#— ❛❛ //Final Fantasy XIV ¦ Crystal hearts entwined beyond time and space・ 「 Exarch and Lady Exarch Verse」
oathofpromises · 1 year
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My heart found solace in your radiant sun.Through the tapestry of existence,entwined,Destiny's threads weaving our souls as one.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
“ dance with me? “ — from Exarch to Lady Exarch
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The Lady Exarch smiled down at baby Lyna, as she slept peacefully in her bed. Leaning down, the pink haired woman pressed a gentle kiss to the Viera forehead. It had been only a few months since the Exarch and her had adopted the child as their own. It was tragic, the child had seen her own parents devoured by sin eaters. It reminded Stella too much of her own parents deaths. There was a fire...and all the young Au Ra could do was scream out for anyone to help them, but no one did. At least with Lyna they arrived just in time.
Gently, the Lady Exarch shut the bedroom door, leaving it open a bit if Lyna decided she wanted to come cuddle Stella and G'raha in their room. Speaking of, she hadn't seen him since this morning, most likely attending to his Exarch duties. It worried her, how much he was working, but it was something her love wished to do. Their fates were intertwined so closely to the tower, but more so with each other. He was her light, the one thing she never wanted to live without.
Stella winced as she took off her usual black robe, the right side of her arm slowly being consumed by crystal. It was spreading and so did the pain too. The Au Ra sighed before she changed into an elegant Allagan night robe. It was red and gold, as she allowed her hair to fall down her shoulders. Today, she had decided to put it into the ponytail she used to wear it in more for nostalgic sake, but the smile on the Exarch's face made it worth it.
Gentle footsteps against the marble floor, as the Lady Exarch opened the baloney window. Even at night, the light in the sky was beyond blinding, a reminder that time for the people of the first was running out. Light wardens were a threat to everyone, but without the full extent of her powers, the Au Ra felt helpless. It was only then that she felt lips gently press against her neck. Pink eyes opened, turning to see the Exarch.
When the two were alone, he allowed himself to lower the hood that masked his identify to the world around them. Stella smiled, as she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. He was still just as beautiful as the day she had first met him. This one man had her entire heart and soul, she would do anything to see him happy.
"How did today go? I just put Lyna to bed. She missed you while you were out working today.' muttered Stella, as she felt his arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer.
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Their hands held onto each other, as she felt so much happiness with him. He completed her..two halves of a whole destined to meet each other across time and space. It was only then she heard a soft melody start to fill the hallways with the Crystarium. The song G'raha had written and sang himself while the traveled around the first together. Which was so long ago, a time before this place even came to be and before they shed their names of Stella and G'raha and took on the roles of Exarch and Lady Exarch.
The Exarch smiled between kisses, as he pulled her close, taking a moment to just inhale that beautiful scent of hers. G'raha had mentioned the lily fragrance she had, calmed him. It was a comfort thing for the other. Another way he could feel her presence near even when they were apart for a brief time.
'Dance with me, my Star.'
Pink hues widened, as she recalled he had asked her the exact same thing years ago when they first met. The two were sitting by a fire, as G'raha was strumming away on his harp. It was only for a brief moment, she got to hear his beautiful singing voice.The night they had grown so close.
"Of course Raha." She whispered, calling him by the nickname she had given him years ago. This was their moment. A time for them to allow themselves the happiness they craved in their hearts. She allowed him to pull her super close, as their bodies danced in rhythm with each other. Stella reached up, cupping his face, as they danced together.
"I love you.."
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oathofpromises · 11 months
[ injury ] - different ways to kiss somebody
- Lyna and Hikari
- Data and G'raha
- Exarch and Lady Exarch
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It was just supposed to be a normal day, yet the Lady Exarch hissed as she felt the crystals start to crack slightly. It was normal, considering how long they had tied their lives to the tower. Recently, she expended a ton of energy to place a shield around the city, which meant that the tower was compensating her for the burden placed on it. The Au Ra walked into the kitchen as she held her growing stomach. Making Exarch, Lyna, and her dinner became a daily routine for her, but today she felt weaker than normal.
