#‘Ok then sign here this is legally binding forever no take backs’
completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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Oh oh oh here we go, introducing the thread of The Things That Watanuki Doesn’t Remember. Because he made a wish. 
I can’t remember if he knows that yet, but at the very least it came up twice in Tsubasa. 
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It means what I said. With a smile.
File this under: Things that Clow Reed would say
I love when Watanuki so clearly has the influence of his family coming through, especially since he's so incredibly disconnected from them that he doesn't even know who they are - but the traces are there! He'll still be connected even if he doesn't know it.
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And we love to see the growth! The shared lesson that all the Tsubasa Family and Watanuki are all learning at the same time - that you matter actually, even if you don’t value yourself, because other people care for you. And diminishing yourself is just hurting them. 
But here we have Watanuki who has concluded that even if he wasn’t supposed to be here, and even if he doesn’t remember why, he wants to stay now because he has people he cares for. And we love that for him! 
Complete with spooky Yuuko smoke stream creeping through his fingers!
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OH AND EVEN BETTER. Watanuki starts to get self conscious about how his true feelings might sound to Doumeki and immediately gets defensive, but Doumeki ignores that immediately just doubles down on the sentiment. 
He wants him to commit to what he just said. 
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dokidokivisual · 4 years
Gochiusa BLOOM episode 8 impressions
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Previously: 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Here we go, the long awaited Rize episode is upon us. She’s been rather sidelined this season, aside from maybe the marathon episode with Chiya. But now it’s finally her time to shine!
I didn’t have much time to write this review, due to various circumstances, but I hope it’s still worth reading.
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The episode opens with Rize waking up Cocoa while imitating Chino’s voice and manners, such as calling her Cocoa-san. This scene is reminiscent of the post-credits scene from season 1 episode 12, although it has been implied Chino wakes up Cocoa all the time. The rabbit Cocoa sleeps with has been given to her by Chino at the end of Dear My Sister OVA, but it was Rize who helped Chino make it.
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Rize had a fight with her father about her wanting to become an elementary school teacher, and stayed over at Rabbit House. She seems to think neither her father nor even Cocoa and Chino take her seriously. To be fair, it kind of comes out of a left field. The justification for it (which is revealed later) is also rather silly, as Chimame aren’t even elementary schoolers. It’s interesting to see if the manga will ever get to the point where Rize is teaching a class because I don’t think there have been any elementary schools introduced yet or any character who attends or teaches in one.
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Rize herself also has some doubts about it, since she worries she will come out as too strict (and called a ”demon sergeant”, which is a callback to Dear My Sister where she took command over Chimame-tai), although Rize has become considerably more gentle since the events of DMS. Cocoa volunteers to become Rize’s teacher to show her how it’s done, but ends up making Rize do all the work while she just lazes about.
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By the way, the book Cocoa is reading in this scene is called “Caffeine Fighter” which was mentioned before as one of Aoyama’s works based on Sharo, and this is the first time we see (although in very low resolution) what the lead character is supposed to look like.
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Chino takes over the job, although it seems she just wants help with her homework (the book is labeled as “Mathematics, 3rd grade of middle school” and this particular lesson concerns the quadratic function and its graph). Rize uses her rabbit stamp on Cocoa and then on Chino for solving their tasks, and finds out that it’s a very good motivation.
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One thing that western viewers might overlook is the prevalence of stamps in the Japanese daily life. Instead of signing legally binding documents, you’re supposed to stamp it with an officially registered personal seal called hanko. Things like stamp rallies are popular and you can often get a visitor stamp in various temples and train stations. So the fact that Rize carries a stamp with herself at all times is not at all unusual.
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Next, Rize’s signature dish, napolitan pasta, makes an appearance. In the episode 6 review I lamented that Rize’s pasta never showed up, but now we can finally see what it’s all about. By the way, despite its name, this dish is actually Japanese in origin, and was inspired by American military rations, which makes it quite fitting for Rize. Cocoa uses the Italian word buono to describe the pasta, which means “good”.
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During the bathtime, the stamps easily wash off, so Rize gives Cocoa and Chino stamp cards, just like to Chiya in episode 5. Not aware of this, Cocoa and Chino think this signifies their special bond. However shortly after, Cocoa boasts about it to Chiya at school, and realizes that not only Chiya has it, but also Maya and Megu. In the manga Cocoa and Chino confront Rize about it directly after, but the anime sandwiches another chapter in between.
Like I mentioned in the episode preview, chapters 2 and 7 from the volume 6 of the manga share a similar theme of studying, so it’s not surprising they were unified into one episode. Interestingly the chapter 7 is titled “Sweet Skip Step” which shares with the title of the episode “Stamp, Sleep, Study, Smile” the pattern of words starting with the Japanese syllable ‘su’. Another episode sharing this property is season 2 episode 8 titled “Sneaking Stalking Stalker Story”.
This second part of the episode is more Chimame-focused, and brings up the concept of juku, or “cram school”, which are very widespread in Japan. This is a small private school that students visit after their public school classes in preparation for the exams. Of course the way it’s portrayed in the episode is just regular tutoring, so you wouldn’t know the difference.
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Anyway, Cocoa has opened a juku in Rabbit House and is now sporting lab coat and glasses look. Megu attends the “school” and we learn that the reason why she wants to go to Rize’s school is because her mother went there too. Cocoa asks if that’s really her own decision, and we later learn Megu isn’t really sure about that. Immediately after, Megu’s phone rings notifying her that she needs to “transfer to another classroom”, and Rize’s comment implies that Cocoa hasn’t really even started teaching yet. In the manga there’s a 1 hour gap between the Cocoa/Megu conversation and her going to another class, and Megu thanks Cocoa for her lesson.
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The next class is Japanese literature taught by Chiya (she calls it 国語 “national language” which implies that the show is really set in Japan, or at least a Japanese-speaking country). Megu is impressed by how seriously Chino takes her studies, and how she strives to excel both in school and at her job just like Chiya and other high school characters (it was previously mentioned that Chino’s grades aren’t very good). However Chiya gets distracted and decides to spy on Sharo, who is teaching Maya at the time. It seems Sharo’s house isn’t very soundproof at all and they easily get discovered.
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Maya isn’t sure about being able to pass the scholarship student exam and asked Sharo to help her, as Sharo has also passed this exam in the past. Sharo is eating some strange foodstuff that I thought was onigiri, but looks more like a cookie wrapped in nori for some reason.
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Anyway, Chimame get invited by Rize to “onsen pool” but they think Rize is going to scold them for not taking their studies seriously. Meanwhile Rize’s dad is calling Takahiro to make him convince Rize to come back. Apparently during the war, Takahiro’s skill was persuasion, while Rize’s dad’s special technique was rushing into action like Leeroy Jenkins.
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The “onsen pool” which previously appeared twice in season 1 is largely based on hot spring baths of Budapest, which I had visited last year. This scene is used to develop Megu’s character, specifically her insecurities and sense of inferiority towards Chino and Maya. It doesn’t help that Maya and Chino are jealous of her body and call her fat. Then, Maya and Chino decide to compete in swimming, suggested by Chino, who in the manga almost drowned during a hiking trip and that was her motivation to get better at swimming. In the anime (season 2 episode 11) she didn’t really drown so she just says she likes swimming now for some reason.
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Anyway, Megu can’t keep up with them (both metaphorically and literally) and this time drowns even in the anime adaptation. However this scene was also altered from the manga, in the manga it’s implied that Maya and Chino drag her out while Rize comes too late and Maya calls her slow. But in anime, Rize is the one who saves Megu and is roundly praised by Chimame-tai.
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The next scene parallels the one from season 1 episode 10 where Chimame-tai name was officially established, after Rize outruns them to Rabbit House. This time Chimame already got used to the name (which means something like “blood blister” in Japanese), so they’re ok with being called this forever if they win.
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When Rize comes back, Cocoa (who held a grudge for so long that you might’ve forgotten about it with how fast-paced this episode is) kabedons Rize and asks for explanation for the whole stamp card business. However it turns out to be just a prank and an excuse for Rize to have a home cooked dinner with everyone. Rize’s accomplishments in previous episodes are also brought up, and she gets another round of praise. And then everyone gets lots of stamps.
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Rize gets a stamp too when she’s asleep. This scene was in general modified quite heavily compared to the manga, to better fit with the rest of the episode I guess. One scene that was cut was Cocoa and Chino discovering Rize’s notes about their food preferences and regular guests of Rabbit House. Also, the phone conversation between Rize’s dad and Takahiro was the last panel in this chapter so Rize’s situation with her dad was never resolved.
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The anime adaptation does provide a resolution in the form of a cinematic car scene with a tense dialogue between Rize and her father. Cars are very rare in Gochiusa universe and the last time we saw one (season 2 episode 10) it also belonged to Rize’s family. Rize’s father is driving an Audi R8 with plate number TO-526, which might refer to his voice actor Touchi Hiroki who was born on May 26.
The car eventually stops on the bridge, which is basically a metaphor for reconciliation (i.e. “building bridges”) and the color scheme changes from red to blue, as Rize’s father eventually apologises to her and Rize gives him a stamp of approval. And so concludes the 8th episode of Gochiusa BLOOM, which finally gave Rize the recognition she deserves. I guess we’ll see if she can reach her goal of becoming a teacher in the future manga chapters. And there’s still four more BLOOM episodes to watch!
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angel5081 · 6 years
After Review
I read this book forever ago and posted the review on my website, but I decided I would rather put my reviews for things on here for free than pay monthly for a website so here you go. Also the trailer I talk about is the teaser trailer. 
