#۪۪۫۫ ▹| [ Aim for the Stars [✧] Sirio ] |◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
mnstcrbnll · 1 year
As always, the second round has been devastating for some of you... even if some others went absolutely amazing! While we prepare the third round, I'd like to say that only three of you will continue. Everyone else will still get a little prize for arriving so far, however: a special gift basket full of Ultra Balls, a Star Piece and a partecipation trophy!"
it's the pinkiest trophy ever.
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I'd like to list exactly who managed to survive this terrible, terrible Round! Our Etna and Sadie already revealed the right answers to the test... so wonder if you already did the math?
So, starting from the very low:
Hau ( @tapuhauko ) got MINUS FOUR AND A HALF STARS
Shay ( @murmursdraconic ) got MINUS THREE STARS
Rika ( @monterraverde ) got MINUS TWO AND A HALF STARS
John ( @soultoken ) and Akira ( @timeless-timepieces ) got MINUS ONE STAR
Red ( @redlegend ) got MINUS HALF A STAR
"My my, what a disaster! But we still loved to see you partecipated, and I hope you had fun nonethless! Now, let's go for a little higher, shall we?"
Clair ( @draconscious ), Gold ( @gildead ) and Grusha ( @beiowzero ) got ONE STAR
Colza ( @grassius ) got ONE AND A HALF STARS
Viola ( @variiavi ) got TWO STARS
Kane ( @haerith ) got THREE STARS
Wes ( @snagorre ) got THREE AND A HALF STARS
Yellow ( @yellowsforest ) got FOUR AND A HALF STARS
May ( @badbirchenergy ) got FIVE STARS
Absolutely stunning! Thank you for your effort, we hope to see you again for the next season as well! But now, here's our three finalists!!
with SIX STARS, barely gaining the third place, ALISTAIR ( @orreasshole )
With EIGHT AND A HALF STARS, rising above the rest and taking the second place, REE ( @skullkxd )
and with TWELVE STARS, GIOVANNI ( @earth-master ) gains the first place... but for how long?
"And now, a moment for our sponsor: RAID TERACRYSTAL LEGENDS!"
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
Ree swallows hard, back straightening, as they approach sirio. They’re squeezing their cane as tight as they can.
“I — you said I can have whatever I want as long as it ain’t murder or necromancy, right?” They ask, throat going a little dry.
“I want you to make the rain stop in po town.”
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...cut the came-- Etna cut the cameras."
oh god. He's just... going to take a breather. Maybe a sip of rose water. And then be very, very frank.
"Look, Ree. How do I... say it nicely. Your wish is wonderful, it's very sweet, but...
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you're asking me for the moon when I offered you a sport car."
He's so sweet huh.
"This-- this is a TV show. I ask for wishes I can give out with money- The necromancy and murder thing is a quote. A quote! You can't ask us to do something that could defy a god!"
Maybe he should've let Giovanni win--
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
"Are you a true gossip? Do you want to push a big weight off of your chest, but you don't know how? Are you good at reading people? Then, join us for SECRETS FROM THE STARS: TUMBLR EDITION... SEASON TWO!"
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I’m your host, Sirio Galassia, and I’m here to explain the rules of our STELLAR GAME for anyone who wants to partecipate!
With the following, you allow Us to share your secrets to our wonderful audience!
This game will have a total of three to five rounds, depending on how many Stars will join us... and how much fun we get ;)
We're a program for families...but we love ourselves some spice! 
...as long as things don't exaggerate. We're on prime time, so don't send any secrets that should be only for your therapist, the judge or your partner after a candlenight dinner!
Your secret will be randomly given to another partecipants: you'll get a point for guessing your secret, another if you got it in your first guess, and yet another if you guessed someone else's secret... 
...and, of course, there will be a few twists and turns ;)
Every secrets will have to be shared with our audience! Those who aren't guessed in the first round will end up in round two, and then we'll have round three!
Don't make your secrets too vague, or too simple to guess! Yours truly could talk about that one time he sneaked in the Champion's office to record something... very interesting, for example ;)
The prize? Anything your heart desires, as long as of course you don't ask us the moon!
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Tell us your secrets here... and be ready to shine!"
remember that we follow the tag "secrets from the stars"!
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
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dont rb unless youre @skullkxd!!!!!
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mnstcrbnll · 2 months
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"Do you think this is legal?"
Etna and Sirio lifted their eyes from their burner phones, looking up to a much more hesitant Sadie.
"I meeeeean" the other woman smirked "They sure did sign a contract and everything, right? It's not like we would've kept these secrets, well... a secret!" "Secrets from the Stars (trademark) is seen all over the world already, too!" continues Sirio, seeming almost giddy despite the disappointment of cancellations "We have Champions and Gym Leaders sneding stuff, they'll understand.
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...and I'm sure we can pay any attorney in case they don't like the idea."
