#‘awwww hello spongecake’
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Their wedding photo was so cute, it lives in my brain. You cut open my brain and it’s just their wedding photo
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years ago
Roleplay Server log #179
“Master Herobrine, the Infinite Spongecake”
[Notch] Is falling into a fitful sleep again, he's obviously feverish and his face is a bit red.
[Lie] Spawns one of her cold flowers- Rest well Notch
[NOTCHAI] Via the command block left- Doctor?  We have a problem...
[Doc] Is gently playing with Yaunfen while Deerheart watches them - Hmmm? - types- What's is it?
[NOTCHAI] - We have a problem with that cake you left us...
[Doc] Cake? Oh the stuff from the modded seed? Did it go bad or something?
[NOTCHAI] - It might be best if you come and see for yourself...
[Doc] Okay.... Hey Deerheart? Wanna come with me to check on the NOTCH's?
[Deer] - Sure, why not.  Should we leave Yaunfen with Endrea?
[Doc] Nah, they're safe enough with both of us.
[Deer] - Alright
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and toddles over to Doc-
[Doc] I guess I should be smaller for this anyway. I don't want to frighten them. - Xe changes back to human and scoops the bitty dragon into hir arms.
[Deer] Follows Doc's lead and shifts back to being human-
[Doc] Heads across Lie's yard and down into the cage. Xe pauses in the entrance to give the offensive plant near the ceiling a chance to recognize them before opening a portal into the sub seed.
[Deer] Steps through after Doc and closes the opening behind them-  I wonder what exactly is wrong...
[Doc] -I hope they're not allergic to mods or something- Looks around for the big dragons. There's evidence of some of the smaller normal ones having played in the vicinity recently.
[Thunder] Is flying high overhead-
[NOTCHAI] Comes into sight- Doctor!
[Doc] Hey, we just got here, what seems to be the problem?
[NOTCHAI] - The sponge cake?  I think that's what you called it...  Well, it's caused a bit of a problem...
[Doc] THE SPONGE CAKE... Shit...
[NOTCHAI] - Do you have any means for controlling it?
[Doc] Points to Yaunfen- Actually I didn't know that it would multiply when I gave it away. It needs to be eaten.
[Yaunfen] Squeaks-
[NOTCHAI] - Another dragon?
[Doc] The cake came from the same seed where we found Yaunfen's egg. Apparently it's this type of dragon's primary food source. Without the dragon to eat it, it just slowly expands in the limitless black of the End.
[NOTCHAI] - It's somewhat taken over one of our rooms
[Doc] All you had to do was eat what I gave you intially. It's perfectly safe.  Did you forget about it?
[NOTCHAI] - We stored it away and became distracted with healing the others
[Doc] Ah, well I can clean it up or you can distribute the pieces , or both, what would you prefer?
[NOTCHAI] - I think a few should be saved, but it's really getting out of hand.  There's no way we can eat all f it fast enough
[Doc] Okay, show me please. Oh and by the by, this is my mate Deerheart. Love this is the leader of the NOTCHAI's.
[Deer] - It's a pleasure to meet you
[NOTCHAI] - And the same to you, please, follow me- He leads them back to the initial place Doc built for them.  There are a few small houses built outside and around the farms as well
[Doc] It looks like you've made some nice progress. Other then the glut of cake, how is everyone?
[NOTCHAI] - Slowly getting better...  Some faster than others...
[Doc] Is there anyone you'd like me to tend too?
[NOTCHAI] - If you can convince any of them to, be my guest
[Doc] I'm not sure I understand. Would they refuse me for being a brine? Or did they just flee your group into the wilderness?
[NOTCHAI] - Many are still skittish about the mere mention of Brines...
[Doc] Should I visit more often? Just to desensitive them a bit?
[NOTCHAI] - It might not hurt...- He leads them inside the main cavern and there's cake spilling out of a side room.  Many of the NOTCH's give them a wide berth
[Doc] Oh dear. I'm sorry, I know it's annoying. But you have to admit it is a bit funny. Cake is a relatively mild thing to have to much of.
[Yaunfen] Struggles in Doc's arms, trying to reach the cake-
[Doc] I think our baby wants first crack at it too... - Xe sets the little dragon on the floor near the pile and crouches down to watch them.
[Yaunfen] Runs right into the cake and starts chewing-
[Deer] - Awww....
[Doc] Now that is an effective clean up! - Xe sits on the floor- Who's a good baby?
[Yaunfen] Buries deep into the cake-
[Doc] So give me an idea of what your status is. How many are still in need of physical care? Irregardless of whether they'd fight me or not.
[NOTCHAI] - Most physical ailments are relatively well off after you fixed the glitches.  It's more mental health.  Although being here has seemed to have a good effect
[Doc] I see. You just need to keep them engaged, fresh air, sunshine, a sense of purpose. It wouldn't hurt to set up some meetings on a regular basis for a bit of group counseling. I think the ones with more mental damage would benefit from being allowed to talk about it.
[NOTCHAI] - We encourage them to talk as much as we can, but some just wont open up yet
[Doc] It takes time. And it's okay to sit and listen until you feel ready. And I think you're doing a good job of leading them, from what I've heard and seen.
[Deer] - Duck!- A small grouping of cake burst and Yaunfen is sitting in the center as chunks fly as it's grown a little
[Doc] Gets hit with a bit of spongecake and looks wildly for their baby. - You grew! awwww!
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and eats a bit more before flopping, having eaten it's fill-
[Doc] Goes to check on them- Issum full? Daww. Well I'll clean up the rest then, unless you want to help, Deerheart?
[Deer] - Sure- She begins swatting blocks out of existance
[Doc] Perfect- Xe does a little gathering, just a dozen blocks, and helps hir lover knock the rest away.
[Deer] - This room is bigger than I thought...
[Doc] Yep, that's a lot of cake. But I did leave it quite some time ago. - Turns to the NOTCHAI- so how is your group getting on with the local dragons?
[NOTCHAI] - Occasionally the babies will tear up our gardens, but the two adults keep them mostly under control
[Doc] Ah, sorry. It's always tough with little ones. They just want to play.
[Yaunfen] Long squeak-
[Doc] I think most of them will be intelligent enough to have full conversations with once they're older. That should make things easier.
[NOTCH] - I hope so
[Doc] Just to keep you updated... Markus is, well he's kind of ill. If any of you want to send him anything or visit him, I'd help you do so.
[NOTCHAI] - The Supreme Notch is ill?  What happened?
[Doc] It's his time. He's been inside the game long enough for his physical body to dissolve. He's becoming digital. I gave him a complete transfusion of blood from several donors including a few brines to speed the process, but he's still bed-ridden and in a lot of pain.