If you've read this book you either loved it or hated it. If you've only recently come across this book it's probably because you saw the trailer and you were interested. The trailer in question starts off with the main character Tessa telling you something that is meant to be profound, and it kept me watching so I guess it was doing something right. However, the trailer then shows you several steamy scenes between Tessa and her "love interest" Hardin with Ariana Grande's' Dangerous Woman playing in the background (if you're wondering why the trailer was so familiar rewatch the first Fifty Shades of Grey trailer only the Fifty Shades trailer was more interesting in my opinion). Speaking of Hardin, let's talk about that trainwreck. 
In the book, Hardin is a grade-A asshole. The more intimate his relationship with Tessa gets the more toxic and abusive he gets. He gets borderline aggressive when he sees Tessa even blink in another guys direction. He tricks her into signing a lease with him which not only binds them legally to an apartment but he also manages to isolate her from her friends in college by doing so. They fight all the time over the simplest things (I realize couples fighting isn't abusive, but Hardin blowing up when Tessa asks simple questions is). At the start of Tessa and Hardin's' relationship, the two were messing around behind Tessas' boyfriend Noahs back. When Tessa showed a willingness to break up with Noah for Hardin he makes fun of her and harshly reminds her he doesn't date. However, when she leaves him still asleep one morning after one of his drunken rampages Hardin storms into Tessas' dorm where Noah also happened to be and forced her to tell him what she and Hardin had been up to. Hardin blames Tessa constantly for the terrible way he acts and is quick to guilt her into not leaving him the second she shows any sort of resistance. That being said I almost feel bad for Hardin. Until he was ten years old he had to deal with an alcoholic father and witnessing his mother be raped by several men. That's enough to do severe damage to a growing mind. You would think something like that would keep someone away from anything self-destructive like that but that isn't always the case. However, I believe that a horrific past will never be an excuse for someone's toxic actions. 
Now I'm not here to simply pick apart Hardin's' toxic personality, I'm here to also pick apart Tessa’s. Tessa cries a lot and she keeps going back to Hardin even though she knows the lovey-dovey Hardin disappears the second Tessa says the wrong thing. Of course, going back to the abuser is easier than finding someone new. Especially after the abuser isolates you from friends and family (I don't really care about the family part because Tessa's mom was abusive in her own way). The part that annoys me is that every time Tessa acts like she really doesn't want to be around Hardin anymore she goes right back to him the second he's angry and drunk. She is warned several times by her friends and even Hardin himself that he will hurt her and in Hardin's words he will "Ruin her." She was very paranoid about Hardin cheating on her if the "slut" (lord help us) of the story was even in the same building as Hardin. More on that later.  
Like Hardin, you could say Tessa’s personality could be because of her childhood as well. Like Hardin, Tessa grew up with an alcoholic father until she was ten. Then she grew up groomed to have the perfect life as an adult. The perfect career, the perfect husband, and the perfect attitude. If anything was less then perfect her mother would criticize Tessas' actions or appearance. That is enough to make anyone willing to do whatever it takes to please other people. It also made Tessa a bit of a control freak at times. This is also why Tessa feels the need to constantly think insulting things about the way other female characters dress, act, and overall present themselves. So much for Girl Love. 
Something that I would like to touch on briefly is the use of Tessa’s full name Theresa. When Hardin first calls Tessa Theresa she tells the reader that the name Theresa reminds her of her father whom we later learn was an alcoholic. Hardin, despite saying he doesn't drink at the beginning of the book proves otherwise. He is continuously getting drunk because of Tessa (or so he says). He calls her Theresa just like her father did which allows us to draw parallels between the two men. There are two reasons why I only wanted to mention this subject briefly. One being that Tessa’s father is not blamed for the reason behind Tessas' dislike for the name in the Wattpad addition. The second reason is that later Tessa tells Hardin that only "family and friends" can call her Theresa. So either that was a mistake on Anna Todd's part or Tessa just wanted to remind Hardin that he was neither at first because she does let him call her Theresa later on. 
Alright now onto the topic of slut-shaming. Like most books originating from Wattpad there was, of course, our "slut" or as I like to say "girl who was sleeping with a guy before the main character appeared and now all the sudden she's expected to back off". The character in question goes by the name of Molly. Of the little group of "friends" Tessa finds herself involved with, Molly is the character that will sleep with any guy in the story including Hardin. Molly sleeping around isn’t something I take issue with, it's the fact that Tessa and Steph (Molly's friend and Tessas' roommate) continuously slut-shame her for sleeping around with Hardin when he never stated that he and Tessa were exclusive and when it's known that Hardin sleeps around with whoever he wants. Of course, he doesn't get shamed for it through. Tessa is only ever warned that that is something he just does. Which is totally an ok thing to do if you have a little extra between your legs.
Then, of course, the big plot twist at the end of the book (not the Wattpad version) is that Tessa and Hardin’s entire relationship was based on a bet Hardin and every member of this “friend” group made. The bet was started because at the beginning of the book Tessa had mentioned being a virgin despite having a longtime boyfriend. So the race was on between Hardin and Zedd (a character I actually liked) to see who could take Tessa’s virginity first. The icing on the cake is that whoever takes Tessa’s virginity has to have proof, which in Hardin’s case are some bloody sheets and a used condom. Disgusting to say the least. To keep Tessa from finding out about the bet Hardin convinces everyone to keep their traps shut and even went so far as to get into a fight with Zedd. Despite Hardin’s noble efforts, Tessa does find out because she goes to meet up with Steph and finds everyone else there too. Molly leads the group in forcing Hardin to spill the beans. And because Tessa has some sense, after all, she wants out of the relationship. For some psychotic reason, Hardin thought that if the two lived together Tessa would be alright with the fact that their relationship was based off a bet. Like he genuinely believed that as long as they were living together in an apartment where both of their names were on the lease Tessa would be like “LOL this kind of thing happens all the time so of course, I’ll stay with you.” How delusional do you have to be?
I want to point out that this book was (according to the Kindle app on my table) 585 pages. That’s a pretty beefy book for its genre. What’s ridiculous though is that there are three more books in the series PLUS a fourth prequel book that is told by Hardin (an engrossing read I’m sure). I could understand two books in a series and then maybe a prequel but anything more kind of just feels a little unnecessary. I’m also very curious as to how on earth this book is going to be a successful movie. I think it could be if they get rid of the slut-shaming and Hardin’s entire personality. As in making him a lot less crazy. Keep his tragic childhood and maybe even his drinking problems, but leave the manipulation and if-a-guy-even-looks-at-Tessa-I’ll-break-his-face attitude in the book. I don’t mind a little bit of protectiveness in a relationship, but damn that was not it sis.
I might read the second book just to see how long Tessa stays mad at Hardin (if it’s for the same amount of time as the thousands of times she was mad at him in After I’m guessing they’ll be back together by Chapter Three). The only way this series could get any better would be if Tessa and Hardin get some therapy as individuals and then maybe some as a couple.
What did you think about the book? Do you think Tessa will hold out on Hardin until Chapter Three or will she gain some kind of self-respect and get a restraining order? Feel free to comment your thoughts below!  
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hhiggs · 7 years
The Contract
Liam x MC / TRR
As Riley sees Madeleine walking quickly towards her from across the ballroom, her eyes dart around in an attempt to find someone she can talk to, to avoid alone time with the King's fiance'.  Madeleine pastes on her fake smile and whispers  once she is close enough for Riley to hear. "We need to talk."  Riley nods and is led to a darkened corner out of earshot.  
"We have some business to take care of.  Official business."
"Ok.  What kind of business?"
"There is some paperwork that needs to be signed before the wedding... about our.. arrangement."
"Ok..."  Riley looked at the woman confused as to why this was happening right now and what exactly is in this paperwork.  Madeleine continued, "I was just informed that you have to have ten days to review the contract before the wedding.   It's not completely written up and we need to work out the details tonight.  I'll need you to meet me in one hour. The Beaumonts have been given the location and will bring you with them."  She looked at Riley expectantly, but Riley just shrugged and repeated, "Ok."  Madeleine huffed and walked back into the crowd.
"Bertrand, what kind of paperwork am I signing?"  
"It has to do with your... arrangement."
"Do I really need to sign this stuff? I don't plan on being in the 'arrangement' after we find the traitor.   I plan on being queen."
"Well, obviously not everyone is in on that plan, so yes, you'll need to sign it.  
Riley walked into the room with Madeleine, Bertrand, Liam and two other men she did not know.  Liam introduced them as attorneys for the royal family.  Liam did not look happy and as she gave him questioning looks, he just looked at her sadly.  He whispered something to Bertrand while shaking his hand and once she was seated next to him, Bertrand leaned into her, "He said not to worry about any of this because hopefully it won't be an issue anyway."
"Hopefully?" Riley asked, but Bertrand shrugged.  
There were multiple copies of forms to be signed laid out across the table.  The attorney's took turns droning on and on about the consequences of breaking contracts and what not.  Riley had a hard time paying attention as she worried about Liam, wanting to talk to him in private.  
"... to sign legally binding nondisclosure agreements prohibiting them from releasing any confidential or disparaging information about the royal family, their business dealing, household information..."
"...  need to agree on details.. access to any children...therefore the baby would be legally a bastard and wouldn't get Royal status. The baby would still be illegitimate and wouldn't be in line for the throne..."
"Wait... What?"