With each step, her feet glided against the cool, polished marble floor as she made her way towards the refrigerator.Pausing for a brief interlude, she gracefully extracted an assortment of ingredients, carefully chosen for the culinary masterpiece that would grace their table this evening. There wasn't much from the source she could make here, so Au Ra had to create some new recipes. It wasn't so bad since there were some similar items they could use, and the Exarch and Lyna never complained about her cooking at all. They actually said she was a wonderful cook; I guess it wasn't a bad idea that she had spent so much time training in such things.
Humming, she started to cut some carrots for the stew, but her mind started to wonder, as it usually does when she is alone. Grabbing her forehead, the Lady Exarch felt a memory flash through her mind. The younger Exarch and she were holding each other on the throne as they both drifted off into a deep slumber. The very day she gave up her title as the Warrior of Light, it was probably seen as selfish by so many people, yet her heart yearned to remain by his side.
With a hiss of surprise, the knife slipped from her grasp, descending gracefully towards the ground. Her eyes followed its trajectory, only to widen in horror as she beheld the sight before her. A deep gash marred her thigh, its crimson hue stark against her pale skin. Of course, that was the one thing she could still do, and she ended up injuring herself. Sighing, the pink-haired woman made her way to the nearby chair, taking a seat.
Normally, it would've been so easy to reach down and heal the wound herself, but her growing stomach had caused such simple tasks to become a lot harder. Leaning back, Lady Exarch wasn't sure how she was supposed to close the wound if she couldn't even reach down and close the damn wound herself. Her ears perked up as she heard footsteps enter the kitchen; it didn't take her long to figure out it was the Exarch. His hood was raised, covering his face; most likely he had just returned from his daily walk around the city. Without so much as a word, he pulled the hood down before rushing to her side.
'My love, what happened?'
Stella let out a slight laugh as she looked down, seeing some of the blood dripping down her thigh still. This was embarrassing to say the least, but at least it was only G'raha that had seen her like this. The last time Lyna had ended up stumbling in on her with an injury, poor Vii had freaked out. Granted, she was only a young Vii at the time, but even now, the Captain of the Guard could be extra protective of her father and mother.
"I was trying to make us dinner, and well, I had a vision. It's been so long since I had any that it caught me off guard. I dropped the knife, and it ended up falling onto my lap. I could easily heal this myself, but given how close I am to having this baby, it's rather hard to reach my thigh."
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G'raha gently pressed his lips against the delicate skin of Stella's palm, his crimson gaze betraying a hint of worry, yet a warm smile gracing his features. With utmost care, he gently lifted the Lady Exarch's leg, a gesture that caught Stella's attention. Tilting her head slightly, she wondered how he intended to administer healing in such an unconventional manner. It was then that the Lady Exarch felt her cheeks become tinged with a subtle hue of pink.
Swiftly, the Exarch reached out, seizing a nearby cloth, and with a graceful gesture, moistened it before proceeding to gently cleanse the crimson stain from her thigh. As his gaze met the wound, a tender warmth enveloped his eyes, casting a gentle glow upon his own face. Leaning down with a gentle movement, he bestowed a tender kiss upon the wound. The meeting of his lips and the fresh cut formed a poignant connection, a silent communion of his affections.
The Lady Exarch suppressed a soft sound, her breath catching as she experienced the sensation of his lips tracing a path along the wound. A familiar warmth came from his hand, seeping into the cut, comforting and soothing . As the calming remedy of healing began to work its magic, her attention remained fixated on the unmistakable flush that had now permeated her entire face and the Exarch beautiful face.
It was rare that she got to see him without the hood on, at least when they were out in public. When they first arrived here, he didn’t need it, but over time, the growth of the crystals on his body had made the Exarch feel it was necessary. It hurt, but she understood so the Lady Exarch never missed the chance to remind him just how beautiful he still was to her.
‘That should do it..how does your leg feel?’Asked G’raha, as his fingers gently ran up and down her leg. A playful smile formed across the Lady Exarch’s face. It was obvious that he was now using this to be a little flirty with her. The two hadn’t spent a lot of time together lately with all the incidents happening around them, Yet, in those rare stolen moments, when they could indulge in each other's presence, the world would fade away. While the anticipation that built between them was palpable, like a smoldering flame waiting to ignite. Every stolen glance, every gentle touch, spoke volumes of their longing. The intensity of their connection was undeniable, making every second they spent together worth the trials they faced.
“Much better. Thank you, dear.” Whispered the Lady Exarch, but felt a laugh escaped her lips the moment the Exarch scooped her into his arms. Even now, he still find ways to make her feel beautiful too.