Aaaand sent the first message, to a number he doesn't even know! Ooooh being bad is nice, sometimes!
Sadie against speaks up, catching his attention.
"Yes?" "Remember when you told us that you were part of an evil Team?" "How could I forget. Why?"
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"Because now I absolutely believe you."
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mnstcrbnll · 2 months
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Well, having his program cancelled because Etna was caught in the same bedroom of one of the producers is fun. Not fired yet!!! Miraclously so!!! But pretty close to it.
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...well, he can't let these juicy secrets go to waste!
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
So many of you sent in your answers, and our finalists fought tooth and nail for the first place! A very interesting strategy, all of them sent in a final secret that could easily fit the other two... quite ingenious, if I say so myself! Now, of course, we got thousands and thousands of votes... so to round them down and avoid giving our Stars a million less points, we decided to remove some zeros.
We've got a total of 25081 votes, so... let's pretend they're 25!"
this is the mun's way to say we've got 25 votes
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"I want to remind everyone that Alistair ( @orreasshole ) started with six stars, Ree ( @skullkxd ) with eight and a half, and Giovanni ( @earth-master ) with twelve. Of course we're going to show the graphics and all, we want to make sure everyone knows that this isn't a matter of favoritism... or blackmail!"
"First of all, Alistair confirms his third place! A true pity, but we still loved to have him around! Maybe, next time, I wouldn't brag about not being wanted in Orre before sending your secret~"
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"Our other two contestants were constantly head-to-head... but at the end one of them shined brighter, and just with half a vote more! So...
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Why don't we get a big round of applause for REE!
Congratulation to everyone who partecipated! Alistair and Giovanni, you'll find a little gift basket over there for you!"
It has various ultra and timer balls, other than a few Star Pieces.
"Ree, when you're ready with your wish, please come and ask! We can give you anything you need... as long as it doesn't involve murder and awkening the dead, of course!"
another canned laugh
"What will be their secret?
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Why, we'll discover it after these messages!"
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mnstcrbnll · 10 months
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swipes left
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mnstcrbnll · 3 months
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[ btw before pride ends. hi ]
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mnstcrbnll · 3 months
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i see you liking all those posts johtoboy
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
they tug at sirio’s sleeve, looking — well, not worse for wear, but nervous.
“I have my wish. I want you to sponsor me so I have money to help my home.”
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"...wait are you se-
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HELLOOOO STARS AT HOME! We've got our wish... and what a wish this is! Our Ree will make my wish come true as well! SIRIO GALASSIA IS COMING TO ALOLA, sponsoring our shining winner! We can't stop the rain, but we'll do all we can to make sure it won't be a problem for our lovely Ree!
THANK YOU for following us, and goodnight!!!!"
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
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"Plenty of you tried your luck, not many of you managed to get it right! In such a sad twist of fate, some of you even guessed correctly the first time, and then changed your answer in a wrong one! Sad, sad, so sad.
Now, as we usually do before explaining the rules for the second round, I'd like to first of all give a round of applause to everyone who tried their luck so far! Winners or not, I loved to see you guys at work! Secondly, I'd love to remind everyone who got their secrets revealed already, losing a special extra point, and then give you the tier list of every star so far! But first... let us see to who belonged the Secret Secret of the season: " I can't stand the Dragon-Type Gym Leader of my Region. It's not like he's bad, or mean, or evil. He's just very annoying. " And it was...
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Why, our Sadie, of course! And she wasn't slick at all, most people who tried their luck with the Secret Secret got that right!"
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"It's not like I can't stand him, it's just--"
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"--NOW, let us see. First of all, the secrets that have been revealed!"
" I can cook just a few things, but those I can cook extremely well. I try new recipies everytime I can. ", the secret our Hau discovered, was in fact John's! We'd love to test those tasty experiments someday!
" I was adopted by a brood of dragon pokemon when I was a teenager. ", guessed by our ghastly partecipants Gold, was Rika's! Guess that little hint really helped him change his mind!
A very simple yet impactful " I am Dialga. ", sent to Viola and discovered by both her and Ree, was Akira's! And here we thought Red and May were our guest stars, this season!
Speaking of which, " Stole most of the street signs in my town. They never got replaced. ", unfortunately not guessed by our Ree but by Rika's, was in fact Red's! So scandalous!
Another big one,  "Uhm, to put it bluntly... I have superpowers. I can't go into more detail than that right now, but I wanted to get it off my chest. I'm tired of hiding and being scared. So, uh, yeah, heh... ", given to Wes, was Hau's! Alola must be full of surprises!
" One Pokemon of mine evolved prematurely to protect me from an ex when I was a teen. ", the quite sad secret Giovanni recieved, was Shay's! We wish her nothing but the best!
