#‘oh listen to that mal’
javelinbk · 1 year
Following on from loveistoshare’s poll …
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poisoned-pearls · 3 months
Masquerade Road Trip 🚌
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Okay but like…. What if instead of using mirrors they had to stuff this whole cast of people into a bus/van
It’d be a little funny
(Also turn up phone brightness to see it better. Or don’t. Idk I don’t control you)
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gammija · 2 years
me: alright let's see what's malevolent's all about
first sound: whimpering little guy
me: starting strong i see
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starleska · 8 months
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before you say it about Maxime, i know. i know. i KNOW-
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intertexts · 3 months
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relistened to 34 on my way home from work 2day.... genuinely fuckign started crying @ william's conversation w his parents and i HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO THE KEMURI PART YET. GOD . anyway hi ros my friend ros how has ur afternoon been :]
YEAG..... YEAH...... i also was relistening to the fucking. first hour or so of 34 today..... williams conversation with his parents..... if i think too hard about the wisp family i think i will actually dissolve into dust.... they love him so much. he is eighteen & so miserable he fucking needs a hug from his mom!!!!!!!!!!! :((((((((
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anyway HII hi hi i have been good!!! hope u had a good afternoon too :] we r. back in the tranches babeey......!!! <- throws hardtack at u
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saturnisfallingdown · 10 months
did you guys know that
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ewingstan · 5 months
Tagged by @thesternest for putting my repeat playlist on shuffle and listing the first ten songs
Still Into You, Paramore: Ironically, I've cooled on this one a bit. First heard this when my brother said "Your into MCR and Coheed, right? How are you not into Paramore?" I probably do need to actually do a deep dive into their discography but this one I definitely overplayed for myself.
See America Right, The Mountain Goats: Tallahassee might just be the greatest album of all time.
Day Old Coffee, Laura Jane Grace: speaking of artists I need to do a deep dive on. I really liked Grace's most recent solo album, I gotta get more into her other albums. They're often a bit poppier than her stuff with Against Me!, but turns out she does poprock rather well.
Don't Ask Me, OK Go: Fuck this is fun to sing along to. Best song on an album full of bangers.
The Suffering, Coheed and Cambria: Look sometimes I'm a basic poppunk bitch. God this one grabs me from the first guitar riff.
You're So Damn Hot, OK Go: Huh apparently I've been having an OK Go moment recently.
I Don't Want to Get Over You, The Magnetic Fields: Slept on. Some things gotta be in an album that long, but still. Everything about this is so fun, has one of my favorite vocal deliveries from Merritt.
SPKOTHDVL, I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: Thank vibes for this one, started listening to this after she posted that great Lisa piece. Love the shrieks in this one. Always appreciate a good shriek.
What to Do, OK Go: I used a line from this in my lecture on Bernard William's stance on immortality and the afterlife.
Hm who do I know who does tag games and hasn't already been tagged? uhh @lipstickchainsaw @megamuscle885-blog @aggiepython @asocialcaterpillar @skitterstan @lakesbian @faultlinescrew not sure if y'all do tag games but
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oflgtfol · 5 months
when u f. when u feel a new interest taking hold . in ur brain
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perfectmissus · 2 months
rita ora ate in descendants 4 i’m sorry
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chipsonthemenu · 1 year
wauugh. does anyone else listen to mal blum. they have a band called mal blum and the blums and that reminds me of jrwi. yknow. gillion and the tidestriders. its silly to me okay their music is so good
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hellsgreatestshow · 3 months
Alastor's Shadows; Lonbraj
This is lore for my muses built with the help of @hellsgreatestgame. We have carefully worked together to build and expand the Hella-Verse. All these ideas are mine and not to be used by anyone else without permission. A lot of time and effort went into every detail or my lore.
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Alastor's powers derive from dark magic and Voodoo. He can manifest his powers by creating shadows with his power to do his bidding. These shadows are called Sa Ki Mal. These shadows are tied directly to the demon and often act on his behalf. His main shadow is, Lonbraj or just Lonnie. This shadow is very unique to the rest of his shadows. This amplifies Alastor's most pure intentions acting as a conduit for his soul.
Lonnie can act and express himself through shadows and other means. He is vibrant and full of life unlike Alastor.
