?” Goofy asked.
“Hmm... I dunno... I've never been here,” you said.
“Same here,” Sora said. 
“Me neither,” Donald said. Jiminy jumps down from Sora’s shoulder.
“That can't be right! Up 'til now, the only places we've been are from Sora's and (Y/N)’s memory,” he said. 
“Maybe so, but I definitely don't remember this,” Sora said. 
“You might have forgotten this town just like the other stuff,” you said. 
“This is terrible. Our memories are practically gone,” Jiminy said. Donald and Goofy looked down in despair. You and Sora took out Naminé's good luck charm.
“We'll be okay. See, look at this...” you said. 
“Naminé's good luck charm!” Goofy said. 
“There's a special memory that goes with this. One night, when Naminé, (Y/N), and I were little, there was this meteor shower. Naminé started crying. She said, ‘What if a shooting star hits the islands?’ So I said, ‘If a shooting star comes this way, I'll hit it right back into outer space!’ I was swinging this toy sword around the whole time while (Y/N) was hugging Naminé. Naminé just smiled and said, ‘Thanks.’ And then she gave us this,” Sora said. An image of Naminé entered you and Sora's head. She began to talk.
“Sora, (Y/N), I'm so sorry. All this, because of me...” she said. The image faded away. You and Sora kept talking about the charm.
“Naminé said she had these ever since she was a baby,” you said. 
“And she gave them to you two? Aww...” Donald said.
“Yeah. So we promised her... From now on, we'll bring you good luck. we'll keep you safe. But then one day, Naminé left the islands...and we forgot about her all this time. We really let her down...” Sora said. 
You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy came to the entrance to a mansion inside the town. Sora stopped and looked around.
“What's wrong?” Goofy asked. 
“Something...feels really strange. I'm sure I don't know this place, but it's starting to feel like it's familiar to me...” Sora said. 
“You must have come here sometime before,” you said. 
“No, and that's what's strange...” Sora said.
“It could be like with Naminé. You forgot lots of other stuff---and that's why you remember this place now,” Goofy said. 
“No... It's different. With Naminé---my memories...sort of came drifting back to me, a little piece at a time. But not now. It's not memories---just this idea that I must have been here before.” 
“So, feeling nostalgic?” Vexen appeared and you all tensed up.
“Sora, (Y/N)...a question, then, for you... Your memories of Naminé or your feelings here---which of the two of these is more real, I wonder,” Vexen said. 
“Naminé, of course! Whatever it is that we're feeling, I bet it's just another one of your mean little tricks!” you said. Vexen laughed. 
“The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts,” he said. 
“Cut the riddles!” Sora said. 
“I told you--- This place was created solely from another side of your memory. It is on the other side of your heart that the memory of this place exists. It is your heart that remembers.” 
“You're wrong! I don't know this place!” Sora said.
“If you remain bound by the chain of memories and refuse to believe what is truly found inside your heart... ...then throw it away. You are not a Keyblade master---just a slave to twisted memories. Yes... Exactly like my Riku.” Vexen summoned his shield.
“Your existences is worth nothing!” he said.
“Like YOUR Riku? Worth nothing?” you asked. You and Sora was overcome with anger.
“That's enough! YOU'RE the one who changed Riku! Every word you've said is a lie! I'd never throw away my heart!” Sora said.
“Neither will I!” you said. Sora summoned his keyblade and you grabbed your dagger.
“I'm gonna take you down and save Riku and Naminé. THAT'S what's in my heart!” Sora said. You and Sora fought Vexen. After the fight Vexen laid on the ground and panted in pain.
“Urrgh... You have such strength, even at the mercy of your memory---” Vexen groaned.
“None of that matters! Just put Riku back!” you said. Vexen laughed. 
“Just put him back?” he asked as he got up.
“The Riku you speak of...has but one fate, to sink into the darkness--- and you will share that fate, Sora and (Y/N)! If you continue to seek the girl, Naminé, the shackles will tighten, you'll lose your hearts...and end up becoming Marluxia's pawn!” he said. 
“Marluxia? What does Naminé have to do with---” Sora asked. Axel's chakram flew past you and Sora and struck Vexen. Axel was behind you and Sora. You and Sora turned around and gasped.
(Here comes the best part!)
“Axel!” you and Sora said. 
“Yo, Sora, (Y/N). Did I catch you at a bad time?” Axel said. Vexen started to get up.
“Axel, why...?” he asked. 
“I came to stop you from talking too much...by eliminating your existence,” Axel said. 
