katyenna · 3 months
Сегодня ровно 11 лет с концерта на фестивале Park Live в ВВЦ. Просто выбрала самые милые фото оттуда. До сих пор обидно, что тогда я даже не знала о Поэтах. Today is exactly 11 years since the concert at the Park Live festival. I just chose the cutest photos from there. It's still a shame that I didn't even know about Poets back then.
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ivanseledkin · 1 year
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01.08.1939 состоялось открытие Всесоюзной сельс��охозяйственной выставки (ВСХВ), позже переименованной в ВДНХ, а ныне в ВВЦ в Останкинском районе на Северо-Востоке Москвы.
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tibidoxs · 2 years
Chapter 1. The Baby in the Case
Rublevskoye Shosse (Рублёвское шоссе)
Home to some of Russia’s wealthy elite, this highway — which runs through a suburb on Moscow’s west side that ranks among the most expensive places to live in the world — has become a symbol of corruption, vanity, and decadence.
German Durnev (Герман Дурнев)
Pronounced with a hard ‘g.’ The name Durnev, obviously in imitation of Dursley, comes from the word durnoy (дурной), Russian for stupid, ugly, or evil. His patronymic, Nikitich (Никитич), tells us his father was named Nikita.
Ninel (Нинел)
A common Russian girls’ name. (It’s “Lenin” spelled backward.)
All-Russia Exhibition Center (ВВЦ)
A trade fair and amusement park in Russia. Now called the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (ВДНХ).
Macabre Griffon (Мертвый Гриф)
Literally “Dead Body Vulture.” The Russian word grif (гриф) can also refer to the fingerboard of a musical instrument, so this may be a bit of literal humor on the author’s part.
Iskris frontis (Искрис фронтис)
The attack spark spell. Iskra (искра) means “spark,” and front (фронт) means “battlefront.”
Unholy spirit (нежить)
In modern parlance, nezhyt has become Westernized to mean “undead,” but the word is used in its original, broader sense of “evil or dangerous supernatural spirit” in these novels. Literally, it means “unclean” in the sense of spiritual impurity. I’ve opted to translate the term as “unholy spirit.”
Drevnir (Древнир)
From the Russian word drevniy (древний), meaning “ancient.”
Sardanapal Chernomorov (Сарданапал Черноморов)
Named after Sardanapalus, the supposed last king of Assyria. His surname means “[descendant] of Chernomor,” the evil sorcerer in Alexander Pushkin’s epic poem Ruslan and Ludmila, whose magic power is stored in his incredibly long beard. The Dumbledore character of the series. According to the ancient Greek historian Diodorus, Sardanapalus was a bisexual cross-dresser, a curious detail given that Rowling would not reveal Dumbledore’s sexuality until five or six years after this book was published. (Emets has stated that Sardanapal is straight.)
Pervachus barabanus (Первачус барабанус)
Pervach (первач) means “top-of-the-line goods,” and baraban (барабан) means “drum” (in this case, as in that of a washing machine.)
Lopukhoid (лопухоид)
The series’ answer to the term “Muggle.” Lopukh (лопух), literally “burdock,” is used colloquially to mean “patsy” or “simpleton.”
Everlast Koscheev (Бессмертник Кощеев)
The in-universe answer to Koschei the Deathless (Коще́й Бессме́ртный), a sorcerer who appears in a number of Russian folk tales, often as an antagonist or anti-hero. These stories undoubtedly served as the inspiration for the horcruxes in Harry Potter.
Paco Grobann (Пако Гробанн)
A play on Paco Rabanne, the famous fashion designer known for his unconventional use of metal, and grob (гроб), the Russian word for coffin.
A Slavic liqueur containing an infusion of herbs or fruits.
His grandmother's sister’s second cousin once removed
Presumably his grandmother’s step- or half-sister.
Kikimory are typically malevolent female house spirits in Slavic folklore. The word kikimora may come from the Udmurt kikka-murt, meaning scarecrow. The kikimory in this series have the unusual speech affectation of ending various words with gu, ga, or gi. I’ve done my best to approximate this in a way that reads more naturally in English, mainly by replacing hard ‘k’ sounds with hard ‘g’ sounds.
The Nothing One (Та-Кого-Нет)
Literally “She-Who-Is-Not,” in imitation of “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” (Тот-Кого-Нельзя-Называть in the Russian translation). Since the epithet evidently predates Chuma’s apparent demise, and since her goal was to plunge the world into total nothingness, I’ve chosen to adapt this as “The Nothing One.”
