#κωνσταντίνου και ελένης
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lu-in-the-sky-w-diamonds · 2 years ago
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The Godfather (1972), dir. Francis Ford Coppola
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whimsimarion · 1 year ago
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aluminia · 2 years ago
Aspasia was the Athenian politician Pericles' wife, it is theorised she may have influenced the political world through her relationship with him. Unfortunately not much is known about her life.
Eleni Vlachaki is one of the main characters of the TV show Konstantinou and Eleni's (Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης). She is a bar woman and girlboss icon.
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sugaroto · 2 years ago
Round two
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Konstantinos Katakouzinos is one of the main characters from "Konstantinou and Eleni's". He's a professor and tries really hard to publish his book about old byzantine toilets
Lampros Fisfis is a greek comedian
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attichoney4u · 1 year ago
Ποιος είναι ο αγαπημένος σου χαρακτήρας από ελληνικές σειρές;
Υπάρχουν πολλοί χαρακτήρες που μου αρέσουν.
Από το Παρά 5, είναι η Ντάλια Χατζηαλεξάνδρου, γιατί θαυμάζω την τρέλα της και επειδή την φαντάζομαι αυτιστική, μιας και εγώ είμαι, και ο Σπύρος, γιατί είμαι φοιτήτρια και ταυτίζομαι με μερικά από τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει.
Από τις Σαββατογεννημένες, η αγαπημένη μου από το κεντρικό τρίο (αν και όλες μου αρέσουν) είναι η Σούλα, δεν ξέρω γιατί, αλλά μου φαίνεται πιο ώριμη.
Από Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης, πάντοτε θεωρούσα την Πέγκυ και την Ματίνα τις πιο αστείες.
Τέλος, Σωσώ από τα "Εγκλήματα". Απλά ο καλύτερος κακός που έχει εμφανιστεί στην ελληνική τηλεόραση.
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sugaroto · 1 year ago
Let me introduce... greek television:
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Sto Para Pente, it aired on 2005-2007, 49 episodes. People still watch it and there's a somewhat alive fandom in both Tumblr and Tiktok
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Konstantinou kai Elenis 1998-2000, 68 episodes. It's been on a loop on tv since then, it recently even got a guinness record for being in TV for the longest non stop loop (I can't find anything about it in English but here it is in greek) People watch it daily and still like it
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To kafe tis Haras, it first aired on 2003-2006 but came back for a new season 13 years later on 2019-2021 total of episodes: 131
Here's a more recent picture of the cast from the new seasons
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(Most of the cast were the same actors tho they did bring some new ones and some characters "were in a different country")
Greeks don't move on from their shows💪be like a greek 💪
In a world of people who move on from a television show the moment it ends someone who rewatches and liveblogs the same show routinely and freaks out over things they’ve seen ten times already is not only a necessity but a treasure
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nbchannibalheritageposts · 9 months ago
How old are you? (derogatory)
is this because i had never heard of the suite life of jack and cody before? im just not american i swear.
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wingsofhcpe · 5 months ago
piggybacking off @sugaroto 's poll but in a similar vein...
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gemsofgreece · 1 year ago
recs for a beginner in greek? my interest is spurred via ancient greek, but i'm sure there are tons of tv shows and films that i'm missing out on
Do you mean Greek course recs? Or media recs? Couldn't tell.
If this is about courses, right now Duolingo is the one I would recommend the most for beginning up to reaching a low intermediate level.
Tons would be... an overstatement haha I do have some good recs though. You can watch all content in ERTFLIX, the ott platform of the Greek state TV channels, which is entirely for free and available worldwide. The TV series I personally recommend there is Καρτ Ποστάλ (Card Postal), it is gorgeous, introspective, philosophical. Then there is another famous show there, Κάνε ότι κοιμάσαι (Pretend you are asleep), which is crime / mystery / thriller, but I haven't watched it. A lot of people also love Τα καλύτερα μας χρόνια (Our best years), which is a family / period show set in the 60s-70s. I haven't watched this one either. Another personal rec would be Αγάπη παράνομη (Unlawful love), which is based on an old novel, but it gets very dark in a realistic way, so that's something you should know. Other than that, ERTFLIX also has foreign content with Greek subtitles, with which you could practice. And it has great Greek documentaries.
You could watch Maestro in Blue on Netflix. Season 2 will be out this spring! Beautiful show, fantastic performances, great music.
