#‘Izu was already dead’ yeah and in the 2nd one they’re all about to be…. He’s being irrational wtfff my guy calm down save yourself
fumifooms · 4 months
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Chilchuck you’re so fucking funny wtf do you mean with Izu it’s "byeee" and with Marcille it’s "if you die I die". You ass
Chapter 69 vs chapter 92 Results:
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Be so serious my guy
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Little Socks - Oneshot
Summary: So, Katsuki thought maybe he was ready to broach a subject the two of them had never discussed before. Not even in passing. "Izu," he said, head pillowed on his arms on the edge of the tub while he waited for his alpha to finish rinsing off and join him.
"Yes, love?" Izuku replied absentmindedly, hands still shoved root deep into his mass of curls. Even wet and brushing his waist, his hair was still thick with a stray curl poking out here and there in rebellion against the water.
Katsuki's omega purred contentedly in his chest at the pet name. He let the sound out, just a quiet rumble from his nostrils, barely loud enough to hear. "Have you ever thought of having pups?"
Or where Katsuki and Izuku discuss having kids, and Izuku lets on about a fear he has.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T
Author’s Note: It’s a Christmas fic, y’all. Pure and simple fluff. Enjoy!
Katsuki and Izuku had been together for the better part of a rather domestically happy decade. Yeah, they had their bad days just like any other couple, but they were good more often than not. Christmas Eve found them getting ready to wrap up another happy year together. This would be their first holiday season together without being on call for some time because even though the country pretty much shut down for the holiday, villainy never ceased. So, heroes took turns being on call during the holidays. This year they weren't even on the list as backups. They had from the 24th of December all the way to the 2nd of January all to themselves.
So, Katsuki thought maybe he was ready to broach a subject the two of them had never discussed before. Not even in passing. "Izu," he said, head pillowed on his arms on the edge of the tub while he waited for his alpha to finish rinsing off and join him.
"Yes, love?" Izuku replied absentmindedly, hands still shoved root deep into his mass of curls. Even wet and brushing his waist, his hair was still thick with a stray curl poking out here and there in rebellion against the water.
Katsuki's omega purred contentedly in his chest at the pet name. He let the sound out, just a quiet rumble from his nostrils, barely loud enough to hear. "Have you ever thought of having pups?" Whether it was an outcome of his stupid omega brain or a conclusion he'd come to on his own, Katsuki had wanted children with Izuku since they'd gotten together in their first year as pro-heroes. Not wanting to push, he'd never mentioned the topic and figured Izuku would eventually bring it up. They'd been unmarried, sharing a teeny tiny apartment with four other people, just starting out and living paycheck to paycheck. It had been a bad time, so he'd let it drift to the back of his mind, and waited.
Things were different now though, and Izuku still hadn't brought it up. The idea. The possibility. The, Katsuki was hesitant to say, eventuality.
Izuku stalled for the space of a moment, but didn't raise his head to look at Katsuki. It was harder to tell with the heavy moist air of the room, but a sour note slashed straight through Izuku's normally mint and rainstorm scent. He could hear as Izuku swallowed and continued rinsing conditioner from his hair. "Uh, no, not really. Why do you ask?" That sour note flared again.
A lie if Katsuki had ever heard one from Izuku. Taking the higher road, he didn't call him on it.
Humming, he reached out a hand to wrap a strand of Izuku's hair around his fingers. "Just been thinking that we're in a good place for it. We're at the top of the hero charts, have a steady income. We're not starving sidekicks anymore. We've been married for three years now, and mated longer. I think we're ready."
Finishing, Izuku wound his hair into a knot on the top of his head that Katsuki was going to have to untangle for him later, and waited for Katsuki to adjust so he could climb in between his legs. Izuku leaned back against his chest. Catching one of his hands, he dugs his thumbs into the sensitive flesh of his palm, massaging gently.
"Izu?" Katsuki said against the top of his head when he didn't answer. He couldn't see Izuku's face, but he could feel the tension all along his back.
"That was a lie."
"I know."
"It's just that..." Trailing off, Izuku released a frustrated little huff.
"Do you not want to have kids?" Katsuki's omega whined pitifully in his chest, jumping to conclusions as it always did. He shoved its head down, refusing to take Izuku's silence as confirmation.
Izuku didn't speak until he moved to Katsuki's opposite hand. "It's not that, it's just that... I'm scared."
Katsuki pressed a kiss to the back of Izuku's neck before moving to pepper his shoulders. "Why are you scared?"
Breath hitching, Izuku tilted his head in submission and Katsuki's omega purred at the display. "It's just that... I didn't grow up with my dad around. I haven't seen him since I was four. I haven't talked to him since I was six! The only reason we know he isn't dead is the flowers he sends every year on my parents' anniversary and my birthday cards!"
Katsuki ran his free hand over Izuku's belly, pulling his flush against his body. "I remember the day he left. It was the first day we met and I shared my ice cream with you because you looked so pitiful. Even your All Might balloon looked depressed, partially deflated and almost hitting the floor. It was so ugly."