“No... Don't do it!”
“We are just Nobodies who have no one to be, yet we still ‘are.’ But now you can be nothing instead of just being a Nobody. You're off the hook.”
“No... Please don't!” Vexen cowered.
“I don't want to---” 
“Goodbye.” (I laugh at this every time! It’s so funny!) Axel snapped his fingers and Vexen was engulfed in flames. He then faded away into darkness. You and Sora watched in horror.
“What are you--- What ARE you people?!” Sora asked. 
“Hm... Don't know. I wonder about that myself,” Axel said as he disappeared. You, Sora, and the gang left Twilight Town. Meanwhile, Larxene and Marluxia were in the Organization's meeting room. Axel appeared in the room.
“Nice work. I say good riddance to that blabbermouth,” Larxene said.
“Marluxia... You used Vexen to test Sora and (Y/N)'s strength, didn't you?” Axel asked. 
“Not just Sora's. It was yours, too. We weren't sure if you actually had it in your bones to take out a fellow member.” Larxene walked over to Axel.
“Well, I guess that you did. It's time to join up. Taking over the Organization will be like child's play with the three of us,” she said. 
“So that's where Sora and (Y/N) comes in,” Axel said. 
“Of course. They want to see Naminé, so why don't we just give them what they want?” While Larxene was talking with Axel, Marluxia started talking with Naminé.
“Rejoice, Naminé. The time is near for you to meet the heroes that you've been longing for,” Marluxia said. 
“I'm...glad,” Naminé said.
“But I'm warning you. You'd better not do anything to betray Sora and (Y/N)'s feelings. Do you understand me, little one?” Larxene said. 
“I understand.” 
“All you need do is layer Sora and (Y/N)'s memories, and bring their hearts closer to you. And remember, (Y/N) is a spirit who may have ties to our superior. She’s strong. Make her feel weak,” Marluxia said. Him and Larxene disappeared.
“Sora, (Y/N)... Even if you come for me---what then?” Naminé asked. You and Sora entered the Eleventh Floor Exit Hall. The two of you were greeted by Riku.
“Riku!” you and Sora said. 
“You'll hurt Naminé if you go further,” Riku said. 
“You still want to fight? But Vexen's gone, so now you're free!” you said. 
“It doesn't matter what happens to him. I'm protecting Naminé from you two. That's what's in my heart. Sora, (Y/N), I made a promise to Naminé. I promised to... keep her safe.” 
“You did?” Sora asked. 
“There was a meteor shower...this one night when she and I were little... Naminé got scared and said, ‘What if a shooting star hits the islands?’ So I told her: ‘If a shooting star comes this way, I will protect you!’”
“You made a promise! With a toy sword! And hugged her!” you said. 
“What... How do you know about that?”
“Because...that was the promise we made to her that night! We would protect her! We said it! And (Y/N) hugged her!” Sora said. 
“Don't lie! You weren't the one there that night!” 
“YOU're the one who wasn't there! That was when she gave her good luck charm to US!” you said. 
“Her what?!” You and Sora took out the charms.
“See?” Sora asked. Riku gasped.
“Tell me... Where did you get that?” he asked. There was a small flash, and Riku held his head in pain.
“Sora, (Y/N)...good try,” he said. 
“Huh?” you and Sora asked. 
“That must be a fake. I've got the real one right here!” He took out a similar charm. 
“Wha--- THREE of them?!” Sora asked. 
“Fakes should be destroyed!” Riku said. You, Sora, and Riku broke out into a fight. After the battle, Riku panted.
“Riku...” you said. Riku ran away, leaving his good luck charm behind.
“Huh?” Sora asked. He picked up the charm and Donald and Goofy appeared.
“Isn't that Naminé's good luck charm?” Donald asked. 
“It's just like ours,” you said. 
“How'd he get this?” Sora asked. The charm glowed and gave off a strong light.
“Woah!” you all said. The charm turned into two cards of Destiny Islands.
“It turned into a card!” Goofy said. You and Sora walked toward the entrance to the next floor. Donald and Goofy stayed back, thinking about what's happened.
“Aww...I don't understand what's going on...” Donald said. 
“Let's just keep moving, okay? It doesn't matter,” you said. 
“It DOES matter. How can two of you have the same memory? You can't both be right.” 
“I'm wrong? Fine, then don't believe me!” You felt your eye twitch in pain and held onto it.
“That's not what he meant. We're just kinda worried,” Goofy said. 
