#ϟϟ i'm a live wire! ϟ starter ϟϟ
screvvedloose · 5 years
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“So I found out that May 3rd is “No Pants Day.” Considering this school, I think we could totally get people into this.”
Leave it to Vicky to be utterly fascinated by something as ridiculous as a day to run around without pants on. Granted, most of the people at the school would take any opportunity to run around without pants, but why not make a party out of it, especially with a holiday?
“This’ll be rad, I think. Imagine the chaos!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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Being home alone is... exhausting. More exhausting than she’d expected it to be. After a couple of days of just meandering the long, empty hallways, she finally made a decision, and one evening a couple days after the incident, she finds herself at the sportsball field, sitting in the bleachers to watch the team practice.
She even gets some cheers out - she had promised - despite the little shots of pain through her side where her seam had torn loose. And when they were done, she waved a little at Scott. Her intention had been to slip off before he could make his way up to where she was sitting, but things rarely ever worked out that way, did they?
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screvvedloose · 5 years
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It was probably no surprise to Oz that Vicky would come up to them, or that she would wrap her arms around them. Her face pressed against their back between their shoulderblades, sniffling a little bit as she stood there, just holding onto them.
Despite her closeness with Brian, Amira and Oz were just as important to her. And right now, she just wants that silence. That closeness.
“Sorry. I’m getting your shirt wet.”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“You know, sometimes I wish I could go to a human city. Just once! Check out their fashion and everything, you know? And the food!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
Evenings at the old gothic manor at the edge of town were usually somewhat quiet. Left alone and to their own devices more often than not, the humans - and the single young monster girl - inhabiting the place kept to themselves. At least when Vicky wasn’t at school, or having friends over.
Tonight was a rare quiet one, and even the giant mutant alligator in the moat seemed content to ignore the werewolf that had crossed the bridge for a visit. He was there to see Vicky, and Chunk accepted that.
But in a strange situation, when the large brass knocker was utilized, it was not Vicky who answered. A voice could be heard calling out as the door began to open. “Just a second, Victoria; I’m getting the door! Why don’t you grab yourself a glass of water? We’ll get back to work in a moment! Yes, can I help-... you...?”
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The man on the other side was very definitely human, wearing a lab coat that looked like it had seen better days. And he was blinking up at Scott, bewildered.
“Well, hel-lo there. My you’re a tall one! Are you, if I may be so forward, a werewolf? Fantastic! Judging by that jacket, I have to assume you’re from Victoria’s school! Are you a friend of hers?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“Sometimes it really is nice to just take a break.”
And it was. For once, there were no shenanigans, no disasters, no existential crises. Just lunchtime, and sitting with a potential new friend. It was rare Vicky was the least bit deterred when it came to figuring out a way to make nice with other students, and honestly, this was no exception.
Besides, Leo had tried to help her out during the whole crisis with her missing arm, right? He certainly seemed like a nice enough guy, if a little on the awkward side. But at this school, when did that matter?
“Can you imagine? It’s almost afternoon and somehow, nothing’s exploded!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“LEO. Hey Leo, have you ever hot wired a car?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“Look, I know you’re all about monster stabby stuff, but can you like... maybe not for a little bit? I’ve got a test next period and this is like, my worst subject.”
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screvvedloose · 5 years
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“Everything is so much bullshit right now, ugh.”
Vicky folded her arms tightly over her chest, gazing up at the sky. This was such a mess, all in all. She just needed to vent to someone. Get it all out of her. Try to find some way to get all this anxious, frustrated energy out.
It just made her want to cry more, but at least she wasn’t bottling it up anymore. It was on the table, if nothing else.
“It’s so complicated.”
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screvvedloose · 5 years
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“Thanks for being here, Scott. Everything’s a mess right now, y’know?”
The little construct leaned into the werewolf’s side, her small fingers curling against his shirt. She hadn’t had the guts to even try to contact Vera, considering what had happened, considering everything she’d heard. But Scott... Scott was here.
Quietly, she pressed her forehead against his chest, letting out a soft, delicate sigh. At least he was here. Especially now, with Brian having sent her away.
“I’m just kinda messed up, y’know?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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If she was being honest, outside of spending time with her old friends, spending time with Scott had quickly taken a top seat these days. At the moment, she was sitting beside him with her back resting against him, fiddling with something on her phone.
“For what it’s worth, I’m glad you got to meet Pops. He likes you a lot. Keeps asking when you’re gonna come by again.”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“Oh there you are, Victoria! I get so turned around in this town, and I must admit, some of the locals are a bit uneasy about me, but everyone’s been so friendly-!”
The man paused at that. Something about this girl seemed very different. Perhaps that could’ve been the fact that she was staring at him in utter confusion, which was quite unusual for his Victoria!
And then there Vicky was, at his arm, and he blinked.
“...Victoria...? But... how...?”
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“What are you talking about, Pops- oh. Hey Dubs. Pops, did I forget to tell you I have a double now?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“So long story short, I’m missing a hand, and I’m not really sure where it is.”
The stitched together monster hadn’t really meant to corner some poor random student in the hallway. ...well, she had. She needed to find that missing part before heading home. Her pops could only have so many hands laying around to use to replace ones she lost during particularly spirited marching band practice sessions.
What could she say? The band was very energetic.
“Anyway, I was looking for someone who might’ve seen it. Or could help somehow. It’s no weirder than anything else here, right?”
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screvvedloose · 5 years
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She was still pretty distraught. But all in all, Vicky put a lot of energy into not letting people see that. Sometimes, Amira called her “the mom friend,” and that really didn’t feel far from the truth some days. That did come with its caveats, of course... she was notorious for running herself into the ground for the sake of her friends.
But that wasn’t going to stop her right now. Her friends needed her.
She’d tossed some raw meat into the moat for Tick Tock, watching as the giant moat alligator swam to the surface to snatch up his treats, before heading back inside, dragging blankets and pillows and snacks and drinks into the big sitting room with the fireplace and the tv.
They needed this. And from this room, anyone entering the door could see her. Vicky made one last quick check with her creator to ensure his plans, which were largely to stay in the lab and out of the way to leave her friends unbothered by the presence of a human, despite how friendly he might be.
And then she sat down on the couch, bundled in a blanket, and waited.
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screvvedloose · 6 years
“Hey Liam, do you have a minute?”
The little construct was bubbling over with energy today, but who could blame her? She had something tucked away behind her back, barely hidden considering how petite she was, and was rocking a bit on her heels.
“I know it’s not cool to be so bouncy but seriously? I think you’re gonna love this.”
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Without any further ado, she reached forward to place a small black box on the cafeteria table near the vampire, still beaming, cheeks flushed.
“It’s a daguerreotype camera! Pops said it belonged to his very-great-grandfather Victor Frankenstein, and that I could have it. I know you like kinda weird obscure things, so I figured it’d be right up your alley!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“Okay, Zoe hear me out. I fully trust in your shipping capabilities, even if I don’t fully understand the raw power contained within. But seriously, this idea? Golden:
Shipping wall.”
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