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турбожаба ( jleryxa )
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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Wishlist pls thnx:
Key art was done by турбожаба
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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NPC Guy:
As you can see in the pictures above, there is now a guy. Lately I've been trying to get better at 2D digital painting, and it dawned on me that it might be kinda cool to make the friendly NPCs in this game lowpoly dudes with hand painted textures.
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Initially I drew up this face and tried to make a model to fit it, but I realized quickly I needed to not cut corners and actually, like, design a character first.
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I went back to the drawing board (literally omg) and drew up this guy to serve as a factory worker NPC. After that I got to modelling/ texturing. After both of those were done what do u know I got a new guy wow.
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Quite a fun process.
New Desert Zone:
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I whiteboxed a new little area to the left of the desert night club. This is essentially a little zone housing the hideout sphere of the nefarious dr spider. I don't know what else to say about it.
Steam Page:
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The steam page is up!!! I've been pretty excited to get the page up if for no other reason than the art I commissioned for it rules. The key art was done by турбожаба and I am super happy about it. I gave them a reference render for the perspective / lighting and they returned it to me a masterpiece
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Pls wishlist it btw. It helps out a good deal.
It's been pretty hard for me to get work done the past few weeks, so I'm happy to finally be making progress again. I had to go to the ER for chronic stomach issues (I'm fine) and deal with some other troubling events. Anyway, I'm gonna aim to have a demo done by feb so hopefully that'll happen. The next thing I'm gonna get done is implement Dr.Spider himself. Hope u look forward to it and have a good day.
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