"Riley, dear, please do pay attention.  They are talking about what would happen if you were to get pregnant."  Madeleine sneered.  Riley shot a look to Liam but his face was stoic.  Madeleine cleared her throat and asked, "Are you on birth control currently?" Riley shook her head and Madeleine continued,  "There are so many things that could go wrong with normal birth control anyway, wouldn't it be best to get a tubal ligation?"
"You want me to get my tubes tied so I can't have children?"
"Well it would make things easier."
"I... I need to get out of here."
"Riley..." Bertrand grabbed her arm but she slapped him away, looking at him coldly before looking towards Liam, "No! I need some air."
Riley found her way out of the building, taking deep breaths, fighting tears as the cold air burned her lungs.  Her fists were clenched and she couldn't imagine walking back into that room.   She knew Liam was behind her before she saw him.  He felt her tense as he put his hand on her shoulder, but she turned toward him.  He could see the hurt and anger in her eyes.  "Riley..." he whispered, "It's just a formality."
"Madeleine said I have ten days to review the contract before the wedding...and the ten days had to start tonight."  
Liam nodded.  She continued, "Does that mean you are getting married in ten days."  This time he shook his head, "I don't plan on it.  Hopefully..." Riley let out a sorrowful laugh, "Hopefully... there's that word again.  Do you want me to have a surgery to prevent me from having your bastard children, my King?" She continued in a hushed, sarcastic tone, purposefully trying to make him hurt as much as she was hurting.  She immediately regretted it however, when she saw the expression on his face.  She knows he is in a hard position and is doing what he can to make everything right.  "I'm sorry... I know you don't want that."  She saw his hard exterior crumbling before her and they reached for each other. 
"Riley,  I ... love you.  I am so torn between wanting to be with you and yell it from the rooftops and not wanting anyone to know so that they won't try to hurt you.  But no matter what happens or what appears to be happening, I want YOU to know, that I love you.  More than anything."
"I know you do.  I love you too." Liam wiped away a tear from her cheek, stood up straighter and took a deep breath before whispering, "Don't sign anything tonight.  Remember you have ten days to look it over..."  Riley nodded, squeezed his hand and then together they walked back into the room.  
"... furthermore be known as 'Mistress'..." 
"... legal recourse..."
"...STD testing..."
"...monthly stipend in the amount of..."
" .. any children from Mistress will maintain the last name of Mistress... minimal if any contact with the King or his family... must never be made aware of his/her lineage..."
"...the King will spend his Holidays with the Queen and the royal heirs..."
"...King will prioritize the Queen, their children...over any bastard children..."  
Riley sat stoically, biting her lip, clenching her fists and trying not to roll her eyes or scream at the top of her lungs.  Bertrand appeared prepared to jump out of his seat if he needed to, to keep her from pouncing on Madeleine but she had learned a thing or two from being around the nobility.  She had learned the importance of keeping composure in difficult times. 
Liam stood up from the table, "Is this really necessary? She has ten days to look through this. Do we all need to be subject to this incessant blathering?  I, for one, am tired."
Riley was silent throughout the rest of the meeting and the car ride back. She arrived at her room, looking much like when she had left it.  It wasn't until she was removing her make-up that she broke down.  Looking into eyes that somehow no longer looked like her own.  
Ten days.  
In ten days her life would change forever once again.  Either she would be standing tall next to her love, announcing their love to the world or... Riley placed her hand on her stomach... or she would be watching her King marry another... while his bastard child grew inside her...
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ineffablywriting · 7 years
waking up sober
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one: the beginning 
Savannah Harper, 22.
Self assured psych student.
She’s nonchalant, sarcastic, and her biggest achievement to date is being able to down five jagerbombs in less than 30 seconds.
Harry Styles, 23.
Overachieving law student.
He’s never faced a problem that couldn’t be fixed with a little help from his Russian friend - vodka.
a story of late nights, unorthodox household plants, and a trip to Vegas that changes everything
UNI AU co-written with @faux-styles
“Ok will you please stay still? I need to bloody think,” Harry groaned, staring down at the paper clasped between his fingers as if they held the answer.
“What do you even need to think about? It’s pretty obvious what’s written on the paper there,” Savannah rolled her eyes shifting in her seat. “And I’m sorry if I can’t sit still. I need to use the loo but someone won’t let me out.”
“I’m thinking about the legal matters of it all. I need to call a lawyer,” he muttered, completely disregarding Savannah’s bladder issues.  
“How are you going to call a lawyer if you’re 35,000 feet up in the air, Harry?” she deadpanned.
“Thanks for pointing that out, by the way. Thanks so much for that,” the sarcasm rolled quick and swift off Harry’s tongue. Apparently he became rather sarcastic in moments of hysteria.  
Savannah laughed. “Come here, you should take the window seat. Maybe it’ll calm you down,” she teased.
“One, I’m not completely daft. I know you’re trying to get me to let you out into the aisle. Two, you’re absolutely not funny and three, will you please stop mucking about, this is a serious matter,” Harry implored, even as the stiffness in his shoulders melted away slightly as he turned to glance at her.
“You know, I can’t be serious about something that’s been signed by Elvis. I mean look at that, he swirled the ‘E’ and everything,” she leaned over Harry’s shoulder and snorted at the signature. “Not even the Queen’s that fancy.”
“I’m somewhat sure that’s not true, Sav,” Harry commented, momentarily distracted. “I reckon the Queen would have more class than Elvis.”
“Ok, but Elvis is the King of Rock n Roll,” she pointed out matter of factly.
“And she’s the bloody Queen of England. Also, she’s still alive.”
“Semantics,” Savannah waved him off.
“I’m so done with you,” he shook his head, frustration seeping from every pore on his body. “Like, I’m actually done with you.”
“Don’t be so rude, Harry. You’re ruining this entire trip,” Savannah stated, giving him a disapproving glare. “Now budge up so I can use the loo.”
“My dad’s going to kill me,” Harry whined, turning to once again stare at the damning piece of paper clutched between his fingers and once again ignoring Savannah.
“Bloody hell,” she sighed. “It’s probably not even legally binding. Just calm down and wait until we land before having a breakdown. Enjoy the rest of your trip.”
“Savannah, I don’t think you understand the fact that this is a legal document which means this will be on my file forever,” Harry tried to explain. “My dad is actually going to murder me. I can see the lecture already coming - what will people think, Harry. You’re going to be a lawyer. Our reputation is on the line,” he mimicked in what Savannah thought was meant to be an impression of his dad.
“Just don’t tell him,” she shrugged. “You’re acting like you’ve committed a felony. Relax, Styles, it’s not like you’re going to jail for this.”
“That’s not the point!” he exclaimed, scrunching up the already crumbled piece of paper between his fingers, even more.
“That’s not the point,” Savannah mocked, in a startlingly accurate Harry impersonation.
“You’re impossible.”
“Yeah, and I’m not going to stop bothering you until you let me out,” she crossed her arms smugly.
Harry sighed in defeat, his shoulder slumping with exhaustion as he gave up. “Fine, but can you bring me a drink when you come back?” he asked, rubbing the side of his head to try and ease the growing headache.
Savannah huffed, unbuckling her seatbelt and standing up. “First, you keep me captive and now you’re demanding things. I see where this is going.”
“Sod off,” Harry scoffed defensively.
“With pleasure,” she smiled sweetly, pushing her way past Harry. She slipped her right hand into the pouch of the seat in front of him as she passed, carefully pulling out his small vial of sleeping pills and slipping them into her pocket. “Be right back.”
Harry snorted, once again turning back to his newfound obsession with the document before him. Savannah scoffed as she walked away.
It didn’t take her long to return, a cup of water clamped tightly between her fingers. “Here you go, you wanker,” she shoved the cup towards him as she pushed her way back to her seat.
“No need to be so bloody rude about it,” Harry glared at her, moving his gangly legs back to allow her room to pass by.
Savannah didn’t reply, opting to simply glance at him from the corner of her eye as he chugged down his drink.
He frowned a little once he was done, staring at the plastic cup strangely.
“Everything alright?” she asked him casually, picking at her fingernails.
“Water tasted a little strange,” he mused.
“Oh, yeah,” Sav said, as if she’d just remembered to warn him. “I forgot to tell you, I slipped in a couple of your pills,” she shrugged.
“You did what?” Harry hissed, his eyes widening in disbelief.
“You were going to give yourself premature greys,” she defended herself. “And I couldn’t in good conscience sit by and not do anything about it.”
“You drugged me,” Harry said, sounding thoroughly stunned. “You actually drugged me,” he repeated.
“It was for the greater good,” she explained, before muttering under her breath, “I can’t believe they’re taking so long to work.”
“And I can’t believe you drugged me,” he said once again, apparently having heard her.
“You’ll thank me when the flight’s over,” she said confidently, seeming entirely unfazed by the glare Harry was shooting at her.
“The only thing I’m going to be thanking you with, is a law suit,” he hissed, but Savannah was able to note the faint slurring of his words and perked up slightly.
“You wouldn’t do that to me,” she pat his hand gently where it was resting between them.
“I hate you,” Harry said in defeat, his eyes beginning to droop as sleep fought to overtake him. “How many bloody drugs did you give me?”
“Uh, like three?” Savannah posed it as a question. “It said take a maximum of three.”
“Once I’m conscious enough again,” Harry murmured, eyes closing. “We’re going to have a very serious conversation about this.”
“Just go to sleep, Harry. God knows you need it,” Savannah sighed, using the airplane supplied blankets to cover him.
“I can’t believe this is happening to me,” he sighed, and not for the first time Savannah felt a sympathetic tugging on her heart as sleep overtook him and she was left to her own thoughts.