“Then let's ask Naminé! That should clear it up. Look, we don't have time to sit around. So let's GO,” Sora said. Donald and Goofy exchanged looks.
“Sora, (Y/N), what happened to ya?” Goofy asked. 
“What's THAT mean?” you and Sora asked. 
“Well, ya always get real touchy when it comes to stuff about Naminé... But before we came to this castle, you two didn't even remember what her name was.” 
“Now Naminé is the only thing you two talk about,” Donald said. 
“It doesn't make sense. Maybe you two should just slow down and think ahead about some of these things.”
“Think ahead? What is the matter with you guys? Do you want me to abandon her?!” you asked. 
“No, that's not it---” Donald said. 
“Then do whatever you want! You can lay back and take a nap for all I care! WE’RE going to find Naminé!” Sora said. You and Sora ran ahead into the next floor, leaving Donald and Goofy behind.
“Sora! (Y/N)!” Donald and Goofy said. They looked at each other, worried. Meanwhile, Axel and Naminé were in the Organization's meeting room. 
“You're all that they got left. So then, if you don't stop this, no one will,” Axel said. Naminé gasped.
“But I... It's too late,” she said. 
“You shouldn't give up just yet. Say, Naminé. Have you noticed? Marluxia doesn't seem to be around,” Axel said.
“What are you...saying?” 
“Just that there's no one here who would want to get in your way.” Naminé ran out of the room.
“Just make it count. Now THIS should be interesting. Try and make it enjoyable, Sora and (Y/N). It's the least you can do for me, you know,” Axel said. He laughed. He then noticed something and clutched his chest.
“Hey, wait. I'm enjoying this. You guys ARE something else!” he said.
You and Sora entered the Twelfth Floor. The two of you took out the Destiny Islands card and looked at it. Jiminy popped out from Sora's hood.
“Sora, (Y/N), that was no way to---” he said. 
“Keep it to yourself!” Sora said. The two of you were about to walk through the door but another headache hit you. This one was more painful than the others. It was so painful that you ended up screaming in pain.
“(Y/N)! Are you okay?” Sora asked. You didn’t respond but only groaned in pain. 
You were back where you saw your mom and your dad. This time, your mom was laying in bed, rubbing her tummy which you knew that was you inside. 
“We need a name,” she said. 
“How about, Odile?” Ira asked. 
“Nah. Don’t like it.” (sorry if your name’s actually Odile)
“Okay. How about (Y/N)?” 
“(Y/N)...I like that.” You smiled at the scene of your parents deciding your name. The scene faded and you saw Vanitas walk up to you. 
“Vani? Vani!” you said. You ran to him and hugged him tight. 
“I saw what happened to you and I’m so sorry. Dad’s getting stronger by the minute,” he said. 
“What should we do?” you asked. 
“I-I don’t know. If you find Ven, tell him that you’re my sister. I’m sure he’ll understand what you’re saying.”
“But what about my eye? It looks like dad’s. What’s happening to me?” 
“Remember when I sent you away?” 
“I did it so that dad wouldn’t use you as a vessel but it seems like your bond with him is what making your eye look like his. And if this continues, he’ll make you his vessel.” 
“Vani, I’m scared.” 
“I know. Let’s try not to think about it. Tell me about your adventures. I haven’t heard about those.”
“Okay. Um, I found out that my mom is a spirit like me. Her name’s even on my dagger.” 
“That’s awesome. I’m so proud of you.”
“And that’s not all. Whenever I get these headaches, I see what my mom actually looks like, and dad’s not actually my dad. It’s someone named Ira.” 
“I knew that you weren’t actually his daughter. Not only did you have more light inside you, he told me that you weren’t.” You felt Vani starting to disappear. 
“I don’t want you to leave yet,” you said.
“I know. But just know that I’ll always be by your side,” he said. He slipped through your arms and gave you a little unversed. 
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Sora asked as you relaxed from your headache. 
“Y-yeah,” you said. You sat up and felt something in your lap. You looked down and saw that it was the unversed that Vanitas gave you. 
“What is that?” Jiminy asked. 
“Vani...” you said softly. The unversed looked at you and purred. 
“I-I’m not sure what it is but she seems to like me,” you said. 
“What are you gonna name her?” Sora asked. 
“Odile.” Sora smiled and helped you stand up. The unversed climbed up onto your shoulders and found comfort there. 
“Ready?” Sora asked. You nodded and the two of you headed into the new world that was waiting for you. 
To be continued...
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nadziejastar · 5 years ago
Where do you think Lea's Keyblade came from?
