#— in character ( maiza ) !
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allinory-art-portfolio · 1 year ago
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Doodling ocs when I really should sleep or prepare for classes lol
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boundlss · 2 years ago
frankly i love writing melvi in situations that aren't with luck because i love it when he is an asshole and unapologetic about it
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maizafaruno · 2 months ago
jeez the blorbos from my shows has invaded my subconscious and unconscious (i have dreamt about them 6 or 7 times in the last 4 months)
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empiriical · 2 years ago
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he's been especially stressed, && for once, without any particular source. the day-to-day business of the martillo family has slowed to a nigh-undetectable crawl aside from the operation of alveare && their other, smaller businesses. with maiza's role having changed too, he's felt listless — no, almost useless. still, it hasn't stopped him from stressing over hypothetical unmet needs of the family, even when molsa, ronny, && even firo tell him to just relax.
of course, something else has been eating at him, an idea that first occurred to him five or six years ago. he's kept it to himself, not even mentioning it to ronny, because to say it out loud is to speak it into existence, where the dream would either shatter or come to fruition... && either way, he'd have to grapple with the reality of it.
what this manifests as is extra fretting, clinging to relevancy in the family so that he has an excuse to simply push off the idea for another year or ten. everyone tells him to just relax, not to worry so much, 'it's OKAY, maiza. you've put in the time. over a century. you're MARRIED now, for god's sake. take a break.'
he wishes it were that simple.
i don't think i've wanted something this badly since i was a young foolish man in pursuit of finding independence through immortality. the truth is, i'm afraid to chase something so desperately again.
but when even ronny's advice && wisdom can't ease his mind, there's one person who always knows what to say.
" every once in a while, you must do something for yourself. "
luck gandor is a brilliant orator, the kind of speaker maiza imagines his own father always wanted him to be. he's never had quite the same ability to engage in conversation in a meaningful way that luck has, but rather than feeling jealous or inadequate in comparison, maiza simply does his best to appreciate the young(er) immortal's sensibility. so when luck manages to see through him, cutting right to the heart of the manner with finesse, maiza can't help but do smile sheepishly && divulge what's been weighing on him for the better half of a decade.
"i think i'm afraid of what happens to the identity i've built around the family if i practically change careers now. you... well, you know my history." he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "&& you know that the martillos gave me the first real lifeline i'd found — other than ronny — since i became immortal. this is who i am, && times are already changing so fast... i'm nervous to take that leap, i suppose."
maiza shakes his head && leans back in his chair, sipping at his nearly-empty coffee simply to stall his next words.
"but there is something i want to do. && it would be for myself. probably the most selfish, frivolous pursuit imaginable." he almost feels shy sharing the secret with luck, but he knows he won't judge him. he's never judged him on anything. "i saved a substantial amount of money in the last two hundred years or so, && i want to put it into something. i want to — produce a show, on broadway. a musical." he gives a small, self-deprecating laugh. "stupid, isn't it? but, well, you know. you know i love the theatre, it's always a welcome escape, && i... i want to just.... do something new && different. is that very foolish?"
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deathless . / @futurecomposed
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gunmeister · 7 months ago
i actually genuinely consider baccano to be a masterclass when it comes to compelling relationship characters and i mean this in the romantic platonic and familial way. it's one of the only pieces of media where i've genuinely enjoyed the majority of the canon ships. it has realistic healthy AND unhealthy sibling dynamics (maiza & gretto and the gandor brothers are genuinely some of the best siblings i have encountered. in media). when two characters are friends (chane & jacuzzi, chris & ricardo, maiza & begg) i genuinely do believe and understand them being close to eachother and getting along.
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inputanimeoutput · 1 year ago
3, 9, and 15 for the b! ask game! ^^
3. Favorite character? Least favorite?
Claire is my absolute favorite. I have a thing for assassins in media in general. You give me a series where at least half the cast are assassins in some right, you know I have many favorites already. Claire is just something else though. His solipsism is just so fascinating as is his sense of morality and justice. I also appreciate his relationship with Chane, and Chane is one of my favorites as well.
Also love the throwaway line that Claudia has in the cruise ship arc that insinuates Claire (in his 80s at the very least) is on a deep sea dive to get a sword from a sunken pirate ship for his and Chane's anniversary as a gift. It's just a perfect example of how the gears in his mind work. Also, get you a man who will dive to the bottom of the ocean for a pretty sword to give to you on your anniversary, apparently!
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As for least favorite, right now it's that b-tch Melvi. Hate that guy right now. I'm sure something will happen in canon, and I'll wind up loving him, but right now, I hate him. Hate that I need the next volume but am not getting it because of the stupid Fate franchise. I also hate Fermet, but I feel like that's by design.
