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tomorrowusa · 7 months ago
Sadly, a majority of Americans are almost completely ignorant about Eastern Europe. They probably don't know the difference between Budapest and Bucharest. (Spoiler: They are capitals of two non-Slavic countries in the region)
When Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014, Americans were surveyed on the location of Ukraine on an unlabeled map. Just 16% got it right. This map shows one dot for each response.
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Yes, a couple of people thought Ukraine was in Memphis. Not sure what's up with those many folks who thought it is in Greenland. Maybe that's why Trump tried to buy it from Denmark.
In history in US classrooms almost nothing is mentioned about Eastern Europe that happened before the 20th century. This short list of items is typical.
A few (usually exotic) personalities like Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, and Peter the Great.
Copernicus (real name: Mikołaj Kopernik) sorting out the Solar System. And that is actually more science than history.
The Siege of Vienna (1683). Vienna is not exactly in Eastern Europe but the siege was lifted by Polish King Jan III Sobieski.
A passing reference to Tsar Aleksandr II freeing the serfs – but only because it happened within two years of the Emancipation Proclamation.
So if you know almost nothing about the location and history of a country, you certainly won't understand its importance to international peace and security.
And that's the case with Ukraine which Putin sees simply as a piece in his country collection in his effort to restore the decrepit Soviet Union in all but name.
As Brendan Simms writes in his linked article up top...
It is worth reminding ourselves what is at stake. If Putin is not defeated and forced to withdraw from Ukraine, this will endanger much more than just the viability of that country. It will enable the Russians to reconstitute their forces facing the Baltic states and Finland, constituting a threat that we will have to face without support from Kyiv. The Ukrainians are thus fighting not only for their own sovereignty but our security as well. Their army is one of the best guarantors we have against future Russian aggression. All they ask is our help. We should give them what they need.
About those so called "red lines" we hear about from tankies and Trumpsters – those lines apparently don't really exist.
Robyn Dixon and Catherine Belton at the Washington Post write:
Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s invasion keeps crossing President Vladimir Putin’s red lines. Kyiv’s lightning incursion into Kursk in western Russia this month slashed through the reddest line of all — a direct ground assault on Russia — yet Putin’s response has so far been strikingly passive and muted, in sharp contrast to his rhetoric earlier in the war. On day one of the invasion in February 2022, Putin warned that any country that stood in Russia’s way would face consequences “such as you have never seen in your entire history,” a threat that seemed directed at countries that might arm Ukraine. If Russia’s territorial integrity were threatened, “we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people. It’s not a bluff,” he said a few months later in September. “The citizens of Russia can be sure that the territorial integrity of our Motherland, our independence and freedom will be ensured — I emphasize this again — with all the means at our disposal,” making a clear reference to Russia’s nuclear weapons.
In other words, Putin has been bullshitting.
Ukraine’s Kursk incursion “proved the Russians are bluffing,” said Oleksandr Danylyuk, a former Ukrainian intelligence and defense official, now an associate fellow with the Royal United Services Institute, a think tank in London. “It shuts down all of the voices of the pseudo experts … the anti-escalation guys.”
Vladimir Putin can bluff only so much before people see that he's full of shit.💩 We're already past that point. His imperialist fantasies make him think that he's back in the Soviet Union and all he has to do is say something bellicose to get whatever he wants.
There are now Ukrainian troops on Russia's soil and over 133,000 refugees fanning out from the area telling other Russians of what's really going on near the border without censorship from Russian state media. The weaker Putin looks inside Russia, the sooner his invasion will end.
As I've said before, give Ukraine whatever weapons it wants – except nukes. Ukraine is doing NATO an enormous favor by keeping Putin at bay.