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oathofpromises · 11 months
send ★ to pin my muse to the wall — bringing out Exarch to Lady Exarch
On any given day throughout the year, the Exarch found himself quite amenable to playful banter from his beloved wife. Unfortunately, today did not fall into such a category. Which did worry the Lady Exarch endlessly, but she did recall that every year, the Miqo'te race would find themselves suddenly plagued by symptom's relating to a heat cycle, a phenomenon that varied depending on the clan they hailed from. It had been years ago, that G'raha had explained how his heating cycles worked. There was a time, being a seeker of the sun, that he was offered the opportunity to ascend to the regarded position of a nuhn.
However, despite the allure of such a prestigious title that so many other males would've longed for and gone through hoops to receive, he declined it. At the time he told Stella it was because he was devoid of any inclination to assume that role. There was simply no reason he felt attached to such a thing. Which Lady Exarch did understand and part of her cherished the fact that no other females had tried to lay claim to him. Perhaps it could be said that her actions were marred with an air of selfishness, for there was there an array of people who held the Exarch in the highest regard. Engaging in such selfish thoughts would be impolite.
Although, none of that mattered when lately the Exarch had been excusing himself early. Rarely did he engage in such behavior, particularly when they found themselves in the blissful solitude of each other's company. A sense of worry enveloped her, casting a shadow over her thoughts, and in turn, Lyna, their beloved adopted daughter, too, found herself consumed by this unease.
Stella could see Lyna's apprehension lingering, but could anyone blame her for worrying.? Even the Lady Exarch was concerned, it wasn't like the Exarch to push even her away. She could still vividly recollect the first time she had noticed this happening, which had transpired countless centuries ago. The memory of his difficult struggle to allow her assistance in alleviating the anguish that consumed him remained engraved in her memory.
After a considerable amount of persuasion, Lyna reluctantly acquiesced to entrusting the task to the esteemed Lady Exarch. This required Stella's readiness to confront her husband's present condition, whatever it may be. Inhaling deeply, she approached the extravagant doors that guarded the entrance to the Exarch room. A flicker of uncertainty danced within her, questioning whether he would choose to respond. The number of days since their last encounter had only deepened the chasm between them. The woman's heart, already burdened, was further afflicted.
As she stood there, her hand hesitantly grazing the cool surface of the door, a wave of uncertainty washed over her. Which lead to thoughts slipping into her mind, a whisper carried by the wind. Perhaps this wasn't his heat cycle after all. Which further lead to doubt, causing the Lady Exarch to question her abilities as a wife.
With a gentle tap, her knuckle made contact with the door, its sound reverberating through the stillness of the hallway. She noticed a fleeting flutter of activity from within, as if her presence had disturbed the air itself. She could tell it was the Exarch, yet he had made no attempt to say anything yet.
"My Lord.. I am well aware of your request for solitude. However, I cannot help but express the deep concern that plagues not only my own heart but also that of our daughter. Please, whatever ails you, let me help. You don't have to endure all of this alone."
"Stella," Exarch uttered, his voice barely a whisper as the door creaked open ever so slightly. As her gaze fell upon him, she found herself captivated by the depth and intensity of his eyes. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon them, their weariness palpable as she couldn't help but observe the unmistakable signs of his ailing appearance. The woman had been used to him not getting sleep some nights but this was different. He was clearly enduring waves of pain trying to resist whatever urges his body craved.
"Raha..we promised to be honest with each other. Now tell me the truth, are you in heat?"
The Lady Exarch scarcely had a moment to part her lips in inquiry, for the door swung wide with a flourish, and in an instant, she found herself forcefully whisked across the threshold. As their gazes intertwined, Pink's eyes locked with Red's in a captivating dance of intensity. In an instant, a surge of energy coursed through her veins, causing her heart to quicken its rhythm. Before she could fully comprehend the gravity of the moment, her body collided with the unyielding surface of the wall, jolting her senses and leaving her momentarily breathless. The Exarch leaned in before nuzzling his face into her neck. She could felt his breath against her shoulder, as his hand reached down and grabbed at her wrist. It was almost like he was hiding his face from her.
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'For countless sunsets and moonlit nights, I have battled against the tempestuous yearning that consumes my very being. The fervent desire to claim you as my own. To possess your essence in its entirety. It truly has become an intoxicating force that engulfs my senses. With each inhale of your alluring fragrance, my sanity wanes, and the world around me fades into insignificance. I want you..so bad.'