[NOTCHAI] - I don't think we currently have anything to spare other than our best wishes, plus most here would be too terrified to follow you to where there are more brines...
[Doc] Flowers are always good for well-wishing. And they're free for the gathering. And if you want to write him a nice note I'll deliver it gladly. And It wouldn't hurt to take a few NOTCH's over there to see him, just to show them it's safe.
[NOTCHAI] - I'm sure a note could be arranged.  But all flowers have been gathered by one of my brethren who won't give them up
[Doc] I'll give you some from the creative if you want to attach some "To" And "from" tags
[NOTCHAI] - Thank you
[Doc] You gather up anyone who wants to send a note or wants to go, and me and Deerheart will take care of the flowers. Okay?
[NOTCHAI] - Alright, I'll be right back
[Doc] Ready to spread some good cheer my love? - Xe sets down a trunk and opens it to fill it with flowers and pots.
[Deer] Smiles and starts making small arrangments-
[Doc] Keeps glancing at Yaunfen, and hir mate. - I think I might need help with this smile...
[Deer] - Smile?
[Doc] Pretends to panic- I can't get it off my face!
[Deer] Groans and face palms-
[Doc] Is just grinning with an armful of flowers.
[Deer] Shakes her head before giving Doc a quick kiss on the cheek-
[Yaunfen] Rolls around-
[Doc] Finishes up and twiddles an orchid over Yaunfen to see if they'll play with hir.
[Yanfen] Bats at the flower happily-
[NOTCHAI] Returns with a few notes scribbled on papers- Some wish to go, but they are still too scared for now
[Doc] Can I talk to them?
[NOTCHAI] - You can try
[Doc] Well I'm not going to pounce on them and force them to go, but I will answer any questions and reassure them if nessesary. Also, just so you know; Markus is staying with Lie and Cp and their house is only a few minutes walk from the portal.
[NOTCHAI] - The others are mostly gathered in the main cavern right now
[Doc] Okay, - xe gathers up Yaunfen and carries them like a small child - ready when you are.
[Yaunfen] Tries gumming Doc's hair-
[Doc] Hey now. You should be good. I don't want to give you more snacks after that big meal.
[NOTCHAI] Leads them into the cavern-
-A good amount of the other AI's are milling about, some talking with the others, others still being reclusive and shying away from the others-
[Doc] Isn't sure what to say, but figures they'll be noticed in short order with their arms full of flowers and baby dragon.
-A few start to notice them and shift nervously which draws the attention of the others-
[Doc] Hello- Xe puts Yaunfen down and sets out the full trunk as well. - I understand, your leader told you about Markus. If anyone wants to visit him I'm willing to escort them and gaurantee their saftey.
-There's a scared murmur which passes through the crowd.  They don't like the idea of leaving safety-
[Doc] If any of you have concerns or questions, I'm happy to answer them. I know you're all nervous, but I mean you no harm.
[NOTCHAI] Steps fprwards- I know all of you consider this a safe haven, especially since we haven't been attacked since coming here, but this is also the Supreme Notch we are speaking of
[Doc] He's not in danger of despawning. He's just ill and it would be nice. But it's not a requirement. I brought a lot of flowers if you want to make some bouquets and put notes on them. I'll take them to him as soon as they're done.
-There's more whispers but the seem hesitant to approach with Doc so near-
[Doc] Here, be my guest. - Xe takes a few steps back and scoots Yaunfen back too. The trunk is full of flowers and there are some loose ones on the top as well.
[Yaunfen] Squeaks, wanting to play with the chest-
[Doc] pulls another orchid from the creative and swishes it around playfuly.
-A few nervously approach and work quickly before backing off in a hurry-
{Yaunfen] Playfully attacks the flower-
[Doc] at Deerheart - Poor things, I feel bad they're still so terrified.
[Deer] - It will take time...  And perhaps more visits
[Doc] Of course. I want to give them space, but I intend to watch over them as TLOT does his Testificates.
[Deer] Takes Doc's hand and squeazes it a little-
[Doc] You know I take my responsibilities very seriously. - At the lead NOTCHAI - I've been thinking also, you are individuals despite your skins. How do you distinguish one another? Do you have nicknames?
[NOTCHAI] - Part of our programming allows us to distinguish one from another...  Each of us has a different feel than the others which we can recognize.  When we are in such a large group, we usually at least briefly make physical contact with the one we are speaking to so they know we are speaking to them
[Doc] Oh, that's subtle. I knew that the AI's all have some kind of identifiers but I never thought to look for them manually like that. Herobrines can be really similar too, but the ones I know well have all extra things that make them easily distinguishable on sight.
[NOTCHAI] - Oh?  Like what?
[Doc] Well you met Cp, you saw tall he is? Our shortest brine is only a block and half high. And TLOT is always visible from a distance because of how he dresses. Also Hero has amazing hair and NK has a big gem in the center of his chest.
[NOTCHAI] - How strange
[Doc] Well we tend to do a lot of travelling since we're often evicted from our seeds, you pick things up along the way. And Gk, our short brine, is from a seed where the humans are the same way, Steffan and Sweet Alex are just as short.
[NOTCHAI] - Most of our heights are the same unless there's been a minor error in our coding
[Doc] Anyone who wants to be different has only to ask. Deerheart here will speak highly of my work, I'm sure. I can do simple things too. Markus has a full head of black hair to match his goatee now.
[NOTCHAI] - He does?  That seems...  Wrong almost
[Doc] His head was cold. And his physical body didn't look like his player skin. He was a very heavy man outside.
[Deer] - Besides, Doc's work isn't painful at all...  Unless you're struggling...  Like CP
[Doc] He just hates anyone trying to help him for any reason. He's fiercely independent
[NOTCHAI] - Most of us have to be independent
[Deer] - But here you're all working together...
[NOTCHAI] - And it took us a very long time to figure it out
[Doc] You beat me to the punch my dear. Independence feels good, but cooperation keeps you alive
[NOTCHAI] - I think they've finished...
[Doc] if no one wishes to go this time it's understandable. I think he may be laid up for a while anyway. I can check back later.
[NOTCHAI] - I'll see if I can't convince some of the others for the next time
[Yaunfen] Squirms around-
-There's a frantic squeaking outside-
[Doc] Pardon me for a moment- goes to investigate
-There's a normal baby enderdragon with it's leg stuck in one of the trap doors over a water source-
[Doc] is on it in a second pulling up the door and getting it free. -  poor baby!
[Baby] Whines pitifully, it's foot having been touching the water-
[Doc] Is already fumbling around for Ashes dry pills -
[Deer] - Doc?  Is everything okay?
[Doc] Just getting Ashe's dry pills! Here we go!
