#— thread | the absurd hero’s refusal to hope becomes his singular ability to live in the present with passion
naitfall · 1 month
continued ask | Porco @jxwz & Levi
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Immediately, Porco clips his mouth shut and drops into the nearest chair available. Even if he is already healing—steam spilling out from between his fingers, his bloody bicep clutched tight to his side—there's no way he's going to argue with the Captain. An order is still an order and Porco didn't get this far by disobeying them and defying his superiors. He's not an idiot.
"Sir." It is the only thing he says; his respect shown, authority acknowledged. An effort he hopes that will steer him out from the center of the Captain's ire. And at least the blood on the floor won't stay there for long. . .
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They were humans. Alongside them, alongside the soldiers of the Survey Corps, fought those with the power of titans— to transform, to heal, to survive when all hope was lost. The thin line between humans and human-eating monsters shall never be crossed, the warriors' nature, their birth and rights as human beings, shall never be questioned, else their own humanity would be the one to doubt, and Levi had seen with his own eyes countless monsters wearing human skin. They weren’t tools to use until they’d break, to endure such pain and suffering. To be seen as someone inhuman, both a monster and a tool— ‘humanity’s strongest soldier’ wasn’t unfamiliar to that.
He shouldn’t have been worried, and yet he couldn’t divert his eyes when looking at a young soldier, HIS soldier, suffering in pain as if it were natural, whose injuries could have put his life in danger. In disgust he’d stare, for how absurd was the sight before him, yet incredible, to witness wounds close. It was disgust, at the proof of a world that wouldn’t make any sense, and their efforts to give up on reason for the sake of survival.
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His intended grouchy mood was cut off by complete obedience. ❝ Make sure you don't die. ❞ He had enough suicidal brats to watch over.
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moved-naitfall · 1 year
plotted starter with @osmosisdreams / Eren Yeager & Levi Ackerman (Post-Canon AU)
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After a lifetime of war, of questioning who the real enemy was ( taking different shapes, titans or humans, Eldia or Marley, Zeke or Eren ), they had found themselves giving in to a false sense of peace. The world was still in chaos, humanity having once again not learnt from past mistakes, of the consequences of war, plans to repeat past catastrophes already set in motion. It was an inseparable part of the human nature after all, to seek to destroy one another. An irresistible desire that'd dominate those who had been wronged by fate.
Levi had known such darkness from a very young age. Personal was his experience with resentment, having spent his youth in a hole in the dirt, believing he deserved better, and willing to step over as many corpses as it took, to earn what he should have had. That man had no conscience, no interest in the wellbeing of others, of dedicating his heart to a selfless cause. It took a great amount of agony to see himself in the mirror, and change who he was. Those who had nothing, who had lost everything, were dangerous, and they lived in dangerous times where everyone had already lost most of themselves. What future held for them and those to come, was a mystery none dared to discover.
❝ What took you so long? ❞ he mumbled, walking in with his cane in hand. He hadn't been waiting for long at Eren's doorstep since he knocked, but the pain in his leg grew worse for every second he remained standing. He tried to walk more these days, so he could regain part of his strength, get back on his feet — literally. There was almost no improvement in the last few months, having probably reached the limit of his abilities. ❝ Were you taking a shit or something? ❞ His bitterness remained at its usual levels, but the veteran was struggling hard not to let any more poison spill. Pain dominated most of his thoughts these days, clouding his formerly sharp judgement. It took most of his strength to ground himself, pretend to keep it together. He wasn't familiar after all, with physical pain being as intense and persistent as that of his soul.
He quickly took seat, his gaze directly set on the closed-off curtains. ❝ Open the windows. Let some fresh air in. It's as if somebody died in here. ❞ And it had. And the poison had escaped him. He consciously bore a rare air of criticism, of wanting him to do better. Of wanting Eren not to waste the life he had been forced to give up on years ago. Return among the living. Ironic, wasn't it, for the boy who sought absolute freedom, to reach far beyond the walls, having confined himself in the four walls of his house? Truth was, the war had stripped them both of their wings. Levi had found himself in a different kind of prison than Eren's, that of his own weakened body.