Lonnie is able to manifest and interact with the world around him but he can also interact with the shadows.
Much like Peter Pan's shadow, the shadows Lonnie touches or changes will effect the objects they are tied to. So if Lonnie picks up Niffty's shadow, Niffty will also lift up off the ground.
When interacting with the shadows, Lonnie can also steal someone's shadow. When he does this it will cause the person who is attached to the shadow to become a lifeless lump on the ground in a suspended limbo.
Lonnie has his own desires and wants and if denied too long he will just go and do his own thing.
Lonnie does interact and even plays games with Alastor regularly.
Lonnie always gives away Alastor's true emotions and feelings toward others.
Lonnie adores those most dear to Alastor and will often express this with spectacular shows and feats.
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notsogoodluck · 1 year
"Don't you dare look at me that way, I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same"
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error404vnotfound · 1 year
I don’t know if this is a personal question 👉🏼👈🏼
You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to!
But how are languages divided in Catalonia? I know you speak three languages. In schools do people speak Spanish or is it all Catalan? Or write Spanish and speak Catalan? Or visa versa? What role does English play?
I guess what I’m really asking, is how did you learn three languages?
ohhhh, tranqui tranqui, no és gens personal
Catalunya forma tècnicament part d'Espanya, on la llengua oficial és el castellà. Espanya, però, té dins el seu territori un ventall multicultural bastant extens, cosa que es reflexa en les altres llengües i dialectes que s'hi parlen. A Catalunya, per exemple, les llengües oficials són: la de l'estat (castellà), i les pròpies (el català i l'occità).
Depèn molt de la família com es distribueixen aquestes llengües a casa. Jo per exemple sempre he parlat en castellà amb la meva família (els meus avis no saben català, però el poden seguir, i els meus pares van néixer durant la dictadura a Catalunya i no van aprendre català fins després de l'institut), i a casa la televisió es posava tant en castellà com en català (pel meu benefici).
L'escola és en català (com ha de ser). Això no vol dir que a algun profe no se li escapi alguna expressió en castellà de tant en tant, però no suposa un drama que passi.
Respecte altres llengües, l'anglès es comença a ensenyar des dels tres anys, i si no m'equivoco es fan tres hores setmanals d'anglès des dels 6 anys fins als 18 (podrien ser només dues al principi i després 3). El castellà, per altra banda, es comença a ensenyar a la primària (als 6 anys) un cop els alumnes saben llegir i escriure més o menys bé.
Parlar tres llengües no és excepcional, és la norma. En teoria, un cop acabes l'educació obligatòria (és fins als 16 anys), hauries de saber català, castellà i anglès. I és el que passa. El català i el castellà són suficientment semblants com per a que la fluïdesa no sigui un problema. L'anglès, però, és més complicat. El nivell amb el que es surt si només has fet classes a l'escola és suficient per a defensar-te, però no molt més.
També és comú fer extraescolars d'anglès. Jo per exemple vaig fer 4 anys, cosa que va ajudar a que aprengués la base de gramàtica i estructura que no arribàvem a aprendre a l'escola. La meva fluïdesa la dec a començar a llegir noveles i consumir coses en anglès per internet.
Hi ha gent, fins i tot, que surt de l'institut sabent quatre llengües. Des dels 12 anys hi ha l'optativa de fer francès (jo vaig fer 2 anys fins que l'alternativa era més interessant).
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sparkly-skies · 2 years
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lakeglitter · 2 years
what do you mean barry season 4 is barry final season???? how could they do it to me personally
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lerokpaw · 3 months
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🐉Dragon grass 🐉
You lit incense, but you didn't even think what it would lead to
!!!nsfw !!! !!! 18+ !!!
! All characters 18+!