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— What happens to Lea hereafter now that he has become a Keyblade wielder? 
Lea, having returned to his human form, chosen by the Keyblade. Does him getting a Keyblade have anything to do with his best friend Roxas? And is there a possibility that Lea’s become one of the protectors of Light?
Essentially, I think Lea gained the potential to wield a Keyblade after his fateful meeting with Ventus, after touching his special keepsake. It may not have been a real Keyblade, but it was Ven’s most precious possession that represented his love for Terra. And Terra performed a mock inheritance ceremony with it. Immediately after Ventus remembered that, Lea picked it up. I think after picking it up, Lea’s heart connected with Ventus’s heart, and this allowed him to gain the potential to wield. Roxas helped Lea remember how he felt about his best friend, which was the ultimate catalyst for why he summoned it.
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Sora: There's a special memory that goes with this. One night, when Naminé and I were little, there was this meteor shower. Naminé started crying. She said, "What if a shooting star hits the island?" So I said, "If a shooting star comes this way, I'll hit it right back into outer space!" I was swinging this toy sword around the whole time. Naminé just smiled and said "Thanks." And then she gave me this.
Unfortunately, the significance of Lea gaining his Keyblade was never truly understood due to Lea’s lack of a backstory. Basically, I think Lea summoned his Keyblade because he loved Isa and wanted to save him. He just wanted be his hero again like when they were kids; it was that simple. They tried to make Axel’s backstory tie into the story of CoM, so that watching Sora and Naminé would awaken Axel’s sleeping memories. All Sora and the Riku Replica wanted to do was protect Naminé. They had a memory of making a promise to protect her by acting tough, saying they’d use a toy sword to defend her from a shooting star.
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I remember that smile—it’s the same smile she had when she gave me the charm, thought the Replica, sadly. That memory, these feelings, all of it is fake…
Not wanting to see that smile of Naminé’s any more, the Replica turned his back on her.
“Thank you, Riku… no. Thank you, Riku Replica,” she said to his back.
The Replica stared into the empty air without answering.
Then she said “thank you” and smiled at them, giving them the lucky charm. It was her smile that Sora and the Replica were motivated by. It made them happy when she smiled at them. This inspired Axel’s backstory.
".....moreover, it's salty."
"But sweet!" As Lea went on, Isa smiled just a bit. 
It's rare to see Isa smile.
I think Lea felt the exact same way. Isa rarely smiled. Lea noticed it when he did and it made him happy. Since Saix basically NEVER smiles, it makes it Axel’s backstory even more sad.
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Saïx turned to him, irritated. “Can you really defeat the Heartless in Agrabah?”
“It’ll be fine. I’m tough, you know.”
After Castle Oblivion, Axel began to grow a heart and he remembered that he liked seeing Isa smile.
“Have you even thought that maybe I can’t erase Roxas?” Axel said, in a playful tone.
Saix finally looked up.
“It’ll be all right. Cause I’m tough.” Axel puffed out his chest.
“Saying stupid things,” said Saïx, smiling for just a second at Axel, puffing out his chest. 
Lea wanted to play the hero for him. He beat a tough enemy to protect Isa, bragged he was tough and puffed out his chest. And it made Isa thank him and smile at him.
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“Thank you, Axel,” they said, in unison.
This is why… this feeling is so hazy. Scratching his head unconsciously, Axel looked away from the two of them.
“Well…how about buying me an ice cream, then?” 
“Huh?” Roxas blurted, confused by the request when Axel couldn’t even meet their eyes. 
Don’t think I can take any more of those thank-yous.
That’s why Axel was so weird on Days 96. He hated being thanked.
“You made it so we could go on a mission together this morning, didn’t you?” said Xion, and Axel looked away.
When I’m smiled at with such a happy look… I feel uncomfortable.
And he hated being smiled at. 
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You know how Lea uses his phrase about getting “stuck with the icky jobs” before he sets off to find Isa and bring him back? I think that line was VERY important to his backstory and what motivated him so much to wield a Keyblade. In Japanese, Axel says, “mendokusai” a lot, which basically means “what a drag”.
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When Axel brought Xion back, he used the same line about being stuck with the icky jobs and said she always caused him trouble before he brought her back.
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“Besides, this place is huge. Searching for one lunkhead in here would be way too much trouble.”
“What happened to this being an important part of the job?” Roxas was rather annoyed with Axel for insisting they pursue their quarry all the way out here and then declaring it “too much trouble.”
In the novels, he’s constantly complaining about things being a “pain in the ass”. 