-There's a bit of ringing and Markus manages to get his phone out but fumbles it on the floor- Cp... Can you get... That?
[CP] Picks it up and looks at it- Are you sure you wanna answer this?
-There's a text on the phone, it's from Jeb-
[Jeb] not safe to talk, I put something in your letter slot with an explanation, I'm sorry.
[CP] Narrows eyes suspiciously at the text-  I'm not sure what to make of this...
[Notch] What is it..?
[CP] Shows him the text-
[Notch] He's not dumb enough to try and screw us again.... Can you... Get whatever it is for me....? Please...
[CP] - Fine- He sends a quick message to Stevie telling him to get his ass over there to watch Notch before opening a way to the apartment.  He steps into the silent building and looks around to make sure it isn't a trap
-Just inside the door there's a   Bit of folded paper with lots and lots of densely printed numbers on it. There seems to be an object in the middle of the fold
[CP] Walks over to it and picks it up, reading the numbers over-
- the message is in binary and as he picks it up a small USB drive falls out and clunks to the floor
[CP] Picks up the drive and creates another opening back to the server.  He steps through and finds Stevie by Notch and out of breath-
[Stevie] - Brother, why'd you call me over here if you were going to be gone for so short a period?
[CP] - Shut up- Tosses the paper and usb onto Notch's chest
[Notch] weakly shakes the little bell flowers. He picks up the note- dammit Jeb I can't read this without my computer....
[CP] - Give it here
- This one was going to be deleted. He's too much of a threat to the players. I snuck him out for you. If you keep him where you are, no one will know I saved one. Sorry in advance.
-The tiny drive wiggles angrily-
[CP] - He's given us something...  One that was going to be deleted?  Doesn't say if it's a brine or a NOTCH though...
[Notch] probably a brine... If he was a threat...
[CP] - NOTCH's can be threats too...  I think we've proven that by now...
[Notch] Shakes the flowers before speaking haltingly- If the company considered a NOTCH a threat I don't think Jeb would have had the opportunity to steal him. They're more prone to deleting things they made without discussion...
[Notch] Well have to open it to see.... - he puts his hand on the tiny thing- it's hot, and heavy too. He must have used a variant on what kept TLOT trapped in his server.
[CP] - Should we leave it for Doc?
[Notch] Whatever it is will likely be less angry if it's let out then if it breaks out on its own, who knows how much longer this can keep it in? It's just a tiny little drive. A rather small prison for an AI
[CP] - Fiiiine- Takes the drive and starts fussing with it
-the drive shakes furiously in his hands -
[CP] Continues to mess with it until he finds a trigger to let the coding out-
- / Player_ MasterHerobrine has joined the server /-
-A rather basic looking Herobrine falls out of the small device. His clothing is ripped and blood- spattered. His expression is twisted and angry and he spots Stevie first, leaping forward to wrap his hands around the Steves throat and throttle him-
[CP] Is quick to grab the back of his shirt- Hey now, back off.  He's not your prey...
[MB] Snarls and turns on Cp. His fury is now focused on Cp and he swings a fist at the other brines stomach-
[CP] Blocks with his free hand- You really don't want to start a fight with me asshole
[MB] Twists artfully out of Cp's grip and chops at Cp's outstreched arm. He looks slightly familiar to the bigger brine-
[Honedge] Blocks the chop-
[CP] - Stand down you idiot.  I'll have a lot of people yelling at me if I start killing you
[MB] Is suddenly three brines and one of them goes after Stevie while the other two attack Cp again.
[CP] Teleports to protect his brother- Stevie...  Get Notch out of here
[MB] All three brines turn to Cp, their eyes narrow in unison as they converge on him.
[CP] ENDREA!- The ceiling cracks as Endrea uses her mass to pin the three brines.  CP crouches down in front of the three- Now then...  Who are you?
[MB] Two of the brines wink out of existence and the remaining one just gives Cp an ugly look in response.
[CP] - Nudges him with Honedge- Come on, talk
[MB] tps outside-
[CP] Sighs- Stevie, take him into the storage room...  Endrea?  Think you can keep an eye from above?
[Endrea] - Yes sir
[Stevie] - Brother, are you sure about this?
[CP] - Positive- He teleports outside as well
[MB] Has kicked out a hunk of fence and there are horses all over the yard.
[CP] - Shit!- He knows he's not gonna get sex for at least a month now- FUCKER!  WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?
[MB] Stands his ground, daring Cp to fight him-
[CP] Charges at him, summoning his sword and pick-
[MB] Tps behind Cp, throwing a fist at the small of his back-
[CP] Feels the punch and lashes out behind him with a kick-
[MB] Is grazed by his kick and throws another punch at Cp's face.
[CP] Pushes the punch aside and jabs forwards with his sword- Stop this!  I get yelled at enough as is!
[MB] Takes a cut to his side but barely seems to register the pain. He rushes into the close quarters blow flying slightly and viciously head butts Cp.
[CP] Grunts and grabs the other brines head, slamming him into the ground-
[MB] There's an unhealthy cracking sound but the other brine still manages to tp a short distance away, he's swaying with blood in his hair but still standing. His expression is a slightly crazy smile.
[CP] - I know your not infected by her, otherwise I would have heard of you...  So just who are you?
[MB] His voice is quiet but deep - You know my name.
[CP] - More than half of us here are named Herobrine dumbass!
[MB] Just gives a small laugh. He spawns a diamond sword and charges Cp.
[CP] Yawns and forces the sword aside with his pick before lunging forwards with his sword while watching Honedge swoop around behind-
[MB] Is skewered from both sides but manages to spit blood on Cp's face before despawning-
- / MasterHerobrine was killed by CreepypastaHerobrine /-
[TLOT] over the chat - What the fuck is going on over there Cp?!
[CP] - Nooooothing
[MB] Hits the respawn and appears at the graveyard. He looks around for a moment before stealing a skeleton horse from the pen and riding it pell-mell down the road to the swamp -
[CP] - It's your turn TLOT...  I have some stuff that needs fixing...  Or else I won't get laid for a year...
[TLOT] Turn for what? It looks like we got someone new, but they didn't pass the firewall in the normal way. What happened?
[CP] - Jeb dropped off a flash drive containing him...  I let him out...  You might wanna hurry up an...  GODDAMN HORSE GET BACK HERE!
[TLOT] Well if there's a hostile brine I'm going to go protect my villagers! Where's Doc?
[CP] - How the fuck should I know?
[TLOT] Well, I'll go check the spawn. But that's it. I'm more concerned with preventing griefing then racing off half-cocked. I can't use Doc's pinpoint to find people.