With the same body he had once tasted a glimpse of freedom — the scent of the air beyond the walls. Of becoming one with the wind, of the gentle touch of the warming sunlight. For someone who had no hope to ever set eyes on the blue sky, the moment he had first stepped outside the walls riding his horse, the moment he got to know what was like to have everything and lose it, was the same moment his life mission had been fulfilled. The man he was had to perish, and be reborn as someone new. Someone whose purpose was to fulfill the dreams of others, instead. And now, after many years his role was over. He couldn't be of any use in his pitiful state. The distance between everyone he had known grew further every day as they searched for their own path, rebuild their new lives, while his own had long reached its dead end. Each passing day seemed to bring him closer to everyone he had lost. When he'd reunite with them was unknown, yet felt far more closer than when he was still risking his life in the battlefield.
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a-darknessbaund · 2 years
@luxaeterna | a ‘ levi chooses to revive erwin’ au we had discussed a LONG time ago. forgive me for tagging you in this shit.
The beast had escaped. The Survey Corps had been nearly annihilated. Armin, a valuable soldier had died. Eren's and Mikasa's cries could be heard from a mile away and there was nothing he could say to ease their pain. Levi wouldn't regret his choice. The decision entrusted to him by this man wouldn't have changed. He couldn't have done otherwise, he couldn't have sacrificed Erwin. In a future they couldn't predict, with too many unknowns to await them, they needed a man with a vision and the determination to break through all barriers. Humanity couldn't march forward without a devil to guide them. Without Erwin at the wheel of this war. Their hope, HIS hope, laid on the shoulders of this man, and not he, nor Hange could have been prepared for what was going to come.
He didn't act on sentiment, like Eren believed. He couldn't have let emotion cloud his judgement. If Levi had given up on being a soldier, if even for a moment he allowed his heart to be shaken by grief, and lead him to a different decision, he would have lost all reason to live. If he did use the syringe selfishly, he would have let him go. He would have let him rest with his dreams, freed from the cruelty of their world. Instead, he chose to bring him back, drag him down to the shitty hole they'd fight for their survival. “ Welcome back, Erwin. ” He watched him as he'd open his eyes, having knelt by his side. Empty eyes searched for the familiar blue, the one he thought he wouldn't see again, not in this life. Exhaustion had taken over. The battle had worn him out. Those kids, screaming right in front of his face to save their childhood friend, the soldiers lost, the decision lying on him. His failure, to give meaning to their sacrifice. Everything had been weighing on him.
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Erwin would awake in a different world, and Levi was the cause. “ You were sleeping for far too long. I thought you were dead. ” He was being more sarcastic than any other time, even though the last he felt was making humor. “ You look like a damn lizard, you know that? It's disgusting. ” he said, staring at the arm to have grown back, extending his own for him to take.
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@harbringerofdecay liked my bnha levi starter call ( and got a rude asshole thief in return ):
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All men are not created equal. This was the cruel truth of their world, one had to settle with, in order to survive. Quirks were the real curse of their society, forcing them to adjust to a new order of things, one humanity wasn't prepared to face. When heroes are needed, that is when civilization has reached its lowest point and Levi confirmed his beliefs every single day. Every day, as he'd fight for his own survival.
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His eyes had been following the boy for a while now. Nobody approached him, even if many would glance with worry at him. As long as there were heroes around, it shouldn't be their business. How convenient, to rely on somebody else, right ? Fake was their concern, as fake was the peace they believed in. It was when the child disappeared from the crowd, heading into an abandoned alley, that the man made his presence known.
Kneeling right in front of him, his eyes searched for any visible injuries. “ Oi, brat. ” He couldn't tell what had happened to him, but from the look on his face, he could assume nobody would be looking for him. He could recognize the eyes of someone having lost everything. “ You look like shit. ” Too bad for the kid, having to settle with somebody like him, for the time being. “ Now, why don't you stand up. A bath is what you need the most right now, ” he said, extending his hand towards him.
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naitfall · 7 months
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@worldhell asked:
❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ . - farlan c:
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He couldn’t help but wonder: what was Farlan staring at, wearing such an expression? What was that he saw and where could their perceptions differ? Both curious and unwilling to find out, his nature once again proving to be impossible to decipher. Unwilling, for he believed it was better if he couldn’t see himself clearly — if he didn’t know where his heart found shelter (in his hands, Farlan’s hands). If he didn’t know he was still weak, and could break at any moment, as easy as it was to lose him.
