#ну прям туу мач
kk-killer · 1 year
i want to read really good fics with Damian → went to ao3 → found bottom!Dami fics → my first reaction was «yuppie!!» → and then i read the fic → ☠️
it was pretty good yeah but it's too much OOC
Damian is arrogant, annoying, harsh, a bit violent and very smart brat and i love him for his entire personality i mostly related to of all robins.
i don't expect him to act like lil pussy. BC HE'S FUCKING NOT. HE NEVER WILL ACT LIKE THAT. even if he has one(i mean pussy). it ruins entire character and after THIS you say that you love him? bitch tf wich one? are we talking about the same character???
i love Dami by who he truly is even when he doing shit. not that childish sexy-shota version.
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