There's also a man, George, who has been making English subtitles for various classic Greek series, comedies and dramas, including top tier Είσαι το ταίρι μου (You are my soulmate), a hugely clever and unusual rom-com, Στο παρά πέντε (In the nick of time), a crime and mystery comedy which is considered one of the two best Greek comedies ever and must have the thickest plot I have seen in a comedy (very popular show with the Greek tumblrs here) and OF COURSE ΤΟ ΝΗΣΙ ΑΚΑ THE ISLAND, a drama which is the best Greek series to date and for which I have entirely normal reactions. Here I link the post I had made about George's platform.
If you don't care to have subtitles at all you can find these shows and many others in DailyMotion and especially the website greek-movies.com. (this needs vpn, you know). This one has it all. Literally all, including the classics, classic Greek cinema of the 50s-60s-70s was by far the best era.
I am currently watching Η Μάγισσα (The Witch). There are some talks that it could go to some international streaming platform after it ends but you can watch it in the aforementioned website anyway without subtitles. I love this show, it's semi-daily, so this season will have 70 episodes, and obviously it comes with the limitations of daily shows, but as semi-daily shows go, it is bloody fantastic, I am obsessed right now.
YouTube also has a lot of old Greek series. The first thing you should do after starting any Modern Greek course is to start watching Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης (Constantine and Helen's) on youtube, the best Greek comedy, or maybe the best comedy in the universe, with only slight exaggeration 😜😇 The aforementioned Είσαι το ταίρι μου, is also available on youtube with George's subtitles.
Some additional links of older posts to check:
10 best animated movies to watch in Greek (foreign ones with great Greek dubs)
My favourite Greek movies
Check my #greek tv series and #greek movies tags for more.
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sugaroto · 1 year ago
Same energy
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The Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης Show (1998-2000)
This episode was based on the truman show and is called what I wrote above👍
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#how influencers act THE TRUMAN SHOW (1998) dir. Peter Weir
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year ago
where are the Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης babygirls on tumblr. wehre are yall
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lu-in-the-sky-w-diamonds · 2 years ago
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εξετάσεις/εξεταστική μουντ✨️
(καλή επιτυχία στα παιδάκια μου που δίνουν πανελλήνιες 💞)
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dailysassfromshego · 2 years ago
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I’m leaving this here…
The full version gets 🌶-ier ofc, but I don’t think it will ever be posted here or anywhere else unless it gets enough attention… I guess…
Ps: The “horny chocolate” idea was taken by the most famous Greek comedy series “Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης” (Constantine and Helen) which btw are responsible for me shipping Drakgo!
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aluminia · 2 years ago
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Eleni Vlachaki is one of the main characters of the tv show Konstantinou and Eleni's (Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης). She is a bar woman and girlboss icon
Zoumpoulia Abadjidou is a main character in the tv show Στο Παρά Πέντε/In the Nick of Time. She moved from her village to Athens in order to take care of her grandson and lives with her co-mother in law (συμπεθέρα)
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sugaroto · 2 years ago
Round one
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Konstantinos Katakouzinos is one of the main characters from "Konstantinou and Eleni's". He's a professor and tries really hard to publish his book about old byzantine toilets
Kostis Maraveyias is a greek singer, he was also one of the judges on "The voice" and won multiple times in a row. After he was trolled by Kapoutzidis he walked away from the show
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fotovoltes · 19 days ago
Η γιορτή του Αγίου Βλασίου στις Αχαρνές με το φως της Πίστης και τα χρώματα της παράδοσης
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Συγκίνηση, χαμόγελα και χαρά στη σημερινή γιορτή του Πολιούχου των Αχαρνών. Και ένα μάθημα... πως δεν πρέπει ποτέ να χάνουμε την πίστη μας. "Η γιορτή αλλά και η χαρά φέτος είναι διπλή μιας και οι εργασίες για την επισκευή και ενίσχυση του Ιερού Ναού του Αγίου μας έχουν ήδη ξεκινήσει και το Ιερό σύμβολο της πόλης μας σύντομα θα σκορπίζει και πάλι το φως της πίστης.
Μαζί με πλήθος συνδημοτών μας, Υπουργών, βουλευτών, ανωτάτων στελεχών της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, αξιωματικών και αγημάτων του Ελληνικού Στρατού και της ΕΛ.ΑΣ παρακολουθήσαμε με ευλάβεια την Αρχιερατική Θεία Λειτουργία, ιερουργούντος του Σεβασμιωτάτου Μητροπολίτου κ.κ. Αθηναγόρου στο παρεκκλήσι των Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης καθώς και τη λιτάνευση των Ιερών Λειψάνων και της Σεπτής Εικόνας του Αγίου Βλασίου" έγραψε ο Δήμαρχος Αχαρνών Σπύρος Βρεττός σε ανάρτησή του.
Χρόνια πολλά σε όλες και όλους, χρόνια πολλά Αχαρνές.
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