[GK] Happens to look down while flying by, he spirals to the ground lazily - Uh, Cp? Generally horses need a full circle of fence to not wander off. - Snickers
[GK] I'll do it for a pizza.
[GK] On it! - He uses his wing tentacles to grab several horses and tangle them up before setting them back in the pen- What happened to the roof?
[Endrea] - I did
[Gk] Good answer!
[CP] - Rogue brine needed to be contained...
[Gk] Killing and containment are not the same.
[CP] - Hey, you know which one is my specialty
[GK] Good point. What kinda nutjob calls themselves Master anyway?
[CP] - Who the fuck knows, I've left him to TLOT
[MB] Suddenly tps in front of Cp, he's only there for the few seconds it takes to drop the peacock at his feet. The bird instantly goes crazy and starts pecking at anything it can reach, including horses and Cp's legs-
[Gk] What the fuck is that?!
[CP] - The god damned peacock
[Peacock] Jumps in the air, skawking and clawing in every direction -
-There's the sound of a TNT block exploding somewhere near one of the village walls. -
[CP] - Damnit, Endrea!  Go help TLOT!
[Endrea] - Yes sir
[Endrea] Arrives at the village-
[TLOT] Has grabbed the normal Herobrine and Endrea arrives just in time to see him get thrown headfirst at high velocity into the side of the huge totem pyramid -
- / MasterHerobrine was killed by HerobrineTheLordofTears /-
[MB] Hits the spawn again and notices this time that he hasn't lost his items. He laughs wildly.
[Endrea] - CP sent me here, what can I do?
[TLOT] Is huffing and furious. - I'd say go sit on him, but he can obviously teleport. So I don't know.
[Endrea] - We tried that earlier...  Inside...
[TLOT] eyebrows raise high - Inside? Oh dear....
[MB] Has found the nether portal building and bolts inside-
[CP] Flies up- Shit, some of them are nearing the lava pool by the bar!
[GK] I'll get them!
[CP] - I'll see if there are any others wandering farther away
[Endrea] Yawns a little- Yes, that other brine also released all of Lie's horses...'
[TLOT] She's gonna have a fit.... Let's go help him.
[CP] Lands closer to the ground to grab some of the horses-
[Peacock] Starts pecking Cp aggressively again-
[Lie] Returns with Mort and Dawn- What the fuck happened!?
[gem] -has a few horses on leads and coming through the under side of tree-
[Mort] Wow... did we miss a party?
[gem] i'll fix it -she ties the horses to a fence post then starts fixing everything-
[Dawn] Did you host a slam-dancing competition Cp?
[Lie] - CP!
[Peacock] Keeps pecking-
[CP] - damnit!  TLOT!  BIRD!
[Peacock] Sees TLOT coming and runs for it-
[TLOT] Is coming around the side of the house and changes into his cat form before taking off after the bird-
[gem] -fixes up the house then all the pens- there all fixed
[Lie] Black thorns are forming around her- CP....
[Dawn] Whoah... easy there Lie. He seems rather distressed. I really doubt your hubby wrecked your house on purpose.
[Endrea] - Yes and no
[Gk] We got griefed.
[Mort] How? I thought you were all friends or something?
[Endrea] - A new brine arrived
[gem] was it that guy who died twice in chat?
[Dawn] Oh... Where's Doc? I thought they usually handled that.
[CP] - Yes Gem, and no clue where Doc fucking is
[Mort] You can see when people come and go right? Did they leave the server?
[CP] - Not as far as we can see
[TLOT] Races by in pursuit of the frantic bird-
[Lie] Still has the black thorns around her- CP...  You better get all my horses back...
[GK] Comes back with another bunch of horses tangled in his wings-
[gem] -tries to help chase after the bird-
[Gk] I'm trying to help! - Puts them down in the pen quickly-
[Lie] - My horses...
[Dawn] You have a lot of horses...
[Lie] - I can't help myself...
[Dawn] Ah. Never been much of a collector myself. Most things fall apart after 50 years or so.
[Lie] - They don't in game, they last as long as you like...  Except tools, those do wear out
[Dawn] gives a little sigh-  What a lovely thought...
[Mort] is trying to help with the horses.
[Lie] Groans- Why does this stuff always seem to happen to me?- She hears a frantic little bleat as a horse bites Rosebud- Shit!
[Mort] Sweeps the little sheep into his arms and brings them to her-
[Lie] Let's her vines part for him- Thank you Mort
[Mort] No problem, I know how horses are.
[Lie] Takes the lamb- Easy now, let me check you over
[CP] Groans and walks past-
[Lie] - I think it might be best for you two to go home...  I don't know how dangerous of a situation we're currently in...
[Dawn] Okay, we have to take care of our own animals anyway. Thank you for showing us around Lie.
[Lie] - You're welcome, CP?  A little help?
[CP] Flicks open a way as he goes after another horse-
[Mort] Thank you both. - They exit hand in hand, hesitating for a moment as their resolution goes back up.
[CP] Closes the way as he passes by again with a few more horses-
[Doc] Has given the pills to the little dragon and is cradling it as it's wounds heal-
[Baby] It makes sad noises and snuggles into Doc-
[Doc] There, there, you're safe. Deerheart? Could you look around and see if you can find Tsunami or Thunder?
[Deer] - Sure- She shifts to her dragon form to help attract their attention
[NOTCHAI] - Oh...  That's strange...
[Doc] It's the same as mine, I made her a second form. I just want to hand the little one off to it's parents. I suspect they slipped away from their babysitter.
[Tsunami] Notices Deer and lands with a heavy thud-
[Doc] The little one got hurt. They're already healing, but I figured you'd be hunting for them Tsunami.
[Tsunami] Comes closer and the NOTCHAI backs off quickly.  Tsunami sniffs at the baby-
[Doc] Just gives her a soft smile- precious little one.
[Tsunami] Opens her mouth and takes the baby-
[Yaunfen] Stands on hir hind legs and puts hir paws on Tsunami's snout-
[Doc] Tsunami, this is my own little one, Yaunfen.
[Tsunami] Snorts at Yaunfen before lifting her head and the baby up and away from Yaunfen-
[Doc] Thank you. - Xe looks back at the NOTCHAI. -It's safe. You can come over here.
[NOTCHAI] - I think I'd rather not
[Doc] Suit yourself. I think I'm going to go collect the notes and flowers and deliver them. Do you need anything else from me?
[NOTCHAI] - No, we should be good
[Lie] - CP...  You have a lot of explaining to do...
[CP] - Well first of all...  Jeb sent Notch a text...
[CP] - Yesss?  Anyways, he sent a note and a usb drive to Notch which happened to have a brine on it?
[CP] - Look, all I did was let him out...  He's the one that started the fight
[Lie] - I'm having a hard time believing that...