Maybe their hearts weren’t meant to align. A sacrifice he’d make, for his sake. Levi would turn his attention elsewhere, in the opposite direction of Farlan, avoiding his gaze, quite blatantly at that. Resisting to be held captive, give in to hope, the most destructive of human emotions. He needed to be free, to ensure a future for them both. He’d fight against him, the hardest of battles, he’d march forward, to a pace he couldn’t match, clear up the road ahead of all monsters. Didn’t Farlan realize the reason he kept trying to escape him? Or was he more interested in winning this game? A game he had won long ago.
A battle whose outcome had already been decided, where Levi was the loser. Yet he’d refuse to accept his defeat, stubborn as he’s always been, pretending those eyes hadn’t an effect on him. Eyes carrying light, even when having only known darkness. Truth was, Levi wouldn’t have minded to never get to the surface, for he had his own source of light. A light he’d protect at all cost. He couldn’t keep up his act for long, his attention back at him, met with a sight he couldn’t possibly any longer pretend to ignore. He could still be holding such warmth in his eyes. How unfortunate for Farlan, to be met with absolute coldness. Levi couldn’t be any other way, he couldn’t change the way he carried himself — couldn't soften his edges.
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Maybe, he should try a different approach. ❝ What is it? ❞ Shamelessly confronted, despite knowing the answer to his question.
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naitfall · 8 months
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@decidentia asked:
❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . – from Eld!
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His heartbeat had risen slightly, his eyes narrowed for a second, his composure lost only for a moment, pain not distracting him from taking out his opponent ( an abnormal, who had entered their formation ). When the sun set, and they had the luxury to finally set their feet on the ground, Levi allowed his squad to address the injury he had sustained. A deep cut at the side of his stomach had slowed him down, even if by little. Eld was the first to approach. The most confident when he was around — was it the rest of them were still scared of him, his temper, his reactions? Does it hurt? ❝ What do you think? ❞ Well, no wonder why they were so tense in his presence. 
He could have handled it on his own — too many years spent fighting on the streets, too much blood spilt, many injuries sewn, and only his life to be responsible for. The battlefield changed, the purpose he’d chosen to serve, now responsible for the life of others instead ( ensure their protection, their growth, make sure they wouldn’t sacrifice their lives for a worthless cause ) — but alone again Levi would stand among enemies. His conscious choice was, to keep advancing forward, move fast, so none would catch up to his pace — it was dangerous to stay close. Yet, last time he took a moment to look back, he’d see them, his squad, chasing after him. Maybe, it wouldn't be that bad, to slow down every once in a while — let them treat his injuries (visible or not), so he could treat theirs as well. 
Most soldiers would grow uneasy when witnessing their superior getting hurt, but not them, and if they were, they were good at masking their fear, matching their leader. Most soldiers relied on someone else to make their choices for them, to take responsibility for their lives — quite common when on a battlefield, to lose trust in one's self, to look for who was more skilled and experienced. They were different, arrogant enough to know they could do well on their own, their strength as a team almost equal to his, and ready to give up on everything to keep moving forward.
Silently they sat by the campfire, as Eld worked on cleaning his injury of any dried blood. Levi could have done it on his own, yet instinctively he had given in. He was bleeding too. He was no different, and neither were they. His weak nature, his humanity, the Captain carried with pride, a rare sight a chosen few got to witness, and a lesson he wanted to teach them. Humanity's strongest soldier. His strength, inhuman. A monster. Even a devil, to some. Cruel, for his humanity to be questioned, when it was monsters he fought against, risking his life just like everyone else in the Survey Corps. Invincible? He wasn't. His life would hang by a thread, just like the rest of them. He wouldn't sacrifice any less, or be worth more.