Female reader
Sorry english don't my first language. But I hope you enjoy it 🐉
Status : Couple Y/N - Perfect (The head of a dilapidated dormitory)
A small heat source in the form of a green firefly lit the way for one of the most mysterious people in Twisted Wonderland or for you Tsunagotaro/Mal Mal/Malleus. His task at the moment was to see your face, or rather a smile on it. But first of all, to invite you on a little evening date. You and the future king of the Valley of Thorns have been dating for about six months and one of his favorite pleasures was to see you in a good mood, and if his favorite combo in the form of you, gargoyles, your love and beautiful art, which he saw in all of the above, were collected in one place and at one time, then Malleus was literally melting with love. And in the sky you could see how the stars were shining brighter. Wandering in his thoughts, the Dragon discovered that he nuzzled your door, while accidentally touching the bell with his horn, and he notified the resident of the Dilapidated dormitory of his majesty's presence. Hearing rapid footsteps on the stairs, the so-called Tsunagotaro moved away from the door and waited for your face to appear in its crack.
-Hello, Mal Mal! -"Greetings, my dear," horned smiled with his trademark gentle smile.
-Oh, listen - She slightly covered the already small gap as if to show that he does not have to see what is behind it. But now Malleus' interest has only grown.
-Yes, honey?
-I understand that you probably came for me on a date, but I'm a little unprepared… And could we sit here in the dorm today?
-I dare not refuse my dear couple this request, - he bowed familiarly You laughed a little
-Then come on in, I'm sorry, I'm a little at home.. I'm going to run to the kitchen for ice cream and return it, go to my room for now.
-Ice cream? Won't you need any help? - he already imagined how his favorite dish would be on his tongue.
-It's not worth it! Come into the room! - I was already shouting from the kitchen. The old wooden floorboards and stairs creaked under your boyfriend's feet. He was slowly moving deeper into the dorm when he felt a pleasant and sweet smell in his nose. Approaching your room, he realized that this fragrance was coming from there. When he entered, he saw Grim, who also exchanged a glance, but no longer friendly
-"Henchman, you brought that Tsunagotaro again without my knowledge! Malleus just narrowed his eyes and smiled at the furry creature.
-Don't go make-up, please, if something doesn't suit you, then go downstairs - she shouted through the whole dorm
-I'll actually go to the Adeuce duo then! At that moment, the monster ran out the door and pointedly slammed it -Sorry, Small, for this performance - she said calmly as she approached the room
-It's okay, I understand, my dear
-Your ice cream
-Thank you very much
Sit on the bed Have you started noticing how your boyfriend's pale face is starting to turn purple?
-Honey, are you hot?
-what? Oh, I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what's going on.. Am I just not used to it?
-Hmm, do you have an allergy to herbs?
-As far as I know, no, why? - now he was interested in what was happening to his body.
-Well, I just lit incense.. And I thought maybe they made you feel bad.
he approached you slowly and carefully, trying not to scare you off
- Can I smell you? -N-an unexpected offer- you blushed slightly - but I don't mind - you pushed the hair that was lying on your neck to the side, as if trying to tie it into a bunch
-Thank you - Mal said almost in a whisper and approached your neck inhaling the armat and now his previous sensations have doubled. As if waking up, he jumped back.
-I just don't know… It seems to me… - after these words, he attacked you with a sensual kiss. You've kissed before, but this… It was something that foreshadowed something more. After you stopped getting enough air.
-As if I want all of you - finally the thought was complete.
-What!? I'm sorry!? He abruptly leaned back from you
-Oh, I'm sorry.. I just.. I don't know what came over me Malleus rubbed the back of his head confused
-No! It's not that I'm against ours.. Continuations.. You started gesturing actively
-It's just me.. I didn't expect you to. Similar actions
-Hmm really? Malleus said, approaching you with a slightly mischievous smile and half-open eyes.
-Y-Yes! I am.. Sorry. I'm a little nervous.
-Maybe then you're not ready? I'll understand.. I won't insist - he gently took your hand and kissed it gently
-I didn't say that! It's just… this.. Nervous
-Are you afraid of me? -No! I love you very much! And as you can see, when you're so close to me, I don't push you away. Because I'm not afraid..
-Then I'll try to be gentle... Malleus smiled at you tenderly and ran his hand over your cheek You're blushing
- You always know how to embarrass me. Tsunagotaro gently ran his hand down your neck and ran his fingers a little over the top of your pajamas. He pressed his nose against your shoulder and inhaled the fragrance, his pupils sharply narrowed
-Darling? - He said in a slightly trembling voice
-What is it?
-Are you sure you agree to what happens next? I won't be able to restrain myself..