[CP] - WHY!?
[Lie] - CP...  Everytime somebody new comes on the server you pick a fight with them
[TLOT] Pauses in his running and the peacock gets away as he pads over. - Actually it wasn't his fault. They tried to blow up a wall in the village too.
[Lie] - Is the village okay?
[CP] - See?  Not my fault!
[TLOT] A bit scared, but no one got hurt.
[gem] -stops as well- and to be fair he tried not to fight with aven when we arrived but she was insisting on fighting him.
[Lie] Sighs- I'm not sure what to think right now...
[TLOT] Mentally to Cp- Its' good to have friends huh?
[CP] - It seriously wasn't my fault this time!
[TLOT] He's telling the truth Lie, you know he can't hide anything from me.
[Lie] - Somebody please just fix the roof, I'm going to check on Notch
[CP] - Shit, Stevie!
[gem] I already fixed the roof
[Lie] - Thank you then Gem, and the paddock?
[gem] it's all fixed
[Lie] - Good.  I'll be right back- She leaves to find Stevie and Notch
[Lie] Finds the both of them in her storage room- Hey, are you guys okay?
[Stevie] - Yeah, do you know what's going on out there?
[Lie] - Probably about as much as you do right now...
[Notch] Stupid Jeb... He probably thought he was doing some good...
[Lie] - Judging by the damage out there it seems like you guys were ucky to get out...
[Stevie] - Actually...  Brother protected us...
[Lie] - He did?  I see...- Her expression softens
[Notch] The brine went right for Stevie and Cp fought him off... I'm so proud...
[Lie] - As you should be of your son
[Doc] Comes up from the cage to find Cp in the yard. - Oh hey Cp, check it out, Yaunfen got bigger! Did I miss anything?
[CP] Punches Doc-
[Doc] Isn't expecting it and reels backwards- WHAT THE NETHER WAS THAT FOR?
[gem] there is a wild brine on the lose
[Doc] Huh? We were checking on the NOTCH's. How did it get on the server? They would have needed an admin to let them in.
[CP] - Jeb sent it on a usb
[Doc] Twitches a bit. - How the fuck did he fit a Herobrine on a USB?
[CP] - I don't know and don't care!  But he's already landed me in hot water
[Doc] Why? And where did he go?
[CP] - He made me break part of the house and set all the horses loose!  And we don't know where he is!
[Doc] Did anyone get hurt?
[CP] - Not that I'm aware of
[Doc] Deerheart? Can you sense someone new on the seed?
[Deer] Focus' briefly- Yes, in the Nether
[Doc] Well scratch getting any help from TLOT....
[gem] i'll help if you need it.
[CP] - I'm still working on getting sex BACK on the agenda here so no
[Doc] I'll speak on your behalf if you want. I think I'll likely need your help. The Nether is your territory, I always get lost down there. And thank you Gem.
[Deer] - Give me Yaunfen, the Nether is no place for a baby
[Doc] Thank you love. - Passes the baby-
[Deer] Takes Yaunfen and coos at him-
[CP] - Do I have to?
[Doc] Wry smile-  Since when do you not like to fight?
[CP] - I seem to recall usually getting yelled at whenever I do so here...
[Doc] It's okay if you're defending yourself Cp. I thought that was obvious.
[CP] Grumbles-
[gem] maybe lie will reward you for helping stop the brine gone wild
[CP] - You have no say in this
[Doc] She might be right, you never know. Lie likes it when you're noble and responsible.
[Gk] Makes a gagging noise-
[CP] - I'm going to punch you again
[Doc] Please don't, I'm sure I've got a shiner and I don't need two.
[CP] Growls-
[Lie] Steps out and sees Doc- CP...  What did you do now?
[Doc] He's a bit frustrated with me right now....
[gem] we are trying to convince him to help take out the violent brine
[Lie] - Nope, not dealing with this right now- Turns around and goes back inside
[Doc] I don't intend to kill him Gem. If I worked like that I'd have far fewer friends.
[CP] - Fine!  Whatever!  Let's just go already!
[Doc] You know where the portal is, lead on.
[CP] Groans and starts heading in that direction-
[gem] -is flying along with them-
[Doc] Hesitates at the door. - Geeze it's been a while since I went in there... I need one of you to lead, I have to... do something first. - Xe looks away in shame.
[gem] -heads into the building and the portal-
[CP] Just teleports straight into the Nether-
- / InfamousDoctorF Game mode 1 /-
[CP] Scoffs- Why the fuck are they going into survival?
[Doc] Sneaks through the portal and quickly changes their mode back to creative.
[CP] - Doc...  You do realize EVERYBODY saw that, right?
[Doc] Shut up....
[gem] -is flying up and is looking for any other brines-
[MB] Chucks a soul sand block at Gem from behind a crag before tp'ing out of sight
[CP] - There went the bastard
[gem] ow -and spins around trying to see where he went-
[Doc] Honestly I'm not sure how to go about this, he's obviously good at teleporting.
[CP] - Your an admin, can't you just turn it off?
[Doc] Maybe? He's a brine, if it's a natural ability, it might not work that way. Would it work if I turned off your ability to fly?
[CP] - Nether if I knew
-A frightened Ghast goes barreling towards Gem-
[gem] -dodges the ghast- come out here
[MB] Voice coming from somewhere- Three against one? Maybe I should pick you off one at a time instead.
[Doc] Hmph.
[gem] -eyes turn red- try one on one with me first
[CP] - That's it, Honedge?  Go find him
[MB] Appears above Gem long enough to throw lava at her-
[gem] -shakes off the lava- is that the best you got resorting to little pranks
[MB] Fine - He rushes her midair with a diamond sword and swings it at her stomach
[gem] -suddenly drops enough to dodge-
[MB] Stabs down at a wing as he passes -
[CP] - Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame
[gem] -one of the wings get cut slightly but enough for her to have to use her creative levitation-
[MB] See's the bit of blood and tps to one side to strike at her again-
[CP] - Well this will probably be a slow fight...
[Doc] She seems to be doing okay, I mean, I saw her bite someone head off once...
[gem] -lets the red laser like mist form around her so he can't get close-
[MB] Throws sand at her face -
[gem] -moves her face out of the way and try to punch him in the gut while using the mist to shield the rest of her-
[MB] Takes it as a glancing blow and wavers for a second in the air-
[gem] -trys a strong kick with both of her legs to kick mb down into the lava below-
[MB] Hits the lava with a wet splat. He doesn't resurface right away but walks calmly out of the lake at the edge closest to Cp and Doc. Spawning a pair of swords he looks at the two and gets a wicked grin on his face.
[Doc] Xe goes cold with fear and takes a step back in utter horror. - No...