9. Character you’d like to see more of?
As much as I'd love to see more of Claire...and I would take any Claire morsels that I could be given...I honestly want to see more of Tick. We got backstory and stuff for him, but I wanna see more of him with the Gandors.
15. Which character makes you the most emotional?
I obviously have a soft spot for Czes, but honestly, the two characters that make me the most emotional are Miria and Maiza. I absolutely adore Miria, and the novel arc where she's separated from Isaac shows just how absolutely intelligent and grounded she really is. By the same token, it shows the same for Isaac. It gets me.
Then there's Maiza, who is just a solidly good guy, and the whole connections everyone has with him and that he maintains with everyone, including the fault he blames on himself, it just is very loaded and makes me feel things.
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krenenbaker · 1 year ago
so, uh... I sent my friend a few photos of characters I'm drawn to
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(Roger (ikevil), Trey (twst), Maiza (Baccano!), Faust (ikevamp))
and her first response was categorizing them as 4 different types of queer, including "Masc queer" (Roger) and "Sassy queer" (Faust)??
which like... I'm not going to say is wrong exactly?
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nightingale-bloom · 4 months ago
sorry that i blew up my entire fantasy world. it's still happening and i'll probably do it again when i'm done.
note: delinia is actually dead tho. felt like chains, so i'm killing it and looting the body. it was just getting too hectic bc I was piling everything i made onto it with little consideration for what already existed. rip the pantheons ig, they're not coming back even remotely similar. list of stuff that still exists:
brielle! (she was originally delinian, ik that i never said it but she was) also ethel, carrion, rialla, marjory, flora. maybe jin with a name change and quetzal with a species adjustment due to the lack of dragonborn in this new world. if I feel like it.
the fire queen/elemental rulers characters. boy they were messy back in the day, they were begging to be fixed. so i'm doing that. in a bit. alexander, my boy. he deserved so much better.
the gods. only sorta though. the pantheon as it was is dead, though Manosena (elder war) will be inspired by my previous war god raziel and his successor ajax. they come back as these colonizer self-deifying guys called iluminar. the one art post I made a few weeks ago depicted one of them, joven. one of the mcs of the book, will learn that his people are awful oppressors. his outfit ain't final, I just dressed him however for fun since I didn't have any particular uniforms or styles for iluminar at the time.
ajax! I love him too much to get rid of him. one of my previous delinian war gods. delinia's pantheon was a revolving door where gods could retire or be essentially fired by the founders, high gods that don't have the same choice as the others. but anyway he was batshit insane. drank blood, lotta chaos. you gotta have some of those sprinkled in for funsies. surprisingly sane at the meeting table and very sweet with his husband. still eats despite not needing to, a bit of a habit due to still feeling hungry three times a day. normally wears off for gods but he hasn't let it yet.
might bring the aquatica kids back. I already tried once before, but with more species-building experience, I think I could actually do it this time. rip Luca thao though, his original iteration could be coming back and he isn't.
Roma! she's another character from mesahearth, and I absolutely have to find something to do with her. well-read, not afraid of demons. could make her a summoner of a sort?
the glimmer, though they're now the maiza. hated their original concept almost immediately after I made it, and decided to scavenge them for their parts to make the maiza, a tribal forest people currently fighting tooth and nail for their homeland. the iluminar are absolutely false gods to them. their gods give back, but the iluminar keep for themselves. still more parts on that glimmer wreck (shapeshifting, water activated markings) that I could use later in other species/races.
all those dragons I made years ago probably shouldn't go to waste, huh? yuna's probably gonna get her knucklebones used for fortune-telling, though. don't care for her much.
and everything else I've made since the death of my first world has been pretty new, as far as I can tell. I never had a werewolf in any of my past stories, right? /s
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rookswarlock · 1 year ago
b! ask game: 8 and 12
8. Favourite headcanon you’ve made?
Apart from minor character design headcanons I actually do like to come up with different fun details about each character; some examples bellow (my personal favourites):
Luchino and Illness have a brother-sister dynamic and she often helps him with props for his magic shows and of course she picks the costumes for him and does his face paint if necessary
Maiza and Ronny are big 60s 70s and 80s music fans (they are your average dads what can I say)
Elmer knows a lot about constellations since him and Huey used to watch the stars while on the Advena Avis
Ladd feels guilty about what happened to Leila and is often filled with remorse for not being able to save her life (Narita needs to write a more detailed backstory for Ladd, Leila and Who I’m getting desperate)
I could ramble on and on about my headcanons tbh it’s fun and the possibilities are endless
12. Favorite canon pairing? Favorite non-canon pairing?
Its very hard to pick only one pairing but canon: Isaac/Miria (who doesn’t love these two) Huey/Monica
and non-canon: Maiza/Ronny Huey/Elmer Illness/Claudia
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brbarou · 4 years ago
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rip esperanza you would've loved feminism
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empiriical · 2 years ago
you guys i am full on maizaronny brain.
