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higherentity · 2 years ago
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wpristav · 7 months ago
Балканская кампания Александра Македонского (335 г. до н. э.)
ПредысторияВ 336 году (здесь и далее все даты, кроме оговоренных – до н. э.) знатный македонянин Павсаний убил македонского царя Филиппа II на свадьбе его дочери Клеопатры с эпирским царем Александром I. Сын погибшего – Александр, при поддержке Антипатра провозглашается царем войсковым собранием и расправляется...... Читать дальше »
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aiexandraivanovsworld · 7 months ago
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top100k · 1 year ago
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Маркетинг личный бренд ➡➡ https://kahgo.ru/5ipFl5W
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collageofnudes · 27 days ago
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Alexandra Smelova (Александра Смелова)
part 6 / 6 (part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5)
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nakurse · 2 years ago
[Cake Pro] Закрытый клуб Cake Pro Club. Февраль 2022 (Александра Овешкова)
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Закрытый клуб Cake Pro Club! Кондитерские курсы стоимостью 100 000 руб. за 2 490 руб. в месяц. Есть промокод цена 1900р.
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ruscatontheroof · 1 year ago
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"Ariadne's Thread" by A. Tokareva (1970)
"Нить Ариадны" А.Токарева (1970)
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lina-vas-dom · 10 months ago
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Фотограф Alexander Timofeev
И, взгляд опуская устало, Шепнул�� она, как в бреду: «Я Вас слишком долго желала. Я к Вам …никогда не приду». /Александр Вертинский
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And, looking down tiredly, She whispered, as if in delirium: "I've wanted you too long. I'll never come to you." /Alexander Vertinsky
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eridonna · 25 days ago
Nikita Braga as Romeo in Roméo et Juliette
(left) Budapest, Hungary & (right) St. Petersburg, Russia
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Nikita & Jenes Kitti (June 2024)
Nikita & Aleksandra Kasparova (Dec 2024)
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podsteklom · 7 months ago
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Милый, спросит, сколько время. 1950-е. Якобсон Александра
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certainkoalawombat · 6 months ago
Alexandra Trusova 4Lz
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russian-sasha · 8 months ago
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Собор Александра Невского, г. Екатеринбург
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alexxx-malev · 6 months ago
Yaroslavl 9
Yaroslavl 10
Yaroslavl 11
Russia. Yaroslavl. Chapel of Alexander Nevsky Ярославль. Часовня Александра Невского
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vintage-russia · 2 years ago
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Russian ballerina Aleksandra Balashova in the ballet "Little Humpbacked Horse",Moscow (1906)
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collageofnudes · 30 days ago
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Alexandra Smelova (Александра Смелова) by Semenov Yuri Alekseevich (SemenPhoto , Семенов Юрий Алексеевич)
part 6 / 6 (part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5)
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myshkafs · 6 months ago
Recently as of maybe a few months ago, we've seen two Russian athletes switch nationality in the span of 2 weeks. Sofya Samodelkina switches to Kazakhstan, and Sofya Titova switches to Armenia for the upcoming season.
Is this the first time we've seen Russian girls switch nationalities? No. Will it be the last? Definitely not. However, it is the first time that students of such a high profile coach (Evgeni Plushenko) and coaching team (Angels of Plushenko) have switched, and the first time that 2 have switched in such quick succession.
There have been rumours about Samo's switch since august of last year, so this isn't so surprising. She ranked 11th at RusNats, and was not a top skater at her time at CSKA, before she was kicked, so it makes sense for her to want to switch out. She was relatively competitive in the JGP back when Russia was still eligible for intl. starts, and was pretty decent on the junior circuit, including a silver medal at the 2021 Russian Junior Cup Final and Gold at the same event in 2020, along with some 4th place finishes at Russian juniors Nationals, 2 JGP medals (bronze at Rostelkom and 3rd in Slovenia) and a win at the 21-22 Denis Ten memorial.
When she graduated to Senior level, though, it just. Stagnated. We've known for a while that Russia's oversaturation alongside the biased judging makes it impossible for any up and coming talents to succeed, where the Eteri bonus holds so much weight. Samo finished 11th at both RusNats and the Russian GPF, and her only medals of the season came from her performances at the GP stages, where she came second at the 2nd stage Velvet Season, where her only competitors were Adeliya Petrosyan, Veronika Yametova, and a, at the time, struggling Alexandra Trusova who was fighting through injury and a lack of motivation. She then won the Volga Pirouette Stage, which again, her only competition at that event was Sasha, who wasn't landing any Ultra-C where Samo had a 3A.
All in all, her level of performance just was not enough to get her to that place of success she needed to be at, and with Russia's ban from intl. sport, it was only looking like it would get worse, despite her improvements from switching to AOP full time late last year. Samo, who had stated before that she wished Beijing would be postponed because she knew it was her only shot at going to the olympics, is grasping at straws to stay competitive, and it just so happened that her mother was born in Kazakhstan, making her eligible for citizenship by descent.