[CP] - Is it my turn yet?
[MB] Ah, the one that got away. Are you recovered from our last playtime?
[Doc] Is backing away. - Cp...
[CP] Steps between them- Come on fucker, your gonna pick off the weaker brines first?  Rookie mistake
[MB] Not weaker, just the familiar ones. - Grins horribly. -
[CP] - I thought you seemed familiar...  You're the one from Doc's nightmares...  I wonder what your nightmares are like
[Mb] My only dream is of the time I killed my Notch! - He splits into three again, two of them flanking Cp as a distraction while the third goes after Doc.
[Doc] Is too stunned and afraid to react quickly enough, xe screams as the brines sword cuts hir upraised arm, and his fist breaks a few ribs from the side.
[gem] -dives at the one attacking doc-
[CP] Scowls, ignoring the clones and leaving them to Honedge while he goes after the real one-
[MBcopy] Is shoved away and scrapes against the netherrack before popping out of existence.
[MBcopy] Is fighting with the honedge sword against sword-
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[gem] Are you okay doc?
[MB] Presses his sword hard against Cp's and goes for a low kick-
[CP] Uses his pick to block the kick- You fucker!- He presses back against the other brine
[Doc] Is cut deeply and having some kind of flashback-
[CP] Glances at Doc- Damnit, not good
[gem] -tries to hit the other copy with her mist-
[MBcopy] Snarls at the mist and scoots so it hits Honedge instead-
[Honedge] Vibrates angrily-
[gem] -stops the mist right before it hits honedge-
[CP] Kicks the other brine in the chest-
[MB] Takes the kick with a low grunt but manages to keep his feet-
[CP] Scowls and goes for a head butt of his own-
[gem] -retracts her mist then goes running right for the other copy to bite them-
[Mb] Meets him halfway and grins at him waith a faceful of blood as they both get hurt-
[MBcopy] Slashes at the incoming attacker-
[CP] Grunts and jumps back some to asses the situation a bit better.  He glances over at Doc to make sure they're okay-
[Doc] Is wide eyed and silent, they're basically frozen with fear and sitting  on the ground with their back to a wall. The injury is slowly knitting itself back together but their coat is covered in blood.
[gem] -is dodging the slashes and tries to bite down on the sword-
[CP] Starts charging forwards while holding a ball of lightning, wondering if Doc's usual tactic would work, he wobbles a bit as he throws and misses the other brine by a long shot-
[MB] Sneers - Oh I get it! You and the pipsqueak are related huh? Maybe I should give you some broken code to match theirs?
[CP] - Nope, but I wouldn't go thinking I missed my mark either
[Doc] Is hit with the ball and comes screaming back into reality. Xe's too full of electricity to even see straight and body blocks the other brine from behind with a nasty crunch of muscle and spine.
[MBcopy] Pops out of existence.
- / MasterHerobrine was killed by InfamousDoctorF /-
[CP] Laughs- Thought that might get your attention
[gem] -is very worried- doc are you ok?
[Doc] Is just a ball of statick with hir hair stuck out in every direction. Xe looks extra crazy with a spattering of blood, and hir breathing is short and fast as xe nearly vibrates in place.
[CP] - Eh they're fine
[Doc] Shouts because they're too hyped up to focus - CP HE WENT TO SPAWN. TRAP HIM IN A DREAM BEFORE HE GETS AWAY AGAIN!
[CP] - Yeah yeah- He teleport to spawn while focusing his powers. As soon as he see's the other brine he directs his power towards him
[MB] What.. what are you doing?!
[CP] - Let's see how well you fair in MY domain
[MB] Swears at Cp as he slips into the dream.
[CP] Very smug expression as he watches and then speaks over chat- Hey, the dumb fucker is contained
[TLOT] Thank goodness....
[CP] - What do you want me to do with him?
[TLOT] I don't know. See what the fuck his problem is.
[Deer] - CP, what happened?
[CP] - What do you means?
[Deer] - How did Doc kill him?  That doesn't seem right...
[Doc] Switches modes and literally runs out of the Nether carrying Gem over hir head. -
[CP] - I gave Doc a boost...
[gem] what the?
[Deer] - Oh dear...
[Doc] Stops long enough to drop Gem beside Cp and keeps running -
[CP] - So who wants me to send them in to talk to this fucker?
[TLOT] Over chat - why don't you do it Cp?
[CP] - ...  You do realize I'm pretty much the worst person for that
[TLOT] Actually you're the best person. He rather reminds me of someone else, a long time ago...
[CP] - No...  I was not like him
[Deer] - Love?  Are you okay?
[Deer] - ...  Do you want help love?
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[CP] Groans- Do I really have to do this?
[Deer] Immediately sets off for thier home-
[TLOT] Survey says yes-
[Lie] - CP please just do it!
[CP] - Fiiiiiiiiiiine- He then slips into the dream
-The area is the familiar setting of a mega walls arena and CP looks around for the other brine-
[MB] Is in a punch up with some players and not doing well, his screams of fury and frustration are quite loud-
[CP] Flies over- Ah, here you are
[Mb] YOU, you insolent ass! - Wiggles free of the players and flies at Cp from below-
[CP] - Ah ah, I don't think so- He makes it so the other brine cannot fly
[Mb] Falls back to the ground- Then I'll fight you down here! Face me coward!
[CP] - There's no point, you'll lose.  This is my domain, you have no say here
[Mb] Is furious -
[CP] - Are you ready to talk now?
[Mb] Fuck you.
[CP] Groans and rubs his face- This is probably karma getting back at me...
[Mb] It's gonna be my foot up your ass getting to you!
[CP] - Yeah no, I'm still a stronger brine than you, with far more tactical fighting in my arsenal, you have nothing on me
[Mb] Yeah, right. And I've seen the kind of company you keep. You're weak.
[CP] -Believe me, it wasn't my choice to hang out with them
[Mb] Scoffs- Are we having a moment here?
[CP] - I think they'd prefer that.  However, there are some things I should ask you first.  Do you know how you ended up on our server?
[Mb] No! Somebody trapped me while I was griefing! Poked and prodded my fucking codes, and put me in a null space so small I practically had my nose in my asshole!
[CP] - That would have been Jeb, and he saved your existence by doing that.  You were going to be deleted
[Mb] Grinds his teeth - JEB?! 1 D0N'T W4NT TO OW3 THAT PRICK!
[CP] - You don't owe him anything.  He's pretty heavily black mailed into helping us, especially after being beat up by us
[Mb] Good- Chuckles at the thought of Jeb getting beat up. His musings are quite plain on his face.
[CP] - You've been brought to a sanctuary, a hidden server where brines can stay without being discovered.  Most here are hiding from one thing or another, but most are friends
[Mb] Oh rapture. Kick me out. I want to go break more stuff.
