Explore tagged Tumblr posts
pluck-official · 2 years ago
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Yoshitakeです。 師匠こと@ISLDのカメラを借りて動画撮影をしたこと をきっかけに『一眼レフカメラ』の購入を検討し始め ました。 色々な方に聞いてみたところ、どういう使い方をした いかで選ぶ一眼レフカメラやレンズが変わることは理 解しているのですが、ここ数年、機器の機能や性能に あまり興味が無くなってきたので、SONYのエントリ ーモデルの購入をしようと考えています。 そ���な矢先、帰省した際におとんから半ば強引��α200 を譲り受けました。静止画を撮る練習にはなるかなと 思い、先ずは実家すぐ側にある太宰府天満宮境内で写 真を撮ってみました。 静止画はiPhoneでも十分綺麗に撮れますが、画角の広 さと、ボケみの調節はiPhoneとは比べ物にならないな と実感しました。 レンズを変えると撮れる写真がどう変わるのか、シャ ッタースピードや絞りの調整など、少し勉強が必要で すが、イメージを写真で切り取る作業はとても楽しい。 カメラ。あまり気合いを入れず、続けてみようと思い ます。では! #静止画 #一眼レフカメラ #α200 #sony #気合いを入れない #バンドです #リモートバンド #pluck. #活動中です https://www.instagram.com/p/CpMyPI0Pspu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meltpraline · 8 years ago
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ehahzl · 2 years ago
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SONY α200
Minolta AF 50mm f2.8 macro
Capture One
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mykimi2 · 3 years ago
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ロキソニンもボルタレンも切らしててリングルアイビーα200。高いけどすぐ効くよく効くIt's expensive, but it works fast, and it works well.
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mcrmadness · 5 years ago
Random talking about photographing and (my) photos...
I started wondering last night, what if I started doing some random Tumblr posts of all kinds of photos I’ve been taking over the years. I love photographing and I have SO MANY PHOTOS (now thinking about the landscape and nature photos) I have never ever posted anywhere because I just don’t know where? I mean, for videos there’s youtube but for photos? Nothing, really. And I don’t like Facebook, I don’t like to link anything to myself. I don’t like Instagram, that messes up with the photos and makes me angry because I can’t post them as I want because IG decides over the size etc. which then ruins the aesthetics of the photo. Basically I could just create a blog (like on Blogger or something) just for posting these, as I’m not the biggest fan of how Tumblr handles with photos either, but basically I could also create an own Tumblr blog only for the photos. But as I don’t know for how many posts I’d even have motivation, it might be safer to just have them in my main blog as I already have some photos here, and maybe some other day I could start posting them in an own blog if it looks like I have enough motivation and too many posts. I also have Flickr account (does that even exist anymore?) and Deviantart, but... I don’t know.
I also always have this when I have taken photos: they look interesting in the camera but then I transfer them to my computer and go through them and they all look so dull and as if they were missing something and they don’t look like I imagined they would. Either they are not sharp enough or something is off with the colors or there’s some stupid random dots - this especially happens with my SLR camera as there’s some random _dust inside of the camera itself and I can’t get it out no matter how much I’d clean it! It’s from a towel, I think, because I don’t have a camera bag and used a black towel to make it softer and that was a bad idea. So most of the time I just abandon those photos because they are not good enough after coming out of the camera and then I browse them again years later, after not remembering too much of them, and find out that some of them are actually pretty nice. But still I do nothing about them because there’s too many photos now. And another thing: I always take millions of photos of ONE thing and it’s just so exhausting and annoying to take them all and start comparing which is better and which is The Best and sometimes it’s so difficult to choose. And I might choose it and then change it anyway, and then change back. Or post both and there’s not really a big difference to anyone else but me. I hate it. So that’s also why I often just leave the photos sit in their folders for years. But maybe I could now start going through some of them and make some “collection posts” on here, maybe with themes or something, I don’t know...
Talking of the amoung of photos - I literally have been taking photos for as long as I can remember. I think my first photo is from when I was 7 years old and I recently found it on one of my mom’s cds as back then there was this new awesome feature: get your (film) photos also on cds so you can look at them ALSO from your computer omg! And then somewhere in 2004 or so, I was 13, my mom got her first digital camera (Canon PowerShot S50) and I also learnt to use that and I have hundreds of cat videos burn on dvds. Those are only like 240px or 360px in size and max 3 minutes but I filmed so many. And I still like to film our cats and I have probably thousands of videos of the cats and we always talk how I should start creating cat videos and upload them to youtube :D There’s just so much material it’s really exhausting to even think about that process...
My own first digital camera (Olympus µ1010) I bought probably when I was about... hmmm, 17? I’d say that because that’s when I started to earn my first own money through “work training” that I can’t really explain to you but something that is possible in Finland through employer’s agency, it’s not an actual paid job but it’s the same money unemployed people get. So I was still living with my parents and got this money and could afford my first digital camera. Then some years later I bought a new one (Canon PowerShot A2300) as the old one started to be, hmm, not the best one anymore. You know, these things nowadays don’t really last that long. But I still have this camera and a few years ago I bought my first SLR (Sony α200) - it’s quite old, probably like over 10 years now, and I bought it as used one because I can’t really afford a new one. And this one came with two lenses, a flash and a memory card which was a really good offer for that money and I thought this would be a perfect camera just to teach me how to use SLR cameras so I can then someday in the future maybe buy a new one. So far this has been really nice tho and it was exactly what I needed when I bought it: I felt like I had more skills than what my digital camera could do, so I don’t regret buying this at all.
So, in my “archives” I have lots and lots of photos - of course majority of them are not even something I could post anywhere because almost always only 1 out of 10(0) is actually good and rest are just attempts of getting a good photo. I don’t think I ever even get good photos on purpose, my best ones are accidents, especially with this SLR camera as I love taking photos of sunsets but I don’t have any UV cover so I can’t look through the viewfinder when taking photos of those (they are not reflected on the screen, only ready photos can be viewed) so I just... press the trigger(?) and see how the photo looks like and do that again as many times as I need in order to get it even slightly close to what I want it to be like. And sometimes I get accidentally great photos when I do this, and sometimes there’s 50 photos of the same sunset with 57259 different settings and none of them might be good enough, if I’m lucky, maybe 1 is alright. I often just feel like my photos are lacking something. Sometimes I get that feel already when I’m looking through that viewfinder and it annoys me because I have no clue what it is that I feel like is missing. Maybe something about the angle of view or how much fits in the photo, even tho my other lense is slightly widescreen but then again, I feel like photos I get with that lense are never that good that I get with the other lense. And I also don’t know what it is causing that cos I can still “zoom” quite a lot with both of them but there’s just something about the quality of the photo that seems bit off for me.
But anyway, my point was that I have so many photos I’ve never posted anywhere or have posted just a few here and there, and now I’m wondering whether I should start doing posts where I show some of my best ones, just for fun.
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