#‘i don’t have eyes for anyone but you Akane’ o k a y H i k a r u
saccharinescorpion · 2 months
chapter 60
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chapter 119
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okay Hikaru lmao
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crimecaro14 · 4 years
@saiouweek Day 2 Past life/despair disease
Just another, bound to be boring day was about to start with it's first lesson on hopes peak academy - the school of the ultimate elite. Well class sure won't be boring for Shuichi Saihara since one of his classmates entertained him every single day. But today was something off, he wasn't there.
"Hey", Shuichi leaned over to his best friend Kaito, "have you seen Kokichi?"
The boy shrugged disinterested, "Don't know, don't care. Maybe he's sick."
Shuichi hummed as he turned his gaze to the missing boys chair. He had never been absent from class - even though they were allowed to do so - something had to be off.
Between classes Shuichi met with Makoto and Hajime in the cafeteria like every Thursday. After talking for a while they noticed that in each of their classes one student had been missing. Beside Kokichi also Kyoko and Nagito were missing today.
"That's rather strange", Makoto thought out loud. "Kyoko never misses a class, at least not without telling me."
"Similar to Kokichi", Shuichi threw into the round.
"Did you guys try to reach them somehow? Nagito also doesn't answer the phone, which is odd since he always picks up right away to tell you that he can't believe someone called him", Hajime explained.
As he spoke his classmate Ibuki Mioda passed their table and overheard their conversation.
"Oh, Mikan confiscated their phones so they could rest properly", she explained as she sat down next to Hajime without asking.
"You know where they are?", Makoto asked excited to finally have a clue. Ibuki tilted her head in response. "What, you didn't hear Kirigiris screams earlier as she tried to flee from Mikan?"
"She did what?!"
Ibuki laughed, "Yeah, the girl sure can get wild."
Hajime interrupted, "Ibuki, how do you know all this?"
"Uh well duuh, I checked on Mikan before I got here. The tree are in the nursery, sick or something."
With that testimony the three boys decided to visit the nursery - after Ibuki had finished her lunch since they didn't want to leave her alone.
Stressed and nervous as always Mikan rushed back and forth until Hajime was able to stop her.
"Hey Mikan, is Nagito here?"
"A-among others, y-yes."
"Why?", Makoto interrupted.
"He h-has caught th-the despair disease, just -just like Kirigiri, Ouma and Akane...", Mikan explained the situation.
"Despair disease?!", the three boys asked in union.
"Ah w-well it's another j-joke from that... bear... they all...all act like the opposite they are usually. Like while Nagito has the l-lair disease and always means the-the opposite of what he says... K-Kokichi can't lie at all... A-Akane is sc-ared o-off everything and... Kyoko-"
In that exact moment they all heard a furious scream of a female voice. "Is loud." Makoto of course recognised his girlfriends voice and headed over to give Mikan a bit of a break.
Without asking Hajime and Shuichi also made their ways to the boys they had worried about.
"Ohh, my beloved~", Kokichi greeted the detective as he saw him enter the room, "I didn't expect you to visit me."
Shuichi sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Hm, Tsumiki is right about your symptoms", he mumbled rather to himself than Kokichi.
"How come?"
"You would've said that you expected me, like the villain in that cop movie we watched together." Shuichi chuckled a bit over the memory, while Kokichi slid deeper under his blanket, he felt so naked in front of Shuichi when he couldn't lie to hide his true intentions. Yet Shuichi was the only person he wanted to see him like this.
"Why didn't you tell anyone you were sick? We could've taken some extra notes for you", Shuichi asked in a worried tone.
"Oh I just don't want anyone to know my current state, since they all would just ask me millions of questions to get a true answer", Kokichi shrugged it off as it wasn't really a problem. Shuichi could understand the urge to ask the mysterious boy everything one ever wanted to know about him without the risk of it being a lie, but taking advantage of Kokichis state wasn't right.
"Anyway, why are you here, Shumai, don't tell me you were worried about me."
Shuichi raised an eyebrow, "You've been in every class since we got to this school, except for today, of course I was worried."
"Well now you know where I am, you can might as well leave." Kokichi turned his head to look out of the window. The sudden rejection hit Shuichi on a different level. Did the boy expect that he would also take advantage of his situation?
"Kokichi... are you afraid I'm gonna ask you a lot of stuff to find out the truth too?", he asked a bit insecure. Kokichi still didn't look at him but nodded.
"Like you out of all people aren't curious."
"If course I am but I want to get behind your lies without any help of a stupid disease. That won't help me to understand you next week, when you're no longer sick."
Kokichi turned his head back to face Shuichi again, a slight smile on his lips. "Then you are allowed to stay, my beloved."
"A-Actually...", Shuichi got a bit flustered, "there would be one thing I'd like to ask you..."
"Ask. You'll see if you get an answer."
"You always call me your beloved... do you... do you mean it?", Shuichi averted his gaze, embarrassed that he asked in the first place.
"Would you ask me that without the disease too?", was all Kokichi wanted to know beforehand.
"If I... if I'd bring up the courage eventually... some day...", he stuttered, "Since... I fear that you'll tell me what I want to hear but then just state it as a lie..." ... and hurt me, Shuichi couldn't say the last bit, even now he missed the courage.
"What you want to hear?", Kokichi tilted his head, "you want to hear that I mean it, right?"
Shuichi nodded.
"Weeell then today's your lucky da-", he couldn't finish his cheering announcement due to the stupid cough coming with the disease.
"Kokichi! Are you okay?! Should I get you some-" amused Kokichi grabbed for his glass and emptied it in almost one gulp. "-water, you know nevermind." Embarrassed Shuichi scratched his cheek.
Too cute, Kokichi thought, happy to see that Shuichi actually cared.
"I mean it", he suddenly said.
"Huh?"; Shuichis head snapped up.
"I mean it when I call you my beloved. I like you the most out of all people in this school. You are not boring." Kokichi smiled at him as he explained how he saw Shuichi, who stopped working for a moment. He really didn't expect that, even though it was what he wanted to hear.
"Then... then I got one more follow up question..."
"But just one."
"Would you go out on a date with me, once you're well?" They were alone, something that didn't happen often, so Shuichi had to use that chance, especially after Kokichi just confessed that he liked Shuichi.
There was silence for a while. When Shuichi lifted his eyes again he saw Kokichis red face. "Ah- is it your fever?! Should I call Mikan?! I can-"
"Of course."
"The fever or Mikan?"
"The date."
"Oh... OH..."
"But no more questions for today, kay?", Kokichi played it off like this was some sort of payment.
"Okay, then I won't ask", Shuichi mumbled as he leaned in closer to Kokichi.
"Sh-Shumai what are you...!", the boy was interrupted by the pair of lips that closed his own off.
Ze, ze, can't even wait for the first date, my beloved, would be what Kokichi would say right now but he was too busy returning the kiss gently.
"I heard my name is something- WHY ARE YOU TWO KISSING?!", Mikan had entered the room but stopped right in the doorframe after she saw what the two boys were doing.
They broke the kiss and stared shocked at Mikan, who screamed, "HE IS SICK! YOU CAN'T KISS SOMEONE SICK!"
They shared a short look before it dawned on Shuichi.
"It's contagious!?", Shuichi asked shocked.
Instead of their date Shuichi joined Kokichi in his infirmary just a few days later - he really got infected too after just a short little kiss. After only two days Kokichi was already sick of Shuichis extroverted behaviour, he wanted his beloved nervous emo back as soon as possible!
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