#‘its just a poll it isn’t that serious’ THEN STOP TRYING TO RATIONALIZE IT. BADLY.
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shame-kink · 1 year ago
going 2 declare death penalty on lego fans for the crime of not justifying their definition of tragedy well enough
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loudlytransparenttrash · 8 years ago
The Immigration Crisis
We still talk about immigration as if it in any way resembles the immigration our countries were built on. We have never had open borders, we are built on legal and controlled immigration and also the success of integration, not bringing in the smuggled masses and all their relatives with no questions asked. Europe is bringing in 6000 migrants every 24 hours with no identification, no background checks, no paperwork. It can only be called a catastrophe. It is a catastrophe that is being vastly understated by our entire political class as we continue to pay the price.
We have completely underestimated the scale of this challenge. Some on the right make the mistake of believing it's incredibly easy to just simply stop the boats but more crucially, the left have made the colossal mistake of believing we are creating peace by allowing every single one of them in and once they’re in they will adopt our values, laws and lifestyles and everything will be peachy. 
This is a fantasy, one with very evidently dangerous consequences. When you import in so many people who have been brought up to hate the West, to blame the West for the underdevelopment of their countries, to see the West as their dooming oppressors, you are importing a major problem. The surveys and polls that I have posted earlier and especially the endless attacks reflect the anti-West, radicalized views that are maintained long after being accepted into the country. 
78% of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons, 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam. 40% of British Muslims want British law replaced with Sharia law. 36% of young British Muslims believe that those converting to another religion should be executed, 12% of young Muslims in Britain believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 21% of British Muslims decline to condemn stoning adulterers and more than half of British Muslims want gay people to be outlawed. 1 in 10 British Muslims support killing a family member over “dishonor”. 1 in 5 young British Muslims agree that ‘honor’ violence is acceptable. 81% of British Muslims refer to themselves only as Muslim, not British. These are the moderates.
No longer is Europe trying to bring the third world up to their standards, the third world is now bringing Europe down to their standards. We are importing masses of people who have radically different views and values to those we are successfully progressing into Western society. You cannot expect these people to all of a sudden believe our sexuality, gender and religious freedoms and differences are tolerable when it has always been completely outlawed and a severely punishable offense to them.
I don’t believe taking refugees or immigration is all bad by any means but we have to start looking at this more seriously. We have to be sensible and slow the rate of it down. We have to stop so many from coming because once they are in Europe, they stay. It’s a myth that many of them are at risk of being sent back. They are instead being rewarded for illegally breaking into Europe and £2billion is being spent on their rewards. We have to stop this at its source.
It is clear that most people who defend open borders and cheer on taking them all in are under the impression that all of the refugees are fleeing from ISIS and most of them are women and children. Neither are true. They are coming from Africa, eastern Europe, east Asia, the Indian subcontinent as well as the Middle East and the large majority are men between 18-34 years old. The pitch we are being sold to justify this massive influx is, ‘If we don’t let them all in, then it will make ISIS stronger by showing them that we hate Muslims and don’t want them.’ This is the type of fear mongering, manipulative drivel that we believe. If this is your vision, then you must accept that it has failed and having open borders and asking no questions is only making matters worse. 
Our foreign policy has of course had a bad effect in some countries but it is not the cause of the refugee crisis because many of them aren’t refugees, they are migrants looking for something better. We have no involvement in many of their countries and they are still coming. The world is coming to us, some of it we are at fault for but the majority of it isn’t and it’s very important to be careful not to blame ourselves and feel as if it is our duty to welcome such massive, unsustainable amounts of people who have illegally broken in, not because it is a matter of life or death, but because they know they will be gifted years and years of free rewards, benefits and cash once they arrive. 
We are able to integrate people into Europe successfully but it has to happen slowly and as long as they want to be a part of our society which is currently not the case, there is great efforts to segregate themselves from the flamboyant, hellish, freedom loving lifestyle of the infidels. It’s difficult enough for a Nigerian Christian to adapt to the Western world, so those with an Islamic background find it almost impossible to let go of their radical, frightening beliefs and views as it’s completely normal and acceptable in their world and it’s the Western people with the problem, not them. It has become blindingly clear, so blatantly obvious that the greater of difference in culture, the more problems are created and the greater the numbers, the more longterm the problem. 
This isn’t about all Muslims, this is about acknowledging the fact that the West is having serious problems digesting this extreme flow through our borders. Multiculturalism is failing badly, it has failed to integrate refugees and migrants and it has failed to create peace. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Australia's former prime minister John Howard, former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar and former French president Nicolas Sarkozy have all said that multiculturalism has failed and will continue to fail unless we be more sensible and intelligent about the way we handle it. So what do we do? Open our borders even wider, ask fewer questions and punish anyone who criticizes it. 
Trevor Phillips, former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, also agreed that it has failed miserably. "I played a principal role in the creation of UK laws against religious discrimination and it was a report that I commissioned that first introduced the term Islamophobia to Britain. We thought that the real risk of the arrival of new communities was discrimination against Muslims. Liberal opinion in Britain has, for more than two decades, maintained that most Muslims are just like everyone else. It’s not as though we couldn’t have seen this coming. But we’ve repeatedly failed to spot the warning signs. For a long time, I too thought that Europe’s Muslims would become like previous waves of migrants, gradually abandoning their ancestral ways, wearing their religious and cultural baggage lightly, and gradually blending into Britain’s diverse identity landscape. We got almost everything else wrong. I should have known better.” 
As we cannot simply stop taking in people, we have to at the very least slow it down. This is the very first thing we should all be calling for. There is no possible way countries like Germany, France, the United Kingdom can take 2% of their population in addition every year - especially when the additional hold wildly different views and beliefs - and remain a stable, democratic society. We are seeing the proof of this today. The tyranny of guilt has created the West’s inability to think rationally and do what is right. Not what the regressive, feminist teenagers tell them is right but what is truly right for our countries. They believe that the West is righting our wrongs by letting them kill us, we owe our surrender to the world because we won the wars and we went on to create the modern world. The trend of guilt is one we have to quickly break before it does any more damage. 
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