[CP] - We can't right now, not until you convince Doc that you won't give away where we are
[Mb] I'm not convincing anyone of shit! Let me out or I'll makes everyone's life hell!
[CP] - Yeah they're kinda used to that
[Mb] Bullshit! I've vanquished armies alone!
[CP] - And I've cultivated them and they've still managed to keep me from destroying everything
[Mb] Domesticated brine. How sad.
[CP] Rolls his eyes- Blame my mate
[Mb] Let's out a hearty laugh. - Did you bed an Alex?
[CP] - No, a female brine, and a former victim of mine
[Mb] Oh... that's too rich... - is just laughing-
[CP] - Hey, the stamina makes things a lot more fun, and I wouldn't belittle her powers either-
[Mb] I bet she doesn't even let you kill players! You're whipped!
[CP] - Oh there are a few she's encouraged me to kill
[Mb] Is being sarcastic- Such a good attack dog slash boyfriend.
[CP] Suddenly makes MB feel as if he's on his final heart-
[Mb] Goes weak in the knees and buckles to the ground- Come on... you know you want to do what I do... it's in your code...
[CP] - Oh I know, but my desire to keep my mate happy is stronger...  I literally cannot be separated for too long.  We literally share a heart
[Mb] Tragic... Are you going to at least give me the dignity of a death by weapon? Or just bleed me from a distance like a NOTCH?
[CP] - You're not going to die, you are trapped in a dream, I control everything that happens here.
[Mb] Ah.... at the mercy of another Herobrine...how ironic-
[CP] - Now then, I can release you, but you'll have to promise not to go on a rampage if I do
[Mb] What's in it for me? Do I get to finish off my prey at least?
[CP] - You can try, but they'll just respawn...  Or heal completely before they can actually die.  They've become much stronger since you last ran into them.  Plus they are one of the native brines on the seed
[Mb] Even more fun. I can do it more then once. And that's good, since they didn't put up much of a fight last time.
[CP] - Yeah don't count on that, they'll just have me do this to you again
[Mb] Sniveling little...
[CP] - You'll get used to everything here eventually...  It took them a very long time and the removal of a parasitic entity to start to curb my blood lust
[Mb] Fat chance. And it sounds to me like someone just took a scapel to your code as well as your brain.
[CP] - You'll figure out what I mean eventually, so, no rampaging for now?
[Mb] Snarls-
[CP] - Oh and fair warning, we have the embodiment of two servers here as well, the one we're currently on, who also happens to be Doc's mate, and the one from my original server
[Mb] And I care why?
[CP] - Because what I can do to you here?  They can probably do ten times worse
[Mb] Looks skeptical. -
[CP] - Let me put it another way, you cause damage, they can wipe you from existence without a second thought
[Mb] Why haven't they done so already then? I think you're full of shit.
[CP] - Because the assholes out there are all about rehabilitation and second chances.  If Doc doesn't give the say so, they'll hold back
[Mb] Doc?
[CP] - Your prey
[Mb] I broke them once, I can do it again. I'm a disruptive brine, I can scramble codes against the edge of any weapon I wield.
[CP] - But every pixel in their body now holds their complete code, can you really scramble that?
[Mb] Maybe not permenantly, but it will hurt in the meantime.
[CP] - You'll just end up going through everything I went through
[Mb] whatever.
[CP] - So, update, rampage or no?
[Mb] Can I kill that Steve and NOTCH at least?
[CP] Growls deeply- You will not lay a hand on them, they are mine and mine alone to kill
[Mb]] Narrows his eyes at Cp, his reply is gutteral and low- Then what are you waiting for?
[CP] - I've come to enjoy the long game, lulling them into trusting me and wanting to be by me.  The pain and betrayal on their face makes it all the better
[Mb] Studies his face carefully- Liar.
[CP] - Not at all...  Making myself seem easy to read is another trick of deception
[Mb] Then I think I'll rat you out to them instead. Just for fun.
[CP] - They won't believe you.  I layed my role very carefully when my brother was returned to being a child for some time
[Mb] Opens his mouth and Cp's own voice comes out, repeating what he just said.
[CP] - Mimicry is what they'll call it, they won't believe you
[Mb] I think you're not as sure as you're pretending to be.
[CP] - And why would I be pretending?  You are scrambling to find an excuse
[Mb] Has as blank a face as one would imagine. He's just smiling faintly at Cp.
[CP]  Mimics TLOT's weight trick on MB as well as keeping him down to half a heart-
[Mb] Is pressed and hurting but just keeps maintaining eye contact.
[CP] Lands and walks closer- You have a choice to make, behave and toe the line occasionally, or be sent out where you'll be deleted immediately
[Mb] Then kill me. I won't be your lapdog.
[CP] - Alright- Summons his sword and drives it towards the other brine, speaking as his sword moves- Oh, and my dreams a very realistic when it comes to pain
[Mb] Manages to bite off the scream. He can't move to avoid the blade or pull it out but his strained face is still defiant.
[CP] Vanishes to go speak with the others, letting the sword remain in the other,  Once back to consciousness- So the asshole wants to be deleted
[TLOT] Over the chat -He's suicidal? Was he trying to make us mad enough to kill him?
[CP] - He'd rather kill Doc over and over again then behave
[TLOT] Now who does that remind me of....?
[CP - Shut up.  What do you want to do with him?  Because I'm fine with sending him back out there
[CP] - And I care why?
[Deer] Tosses Doc's pokemon at hir-
[Deer] - You're welcome
[Doc] Is knocked over by the Galvantula and lays their gratefully as hir pet soaks up the excess electricity-
[Lie] - Could we lock some of this new brines powers?
[TLOT] Maybe? What can he do?
[Doc] He can make three clones and fly-
[CP] - He's a douche
[TLOT] That's not a power Cp.
[CP] - Just stating a fact
[gem] -is in a pond near spawn- maybe we could take his power then put him in a cage for a while
[TLOT] I can try.
[Doc] He can teleport too.
[CP] - Could we put him in a humiliating form?
[Lie] - It did kinda work for CP...
[TLOT] I sense spite.
[CP] - No, really?  Oh, and he can mimic voices, or repeat something back in someone's voice...  Something like that
[Doc] If he's an animal someone has to be responsible for him.
[gem] he might have access to creative since he got tnt so fast
[CP] - You could put him with his prey like you did with me
[Doc] I have enough responsibilities! Plus he might hurt Yaunfen!
[CP] - So?  Ender dragons are tougher than you think to anything other than water
[Doc] Makes a worried whining noise- Noooooo
[gem] if he is small enough and not hard to deal with I could take him like turn him into a fish
[TLOT] If I shift him he won't be able to talk to us. I think that will make things worse. He needs an incentive to behave. I don't think threatening him will work.
