#— teddy. / isms. —
salad-juice-enjoyer · 2 years
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Combining true crime AND wrestling? What could possibly go wrong?
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playedbetter · 8 months
"Watch and learn folk how you handle the media." Teddy said with a grin. "Watch and learn."
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kingofdinosaurs · 1 year
we as p4 fans need to start doing like. gender split group pictures with naoto on the boys side and teddie on the girls side i think it would fix me
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lostjonscaves · 7 months
just listened to ep 9!
i think this episode had a lot of information about becoming an avatar. the “viability as subject/agent/catalyst” might be like ranking propensity to become an avatar and/or catalyst to apocalypse like The Archiv(e)ist. So maybe manchester institute was trying to systematically identify potential avatars and catalysts for the watchers crown? There was also pretty heavy commentary on becoming an avatar in the statement. The statement giver sounds very web-y to me so theres of course lots of talk of chance, choice, and control, but also he discusses making the choice to begin transferring his fear/pain to other people which sounds a lot like how other avatars told s3 jon about avatar-ism. it also reminds me of how the violin owner realized he didn’t have to feel the pain of the violin, as long as he inflicted the pain on others.
plus the losing connection to humanity aspect and turning into a figure that is more representation of a thing than an individual being, which reinforces the theme of transformation that i’m seeing. him saying “i put on the voice” also makes me think of like putting on an avatar hat (literally) to go do the job of spreading/feeding fear.
finally, i liked how alice’s sinister joke about “accidents and statistics” about pushing someone in thames heeds back to the statement since it’s all about chance and statistics. plus teddy’s “bad luck” with his new job and suddenly getting an interview he has to run to. and his “since when does anyone get what they deserve?”
also, never expected to hear “bigfoot is a good lay” in the same episode as a statement.
i’m also wondering about the double entendre for this episode title. rolling with it presumably refers to rolling the dice, but maybe also sam’s rolling with the paperwork and seeing what arises?
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ironminer888 · 2 months
having Yosuke Hater Thoughts again
If he was a real person, I would throttle him
He thinks he's such hot shit but he's toooootally not bro. he's Not That Guy. Plus all the teasing and insults from him that was directed towards Kanji (my GOAT).
I'm frankly surprised Chie didn't kick the shit out of him more often for his pervert antics like pulling out the girl's swimsuits during the school camping trip, or sending a fuming-mad Kanji into the girl's side of the campsite on a stupid dare, or Operation Up Close and Personal, or tricking Teddie into announcing the results of the girls' phys exams at the doctor's office, or--
"but Teddie has pervert antics too!" yeah but he usually gets ignored or punished for them! I think the main reason Teddie sometimes acts out the way he does was because one of his first moments of living as a proper Human-like Being was when he confronted his Shadow inside of the Marukyu Striptease in the Midnight Channel. I can only assume that the things that Rise's Shadow said while the Investigation Team was there planted those sorts of ideas in his head. Teddie was mostly oblivious to human morals and customs when he was created in the TV world.
Meanwhile, Yosuke's just a skeevy high-schooler.
Also Teddie is a silly little guy to me so i must admit I am a bit biased lol
I also really don't like the SouYo / NaruHana ship. it's mostly just because the community that ships it gives me bad vibes. it feels like they're reducing Narukami and Hanamura to the Resident Boykissers of Yaso-Inaba. Really, some slash fic in general has a problem with distilling competent, deep, or proactive characters down to easily digestible, tropey comfort food. No hate towards people who like the ship or gay people on general tho, I don't want smoke from the yaoi crowd.
Also the whole "partner" tic he has with Narukami feels like a weird translation-ism turn of phrase. I don't like the way it sounds. Maybe "buddy" or "bro" would have sounded more natural? IDK.
Sorry if this is rambley, it's late for me and I'm gonna go to bed soon anyways. so yeah ✌🏻
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sygnasableye · 1 year
Teddy-isms List
Once again moving threads over from Twitter, and this one's about Teddy and what she's like to be around!
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Teddy struggles with prolonged eye-contact. She also has a hard time focusing on listening to what someone is saying when she has to look at them, so she'll often turn her ear towards someone when listening and then look at them when responding. (Yes it's the autism)
Teddy has a bad habit of second-guessing herself (even if she's right) outside of pokémon battles and tends to be indecisive about multiple options. She much prefers that others make choices for her, although this sometimes means she ends up with an outcome unfavorable to her.