“Yeah,” Savannah agreed with a sigh, letting all pretenses of perkiness drop as she stared at him with worry instead. “Me neither.”
*four months ago*
Savannah Harper liked to consider herself independent enough that she didn’t need a man in her life to keep her happy. And a year and a half ago, she was convinced that no man in the whole of England could ever change that, could ever make her lose control of herself enough to let someone in. She didn’t think that she’d ever fall for anyone enough that she’d make them such a significant part of her life - significant enough that she’d move in with them and consider her chances at a happily ever after.
Savannah hadn’t wanted a boyfriend, she hadn’t wanted to fall in love. And it had all been going well for her, too, until one day it wasn’t and she found herself falling for a boy.
And, unsurprisingly to her, it didn’t end very well.
A sudden turn of events had left her just out of an eighteen-month-long relationship with some guy from her psych lecture, and with the one thing that she didn’t think would ever happen to her - a broken heart. However, Savannah being Savannah meant she had been intent on keeping her life as normal as she possibly could, despite what had happened. She was fine, she told herself constantly - the phrase alone becoming a mantra of sorts. But being fine came with a price - and in her case it had been her two overly worried best friends waiting for her to have a breakdown.
“You’re going to have to talk about it at some point, Sav,” Alexa said softly, trying not to startle her. “It’s not good to keep things bottled up.”
“You should know that better than any of us,” Reyna added, sidling up to Alexa. “Being the future psychologist and all.”
Savannah glared at them, shrugging Alexa’s arm off her shoulder and moving away from the kitchen counter with her cup of tea clasped firmly in her hands. “I’m fine,” she insisted, and she really believed she was.
“No you’re bloody well not,” Reyna crossed her arms across her chest, staring Savannah down. “It’s been, what, three weeks?” she asked rhetorically. “And you’re sitting around in Lex’s flat acting fine while drinking your damn tea and eating two minute noodles straight from the box for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This isn’t healthy!”
“Rey,” Lex warned. “Go easy on her.”
“No,” Reyna glared. “She needs to hear this.”
“What do you expect me to do?!” Savannah exploded, spinning around to face her friends. “He’s been screwing around with other girls, I’m not going to be upset over someone who clearly doesn’t care about me! I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me have a breakdown.”
Reyna’s expression softened. “We’re not him, Sav,” she said quietly.
“You don’t have to pretend to be fine with us,” Alexa added. “You know that.”
“I know,” Sav’s shoulder’s slumped with exhaustion. “I know. But I really am fine. If I wasn’t I’d tell you guys,” she promised. “But I really do feel fine right now, and I don’t want to burden you guys with something so unimportant. Rey, you never even liked Cam. And you warned me against him,” she looked at Alexa. “I just didn’t listen.”
“Bloody hell, you muppet,” Reyna rolled her eyes, crossing the room to engulf her in a hug, Alexa following suit. “You won’t be burdening us. It’s our job to shit talk exes with you.”
“We’re your friends, Sav,” Alexa nodded along. “You’re supposed to ignore us and then come to us if things go wrong. It’s called friendship.”
“Would you like me to spell it out for you?” Reyna joked. “F-R-I-E-N-”
She was interrupted as Savannah shoved her away. “Twat,” she laughed, shaking her head.
“There we are! There’s that smile,” Alexa cooed at her, pinching her cheeks the way you would to a toddler.
“I hate you guys.”
Reyna snorted. “No, you don’t.”
“You don’t even come close to hating us,” Alexa agreed. Savannah pursed her lips, trying to fight off another smile and ultimately failing.  
“I know what we could do,” she said, a thought popping into her head. “To convince you guys that I really am fine.”
“What?” Reyna asked warily, suddenly nervous of what Savannah had conjured in her mind.
“There’s a new club opening up in Mayfair tonight and I got on the guest list. Think it would clear my mind if we went,” she said innocently enough that her friends would have no choice but to agree.
Reyna and Alexa exchanged looks, they still weren’t convinced she was fine and were worried about what she’d do if she were to get drunk in a public place after bottling everything up for three entire weeks. At home, they could monitor how much alcohol Savannah consumed - but at a club, there was no way to tell how much she drank, or what she would do.
“First off,” Reyna began. “How the heck did you end up on the guest list? And secondly, are you sure that’s a good-?” she tried to continue, only to get elbowed in the stomach by Alexa.
“Ignore Reyna. I think it sounds like a great idea,” Lex grinned, ignoring her friend’s glare. It was worth it, however, to see Savannah grin back at them, an excited gleam in her eyes.
When they arrived, the club was dank and the music too loud. The dance floor was a sweaty cocoon of hundreds of people all moving to the DJ’s beat, unknowingly heightening the already suffocating atmosphere. And yet despite all this, Savannah Harper found that she was having the time of her life.
In fact, with each shot of alcohol that made its way down her throat and the warmth of several people grinding up against her, thoughts about Cameron and his infidelity began to seep from her mind — which was exactly what she wanted. All she could focus on was the heavy beat of the music and the slight burn of alcohol on the back of her throat.
Savannah thought this was probably the best idea she’d had in years, and wished her friends would join her. They had no idea what they were missing. But Reyna and Alexa simply watched on worriedly as their friend drunkenly swayed to the music as yet another body joined her - handing her another drink.
“I’m getting another drink!” Reyna called over the loud music, catching Alexa’s eye and waving her empty glass.
“I’ll stay here and watch Sav,” she yelled back giving Reyna the ok to leave for the bar. “Shit,” she muttered glancing back out at the crowd, which had become rather Savannah-less. “I take my eyes off you for two minutes,” Alexa muttered, heading in the direction of the pulsing dance floor.
But Savannah was nowhere to be seen. She’d disappeared into the crowd, essentially leaving everything behind her. All her worries had flown through the window the moment she had downed her eighth drink, and suddenly nothing seemed all that important - except maybe finding some more alcohol. Everything had started to blur together, and she could feel herself swaying to the beat as it vibrated through her every nerve. She felt like she was floating.
Everything in her mind was blank, so when random hands found their place on her hips, she didn’t even think twice about it. She didn’t really think twice about anything that happened after, really. She forgot all about the past few weeks, and about her friends who were searching the club frantically for her as she gripped the tall stranger’s hand and left the club with him.
For one night, she decided to forget who she was, and that’s exactly what she did. She snuffed out any lingering doubts floating in her mind by taking one final shot, before she stumbled out of the club and into the back of an Uber with the equally intoxicated stranger.
When Savannah woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and in a bed that was not her own, she just knew that she was going to be in trouble. She had no clue where she was, how she had gotten there, nor how she was going to get home. She didn’t even know where her phone was.
“Shit,” she muttered bringing her hand up to her face and rubbing the lingering sleep from her eyes. “Shit,” she repeated noting the outline under the sheets of a naked guy beside her. A guy whose name she couldn’t remember even if her life depended on it. “Shit,” she cursed again.
“Shut up,” grumbled the voice beside her and Savannah froze realising she’d woken him up. She held her breath, waiting for him to put the pieces together.
Lying there, she counted the seconds in her head—which wasn't all that hard to do seeing as her head was pounding along to them.  Her eyes took on the shape of saucers as the guy began to move, shamelessly staring as the muscles in his back rippled. She averted her eyes when she realised that he had turned around to face her.
“Shit,” he echoed Savannah’s exclamations as he slowly sat up, careful to keep the white bed sheet covering his privates. The two stared at one another in awkward silence, both waiting for the other to be the first to instigate the much-needed, albeit extremely awkward, conversation they were undoubtedly going to have.
“I don’t remember your name,” Savannah broke the silence rather bluntly. The awkward atmosphere was making her skin crawl and all she wanted to do was to get out of there. “Sorry,” she apologised afterwards, knowing her words had sounded standoffish and that her tone was rather rude. “I was planning to leave earlier, I just don’t remember… much.”
“It’s Harry,” he grinned at her, trying to hold back a chuckle. “And it’s ok, seeing as I can’t seem to remember your name either. Sally or something right?”
“Right! Savannah,” Harry clicked his finger repeating her name. “Well, Savannah, seeing as you’re still here, do you think you could fill me in on what happened last night?”
She wasn’t sure if his question took on an accusatory tone, almost as if he was blaming her, or if she was imagining things. Regardless, this caused Savannah to raise her eyebrows, as if daring him continue with that train of thought.
“I was hoping you could tell me the same thing,” she said, carefully crossing her arms across her chest and making sure to keep her half of the bed sheet covering her decency. She didn’t want this Harry person to get anymore eyefuls of her body than he’d probably already seen last night.
“I’m assuming we shagged,” Harry shrugged like it was a natural occurrence—which, from the sight of him, probably was. God, what if he had an STI?
“From our state of dress—”
“More like undress,” Harry muttered, cutting her off. “And god, can you get any more formal,” he commented - Savannah chose to ignore him.
“From our state of dress, and the fact that this room smells like sex and cheap cologne, I’d say that’s a solid assumption,” she rolled her eyes, letting sarcasm seep into her last few words.
“Hey!” he exclaimed indignantly. “Whose cologne are you calling cheap?”
“Yours, obviously,” she tried to raise a brow and from the amused quirk to Harry’s lips she knew she’d failed.
“Whatever,” he sighed, flopping onto his back and rubbing at his eyes. “I can’t remember anything and I don’t think you can either, so I’m going to have a shower and you're going to leave,” Harry said, grabbing what seemed to be a pair of boxers off the floor and pulling them up his legs, keeping his back to Savannah.
