#לנדשפט תתפטר
rso-autistic · 5 years
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Meme description: In the background there is a photo of a strawberry with significant amount of grey mold on it. White letters with black outline letters form phrases on the top and of the picture. Top phrase: Whould you eat this? Bottom phrase: This is what Israeli medical cannabis patients get.
Butrytis is one of the fungi that most commonly attack cannabis. Here, you can see how it looks on strawberries.
It is hard to explain to people who don't use cannabis what the problem is, because for them, it is all just green stuff. But we all know what mold on strawberries looks like, and unless people don't really have other things to eat, they won't eat this strawberry.
Isreali Medical Cannabis patients have little choice, and this is what some of us got. Others got cannabis that was clearly harvested way to early. Think about an avocado that never gets ripe. Unripe avocado is quite disgusting, even if you "ripe it" by microwave. And in our case, the avocado/strawberry is our medicine, and we depend on it.
I made a meme about the current situation of medical cannabis in Israel. Israeli government LOVES to boast about how progressive it is with medical cannabis, but this is crap.
Patients are getting low quality flowers. Some patients received additional fungi. I am one of the people who tries to find a lab that will agree to check some samples that patients collected, but we are getting a lot of "no". No one else is taking patients seriously. There is a reform on the way, which is going to make medical cannabis more expensive to anyone who uses more then 20-30 gr. Till now all patients paid 370 ILS (~102 USD) for their medication, regardless of dose. After the reform, the shitty strains are going to cost at least 120 ILS per 10 gr'. Oils are way more costly. My license is for 40 gr (20 in oils) . 370 ILS (without shipping, which is 100 ILS) is still very costly for a medication.
Recently many patients were forced to move from one of the biggest providers, Tikun Olam (TO) to Breath of Life (BOL), including myself.
The quality is not good, even without mold. I am lucky,and I don't have it. The oils are sort of fine, although not getting my CBD oil for a month did a number on my body. I was able to make myself THC oil because I had extra buds. But I am one if the lucky ones.
BOL are almost impossible to reach, and are also quite inaccessible. I have to call them, and tell them I want to order, and then wait till they call me back, with a person who will schedule a delivery (they closed their distribution point, so all patients have to pay extra, except the new ones, who got 6 months of free shipping. 100 ILS is not cheap, and the older patients are forced to pay because moving between providers is hard and risky from many reasons.)
We are fighting so hard, but things are only getting worse.
Buying on the black market is not a real option. Prices are 70-12O ILS per 1 gr (if you buy a bulk it is cheaper, but the usually 100 ILS) and the fact that you don't know what you get. But at least the quality is higher.
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This is what I got. It doesn't look that bad, but it is not very potent. I need much more to get the same effect I get from TO. I need to start from the beginning in trying to figure out what strains work for me.
It took me almost 1.5 years to find something that works, and now I have to go through the process again.
I try my best.
I wish I could do without cannabis. I wish I didn't need it to function and live. But it helps with my ptsd and pain and some autism symptoms. I don't know how much time I have till I run out of TO cannabis. I still have some, because I don't use as much as I need. I am afraid to use my medication, because what if I need it more later, but I won't have it anymore?
Here is a post on FB from a page I help to edit with the meme and more info.
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