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empiriical · 2 years ago
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"i have no doubt," maiza says, && there's fondness in that dry tone of his. they have complimentary senses of humor, && maiza can't remember when that started, or if it had always been like that. regardless, he's lived far more of his life by ronny's side than not ; it's only reasonable to assume that at some point, their personalities simply began to entwine.
much like every other aspect of their lives.
"to your credit, i think it would be difficult for me to fall harder than i have. that's not a challenge, by the way. you have too much time on your hands as it is."
with a quiet laugh, he winds his fingers together with ronny's. "actually, i wanted to ask your advice... no, your opinion, i guess, on something. it's... related. sort of."
"None of those things are beyond my capabilities," Ronny points out helpfully, too distracted by Maiza's smile to immediately give a witty response (though it's no less dry than usual). Even when his eyes slip closed, he sees it, and not only because of his general omnipresence. It certainly isn't the first time he's seen Maiza smile, but Ronny generally feels the need to catalogue each one to think back on.
That man really did strike gold with his wish, even if he didn't quite understand that my presence would absolutely help Maiza. It's not generally like me to feel competitive, but I've given him more reasons to smile than anyone else.
"Well, no matter. I'm a little hurt by the implication that I haven't already swept you off your feet," he continues, betraying no real signs of being hurt (or, as a matter of fact, that he even believes he hasn't). "All things considered, I'd say the distinct lack of clichés until this moment has worked just fine for you."
Ronny chuckles, an amused syllable, then takes full advantage of their proximity and relative privacy to steal another short but unhurried kiss from Maiza.
He sees the two of them standing in the rain from the perspective of another point in space, without meaning to. From the outside, there are no traces of immortality or alchemy, no slight hints of a demon lurking beneath the skin of an ordinary man. Ronny usually doesn't particularly like the idea of being someone completely ordinary, resolved as he is to live strikingly, but at Maiza's side he doesn't mind the simple image of one couple of a thousand kissing in the rain, or sharing cigarettes.
"If I was going to coerce you into falling harder, I'd find much more interesting ways to do so."
To be human is to be ordinary, in some ways, but Ronny still doesn't intend to be the latter.
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inputanimeoutput · 1 year ago
14. If you could change one character's arc, whose would it be and how would you change it?
Oof. That's a rough one. So much of what I love about Baccano! is the how intentional the narrative is, and that goes right alongside how interconnected the narrative and characters are. Everything connects, and even the things that seem random have purpose or are random by design.
With that said, as much as I love Czes as a character and seeing his ageless knowledge have to wrestle with his very young brain, changing his arc so he didn't get as caught up with everything the alchemists did and had an element of choice with the elixir (sort of like Sylvie did) would just make me feel a whole lot better for him.
It would lessen the blow of his arcs a bit since he wouldn't be immortal in the body of a literal child, but I also don't see it affecting his actions so much that it derails the whole plot. If anything, it would help him come to realization he comes to on the train with Isaac and Miria and in the station with Maiza a whole lot sooner, and Czes does deserve love and isn't a bad boy at all. I would do that for Czes.
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Also, seeing Czes interact with Jacuzzi as someone his own age would be absolutely hilarious.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years ago
MAIZA AVARO. ( @closedcoffins. )
“Luck. It’s rare we see you around here.”
He nods his head in polite greeting, matching Luck’s usual polite smile with one of his own. If he were a less socially adept man he might almost call it awkward to be talking to a friend of a friend like this, but since this is how Maiza communicates with most people outside the Martillos—and even inside the lower ranks of the organization—it all flows smoothly.
Ordinarily it might seem a bit too presumptuous for one of the bosses of an outfit like the Gandors to be visiting the main speakeasy of the Martillo family, but times are changing a little such that there’s really a lot less emphasis put on the mob in general. It’s almost quiet enough that Maiza could leave for a little while, see if he couldn’t track down someone like Elmer or Nile…
“I’m afraid Firo isn’t in at the moment, but he should be back anytime now.” He’s been going out a little more, these days, something Maiza is privately happy to see. It’s good that someone like him can have strong friendships outside of the family. “But I’d be happy to get you something to drink, if you’d like to stay and wait for him. It’ll be on me, so don’t worry about it.”