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“Something feels weird.”
“What do you mean?”
“You hate troublesome things, right, Axel?”
Basically, Axel doesn’t like things to be troublesome. Even Roxas noticed this. It was an important aspect of his personality. If possible, he’ll take the path of least resistance.
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“Maybe we finished too fast.” He was laughing as he said it, but Xion couldn’t.
It felt like he’d done most of the work for her today, too. She stared at the missing bite out of her ice cream. You probably could have beaten him, right, Roxas?
I think Lea liked playing the hero, Isa was appreciative of all his help, but Isa thought he was causing Lea trouble.
“Did something happen?”
“Not really…”
He’s a bad liar. I can pick it straight away. But, I guess that isn’t concrete proof that something did happen. Something must have happened that Roxas didn’t understand the reason for either, thought Axel. An emotion somewhere in my memories.
“Girls are complicated, aren’t they,” muttered Axel.
Something happened to damage Isa’s trust in Lea (maybe Braig playing mind games with him). Then Lea probably made a comment or joke about how he’s “always stuck with the icky jobs,” and it hit the wrong button for Isa and they got into a fight. Isa thought Lea considered him “too much trouble” and it really hurt his feelings. He wanted to do stuff on his own and pushed Lea away for a while. 
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“Well, Roxas—why do the three of us eat ice cream together every day in that place?”
“I have no use in doing that either, do I? If you think about it, it’s troublesome, right? Do you want me to tell you?”
Roxas looked at Axel, and waited for his answer.
“It’s because we are best friends.”
I think THAT was the whole point of Day 193. Isa got himself in a very bad situation without Lea’s help and it really scared Lea. Then Lea probably made Isa a promise that day that Isa could always rely on him and that he’d always be there to bring him back, no matter how many times he pushed him away. He wanted Isa to trust him unconditionally. Saix caused Axel a loooooot of trouble. Nobody in his life caused him more. But Lea made him that promise. And he meant it. And that was why he immediately set off to look for him when he woke up and why he was able to summon a Keyblade once he found out he was a vessel.
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didsomeonesayventus · 6 years ago
also also also I’m gonna talk about one (1) mild spoiler thing before I get my hands on the game and that’s the full opening:
also gonna get it out of my system basically utada parts of face my fears is yes skrillex parts are hit n miss and mixed feelings but he is a fellow fan and i salute him for what i am willing to believe was his full effort o7
Lot of Sora/Kairi nods, almost like the game wants to remind us about a relationship it’s been sorely neglecting (thinking emoji)
the entirety of the birth by sleep segment kills me AND I DONT KNOW WHY THEY CUT VEN’S ANGRY FACE BUT I LOVE UR DUMB ANGRY FACE
love the shooting star ven + timeskip on the islands. Also love the timeskip is not days but symbolic night -> day because Wayfinder associated with night and Destiny associated with day and also BBS ending on a down note leading into 10 years later with these kids setting out on an adventure filled with promise
Riku flickering into Ansem matches up better than the short version at the cost of losing the sync Sora and Kairi had with the “let me face (x3) my fears” lyrics and hm. dont really like that.
Lots of speculation labeled Star piece on the board as Namine but we get confirmation it stands for Kairi. Huh. Interesting.
I really love the moment where everyone’s getting their own little door to light thanks to Sora’s light, especially in the reactions. Seasalt trio has their backs to it, Wayfinder trio have a “AGH I FORGOT WHAT LIGHT IS LIKE” moment
I still don’t know why Xeha’s eyes are silver but Xehanort has gold and I am SCARED
granted that environment brightens considerably to give us a decently interesting group shot BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN??????
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andrewwtca · 1 year ago
OP's tags are fucking me up
#oh the forbidden expressions !!!! I’m gonna puke !!!!#‘riku I’m scared ! what if a shooting star hits the islands?’#’if a shooting star comes this way I’ll knock it right back into outer space ! I’ll protect you i promise’ !!!!#kingdom hearts#soriku#sora’s expression oh my go d oh my god#weakly raising his hand a silent plea that is so loud#he has to be so fu cked up from this#this specifically but also watching all of his friends die in less than five minutes#all the people he was supposed to protect. everybody was counting on him to be their hero#and he couldn’t stop any of them from being killed. rapidly. right in front of him#he barely had time to react like oh. my god what a horrible horrible horrible feeling#andd then the last friend left - riku - dies for him. and sora can only sit there paralyzed#ohhhhh. oh. god. i know this fucked him up good
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killing mnyseld
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