She's very polite and almost formal with people she's just met, but once someone gets close to her, they permanently unlock the GOOBER MODE(tm). Like many, Teddy likes to test the waters around new faces before letting her guard down socially. A good way to tell if Teddy is comfortable around you is if she infodumps to you about ghosts or any hyperfixations she might have at the moment. She hates small-talk and reserves it for people she's forced to talk to.
Teddy HATES noisy and busy environments. Major cities like Levincia and Saffron City are often sensory nightmares to her, and she's usually eager to either hole up in a hotel room the entire time she has to be in a city or get out of it as soon as humanly possible.
Being a ghost-type fanatic, it shouldn't be surprising that she's a fan of horror. However, she's actually quite easy to scare and still gets nightmares from certain movie scenes and stories. She's a bit like Noelle Holiday in that she finds horror comforting in a strange way.
She has a tea-kettley wheeze whenever she laughs especially hard and it deadass sounds like this. Red thinks it's really, really funny whenever she does this.
Teddy sometimes likes to appear scarier than she actually is, specifically to challengers or children. Ever since she found out her excited smile was creepy to some people, she's taken a liking to using it to her advantage as part of lighthearted pranks.
Teddy's into some forms of occultism and spellcasting! In fact, she isn't opposed to cursing people if she feels they've earned it -- she is a Hex Maniac, after all -- but as long as you're a decent-enough person, you're probably in the clear. She also collects Tarot decks and is more than happy to give out free readings, especially since she always carries a deck with her!
Her favorite type of pkmn is obviously Ghost, but she also likes Bug- and Dark-type pokémon as well. Had she not found such a deep affinity for Ghost-types early on in her Kanto journey, she likely would have become a Dark-type specialist instead.
Inversely, her least favorite type is probably Normal -- not because of the mutual immunity between it and Ghost-types, but because of how many noisy moves (Screech, Hyper Voice, etc.) and Pokémon (ESPECIALLY the Loudred line) the type is home to.
Despite her dislike of noisy environments and pokémon, and in contrast to her boyfriend, Teddy likes music with noisy/chaotic instrumentals -- it's an important form of expression for her, and it's a "controlled chaos" that she can pause whenever she needs a break. If they existed in the Pokemon world, her favorite artist would 100% be Ghost and Pals.
Leather is her least favorite texture for clothing. It feels "offensive" to her skin.
There is often a "slight draft" that follows Teddy around wherever she goes. This is because her Gengar is usually hiding in her shadow, watching over her as a protector; while Teddy herself doesn't mind the cold, the temperature drop is usually very apparent for others.
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voidsteffy · 2 years
2,10, and 23 for the salty asks <3
omg i think you're gonna regret asking me, because this is so long 😬
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Nancy Drew - Bess and Odette. She barely knew the lady! Give my queen some recovery period from her *ehm* HUNDRED YEARS OF TRAUMA before wanting to jump the bones of the body she's possessing RNM - It's weird, but Max and Anatsa. I could never picture them, even as a fling. TVD - Jeremy and Bonnie. when they were together, it was actually an illegal ship y'all. Jeremy was 16, and Bonnie was 18-19. I really wished they'd just bonded as a human connection to Elena and not... yk, ghost-shagged each other Gilmore Girls - LANE AND ZACH. where did they even come from? out of thin air that's where. Lane deserved her happy ending with Dave Rygalski and I will die on this hill. Teen Wolf - (brace yourself) Lydia and Parrish. Malia and Parrish. Melissa and Argent. wtf? at this point I'm pretty sure Jeff Davis just played chits and picked his ships randomly. All of Parrish's ships are ew (that's just his luck unfortunately) and Melissa with Peter would have been the best choice are you kidding me? ARGENT AND MELISSA'S KIDS WERE TOGETHER, and not even fwb-together. like SOULMATE together! Grey's Anatomy - Addison and Alex. They couldn't cash in major potential there. She was the right amount of bitchy to get him off his macho ass. Not everyone has to sleep with everyone Miss Shonda! Also, Teddy and Owen. They're best as friends, because (i hate to admit this) Teddy was right in s18 (was it 19, i think it was 19?) when she told Link to stay away from Jo because marrying best friends and then hating them in marriage is sad.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