It wasn't exactly an unwelcome sight, she mused, watching as his body moved to do his brain’s bidding. But she had more pressing matters to address right now.
“You’re right, I don’t remember anything,” Savannah agreed. “Like whether we used a condom or not?” she probed and watching carefully, she was rewarded with the tensing of Harry’s shirtless form.
“Shit,” Harry cursed. “Are you on the pill?” he spun around, panic clearly obvious on his face.
“Yes, but—”
“Thank god,” Harry let out a breath in relief.
“You do realise the pill is only about 92% accurate,” Savannah told him dryly, making him once again freeze up. She hadn’t been sure whether to be thankful that Reyna had told her the nifty pill-fact at the time, but now she was sending her friend a silent thanks. “And anyway, that’s not why I asked. There’s the more pressing matter of whether or not you’re carrying around an STI,” she spoke casually even though she was nervous; more so about Harry’s reaction than his answer.
True to her thoughts, Harry glared at her. “I’m clean.”
“If you say so, mate,” Savannah teased, although from the look of absolute fury on Harry’s face, she thought it was safe to assume he was telling the truth.
“If anyone here has one, it’s probably you,” Harry shot back, standing up from the bed and moving around to stand in front of Savannah, who also jumped up to stand, not liking the way Harry was towering over her. Even at her full height however, she was still a head shorter than him.
“And what the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?” she demanded, glaring up at him as green clashed with green.
“It means that you basically threw yourself at me last night,” Harry smirked, though she could tell his heart wasn’t really in it.
“Oh really? And how could you possibly know that if you don’t remember anything that happened?” she challenged.
Harry shrugged, “Since you can’t remember what happened either, you can’t prove it didn't happen,” he shot back cheekily.
Savannah stared up at the infuriating boy before her, “You’re disgusting. I can’t believe I had sex with you.”
“I mean, you came back with me - it is my house. What does this say about you?” he grinned, obviously thinking he had won.
“It tells me that I make bad decisions when I’m drunk. Now, if you don’t mind I’d like to get dressed and get out and away from you, wanker.”  
“No need for wanking today,” Harry chuckled to himself as he walked over to an adjoining door that Savannah assumed led to a bathroom.
“Ugh,” she scoffed at him, leaning over to pick up her discarded bra. “I repeat... you’re disgusting.”
“If you say so!” he laughed shutting the door and allowing Savannah the small amount of privacy she needed to slip on her bra. She abandoned the search for her knickers after a couple of minutes - she couldn’t seem to locate them anywhere - but she knew that she couldn’t walk out of this apartment wearing nothing.
Glancing around the room, her eyes zeroed in on the dresser directly opposite the bed and Savannah contemplated making a not-so-wise decision. “Screw it,” she muttered marching over and carefully pulling the first drawer open - coming across nothing particularly useful.
The next few drawers revealed nothing but socks and t-shirts and she felt herself growing frustrated before she finally pulled open a drawer that revealed an entire collection of neatly folded boxers and briefs in every single colour imaginable - “c’mon, who the hell wears mustard boxers?” she grumbled to herself.
Letting out a sigh of relief, she chose a plain black pair with the tags still on and quickly pulled them on - it was either that or go commando - before stealing a quick glance around the bedroom to check if she’d left anything behind. Satisfied with her work, she headed out the door and into a corridor that opened up into a kitchen not quite as pristine as the bedroom had been last night. Huh, Savannah thought, snippets of the night flitting through her mind, bringing with them feelings she’d never quite been privy to before.
Choosing to push those disturbing thoughts aside, Savannah spotted a coffee machine sat innocently on the counter next to the sink. Almost as if she had been struck by a baseball bat, her hangover came back in full force - a dull throbbing pain at the back of her head that threatened to tear its way out of her skull. Walking - or rather -  stumbling over to the front door without any coffee in her system simply seemed like an impossible feat now.
“Sod it,” she muttered pulling the dress she’d only just grabbed off the couch over her head and leaving it hitched around her hips, she made a beeline over to the coffeepot. She decided that even though she risked spending more time in the presence of a one night stand she didn’t fancy being around, a large, steaming cup of coffee would be well worth it in the end.
The noises that came along with the opening and closing of cupboards in search for coffee really weren’t helping Savannah’s headache, and with every crash and clang of pots and pans bumping against one another, she felt her frustration rising and her patience weaning.
“Where the bloody hell is the coffee? Does he drink anything other than tea?” she cursed, ducking her head into one of the lower cupboards in desperation.  
“The coffee’s in the top right cupboard,” came a very entertained voice.
Savannah swore as her already pounding head bumped against the marble counter in her haste to turn around. Rubbing her temples, she looked over to see Harry with only a towel wrapped around his waist and an amused smile on his face as he eyed Savannah’s attire.
“I didn’t peg you as a thief,” he observed, nodding towards her lower body.
“I didn't peg you as the type to read erotica,” she shot back, eyeing the Sylvia Day book she’d just spotted lying open against a fruit bowl beside her, before reaching up into the top cupboard and grabbing the coffee out.
“Not mine,” he replied, pulling out two mugs from a cupboard beside Savannah as she brewed the two of them some coffee.
“It’s not,” Harry insisted.
“I don’t care,” she retorted.
“It’s my mate’s girlfriend’s,” he explained anyway.
“I really don’t care, Harvey,” Savannah purposefully used the wrong name.
“It’s Harry,” he corrected, and by the tone of his voice, she could tell it had grated on his nerves.
“I still don’t care.”
“Bloody hell, my hangover’s getting worse,” he complained.
“Aw, did Harvey have too much to drink last night?” she cooed at him.
Muttering under his breath, Harry left the kitchen and disappeared from sight as he turned the corner that led to his bedroom.
Despite knowing that it was pointless, Savannah hoped he wouldn't return until she was out of his flat. Much to her despair, he walked back out moments later - still shirtless, this time wearing a pair of low hanging sweatpants on his hips that just drew all of Savannah’s attention to the deep V-lines leading downwards. She looked away quickly before he got the chance to catch her ogling.  
Just as he entered the kitchen space, the chime on the coffee machine indicated it was ready. So, without wasting a second, Savannah poured herself a cup of the steaming black beverage, instantly taking a massive slurp and burning her tongue in the process. She didn’t mind. Instead she rather welcomed the slight pain on her tongue as it briefly distracted her from the headache that was still hammering around her head.
“Oi, where’s mine?” Harry’s grating voice brought her back down to earth, and when she turned to glance at him, he had a surprisingly adorable pout on his lips. This only seemed to frustrate Savannah.
“It’s your house, pour it for yourself,” she shrugged.
His pout deepening, Harry fixed himself a cup of the coffee.
“Well, I’m done,” Savannah dropped her cup into the already overflowing sink. She glanced down at herself and blushed a little, knowing how much of a mess she probably was.
Pulling down the dress so that it wasn’t hitched so high up around her hips, she turned to Harry and opened her mouth a couple of times before settling on a simple, “goodbye.”.
“Uh, see ya around,” came Harry’s distracted reply, his thoughts occupied as he nursed his mug thoughtfully.
“Probably not,” Savannah quipped, though the words didn’t come out as rudely as she’d intended.
AN: helloooooo, it’s been well over a year and we are super duper sorry for the ridiculous wait, but it’s finally hereeeeee!! Chapter one of WUS has fnally been posted. Please let us know what you think by sending us a message, whether you’d like to see it on any other social media platforms (wattpad? AO3?)? and what you expect in the next few chapters! 
Hope you guys enjoy it!!! 
xo Lola and Faye
138 notes · View notes
Will my car insurance pay out?
"Will my car insurance pay out?
my car has been stolen, but my friend claims my insurance wont pay out as it was only taxed and tested until next month. surely they should still pay me?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of dedutactable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and do you support obamacare?""
Auto insurance question (Mitsubishi Lancer?
I can call Allstate and find this out. However, I don't feel like staying on the line forever. Is the Mitsubishi Lancer consider a sports car according to auto insurance poilcy or is it just your average everyday sedan?""
Car insurance question? Under parents name?
Hi all, I recently got my drivers license when I turned 17, and am now looking to buy a car. I'm looking at a Foxbody mustang 5.0. Before the omg 17 get a civic comments, I can drive, I seldom speed, and when I do, its on an empty road in the middle of the night. I have track experience and know how to control a car, don't try to convince me otherwise. Now, my problem. Obviously mustang insurance for a 17yr old will be nuts, but right now I'm on my parents insurance policy so I can drive their car(1 car family), and a friend of mine told me I could just insure my car under my dad's name and claim that I drive it occasionally. So I realize I could claim my father is the primary driver and I'm just an occasional driver, but if I am actually the only one who is driving it, and something does happen where I get into an accident or get a ticket, what could happen? Would I be covered in case of an accident? Can they say no and not cover me if they find out I'm the primary driver? I'd be the only person driving it whatsoever, my dad can't even drive a stick, so I'm wondering if this is even possible or not. Thanks.""
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
What happens when two people get in a car accident and one driver has no insurance?
I got into a car accident, the other driver refused to show me her insurance. Her insurance people are calling me that they are investigating her because she got insurance a couple of hours after the accident. What will happen. Also I was found 100 percent liable for the accident because she laid about the accident. What will happen if she did not have insurance at at the time of the accident. Will I get my deductible back? What are the laws for this in CA.""
How does paying for car insurance monthly work?
im thinking of taking out a policy with co-operative insurance. The cost is 2300 per year , but they want 700 up front and the rest to be payed in ten monthly installments. When would i start paying the monthly installments , would it be straight away?""
Insurance with US license. Loophole or stupidity?