For her, I completely understand where this has come from. She will be an eligible senior when she returns to the international stage, and has the technical ability to blow people like Kaori Sakamoto and Loena Hendrickx out of the water. Is it worth is? 100%. She'll be able to get back out there, potentially stake her claim for some senior titles she wouldn't win under Russia, like National Championships and Four continents.
I think Kazakhstan would also be relatively grateful for the heightened exposure her fanbase would bring to the domestic Kazakh events, and hopefully she'd be able to contribute to building that domestic sport up by earning them places on the international start that they lost in womens ever since the departure of Elizabet Tursynbaeva. The problem here stems in that I feel Samo and other girls who defect to other federations will be in for a rude awakening when they don't get the inflated scores they were getting under the Russian flag, and that it may be harder for them to bridge the gap between them and skaters like Kaori and the Japanese who are so strong in their components.
Back when the season was in full swing, we saw how AOP athletes suffered from the underscoring in place of the Eteri girls getting inflated scores. We saw, in 22-23, Sasha's components drop and her STSQ and spins falling for lvl 4 to 3. Sofia Muravieva is a great example. Mura had the scores to best Kamila and Akatieva in the SP, but was rarely given them.
And so Plushenko made his ultimatum to the federation: Continue devaluing his athletes, continue to give them scores less than what they deserve, and they will jump ship, and compete for a federation that wants them. I found this interesting, because we all know Plushenko has quite the reputation for being loud mouthed, and a Patriot??? It made no sense that he would actively encourage his athletes to leave the Russian federation, and so I thought originally it was all hot air. This combined with that Samo's nationality switch had been whispered about BEFORE Plushenko even said anything.
And then Titova. She has no discernible ties to Armenia that I could find, so the switch seems odd. But again, she's not the most competitive, and in a world where the Russian juniors are arguably MORE competitive than their senior counterparts,,, its ruthless. If she wanted any chance at being competitive, she'd have to switch. The timing was smart, she's ineligible for seniors right now, but will be able to make a name for herself outside of Russia on the international stage having never competed outside RUS before, as an armenian skater, and can build up titles and respect in both division. Most people will be unaware she was even tied to RUSFED at any point. She has an abundance of time to wrack up titles and earn Armenia more placements.
My only concern is, is Russia prepared to lose more athletes? We've seen two in the space of 2 weeks defect, and all I can say is, will there be more? Will Plushenko encourage his juniors to look outside of Russia when they cannot compete with Eteri's students and Russian judging? And is Russia prepared to lose more and more athletes the longer they're banned from international sport?
Even from the perspective of Ice Dance, they had the departure of Smolkin/Davis to Georgia, using Eteri's Georgian Citizenship to justify Diana's switch in nationality, and her marriage to Gleb to cement it, and the pair of Karina Akopova/Nikita Rakmanin to Armenia.
In the world of Ice Dance, sure, this isn't a big loss, but Diana and Gleb abandoning Russia altogether and training in US/Canada could be foreshadowing, along with departures such as Samo and Titova, of the future of RUSFED and what this means for their development. The oversaturation and the blatant corruption is discouraging athletes, driving them away from not only the sport, but their country. And if the Federation doesn't make changes soon, they're in danger of seeing this worsen, and the potential for a collapse of this integral part of their sports economy, as more and more athletes decide to leave.
And the potential for success if they choose this route is already being proven. Sofya Samo had just within the last 2 weeks won the Summer Championships of Kazakhstan with a healthy 20 point margin between herself and second place Sofia Farafonova. And while Samo, on a clean slate will have to wait to build up her ranking to go to any major comps, she'll most likely be in the running for a national title by the end of 2024. Titova, likewise, will most likely be in the running for an Junior title in Armenia, and potentially a senior one if she is eligible.
Athletes are seeing the appeal in leaving for success in an easier climate, than sticking around to be mistreated by judges and beaten by 12 year olds with 3As and Quads. And RUSFED has tp recognise now, with so many departures over this last season, that they have a problem.
Now, do I necessarily think it's ethical to allow athletes to leave like this? If they have dual citizenship, sure. If not, and other countries are offering them citizenship to skate for them, then it becomes more tricky. I recognise the trouble that Ice dancers and Pairs face to find partners, but for singles, where the only benefit is to become more competitive, especially in a climate where the Russians are trying to outmaneuver a ban,,, especially when those athletes go on to still live and train in Russia and only visit the countries they compete in to well, compete, it becomes a lot harder to say whether its right or not. On one hand, those athletes have the ability to provide more opportunities for domestic athletes if they do well, but on the other hand, they're also taking opportunities from domestic athletes on principle, and for many domestic athletes who have worked hard, it will feel like a slap in the face to have a Russian athlete waltz in a snatch up all the titles they've worked for for years, under veryyy different conditions and with less resources.
And the ban, although many complain, must be upheld. (On that, though, I will talk more in depth in another post about my thoughts.)
All in all, the switches will be interesting to observe, and we'll see what happens as the season progresses, if any more athletes decide to make the decision to leave.
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