RNM - Again, the Max-Anatsa storyline. It's like, again, they played chits with who she should be with. My Max is not the one-night stand kinda guy (which I'm proud of, representation of my soul) and him sleeping with Anatsa and then just dropping her is WACKY. Isobel and Anatsa were so much better, and had good development Nancy Drew - Park's arc. The writers had the potential in their very hands and chucked it themselves. Park as the ISM/FHK would have made so much sense, it would have been the best direction for his appearance. TVD - The entire Alaric x Caroline thing. HATED THAT. HATED THAT the way Ashley Ippolito hates Nate Jacobs. He's like 15 years older than her and IS HER BEST FRIEND'S STEPDAD. And the Alaric and Stefan pissing contest for Caroline. Dear writers you didn't give Caroline Forbes the Elle Woods arc she deserved to put her in this dump of a situation! Gilmore Girls - Married Dean cheating thing. "He's MY Dean" Rory honey go touch some grass and juggle some balls. He's fucking married and as your mother once said "Solidarity Sister". Lindsey wasn't all that bad, and she definitely deserved better than being cheated on at the age of 19. Teen Wolf - Argent and Melissa. Explained above. Notice how in the movie, Argent and Melissa didn't really have any romantic/close scene without a third wheel (thank God)? It's like Jeff Davis finally realized that oh shit, aren't their respective kids the main reason this all started? Grey's Anatomy - Jackson and Maggie. Just— NO.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Nancy Drew - everyone loves everyone in this one. so I can't really say anything divergent RNM - i think we love everyone right? TVD - VIncent Griffith (does he count? idk but I love his humor and badassery). Oh, and also Valerie Tulle. She was sweet while she lasted wasn't she? I honestly saw more in Stellerie than in Steroline (why you booing me when I'm right!) Gilmore Girls - Lindsey. Just because her taste in music is different from Rory and Jess's, doesn't mean she's not a good human. She tried so much to keep her marriage afloat, and I've never seen her be rude like Rory to Shane. Grey's Anatomy - Sam Bello (basically foetus Liz Ortecho) because she's the sweetest most bubbly thing after firecrackers in honey.
thanks for the ask man, omg i love being salty
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Star Selfshiptober - Mist
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Possible trigger warnings?: -Storms, Thunder, Tornado mentions -Stalking, typical Brahms-isms
Genre: Fluff
Context/Synopsis:   Madelyn has left the Heelshire mansion to Blake for the night, and a storm suddenly kicks up while she’s gone into town. Brahms notices Blake starting to get tense, recognizing his slight anxiety over the stormy weather.
  Hmm... Maybe a snuggle could fix this?
Characters featured: Blake - Autistic anxiety™ Brahms - Welcome today’s human teddy bear. Madelyn, Blake’s sister *Briefly mentioned*
   Blake stared out the window and into the darkened night. The new moon made it almost impossible to see, for only stars glowed in the sky. Not just that, but a deep mist had drifted in seemingly out of nowhere, reminding Blake of a horror movie as he gazed at the estate surrounding the luxurious manor. Somehow it was even worse as Blake heard the sound of rolling thunder, and a drizzle began to pitter-patter on the window.
   "Did you ever get scared living in the walls on nights like this?" Blake didn't even need to turn around by that point, knowing Brahms was in the room already.
   Usually, Blake didn't mind storms; he usually found thunder and rain somewhat comforting. The storms that shook trees as lightning arched across the sky were those that made him worry. The silhouettes of shuddering branches in the fog surrounding the Heelshire estate were all it took to set him on edge.
   He knew things going bad was extremely unlikely. Dangerous tornadoes were rare in the English countryside; he checked over and over before he and his sister had even taken the plane there. It was nerves, many years living in a dangerous tornado country and lacking a safe house in case of an emergency. It made him antsy about the wind, even if it was barely faster than usual.
   Brahms had noticed that during the first storm, only one month after his parents left. He was trembling all night, only sleeping for about an hour. The entire rest of the night, Blake had paced around the house like a hungry tiger, which was what woke Brahms up in the first place. Honestly, Brahms thought Blake would end up giving himself a heart attack.
   Brahms thought about it, but only one thing similar came to mind. "I would worry lightning would strike the roof."