-Yes.. Just be gentle to start with You felt his smile appearing on your skin. It was important for him to hear the permission from your mouth. Now small spikes and a tail began to show on his back. Although it wasn't visible through his clothes yet
-Good...- he slowly began to take off your shirt. After he took it off, he said
-Darling.. I didn't think your kind had such cute gadgets..
He pointed to his chest and gently kneaded it with his hands
-Tell me if it hurts you. even in his lust-intoxicated state, he tried to take care of you. -M?!
She turned her head away, blushing
-Except yours.. Is there no view of them?
-There is, but I never paid attention to it…
He leaned against the chest area with a languid look and began to kiss her slowly and sensually.
-Mm.. The taste is as incredible as the smell ~
After his words, you whimpered softly while he kissed you and smiled, and his hands slowly made their way to the area below your stomach. Now Malleus was slowly sliding towards your stomach and was already kissing you there.
-Mm~ My rose.. Will you let me go on?
-Yes.. Oh sure The horned fairy grinned and his hands pulled the elastic of your night pants a little, gently pulling them off you. After that, your underwear became his barrier to your wonderful taste, he puffed up a little from this fact. But he continued to slowly spend his hands removing this obstacle, while feeling like you were already wet. Pushing your legs apart a little, the scent of your arousal hit him right in the nose and the smell of incense gave him even more strength to continue.
-It really looks like rose petals.. - he said, spreading your vulva
-Mm!? Where.. How? Where did you find this comparison? - She said, looking at him with one raised eyebrow
-Well.. He massaged it a little with his fingers and looked down intently.
-It's a little awkward..
-What could be more embarrassing than my position in front of you?
-Hehe, you're a darling.. Once.. When I was younger, I became interested in the topic.. Mating. And I asked Lilia what it was like.. Well, he told me that "everything is so beautiful for women that I look like rose petals" Frankly, I did not believe him, and I did not quite understand what he was talking about. But now that I see it all in person.. His words make sense
-Well, that's an interesting comparison..
-Do you think so?~ - he said in a seductive tone when his face was between your legs, where he slowly ran his tongue between the folds -Mh!? - you jumped a little out of surprise, thereby hitting him a little in the nose with your hips
-Honey, calm down.. Otherwise, I'll go crazy before I give us pleasure~ I'm already holding on with all my strength so as not to eat you.. That smell.. Intoxicating~ - Malleus tightened his grip on your legs, scratching them a little with his claws, starting to run his tongue up and down.
-That's what I wanted to hear, my rose ~ -
He mimicked the movements of his tongue in your petals. Quickly finding the middle, he rushed there. Each time, his movements became more violent, as he quickly began to lose his composure. Listening to your moans, he couldn't hold back his own mooing, thereby sending you impulses that didn't help you not melt in his grip.
-Ah! - From his accidental sharp thrust, you moaned and mechanically moved your hands to his horns. With these actions, you finally pulled the trigger from the dragon, who was now furiously beating his tongue at you and your petals
Driving in like that for a couple more minutes, you felt a wave of pleasure begin to catch up with you. Malleus felt your back begin to arch and your legs to shake.
-Mm~ Have you already?
-Don't talk.. Ah! Go on..
-Hehe - you felt his smile tremble in you
-Mmm~Ah! - when he hit you with his tongue the last time, you sprayed him in the face, squeezing between his legs. The dragon rose slowly, carefully releasing your legs. His eyes were sparkling with a green light, and his whole face was in your netar. He licked his face and approached your already breathless face.
-Malleus.. phew..
-Yes, my rose ~ before you say it, I want to say that you are magnificent both in taste and aroma, as befits a flower ~
-You.. The dragon is too greedy..
-Naturally ~ - he gently tucked your hair behind your ear.
-Are you ready to continue? ~ - Malleus is clearly pissed off after your taste
-WHAT!? We just did..
-Hehe, this is just the beginning, I want to feel your nectar not only on my lips ~
-You.. You're vulgar! - you got up and hit him with a pillow
Ahaha, darling, but you like it ~ He stopped you by grabbing your hand - And since you're already so active, I can continue~
The incense finally burned out.. But the smell of "Dragon Grass" has long filled the whole room..
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