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" ah . . . he isn't? " Luck refrained from showing his disappointment. It had been awhile since Firo last dropped into the Coraggioso ; it didn't particularly bother Luck that Firo may have been too busy or has simply forgotten. Their friendship was not held by obligations or some sort of agreed upon list of rules -- they were both adults & had lives outside of each other as much as they had lives coinciding. However, that didn't mean Luck couldn't express excitement or anticipation for whenever his friend decided to come on by & catch up with. That didn't mean he couldn't feel just the slightest twinge of sadness from having just now missed him, try as he might to keep himself from indulging it too much. " he's . . . gotten busier, " Luck smiled, " Firo hadn't dropped by to visit his sworn brothers in some time either. if i hadn't known any better, i may have started to think he was avoiding us. " It was a light, polite joke. Meant to dissuade Luck's personal sense of awkwardness for having chosen to drop by on his on accord to the Martillo's main establishment. He figured Firo would appreciate his visit just as much as Luck appreciated his -- it was just poor timing that neither of them could see each other yet. He waved a hand, and took a seat at the bar, his smile picturesque in its benevolence. " that shouldn't be necessary. as kind as your offer is, i couldn't accept. consider my patronage the Gandor Family's appreciation. given how the times have changed, i don't think it'd hurt either of us to provide a little support . . . not that i am insinuating the Martillos are struggling, of course. " That was a genuine statement. He was here for personal reasons, not professional. He'd rather not cause any misunderstandings simply because he was a little too lax. " if you insist, however . . . at least allow me to pay for half. i am here as Firo's friend, not as Luck Gandor. " He chuckled.
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krenenbaker · 2 years ago
Media you may find on this blog (in no particular order)
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✧ Twisted Wonderland
Faves: Trey Clover, Jade Leech, Rook Hunt, Cater Diamond, Che'nya
✧ Ikemen Vampire
Faves: Charles-Henri Sanson, Johann Georg Faust, Vlad, William Shakespeare
✧ Ikemen Prince
Faves: Sariel Noir, Keith Howell
✧ The Arcana
Faves: Julian Devorak, Quaestor Valdemar, Portia Devorak
✧ Obey Me!
Faves: Barbatos, Asmo, Lucifer
✧ Stardew Valley
Faves: Elliott, Leah, Harvey, Sam, Willy, Gunther
✧ Six Idiots (Horrible Histories, Yonderland, BBC Ghosts, Bill, etc.)
Faves: The Captain, Sir Humphrey, Cake Lady Edith, Elder Ho-tan, Ian, Sir Francis Walsingham, ... actually, pretty much all of Larry's characters
✧ Baccano!
Faves: Maiza Avaro, Felix Walken/Claire Stanfield, Lua Klein, Firo Prochainezo
✧ The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Faves: Kaidou Shun, Mera Chisato, Saiki Kusuo, Kuboyasu Aren
✧ Musicals
Some favourites include: Falsettos, Come From Away, Rent, Heathers: The Musical, SIX, The Sound of Music, South Pacific, Book of Mormon, Avenue Q
✧ Canadian Media!
May include: Children's shows (Mr. Dressup, Surprise! It's Edible Incredible!, etc.), Music, Corner Gas, documentaries, etc.
✧ Various YouTube channels
May include: TwoSet Violin, Daniel Howell, Unus Annus (memento mori), Julien Bam, AmazingPhil, Drawfee, Rachel Maksy, Karolina Żebrowska, Tasting History with Max Miller, and others!
And much more!
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For other topics I may post about, see here!
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radiant-absolute-radiance · 6 years ago
If you wanna know how Baccano escalates, then take this as an example: I’m reading volume 4 and we started off with the following main characters
A drug addict
a little girl looking for her brother
bulky mafia guy who has beef with
other mafia led by three brothers
And it ended with the main characters being
A drug addict
a little girl looking for her brother
bulky mafia guy who has beef with
other mafia led by three brothers
drug addict’s girlfriend
housemaid (or something )with an indecipherable accent of the little girl 
butler of the little girl 
caucasian information dealer receptionist
black asian information dealer receptionist who is very emotional
ANOTHER information dealer receptionist guy but with a god complex
another dude with a god complex but this guy’s a hitman
A bartender and a cook
immortal alchemist who makes drugs and...speaks...like...this
and the semi main characters being: 
wife of one of the mafia bosses
happy guy who tortures people with scissors
dude in charge of an illegal casino
president of the information dealer shop who has to get into his own office by ladder because its so full of papers
immortal gangster couple
guy who made the immortality serum
latina hitwoman but with two katanas
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