Sklerotikus marazmatikus! Polnissimo debilissimo! (Склеротикус маразматикус! Полниссимо дебилиссимо!)
Sklerotik (склеротик) means “scatterbrain,” marazmatik (маразматик) means “senile,” polnitsya (полниться) means “to be awash with,” and debilizm (дебилизм) means “lunacy.”
Chuma-del-Tort (Чума-дель-Торт)
Obviously in imitation of “Voldemort.” Literally “plague-del-cake.” A plague-cake was an amulet worn to ward off the plague, but it’s unlikely the author intended that reference. (It may also be worth mentioning that Chuma’s apparent demise roughly coincides with the fall of the USSR.)
Ekaterina II
Otherwise known as Catherine the Great.
Domovoys are typically benevolent household spirits in Slavic folklore.
Drakonbol (драконбол)
The series’ answer to Quidditch. Literally “dragon ball.” I’ve opted simply to transliterate the Russian, both for aesthetic reasons and to avoid confusion with a certain manga and anime franchise.
Russian banya (баня)
A traditional Russian steam bath.
Hall of Two Forces (Зала Двух Стихий)
Literally “Hall of the Two Elements” (i.e. Bright Magic and Dark Magic). To avoid any possible confusion with the Talisman of the Four Elements, I’ve opted to translate стихий as “forces” instead.
A Russian unit of length, equivalent to about 1.07 kilometers or about two thirds of a mile.
Accidentally set someone's earwax on fire after mistaking it for candle wax
In Russian, сера means either earwax or sulfur. To best preserve the original intended wordplay, I’ve changed sulfur to candle wax.
That unknown folk storyteller who first called a woman's tears flammable
Female characters who cry burning tears appear in several Russian folktales, such as The Scarlet Flower and The Sea Tsar and Vasilisa the Wise.
Pelmennik (Пельменник)
From pelmeni (пельмени), a type of Russian dumpling.
Karachun (Карачун)
In Slavic mythology, an evil spirit that shortens life and personifies death at an early age. Sometimes also considered the god of the lower world, frost, and darkness.
The Haunted Wheelchair (Инвалидная Коляска)
The Russian simply means “Wheelchair” (literally “invalid carriage”). Feeling a direct translation would fail to capture the rhythm of the original, I’ve added “Haunted” to give the name a bit of appropriately dark whimsy.
The Hidden Basement (Безымянный Подвал)
Literally “unnamed basement.” Also referred to as the “walled-off basement” (Замурованном Подвал). To avoid confusion, I’ve opted simply for calling it the “Hidden Basement.”
A distinctive style of Russian handicraft painting.
New Year tree
In Russia, New Year’s is celebrated much the way Christmas is in other parts of the world, with decorated trees and the exchanging of gifts.
Militsiya (милиция)
The term used in the Soviet Union for its law enforcement body, so as to distinguish it from the “bourgeois class-protecting” police of tsarist Russia. The militsiya was not formally renamed until 2011.
“We’ll hand the girl over to a nursery, and when she grows up, they’ll send her to a children’s home!”
In Russia, orphaned children under the age of three are sent to nurseries (дом ребенка, literally “infant homes”). Older orphans are sent to children’s homes (детдом).
“You know, Ninel, I want to run for deputy…”
A deputy is a local representative elected to the State Duma, the lower house of the Federal Assembly, Russia’s national legislature.
