#василь кирилич
Songs about the Khmelnytsky uprising, part 4: Ой Морозе, Морозенку
Insufficient language skills have been starting to make things difficult for me with these music posts, but it’s high time that I finally post one of the most famous and at the same time mysterious folk songs related to the Khmelnytsky uprising. Unlike some of the others, this one still gets performed a lot, so there are lots of versions on Youtube – both traditional and operatic ones – and I’ve chosen this one by Vasyl Kyrylych (Василь Кирилич) entirely based on its musical beauty. It’s worth mentioning however that the lyrics don’t correspond exactly to one of the most widespread versions and are even missing some stanzas – but that's the case for many of them, and the story itself is essentially the same.
What makes the song so mysterious – or, to say it more bluntly: confusing ;) – is that its plot and its hero don’t seem to fit together. Because the hero, Станіслав Мрозовицький / Stanisław Mrozowicki, called Морозенко, is supposed to have fought on Khmelnytsky’s side in the uprising and have died in the battle at Zbarazh (Збараж) in 1649 – but the song, at least the way it is sung today, states that he was killed by Tatars, and his corpse placed on the famous kurgan of Savur-Mohyla (Савур-могила), which is… a very long way from Zbarazh.
So the question is: Who is this really about? The Cossack who died at Zbarazh, but then the identity of his enemies (and so the place of his death) got changed later on? Or someone else who really got killed by Tatars at Savur-Mohyla but, maybe because of a similar name or some other coincidence, was confused with the Morozenko from the Khmelnytsky uprising? A mixture of both, because the fates of two people got merged together in one song to form one half-fictional character, representative of many Cossack heroes from the past?
The frustrating thing is: I don’t know. And it’s extra frustrating because I do know where the answer can probably be found, but, because of aforementioned bad language skills, I’m unable to properly make use of that source. There’s a whole series of videos by Pavlo Nechitailo (Павло Нечитайло) and Taras Kompanichenko (Тарас Компаніченко) dedicated to songs from Khmelnytsky’s time, and one of the videos is specifically about the history of this particular song – and I… don’t understand more than some widely scattered words here and there.
But even if I don’t understand it myself, I can still post it for those who can and might be interested. Just as a warning: what I did learn from it (because it’s in the video description) is that today, the song is only a lament, but in the past, it was much more detailed as far as the horrible death of the hero is concerned. So… I suppose whoever is interested in the Khmelnytsky uprising and/or has made it to the end of Sienkiewicz’s Trylogia isn’t that easily surprised by gory lyrics, but, as I don’t know how bad it gets, I thought I’d warn for it.
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Консул з'ясовує, чи немає українців серед постраждалих у Торонто
Консул з’ясовує, чи немає українців серед постраждалих у Торонто
Український консул наразі перевіряє інформацію стосовно того, чи не були українці серед постраждалих унаслідок наїзду на пішоходів у Торонто, Канада. Про це у Twitter повідомив начальник управління консульської  служби МЗС України Василь Кирилич. hromadske.ua
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chenewsnet · 5 years
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У МЗС України заявили, що п’ятьом українським морякам дозволили зійти із судна, затриманого в Єгипті П'ятьом із 17 українських моряків дозволили зійти з танкера для перевезення нафти Sea Shark, затриманого військовими в Єгипті, заявив 21 травня "Громадському" заступник директора департаменту консульської служби Міністерства закордонних справ України Василь Кирилич.
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uanewsinter · 5 years
Із затонулого в океані судна врятовано двох українців
Із затонулого в Атлантичному океані судна "Bourbon Rhode" врятовано трьох членів екіпажу, з яких двоє громадян України.
Із затонулого в Атлантичному океані судна “Bourbon Rhode” врятовано трьох членів екіпажу, з яких двоє громадян України.
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chenewsnet · 5 years
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МЗС уточнив кількість постраждалих у ДТП у Росії
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