I am an 18 year old british citizen. I lived in the US for 6-7 years and got a license at the age of 16. I am now in the process of getting car insurance. and am wondering if this 'loophole' is technically legal. I can drive on my US license for up to 12 months, during that 12 months I can get a UK prov. license. take the driving lessons and do the theory/test to get my full UK license. while shopping around last night I noticed a website saying 'provisional insurance is cheap, but expect it to go up once you pass your test.' Now, I understand the reason why it's cheaper is due to the fact that you probably wouldn't be driving as much, and you need a 'known' driver with you in the car while you're driving. However, couldn't I be considered my own driver? If I have a provisional license would I not be eligable for provisional license insurance? is this legal? or am I just being a hopeful idiot?""
Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!! Im 18.""
Does wreckless driving increase your insurance cost?
my friend was donutting
Ideas for a research essay on Private Health Insurance?
Hey, We're supposed to write an essay on any topic of our choice and show it relates to well being and opportunity in Canada while addressing inequalities (that part is optional). I'm thinking of writing on Private Health Insurance in Canada. But what can I focus on on in terms of the health insurance. Any suggestions""
What is a good health insurance?
I want to get insurance for me and my husband. I need an insurance that offer health dental and vision benefits. I have seen alot of insurances, but i want an insurance that gives me good benefits, not just discounts. Can someone please give me opinions about your insurance and what benefits they provide you?""
Can I borrow money from my life insurance policy?
I have had a life insurance policy since 2002. It is only for $50,000.00. I have always paid and never been late. I am now in a bind and need this money to start up a business. Being that I have had this policy for now a little over 8 years, can I borrow the full amount?""
Should I pay insurance on a car that I can't drive?
I'm very frustrated with this car & I won't be able to pay to get it fixed until September. Some people are telling me to still pay insurance on it, & others are telling me that it doesn't make sense to waste money, & that I should cancel the insurance. I don't know. I'm about to cry.""
Does motorcycle insurance help future auto insurance?
My driving record isnt very good. So i was considerong a motorcycle since insurance is less expensive. In the future i would like car insurance. Will having motorcycle insurance say for like a year help me when i get auto insurance later on. Ive never been insured. 21 yr single male 1 accident of 8000+payouut 3Pts on license
""Car accident, no insurance?""
Hi, i got into an accident Friday. I was cut off on the highway and when I went on my breaks my car started to skid out of control due to ice. A car in the left lane struck mine. I am on my fathers insurance and found out when I called my insurance company to report the accident that my policy was cancelled last July. My car and registration and insurance is all in my dads name, i am just a registered driver. If the state of RI decides to fine me for not having insurance, or the other driver decides to sue me for it, will that go against my father or myself? Thanks.""
17 soon. just wondering about car insurance?
whether when i pass n get a car if il be able to pay insurance monthly? and does it cost more tht way (uk)
What is the average insurance for motorcycles vs cars in the US?
I need an average insurance price for a cheap bike and the average insurance for a cheap car.
What is a good health insurance for a college student?
I am a college student looking for good health insurance. I understand insurance is not cheap but i was wondering if someone could help point me in the right direction!
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Will my permit increase my parent's insurance rate? I'm not going to drive their car.?
If I get my learner's permit and I don't plan on driving my parent's car until I get my license, will my parent's insurance rate go up? I'm going to drive a driving school's car.""
What should I do if my attorney is not paying me my insurance money(california)?
ok.. I've filed a claim against my home insurance company through a lawyer. It was a house related claim. I was told my claim was settled and signed the settlement paper from attorney's office about 5 months ago and still have not received the money yet. So I called the actual insurance company and found out that the money was paid out 4 months ago. When I called my attorney's office, 4 different agents told me different stories and I noticed they might be trying to keep the money. is there any way to file a claim against lawyers? Please help""
How high would car insurance rates become if a 16 yr old drives a car?
My mom won't let me get my G1 because she says her insurance rates will get too high. I asked her how high and she says she doesn't even know. I live in Ontario.
Auto insurance quotes?
What website you recommend to get instant multiple quotes for multiple cars, without agent or a representative involvement?""
""After a car is stolen, how long does it take for the insurance company to make a payment to me?""
I had full covrage, they didn't even off me a rental car, due to the police report.So now I'm just playing the waiting game for my settlement.But for future reference,who do you all recomend for good insurance coverage,without alot of bull up their sleeve?""
Can I insure a car that is registered and has license plates from arizona?
I live in California and am about to buy a car that has its license plates from arizona and is registered there as well. Would i Be able to insure it? And if not what would the process to get it good over here? Just so you know, Its a 1995 Nissan Altima, and is going for $1500.""
Will my car insurance pay out?
my car has been stolen, but my friend claims my insurance wont pay out as it was only taxed and tested until next month. surely they should still pay me?
Which Car insurance would i preferred?
I want best insurance on my car, there are many types of insurance, which insurance is good for me, can you suggest me.""
Insurance on a jeep wrangler.?
im buying a jeep for my first car (jeep wrangler). i want to know if the insurance is going to be high, im 16 year old male. my insurance would be geico. if you can compare it to a sports car would it be cheaper?""
Buying auto insurance for the first time?
lets say the policy will cost me 3,000 dollars. When i first buy the policy, do i pay the whole 3k up front or do i pay it in increments (i.e, 1500 for the first 6 months, then 1500 for the second)""
No Insurance!?
No Insurance!? How much do you think a tooth will cost to be pulled?
Any suggestion of affordable health insurance?
ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable
Affordable medical/prescription insurance for a heart transplant recipient.?
I had a heart transplant 10 years ago, and I am looking for a more affordable insurance plan, currently I use Cigna, and they're running me over $400 a month, plus a $50 dollar fee per prescription I am on, which runs me another $250-300 dollars every three months. I just recently graduated college, and am 24 years old, so my father's insurance at work no longer covers me. I'm not very familiar with insurance plans, but I would obviously need one that would accept my pre-exsiting condition of a heart transplant, and have a prescription plan, cover doctor visits, emergency care and anything else people can recommend that would be important. Thanks so much!""
I'm 17 years old looking for a car with cheap insurance?
I have 3,000 and I'm looking for a manual car that's somewhat fast I don't want a super slow car and I know I can't find a super fast one either but something kinda fast in the price range and not a but load for insurance""
How much money should the insurance company be giving me?
I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?""
How can I buy home insurance if I use one room for my business?
Hello there! I am a freelance web publisher so basically I work from home using my laptop. My husband and I just bought our first home. The other day I was shopping around for home insurance when an agent told me if I run my home business many carriers will mark me as not eligible for home insurance. Is this true? How do I get around that? What's the best home insurance company?
""How are younger drivers supposed to afford car insurance these days, especially if you're a student...?""
Car insurance is so expensive it's ridiculous, not to mention the price of driving lessons/test and what not. The problem is, I need to be able to drive because of where I live, if I didn't live in a rural area I wouldn't bother about driving so much, but looking at prices to drive these days, it's ridiculous. How do they come up with prices such as 1,000 - 5,000 is beyond me!""
How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?
I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.""
Is Secura insurance company reputable?
I was told by my insurance agent that in order to keep my house insured with them , I would also need to insure my auto with them. Does anyone have or has had any experience with Secura insurance? Good or bad.""
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
Do I need my own car insurance?
I just got my permit (i am 18) and I heard that as long as the person I am driving with has insurance that I will be covered if anything happens. I don't plan on wrecking a car but I want to be safe and I want to make sure that it is required by law that I have insurance. If i do need insurance I have no idea how to go about getting it because I have gotten quotes before and they will only give you a quote if you select that you currently have your license plus there is no option for only having a permit. I have my permit in the state of georgia if that means anything
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
Can i drive other peoples vhicles with my car insurance?
hi i have insurance to drive my car and im coverd to drive other peoples cars but dose the other persons car need insurance covering that vhicle for me to still be coverd or will my insurance cover that??? thanks
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Wouldn't it be a better world if everybody would just be responsible and buy there own health insurance?
instead of relying on others to buy it for them.
Would unemployment insurance work better if it were run by a private insurance company?
Would unemployment insurance work better if it were run by a private insurance company?
How should i select PIP in car insurance...?
Hi.. I am going to take a car insurance and i am not very much clear about PIP. what is the best option to take as there are 4 PIP options given to me I have a health insurance that covers me till 80 % of the expenses. So if i take PIP option in my car insurance will it cover me the rest of the 20 %? will both the insurances work together? Please let me know. Thanks
Cheapest Car Insurance for a teen ?
Hey everyone I am 18 and...still live with my parents for 1 more year :/ Anyways, I finally bought my own vehicle with my OWN money and it feels great doing so :) But now I have to pay for my own insurance, and where I work (LongHorn SteakHouse) doesnt quite make me any bank haha. What would be the cheapest possible car insurance for me ? CAR : 2000 Ford Ranger 2 Door Only front seats (not an extended cab, or doesnt have the pull down seats) I have NEVER been in an accident nor have i gotten any tickets if that helps.""
Where can I get an honest auto insurance quote?
Hi I was wondering if anybody could point me in the direction of a website that gives honest auto insurance quotes? I have been looking to get an auto insurance quote online for quite some time now but most of the websites look like scams to me.... Thanks in advance!! -David
Does my mom HAVE to be on MY car insurance?