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That much was enough, though. ❝ I'll take over from here. ❞ Enough of himself put on display. Before the balance was disturbed, he retreated back to his usual manners. ❝ I can stitch it on my own. You should rest. ❞
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naitfall · 8 months
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@worldhell asked:
‘regress’ for whoever you feeling on my side ! eye emote
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Send ‘regress’ to meet my muse as a child.
from my archived blog. maybe farlan paid a visit in levi's head? maybe it's time travel? levi hallucinating/dreaming about what's about to come? still, I needed to throw my child @ ya
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Hollow and weary, ice blue eyes, unfocused due to absolute exhaustion, contradicting their usual sharpness, met with the kind gaze of someone he was supposed to know, someone he was going to meet, and trust with his humanity (the remnants of it, when the world desperately tried to take it away from him, so the man could be shaped to a tool). Unbeknownst to the child not only there were many years left for him to live, too much to lose, but also someone worth living for, patiently waiting for their lives to align.
Levi's figure was small for his age. He was young, not older than ten, but one could easily mistake him for a six-year-old. Much easier to prey on. Soft dark hair was on shoulder-length. His mother, skilled with scissors couldn't cut it for him for a long time, and Levi didn't care enough to do this on his own. He'd wear a white dress that didn't belong to him — to keep her scent close to his body, her warmth, for as long as he could, now that her hands had grown cold, and he wouldn't find comfort in her embrace ever again.
He could barely stand on his feet. He hadn't eaten for days, and slowly but steadily he was losing his ability to think. He preferred it that way, if his heart wouldn't hurt this much. It'd be an easy death. He hadn't anything else to do with his life after all, now that his only source of light was gone. Had she suffered in her last moments? Was she in pain? For long his mother had suffered, for months slowly fading bit by bit, but had she found a tiny bit of peace before leaving? Soon he'd know. It was decided after all. The weak wouldn't survive for long.
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He hadn't the strength to speak, and he rarely did. There was nothing worth saying, and people never listened. But the man stood there, watching him with eyes that held a familiar warmth. What could he possibly want from him? ❝ Who are you? ❞
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
continuing this answered ask ( blame legacy/beta editor ) / @lovepurposed
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Such wonders, creatures like him were. Dreamers never seized to intrigue Levi, strangely having crossed paths with many — was his bitter persona a magnet? Come to think of it, wasn't almost everyone guided by their dreams? Dreams of success, of happiness, of peace, or fulfillment. Everyone had to be drunk on something to keep pushing forward. And when these would begin to fade, when reality would crush their heart, all innocence would rest with their hopes. A dim future would await, of dead and unfulfilled promises, and a single wish: to simply manage to get through.
Francis was different, though. Not surrendering to the cruelty to rule their world, but choosing to live in his own, instead. What were his dreams made of? He hadn't seen many times before such dedication, such desire to feel, and experience everything. A double-edged blade — what would happen of him, a mystery to Levi. So he wished to be there, and observe closely. “ I spotted a certain someone fooling around, and followed his steps. ” The streets were dangerous at a time like this, and the other didn't seem to care the least. “ I'll give you a lift. Unless you prefer to catch a cold. ”
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
tag drop #1
—◆ visuals | perhaps cherries look violent in the sunlight ( you are all honey & rage ). perhaps you should let the moon be your courier
—◆ thread | the absurd hero’s refusal to hope becomes his singular ability to live in the present with passion
—◆ ic | that means i'm abnormal. . . probably because i've seen far too many abnormal things
—◆ queue | some ancient call that i've answered before
—◆ memes | make a choice you won't regret
—◆ dashboard game | it's the cracks that let the light shine through
—◆ headcanon | i will not bare my soul to their shallow prying eyes. my heart shall never be put under their microscope
—◆ wishlist | even so. here i am. waiting impatiently for the day when i can touch the light
—◆ crack | i was gonna put my password to ‘levi’ but it was too short
—◆ character study | somebody inside of me has always tried ( with all his strength ) to be nobody
—◆ aesthetic | a world illuminated by the sun. a world bathed in light
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naitfall · 5 days
continued ask || Eren ( @centuricnis ) & Levi
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eren hadn't really come over to talk. afterall, the last thing he associated levi with was long drawn conversations. still, his presence was a comfort to him and the brunet found himself gravitating to wherever his captain was when he needed a moment to just gather himself. sometimes eren had wished they'd never found what his father had hidden in that cellar. it seemed to make everything so much more complicated in his mind. what was the point of it all?
he grimaced and sighed softly in defeat. just trying to figure it all out made his head hurt. instead, teal eyes flicker over to the shorter man, taking in his familiar frame with the almost ever present furrow in his brows. sometimes he wants to just reach up to smooth it out and his fingers twitch with the sudden compulsion to. he curls them into a fist to avoid doing something idiotic.