And last but not least, " He used to collect the original pokemon cards, and at one point had the original 149 (no mew or mewtwo) ", guessed by our May, was Giovanni's! I'd argue that there are plenty of more juicy secrets from this man, but who are we to judge, eh?
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And now, for the points.
With an unfortunate amount of ZERO STARS, on the very bottom of the list we find Akira ( @timeless-timepieces), John ( @soultoken ) and Shay ( @murmursdraconic ). But don't despair, you'll still have plenty of time to gain way more very soon! Our audience believes in you!
At ONE STAR, mostly gained by having a very secret secret, we find Alistair ( @orreasshole ), Colza ( @grassius ), Kane ( @haerith ), Rika ( @monterraverde ) and Yellow ( @yellowsforest )! I expect a lot from you guys, don't disappoint me!!
Let's move up to TWO STARS, where we can find Clair ( @draconscious ), Gold ( @gildead ), Grusha ( @beiowzero ), Hau ( @tapuhauko ) and Red ( @redlegend ). Not too bad, if I say so myself!
Oh here comes the good ones! Sharing the spot at THREE STARS, we've got May ( @badbirchenergy ), Ree ( @skullkxd ), Viola ( @variiavi ) and Wes ( @snagorre )! This is getting intense!
And while we don't get anyone at five stars, Giovanni ( @earth-master ) alone reached FOUR STARS! And we promise we weren't bribed or anything!!
Our second round will begin in a few minutes. For now, let's have some moment to relax with a little ad break!"
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
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[ btw if you mention sirio he Will teleport in your general directions for an interview and that's a promise and a threat. he's like beetlejuice but worse ]
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
Everyone answered the test! The second round is officially closed!
Take a moment to relax as we count the points. Know that, very soon, three of you will recieve a very special message where you will have to send a third secret. Be careful, because your goal is to say a secret SO secret that nobody has to discover it! Don't say it out loud, you will recieve one last special form to fill with it very soon and will be used for the very last round to discover which one of you shine the brightest!
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Just sit down and relax! ♥"
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mnstcrbnll · 7 months
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oh the neighbors are being LOUD
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
cool intro music.sfx
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"I'm your host Sirio Galassia, live from Meraviglia's Arena! Our WONDERFUL contestants sent their secrets, and soon they will recieve a message! Their goal is simple: find out to who that secret belongs to and send their answer to us within THREE DAYS! Anything is allowed to find out who their target could be… as long as we can show it on live TV without getting cancelled!”
"Or first round will last for three days, and will give you maximum four points: one for guessing your secret correctly, the second one for guessing in your first try, and yet another if you guess someone else's... and yet another for guessing a cool, secret one that will be shared during our second second day, when we'll start to give out some help to our contestant in need. Of course, as always, you can feel free to ask around for helps... as long as you don't ask, exactly, to who your secret belongs to! Not only you will spoil the fun to everyone, but you will also bring your point count to ZERO if you're caught doing it! Quite the bummer, isn’t it?
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NOW, let's meet the STARLIGHTS of the night!"
"He's big, mean and... red? A round of applause for Alistair! // @orreasshole
"Eccentric Gym Leader and a fellow artist, here comes Colza! // @grassius
"We met them when they finished their Island Tour, now with us once more Ree, stronger than ever! // @skullkxd
"The brand new Kahuna of Mele Mele Island wants to share some secrets! Everyone, let's say hello to Hau! // @tapuhauko
"Back again for a second round, here come Rika! // @monterraverde
"Motorcycle enthusiast and voted for heartthrob of the season, Wes rushes in! // @snagorre
"Who could've guessed? We have ghosts too! Bring out the ouija boards for Gold! // @gildead
"The one and only, a true battle Legend! A round of applause for Red // @redlegend
"Did the Rocket overlord turn a new page? Time to find out! Say hello to Giovanni! // @earth-master
"She tried her best to hide from the camera, but we got her! Everyone, welcome Shay! // @murmursdraconic
"By far the one with the most vicious secret of all... everyone, an applause for Kane! // @haerith
"We've got two Champions this year! Can you believe it? Thank you, May, for joining us today! // @badbirchenergy
"Will we melt his frozen heart? Just one way to find out! Give Grusha a warm welcome! // @beiowzero
"Who will ever guess her secret? I sure wouldn't! Everyone, welcome our dear Viola! // @variiavi
"Straight from the Johto Dragon Den, today we welcome here Clair! // @draconscious
"Well, this one left us all surprised! I can't wait to see Akira in action! // @timeless-timepieces
"He's been going back and forth in front of our stage for so long, we're glad that he decided to partecipate! A round of applause for John! // @soultoken
"And last, but certainly not least, let us all give a warm welcome to Yellow! //@yellowsforest
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"We'll start sending your secrets in no time! If by the end of the day you didn't recieve it, please let us know... you know how it is, with this site!"
"Thank you, Stardusts! Now, go on! It's time to shine!"
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