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#RedRevolution: The color of the revolution is red!
A hundred years ago, a shot from the cruiser Aurora heralded the beginning of the Red Revolution – of all the oppressed and humiliated, whose age-old fate was slavery under the heel of the tsar, landlords, capitalists, officials-embezzlers and police-assassins. This Revolution raised its Red Banner to illuminate the road for all of humanity.
Today, on the eve of the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, remind others of what is — the color of the revolution! Tie a red ribbon on your clothes, backpack, car. Hang a red flag out the window, from the balcony, fix it on the flagpole of your house, go out with on the street on November 7. May the whole of Russia be Red!
Start participating in this action right now. Publish photos with a red ribbon or red flag on VK, Facebook, Instagram and other social networks. Use the hashtags #ЦветРеволюции #RussianRevolution #RedRevolution #ЯКрасный, and your photo will be part of the map of the Red Revolution!
Red Revolution group on VK
Red Revolution group on Facebook
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