Below is a tad spice writing. If that isn't for you please stop here now.
So he was experiencing his heating cycle, which meant the primary motivation behind his decision to isolate himself was none other than his unwavering desire to shield her from harm. Even if that meant keeping his distance, which she knew hurt him, as much as it had her too. With a gentle touch, Stella reached up, her delicate arms encircling the Exarch. Tremors coursed through his body, betraying the immense effort he exerted to restrain himself in that very moment.
"Raha..I am your wife..The Lady Exarch. The one person you can be selfish around. Whatever you desire..it's okay to take it. I promise I can handle it."
In the tender embrace of the moonlit night, her words hung delicately in the air, a sweet melody that stirred his deepest desires. In a heartbeat, as if guided by an invisible force, his lips found solace upon her delicate neck, a gentle caress that ignited a dull ache, intertwining their fates in a dance of passion and longing. Exhausted from the days of suppressing his desires, G'raha found himself unable to resist any longer. How could he, when the mere presence of the person he longed for, so tantalizingly close, eroded every ounce of resistance left within him.
His mind was consumed by a singular thought, that passionate desire burning within him. He yearned to possess her completely, to stake his claim on her heart and soul. Which he knew was already his but heating cycles made The intensity of his love much more fierce. He longed for the entire world to bear witness to their connection, to understand that she belonged to him and him alone.
'During these heat cycles, you are well aware of the tempestuous nature that consumes me. The burning desires that courses through my veins, yearning to be unleashed. However, I must confess, my love, that in succumbing to these fervent passions, there is a lingering fear that I may inadvertently inflict harm upon you and that's the very last thing I want,' murmured the Exarch, his lips gently tracing a path along her neck and shoulder. As his hand descended, it eagerly seized her waist, drawing her into an intimate embrace. Just as he did, the Lady Exarch entwined her legs around his own waist, their bodies becoming one in a harmonious union.
"Raha..Please do not withhold anything on my behalf. "I want you," Stella breathed, her heart fluttering as his lips gently met hers. A soft, barely audible sigh escaped his lips, a testament to the weight of desire that burdened his every step as he carried her towards the sanctuary of the bed.
'You..,I swear any man in his right mind would lose any will at the mere sight of you…' the Exarch muttered as he grasped the Lady Exarch's thigh and gave it a small squeeze. It required a tremendous amount of self-control to resist the want to take all of her clothes off. To feel their bodies pressing against one another in a genuine manner without the restriction of clothes to hold them back.
"You are such a tease Raha…either do something or I will."
Exarch let out a pained groan, his hand descending to forcefully tear off her skirt. The multitude of garments strewn about proved to be nothing more than hindrances in his current path. He pondered the thought of procuring a fresh set of garments for her at a later time, fervently hoping that she would not harbor any ill feelings towards him for this minor inconvenience.
'Tease…you're the only one I should say that to. How can you expect a man to remain calm when you are a goddess among men? For years, I wished for you…for this moment. I only wish it had happened under better circumstances.'
Bending forward with an air of tantalizing allure, the Exarch's lips gently grazed her soft neck, leaving a trail of fiery anticipation in their wake. In a daring moment of passion, he seized the opportunity to sink his teeth into her tender flesh, igniting a symphony of pleasure and desire.
"I love you.." the Lady Exarch whispered, her voice trembling with a delicate vulnerability. In that fleeting moment, as those three enchanting words escaped her lips, the world around them seemed to fade into insignificance. The weight of duty and reason that had once anchored the Exarch soul suddenly dissipated, leaving behind only the intoxicating allure of love's embrace.
He yearned for her with an intensity that surpassed all else in his world, ever since that fateful encounter amidst the grandeur of the crystal tower expedition. She embodied everything he yearned for, and then some. His beloved Lady Exarch, the one he wanted to live with forever.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
— playing with their hair ( let's have some fun with this one. From the Exarch to Lady Exarch )
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The Crystarium, a sanctuary for those left in a world all but resigned for oblivion. It was early, usually the time the Lady Exarch would make her rounds while the Exarch would tend to his duties as caretaker. Lyna had teased the two often at how they seemed to be a bit too distracted when the other was around. Leave it to their adoptive daughter to pick up on such things too. A smile formed across the lady exarch face, as she bent down and smelled the flowers.