   Blake glanced up at him, nodding with a little smile. Understandable. Immediately, though, he shot his gaze back to the window when he heard a louder roll of thunder. Blake shivered and stood up from his chair, immediately leaving the room. But he didn't go out the doorway.
   Instead, he went over to the closet and went into the walls. This wasn't new; Blake had found the crawlspaces between the walls a day before he met the 'real' Brahms. Since finding them, Blake made a habit of spending time inside them, simply enjoying how enclosed and, in his words, 'cozy' they felt.
   Brahms followed him, only for Blake to sit in one of the tighter areas. Brahms was too big to follow him and couldn't understand why he felt the need to go in there when he was nervous. After all, Blake had almost gotten stuck in there once, so Brahms thought it would deter him. It was frustrating, especially since it seemed to be a difficult thing to explain.
   Brahms could hear the thunder rolling again; it must've been loud if the sound made it in there.
   "Do you think it's silly?" Brahms looked back at Blake. "The fact I get so nervous about wind and all?"
   Brahms couldn't say he didn't. It was a bit silly, at least to him, but with how dangerous storms apparently were where Blake was from, he also couldn't say he didn't understand it. Brahms didn't quite know how to convey that entire stream of thought, though, so he shrugged.
   Blake hummed in response. There was a few moments of silence, with no sound but the thunder in the background.
   Brahms wanted him to come out. Not because Blake was in this little 'happy place' or because this 'fear' seemed absurd. It was because Brahms, in all honesty, wanted to snuggle. From what he'd seen, that seemed to help most of the time.
   Blake was far from what most would consider 'clingy'; in fact, he was averse to touch sometimes; Brahms, though, was intuitive enough to notice that Blake seemed far more relaxed after being... pretty much crushed. The weighted blanket he brought with him was enough evidence of that.
   "...Blake?" Brahms finally spoke, making Blake flinch as he expected another thunder roll. "Come out." There was another pause. “Please...?”
   Blake furrowed his brow with uncertainty but stood up and crawled out anyway. Brahms wrapped his arms around him, pulling Blake against his body with reckless abandon. Blake responded by wrapping his arms around Brahms' sides, burying his face in Brahms' chest as he hummed in wordless thanks.
   Brahms leaned back a bit, leaning his back against the outer wall, while Blake practically curled up against him. Blake sighed as all the tension in his muscles seemed to disappear. His mind fogged, much like the window had from the mist outside.
   It hadn't even been ten minutes before Brahms felt Blake's grip around him slip, only to look down and find him dead asleep. 
   Brahms only held him tighter when he realized this, smiling a little under his mask.
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medicallymercury · 2 months
even less coherently: the impact of the replacement-son-ism of it all is that even though I don’t think teddy and ross could’ve even possibly been close, they are pseudo brothers because of how their (replacement) parents treat them
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iwantjobs · 2 months
7/28/2024: I. America, and humanity, If heterosexual females are lower than a gay males, bisexuals, lesbians, and omega males willing to kill heterosexual Females to protect his gay male best friends and lesbians sisters and gay brothers, then I, Trang as a hardcore heterosexual female with hardcore heterosexual eggs and hardcore baby making machine, will commit in being a happy spinster eternally while closing my eyes and ears to prevent seeing and hearing heterosexual men using the gay males' buttocks to make children and heterosexual males on their knees to please the lesbians' strap-on dildos before getting to their eggs and uterus while wooing to gays and lesbians with melody of words about getting high over the rainbow--All to control the over population of humanity to save the plenty from it's human cancer growth of over consumption in eating animals, wearing water, and generating toxic unnatural cancerous chemical, buying, waiting via overdosed capitalism, overdosed feminism- gayism-fat-lazy-male-ism and greediness and to be too comfortable.. Trang's thinking at 51.24 years old. I believe whatever I do will affect your children and the future of humanity for I copy the thinking of past generations and the future generation. If God (the father of Jesus) wants me to have biological then he will put it in me or else no thanks while I'll work to make the planet healthier and help children who are willing to change to improve themselves and follow the hardcore heterosexual path while I work, sing, model, do fashion, study online, dance+exercise, diet, cook low-fat, volunteer, donate, write lawsuits, write poems dreaming of my hardcore heterosexual male with hardcore heterosexual sperms and hardcore heterosexual man thing. I am only