#тιred мecнanιcal нearт. 【 ic. 】
sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
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                        ❝ N o p e , I haven’t slept in a solid 29 hours...sooo can I have a bite, or seven, of your lunch? ❞
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
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There are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 particles in the universe that we can observe, your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd.
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
❴ Snow White. ❵ ▸ @lyricaless
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                        ❝ No waaaay, you serious?! It’s you, Snow White? With the fact you dipped your hair in Barney’s vomit, I thought you were some weirdo lookin’ at me! ❞ What a way to start a conversation, but with Uehara being his eccentric and jovial self, this sort of interaction became the norm; unaware that his comment might offend, he continued onward, ❝ Is been years since I last saw you. Did’ja know I got famous--well, okay, not famous but I get on TV sometimes. ❞
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
❴ Stranger. ❵ ▸ @bloodsplatteredmoon
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                        ❝ No way, are you kidding me...? Closed? I came all this way from the studio in this city and it’s closed?! At this rate, I’m gonna starve...! ❞ Hands pressed against the glass window forlornly, Uehara groaned softly before letting his knees buckle to the ground below. Was he really going to starve? No. The thought of food being denied to him, however, left him inherently mournful, his body collapsing right down the center of the sidewalk, in the way of all who wandered about it, not seeming to care about the more intimidating man that approached down the sidewalk. ❝ This place suuuucks... Why’d Sato make me come here for that damn show...? ❞  
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
❴ Stranger. ❵ ▸ @jokermotif
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                        ❝ Soooo...you’re from that one school that’s got the cops always swarming it? Yeesh, it must such major ass trying to study with that shit around! ❞ A normal day in paradise for their high school, it seemed, became accustomed with armed officers and suspicious glares cast to and fro. ❝ Makes me tired just thinkin’ about how much work they’re putting in for some kids who’re probably just holding boring powerpoint presentations until the crooks get so bored to tears that they confess. Must suck, eh? ❞    
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
❴ Stranger. ❵ ▸ @scarletego 
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                        ❝ Eh? What’d’ja say? ❞ Having not been paying attention to a single utterance brought by the man, the drowsy puzzle master rubbed at his eyes to try to bring himself to have any ability to focus on this guy’s question--or questions if he had been there a while. Was this guy a cop or was he a runaway villain ready to slice and dice? Was he a teenager like him or an elderly man with back problems? Having no interest in opening his eyes, he released a well-deserved yawn that resounded through the park before clicking his tongue to speak again, ❝ ...oh, yeah, thanks for blocking the sun...really helps keep the eyelids drooping... Sooo...what’cha want...? ❞
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
❴ Stranger. ❵ ▸ @fatesinheritor
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                         Five minutes into walking and his legs were about ready to crumple beneath him; this place was equivalent to a maze sometimes. Sato’s constant nagging about him studying had led him to run off for the evening, desperate to not only find some place to inhale all of their choices for a meal but to relax. With slumped shoulders and no energy left to walk, Uehara simply fell flat on to the sidewalk with a groan. ❝ Who...invented walking?! It’s the worst form of torture! ❞ His head, resting on that darkening spot, only lifted when he felt a tap against his scalp--either from a finger or a shoe, he couldn’t tell. Grin spreading across exhausted features, he blurted out: ❝ Oh, hi there. ❞
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
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                        ❝ pon pon.                                  wei wei wei.                                       pon pon wei.                                                   pon wei.                                                          pon pon. ❞
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
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                        ❝ Can’t be helped that you left your food unsupervised. ❞
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sugarlcss-blog · 6 years
❴ Risette. ❵ ▸ @risechiis
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                        ❝ Waaaiiiitttt! You’re not really that Risette, are you? ❞ As if there were many women across the span of Japan who sported that claim to fame, but he still inquired this without hesitation. An hour before the show was scheduled to air live and he had hardly put any effort into his appearance, but he stood here, staring, questioning someone who was obviously the person he asked about; a common situation regarding him, but his natural messy attire seemed to help his opponents underestimate him; however, compared to the glamour that adorned the girl, he probably appeared equivalent to a trash heap. ❝ Neat, I heard we had some kinda special guest today, but I didn’t think it’d be you. What’s your producer makin’ you do? Ask questions? Flip coins? Sing? Do the quiz show? ❞
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