"that's okay... we don't have to talk," he finally replies after what's probably been a minute of silence. "i came over here for the quiet, anyway."
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Unusually bright was the starry night sky. One could not directly stare at the moon for long, as if meaning to challenge the sun. On nights like this, he was reminded of them. On the spot Eren had taken seat, used to be Isabel. She'd laugh and excitedly swing her legs, her desire for life radiating even long after she was gone, even to this day, where she kept on living in his memories. On nights like this, his silence carried an air of melancholy that kept most at distance. But not him, as if intending to defy any and all boundaries he had set, and most hadn’t yet dared to cross.
He wouldn’t submit to orders, wouldn’t back away in the face of danger. He didn’t know when to retreat, charging into a battle he was certain to lose. And yet, for once Levi didn’t wish to fight back. For once, he didn’t mind losing to a persistent brat who hadn’t heard of personal space before, and indiscreetly kept staring as if he could see right through him. As if he claimed to understand, to accept, the parts Levi kept for himself, for long nights where he could look at the stars and recall the dreams he once had, dreams that had long died with the last of his family.
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❝ You should get some sleep. ❞ To anyone else, it’d seem like he wanted him to leave. He didn’t. ❝ It's late. ❞
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naitfall · 11 months
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NIGHTFALL [ ˈnaɪt.fɔːl ] [ noun ]: the onset of night; dusk.
❝ The absurd hero's refusal to hope becomes his singular ability to live in the present with passion. ❞
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𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋. a levi ackerman rp blog from snk. featuring modern / reincarnation verses, au verses, and verses from multiple fandoms such as arcane, spn, bnha, bsd, kny & more | penned by reina, she/her, 21+
a study in: war, heroism, absurdism, becoming a servant in another man's purpose, unconditional love, mentorship, discovering the light when having only known the NIGHT
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guidelines | about | bonds | memes | attack on titan discord server | crossover verses | spotify | pinterest | self promo | credits |
tags / navigation: writing (ic) | threads / asks | character study | visuals | headcanons | quotes | music | dashboard game
blogs: @knightinsourarmor ( multimuse featuring mikasa ackerman, reiner braun, kuchel ackerman & more ), @deibreak ( todoroki shoto singlemuse ), @deisterre ( onk multimuse )
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affiliated with: @worldhell / @lausticzt , @gyofukuki
cw: war, death, cannibalism, violence, gore, trauma, genocide, murder, WW1 & WW2, prostitution themes will be present
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happy birthday to the softest boy! | @insiidious the eren of my heart <3
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Staring outside the window, he'd watch the sky change colors, signing the beginning of a new day. Birthdays were a nasty business to deal with. For many people, that day was worth more than the rest of the year. The expectations were too high, to the point any preparations were doomed to fail. Levi had never cared for such things, believing if his feelings for the people he kept close weren't acknowledged for something this childish, it wouldn't have been his fault. Yet, he never had doubted himself this much in his life. For HIS birthday, Levi found himself stressing over everything, even the most minor details. His present, the breakfast he'd prepare for him, his coffee. Everything to get that brat to smile.  
A cup of coffee, a bouquet of daffodils, and a wrapped box were placed on the table, as Levi patiently waited for him to rise. Inside the box, was an overcoat, one he had asked his tailor to make. He may be bad at choosing presents — especially when Eren would show the same excitement for pretty much everything — but this choice was the best he had at the time, and the one he wished was closer to the other's taste.
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He saw him stand at the room's entrance, waking up earlier than Levi expected. “ Good morning, ” he said, a hand moving to the back of his head, so he could give him a soft kiss. But he didn't let go. Instead, he wrapped both his arms around him, and kept him close to his body. He thought it was unbelievable, that they had made it for one more year. Grateful he was, for every single day he'd see him awake, and every single night he'd watch him fall to sleep. He was the   l i g h t   of his life, and the reason he'd look forward to the sun rising every day. He let go of him, stepping back. “ I guess you know what day it is, ” he gestured towards the table.  “ Happy Birthday, Eren. ”  
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continued ask with @wonderspectacles ‘s Zeke Yeager
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Dreadfully boring.