Despite how hard life had been for everyone here, they still managed to hold onto hope. How long ago had it been since G'raha and Stella woke in this world? Centuries now..as the pink haired au ra glanced down at her arm. Crystal was there, just like G'raha. Not to the same extent, but further proof her life was tied to the tower like his was. The price she paid when following him into the crystal tower. The source had lost their warrior of light, and some may've even called her selfish for such a choice, but she couldn't leave him alone. A hand reached up and lingered against her chest, slightly crystal embedded there too.
"I don't regret it..not for one moment. To live in a world without him there. It's not one I wish to imagine.” She glanced up at the bright sky, proof that light was overtaking this world. G’raha and her knew they couldn’t possibly save these people without the help of the scions..and the warrior of light. Having given up her title, she no longer possessed the ability to take on each light warden alone. Over the years, the woman power had faded slightly, but the presence of the echo still reminded her that she was a chosen even if she had diverted from the path laid out for her.
Eventually, the lady Exarch found herself in a field of flowers. The same ones G’raha had asked the citizens to plant here, at first she figured just to make the place more lively, but in reality it was a gift for her. Everyone here cared for the Exarch and his lady so much, at one time they had even asked them to be the king and queen of the Crystarium. Which they refused, the world didn’t need a monarchy, and they realized upon arriving here that they needed to travel around the area and get a glimpse of what was going on. It had taken them four years to return, and it was only after some discussion that they decided to take on the roles of Exarch and Lady Exarch. These people needed guidance, the tower kept them safe while the two were away and after some discussion the citizens thankful all agreed on representative democracy. One which G’raha had proposed along with plans for the city to make it accessible and defensible against the sin eaters.
By the twelve, she loved her husband..even if they weren’t officially married yet. The Exarch said he wanted to when the skies were clear and the people here could live peacefully. Only at that time would he finally ask her the question burning in his heart for centuries. She was a patient woman, told him that no matter how long it took, that she would wait.
Stella slowly laid down in the field of flowers, as she glanced up at the sky. Closing her eyes, she felt a little fatigued, having gone outside earlier it had indeed sapped her strength more than she realized. It wouldn’t hurt to take a small nap. G’raha would know where to find her if he needed her help. A little time had passed before she felt fingers gently running through her long hair. At one time, she had usually kept it up in a ponytail, but since arriving here, the woman preferred to keep it down. It ran just above her waist, as pink eyes opened to meet those beautiful red eyes.
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“My love…” she whispered, as he continued to run his fingers through her hair. It was comforting, made her feel safe in his arms. Stella reached up, her hand resting against his face. When outside, G'raha had his hood up, a way to hide his true identify from the world. He didn't want anyone but her to know who he was here. This wasn't their time, and anything that might show they were from another fragment would only cause chaos. The woman felt his fingers, continue to play with her hair as her head laid in his lap. It reminded Stella how, at one time, the exarch had mentioned how much he loved the color of her hair. He said it reminded him of cherry blossoms, so beautiful and bright since coming here, it now had white ends to it. Despite that, it still was just as vibrant as the first time they had met.
Their hands intertwined, as she felt Graha lean down, pressing a kiss to her lips. They made things work here, and all the Lady Exarch cared about was being close to him. No matter what price she had to pay.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
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Oh, my love, you are my star, Radiant and gleaming from afar. Your brilliance lights up the night, guiding me with your celestial might.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
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We were strangers, starting out on a journey Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through Now here we are, I'm suddenly standing At the beginning with you
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oathofpromises · 1 year
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That feeling that doesn't go away just did And I walked a thousand miles to prove it And I'm caught in the crossfire of my own thoughts The color of my blood is all I see on the rocks As you sail from me
Alarms will ring for eternity The waves will break every chain on me My bones will bleach My flesh will flee So help my lifeless frame to breathe
And God knows, I'm not dying but I bleed now And God knows, it's the only way to heal now With all the blood I lost with you It drowns the love I thought I knew
The lost dreams are buried in my sleep for him And this was the ecstasy of a love forgotten And I'm thrown in the gunfire of empty bullets And my blood is all I see As you steal my soul from me
Alarms will ring for eternity The waves will break every chain on me
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oathofpromises · 1 year
                Tag drop: Verse Tags
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