rickwhite · 2 years
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Said Rabbi Ishmael:
MeTat, head of the angels, told me (Rabbi Ishmael): out of [the] love that G-d loved me [with] more than any [other] angel in heaven, He made me pride-clothing (sic) in which all kinds of glories are fixed, and dressed me and made me a coat in which all kinds of brightness and splendor are fixed, and raised me and made me a kingdom-crown in which 49 gemstones are fixed and their light is like the sun, and their brightness spreads in four heaven-plain’s winds and in seven heavens and in four winds, and tied it to my head and called me ‘lesser HaShem’ ” in front of all the entourage-of-heaven, as it says (Exodus, 23,21):” … for My Name is in him.
Said Rabbi Ishmael: MeTat, head of the angels, told me: splendor in all heaven, since G-d took me to serve the honor-chair and the carriage’s (Merkava) wheels and all of the Divine spirit’s guarantors, [and] promptly my flesh turned into a fire-flame and my tendons [turned] into burning hot fire, and my bones into broom-ember, and my eyelids into sparkles, and my eye-wheels into fire-torches, and my head-hair into flame-blazes, and all my organs into burning fire-wings, and all my body-height into a blazing fire, to my right, hewers of fire-flames, and to my left, torches-burners, and my surroundings are floating in a tempest-wind and a storm and a voice of noise in noise in front of and behind me.
Up to here we wrote a few Braitas (Aramaic, external Mishna) of Merkavah.
Know that MeTat is called as mitetor, which is a leader, as in Bereshit Rabba (see, Albeck, section 5, starting “let the water under heaven gather together onto one place”), let the water gather, G-d became a mitetor to the water, meaning a leader, hence the name MeTat means leader of the world and singing song (Hebrew: ron) everyday, and of him it was said (Exodus, 23, 21): “Beware of him and obey his voice, provoke him not… for My Namw is in him”. Shad’ai (literally, guard of Israel’s doors) in MeTat (equal in gematria), and more My Name is in him, replace the [Letter] Kof of is engraved in his heart for my (G-d’s) name is in him. And the voice hits and exhausting his power, in the place where the name is engraved and from there hear the ministering angels, and from there it explodes, “Is not my word like as fire?... and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah, 23, 29) to that it was said (Exodus, 23, 21): “Beware of him and obey his voice, provoke him not… for My Name is in him.” That is (Ibid. 22) “But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak” and it is written (Ezekiel, 1, 28) “… and I heard a voice of one that spoke.” In Rabbi Akiva’s alphabet, 70 names has he, MeTat, and [also] the Name “lesser HaShem,” as he that will walk among us, and it did not say you will walk [among us], but he will walk and he stands as it is written (Kings A, 22, 19): “… I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right-hand and on his left.” But where it is written that he is sitting it is only a semblance of sitting, he looks as-if he is sitting, since he is the judge of them all.”
~ (ibid)
— The Ways of Metatron - A Book of Enoch by Eleazar of Worms
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