happier today because of more home-made of physical therapy of neck stretching using 3 chairs, and a good night sleep to move one from waiting for men and focusing on shutting my trap by being mute to save my old wrinkles from turning into elderly wrinkles. I only posted today because there seems to be a fight between men and women about being childless women and childish women's attacking a 2-year-old girl as return--Not cool on both parties if both parties when God (father of Jesus) to give them. It's true that a childless female even by being infertile cares less about the future of the country and more about her power than a man with children about his country (just like a man without children cares less about the future of his country and more about his power than a female with children); However, the man with children must be sensitive to women who are infertile foe its not their fault or else their evilness will attack your female daughter. On the other hand, if the childless women wants God (the father of Jesus) to grant her a biological baby, she has to say sorry about bringing his innocent 2-year-old daughter into this adult fight or else go happy being a wealthy spinster and enjoy your beauty sleep cuddling your teddy bear. Bring in children in adult fights is like the Hamas terrorists and Zionism terrorists bringing innocent children into this war with one side shooting an Israel baby in baby crib and the other side bombing Gazan babies using American made 2,000 lb bombs on land whose ancestors of those babies have been living for the last 400 years in Palestine region while the Isrealis are still in Hitler's gas chambers praying for God for their enemies' mercy and while the American militia men and the churches cowboys haven't been boen yet. In my own right in America, I am leaving America eternally because I don't approve of its values for being genocidal in the Hamas-Israel war, gay, and promote Spanish as 2nd language. Lastly, I, Trang, ask, what have the humans done to help the planet Earth other than destroying it and now building spaceships to flee the planet so the humans can destroy another planet via wars, overdosed capitalism, overdosed-gay-feminism-straight-men-turning-gay-lazy-and-fat?
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hyrule-warriors · 5 months
Probably a weird thing to get hung up on but like I just cannot get into Persona 100% and its totally because of Atlus-isms. Even if the gameplay is really good and has a lot of depth. There's many RPGs I haven't played yet that doesnt also have homophobic dialogue or scenes thatre weirdly mean to fat girls for no reason OR Teddie , which I think is the main reason why I haven't dipped into the Persona lagoon yet
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playedbetter · 9 months
"As I'm sinkin', I relive the story."
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teddiesniffles · 2 years
new pinned post!!
kinda slowly working on redoing some stuff for my blogs so making a new pinned post;
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a 18+ ONLY blog. I occasionally reblog/make N$FW content and reblog things from other N$FW blogs. DO NOT INTERACT if you are a minor, you do not have your age in your bio / about, and/or you’re a proshipper. You will be blocked. Thank you.
Hi!! I’m Teddie and this is my sideblog for sickie, caretaking, emeto, whump, and etc. content. My main/the blog I follow from is @/teddietums (warning that this blog’s main focus is feeder-ism and has more N$FW content than this one).
I’m 22, use they/ze pronouns, am queer, and neurodivergent. For more info about the bloog, check out my about page!!
I try to organize posts by tags best I can; you can find a list of them here!!
Feel free to ask any questions!! Of course, be respectful and do NOT send me any explicit asks or content without my consent. If you do, you will be blocked.
But yeah! I think that’s it basically :] Take care!
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guidevewor · 2 years
Dj quik songs james brown
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DJ Quik cited being inspired by George Clinton and Roger Troutman, the latter of which taught him how to use a talkbox, which later became a trademark of his sound.Before he turned 12, he was already playing multiple instruments.His interest in music began when he was only 2 years old because his mother had a massive record collection at home that she played often.Source – Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram DJ Quik in an Instagram post as seen in March 2019 (DJ Quik / Instagram) DJ Quik Facts (But you know it will, and you’ll be hungover.)” Personal Quote – “Live life like tomorrow won’t come.People – 2 Chainz, Marvin Gaye, Prince, Vaughan Mason, Trippie Redd, Bruno Mars, Tupac Shakur, Nate Dogg, Darius McCrary, Tiger Woods, Mike Tyson, Barack Obama, LeBron James.
First TV ShowĭJ Quik made his first TV show appearance as a musical guest in an episode titled DJ Quik Featuring El DeBarge 2nd II None and Suga Free/Sparkle/Dave Hollister of the music talk-show Soul Train in 1999.