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ultrawladimirfan · 2 years
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#вечер #вечерняямосква #велосипед #велотюнинг #тюнинг #вднх (at Фонтан Колос На ВВЦ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cko3PLeoj9b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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khimich-lukbigbox · 4 years
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Всех с Днём знаний! 1 сентября линейки прошли у школ, работающих по шестидневке, сегодня - не опять, а снова - как-бы рефрен для пятидневной учебной недели. Линейки только у первоклашек и 11-клашек :-) . Остальным суждено пробираться сквозь нагромождение торгово-выставочных площадей (баррикады во дворах учебных заведений ко дню никому не нужных выборов) к дверям в Мир Знаний, минуя весело галдящую линейку из мелких и жирафоподобных (особенно на фоне мелких) школяров. Удачи Вам, Учащиеся и Учителя! А я вспомню лето, август 2018, прогулку по знойному, пыльному и бурливому разномастной толпой ВДНХ. Фотоальбом здесь: https://ya.cc/40OAr и здесь: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W8dnaVX1tFCI9dxZL-TSf-58CcoK64bV ____________________________________________________ #деньзнаний #2018 #1сентября #ВДНХ #фотограф #москвапрогулки #москваэкскурсии #золотойколос #фонтандружбанародов #ввц #выставкадостиженийнародногохозяйства #епекарня #павильонвднх _____________________________________________________ Со всем Уважением к Вам, Илья Химич http://lukbigbox.ru/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BnQPH7hgB6p/?igshid=1famitklgmdk8
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gaamayun · 5 years
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Moscow Sept/2018
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alexandermir · 5 years
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What do you call a person who loves sunset ❔🌅🖤 #cityunit #urbanromantix ________________________________________________________ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ @alexandermir #couplegoals #alexandermir #ВДНХ #sunsetvibes #80летВДНХ #summersunset #вднхмосква #архитектураМосквы #chilloutplanet #ВВЦ #рабочийиколхозница #couplelove #sunset_hunter #romanticcouples #nikonrussia #ontheroofs #rooftopguys #bestcitybreaks #mskphotoday #architecture_best #russ_beauty #for_moscow #summerend #helloseptember #закат #lovestory #i_love_msk (at Москва, ВДНХ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1yPejdgywP/?igshid=1xu9aexmcp627
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alikindima · 5 years
Союз Досуга: РОЛИКОВЫЕ КОНЬКИ - свобода 🗽 передвижения. Очень люблю ледовые коньки! 3 года катался на «ножах» (конькобежные коньки), 10 лет катаюсь на фигурных и хоккейных коньках, но #РОЛИКИ - номер #1 Для них не нужен лёд, каток, хоккейная коробка и даже залитый льдом парк Горького #паркгорького или ВДНХ #ВВЦ Нужен только асфальт ... а его на планете больше чем нужно! Ролики - это эмоции, ветер в ушах, баланс и умение быстро думать :) и правильно падать :( И самое главное! Это чувство полёта и надежного стояния на земле, когда их снимаешь!! Незабываемое наслаждение!!! Особенно после 2-3 часов катания. Ролики мне помогают: 1. Ездить по делам. 2. Клеить объявления. 3. Быть в скорости. 4. Контролировать свои движения и решения. 7. Любить Жизнь и Свободу. Есть роликовые коньки? Ставь + А если ещё и катаешься уже, то ставь ++. :) (at Ролл Холл - развлекательный центр) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw0tDN1FPKv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5r34pxc0z2l4
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anfes · 6 years
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Символ плодородия #россия #москва #ввц #вднх #лето #август #фонтан #фонтанколс #золотойколос #russia #moscow #vvc #vdnh #summer #august #fountain #ear #goldenear #fountainear (at Фонтан Колос На ВВЦ) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnuDlqUhobp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m1et7pdfshkp
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karinaiglesias1987 · 6 years
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#будни #пятница #спасибо @lenaurmanova за компанию 😘 #ввц #вднх #лето #июль #москва #любимаямосква 😍 #summer #weekday #friday #july #moscow (at ВДНХ)
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vladzhigan · 4 years
огромный фонтан на ВДНХ в Москве
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foulsuiteagle · 4 years
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#вднх #ввц #останкино #осень #30октября2020 #москва (at ВДНХ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-Dn1hDUPZ/?igshid=1he2tp0thsqct
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fvm-shop · 4 years
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#ночь #семейнаяпрогулка #ввц #фонтан (at ВДНХ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjNEIDH0pK/?igshid=19lxu92ssngxx
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khimich-lukbigbox · 4 years
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Очередная надпись на борту "Во Время", да еще "Всегда". Да еще на мусоровозе. ВДНХ, ремонт в районе Золотого Колоса, 18 августа 2018. Хэштеги: #вднх #ввц #юмор #сатира #мусор #русский #язык #ремонт #фото #фотомодель https://www.instagram.com/p/BmuslIGg_Wn/?igshid=ahv472gxalxk
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ultrawladimirfan · 4 years
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#ввц #вднх #вело #велосипед #фотострана #вечерняямосква #ночнаямосква #фотосессия #фотодня (at ВВЦ, Павильон Космос) https://www.instagram.com/p/CADPnzDHxhQ/?igshid=dbzwz6qk3n40
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grumpy-dwafr-blog · 7 years
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На ВДНХ (ВВЦ) есть бесплатная выставка. На ней представлен макет Москвы 1:1. Есть электронный стенд, который рассказывает про разные исторически важные здание. Есть интерактивное шоу. Со временем они планируют расширение.
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