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alexxx-malev · 9 months ago
Korennaja pustyn'
Korennaja pustyn' 2
Russia. Korennaja pustyn' Коренная пустынь
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vintage-russia · 10 months ago
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Kursk oblast,Russia (1961)
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fun-yura15cbx · 8 months ago
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u-karty-ru · 16 hours ago
Карта Гуево подробная — улицы, номера домов, районы
Карта Гуево подробная — улицы, номера домов, районы
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newssocialite · 8 days ago
Фольклор в тренде: почему проект «Курские песни 2.0» покорил аудиторию разных поколений
В Свиридовском зале Курской государственной филармонии состоялась пресс-конференция, посвящённая уникальному культурному проекту «Курские песни 2.0». Здесь же прошла торжественная передача нотного издания, выпущенного издательством «Панчер», в дар Курскому музыкальному колледжу имени Г.В. Свиридова и Детской школе искусств №1 им. Г.В. Свиридова города Курска. На мероприятии выступили врио…
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blagievesti-blog · 6 months ago
Обзор боевых действий на фронте за неделю
Обзорная Сводка с фронта на 15 сентября 2024 года ▪️ Спустя чуть больше месяца после начала вторжения регулярных войск Украины на территорию Курской области, Армия России смогла подтянуть достаточные резервы для начала контрнаступательных действий на западном участке вклинения противника, решительным натиском сократив зону контр��ля противника, полоса контрнаступления составила до 20 км, глуби��а…
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kruchinov-serzh · 6 months ago
14.09 Операция в Курской области идет по нашему плану. Когда полетят ATA...
Боевые действия Вооружённых Сил суверенной республики Украины 🇺🇦 🫡✊💪 . Боевые действия в Курской области агрессора 😡 Россия 😡 на 14 сентября 2024 года !
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shtaras · 8 months ago
меми Курск Укрск
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olivia2010kroth · 2 years ago
Olivia Kroth: Lektionen in russischen Geschichte - Zum Gedächtnis an die heroische sowjetische Pilotin Lidija Litwjak, 80 Jahre nach ihrem Tod
Lektionen in russischer Geschichte: Zum Gedächtnis an die heroische sowjetische Pilotin Lidija Litwjak, 80 Jahre nach ihrem Tod von Olivia Kroth Als die Wehrmacht der Nazis 1941 in die Sowjetunion einmarschierte, griffen junge Menschen in der Sowjetunion zu den Waffen. Sie bildeten sich zu Kämpfern aus und nahmen am Großen Vaterländischen Krieg teil, um den Feind zu besiegen und das Vaterland…
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kimasov · 10 days ago
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Трофейная БМП "Брэдли" .Казачья Лохня, Курская обл. Россия.
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tomorrowusa · 6 months ago
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Putin has done poorly in his war on Ukraine. His 3-day "special operation" is now into day 936. Russian losses are over half a million and about another million have fled the country. Yet Putin's mouthpieces in the West are telling us that we should be terrified by a petty kleptocratic dictator who has flamboyantly displayed his military incompetence over the past 2.5 years.
Russia's attempt to mount a counteroffensive against Ukrainian forces in the Russian Kursk oblast has failed despite a massive increase in Russian troop strength.
Ukraine's Kursk Advances Have 'Spoiled' Russia's Planned Offensive
Russia is so weak that it needs to rely on rogue states like North Korea and Iran to supply ammunition.
Putin's blustering about nukes has more to do with trying to whip up support for Donald Trump in the US presidential election.
It's time to unleash Ukraine and let it finish the job of driving the genocidal invaders out of the country.
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alexxx-malev · 9 months ago
Maryino Estate 2
Maryino Estate 3
Russia. Maryino Estate Усадьба Марьино
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vintage-russia · 2 years ago
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Family at the table for Easter,village Bystrets (1910s)
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afranse · 2 months ago
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Поменяется военная рубрика:
Путина в спину дубиной.
Курская народная республика
Захочет вступить в Украину.
Кремль столько сгубил невинных,
Не случайно народная масса,
За вступление в Украину
Проголосует единогласно.
The military news keep changing,
Hitting Putin in the back with disdain,
The Kursk People’s Republic
Will make decision to join Ukraine.
The kremlin has killed millions innocent people,
Exercising its terrible meanness.
Folks will vote unanimously for joining Ukraine
To avoid being ruled by criminals.
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u-karty-ru · 7 days ago
Карта Плёхово со спутника — улицы и дома онлайн
Карта Плёхово со спутника — улицы и дома онлайн
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