So here's the deal -- I am getting a new car soon and my mom wants me to get my own insurance so her bill doesn't go up (she normally pays $70/month, but once I was added to her policy the bill went up $85 -- and that was with just ONE car). And now that I am getting my own car, my mom knows that the insurance is going to sky rocket and that is why she wants me to have my own insurance. However -- according to all these insurance companies, my mom and I HAVE to add each other as drivers onto our policies since we live in the same household. My problem is this -- why is it that when I am getting a quote online and I add my mom as a driver (but have her EXCLUDED from the policy), the price is $1183 every 6 months, yet when I DON'T include her as a driver at all, the price drops down to $854? Do I HAVE to add my mom onto my car insurance even though she has her own policy with a different company and won't be driving my car -- ever? Seriously, the only time she will be in my car is when I am driving, and god forbid I do get into an accident, this insurance company covers myself and any relative that resides in the household. So would I REALLY have to add my mom onto my car insurance even though she won't be driving my car? I don't want to pay $400 more for someone who will never drive my car...""
What Insurance Companies Will Insure Me?
I Got A Citroen Saxo VTR 1.6i Just passed my test today and was wondering who would insure me i got 1 quote but i had to be 18 UK insurance companies please Im 17 and 9months
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
I am about to get my motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania and I was wondering if I needed to get insured to ride with just a permit.
Will my car insurance pay out?
my car has been stolen, but my friend claims my insurance wont pay out as it was only taxed and tested until next month. surely they should still pay me?
""If I report a cracked windshield and make a claim for a replacement, will my insurance rate go up?""
I'd like to get the windshield fixed, but I'm concerned the amount I save by having the insurance company pay for it will be less than the extra amount I might end up paying in increased fees. Should I just pay to replace it myself, avoid reporting it and not risk increased insurance payments?""
How much is a spouse's auto insurance in MA?
How much increase is a spouse's auto insurance compared to just an individual's insurance if we drive the same car in MA, with full coverage and that he's a casual driver?""
I need some legit cheap dental insurance..please help?
I have a upper wisdom tooth that needs to be emergency removed and I have no insurance and there is over 40 dentists in my area that will not take a payment plan and the one plan I applied for did not accept becuz I don't make enough money...heck im low income...but in major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Insurance 2006 Eclipse?
What would the insurance be for my 17 year old sister who wants to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. A student, good driver, took all the classes in school.""
How do I get medical insurance?
I am 20 years old and I need medical and dental insurance. I have tried medicade but I am to old and I don't have children. please help!!
Does term life insurance have an expiration date? (Other than death)?
Does term life insurance have an expiration date? (Other than death)?
Boat insurance cost on average for a 52ft 1989 sailboat boat?
I am looking for what others may have paid, so when i do get a quote I know what to expect. If you have something to say that negative please don't respond.""
Is an acura integra cheap on insurance?
my son is thinking of buying one
Help PLEASE!! Auto Insurance Question?
I have a question concerning auto insurance. I recently totaled my vehicle at no fault of my own. Long story short the insurance company is offering me a few thousand more than Kelly Blue Book states the vehicle is actually worth. But what theyre offering is substantially lower than that which is outlined on the Declarations for Policy paper under value. Thing is, Ive verbally accepted the amount over the phone. Now theyre sending papers to sign over the vehicle. When I phoned the agency, I was informed by the assigned adjuster that he cannot offer more. I dont really believe him, afterall insurance companies are known for trying to take advantage of people. Heres the dilema, if theyre offering more than KKB and under the value on the policy. I assume theyre just trying to avoid paying what the real value is. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. I have little knowledge in this, I just turned 22 years old and this was my first car.""
What year vehicles require full coverage insurance?
im looking for a cheap insurance for the state of louisiana. im with progressive and pay 88.00 for liability uninsure motorist and road side assistance. i want an 08 or 07 car but cant afford to pay for full coverage(mean over 90.00) for insurance. By law are 07 and 08 vehicles required to have max coverage or just liability. only drvie veh to work and local shopping and bring mom to medical appointments. and are what kind of cars get low insurance rates(cars verses suv, two door verses 4 door red verses white)? any company suggestions looking to by chevy colbalt or suv kia sorrento.""
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
How much do you pay for car insurance a year?
i am about to take my second practical driving test so i am hoping to be buying my first car soon . I don't know anything about car insurance so i would like to get an idea how it works and what i will have to pay can anyone help me with because i need all the help i can get (not knowing a lot about cars )
Question about buying a car without insurance?
Hey everyone, I need answers without criticism as Im new to this and know as much as you did when you bought your first car. I live in Texas and I have my learners permit but will get my license in around a month or so. We found a great deal on a car I love, and my parents want to buy it. However, as I said, I dont have my license yet, therfore, I dont have insurance. I was wondering, if my parents want to buy the car and keep it at home in the garage until i get my license and can get insurance, how would it work from the moment I buy the car until I drive it home. My parents have full-cover insurance with State Farm in both their cars, each pays their own insurance, would their insurance cover a second (technically third) car? What would be the step to take? How can I drive the car in peace without being nervous about getting pulled over or something? Please no rude answers, im trying to do things right, thus im here asking, Thanks""
How does the insurance company find out about moving violations?
My understanding is that when you get a moving violation (e.g, a speeding ticket), the police or the courts or whoever will notify your insurance company. When your insurance company finds out and finds out about the points that are now on your license, they raise your insurance premium. However, a friend tells me that he's received several speeding tickets, that his insurance company has never found out (meaning no one is notifying his insurance company), and that his premium has therefore never gone up. How is that possible?""
""My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
Auto insurance premium higher than what was quoted to me?
I just received my auto insurance policy in the mail and the premium is almost $200/year more than what the agent quoted me! My husband's premium for his vehicle was exactly the same as what was quoted. Is this normal and what should I do? I've already emailed the agent asking why the huge difference but am still waiting on a response.
Cheapest option I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I prt exchanged for a newer car I just?
I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I part exchanged for a newer car I just bought,but my Insurance company are asking me to pay about 40% more and requesting 40% ...show more""
Cheap car insurance...who are you with?
i am looking for cheap car insurance for my two cars. i had my license since i was 18 and now im 20. i have no tickets and i need to find insurance please help me....who do u have and how much do u pay?
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
""I have a new baby, will I get a auto insurance discount or increase if I tell them?""
My little girl is 10 weeks old, I'm not sure if I have to tell my auto insurance company (AAA). Would it be better to insure that she's covered? Or will it just cost me more?""
How much would car insurance cost under these conditions?
-15 -Texas -1995 mustang gt conv. -both parents will have insurance -car is fully paid off I would like to know what insurance would cost when i turn 16 as well.
17 year old and car insurance policy?
my mothers insurance company called her today asking if i had my license. when she responded no but i was thinking about getting it, they said if i did get it, she would have to immediately put me on her policy, even if i DON'T have a car. sounds like some bull to me but then again ive never done this before. to insure a 17 year old male with the car i would have would cost her 3 grand a year anyway which isn't gonna happen. she then asked if i could have my own policy in my name and was told yes and it would be completely in my name and i wouldn't have to sign on any ones policy. as far as i know, i cant sign a legal contract until im 18 because im still a minor in the eyes of the law. (her insurance company is allstate by the way) my questions are-- (1) do i have to be put on her policy as soon as i get my license even if i DON'T have a car? (2) can i have my own policy in my name being a minor (17) with no existing credit history?, and if so (3) can anyone recommend some of the cheaper insurance companies for teens, or is 3 k a year about the norm? 10 to the best answer. thanks.""
Will my car insurance increase?
I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.""
Will my speeding ticket raise my insurance?
Yesterday I got a speeding ticket in Cambridge, OH, my home state.Going 9 miles over, 79 in a 70. I have State Farm Insurance and this is my FIRST traffic violation. If i pay the fine right away, not having to go to court, will I get any points on my license or will my insurance rate go up at all?""
""Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
Will my car insurance pay out?
my car has been stolen, but my friend claims my insurance wont pay out as it was only taxed and tested until next month. surely they should still pay me?
""Based on my age, how much do think insurance will cost for a range rover sport?
i'm turning 17 in a few months and thinking of getting one for my birthday? a rough estimation would be nice
Can I get free health insurance?
I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks""
Classic Car Insurance for Colorado?
I know theres alot of insurance companies that cover classic cars, but i want an insurance company that has an office in Colorado.. that has a low yearly amount of under $400 for a 1966 Mustang...""
Am I obligated to keep homeowners insurance?
I filed a theft claim earlier this year. Now my insurance company is telling me that they will not continue my coverage due to the claim. Im going to other insurance companies and gettting quotes, but they are stating that due to the claim, they will not cover me either. So my question is if my finance company will obligate me to find coverage on my home. (1st time homebuyer)""
Health insurance in CA?
I'm a college student thinking of getting health insurance that is affordable. What health insurance should I get? And what's the cost of the insurance per month? Thank you
Is there anyway around this massive car insurance premium?
I have seen a beautiful 2.0L Ford Focus ST170 for 4000. This is a dream car for me right now, but after checking some insurance premiums, I have found that its more expensive to insure. I'm 18 with 1 years experience and 1 year of named driver experience discount. Even with that the premiums reach +4000. Am i just going to settle with a Zetec 1.8 Focus for 1300 a year? Thats the alternative...""
Why Do I Pay More For Health Insurance Now?
I'm a recent graduate, female, non-smoker with a healthy weight and eating/fitness habits. I'm not rich by any means, but my health insurance rates have gone up a lot since ...show more""
Does anyone NOT have health insurance?
How did it work for you to not have health insurance? Money is really tight these days and my husband and I are going to stop our insurance. But we are going to put our daughter who is almost 2 on CHIP. (Children's Health Insurance in Pennsylvania). So my question is for parents.. What are the pros and cons of not having health insurance for yourselves? and has anyone used CHIP and did you like it? Thanks everyone!