[CP] - And that's a bad thing how?
[TLOT] Says nothing, but the silence is a bit judgemental.
[Galvantula] Walks up with Doc sprawled on it's back-
[CP] - So what are we gonna do with this idiot?
[Doc] What we always do with idiots, offer the carrot and talk to them incessentaly until they open up.
[CP] - And what will be his carrot?
[Doc] From what I know of him, the only thing he loves is fighting. You could offer him regular sparring matches.
[CP] - And I wont get yelled at?
[Doc] Fuck no. If it's an arranged thing, and you're not destroying the landscape or builds, go nuts.
[CP] Grins wickedly-
[Lie] - CP I could feel that grin...
[CP] Re-enters the dream- Good news or bad news?
[Mb] I'm already mostly dead and skewered, How bad could it fucking be?!
[CP] - Doc won't let us kill you, you're staying on the server
[Mb] Ugggggggghhhhhh
[CP] - Good new is you'll get your fights, but not with Doc
[Mb] Someone tougher then them I hope....
[CP] - Oh yes...  Me
[Mb] And not in a fucking hallucination?
[CP] - Nope
[Mb] Gooood.
[CP] - So, behave and you'll get your fights, got it?
[Mb] Agreed.
[CP] Grins- Wake up
[Mb] Stands up and stretches- well that was relaxing -said sarcastically - he notices Doc climbing gingerly off the Galvantula. - Miss me? [Doc] Shudders- You're damn lucky you got here the way you did or I'd throw your ass out immediately. [Mb] Awww, too fucking bad for you. I don't want to be here anyway.
[CP] Smacks him upside the head- Oh I'm gonna enjoy beating the crap out of you
[Mb] Pfft. You're full of shit, and don't be so sure about that.
[CP] Simply kicks him in the nuts-
[gem] -walks over dripping water from the pond- are we fighting him again?
[Mb] Clutches his aching bits - Jackass!
[CP] - Get used to it
[Mb] Get used to it too, I'm not gonna RSVP before I fight you again. Have fun watching your back.
[CP] - You think I'm not used to that?  I've lived in a house full of murderer's
[Mb] Aww, left your share house for a wife, dog, and a nice birch fence? How cute.
[CP] - Try more like a wife and several dragons
[Mb] Adorable.
[CP] Hit's Mb again-
[Mb] spits s little blood - Keep practicing. Come back when you can make it really hurt.
[CP] - Doc?  Can I?
[Doc] He's just toying with you, you know that right? He's a Griefer. For all you know he gets off on pain.
[Mb] oh yeah, hurt me daddy
[CP] Grumbles but perks as Lie enters the area-
[Mb] Sniffs the air- mmm I smell flowers...
[Lie] - CP?  Everything go okay?
[CP] - As well as it could have I suppose
[Mb] Okay she is kinda hot.
[CP] - You shut up
[gem] -waves at lie- hey lie
[Lie] - Hey Gem...  Is your wing bleeding?
[gem] yes I know this gerifer over here cut my wing but it's healing fast -the cut isn't putting out much blood  as it was but if you watch you can see it sticking back together-
[Lie] - Would you like some of my flowers?
[gem] yes please
[Lie] Gives a small pulse of power, letting her healing flowers spring up around Gem-
[gem] -sits down so the flowers ae around her- thank you lie
[Lie] - Your welcome- She goes to CP's side and leans against him
[CP] Huffs and keeps an eye on Mb-
[Mb] Is eyeballing Lie, but it's not super obvious since he has no pupils.
[CP] Growls at Mb- Keep your fucking eyes off of her
[Mb] What, I can't look?
[CP] - Not in that way
[Mb] Floats off the ground and stares at Lie with his head upside-down instead.
[Lie] Steps behind CP, a bit unnerved-
[Mb] Ah, easy to make her nervous, I bet you keep her around partly to scare the shit out of her.
[CP] - I do not!
[Doc] He does like to annoy her a bit...
[CP] - Not helping Doc
[Doc] Bah, you like to annoy me too.
[CP] - That's different!
[Doc] Grins- Because we're friends?
[CP] Looks ready to lunge at Doc but wont leave Lie at the moment-
[Mb] Are you sure you two aren't related? Maybe even you three?
[Lie] - Well...
[Mb] Hah, I knew it. The second the wierdo with the labcoat was down, this one jumped right in the way!
[Doc] Cp...?
[Lie] Her expression softens as she takes CP's hand-
[Mb] Floats over closer to Doc and puts his feet on the ground again.
[Doc] Gives him a nervous look -
[Mb] is obviously enjoying Doc's discomfort - How's... your leg?
[Doc] Still discolored. But it gave me a new weapon, so thanks for that.
[Mb] Hmmph.
[Galvantula] warning hiss.
[gem] -gets closer to mb and doc to help protect hir if mb tries anything-
[Mb] Turns to Gem with a suspicious look - What the fuck do you want? Back off. This is personal.
[gem] I want doc to be safe since they are my friend and I don't trust you
[Mb] Aww, how sweet. I don't trust you either. Step off.
[Doc] Shakily- Did you win?
[Mb] Oh yes... killed my own team personally. But hey, I didn't need help in the first place.
[CP] - Most of us don't
[Doc] Rude, Cp...
[Mb] Heh, so tell me about these murderers of yours, Cp, is it?
[CP] - House full of creepy pasta's, each with their own killing style.  There are a few here, all of us free from Insanity though
[Mb] Creepypasta? Wait, so they don't fight or kill anymore either?
[CP] - It's a term given to us by the humans who spin it off as made up stories, works to our advantage.  Oh, and we still kill and fight, but the urge to lose control and kill without reason has been taken away
[Mb] Can I fight them anyway?
[CP] - Sure why not, just be careful of Splender
[Doc] Yeah, he looks and usually is sweet but there's steel inside that velvet glove.
[Mb] Sounds like fun.
[Lie] - Question...  Where is he going to stay?
[Mb] What am I a cat? Why do you give a fuck where I am?
[Lie] - So you actually have a place to rest, and so you don't continuously end up at spawn
[Mb] humph, you just want to keep tabs on me.
[CP] - No shit Sherlock!
[Lie] - CP, no need to be rude
[Mb] And if I refuse?
[CP] - Then you'll die over and over again and end up here over and over
[Mb] Do you honestly think I'm incapable of building a fucking shelter? I'll put a bed in the building with the Nether portal. I'm sure none of you candy-asses are using it.
[Lie] Looks at Doc, unsure what to do-
[CP] - I don't give a damn
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