Izuku snorted out a small laugh which was the whole reason Katsuki had mentioned it anyway. "I just... how am I supposed to know how to be a dad when I never had one around? What if I'm a terrible dad? I don't... want to be a bad dad. I don't want to be like mine was... is."
"Izuku, baby, listen to me," Katsuki said, moving his hand so that he could slot their fingers together, squeezing tightly, "You're not going to be a bad father, you want to know how I know? Because you had a mother who raised you right. You're great with kids of all ages. And you're you. Nobody is perfect, that's not what I'm saying. Everyone makes mistakes. That's why there's two of us. We're a team."
Izuku struggled against his hold, trying to turn and face him, but Katsuki held fast. He snarled, frustrated. "You don't know that though! You can't know that!"
"I do because you're my mate! I wouldn't have chosen some two-bit alpha who was going to be a shit dad," Katsuki told him truthfully, and sighed when Izuku only continued to struggle. He let his alpha turn to face him, but caught his face in his hands before he could talk. "Izuku, just fucking be there and you'll already be doing better."
Tears filled Izuku's eyes and spilled over just as quickly. Shakily, he asked, "You really think I'd be a good father?"
"You really want to have kids with me?"
Katsuki pressed a kiss to his nose and then his forehead. "Have since we first started dating."
Green eyes grew impossibly wide. "Really?"
"Really really."
Izuku beamed, pressing in for a languid kiss that Katsuki drank up. When they pulled apart, Izuku was still smiling.
"Get back in here, nerd," Katsuki grumbled, pushing on Izuku's shoulder to get him to turn back around. "Tomorrow's Christmas, and I want to get to bed soon."
They woke with the rising of the sun like the did most mornings, but Christmas was a particularly special sunrise for them. It had been the day they'd started dating, tipsy and swaying beneath mistletoe at Yaoyorozu's home. Bundled tight in heavy coats and scarves, they climbed to the top of the roof with cups of steaming coffee to cuddle together as the first rays of sun crested over the horizon. Around them, the world's sounds were silenced with the thick blanket of fresh snow.
Anxiety was a thick cord around Katsuki's throat making it difficult to enjoy that silence, and it was all he could do not to let the anxiety leak into his scent. He tugged at his scarf as he cleared his throat. Izuku glanced over at him with sleepy green eyes and that dopey enamored smiled Katsuki loved so much. "Listen, I know we're not doing gifts till later, but I want you to open this one now." He extracted a thin black box from the pocket of his coat, holding it out to Izuku with a trembling hand.
Sitting up straight, Izuku stared down at the box in confusion. When he traded his coffee mug for it, he frowned and then grinned again. "What's in here, Kacchan? It's so light."
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki huffed, "Just open it, alright."
There wasn't much too it, just a lidded box he'd taped shut and slapped a bow on the top of, but he'd kept it tucked away just for this moment.
Izuku was careful as the sky began to brighten. He peeled each piece of tape off to ball up and tuck away in his pocket. When he lifted the lid and handed it to Katsuki, he just stared down in confusion at the contents.
The anxiety reared up again, hot in Katsuki's stomach, musky and so thick in his scent that even he could smell it. His omega whined just as anxiously, a high whistling trill only he could hear. They waited.
Izuku picked up the teeny tiny pair of socks, one patterned with his hero colors and the other with Katsuki's. He chuckled, and Katsuki's throat clenched. Izuku hadn't turned to look at him yet which gave him time to hide the sheer panic that roared through him. "These are so cute, Kacchan," he cooed, "but it's kind of a weird gag gift. These are way too small for me. They're small enough for a-" He cut off abruptly, eyes having dropped back to see what else was in the box.
Tears bloomed in his eyes as he picked up the picture of an ultrasound, hands trembling as he stared. He looked to Katsuki, smile watery. "Is this- Are you- Kacchan?"
Katsuki nodded, mouth still set in an uncertain line as he looked at Izuku. "I'm pregnant. I found out a few weeks ago, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I didn't know how you would react, and-"
With a happy cry, Izuku launched himself at Katsuki, and the careful grip he'd had on their cups disappeared in favor of making sure they didn't go plummeting to their deaths. Their cups clattered down the roof and dropped into the snow with soft ' thumps '.
Izuku pressed kiss after kiss across Katsuki's face until they were both laughing with the thrill of it. "You're pregnant! I'm going to be a dad! I-I-I-I-" He was sobbing, full-bodied and snotty and grinning. "Kacchan, I can't wait!"
"There's going to be nothing to wait for if you knock us off the roof and kill us, shitty nerd!" But he was laughing and holding Izuku back just as tightly as they rocked to and fro. Their scents tangled and mixed as harmoniously as they always had.
Pulling back and kissing Katsuki again, he said, "Let's name her Katsumi!"
"You don't even know if they're going to be a girl!"
"Taiyo if  they're a boy!" Izuku replied immediately, smile blinding as the orange sunrise illuminated his face, "But I just know. It's an alpha thing. They're going to be a girl."
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki just hugged Izuku tightly against his chest, pressing a kiss to his alpha's forehead.
"Best Christmas present ever," Izuku whispered.
Of course just like Izuku predicted, when their baby was delivered, they had a little girl.
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