First FilmĭJ Quik made his theatrical film debut as himself in the comedy movie Keeping Up with the Steins in 2006. By 2005, the album sold 1.07 million copies. 4 months after its release, on May 30, 1991, it was certified ‘Gold’, and 4 years later, on July 26, 1995, it achieved certified ‘Platinum’ status. The album debuted and peaked at number 29 on the US Billboard 200 chart, and sold more than 50k copies in its 1st week. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Bizzy Bone, Suga Free, James DeBarge, and othersĭJ Quik released his debut studio album titled Quik Is The Name on January 15, 1991, under Profile Records label. His collaborative albums – Blaqkout (2009) with rapper Kurupt, and Rosecrans (2017) with record producer Problem, and his collaborations with artists such as AMG, 2nd II None, 2Pac, Dr.His debut studio album Quik Is the Name (1991), and 8 solo albums between 19 – Way 2 Fonky (1992), Safe + Sound (1995), Rhythm-al-ism (1998), Balance & Options (2000), Under tha Influence (2002), Trauma (2005), The Book of David (2011), and The Midnight Life (2014).Rehab Salon by Christina “Tina” Trammell (2017)Ĭhristianity (Baptized) DJ Quik (Left) and Mystikal as seen in April 2019 (DJ Quik / Instagram) Best Known For.Los Angeles, California, United States Nationality Quik, DJ Quik, Q DJ Quik during an event in May 2015 (Judchuks / Wikimedia / CC BY-SA 3.0) Sun SignĬompton, California, United States Residence He has garnered a loyal fanbase on social media, with more than 500k followers on Instagram, more than 500k followers on Facebook, and more than 300k followers on Twitter. DJ Quik also collaborated with the rapper Problem on his 2nd collaborative album titled Rosecrans in 2017. His 9th studio album, The Midnight Life, was released in 2014 to critical acclaim. On April 19, 2011, he released his 8th studio album titled The Book of David, on which he worked with Bun B, Jon B, Dwele, Ice Cube, and others. DJ Quik released a collaborative album with the rapper Kurupt, titled Blaqkout in 2009. In late 2008, he also joined forces with Snoop Dogg, Teddy Riley and formed a production group QDT. In 2005, DJ Quik was signed to Mad Science Recordings and released his 7th album titled Trauma, and in 2007, formed a hip hop group The Fixxers with the rapper AMG, on which he rapped as “Quik” instead of “DJ Quik.” However, his prominence started in 1991, with the release of his debut studio album Quik Is the Name, quickly followed by Way 2 Fonky (1992), Safe + Sound (1995), Rhythm-al-ism (1998), Balance & Options (2000), and Under tha Influence (2002). DJ Quik is an American rapper, DJ, record producer, and songwriter, best known for his top songs Tonite, Born and Raised in Compton, and Jus Lyke Compton, as well as plenty others that charted highly during his career as a hip hop artist that started in 1987.
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castelleve · 2 years
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Ophelia, Beau’s assistant and descendant of Damian’s first son, Hassan. She’s not exactly aware of her latent magical abilities, but did accidentally raise someone from the dead, that being:
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Teddy! His real name has been lost, and he got stuck in one of Ophelia’s stuffed animals when he was resurrected in a game of ‘hide and seek alone’.
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dvstbvnnies · 3 years
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► basics;
Full Name: Theodore Connor Byrne Nicknames: Teddy, Theo, Dory Age: 25-30 Birthday: January 29th Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single/verse dependent Religion: no thoughts, head empty Occupation: Pharmacist at a family apothecary
► background;
Place of Birth: washington Education: 8 years of college study
► physical;
Faceclaim: Harry Styles Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Height: 6′0″ Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: existing harry tats, no scars, absolute freckle city along his face and back and chest.
► relatives;
Mother’s Full Name: Frankie Byrne Father’s Full Name: Joel Byrne Siblings: 2 younger sisters, Mira & Kenna
► personality;
Positive Traits: goofy, bubbly, humors the old women and moms that flirt with him at the pharmacy counter, loves jokes, very kind, gentle, caring Negative Traits: too easily swayed, is a pushover, calls himself a drug dealer as a joke
► misc;
Hobbies: dancing, making playlists Favorite Music Artist: Doja Cat Favorite Subject: he was a bitch for chef class in high school, took a pottery class in college Habits: whistling, humming
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