#‘eurydice dying now a second time uttered no complaint against her [partner]. what was there to complain of but that she had been loved?’
sunnyside-sunset · 26 days
parrotduo as orpheus and eurydice but the version where orpheus gets out and is so excited they made it that he turns around full of joy forgetting that eurydice is half a step behind him
“to love is to look” AUUUGHHHH
#qsmp#qsmp jaiden#qsmp roier#parrotduo#orpheus and eurydice#‘if he loved her less he wouldnt turn around. he wishes he loved her less.’#WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO ME#or maybe its the version where he cant hear her anymore#he cant see her shadow on the wall and turns around thinking hes been tricked#or she begs him to turn around because nobody told her about the deal#and why wont he look at her#doesnt he love her? doesnt he care?#he came to the underworld for her and he is trying to leave and shes doing her best to follow but why wont he turn around?#please could you turn around?#or she trips and in his tired and delirious state after trekking days through the underworld is to turn around and help her up#in no version does he save her and in no version do they love each other any less#something something its important the love was there#even if it changed nothing and even if they were still doomed in the end#its important that the love was there and that they loved each other#‘eurydice dying now a second time uttered no complaint against her [partner]. what was there to complain of but that she had been loved?’#youre sick youre sick youre sick get away from me this stupid qpr has ruined my life#SORRY I STARTED YAPPING IN THE NOTES I DIDNT MEAN TO GET CARRIED AWAY#the orpheus that wouldnt have turned around is a man that wouldnt have gone to the underworld for her in the first place#the orpheus that wouldnt have turned around is the orpheus that would have never looked for her in the first place#TO LOVE IS TO LOOK TO LOVE IS TO LOOK help
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