My friend and I got tickets for rolling right thru a stop sign. Will insurance go up even if we dont get a pt?
So, a line of cars got tickets for 'rolling right through a stop sign'. We are considering just paying the fine and taking traffic school, so then we wont get a pt on our licenses. But will the ticket still count toward raising insurance rates if we dont get the point? What do we do if we take the traffic school thing online? Do we need to take the certificate anywhere when we pass? We live in California.""
Unemployment Insurance in California?
I currently receive unemployment insurance. On the check stub it states that my claim expires on 07/2008, although the balance noted on there is less than what I usually receive. I believe its because the 6 month period has ended. My questions is, can I reopen up the claim? Am I still eligible to receive my unemployment insurance until my claim has expired which is 07/2008? I was told that you can claim unemployment insurance for a year, so I don't understand why I only received it for 6 months. I was with my previous employer for 7 years, so it's not like I worked wherever for a short period of time. And I am actively seeking a job, although I have a few expectations so I haven't accepted any offers plus I'm a single mother and I have to work around my parent's schedule cause its way too expensive to leave my daughter at a decent daycare that I can trust. Hopefully someone out there can help me with a few information.""
""Affordable travel insurance, Tesco or Asda?
Thank you
What is a good and affordable selection of health/dental insurance?
What is a good and affordable selection of health/dental insurance?
Help with car insurance?
I am 15 with 1 month before my birthday, and of coarse my license. I have made some sort of a deal with my parents. This deal allows me for every month I postpone my license i get a percentage of the insurance they would have payed. How much is insurance, how much of it should i get, and is it worth it?""
Can insurance company tell you were you can have your car fixed?
I have had a few cases were a relative has been in an auto accident and I could have fixed the car for them and done a much better job but the insurance company tells them they have to take the car to a preferred body shop for the insurance to pay. Can the insurance company actually tell people were to get their car fixed now a days? Is there a way to get the money out of the insurance company so they can take the car and have it fixed were they want the car fixed?
What is the best rated and least expensive car insurance for a female age 19 with a clean driving record ?t?
The car is an SUV 94 ford astro van in California.Know that only need collision coverage...Thanks for helping
A question about my homeowners insurance check please. This doesn't make any sense.?
I don't understand why my homeowners insurance wants my bank to sign off on a check to cover my insurance claim. They plan to mail my check to me of which I then have to take to the bank to have them sign off before I can then cash it in. They never made me do this before when my tree fell into my barn. Why the change?
Im In High School and need cheap car insurance!?
Uhggg my parents are making me pay for my auto insurance! I saved up for my own car and I only have a after school job, where can I get cheap car insurance..... for my age at least?""
Which company has the best *TERM* life insurance quotes for people over 50 ?
Obviously, people over 50 years old will pay a high premium--but is there a company out there that won't soak the customer , and at the same time are a reputable company ? In closing--I am not a fan of the 'colonial penn' type deals that plaster their commercials over the television.""
Is there a good site for auto insurance quotes?
i'm 26 and gonna get a new car and looking to shop around for GOOD car insurance with GOOD coverage w/o braking the bank. is there one site to get multiple quotes or do i have to go to each insurance site individually?
""No proof of insurance In NV, but I live in AZ?
OK so I got a Citation in the state of Nevada in my Fathers truck. It register under his name and everything. He never told me it didnt have insurance. So I got pulled over for no head lights. If I have No insurance what do I do? Im from Arizona will that have anything to do with it?
Car Insurance Question?
I am 25 today and was always told that your car insurance rates will go down when you reach this age. Is this true? If so, how much can I expect my insurance to drop? Im a male. Im insured through Allstate. No accidents. 1 speeding ticket in 9 yrs of driving. I drive a 2007 f-150 4x4 v8""
How much does the value of a car affect insurance for an adult?
I was just thinking about people with a low income that save for many years to buy an expensive car. Dont they still have really high insurance rates?
How can i cut my insurance premiums? UK?
I have 1.9 diesel 306, and have also a TT99 on my driving license which although my ban ended a while ago i have to declare and keep on license till 11/11.I have been driving legally for 18months now but its costing me a fortune every month for the insurance. How can i reduce my insurance from average of around 3000. Or does anyone know what cars are likely to be cheap to insure and run, (baring in mind i have partner and two kids to fit in the car as well. Thanks in advanced""
Lowest priced car insurance for under 25's?
I am currently due to renew my car insurance, I am 23, and have been driving for 2 years. I have been looking on some comparison sites, however I know some companies are not on the sites and could be cheaper - any tips based on experience? thanks""
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
Will my car insurance pay out?
my car has been stolen, but my friend claims my insurance wont pay out as it was only taxed and tested until next month. surely they should still pay me?
0 notes
jeffdonaldsons · 7 years
The Thrilling and Wondrous World of Easements
Oh guys, I remember the first time I toured the Merc. It was so cute. After we walked through the building we went into the backyard and I thought, “WOW, look at all of this property! It’s a dream!” *Sigh* I was so young and naive.
When my real estate agent told me that everything the light touches is in fact NOT my property I was a little bummed. But I thought, its ok we don’t need that part, we can just put a wall up here, tear out the parking lot there, and voila! a yard.
Still so young, and still so naive.
My realtor then informed me that there was an easement but wasn’t sure of the specifics and would get all of the title information in the morning.
Well the next morning came and so did the information about the easement.
For those that maybe don’t understand what an easement means, let me enlighten you. An easement is a legally binding use that another person has to your property. Almost all property has an easement on it for utilities (like when the gas company comes over to read your meter) but this was a whole different beast.
As I mentioned in this post, the property lines for the Merc are bizarre. Here’s a pic to show you what our property is (the yellow) and our neighbor’s property is (the blue). Tetris much?
When it was surveyed in 2009 they discovered an encroachment on the property to the west. The owner of the property signed an easement with the owner of the Merc stating that he would grant them rights to the portion of his property that the Merc encroached on (it’s 1-2 ft wide along the building line) and in exchange they would grant him the right to an ingress/egress easement through the parking lot to get to the back portion of his property (the gravel area behind the Merc.) The easement is the green part of the picture.
And ingress/egress easement means that he doesn’t have the right to do anything but drive through the property, but that meant no wall, no demoing the parking lot, no nothing. Its also very strange but the easement goes through the actual parking stalls, even though you can’t drive there. #why The thing with easements is that the city has no input on them, so we can’t say “This is stupid, you can’t drive through parking stalls, change this…” Its a private matter between 2 property owners and needs to be dealt with through the legal system. At this point we’re not going to contest it, I don’t know if that will change but for now we’re not worrying about it. The only way for an easement to go away completely is if the property owner that uses the easement dissolves their rights or if at some point both properties become one. The thing with easements is that they are forever. So 150 years from now, the easement will still be in effect unless it has been dissolved.
Obviously not ideal.
The thing is, the Merc has been neglected for so long that a lot of stuff just hasn’t been important enough to fight for. Of course the neighbors use it for storage and parking and dumpsters, why wouldn’t they? We’re hoping that we can respectfully take back control of the way people use the property. The whole thing is a little stressful for me because we’re the new kids in town and we’re completely changing the way that the building is used. Its never been an issue to use the parking lot, because it was the store the Merc, but now its our house the Merc. Ya know?
The easement also states that the neighbor can paint the wall of the Merc that is on his property as long as its approved by the Heritage Committee. Which is why one side of the Merc looks like this:
And the other side looks like this:
If I’m being completely frank the easement was almost a deal breaker. We went back and forth on it for months and really genuinely almost walked away multiple times. I was frustrated because I knew the Merc was supposed to be our house in my heart of hearts and we had to decide if we were willing to move forward with faith, knowing it was, or if we were going to let something that didn’t work out perfectly from the beginning derail us.
After lots (and lots, and lots) of prayer we decided to move forward, not knowing how it was going to work out, (heck we still don’t) but trusting that it will.
Sounds nuts. I know.
Trust me when I tell you, I get the judgy baffled vibes you’re feeling. I wrestled with it for months. I just keep coming back to the thought that it doesn’t have to be perfect right now. If everything works out from the word go then that doesn’t leave much room for creativity and miracles now does it?
Have any of you dealt with an easement? Do you think we’re even more crazy now? How are you feeling? Tell me everything.
Also, I just wanted to drop in a quick thanks for being so supportive of all of my nitty gritty detail sharing on the boring behind the scenes stuff. I know its not the funnest to talk about (can we get to the design stuff already?!!) But its really important for me to share that there are actual real life issues that we had to deal with and overcome. That way if you ever find yourself on this journey, you won’t be discouraged by the quirks and roadblocks that come from saving an old building. Because man alive are they worth saving. There is almost 100 years of history here and its safe to say that none of the previous owners thought “I shouldn’t sign this easement because in 20 years someone might want to buy it and rip out the parking lot and turn it into a yard.” and guess what? Thats ok.
Side note: Random grammar question. If the word The is always going to be in front of the word Merc, does that mean that I need to capitalize the The (The Merc) or do I keep it lower case (the Merc)? I have googled and am coming up with mixed results. Grammar police I need you!!
PSSST! New to the series? Get caught up with all of the posts to date here!
  The post The Thrilling and Wondrous World of Easements appeared first on Vintage Revivals.
via Mandi at The Thrilling and Wondrous World of Easements via Jeff Donaldson’s Blog The Thrilling and Wondrous World of Easements
0 notes