Each read of this book felt he was actively losing knowledge rather than obtaining it. He may have recited it if requested. Same principals, a lecture of an old king, and his lovely pawn, the proud knight. A tale he could have told before propping it open. A potent earthy smell crawled up his nose, reminding him of his location. Surrounding him were trees thicker than the spine of this book. Except the book was resting dangerously close to the fireplace. Zeke could forget about it, but his sitter was far more interesting. His bitter reply invited a smile to his face. Rousing Levi always was entertaining. He only ever replied to him in limited speech. There were only ever so many conversations to have. When he did make comments, Zeke considered it a rooster’s call, marking a certain time of day. One thing to almost look forward to, for an afternoon he lived a thousand times.
His tone was warm, soaked in honey. “Come now, Levi. Only natural to gaze at each other from time to time.” More like the glares Levi shot at him. “We are on the same side after all. I’d shake your hand as a testament to our comradery but my hands, they’re tied I’m afraid.” Over the crisp fire pit, the rattling of his cuffs were heard as he shook for emphasis. Zeke asked countless of times to be freed. Even if to piss behind a bush. “On the subject, would you be so kind as to get rid of these? Not, like I could harm you. I wouldn’t dream of picking a fight with Humanity’s Strongest.” Zeke’s transformation was stolen from him through the art of a restrictive medical syringe. If he wanted to shift, he certainly couldn’t. It worsened his stamina, and if Levi decided it, Zeke could lose a tooth and not recover it for hours.
I hate those damned things.
What a shitty joke this must have looked like. Never had he imagined after what happened in Shiganshina, Levi would end up babysitting the enemy. An enemy he wanted to see drown to his own blood, having awoken him feelings he believed he had left in the past — his years in the underground, a past of violence and bloodshed. There was this image in his head, Erwin watching this messed-up situation and laughing at him, as another one of the crappy jokes he always seemed to be fond of. But Levi hadn't another choice than to follow orders, follow a plan he didn't agree with, for a chance at buying time. Time to prepare for the large-scale war that was already in the works. And the key to that plan was him.  
He didn't buy his little fairytale, but he wasn't the one to make the decisions. He had given up on that role many years now. Since the day where he'd found their lifeless bodies, where he'd stared into their empty eyes, Levi had chosen a different path for himself. To follow a certain man, devote his heart to him, and make his dreams come to reality. Yet that man, had given up on his dreams for him, and now that he was gone, he'd share the same campfire with the one to have killed him. Fate played nasty games with their lives, as if making fun of their petty reasons and beliefs. “ I don't want to stare at this shitty face of yours any minute longer. ” Nauseous he felt every time their eyes would meet, every second where he had to tolerate him. This could only be his punishment for not killing him on that day. For having lost this chance of taking him down, now he was paying.  
Truth was, cuffs weren't useful in the first place. They were mostly for decoration, or better say, somebody's idea of intimidation Levi hadn't protested against. If the bastard wanted to hurt himself or run away, these wouldn't be what'd stop him. It was him, that would. Escaping was an illusion, no matter what tricks he may had up his sleeve, and he should have known that well, judging by the number of times he had already pissed himself when defeated. Yet the bastard continued to insist, possibly causing him more trouble than removing his restraints. Levi didn't intend to give in that easily, and even if he did, it'd only be to teach him a lesson. Raising his gun, he pointed at the blond's head. His soldiers were quickly alarmed, preparing to shoot by his order. There was no time for anyone to react when he shot, changing his target at the very last second, aiming at the chain to connect the cuffs. Finally freeing him from his shackles, Levi moved closer. “ Next time you ask for something twice, it'll be your head I'll aim.  ” Ice blue eyes, cold as ever, yet burning in hatred. A hatred that'd only be eased if he fell from his blade.  
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“ I sense dirt. ” Time for cleaning. Everyone get as far away as you can. Let him adopt you.
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